#like he’s Deeply emotionally stifled which is so funny. bc he IS emotions? like that’s a lot of the fuel of dreams at their core
variousnumbers · 2 years
any other autistic babes find themselves INCREDIBLY attached to dream of the endless due to his being inherently defined by and made of strong emotions but also kinda bad at showing or understanding them, only when it comes to himself personally?? no?????? just me???????
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rosecocoas · 7 years
okay okay i picked a few questions of the 100 OC asks thing but they are a LOT so if they are too many feel free to skip any c: 3, 5, 7, 14, 15, 31, 32, 37, 42, 47, 56, 57, 63, 65, 68, 69, 81, 84
I cannot thank you enough leaaaaaaa!!!!!!! This’ll really help developy children ;v; (also I switched the chatracters I’ll be using to Jaspar, Glen, and Tessa, because they’re my least rounded out people!) Also sorry idk how to do the under the cut thing on mobile,,,,
3. Biggest motivator?
Jaspar’s motivation in life is equality and/or justice! Glen’s is just morbid curiosity, he lives to do things just to see what the effect would be. Tessa is motivated largely by happiness, and the satisfaction of finishing/starting/doing something.
5. How do they deal/react with pain?
Hm. Physical or emotional pain? Because Jaspar would hide both tbh, and check on others before seeing that he is okay. Glen will just get super pissed off either way, and will probably break something to get out his pain. Tessa will isolate herself if she’s emotionally hurting, but if she gets physically injured she will just go into panic mode and hyperventilate, she’ll try her best to fix it on her own before going for help.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Jaspar’s friendship with Emery made him feel strangely… alive. He’d been watching this boy from afar for 17 years, learning about Emery and yearning to form any kind of bond with him. When he finally does, he just wants to gush to him about everything! (Emery doesn’t stop him, despite not knowing him as long as Jaspar had known him.) Glen was really positively changed when Jaspar was introduced into his life. Someone to control the self-destructive impulses that Glen harbors in a nonviolent way (he’s very used to people in his life telling him what to do and using violence to enforce it), and to offer emotional support even if he can’t really convey his problems in words. Tessa’s life changed for the better when she met Chris, honestly? Originally she’d only seen him in the premonitions she would get, and in those he was shown doing… Bad Things. But he seemed like a whole different person when they ran into each other officially? He was aloof and didnt seem to sweat the small stuff, and (even though he didnt try to), he taught Tessa to not stress about things as much and just let life carry you sometimes, which she really needed 😊
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Jaspar will just softly grieve, and maybe disappear for a couple weeks to figure out what the logical thing he should do next is? (Because he’d be in utter shock, reasoning it out will be the only thing to help). Glen will make it a point to show people that he wasn’t affected by it, but he finds himself randomly spacing off and thinking about the person that betrayed him, he’d probably try to justify what they did and blame himself. Tessa would be a MESS. She’d feel lost and adrift. because she forms bonds with people fast and easily grows attatched to people, it’d just utterly break her entire being.
5. What is their greatest achievement?
Tbh it’s hard to say for Jaspar and Glen, bc their lives got cut short? Butttt I guess Jaspar’s greatest achievement (when alive) was raising $200 (this is 1850s-ish money, so it would currently be around $6,000?)for his family-run restaurant that was going under. Glen’s was getting his band a gig in the most famous venue in his state! Tessa’s was getting awards for three of her works in her colleg’s art contest (she submitted almost several pieces)
31. Are they more organized or messy?
Jaspar: Very. Very. Organized. Glen: sorta inbetween, he prefers organization but doesn’t want to deal with cleaning. Tessa cannot function unless there are papers strewn about absolutely everywhere in her room!
32. Pet peeves?
Jaspar hates when people grind their teeth, and also when people fish for attention. Glen HATES being told to calm down or be quiet, or seeing someone else being stifled. Tessa hates when people randomly interrupt conversations, and also when people click their pens (which Glen does A LOT.)
37. Last time they cried?
Jaspar cries at least once every week. Glen cries once every blue moon. Tessa, bless her, cries almost every other day… usually it’s stress.
42. Do they have any bad habbits?
Jaspar hums when he is thinking deeply, and shakes his leg when he’s sitting down. Glen, as said previously, WILL click a pen rapidly if he can get his hands on one (sometimes he steals them just so he can have something to do with his hands), he also chews on the inside of his cheek a lot which leads to really scarred up inside cheeks. Tessa picks at split ends and bites her nails!
47. Romantically interested in anyone?
Jaspar: YES. very much so. It’s Emery. Hardcore loves that boy. Would die for him. Glen: honestly he prefers friendships, he’s afraid of commitment. Tessa: sadly she still has feelings for Rocky, this ass dude who cheated on her, but she’s slowly getting over it!!!!
56. Hogwarts house?
Jaspar: Ravenclaw, Glen: Slytherin/Gryffindor , Tessa: Hufflepuff … or maybe Ravenclaw
57. D&D alignment?
Jaspar: Lawful good (?) , Glen: Chaotic Good. Tessa: Neutral good
63. Do they have an accent?
Jaspar just has the normal american accent. GlEN HOWEVER. HAS A VERRY THICK AUSTRALIAN ACCENT. WHY HASNT HE LOST IT YET??? Tessa has a slight sweet Minnesotan accent that refuses to leave her even though it’s been years since she lived in Minnesota.
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Jaspar would leave and go on a road trip to all the places he wanted to visit, after saying goodbye to his family and friends.. Glen would not go down quietly, and cause havoc by committing a string of crimes. Tessa would probably get a lot quieter, she’d stop going to school too. Her dads would stay at home with her to keep her from thinking about it too much.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
It’d be funny if Jaspar didn’t like blood lol. Glen enjoys it. TESSA, she PAINTS with the stuff, so she isn’t made uncomfortable by it.
69. Anything they find really gross?
Jaspar- backwashed water. Glen-all bugs. Like, even butterflies. Tessa- moldy food. She barfs a bit in her mouth every time she sees it.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they successful?
Jaspar TRIES to, but he just can’t help it. When he’s feeling something he will tell people. Glen actually hides what he’s feeling really well. Poor guy is usually very overwhelmed with everything, but he doesn’t show it at all. Tessa wears her emotions on her sleeves.
84. What are some physical features they find attractive on people?
Jaspar is a sucker for freckles. Glen thinks blonde hair is really cute. He really has a thing for blondes. Tessa doesn’t think appearance matters much, but she’s enthralled by people with deep green eyes.
Gosh, again, thank you !!!! Some of these really made me have to think a little bit, and I loved the challenge!! I should’ve brought Ravi into this too tho :c Next Time!!! (I just hope they don’t sound boring/generic??? My only worry.)
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