#like half of the 'discourse' in the English speaking internet is high school bullying bullshit
elbiotipo · 2 years
Not so long ago there were a bunch of post running around mocking men who posted -in an awkward way maybe but still- for wanting to have an emotional connection with their partners or wanting to feel useful to them, and those takes don't come from any kind of social analysis or perspective or attempts at education or understanding, they're just cruel shit to mock other human beings for having human needs and feelings. It helps nobody, it's just a fast way to feel better than other people and get fast likes.
There's a huge bunch of petty high school bullying bullshit camuflaged as activism and it shows, it really shows. It might not be a huge problem compared to structural inequality but well, it's real annoying, and in a more deep sense, harms attempts to build a better society.
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