#like i could deal w them and be on a friendly if stiff basis but
goldrushrunning · 2 years
honest at this point i have a list of republican lawmakers i hope die alone in a hospital bed
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asian-hero · 6 years
Emergency ask please-if you still do those... what would Shiro and Matt do if the s/os father was calliing them fat, telling them that if they cant opan a jar or food by themselves they should just starve and making comments to them like "its not like im trying to watch my figure"im so upset right now... tried asking what we were doing for dinner and i keep having to ask becaseu he wont answer me at all. keeps ignoring me and teling me to shutup and that i just ate(at lunch btwits 5 hourslater)
I’m so sorry that this is happening to you dear, I hope you know that you’re beautiful and if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here for you
Let me get something straight, Shiro would never tolerate this behavior
100% does not care if it’s your dad, he will go off
You guys were at a family dinner when it started
You were having a friendly conversation with your family member/friend when your dad came in
The first thing that he said was, “wow, I didn’t know that pigs could talk”
Literally the first thing that sets Shiro off
But he keeps cool, because he doesn’t want to seem like an asshole to your parents
The next thing that happens is when you’re eating at the table
Everyone’s having a nice time and enjoying the meal 
You went in to grab some mashed potatoes or whatever when your dad pulls it away and places a salad in front of you
He says, “maybe you should try this one on for size, you wouldn’t want to show your boyfriend how much of a fat ass you can be” (I’m so sorry for this)
Shiro can literally feel his eye t w i t c h
Again, he keeps cool, or at least, as cool as he can be
Holds your hand under the table in an attempt to make you feel better
The final straw is when you’re trying to open a jar of pickles (I don’t know why it’s there but it is what it is)
You’re struggling to get it open so you ask Shiro to help you
This only eggs your dad on
“If you can’t open the damn jar by yourself then maybe you shouldn’t be eating it”
So like not only does Shiro go off but he goes off
Starts yelling at your dad for being such an asshole to you
“Y/n is a perfectly capable person who shouldn’t have to deal with assholes like you on a daily basis! They’re perfectly fine the way they are so maybe you should lay off and start taking your own advice!”
Takes you by the hand and heads towards the door
Before he leaves Shiro yells:
“Oh, and the fucking pickle jar was greasy from your nasty ass hands!”
Then he slams the door
Once you two are back at your house he profusely apologizes
Not about what he said to your dad, but that you had to deal with that
Promises you that he would never treat you like that or make you go back to that house again
Honestly loves you and doesn’t want you to ever feel that way again
Although he does call your family members/friends and apologize to them, because he’s a gentleman
Also not going to put up with your dad’s bullshit
Is also less patience than Shiro, so, good luck
It all starts at a family picnic
You’re walking over to your family when your dad decides to open his fucking mouth
“Wow, it’s an earth quake!”
Matt blinks a couple of times, trying to process what happened
He figures that it’s just an inside joke between you two so he stays quiet (this time)
The next incident is when your helping your family put out the food, the plates etc.
You’re having a hard time opening one of the jars so you ask Matt to help you
Your dad just laughs at you
“God, y/n, if you can’t open the jar then maybe you shouldn’t be eating anything at all”
Matt couldn’t help himself
“Maybe you should follow your own advice, you know, old people shouldn’t be having that much sugar, it makes their joints stiff”
Your dad just, kinda stares at Matt, but says nothing
You thought that Matt lost it last time? Hoo boy, you should see him when you guys are actually eating
You’re all enjoying the nice day in the park, eating the nice food
You go in for seconds on some sandwiches when your dad fucking has to add in his two cents 
“Stop eating so much! Maybe this is why we have world hunger”
Matt went fucking batshit crazy
I’m talking like he fucking, flipped your dad’s plate from under him
“You know what sir? I was trying to be a fucking nice guest because I love your daughter very much, but it turns out that you’re just a fucking asshole who doesn’t have human decency! Maybe you should go back to kindergarten so they can teach you some fucking manners! You’ll be lucky if y/n doesn’t put you in a fucking old peoples home! And another thing, someone your age should learn to stop eating fucking jelly beans!”
Takes you away and leaves without a second thought
He apologizes that you had to see him get so angry
He refuses to apologize to your family, because frankly, they should’ve said something
Won’t make you visit him again if you don’t want to
Just wants you to be happy, and if it means that you never want to visit your dad again, so be it
Hey babe, I’m sorry that your dad is being such an asshole to you. Remember that you’re beautiful no matter what anyone says to you!
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thegoddamnfangirl · 8 years
Pairings- Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Awkward Bucky. Awkward Reader. I love awkward. Steve and Nat shipping you and Bucky slightly/
Request-Hi! if youre still doing requests, can you do one where the reader is a doctor or medic or something (whatever you want!) and thinks bucky doesnt notice her or whatever but he secretly does and hes intrigued but too shy/thinks he'll scare her? from anon
AN- I’m sorry I didn’t put it up earlier! I know I said a day but my boards are in a couple of months.... and I’m also sorry it’s kinda awkward....
Tumblr media
  “Morning, Dr. (l/n),” someone greeted you as you walked past them. You smiled and greeted hem back, as well as returning the many other “morning”s and “have a nice day”s thrown at you.
   You saw to a few of your patients- children, mostly, before getting back to the Avengers facility. It was a part of your weekend routine- every Saturday morning you would go to the hospital where you volunteered, and treated people for free.
  Your actual, paying job was working as a doctor/surgeon for the Avengers- one of the most gifted people in your field, you worked closely with Dr. Bruce Banner.
  This particular Saturday, Steve and the Winter Soldier were set to return from a mission, and you were certain you would have to patch them up. You were on first-name basis with all the Avengers- you were quite close with Wanda- except the Winter Soldier.
  His name was apt. To you, he was cold, winter-y. But then, he was like that to everyone but Steve.
 He would talk quietly to Steve, sometimes to Nat and Wanda. Clint and Sam he would just occasionally nod at, Tony he completely (and understandably) steered clear of. And you, he didn’t acknowledge your existence. Ever.
  Which was maybe a little okay- this way, he probably didn’t notice how nervous he made you.
   You made your way to the infirmary, where Nat was cleaning up a long cut down the side of her shin with a piece of gauze.
 “What happened?” you asked, putting on a white coat.
 “Steve and Bucky called for a bit of backup around the end,” she replied with a grim sort of smile.
  “Where are they?” you asked.
  “Steve’s in his room, Banner’s seeing to him, but Bucky has a few deep cuts that need stitching, he’s in the back room with the surgery things,” Nat said, winking at you.
  “W-what?” you stammered.
  “Ooh, nothing,” she said in an offhand way. “You’ll be stitching up Bucky.”
She knows, you realized with mortification. Nat was grinning all over her face.
  You sighed and quickly went to the side room, banging the door shut behind you.
  Ahh, that sight.
The Winter Soldier was sitting back in the surgery chair, his shirt off to reveal several deep gashes down his chest.
  He raised his eyebrows when he saw you. “Dr. Banner told me to wait here for my stitches,” he told you. “He’s attending to Steve.”
  “Uh, yeah, I’m here to do you,” you said. “No! I mean- I’m not here to do you, I’m-”
  You broke off when you caught the look of confusion on his face. You realized he probably didn’t know the meaning of the term just yet.
  Tugging on a few loose strands on your hair, you quietly brought yourself up to his side. You pulled on some gloves and got a needle and some suturing thread.
 The first thing to do was to clean up the wounds- even though the super-soldier serum made  him mostly immune to germs and also made his wounds heal faster, it was always safer to clean and patch up.
 Placing one hand on his  pectoral, you began to sponge away the blood on his chest, biting your upper lip the whole time. 
  His intense gaze was on you. You glanced at his face once or twice- he was making you nervous, and being nervous annoyed you with yourself.
  Not another word passed between you two. After you were done stitching him up, he got up, thanked you with a polite smile, and left. You could only sigh wistfully.
    You were out for another round of the hospital that evening- working made you feel good.
  Helping people made you feel good. The smile on a sick child’s face when you told her you would make her okay, make her healthy. The ecstasy of the poor, single mother whose baby you had treated for free. It made you feel good, and it kept your mind off of your growing crush on the Winter Soldier.
  You were just heading out of your tiny office in the hospital when-
“Dr. (l/n)?”
  You nearly jumped a mile when you heard his voice behind you- you turned around to see the Winter Soldier, the hood of his Captain America sweatshirt drawn over his head.
 “O-oh, hi!” you said, nearly dropping the clipboard in your hand.
“You’re needed,” he said, his blue eyes boring into your (e/c) ones. “Wanda had a little...accident... in the kitchen, and Wanda’s arm got slashed by one of the butcher knives. Steve sent me to get you.”
  “Oh, yeah, I was just heading out,” you said, frowning when you heard about Wanda. She was probably trying to juggle the knives with her magic again- no matter how many time you told her not to, she’d do the stupid thing over and over. She hadn’t ever gotten hurt at it, though.
 You walked out of the door with him at your heels. There was a car waiting outside with a driver up front- which meant it was you and him in the backseat.
  You sat down beside him somewhat awkwardly, holding yourself stiff and straight.
  “What do you do here?” the Winter Soldier asked, his tone curious. “I thought you only attended to us- the Avengers, I mean.”
  “I volunteer here for free,” you replied. “I treat people who are too poor to pay for long medical procedures.”
  He didn’t say anything, but you noticed a change in his expression. He looked...impressed.
Somehow, you started seeing more and more of him. You’d bump into him at breakfast, and instead of giving you a cold once over he’d actually mutter a ‘good morning’.  Your breakfast times seemed to coincide, and soon, you found that when you came downstairs he’d actually make some extra coffee for you.
  Then there would be his missions. Suddenly, he became ‘germophobic’ and began to insist that even the smallest of cuts on his body be cleaned. You obliged, even though there wasn’t any need to attend to such minute scratches.
  Oddly, you would catch him haunting the floor that had your room on it. He’d nod at you, ask if you’d seen Nat or Wanda, who lived on the same floor. You would reply, and regardless of whatever you replied he would skulk away.
 His behavior was driving you insane. You could look at him without your heart pumping as if you’d just run a mile. It wasn’t as if he was increasing in friendliness particularly, though. You were still calling each other a very formal “Dr. (l/n)” and “Sergeant Barnes”/”Winter Soldier” respectively.
 You were just on your way to Bruce’s room- passing by Steve’s, you heard your name mentioned.
  You weren’t an eavesdropper, but you couldn’t help but stand still outside.
“I can’t Steve,” you heard the Winter Soldier’s muffled voice. “I’ll....I’ll scare her away.”
 “No, you won’t, Buck! She deals with the Avengers, for Pete’s sake, have you ever met a group of more screwed up people?”
“Steve, I just can’t ask her out. What if she says no? I’m...me. Messed up and PTSD. And she’s...innocent. You get what I’m sayin’? She’s....pristine. Untainted. Being with someone as unhinged as me...it could affect her.”
“I DO!”
   You couldn’t take it.
You pushed the door open to see the Steve and the Winter Soldier standing face to face, glaring at each other. They broke eye contact when they saw you though.
  “You like me?” you asked, breathing deeply.
 He opened his mouth to reply, then closed it again.
  “I gotta go,” Steve said hurriedly before fleeing the scene.
 “Winter Soldier...” you said.
 “Bucky,” he interrupted. “Please, call me Bucky.”
  He looked mortified and upset.
 “Bucky,: you said, smiling slightly. “And you can call me (y/n).”
“(y/n),” he said, savoring the feeling of your name rolling off his tongue. “I’m...I’m sorry about what you might’ve just overheard...”
 “I’m not,” you said, blushing but still quite decided. “I-I kinda like you too.”
He stared at you for about a full minute.
  “You don’t think I’m dangerous?” he asked.
“Well, I never said that,” you shrugged. “Dangerous is quite an appealing shade on you.”
  There was awkwardness, while the Winter Sold-Bucky, Bucky bit his lower lip and you twiddled your thumbs.
  “So, uh, you wanna hang out some time? Hang out, that is what the kids say these days, isn’t it?” Bucky broke the silence, his words rushed.
  You let out a small laugh. “I’d love to,” you said.
You heard a huff behind you.
  “Really? Hang out? What are you, thirteen? Go on a date, you idiots!” Nat said. You turned to face her, just to see her rolling her eyes at the two of you in a very expressive way.
reallyyy sorry it’s turned out so weird and crappy. i swear i’ll try to do better. but i write these things at midnight when insomnia is keeping me up but also making me wuzzy because im tired and its so late g’night y’all.
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melindarowens · 7 years
List of 75 Corrupt and/or Potentially Criminal Actions Identified in John Podesta’s Emails
Guest post by Joe Hoft
Yesterday President Donald Trump tweeted from the G20 in Germany:
Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!
Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2017
John Podesta was triggered by President Trump’s tweet and responded with a tweetstorm of seven tweets attacking the President.  Based on his response, it was clear that President Trump got under corrupt Podesta’s skin with his tweet.  As a result the President happened to trigger one of the most corrupt politicians in Democrat and US history.
John Podesta has held numerous positions in his career in politics and with the Federal government.  He started his career in the 1970’s in lower level federal jobs before reaching the highest levels of the Democrat Party working as White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Special Advisor to Barack Obama and in 2016 Campaign Chair for Hillary Clinton.  The fact that Podesta is so high up in the impeached and corrupt Clinton and Obama administrations speaks volumes about Podesta’s seedy character.
He also is known for being the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP) which “boasts extensive ties to donor George Soros, the Democratic Party and both the Clinton and Obama Administrations.”  CAP faces controversies for being a rehabilitative employment opportunity for progressive activists and for being anti-Semitic and for reporting errors.  CAP is also is accused of being the nerve center for the left wing, including being the manufacturer of anti-Trump propaganda.
Although there are reports that Podesta is closely tied with David Brock from Media Matters, who has created plans to prevent free speech by attacking conservative websites like the Gateway Pundit.   Podesta emails show that he can’t stand Brock.
Podesta has a history of seedy and alleged illegal activity. The late Andrew Breitbart, entrepreneur and creator of Breitbart.com knew this back in 2012 (warning on language):
Breitbart was ahead of his time.
The world was introduced to the corrupt and criminal acts of John Podesta’s during the 2016 Presidential campaign when his emails were provided to WikiLeaks and released to the public.  Podesta claims that the emails were stolen by Russia and provided to WikiLeaks but WikiLeaks has denied obtaining the emails from Russia and it is more likely that Podesta’s emails were provided to WikiLeaks from DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered last year in his Washington D.C. neighborhood.
Podesta has reportedly done all he can to shut down any investigation into Seth Rich’s murder which is suspect due to Podesta stating in one of his emails:
I am definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.”
Counter to “think progress”:https://t.co/pMQaBnGq8l#PodestaEmails #WIKILEAKS #MURDERER #Democrats
— Dr C Cat (@JonLopez357) May 23, 2017
In Podesta’s emails there were many suspicious emails that could lead a reasonable person to suspect or determine corrupt actions and in many cases illegal actions as well, related to John Podesta and the Clinton Presidential campaign.  Podesta knew about these emails because all were emails Podesta either sent or recieved –
Here is the list:
1 Hillary sat on Board that funded ISIS 2 Hillary bragged about being invited to Russia’s Putin’s ‘Inner Sanctum’ 3. Clinton Campaign Fudged Climate Change Data – Inflated Emission Numbers 4 Smoking gun on Iran deal – Nuclear War coming  5 Clinton Camp Tried Protect Hillary From Trump ISIS Comment That She and Obama Created ISIS 6 At Least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors 7 Hillary team discussed deleting emails knowing it was against the law 8 Hillary Campaign Was in Touch with Obama DOJ on Email Investigation 9 Hillary trying to get in front of email issue 10 Hillary’s attorney David Kendall did not turn over thumb drive and server 11 Hillary accepting foreign money 12 Hillary’s team doesn’t know what’s in her emails and is nervous about it 13 Top Clinton donor paid $250 million for tax evasion 14 Clinton Staffers Discussed Which Emails To Release to investigators… 15 And Which to DELETE! 16 Podesta – Clinton Campaign Chief Owned 75,000 Shares of Putin-Connected Energy Company 17…and Podesta daughter received his 75,000 shares in Putnin Company 18 Podesta Documents Suggest Scalia Assassination 19 Hillary and Dept of Justice appeared to have colluded 20 Hillary’s own campaign doesn’t understand why she deleted 33,000 emails 21 Hillary sends intel to Podesta on unsecured server 22 Hillary’s Podesta and Soros are working together 23 Robby Mook: “it’s a little troubling” that meeting of Clinton Foundation was held at Goldman Sachs HQ 24 Huma admits Foreign Interests own HRC  25 Hillary gets one day in advance of State Department release 26 Hillary and pay to play racketeering activities 27 DNC plans fake Trump assault cases in May of 2016 28 Dems fake Trump Craig’s List ads 29 Hillary’s staff discusses hiding emails from investigators (and then deletes them) 30 Hillary likely broke law in Goldman Sachs speech 31 Hillary lies about Goldman Sachs costs – she charged them 32 7 more Clinton scandals as a result of WikiLeaks 33 Hillary decides to take money from foreign governments!!! 34 Hillary and DNC have joint account (against the law)!! 35 Dr. Jill Stein – HRC kept 55K emails from Congress 36 Business Insider – exposed by Wikileaks emails as one of Hillary’s ‘friendlies,’ attacks PJWatson on twitter 37 Billionaire Globalist Soros is Hillary Clinton’s Puppet Master… 38 Trusted Clinton Foundation Insider Was Caught Loading Spyware on Computers, Reading Employee Emails 39 Hillary’s Aides Urged Her to Take Foreign Lobbyist Donation And Deal With Attacks 40 Hillary lost flashdrive reported in email at her attorney’s 41 Proof that Americans United For Change (Scott Foval’s employer) works directly with the HRC Camp 42 Huma received information on Soros before meeting 43 Discussing Scalia’s replacement on day after he died w/ SOROS’ OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION??? 44 Rigged polls, “over sample” women 45 Robby Mook accused of coverering-up work place sexual harassment by a buddy 46 Podesta Says It’s OK for Illegals to Vote With Driver’s License…. 47 Liberal Billionaire George Soros Mentioned Over 50 Times In Leaked Hillary Campaign Emails 48 Clinton family lawyer David Kendall writes to clarify that the HRC legal team did not turn over key email data to the State Department 49 Hillary Took Algeria Off Terror Watch List After Donation to Clinton Foundation 50 Clinton’s “17 US intelligence agencies” may be the biggest, most immediately disprovable wopper ever intentionally made during a debate 51 Clintons have over ‘500 Different’ conflicts of interest — Clinton Foundation Executive Doug Band 52 A King pays $12 million for access to Hillary 53 Podesta (who’s married) was on speed dating site 54 Document in new batch of Hillary emails released by the State Dept contains classified info 55 Podesta falls for phishing scam 56 Sinister Clinton Strategy – Scare Our People Into Giving Bigger Sums 57 Clinton Foundation conspired with BigPharma to keep the prices of AIDS drugs high 58 Podesta is willing to fire an innocent employee to make a point!! Disgusting 59 The Soros-linked voting machines used in US election were used in Velenzuela to allow dictator Hugo Chavez win 60 Muslim Dictators Have Email Access to Hillary but Murdered Ambassador Stevens Didn’t 61 Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied a Willing Huma For Diplomatic Passports 62 Secrets that Hillary put at risk were knowingly very sensitive per FBI 63 Huma Abedin told Clinton her secret email account caused problems 64 Podesta loses phone – (way in to Clinton emails?)   65 Clinton Foundation stiffs contractors in Haiti 66 Hillary’s OWN team admitted the Clinton Foundation Corruption SHOULD bring Down Her Candidacy 67 CLINTON FOUNDATION CEO WAS MOLE via Podesta Email – Ousted at Foundation 68 CLINTON DOCUMENTS: Discourage Trump Supporters with Crap Polls  69 BOMBSHELL! “we need to clean this up…emails…they do not say state . gov” = admission of CRIMINAL ACT! 70 Huma Granted access to Hillary based on Clinton Global Initiative Donor Status 71 Aide: He arranged for $50M in payments for Bill Clinton 72 BENGHAZI CRIMINAL EVIDENCE. “Do we have an answer for why there arent emails from the Oct 8 trip to Libya?” 73 Clinton’s team wonders what Hillary taught in college – Con law? 74 Clinton Aide’s Memo Details Ties Between Consulting Firm and Clinton Foundation 75 Company that Supplied Voting Machines to 22 States Donated to Clinton Foundation
There was ample evidence of Podesta wrong doing in his own emails which is potentially why he did not want the FBI to check the DNC servers when they were ‘hacked’.  No wonder everyone in Germany is talking about Podesta.
  Source link
source https://capitalisthq.com/list-of-75-corrupt-andor-potentially-criminal-actions-identified-in-john-podestas-emails/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/07/list-of-75-corrupt-andor-potentially.html
0 notes
everettwilkinson · 7 years
List of 75 Corrupt and/or Potentially Criminal Actions Identified in John Podesta’s Emails
Guest post by Joe Hoft
Yesterday President Donald Trump tweeted from the G20 in Germany:
Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!
Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2017
John Podesta was triggered by President Trump’s tweet and responded with a tweetstorm of seven tweets attacking the President.  Based on his response, it was clear that President Trump got under corrupt Podesta’s skin with his tweet.  As a result the President happened to trigger one of the most corrupt politicians in Democrat and US history.
John Podesta has held numerous positions in his career in politics and with the Federal government.  He started his career in the 1970’s in lower level federal jobs before reaching the highest levels of the Democrat Party working as White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Special Advisor to Barack Obama and in 2016 Campaign Chair for Hillary Clinton.  The fact that Podesta is so high up in the impeached and corrupt Clinton and Obama administrations speaks volumes about Podesta’s seedy character.
He also is known for being the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP) which “boasts extensive ties to donor George Soros, the Democratic Party and both the Clinton and Obama Administrations.”  CAP faces controversies for being a rehabilitative employment opportunity for progressive activists and for being anti-Semitic and for reporting errors.  CAP is also is accused of being the nerve center for the left wing, including being the manufacturer of anti-Trump propaganda.
Although there are reports that Podesta is closely tied with David Brock from Media Matters, who has created plans to prevent free speech by attacking conservative websites like the Gateway Pundit.   Podesta emails show that he can’t stand Brock.
Podesta has a history of seedy and alleged illegal activity. The late Andrew Breitbart, entrepreneur and creator of Breitbart.com knew this back in 2012 (warning on language):
Breitbart was ahead of his time.
The world was introduced to the corrupt and criminal acts of John Podesta’s during the 2016 Presidential campaign when his emails were provided to WikiLeaks and released to the public.  Podesta claims that the emails were stolen by Russia and provided to WikiLeaks but WikiLeaks has denied obtaining the emails from Russia and it is more likely that Podesta’s emails were provided to WikiLeaks from DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered last year in his Washington D.C. neighborhood.
Podesta has reportedly done all he can to shut down any investigation into Seth Rich’s murder which is suspect due to Podesta stating in one of his emails:
I am definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.”
Counter to “think progress”:https://t.co/pMQaBnGq8l#PodestaEmails #WIKILEAKS #MURDERER #Democrats
— Dr C Cat (@JonLopez357) May 23, 2017
In Podesta’s emails there were many suspicious emails that could lead a reasonable person to suspect or determine corrupt actions and in many cases illegal actions as well, related to John Podesta and the Clinton Presidential campaign.  Podesta knew about these emails because all were emails Podesta either sent or recieved –
Here is the list:
1 Hillary sat on Board that funded ISIS 2 Hillary bragged about being invited to Russia’s Putin’s ‘Inner Sanctum’ 3. Clinton Campaign Fudged Climate Change Data – Inflated Emission Numbers 4 Smoking gun on Iran deal – Nuclear War coming  5 Clinton Camp Tried Protect Hillary From Trump ISIS Comment That She and Obama Created ISIS 6 At Least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors 7 Hillary team discussed deleting emails knowing it was against the law 8 Hillary Campaign Was in Touch with Obama DOJ on Email Investigation 9 Hillary trying to get in front of email issue 10 Hillary’s attorney David Kendall did not turn over thumb drive and server 11 Hillary accepting foreign money 12 Hillary’s team doesn’t know what’s in her emails and is nervous about it 13 Top Clinton donor paid $250 million for tax evasion 14 Clinton Staffers Discussed Which Emails To Release to investigators… 15 And Which to DELETE! 16 Podesta – Clinton Campaign Chief Owned 75,000 Shares of Putin-Connected Energy Company 17…and Podesta daughter received his 75,000 shares in Putnin Company 18 Podesta Documents Suggest Scalia Assassination 19 Hillary and Dept of Justice appeared to have colluded 20 Hillary’s own campaign doesn’t understand why she deleted 33,000 emails 21 Hillary sends intel to Podesta on unsecured server 22 Hillary’s Podesta and Soros are working together 23 Robby Mook: “it’s a little troubling” that meeting of Clinton Foundation was held at Goldman Sachs HQ 24 Huma admits Foreign Interests own HRC  25 Hillary gets one day in advance of State Department release 26 Hillary and pay to play racketeering activities 27 DNC plans fake Trump assault cases in May of 2016 28 Dems fake Trump Craig’s List ads 29 Hillary’s staff discusses hiding emails from investigators (and then deletes them) 30 Hillary likely broke law in Goldman Sachs speech 31 Hillary lies about Goldman Sachs costs – she charged them 32 7 more Clinton scandals as a result of WikiLeaks 33 Hillary decides to take money from foreign governments!!! 34 Hillary and DNC have joint account (against the law)!! 35 Dr. Jill Stein – HRC kept 55K emails from Congress 36 Business Insider – exposed by Wikileaks emails as one of Hillary’s ‘friendlies,’ attacks PJWatson on twitter 37 Billionaire Globalist Soros is Hillary Clinton’s Puppet Master… 38 Trusted Clinton Foundation Insider Was Caught Loading Spyware on Computers, Reading Employee Emails 39 Hillary’s Aides Urged Her to Take Foreign Lobbyist Donation And Deal With Attacks 40 Hillary lost flashdrive reported in email at her attorney’s 41 Proof that Americans United For Change (Scott Foval’s employer) works directly with the HRC Camp 42 Huma received information on Soros before meeting 43 Discussing Scalia’s replacement on day after he died w/ SOROS’ OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION??? 44 Rigged polls, “over sample” women 45 Robby Mook accused of coverering-up work place sexual harassment by a buddy 46 Podesta Says It’s OK for Illegals to Vote With Driver’s License…. 47 Liberal Billionaire George Soros Mentioned Over 50 Times In Leaked Hillary Campaign Emails 48 Clinton family lawyer David Kendall writes to clarify that the HRC legal team did not turn over key email data to the State Department 49 Hillary Took Algeria Off Terror Watch List After Donation to Clinton Foundation 50 Clinton’s “17 US intelligence agencies” may be the biggest, most immediately disprovable wopper ever intentionally made during a debate 51 Clintons have over ‘500 Different’ conflicts of interest — Clinton Foundation Executive Doug Band 52 A King pays $12 million for access to Hillary 53 Podesta (who’s married) was on speed dating site 54 Document in new batch of Hillary emails released by the State Dept contains classified info 55 Podesta falls for phishing scam 56 Sinister Clinton Strategy – Scare Our People Into Giving Bigger Sums 57 Clinton Foundation conspired with BigPharma to keep the prices of AIDS drugs high 58 Podesta is willing to fire an innocent employee to make a point!! Disgusting 59 The Soros-linked voting machines used in US election were used in Velenzuela to allow dictator Hugo Chavez win 60 Muslim Dictators Have Email Access to Hillary but Murdered Ambassador Stevens Didn’t 61 Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied a Willing Huma For Diplomatic Passports 62 Secrets that Hillary put at risk were knowingly very sensitive per FBI 63 Huma Abedin told Clinton her secret email account caused problems 64 Podesta loses phone – (way in to Clinton emails?)   65 Clinton Foundation stiffs contractors in Haiti 66 Hillary’s OWN team admitted the Clinton Foundation Corruption SHOULD bring Down Her Candidacy 67 CLINTON FOUNDATION CEO WAS MOLE via Podesta Email – Ousted at Foundation 68 CLINTON DOCUMENTS: Discourage Trump Supporters with Crap Polls  69 BOMBSHELL! “we need to clean this up…emails…they do not say state . gov” = admission of CRIMINAL ACT! 70 Huma Granted access to Hillary based on Clinton Global Initiative Donor Status 71 Aide: He arranged for $50M in payments for Bill Clinton 72 BENGHAZI CRIMINAL EVIDENCE. “Do we have an answer for why there arent emails from the Oct 8 trip to Libya?” 73 Clinton’s team wonders what Hillary taught in college – Con law? 74 Clinton Aide’s Memo Details Ties Between Consulting Firm and Clinton Foundation 75 Company that Supplied Voting Machines to 22 States Donated to Clinton Foundation
There was ample evidence of Podesta wrong doing in his own emails which is potentially why he did not want the FBI to check the DNC servers when they were ‘hacked’.  No wonder everyone in Germany is talking about Podesta.
    Source link
from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/list-of-75-corrupt-andor-potentially-criminal-actions-identified-in-john-podestas-emails/
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