#like for others to actually fight her in the Calibarn would be interesting but again that would have to be some AU plotline BS to even
wxtchpilot · 11 months
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episode 1, start! ok trying this again because my original post was community flagged for reasons i don't understand
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so, this little goober decided to ride inside aerial on her trip from mercury to asticassia instead of like wherever normal passengers ride??? lmao
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she really is a little cinnamon roll huh? and i love the added light novel details that she just automatically thought miorine was beautiful the first time she saw her here lol
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and that she did, miomio
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wow is this that suit that one person had during that big ass match in episode 13?
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leave suletta alone, you jerks
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oh, miorine-san, if only you knew what that girl would become
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gotta wonder how in the world miorine dealt with pretty much being bullied by all these rich fucks. like how many failed attempts to try to go to earth had she had at this point that felsi and petra use it to make fun of her
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see, if guel had realized secelia wasn't sitting on the couch, then maybe he wouldnt have asked suletta to duel against him later on
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yeah, yeah, i know he mostly redeemed himself and didnt even end up being a weapons manufacturer in the end like his daddy (assuming the new asticassia isnt basically the elite's military training grounds like it was at the beginning), but god guel was such a fucking asshole
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in this moment, suletta's like "this is nothing like my fair use expired copyright mangas"
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there's no such thing as an ethical capitalist, but sarius definitely didn't like the way delling was running things
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prospera was at least a tragic figure, but we never really got to know what the hell made delling the way he is. like is he just some stupid war veteran with ptsd who lost his wife? either way, don't care. he was an asshole for everything he did to miorine and just irredeemable in my eyes lol
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funny how suletta talking about her mom is what gets miorine to be a little bit kinder to her in this scene just because of her own mother. yeah prospera was manipulative with suletta and it was her idea for suletta to go to asticassia, so that makes it a little funny that talking about prospera here is really what in the end allows miorine to open up her heart to suletta. sorry, miorine, guess suletta was kind of right huh?
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sorry, lauda's just another character that will never be likeable to me either. he's just an asshole on top of being a total moron
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so glad guel got his comeuppance
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yeah, i wasn't gonna skip the slapping (editing my word-use here because i think saying sp**k got my original post for this episode community labeled... which i know now is not why because it got labeled AGAIN!!! and i still don't get why) but dang look at miorine's reaction to that. i still haven't decided if this is the moment miorine takes romantic interest in suletta for standing up for miorine or at the end of the duel later on this episode when she actually makes good on her promise
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get him, suletta lmao
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*wild tanuki noises*
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bob, you're so fucking stupid. glad he's just stuck listening to secelia and el0n now
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really wish we could know more about these two lol like rouji's an anxious little mess around everyone else, but perfectly comfortable with secelia
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i was really hoping for another scene of these two in the cockpit together, but miorine would've just died inside calibarn
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aerial really is such a cool mobile suit
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and there it is. the final scene to shock literally everyone ever on their first watch. it really makes me wish i had started watching live instead of just before the first cours was almost over, i can just imagine ~the discourse~
i started right around when the grassley fight episode had finally been subbed by gjm so around episode 10 real air time i believe? and like yeah, i had kept hearing it be referred to as gundam utena, but i wasn't prepared for this lmao
we didn't get a kiss and we didn't get the wedding on-screen, but i am so so happy these two ended up married in the end and that they're both so obviously in love with each other
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