#like half her scenes are her telling her grandpa that the aliens are gonna have a meltdown if he keeps yelling at them
idkaguyorsomething · 8 months
the writers for classic who went “hmmm, how can we ensure that susan has something to do in this arc we’re writing 🤔” and their solution was to make a planet of psychic aliens that get easily overstimulated and have face blindness that the main characters need to negotiate with.
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whatisgoingonpaul · 3 years
Looking at the deleted scenes
so my last post looking into a scene to hear what they said was a deleted scene and that honestly got me on a kick now about looking though them all. This one is mainly going to be just taking about them/details more then a what I heard post. So here we go.
1- fighting over rooms
This was in the script and the book but never made it into the film, Sam was in the room Michael wanted and they fought for it. So this scene is the context behind Sam bolting down the stairs “MOM PLEASE! Ma! You gotta help me!” “S o o n”
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Sam’s got a serious comic collection, which he organises(I see the hulk but no Batman)
Sam mumbling the song he later sings in the tub!! (Ain’t got no home)
“oh no no no, this is MY room. You, spidey and richie rich and the rest of the boys are outta here.” Michael I love you.
“My way or the highway bud” Sam I love you
Sam bites this man in the leg- Michael also notably mumbles ‘lil shit’ as his brother rushes away laughing
Y’all I am in LOVE they are literally just siblings
2- Kitchen that night
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This was also script/book. I mean duh because it’s a deleted scene. Basically just talking after dinner
Lucy has two big pictures of her mother ‘hi mom’
Sam is trying to fix the stereo but it keeps popping also Sam wearing the bandana! Cutie lmao
The stereo starts playing lost in the shadows (also like how when Dwayne hits it, it plays good times)
Michaels “sammmmmmm”
Michael just “I dunno if I’m going back to school” he dead ass went ✨I wanna drop out✨
Sam swoops in and starts dancing with Lucy it’s to cute I’m gonna explode
Sam and Lucy dragging him in , Sam straight up head locking Mike and Lucy’s dance is gonna
3- extension of Michael following star
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Honestly this should have stayed in. It gives star a bit more character and it also makes Michael slightly less creepy in his actions. THIS IS WHERE THE PHOTO OF LADDIE COMES FROM!
Star: are you following me?*laugh*
Michael, confidently: yea, I am
How star is laughing and smacking gum watching this dork
Laddie like :0 the whole time
The way she says “well, talk” In a half laugh
SAM ACTUALLY CUTS THEM OFF FROM THEIR CONVO WITH “moms here” that’s why she goes off
“She wants me , all of me” - Sam Emerson 1987
4- Michaels job
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Self explanatory, honestly I think this scene should have been kept in for little more past actually establishing that the movie is longer then a few days. Really it’s more like a few weeks
The drunk dude laying on the beach left over from the night before
Hhhhhhhh shirtless Michael hhhhhh
This kid is trying to read a comic in the ocean
Sam gets splashed by the surf nazis
Michael gets tricked by hair lmao
5- video store that afternoon
Weird note but Maria is called Marie? However in all media she’s called Maria??
Marie gives her little backstory, how she owes max
Max is busy during the day you see
Lucy is such a sweetie “there’s my boys! :D” “my sons my sons”
Michael trying to give Lucy his left over Christmas money and all that 🥺
Sams “bye mike!”
6- talking again
Second night extended talks
They used to come spend summers in Santa Carla
M: where’s your little brother?
S: hes not my little brother
The audio cut out :(
Grandpa asks Lucy about her boss “oh you know him?” “Oh I’ve seen him around”
“Yea if i knew I was gonna live this long I woulda taken better care of myself”
8- morning
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Sam watching the stuffed mountain lion
Nanook going after the rears of the stuffed hunting dogs- sir-
“Chill out Nanook”
Sam gets noosy and looks in on the Taxidermy and Grandpa chooses to gross him out lmao
“Nanook, this is my life , I come from a broken home. My mom works all day, my brother SLEEPS all day and my grandfathers possibly a alien who stuffs chipmunks” SAM I LOVE YOU
Sam sneaks a bit of grandpas weed
I’m going to sob I’m gonna sob it’s like a bit of the leaf! Sam baby never change
Grandpa walks in- Sam gets offended and tells him to stop with the Indian walk (this implies that he just straight up sneaks up on Sam non stop lmao I love him)
This blends into the “let’s go to town” scene
9- Michaels “morning after
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The video I’m watching titled it this and I’m losing my shit so I’m keeping it. ALSO AGAIN THE MAGGOTS AND THE BRIDGE SCENE ARENT ON THE SAME NIGHT. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT IN TO ESTABLISH THAT
Michael not being able to lift his weights
“I can’t remember to much, not after the Chinese food that looked like maggots” Sam slowly putting down his apple lmao
“Hey mike, you think grandpas a alien?”
Mike “mom and I didn’t wanna tell you two early” lmao
Nanook and Michaels salty feet. I still don’t get this part
“That was some pretty funky Chinese food”
Mike just placing his full hand over sams face
Went over this last night
Max having thorn sit shot gun
His baseball cap that’s it just his hat
11- max and Lucy date pre phone call
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Again for  character development , like star. Like he doubles as a love interest and villain you think they’d leave the little parts with him in it in the movie
Max saying “I know what it’s like to be alone”
He says protecting mother in Latin(I think?) then English - NERD
“Lioness with her Cubs” she laughs THEYRE REALLY CUTE- STOP
“I think my mothering days are just about over” “well, they don’t have to be” SUBTLE
Max trying to show off with a fancy order shsisososososos
Max goes all out and spoils with the expensive order and Lucy is all !!! ☺️ no one touch me
They’re actually really cute and it makes me so mad they cut out moments like this for him and star? Because even with these they don’t get that much time but they get that much more character
13- Mike they’re here! Introductions
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Should have been kept simply because there’s a huge gap
“This guy looks more like a zombie”
“Should I run him though?”
Mike is so sarcastic
“David! It’s David isn’t it?! He’s the leader! David ansisosososoos” mikes deflated “yea”
In conclusion these all should have stayed in the film and I am still upset over this. Also if there’s any more or any one that I missed: gimme
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youremyonlyhope · 6 years
The Woman Who Fell To The Earth
He’s 19? I feel like so many companions are 19. Rose, Amy, was Bill? Now Ryan. Aww he’s his grandpa. Step-grandpa? I love Yasmin already. OH NO IS HIS GRANDMA GONNA DIE?!?!?!?! She’s not one of the companions, either she stays behind or she’s gonna die. Oh here she is!! THE DOCTOR WHO THEME PLAYED FOR A SECOND. “I’m callin’ you Yas, cause we’re friends now” I love her. Don’t know if I trust this scared guy on the train... Wait a second, I was promised no commercials... Oh well. Ooh that’s why he can’t ride the bike. Don’t tell me Torchwood’s back and collecting alien artifacts... I might be too optimistic... It’s not Torchwood. Awww. Oh no the video Ryan was making was about his grandma wasn’t it? I thought originally that it’d be weird to make a video about the Doctor this early on. For a second I wondered if the entire season was going to be a flashback and that maybe each episode would start with a little more of Ryan’s video, but now I’m like no the video’s about his grandma. I’m eating popcorn and at the reveal of the guy in the egg thing I stopped chewing.
Ryan: “I touched it. Any of you would have!” Graham: “I wouldn’t!” Doctor: “I would have!” 
Such a Doctor thing to say. Reminds me of Eleven saying he still writes a letter to Santa. “If I Die Click Here.” Ok. He was prepared. “Like a Swiss army knife. Without the knife. Only idiots carry a knife.” EW. WHY DO YOU WANT TEETH? “You’re interfering with things you don’t understand.” “Yeah well, we all need a hobby.” That’s literally the definition of the Doctor. EWWWWWWWWW. EW. IT’S IN HIS FACE. HOW DID THAT MANAGE TO BE THE GROSSEST THING I’VE SEEN ON DOCTOR WHO? WORSE THAN THOSE GUYS WITH THE HEADS THAT SPLIT IN HALF. GOD NO. Missed the first part of the scene because my grandma came over. His name is Tim Shaw or something? I knew the random train guy was important, I just thought he was suspicious, turns out he was in danger. Grandma Grace is gonna come back and then die, right? “Oh no no no no no it’s way too high up here oh no.” SAME. I love Ryan. Fried egg sandwiches are the new fish sticks and custard. “Yep. Way too high.” Oh I love the Doctor too. OH NO THIS IS HOW GRACE DIES SHE’S GOING BACK IN. No I don’t wanna see his face again why are you making me look at this? If the targets are not important, then why take them? See, I don’t like when BBC-A plays those little clips from later scenes in the commercials like “Stay tuned for more.” Because this clip just now was Ryan trying to ride a bike again, and neither of his grandparents are in sight. Confirming to me that Grace is gonna die. “A bit of adrenaline, a dash of outrage, and a hint of panic” yeah that makes up the Doctor. I called it. Grace is dead. And I’m mad. And I called the video too. I’m so sad. Ok the Doctor took all of them into open space ok. Oh no.
WAIT THAT’S THE END?! I was hoping to see the TARDIS... Overall. I loved the episode. Whittaker’s the Doctor right away. Right now, she’s like a mix of Tennant and Eleven with a bit of Nine thrown in because of the accent. I wish we had seen the TARDIS, but oh well.
I loved her picking the outfit and Yasmin being like “You wanna wear that?”
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