#like hell im gonna proofread lets go baybeeeeeeee
raccoonpatriotism · 6 years
260 [Random, Useless Headcanons 📂] from @homeofthevan | Part 2 Explosive Boogaloo
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1-100: Here
101: He’s always had an, uh, ‘excellent’ temperament with old women - starting from being forced to help out at Old Folks Homes to get him out of the Orphanage. 
102: He yells to show he cares. 
103: He also yells for the sake of it.
104: You have to constantly say his name if you want him to continue to be part of the conversation.
105: that’s why he so often repeatedly uses names, nicknames, a simple ‘son’ when speaking to people.
106: He assumes everyone’s just like him until proven otherwise.
107: Along with what I said earlier about him not being empathetic; he really isn’t able to visualize himself in someone elses shoes unless he’s been walked through, like, a specific a few times. 
108: He respects Miss Pauling the most out of everyone he knows. 
109: Smissmas and Thanksgiving are tied for his favorite holiday.
110: Jane really likes Halloween though, and isn’t a grump on Valentines day. 
111: <- Jane’s password for anything he owns that requires a password. More 1s if necessary.
112: When he’s thirsty he’ll go to the nearest form of water for hydration - catch him just drinking out of the bathroom sink - leaning up as he wipes his mouth, chirping, “Hello, private.”
113: He guzzles coffee like it’s fuel, but he has a very strict, No Caffeine after lunch protocol.
114: Decaff is for WIMPS.
115: Jane plays the trombone.
116: Subsequently, in most music, he appreciates and hums along with the bass parts.
117: Modern AU-Jane may be a Call of Duty fanboy, but he respects Halo for being another accurate depiction of life on the battlefront. 
118: Speaking of modern Jane, the Military didn’t accept him in the 80s either.
119: His love for the military lead him to believe for sure he’d be accepted he was the Perfect Patriot and his enlistment would be a surefire way to help fund his transition--
120: But of course, as strong as he had become he’d spent his youth very sick and with the possibility of the illness to return along with a terrible psyche eval and 80s typical transphobia that lane was firmly closed.
121: At least he had DOOM to fall back on. And he was physically strong enough to hold down jobs to at least pay for testosterone.
122: And then Call of Duty came out and he became an early era streamer. (Went viral as one of those guys who basically RPs being an actual soldier in the voice chat.)
123: BACK TO CANON JANE because those headcanons just.. plain, aren’t useless. canon jane doesn’t have to deal with transphobia. tch.
124: He’s not the best to have on your football team as menacing as he is. He’ll start tackling everybody. Running the wrong way. Trying to steal the ball from his teammates.
125: If you tell Jane something’s American after he criticizes it, watching him backtrack is really fun.
126: Jane doesn’t get sick often, which is good because he is insufferable. Either goes full isolation straight up outside somewhere. Or is whining to everyone and everyone how it’s not allowed that he can’t be burrowing somewhere outside.
127: His hands are always warm - if they’re cold he’s probably having an Episode of some sort. 
128: Rock and Roll helps his tinnitus, though he’ll still refer to it as Hippy Garbage. Like most music.
129: Jane could probably tapdance if given proper shoes. Mmm no, he’d stomp through the floor. Horse level clomping.
130: He’ll be the hype-man for anyone on his team.
131: Despite not being a fan of mint flavoring, he loves himself a candy-cane.
132: His thumb isn’t double jointed - seeing someone showing off their double jointed-ness would have Jane proclaiming magic was necessary.
133: LT. BITES lightning round!! Lt. Bites sees jane as its “General” 
134: It got the bite taken out of its ear fighting over sour cream - it won.
135: Jane doesn’t give any raccoons a higher rank than Bites.
136: Lt. Bites doesn’t crave human flesh or anything, but it likes the sensation of biting people!
137: Jane has tried to get his raccoon a job at RED.
138: You can tell when Jane is having a really good day on the battlefield because you’ll round the corner and there’s Naked Soldier.
139: He’s waxing poetry about the beauty of the Male Form, take it in you soft quivering maggots. 
140: I can’t get the image of Jane crowd surfing out of my head? That’s, like, his ideal dream for being recognized for his heroics. Medals and a mosh in his Honor.
141: Anytime he sees a Bald Eagle he entirely stops what he’s doing to place his left hand over his heart.
142: Jane loves The Art of War and is still awaiting Sun Tzu’s next book.
143: [ Alcohol ] Jane only sees ghosts when he’s starving, drunk, or suffering from a concussion. And it’s merely a way for such a boar minded guy to internalize what’s going on around him.
144: He can touch his toes keeping his knees straight.
145: Jane has minor ice-skating knowledge, as most growing up in the midwestern united states do. He’s not, good, though, he’s really intent on Taking Steps instead of gliding.
146: Put him in front of a piano and he’s holding out on finger and pressing down on one key at a time like an old man at a desktop keyboard.
147: Jane is ready to beat up your father. 
148: Especially if your dad is shitty, unleash good ol’ Solly on him.
149: While he favors picking his nose with his pinkies, neither of his pinkie pads have any feeling.That makes them a little less dexterous when the time comes.
150: He’s always aching to be active, his brain will take things literally if it means he’ll be doing something.
151: Rum pineapple juice and malibu caribou -- Er. He doesn’t like pineapple flavoring. Isn’t a fan of mixed drinks in general? 
152: He’s capable of staying out of the picture and not picking his nose, often times if things aren’t focused on him he’ll just sorta.. Stand out of the way playing with his hands - rifling through his pouches. Some times he’ll even, *gasp* pay attention. 
153: He really likes to but in with his opinion is the thing.
154: He’s an American and his ideals must be heard.
155: Merasmus out here having doing the most for Soldier, in helping him reintegrate back into society. You think he’s bonkers now?? Psh. You should’a seen him fresh home from Poland.
156: He’s shown up to Civil War reanactments with a real gun.
157: Jane is incapable of yawning silently.
158: Stairs are overrated.
159: Catch Jane with a lukewarm mug of water pouring coffee grinds directly into it and saying “Damn, that’s a fine cup of Joe.”
160: Only. 100 left? Sweet Joseph Wetnurse of Jesus He’s got dirty blond hair leaning toward brunette.
161: Any righteous death deserves a warrior’s burial - That’s why you’ll find Jane, helmet over heart, giving a stirring eulogy about the Toilet from the Men’s Restroom that Got Unearthed and Shattered By... Nobody In Particular. 
162: He will just join in large groups of people  - like protests? He’ll just fall in line and preach his own stuff which sometimes doesn’t exactly align with the group at large.
163: i asked myself, would jane pick someone else’s nose? Yes.
164: His hugs are always really warm.
165: He would notice his wallet being pickpocketed - unless it was replaced by something the same weight. He’s like a temple from Indiana Jones.
166: Mentally? Jane’s fine with being alone, but. That leads to him living in a box or a room straight out of that “Damn, bitch, you live like this?” comic.
167:  Despite deep cold being triggering to him (SEE HC, 67.), he loves snow-forts and hot chocolate because those are great American past-times.
168: next one is this post’s 69 brace yourselves! Jane’s never truly in silence, the constant whistling in his ears will see to that. That’s why sometimes, when it is quiet, you’ll catch Jane looking into space like he’s trying to see where the sound is coming from.
169: Important to note, he ain’t popping a boner any time he’s fighting nude. Or, really, fighting any time. Intent is really important for him. (If he gets all rubbed up on, though, Well,)
170: Jane is under the assumption that everything he comes up with is ingenious and people like Red Spy are holding society back by ignoring such wide plans.
171: He’s secretly soothed by everyone on his team’s voices.
172: First off, himself. He loves to hear himself talk. Mostly fueled by self-important intent, the tenor of his own voice also soothes his eardrums.
173: Pyro’s is muffled yet energetic - and never fails to get Jane pumped up.
174: Scout’s got that accent that is pure and simple, American. Soldier may not listen to half of what he says, but for background buzz and funny colloquialisms 
175: And, Engie's accent garners a whole other sort of American respect out of the Soldier. As far as soothing goes? Engie’s is like butter.
176: Soldier hate’s Heavy’s accent on principle, but below his American Stubbornness is a love for the deep, thoughtful symbols Heavy provides. Plus, y’know, he appreciates a fellow loud guy.
177: Demo’s voice makes Solly a happy man. It used to make him furious, an all Scottish accents did, but more recently it makes him feel nostalgic. 
178: Jane would swear up every mountain he can that there’s nothing positive to be found in Spy’s accent, but zoning out to such poised speech patterns and rounded vowels is a common occurrence. 
179: When Sniper gets that gravelly tone going on, when he takes things really seriously? Jane like that.
180: Jane can’t find it in him to be really put off by anything Medic says during surgery, so his voice only causes a feeling of safety throughout the Soldier. He can’t get enough of hearing Enthusiasm in the Medic’s voice.
181: He doesn’t believe the Police can arrest him because they aren’t the official Government.
182: He looks at a baby and is like “What animal is this?”
183: Big hands.. talented at giving massages.
184: BEWARE HIM BREAKING YOUR SPINE - just specify ‘and don’t kill me’!
185: Jane doesn’t gossip so much as, be around people who are gossiping which makes him want to make up some Hot Goss. Also, he’ll act like every rumor someone else shares is spoken truth.
186: Jane picked up finger guns from Scout. He either uses it constantly or doesn’t use it for weeks at a time.
187: He lifts, broskis.
188: Jane will talk about trucks because the Average American Male is expected to. He knows nothing about cars.
189: He’s an impulsive liar, so caught up in in his web of ‘things he says to impress people’ that he believes everything he says. So are the woes of being an adult with ADHD.
190: He goes between being smell-blind and having the scent skills of a bloodhound. It’s probably a mental thing, because there’s no in between, but Jane doesn’t know anything.
191: i’ve been working on these for 5 days at this point... i hope they’re appreciated JANE prefers..soft food. jane Does Not lov the cronch.
192: Which is what makes cashews his favorite nut. they’re soft-ish. and they have just enough crunch to not gross him out.
193: He loves immediate gratification. 
194: Beyond joining the Military? Jane’s never had a solid plan for his future. Lives too in the moment. 
195: As long as he’s having fun, Jane’s a pretty content guy.
196: Any artistic skills he may have once had go into making Maps for war planning sessions.
197: He’ll fall victim to Sleep Paralysis occasionally and, once able to move, will spend the rest of the day curing ghosts and Merasmus’ magic.
198: He was SUPER into Howdie Doodie Time in his youth, and being put in front of any reruns will have him basically hypnotized into silence.
199: He’s proud of his ass.
200: Jane can keep marching pace for hours at a time. And if he’s not lugging around his rocket launcher he can keep marching for an entire day no pausing. 
201: Jane isn’t shy about telling jokes, because he believes everyone has the same sense of humor as him.
202: He knows karate but refuses to use his knowledge because it is not an American Form. He will stick to brute strength and loud yelling thank you very much.
203: He’s the type to state every time he’s going to use the bathroom. Like, people can be having a serious conversation and hes like, “I am going to take a shit now!”
204: Jane’ll go a week without washing his hair, but he always brushes his teeth two times a day.
205: He gives a damn good kiss.
206: All Human Nudity is safe for work. As it was God’s Intention to make people strongest when not held back by fabric.
207: All he wants is recognition.... for his good deeds...
208: He’ll have staring contests with the Sun. He’s yet to win, but that damn star shouldn’t get too comfortable.
209: Much like his pinkies, his feet have been crushed, blown up, and bruised so many times that he doesn’t have much feeling in them either.
210: He’s never washed his bellybutton.
211: He prefers savory to sweet, but he prefers sweet to sour.
212: Half assing is not in Jane’s vocabulary.
213: His brain will get stuck on simple Math - like, he tries his best to figure it out, it’s just.... Numbers..... they are a construct. And so he’ll end up pondering what 5+7 is for, like, 5 minutes.
214: Jane is constantly torn between wanting to be a Figure of Authority and also being a man born in the trenches following orders.
215: Have I mentioned lately Jane fucks? 
216: Jane’s room is sparsely decorated, but it’s only because he’s not materialistic and doesn’t generally receive gifts.
217: He’s more than willing to strip Right This Moment and fight something.
218: Jane’s not afraid to call other people losers.
219: He crops his own hair once a week. Same day he’ll do his wash.
220: Jane’s stubble grows in really fast, but he can’t deny the feeling of having a freshly shaved jaw is amazing.
221: If a teammate is struggling emotionally..... Jane walks away.
222: If they’re struggling again, /then/ Jane will give them some uncalled for American Advice. Like, meaningfully yelling “GET OVER IT, YOU SLOBBERING FOOL.”
223: He has a very, very high pain threshold. 
224: He accidentally walks into walls all the time.
225: He can’t magically see through his helmet - he just knows everyone’s feet super well.
226: It’s good that Lt. Bites is a wild, self sufficient animal because Jane is terrible at pet care. And child care. And any sort of care.
227: On the very rare occasions Jane gets overwhelmed with depression he’s a shadow of his former self questioning the sanctity of American Ideals and wondering aloud if War really is the answer to his problems.
228: Next day he’ll be fine and forget he was ever upset.
229: He’s never gotten a real back massage before, if he were to get one he’d probably literally melt? Some women he’s slept with liked to say sensually ‘oh what a big tense man you are’ and, like, weakly rub his back. they didn’t get paid to fix this man’s back muscles LMAO
230: Any backwards period-typical beliefs about women went out the window upon meeting Miss Pauling.
231: His love for America is truly as pure as it gets.
232: Jane’s pretty xenophobic, but he can learn better, I’m sure. he’s gotten his ass kicked for being ignorantly racist and he grew to be a better person.
233: He takes really well to learning things through violence, the only issue is.. dealing with Soldier Being Violent.
234: There’s nothing a fist to the face won’t fix.
235: He’s not much of a napper, his brain being far too active to let him rest during daylight hours.
236: He’s constantly moving, even in sleep.
237: Hell, give him a few hours after being knocked unconscious and he’ll start wiggling something around.
238: He doesn’t stop to smell the flowers, because if they wanted to be smelled they’d approach him.
239: He believes in the good of all humans, it’s just buried down past his Fight Everyone radar.
240: He only likes musicals about fighting Hitler.
241: His biggest regret is not punching Hitler.
242: He does not fear death, he does not fear punishment. He lives for his ideals and if he’s taken down believing in himself? Then that’s okay.
243: Jane needs deodorant reminders.
244: He takes personally being betrayed as people betraying the country of America.
245: (oh shit i slacked off it’s been like two days since i wrote something, Who Is Soldier?) CEREAL THEN MILK, MAGGOTS
246: Jane doesn’t know the word migraine so he really can’t describe how he feels.
247: Look, he loves his friends, he loves his guns, but he’s stingy with the word.. Love because that’s what he feels for America and the country will always be number one.....
248: Jane’s not too partial to sarcasm outside of combat, but it’ll find it’s way into his speech. His tone is usually hammed up to signify he’s joking around or being cruel.
249: He’s like a cartoon character, he can only understand sarcasm if it’s Funny to at the moment.
250: Jane likes his hair being pet.
251: He likes his hands being played with as much as he likes playing with other people’s hands. (A lot.)
252: He loves dogs, but is more of a cat person. Dogs and him just echo energy and HYPE feelings back and forth at each other until they pass out and then Jane feels more emotionally exhausted than hanging out with people.
253: The weirdest parts of rom-coms make him cry. 
254: He appreciates a good non-american explosion, but he has his preferences. 
255: You show Jane genuine kindness and interest and he’s like, Yours. Jane vc: Are you the vice-president?
256: If he were to have a reptile for a sidekick instead of a raccoon, he would have a turtle.
257: He can be delicate when he needs to be, but cracking eggs is a different story.
258: While not too partial to sugary beverages - he has a figure to maintain, root beer and ginger ale are his go-tos.
259: He can appreciate a salad! Jane Doe will eat his greens!!!!
260: Soldier has no tattoos, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be open to getting any. Just never crossed his mind.
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thank you,... for reading my garbled thoughts.. for respecting The Soldier... and for being a creative individual. But mostly the respecting Soldier thing.
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