#like genuinely brother if you see a trans man drawing some anime boy like a girly little fag and youre disgusted by it like
nyanspirals · 2 months
"fetishizing gay men" and then its a trans man drawing cute boys in dresses. gun to your head why do you think men being feminine is inherently bad and demeaning ? answer quickly
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Jesus Christ please tell me mORE about these characters I only know three things about them but I’m invested
hahhshahha im glad people wanna hear about them,, ok here we go, character info dump:
like i mentioned in a previous ask, the characters were created using sets of nine images, and thus they went through a certain degree of changes, though not all of them
if anyone wants to see me make the fic,, then i just might do it-
heres funfacts about the characters, cause as i noted before, i lovv them all very much:
Yuuki Mori, Ultimate Wedding Planner
Likes: bubblegum, streamers
Dislikes: wooly sweaters, dodgeball
D.O.B: October 12
Height: 5'1" 
- the protag girl,,
- for the most part, a very friendly and hyperactive gurl
- always carries around bubblegum with her
- her interesting in wedding planning stems from her grandmothers encouragement, as well as having many relatives, and thus shes attended a lot of weddings in her life
- neat freak
- surprisingly athletic
- social!! but shes a little judgemental of people
- would never intentionally insult anyone outloud
- incredibly persistent
- also has a very sharp memory and eye due to her job as a wedding planner, which helps with investigating
- avoids conflict if she can
- not hard to convince
- trans and bi, like all dangan protags are suppose to be
- smells like bubblegum flavored cake and lavender
Emica Abiko, Ultimate Student Council
Likes: blank paper, lavender
Dislikes: deadlines in general, decaf
D.O.B: May 25
Height: 5'5"
- the mom friend
- tries to be as friendly as possible but shes this close to snapping
- is surviving on pure will and caffeine
- orderly
- has a strong sense of responsibility and leadership
- her dad is actually the principal of the school, which is the whole reason why shes student president in the first place. because of this, she doesnt really believe she deserves a spot in the school
- ambivert
- 'takahashi PLEASE put that down-'
- smells like vanilla coffee and stress
Arata Abe, Ultimate Historian
Likes: globes, sunshine
Dislikes: tiny dogs, flat earthers
D.O.B: June 14
Height: 5'7"
- a classy man
- very curious
- and nosey
- writes everything down in his trusty notebook, which helps with investigations
- doesnt just study japanese history. hes interested in the past of almost all countries
- very neutral on almost everything, doesnt have many opinions of his own
- but one thing he does have a strong opinion on is hating hetalia (who doesnt?)
- dresses like a victorian
- acts like he hasnt had a social interaction with a human being in years
- smells like old books and cats
Mitsuo Nakashima, Ultimate ???
Likes: dark rooms, wifi
Dislikes: confusing websites, superstitions
D.O.B: December 25
Height: 5’6”
- has not slept in a week but its fine
- very insistent on keeping secrets
- not even his classmates know who he or his talent is
- chooses not to tell anyone his talent (for some reason)
- does not believe in luck. at all
- for a tired guy who has no sense of left or right, hes pretty cocky
- probably has a tragic backstory
- spends most time locked in a dark room
- will fall asleep in a random hallway
- it might be the fatigue and coffee talking, but hes surprisingly intelligent
- smells like dirty laundry and ramen
Asuka Ando, Ultimate Student Council Treasurer
Likes: jewelry, mythology
Dislikes: delinquents, air horns
D.O.B: January 11
Height: 5’8”
- that one blonde chick in every slasher
- very cocky because of her position
- convincing and manipulative
- also good with management as you would expect from a treasurer
- was a math whiz in middle school
- despite acting in control, shes very reliant on emica telling her what to do
- hides behind bigger people
- collector of jewelry
- smells like chokingly sweet perfume and bleach
Manabu Ueda, Ultimate Astrogeologist
Likes: tea, stargazing
Dislikes: broken glass, slime
D.O.B: October 25
Height: 5’8”
- a polite boi, admirable
- more or less on the quiet side, tho he can and does step in to say stuff, and he does enjoy conversation
- his talent is something he grew from his own ambitions, but rather, it was more of a family line thing. he still does enjoy astrogeology though, which is why he chose to continue it even when he got a chance to study something different
- as you would expect from the ultimate astrogeologist, he contains many facts about space hes willing to share
- compliments others pretty often if we’re being real here, overall more of an optimistic realist
- however, even then, hes more of a ‘act first ask questions later’ type of guy as well
- a bit on the vain side?? very proud of his looks
- is very attracted to women who can beat him up-
- smells like expensive perfume and moondust
Seiichi Miyamoto, Ultimate Slam Poet
Likes: ink, protests
Dislikes: alcohol, peer pressure
D.O.B: August 26
Height: 5’5”
- best boy
- despite having the public image of a very loud and passionate young man, in person hes a lot more quiet and polite
- very good with voice shifting
- pulls at his tie when hes nervous; because of this, its always loose around his neck
- was the rep of his class
- slam poetry is a form of venting for him
- has strong opinions
- cares more about others health then his own
- not shy, just very nervous
- smells like nature and scented markers
Tamotsu Fujimoto, Ultimate Tomb Guide
Likes: sand, the heat
Dislikes: slippery ice, pens
D.O.B: November 19
Height: 6’4”
- the dad friend
- has known masa since they were kids(they met in a hospital), and thus they are very close friends
- mature but also laid back
- gives good hugs
- muscular
- wasnt actually born in japan, but grew up in it for the most part
- his parents were archaeologists, and they traveled alot. he was always particularly interested in the history of egypt, rather than becoming an archaeologist like his parents originally wanted him to be
- strong sense of justice
- usually believes in redemption
- acts as a form of transportation for the others when their tired, especially masa and satoru
- smells like tropical drinks and stuffy places
Kamiko Yamasaki, Ultimate Tapestry Seamstress
Likes: luck charms, quiet
Dislikes: being the main subject of attention, jumpscares
D.O.B: March 13
Height: 5’3”
- babey
- grew up in a superstitious household
- believes that she has terrible luck and uses everything bad that has ever happened to her as proof
- because of her supposed bad luck, she spent a lot of time locked in her house, sewing tapestries as a way of keeping busy, before being invited to sailing integrity
- has a good eye and knowledge of fabrics
- has a whole collection of sunhats. sadly, she only brought two different ones for the cruise trip(not like she was expecting more than a weeks stay hhshshs)
- has a large family
- has many bandaids on her fingers due to accidentally pricking herself on sewing needles multiple times
- interested in folklore
- very apologetic
- has a low sense of self esteem
- because of her ‘bad luck’, she blames a lot of bad stuff on herself, even if it doesnt even involve her
- sensitive
- grows quickly attached to others
- likes to stay close to anything that she believes would bring her ‘good luck’
- smells like sunflowers and dirt
Kenta Inoue, Ultimate Parkourer
Likes: sneakers, tetris
Dislikes: being told what to do, stuck up people
D.O.B: February 17
Height: 6’3”
- angrey boy
- incredibly short tempered
- no one remembers seeing him ever smile
- healthy parent relationships? whats that??
- will stomp curb you
- easy to get flustered up, though he wouldnt admit it
- will not stop until hes defied gravity
- defining feature is his allstar sneakers
- smells like varying cologne and sexual frustration
Chieko Endo, Ultimate Chemist
Likes: friendly gambling, working out
Dislikes: romance stories, people coming up from behind her
D.O.B: January 2
Height: 6’0”
- the intelligent one
- serious and calm, keeps a clear head
- a true neutral
- has mastered the art of poker faces
- apathetic
- has a strong dislike of romantic things
- sharp minded
- surprisingly agile and athletic
- can recite the periodic table from the top of her head
- is always looking above the tip of her glasses
- no one: chieko: *anime glasses gleam*
- chieko, to seiichi: ‘ah, so your the twink’
- so edge, such cool
- smells like roses and melted wax
Masa Shibata, Ultimate Dream Interpreter
Likes: fiction, horoscopes
Dislikes: spiky rocks, flashlights
D.O.B: December 31
Height: 5’11”
- mythic bab
- tries to act all mysterious and wise but sometimes accidently slips and reveals she really is just a normal teenager who spends way too much time on tumblr
- has known tamotsu since they were kids(they met in a hospital), and thus they are very close friends
- actually spent a lot of time in the hospital as a kid 
- very blunt
- not good with human emotions at ALL
- not good at picturing stuff, will draw and whatever ends up on the page will -genuinely either impress or surprise her
- a little lazy if you will
- very interested in horoscopes
- holds grudges
- tamotsu translates her weird way of speaking a lot
- knows like fifty ways to get to sleep immediately
- instead of saying ‘good morning’, she asks ‘how was your dreams?’ to people
- keeps a dream journal, not for herself, but for everyone else
- smells like clean warm laundry and sheep
Fumiko Ogawa, Ultimate Lucky Student (or Blackjack Player)
Likes: the color red, praise
Dislikes: trivia facts, strip poker
D.O.B: July 3
Height: 5’9”
- has more of a gambler aura rather then a lucky student aura
- very proud of herself
- soaks up praise and compliments like a sponge
- a family girl, especially looks up to her older brother
- an attention seeker
- knows how to get what she wants
- doesnt really like the title of ultimate lucky student which is why she goes by ultimate blackjack player
- is actually not even a fan of talent schools??
- dresses like a 1940s stage dancer
- smells like raspberries and cash
Kohaku Ono, Ultimate Murder Mystery Novelist
Likes: horror movies, plot twists
Dislikes: overdone tropes, being looked up to
D.O.B: May 9
Height: 6'3"
- a polite bab
- very honest
- handy in investigating due to their knowledge and imagination
- has very low self esteem
- considers themself a borderline 'villan', despite doing their hardest to be nice to everyone
- warns everyone about themself, but characters who were in the same class as them have just gotten use to it
- very uncomfortable with praise and being called a 'role model'
- helps others to their best ability
- compares many situations to varying books, including their own
- unintentionally ominous
- writes using a typewriter rather then a computer or laptop
- smells like peppermint and typewriter ink
Aika Kouki, Ultimate Vintage Collector
Likes: buttons, dial up phones
Dislikes: being ignored, boredom
D.O.B: August 10
Height: 5'5"
- would and will add 'chan' to the end of everyones names
- grew up in a family that was very about keeping things 'old fashioned'
- resents the term 'boomer'
- talks like a 2000s teen
- very energetic and cheerful
- uses old fashioned slang often
- 'thats wack, brosiki'
- expresses interest in being other people
- very praising of others, often talking how 'jealous' she is of them
- overall very positive
- she and yuuki have known each other since grade school, even though they arent paticularly super close friends
- watched a lot of sailor moon as a kid
- modern tech impresses her more then it should
- smells like 1950 perfume and the outdoors
Satoru Takahashi, Ultimate Marine Biologist
Likes: sea otters, the water
Dislikes: his height, fish nets
D.O.B: December 5
Height: 4'8"
- its the tiny boi
- would unironically threaten your kneecaps
- is very sad about not seeing any marine animals during their cruise
- is insecure about his height but wont admit it
- often asks taller, stronger people to carry him on their shoulders(kenta refuses, but tamotsu is fine with it)
- very bold
- says whatever comes to his mind
- it started out as a joke, but he probably has a tentacle kink-
- adventurous young lad
- usually very friendly, but not hesitant to call out what he feels is bullshit
- calls kenta, mitsuo, and chieko 'edgelords'
- spaces out a lot
- smells like salt water and wet fur
Usagi Shimizu, Ultimate Runaway/Explorer
Likes: the forest, music
Dislikes: closed in spaces, car lights
D.O.B: September 1
Height: 5'4"
- very quiet
- has had many foster parents
- technically, shes listed as the ultimate explorer in the academy, but everyone refers to her talent as 'ultimate runaway' due to her reputation
- shy, but can be loud if she wants to
- surprisingly smart when asked questions
- usually calm, but it isnt hard to get her riled up
- everyone expects her to be some sort of delinquent due to her history of running away from her many homes, but really shes basically the opposite
- usually goes with whatever everyone agrees to
- takes many pictures of nature, and posts them to social media
- blushy
- smells like bushes and granola bars
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hotbugbot · 7 years
Overwatch HCs
Ana: straight. the otp with reinhardt. pretty shameless with her affection and probably embarrasses pharah with it sometimes. not vulgar, just old and open. somewhat motherly toward mccree, and is team advice grandma. voted most likely to share an embarrassing story about anyone giving her too much sass.
Bastion: beeps boops. sexuality and gender are not a thing. has made friends with nearly the entire crew of overwatch, including the anti-omnics, save for maybe anyone on team talon. voted most likely to have a collection of decorative flower pots.
D.va: pansexual trans girl. way more interested in vidya games than people. became quick bffs with lúcio, who is her transitioning buddy. her and genji are casual friends, who share a passion for classic arcade games. quietly thinks hanzo is hot but is Not About That stuffy personality. also likes the junkers, partly in an ironic way but also genuinely. voted most likely to make a meme out of stupid shit her teammates say.
Genji: bisexual. the otp with mccree, established before recall. after he overcomes his body dysphoria thanks to zenyatta’s guidance, genji regains confidence in his sexuality and becomes a giant flirt 2.0. polyamorous cyborg is much more respectful and less flighty in relationships than his younger self was. had a dragon tattoo mirroring hanzo’s own but in green down his right arm, before it got torn the fuck off. all that remains of his old body is bits of his face, his left arm, and a few vital organs. death by ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau. voted most likely to spew absolute filth in japanese around those he knows cannot speak it for kicks.
Hanzo: either bisexual with a slight female preference, or demi. thinks the team cowboy is hot hot hot, but has a much harder time coming to terms with his (gay) feelings than his brother does. has a friendship with satya based on their mutual appreciation for order and company in silence. his legs are prosthetic. voted most obnoxiously tidy room.
Junkrat: ?? gray asexual, probably. too preoccupied with blowing shit up to care much. when he isn’t blowing shit up, he actually puts in quite an effort to befriend his teammates, but to the point it is overbearing and invasive. voted most likely to lose more limbs by the end of the year.
Lúcio: bisexual, slight male preference. trans guy. became quick bffs with hana, who is his transitioning buddy. his lower half is partially prosthetic, with enhancements; unlike hanzo, synthetic pieces are built around his fleshy legs that allow him to not only walk but skate like a pro. also hangs around reinhardt a lot, but everyone loves reinhardt. voted most likely to disappear at night to satisfy a sweet tooth craving.
Mccree: bisexual. the otp with genji, established before recall. big on pet names and 100% shameless when it comes to using them in public. has a tattoo on his upper back from his deadlock days, which he now regrets. his relationship with reyes is complicated at best, largely thanks to gabriel having treated him much like a father would a son in his early recruit days. to say negative feelings have completely replaced any of appreciation and love would be a lie. still close to pharah and ana. voted most likely to whistle loudly in the shower.
Mei: bisexual or gay. probably gay. suffers from ptsd due to losing her friends in the cryostasis incident, just is, to her detriment, very good at hiding it behind a smile. has coping rituals to get by and generally gets along well with the recall team, but occasionally has to force herself to socialize. tracer, lúcio, and zarya have been particularly good at making this easier for her. voted most likely to describe memories in vivid detail like no one else can.
Mercy: bisexual. low on the angela hcs, but her hands are DIRTY, the pure angel persona is a lie. might’ve had a minor interest in ana romantically in her younger days, but never did anything about it. voted most likely to overwork herself.
Pharah: gay. thought she had a small crush on mccree when she was young, but came to realize she simply admired his confidence and companionship. has since formed a brother-sister relationship with him that’s lasted to present day. has complicated feelings toward mercy, namely, is Hella In Love with her while mercy felt more companionship with her mother in the older days, and sees fareeha like a sister. she wants to return the familial sentiment but just ends up sweating a lot and acting like a clumsy, lovesick fool. voted most likely to follow an insanely strict meal plan for health benefits.
Reaper: gay. gay and his relationship with morrison is so, so deliciously complicated. a great number of things fanned the fire that led to the incident at swiss HQ, and their personal (gaaay) relationship certainly didn’t help douse any flames. whatever happened, reyes was screwed just as much as jack, if not more. practically canon supported. voted most likely to have skull crushing thighs.
Reinhardt: straight. the otp with ana. the most affectionate partner out of all the heroes, hands down. will let you swing from his flexing biceps whether you are 4 or 40 and boisterously proclaim how he is loving every second of it. has a garden he tends to and harvests on base. fareeha’s adoptive father, but also kind of everyone’s adoptive grandfather. voted most likely to wake others with his snoring.
Roadhog: bisexual. has a natural talent for detail work, and can pick up just about any handicraft in a few attempts. if he isn’t blasting holes into things, he’s probably somewhere off in his own space sewing or baking. is polynesian, and can play a mean ukulele. vegetarian. voted most likely to liberate a herd of animals from the pound.
Soldier 76: bisexual. see: reaper. not a dad, but definitely team dad, likely against his will. i basically subscribe to the popular headcanon that jack was an overambitious golden poster boy in his younger years, and worked his ass off to get the respect and praise he thinks he deserves. things started to sour in overwatch before he was necessarily ready to deal with them or the position thrust upon him. voted most likely to say he won’t lift a finger for anyone who acts like a suicidal asshole in a skirmish, but ends up going above and beyond to save them if there’s trouble.
Sombra: gay. gets an absolute kick out of teasing/pissing everyone off. not even widowmaker is safe from her playful pestering, and honestly talon operatives must think she has a death wish because someone has ‘accidentally’ pointed a sniper rifle at her more than once. voted most likely to blackmail anyone’s ass into oblivion.
Symmetra: either gray asexual or aromantic. either way has an appreciative eye for the female form/femmes but is not interested in pursuing an actual relationship. has a friendship with hanzo based on their mutual appreciation for order and company in silence. she’s ocd and autistic, and likes winged things, such as birds and butterflies, but as something to be admired from afar rather than up close. voted best natural balance.
Torbjörn: straight. i don’t have a single torb headcanon that diverts from canon tbh. voted unexpectedly best dick game.
Tracer: CANON LESBIAN fully accepted into headcanon space, bless. also canonly fam with winston my tracer hc prayers have been answered. i don’t have much to add. voted most likely to be found napping randomly in strange places.
Widowmaker: doesn’t really have the emotional capacity for romance or sexuality since brainwashing, but thought she was straight pre-talon. ‘thought’ because she is actually bisexual, just never had a chance to explore that. still working on how her humanity eventually comes back to her. voted most likely to win a breath holding competition.
Winston: i draw the line at monkey shipping but him and tracer are great pals. voted most likely to binge watch future!netflix after a hard day and unintentionally empty out the entire kitchen by the second movie.
Zarya: gay as hell. the most she will ever admire about a man is his workout routine, and even then we know hers is more intense. has at some point arm wrestled everyone in overwatch and won. voted most likely to get hit by a truck and survive, with minimal injuries.
Zenyatta: asexual. i can’t seem to fit in any relationship that isn’t platonic for zen in my head space; he respects his brother mondatta deeply and genji as a friend and student. has an unexpectedly dry sense of humor and will deliver jokes in the flattest tone when it’s least expected. as a result, no one knows if he’s kidding or not and his punchlines are almost always followed by uncomfortable silence. voted most likely to be writing an epic in his spare time.
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fandomsandfeminism · 7 years
Sherlock Holmes on Elementary is definitely a jerk. But he's also a good person with a deep sense of empathy. Let's explore how Elementary fits into the legacy of Holmes Adaptions, and how the character is depicted in these complex, contradictory ways. Transcript below the cut
Today we are going to look at the massively popular TV adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous Sherlock Holmes. ….No, not that one. The good one. Yes. Yes, that one.
Elementary premiered on CBS on September 27, 2012, starring Jonny Lee Miller as recovering drug addict Sherlock Holmes with Lucy Liu as ex-surgeon, now sober companion, soon to be detective in training Joan Watson. We are currently in season 5, and I have to be honest friends, I adore it. This video isn’t here to compare Elementary to BBC Sherlock, Elementary’s flashy british older cousin who only shows up to family gatherings once every 2 or 3 years and then disappears back into the void. No. Partly because any real comparison between them has the potential to bring out the...unpleasant side of the internet, but mostly because having to spend any amount of time with Moffat’s writing is...not something I want to do.
So yes. We are looking at Elementary. Elementary is back on TV, so I’ve been thinking about it a lot. It’s so common to update and adapt the Sherlock Holmes mythos in our media- from BBC miniseries, to Hollywood blockbusters, to Disney films about mice, to anime about dogs, that for an adaption to be truly GOOD it must first set itself apart. It has to differentiate itself while still maintaining the mental and emotional core true to the original series in meaningful ways. You can’t just grab a british guy in a silly hat and send him out to solve crimes if you want to make waves.
And honestly, there is so much about Elementary that we would talk about. We could talk about Joan, and how Lucy Liu’s rendition of Watson is one of the most unique in the plethora of Sherlock adaptations, how she is such a genuine, interesting character, who stands are Holmes’s equal, not just fan; who always dresses like a goddess and needs more of her own story lines dammit, because she’s great, and fun.
We could talk about Mrs. Hudson and how really cool it is to have a trans character on the show, played by a trans woman, and how her storylines were sincere and interesting and I’d like more of this too please.
We could talk about how the show handled Sherlock Holmes essentials- Irene Adler and Moriarty and Mrs. Hudson and Lestrange and Mycroft with such a fresh and unique twist, how they avoided the lazy or obvious routes with each and every one of them.
We could talk about how the New York portrayed in Elementary is so much more accurately diverse than most popular movies would have you believe. About how the show takes such time and care is portraying addiction and recovery. About how it’s a show that cares more about WHY Sherlock and Watson solve a case instead of HOW they do it, because the show cares about human relationships and emotional growth.
But what I want to focus on today is the factor that I think, for most people, really sets Elementary a cut above, and that is the character of Sherlock Holmes himself and how in Elementary he is able to embody so well two normally contrary traits: Intense Anti-socialness and extreme empathy for others.
Some backstory:
Sherlock Holmes, as a character, first appeared in the world in 1887 with the publication of A Study in Scarlet. If you have never read this story, it is...an odd ride. It’s in the public domain, so you can find it pretty easily online. There’s a murder and flashbacks and evil Mormons. Lots of evil mormons. (Doyle apparently really disliked them?) From then on it was one adventure after another, eventually accumulating 4 novels and 56 short stories into the canon. Sherlock Holmes in the books is a master of not only detective work, but also a master of disguise, excellent at fencing, singlestick, and boxing. He raises bees, plays violin, and does a lot of cocaine.
So, there’s a lot of content to draw on when people work to adapt Sherlock Holmes. And oh boy, have people adapted Sherlock Holmes. The Guinness book of world records has him listed as “the most portrayed movie character” with more than 70 actors playing the part in over 200 films. There have been comic books and Star Trek. He’s been sent into the future. He’s reimagined as a doctor, mouse, and a dog. (Sherlock Hound, by the way, is an anime series that was co-directed with Hayao Miyazaki. So, pretty great stuff.)
And how Sherlock has been played has varied from time to time. Our most canonical, classic vision of Sherlock Holmes, has been mostly formed from the Basil Rathbone portrayal, wearing the Deerstalker hat and smoking a calabash pipe (both features that are never seen in any of the books or short stories, but rather pulled from the 1899 stage version of Sherlock Holmes. They were chosen because they looked good on stage)
Most of these earlier portrayals see Holmes are a rather stoic, upper crust British gentleman who solves the most grisly murders at a glance and makes it home in time for tea. More modern adaptations have tried to modernize or liven up the character- making him a mad genius or a calculating human robot.
But not Elementary. Elementary, better than most adaptations, taps into something within the Holmes character that most miss I think. There will be spoilers from this point on. Fair warning.
Elementary Sherlock has all the bells and whistles of a modern Sherlock adaptation- he’s super deductive, he raises bees, he had a drug problem (making recovery a major story element and theme). He’s got the brother and the singlestick, and the network of homeless as informants. Many, though not all, of the episodes pull plots straight from the short stories, but technology is abundant.
And yes, he’s an anti-social asshole. He says things with no regard for people’s comfort. He does things without regard for people’s boundaries. He’s blunt and coarse with his words. Abrasive would be an understatement. He leaves weird experiments in the fridge and plays loud music at all hours of the night and is the worst kind of housemate.  When Marcus Bell is relegated to desk work after being shot, Sherlock goes through a slew of detectives who aren’t up to his standards, annoying them and insulting them relentlessly. He avoids parties and is initially unwilling to open up at his group meetings.
And yet.
And yet, is Sherlock “Empathetic”? Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the emotions of others. People who are empathetic often act on this empathy with kindness or compassion. Does Asshole Elementary Sherlock do this?
Well, In the pilot Sherlock gets so angry and attacks a doctor who deliberately took advantage of a mentally ill man, because how could he? Sherlock feels such a deep anger towards this main, I would argue, because he feels a deep sense of empathy for his victim. He knows what it is like to lose control, and to be at the mercy of healthcare professionals. So to see a man who has been so exploited by his doctor is infuriating for Sherlock.
In episode 2 of the first season, Sherlock pulls aside a man they had been questioning because, with all his observation, he can see how the man is struggling with addiction horribly. Not to chastise him, but to tell him to get help, to recommend rehab for him. Because how can he watch someone suffer the way he had?
In episode 3 of season 1, Sherlock looks at a boy he knows has been abused, and in all sincerity says “Victims of horrific abuse are often protective of their abusers; it doesn't mean we should send them back for seconds.” And we can argue that Sherlock was emotionally abused in some way by his father, that he was emotionally abused by Moriarty. So he feels empathy for this abused boy in this moment,
In episode 19 “Snow Angels” he gives a homeless man a wad of money and tells him to find someplace warm to stay before the blizzard comes in. Not related to a case, just because he can’t walk past and do nothing.
In episode 7 "One Way to Get Off",  he rescues and comforts a woman who had been held captive in a basement. Stopping everything, all investigation and observation, until he knows she is ok.
In episode 9 "You Do It to Yourself", he sits with Joan in the clinic where she hopes her ex will come to get treatment. Waiting with her in this silent almost-vigil, he offers her an unspoken comfort.
In Episode 15 “A giant gun filled with drugs”, Sherlock agrees to help his former drug dealer, even though his presence is a very real risk to his sobriety, because he can’t turn his back on the fact that his daughter has been kidnapped.
In the season 1 finale, he was willing to throw everything away to run away with Irene before he discovers her true identity. And in the season 2 finale, he helps Moriarty save her daughter, despite the pain she has caused him in the past.
He takes in Kitty Winter, not because she shows any particular promise as a detective, but because he sees how hurt she is, how damaged, and wants to give her some chance to recover, an outlet for her anger and fear. When she goes beyond the law to get her revenge on the man who hurt her, Sherlock helps get her out of the country.  
He deliberately tampers with evidence to protect Shinwell from going back to prison, wants to give him a second chance at life, offers to help train him as an informant to keep him safe.
He notices and cares about Gregson’s divorce, about Joan’s boyfriends, about Marcus’s mother and brother. When Eugene, the medical examiner, develops a drug addiction, struggling with PTSD and the loss of a woman he loved, Sherlock cared. He stepped in, spoke up. Even if it means intruding into personal matters where he was not invited, he notices and steps in, again and again, even when it makes him, and everyone else, uncomfortable.
Sherlock can work the most gruesome murder case with calculating patience and wade through cold cases decades old for fun, but when, as was the case in the most recent episode (Season 5, Episode 11), he knows that a person’s life is in danger RIGHT NOW, that his action or inaction could save or condemn a human life, his work becomes more and more frantic. There’s too many examples to even go into them all.
And I think that’s an aspect of Holmes that a lot of people overlook in their adaptations. Sherlock Holmes is no crime solving robot. (Though Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd century does have a Watson Robot.)
Sherlock Holmes is a deeply empathetic person. Even if he isn’t the most emotionally open person, he sees people’s struggles, he cares deeply, and when he can, he reaches out to help. His empathy isn’t reserved for those who are close to him, those who have somehow earned his notice. He extends it to strangers and acquaintances alike, even if he struggles to express it in the most...charming of ways at times.
And what makes all this work is that being empathetic, acting out of love or concern, never absolves him of BEING an asshole. When he hurts people, or oversteps boundaries, he never gets away with it- ESPECIALLY with Watson. He is always growing as a person, learning to channel his empathy and his concern in more and more helpful and healthy ways.  
Elementary certainly has it’s own problems as both an adaptation and as just a show. It has highs and lows, like any long running show will. I honestly don’t watch a lot of long running American TV shows. They are, by their nature, often fairly episodic and cater to as wide an audience as possible. I have found very few that I can commit to week after week, season after season. But Elementary has kept me coming back all this time, and the way it handles emotions and human empathy with such dignity and respect is no small part in that.
So thank you everyone for watching this video! This channel is still really new, so all comments and likes are really appreciated! Did I talk about your favorite Sherlock moment? Or did I totally forget a really good one? Tell me down below! I’ll see yall in the comments, and if you enjoyed listening to this queer, millennial feminist ramble about things I like for a while, feel free to subscribe
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igrowhort · 7 years
A late night conversation with Mother can lead to some enlightening discussions and a few home truth’s that are often best forgotten by morning! Fortunately I’m getting good at retaining information since I rarely drink and try to stay fit.
However I was getting frustrated by the lack of retention in even the simplest things like people’s names and dates! So I took action and decided that by altering my focus and priority I should be able to recall dates, plant and people’s names and appointments much better.
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  Remember Me
  My note making and memory recall seems to work although compared to my hubby who can recall names from his childhood, places, even dates. He is a real storyteller I just wish he’d write it all down. Until then it’s down to me to share our adventures! Our journey together started out as a colourful online trans-atlantic voyage. Our long distance relationship, has indeed endured the test of space, time travel and Skype.
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My Family loved to get in on the act and Robert loved all the attention!
Back to my fireside story as Mother recalled snippets from my childhood as we sat huddled in front of the tiny log burning stove (the only heat source in her stone Chapel-side cottage that she loves so dearly). She told me that between my brother and I, it was I that was the confident child.
Apparently I would eagerly greet people with a bold naivety in thinking that everyone is good, often giving my Mum a fright as a tug at people’s legs whilst queuing or running ahead of her to greet all animals in my line of sight.
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  Cosy cottage fireplace the heart the makes a Home
  I believe that all changed when I was persecuted at school, my confidence took a sharp knock compounded by actions of my infant school teacher. “She” as Mother would exclaim was”Pure Evil” and she had taken an instant dislike to me. Often ridiculed by being made to stand in the corner facing the wall, a penance for my flaws.
A quick change of school and a formal complaint by my Mother put a halt to the persecution and provided me with the first teacher male positive role model in my sheltered Fatherless life. I say Fatherless I have a father, he was there growing up, he provided and largely completed his fatherly duties free of emotion and void of love.
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I promised to the brightest star’s to accomplish everything he hadn’t, also to be emotional, expressive, open and honest, caring loving and kind.
It felt like I was reaching for the stars, timid, quietly spoken, scrawny Welsh boy! I finally took control and claimed back my life from the bullies, the name calling , the face-paint, the hung while wearing my jacket, from the cloakroom coat hooks or public ridicule of being forced ass first into a playground bin was all finally behind me. I had once been a reserved, shy and quietly spoken child, they tormented me for my soft-spoken ‘posh’ voice, in-turn I shone through and turned a corner from the taunting and began put my well spoken British accent to good use.
I finally felt the pain drip away as I turned the hate to power and threw myself into my career and subsequent relationships.
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  By my late teens I felt I had the World in my grasp
  All these childhood nightmares that alone I could not stop, became my lesson, my truth my strength of character! I was determined and damn was I going to use it to become a Man and draw from my own destiny. Gardening was my savior my guiding light, I sought its solace, savored its grace and cried myself a garden, as I carved a career that was to be filled with a lifetime of love, life and learning.
To have been part of the generations that have experienced so much social progress and yet bear media witness to so much targeted hate is hard to comprehend. Naively over the last five years I had begun to think the World was becoming a better place to live! Happier, healthier, environmentally conscious society that reduces its red meat intake, find other way to farm the land that is productive and not destructive like the waste of innocent lifes, through Fire, Flood, Tornado or Terror attack.
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  !Take the Challenge a week meat free!
  Instead feed our bodies nutritious healthy whole foods that the land provides and nature protects. I’m done with chemicals and toxins, in my body on my garden plants or in my environment!
I’m currently combining a low impact fitness regime along side an attempt towards a fully vegan plant whole food diet. vegetarian and more so veganism seem to be gaining in popularity due to genuine informed lifestyle choice that exceeds the torrent of  fads and trendy celebrity diets.
As I mentioned in the previous article A Garden Cure for Writers Block , I explain that I’m at a crossroads in my life, my career and you might like to read what we’ve been up to since I was reunited with my husband in the Always Sunny City of Philadelphia.
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I survived Halloween and thought you might like to see what we got up to? Pumpkin Carving and Caramel Fudge a falltime trick or treat.
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Buy from my shop >>> GARDENSHIRTS , All ages, styles and colours choose from Hoodies, Sweatshirts, Vests, Leggings even Caps
Come grow with me on
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Stephen Pryce-Lea
Head Gardener and International Horticultural Consultant
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    “It’s a beautiful thing when a career and a passion grow together, when you find it in a Garden it’s like finding Paradise“
iGrowHort – A Head Gardener’s Horticultural Journey of love, life and learning.
  Tags; vegan, naked gardener, d for determination, garden determination,passion for gardening, horticulturalconsultant,head gardener,stephen lea head gardener, Stephen lea estate manager, igrowplants, igrow gardens, igrow Horticulture, igrow herbs, igrow perennials, igrowhort, gardentags,Stephen Pryce-lea,
The Naked Gardener – D is for Determination A late night conversation with Mother can lead to some enlightening discussions and a few home truth's that are often best forgotten by morning!
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