#like he’s picky abt his food bc I’m still figuring out what he likes so sometimes he avoids his food and gets hungry
juniestar · 5 months
No way he fell asleep like this.
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eyestells · 4 years
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hihi i’m lauren and under the cut are my charas bullet bios bc i’m too lazy to write an actual one lskdfj - anywayz like this post and i’ll hyu !!
evie johnson - hecate - 26
evelyn but she goes by evie bc pokemon
she’s the oldest of the johnson’s but doesn’t act like it
she used to model which gave her and her family a lot of money
she owns the buntmuda triangle but doesn’t rlly do anything for it
she doesn’t use any weapons, only relies on her magic
she has the worst memory
you could tell her something one day and she’ll forget it the next
1000% forgot her siblings names as a child
the only thing she never forgets? random song lyrics
she likes to be fake deep
an actual clown tbh
loves taking pics of her siblings and friends
esp when they’re crying
super picky w eating, relies on her sisters to finish her food if she doesn’t like it
has more of a savory tooth than sweet
lobs shopping and buying things for the ppl she cares about
time to get ~*deep*~
she doesn’t know why but something happened when she was young where she’s freaked out about being in a realtionship
bc of this it always seems like she’s leading ppl on bc once they show interest in her/ask her out she’ll peace tf out
loves puns and dad jokes
loves pranks but sometimes she doesn’t know when she’s gone too far
she’s #Straightedge 
alcohol tastes bad and she has asthma so no smoking lsdjfd
she has a pet dog, snake and bat that she loves sm
she’s lobs to cook (not bake tho) and often makes random things so there’s always smthn to eat
plot ideas
pokemon go friend
it’ll be funny if they’re on different teams and they always fite for gym dominance 
ambassador bff she goes to all the events with !
prank buddy
friend who parents her
friend she parents  ( her dualitee )
day 1 friend
crush/es either on her or she has on them bc those are always fun
charla lee - circe - 23
her (step)mom passed away bc of a monster attack
this caused her dad to open a monster slaying business (which turned into nl), and he raised his daughters in mind of them taking care of the business 
she was raised to be the ult monster killing machine 
bc of this she’s good w all weapons and combat
she was dropped off at the building at a young age bc her dad figured it was the best place to learn/practice how to fight monsters
she’s stupid strong
a rlly bad driver bc she doesn’t care about other drivers but she knows what she’s doing
always has a bunch of weapons on her
wears a pair of moody judys (earrings that change her eye color based on her emotions)
visits the forge a lot bc she likes to try out their creations and they always give her cool upgrades on random things she owns
she has a new weapon that’s a yuka arrow (inspired by marvel) and she’s been practicing her whistling a lot
has a shih tzu named hershey
ridiculously blunt
doesn’t like talking about her family
can’t cook at all
her dad is rlly rich bc his company and he gives her a lot of money
tbh her fear is not dying in battle
isn’t the best showing emotions
if someone’s ko’ed her automatic reaction is to slap them awake
always ready to Fight
v petite
all her life she’s been trying to be nice/benevolent like her mom but she def ended up like her dad
loves 2 sing (bc her mom liked it) and be extra, often djs for the dances that are held
probs would want to do something w music as a profession if it wasn’t for her dad
relationships? doesn’t know heR, she’s too busy training
possible plots
late night buddy  ( they can do anything together )
training buddy
drinking buddy
racing buddy
good influence
someone she’s a bad influence on
1000% stole this from b99 but like charla and X have a wager to see who can hunt more monsters by the end of the year and each have their own bets to humiliate/traumatize the other
dia paik - hecate & psyche - 25
born in france
raised in france and nyc 
more abt her power  ( soul manipulation )
soul: reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, etc. 
 in order for her powers to fully work she needs a dna sample of the person who’s effecting hair/skin particles/saliva/etc
naturally she’s a touchy person so it helps when she tries getting some Samps 
if she’s desperate she can use the skin particles in the air to control someone 
but usually it doesn’t last as long and it drains her since there are numerous particles in the air that are from an unknown number of ppl that she has to manipulate 
has a bag that she always wears that has everyone’s dna since she needs to be near the samples 
it’s enchanted so she can put as many things in it as she’d like without it growing larger/heavier
as a child she could always see how much someone liked her or not and that rlly messed her up growing up 
so, once she learned how to fully use her powers she took advantage of it right away
she always controls the people who she has samples of so their like-meter doesn’t go lower than a certain point 
this is what it looks like as well as the level she always keeps it at gslkdfjt
she doesn’t use her powers on ppl she trusts but that list is rlly small
eventually she ended up shutting off her love which makes her act incredibly reckless and often times selfish 
she did this bc when she was still in nl she was in a long term relationship with someone who she thought she would spend the rest of her life with 
that was until she noticed their love her her start to lower 
of course, they didn’t know this was happening yet but she knew. 
she knew they would break up with her eventually and she was so scared, even if she still loved them, she broke it off abruptly without much of an explanation 
then she turned it off so she wouldn’t have to feel that heartache ever again
now she just does whatever she wants without feeling any guilt which is freeing but always causes the worst effects 
like before she turned it off she used to be rlly responsible and stuff. like she would make sure all the members got home safe after a party but now she j wildiN and doesn’t care abt basically anyone
the past 5 yrs she’s been traveling with daphne, mainly in europe
has lots of monies bc of all the rich, old hwhite men she manipulated in europe lsdkhgsd
when daphne got the call from her mom making her go back to nl, dia immediately came back as well
currently holds the title for most missions successfully completed she never goes on monster missions but has retrieved a lot of items for deities she uses her power to manipulate the ppl who has the items to willingly give them to her
currently in charge of events will probs hold a single’s event bc she’s That person
possible plots  **since she left 5 years ago i can only plot old stuff w members who have been at nl for 5+ yrs 
her ex that made her block her love that could be fun and chaotiq
regular exes
friends she kept in contact w while she was away , possibly flew them to europe so they could still hang out uwu
old neighbors in nl
ppl who knew her before she changed 
fwb  ( possibly new fwb ! )
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evexe-n · 7 years
i'm now curious of everyone's workout routines (if they have any) in stepping stones. like does set do anything besides yoga? does atem do anything besides joining set? what does kaiba do exactly to be fit? and mahad? pls share some of your very merry thoughts abt this
*cracks knuckles*
ok here we go (its long af)
Disclaimer: this is basically how I headcanon-ed it according to DSOD bc they just had to make Kaiba ripped, thanks for that   //sarcasm (I mean im not complaining but now I have to explain this shit)
Tho keep in mind that I know pretty much nothing about working out ‘n stuff aside from things I learned secondhand thank you, cousin gym instructor and irl this probably still wouldn’t be enough to give you a six-pack like that, but we can’t have Kaiba in the gym for four to six hours in a single day either so I work with what I can.
Kaiba: Has the most muscle-buidling focused routine. Probably takes additional protein too, though he’s picky af and won’t settle for cheap alternatives of the good stuff. His work-out routine is also the most varied, hence all the gym equipment he owns. He pays most attention to the upper arm area and core muscles but thankfully he doesn’t skip leg day either.
Usually tends to work out roughly two hours at a time (counting the warm-up/cool-down, and with breaks in between sets of course), tho knowing Kaiba, he sometimes overdoes it/pushes himself too much. He used to plan it in the evening, but switched to early mornings because it had less chance of being cancelled bc of over-time work or meetings that way.
Stretching is something he also does as just a normal part of waking up and getting ready, not per se before training. Work-out days are 3 days in a row, a day of rest, 3 days, rest, rinse and repeat, though of course there can be exceptions (business trips are interesting to think about w all of this. He probably just books a hotel w a decent gym).
He’s not on a diet per se, but he does take care in eating enough calories etc to sustain his training habits, after he passed out that one time and worried Mokuba. He doesn’t like being yelled at and/or ignored over something he can prevent. Mokuba does still need to call him at work/drag him out of the office for meals sometimes though. Lil bro also leaves those energy snack bars lying around the house / in Seto’s desk at work because the idiot refuses to eat more often (so Mokuba just insists he eat bigger meals when they eat together). Seriously, healthy food, when working out regularly, does not mean a weight-loss diet of salad. It means chicken and rice and steamed vegetables and lord knows what else, but it better be a lot.
As you can tell, Mokuba’s the most involved here, because he had to learn with trial and error how much Seto could take during those months pre-dsod, so he got used to keeping track of his big bro’s schedule, for work as well as working out.
tl;dr: he takes things too seriously as usual and Mokuba does damage control.
Set: Just tries to stay limber and fit, really, mostly focussed on cardio. Aside from yoga, he probably likes running on the treadmill and whatever that bike-thing is called in English gdi me. Which is funny because none of the Egyptians have been taught how to ride an actual bike yet. Set would probably be the first to figure it out though.
Though he doesn’t do heavy work-outs, he does like sports and outdoor activities, mostly archery (he has surprisingly good aim/sharp sight, unlike Mr.Seto stare-at-computer-screens-all-day-until-everything-goes-blurry Kaiba) and self-defence sports (think along the lines of judo, once he figures out what that is). Probably stems from that obligated combat training from the good ol’ days in Egypt.
Again, this is hilarious because Kaiba does regular work-outs, not fight sports. So Set would have to take it up with either Mahad or Mana if he wants to practice the latter. Good luck with that, buddy.
tl;dr: he just likes moving for the energy release it gives and it’s habit by now.
Atem: Doesn’t really care about working out, just moves a lot out of habit. Probably joins Mahad on his morning runs around the grounds whenever he manages to stumble out of bed early enough. And there’s the yoga with Set. Pulling pranks with Mana is a sport all on its own, really, he’s become incredibly fast for someone his height. Kaiba’s jealous, how does the guy manage to maintain muscles that well-defined without regular training?? ? ?
He does join the ‘combat practice’ group every once in a while, so he’s halfway decent at it.
tl;dr: tho it looks like he would work out, he just moves a lot and eats healthy, if you don’t count all the snacks during game/movie marathons.
Mahad: Most likely to continue whatever routine he had during his first life. Doesn’t like using the machines, but opts for running outside/push-ups/sit-ups/etc instead. He saw the use in weightlifting eventually though, so you can spot him in the gym for that sometimes.
Took an interest in martial arts and hasn’t looked back since. Started taking classes the first chance he got, and passes on the things he finds useful to Mana and Atem when they join him, and to Set in a lesser degree. I’m not saying it’s an excuse to kick his ass, but it’s totally an excuse to kick his ass. They get along better than in the past, but the pent-up frustration runs deep.
tl;dr: his hobbies include swinging a staff around and beating up Set.
Mana: High-energy as she may be, she channels most of it into pranks and getting in trouble in the modern world, rather than sports. She does still take ‘combat training’ and likes swinging a staff around almost as much as Mahad, but doesn’t feel the need to do it often anymore. She likes swimming a lot though, she’s the one that spends the most time in the pool during summer.
tl;dr: Mischief is all the training you’ll need, and swimming’s cool too.
Kisara: Hasn’t trained a day in her life, still somehow manages to lift Mahad. Everyone’s afraid to ask how that’s possible. It’s probably a dragon thing.
Mokuba: He runs interference and damage control for Seto a lot, he feels like this probably counts as exercise. Helping with Mana’s pranks also provides some variety.
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