#like how could anyone who'd genuinely read the book come to the conclusion that jonathan wasn't good enough for mina
Dracula finding a new home on Tumblr is both ironic and beautiful cause for like a solid century no one has given Jonathan Harker a fair shake. He’s the stuffy 1800s misogynist who hates Mina’s independence, the weak-willed coward who faints over vampires, the “boring one” compared to Van Helsing or Lucy or Arthur. He’s overacted and underplayed, so disdained that despite being one of the novel’s main heroes some adaptations cut him out completely cause they can’t find anything compelling about him. And yet somehow we are in the right time and the right place to look at this heavily traumatized guy, and say “No, you are not a coward and you are not weak, you were stuck in a living hell for months on end and you held on and got away.”
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