#i flat out don’t trust any republicans anymore
goldrushrunning · 2 years
honest at this point i have a list of republican lawmakers i hope die alone in a hospital bed
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Survey #308
“you don’t need treats, and you don’t need tricks, and you don’t need me.”
Middle name? Marie. Or Marie Catherine, if we're technical, but as someone who loooong left Catholicism and never even agreed with many aspects of it in the first place, I don't like to include it. If you're confused, there's a ceremony called Confirmation, and while I honestly don't even remember the details of it, you adopt the name of a saint you want to stand for, kinda. I chose Catherine just because I liked the name outta my other options. Democrat/republican/other? I classify myself as Independent because I really don't relate well enough to either, but I do know I'm becoming more and more liberal with time. Do you dress according to your mood? My mood? No. I dress with what I feel like wearing at that time, but my actual mood has nothing to do with it. Are you good at doing hair/make up? No. Are you always worried or stressed about something? 24/7, my friend. Can you swim? Yeah. Are you afraid of needles? I don't like them, but I'm not afraid of them. How many kids do you want? Zero. Long/short nails? I keep mine short. Do you like wearing hats? No. Does mall Santa Clauses or Easter bunnies freak you out? Nah, I loved seeing Santa as a kid. :') Would you consider yourself clumsy? I am RIDICULOUSLY clumsy. Do you like when a guy picks you up in his arms? In concept, but I ain't easy to pick up anymore lmao. Do you like hairless cats? I do!! Females, anyway, for... obvious reasons lol. Not having fur makes some things waaay too ~obvious~ otherwise. I would love a sphynx. Do you like the color yellow? No; it's actually one of my most disliked colors. Have you ever seen a cat have a hairball? Yeah. Have you ever had a tooth pulled? Not by a dentist, no, just by myself as a kid when I was losing my baby teeth. When someone says don’t look do you look? It depends on why they're telling me to not look. Have you ever played spin the bottle? No. If you had to name three important details about you, what would you say? I'm a very emotional person, I need a lot of "me" time, and to be aware of my social anxiety so not every interaction I have is perceived as just a dumpster fire. What are your three biggest insecurities? My creativity, my goddamn body, and my lack of social skills. If you could write anonymous letters to three people, who would you send it to and what would you say? Ummm. I can only think of people I miss and don't WANT to be anonymous... Favorite photo of yourself? A senior prom picture I don't have anymore. I looked so, so happy and fuck my low self-esteem, gorgeous. Who are you disappointed with right now? I'm like, permanently disappointed in myself lol. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? No. My minimum is 21. What question do you hate to answer? "Are you a virgin?" because it's just a confusing answer. It doesn't sound like one at all, but trust me on this. The subject of sex just makes me uncomfortable anyway, so even if I was confident in the answer, I wouldn't want to talk about it. What’s your most listened to song? I don't have a way of actually finding that out, but I'd say I've been listening to "ULTRAnumb" by Blue Stahli quite a lot lately. If you were a performing artist, what would you title your first album? I mean, I don't know. It would depend on what was going on in my life and head at the time. If someone told you you could give one person a present and your budget was unlimited–what present would you get and for whom? A nice car for Mom. She's had the same shitty car for yeeeeeaaaaarrrrrssssss now because she just can't afford a new one; hell, this one was free. A dance friend hit a deer, so the front of the car is messed up, and she bought a new one, but because the car itself was still functional, she gave it to my mom. Mom is so loved at the studio. The car just has various issues by this point, like trouble starting, accelerating, it's bumpy, etc., so it's way past time for a new one. Do you like licorice? NOOOOOOOOOO that's a big 'ole "ew." Have you ever visited your country’s capital city? No, but I've seen it from a distance when riding up to NY. When was the last time you were outdoors for over an hour? WOW. I couldn't even try to guess. What is the shortest amount of time you’ve lived somewhere? The house I was born into. I actually don't know how long Mom and Dad lived there, but I was only in that house as a very little baby. I have zero memories of it. What’s your favorite kind of mint? (Peppermint/wintergreen/spearmint/etc.) ... There's a difference? lol I guess peppermint? What was the last thing to frustrate you? I wanted to draw yesterday, but I didn't know what to draw to even get started. Have you ever been to a bachelor or bachelorette party? No. Did any of your family members serve in WWII? I don't believe so? Well... maybe my grampa did? I don't remember. What’s your favorite kind of salad? Gimme an Olive Garden salad and I will deadass eat the whole bowl. Are you more realistic or idealistic? I'd say I'm more realistic with most things. Are you currently borrowing something from someone? No. Is anyone currently borrowing anything from you? No. What is your last name’s heritage/country of origin? Ireland. When did you last buy a new pair of shoes? What kind? I got new flipflops a year or so back because my old Rainbows were so worn out and blackened my feet. Have you ever experienced culture shock while traveling? If so, where? No. Are you able to see the stars at night where you live? I actually haven't checked since moving here. We're in the suburbs though, so it's questionable. Do you include your middle initial in your signature? Not unless it's required, usually. I think. When's the last time I physically signed anything, anyway? What brand of computer do you have? It's an Acer Nitro. What operating system does that computer run? Windows 10. What’s the oldest piece of clothing that you still own and wear? I don't really know, given how much my weight has fluctuated. Went drastically up, went down, now it's back up. .-. I still own a handful of shirts I want to "shrink back into" from late HS and early college times, but yeah, I don't know if I'll actually achieve that. Is the area in which you live flat, hilly, or mountainous? Flat as my ass. What is your significant other or best friend’s ring tone? No one on my phone has a "special" ringtone. Where do you keep your hair brush? There's a comb I use in a drawer in the bathroom. Which pair of shoes have you owned the longest? Multiple pairs of Converse, also from high school. When’s the last time you were sick at the same time as someone else? I'm very happy to say I don't even recall the last time I was sick. My immune system is the fuckin GOAT. What did you have for breakfast this morning? A pb&j. We've got very little rn, but thankfully Mom's picking up our Wal-Mart order today. Last time you were in pain? If I'm standing, you can bet my legs hurt, so. What color is your mom’s hair? It's growing back totally gray now. Is that also your hair color? Well, no, I'm only 25. Do you watch any daily vloggers on YouTube? Who? No. I watch people who vlog occasionally, but not regularly. It's gotta be people I'm very into to really be interested in vlogs. What room of your house do you usually do your surveys in? Sigh, I'm always in my bedroom. Really hoping Mom and I muster up the motivation to clean up the extra room soon to turn it into my "dayroom" or "office," if you will. What do you put on your tacos? I hate tacos. What is your favorite stuffed animal and where did you get it? I have a bittersweet connection to the adorable plush meerkat Jason gave me for Valentine's our first year together; I always slept with it when we were together by apart, and for a year or so after the breakup. It was a source of comfort for me, so I'm really fond of it. Fella's fur is so worn out and matted down with age and lots of love. He's on my dresser now, towards the front of all my plushies. Last thing you hung up on your wall? My Illidan poster, I believe. Do you have a full length mirror? Yeah, on the back of my door. Is it currently raining? No, finally. It's been raining for like a fuckin week, it seems like. It's finally a clear day. It's nice to hear birds outside. Does anyone you live with talk in their sleep? Does this happen often? I'M the one doing the talking/screaming in my sleep. Thanks, nightmares. When was the last time you cried, or felt tearful? I'm not positive, but I know I had a pretty rough PTSD night not too long ago where I teared up. Did you wake up with a song stuck in your head today? What was it? Ohhh yes; I've been listening to Mother Mother's "Ghosting" on repeat because it's jammed up there. When was the last time you used moisturiser or lotion of some kind? Not too long ago on my hands. They get dry this time of year, and besides, I wash my hands a lot nowadays especially. What was the last thing you owned, that was accidentally broken or damaged? Were you able to get it fixed? My laptop, and yes. Tell me about the last dream you recall having. Was it weird, amusing, etc. So this is pretty wild. I know I had a nightmare last night, but I don't remember it; the night before, however, I had a nightmare about a possibly rabid and ginormous rat (I mean like, smaller dog sized) in the house and trying to bite me. It was SUPER weird, because I was actually afraid of it, yet I absolutely adore rats in real life. What was the last video you watched on YouTube? I've really gotten into John Wolfe (a let's player) lately, and I'm going through his The Evil Within playthrough. Do your parents use any social media at all? My mom has a Facebook, and hilariously, Dad has a Snapchat to talk with my sister Nicole. He has no clue what he's doing with it and it's adorable, haha. Mom also has a Twitter, but she doesn't use it. Is there anyone in your life who regularly asks how your day has been? Regularly, no. I've always been that person, especially in the WoW guild I'm in. I'm very close and comfortable with them and ask how everyone's doing any time I log on. Lovely people who give me some social interaction every day. Tell me something positive about the day you've had. It's still early, but once again, it's pretty and bright outside. Why do you prefer Facebook over MySpace, because I know you do? Ha, you'd be incorrect. MySpace was more personal, so I actually preferred it. But it's obviously long-dead, so I just settle with Facebook. Have you read the Pretty Little Liars series? No. My sister looooves it, though. What product do you use to moisturize your lips? I don't remember, actually... It's in my purse somewhere. When did you start using Xanga? I never have. Be honest, do you judge people on their appearance? Judge, I don't think so. I can make assumptions like everyone else, but I'm not gonna think someone is beneath me just by their attire. Do you know anyone who does not like The Beatles? Me. At least, most songs. "Hey Jude" is good, but everyone agrees with that, haha. Did you have a friend in middle school that you’re now enemies with in high school? I'm long since out of HS. I had a middle school friend who I disconnected with following a fight in high school, but we weren't "enemies," and we reunited our senior year anyway. Aaaaand we're not friends anymore once again lmao. What is one thing you hope your children don’t inherit from you? If I hypothetically wanted kids, God knows I'd hope they wouldn't have my psychological issues. Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? It'd be nice, anyway. What type of foundation do you wear? None. Who’s the most controlling person you know? Someone I'm no longer friends with, partially because of this. Do males look good in skinny jeans? Yep. Are you for or against guyliner? Ugggghhhhh guyliner makes me weak in the knees. How many jobs have you had? Where do you currently work? Three; nowhere. Who did you last hit? Um, nobody??? What way of self-care do you enjoy the most and what feels more like an obligation? I enjoy my alone time on the computer as the best self-care, especially after being social all day; I don't, however, enjoy the act of performing hygiene care. I still do it, it's just not fun. The feeling afterwards is great, though. Have you ever tried specific diet plans or fads? What made you do it and how did it turn out for you? I was briefly using NutriSystem, which didn't work for me. I hated too much of the food. More recently I stuck with flexible dieting and calorie counting for a while, but I drifted from it when I still lost no fucking weight in like a month. I want to get back to it, though... oh, and intermittent fasting. I don't think it really worked for me yet again, even though I did it correctly, but that and the aforementioned flexible dieting is all I feel like I can handle. I guess I just have to give it longer. Do you know anyone who has been directly affected by COVID-19 e.g. testing positive, losing a loved one, or their job due to the pandemic? Too many people I know have had it or had someone they loved die because of it. Take this shit seriously. Is there a kind of music you only prefer listening to during specific type of activities that you otherwise wouldn’t enjoy under normal circumstances (e.g. EDM while doing sports or instrumental music while studying, etc.)? No; I have to actually enjoy the music. If you had to start a YouTube channel and motivations/skills/resources/any other inhibiting factors weren’t an issue, what would it be about? Either animal (preferrably reptiles) education or let's plays, ig. Has anything ever happened to you that if you told someone about, they would think you’re making it up? I don't believe so. What travel destination or popular spot have you been to that you found overrated? What about a lesser known place that you thought was a hidden gem? I really don't know; I haven't traveled nearly enough for this.
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violetsystems · 4 years
The holidays are quiet if not a little more restful than usual.  I facetime’d my dad and his wife and talked to my mom on the phone.  Since I left my job way back in July I haven’t had much video contact with anybody.  Everybody is too busy baking banana bread on YouTube I guess to check in.  The final days of my employment had devolved into a virtual SCRUM twice a day led by myself on camera.  It was exhausting at times to lead but kept people focused.  That is when they bothered to show up.  One of my employees was off making music with my boss half the time I was trying to lead those discussions.  I’m beginning to sense a theme.  People saying they are there but not really.  Maybe the mic is muted.  Maybe you can’t see behind the screen.  All I know is the follow through lately with people is missing entirely.  I spent a good hour the last two days trying to decouple a credit card from my old job’s contact info.  I’m locked out of both the phone number and the email attached to the account.  I got the run around trying to provide a US passport to confirm my identity.  It was good enough to enter China alone.  The first call that ID was sufficient.  They had said they sent an email to follow through with the process to two different emails I provided.  The email never came most likely because neither had been tied to the account previously.  I called back on Christmas eve and suddenly the passport wasn’t good enough.  Neither was an expired driver’s license.  The woman actually asked me why I hadn’t renewed my driver’s license.  I told the truth.  My ex girlfriend stole my car.  That didn’t really help the situation.  I sent a passport photo to unlock my facebook but they never followed through.   I had an easier time unlocking my Fortnite account with it although that took a full week.  I ended having to call the police on Christmas eve to explore filing a report for fraud and identity theft.  The police officer on the phone pretty much gaslighted me at the end of the questioning.  “Nothing criminal.” he stated plainly.  I didn’t get mad.  I didn’t even complain.  I simply said Happy Holidays and hung up.  Much like I’ve hung up on the last twenty years of my life at this point.  Nobody seems to want to answer the video call.  The opening introduction if they did would be something like “What exactly have you done with my life?”  Maybe they’re afraid to confront the truth.  The media, the government, and even the police seem to not want to believe evidence that contradicts their narrative.  I guess you could throw up your hands and revolt.  But the holidays have been peaceful and quiet enough to simply roll my eyes and move on.  I’ve had years of failures to connect.  COVID has taught me a lot of things.  I heard the mantra in all the mandatory corporate webinars.  This pandemic has brought to light structural problems we were never aware of before.  Sexual harassment in the workplace.  Check.  Organizational corruption.  Check.  The fact everybody is full of bullshit and will just mute the mic and pretend it never happened.  Check.  People feel invincible behind a screen and think they know it all.  Check.  Now that we’re aware.  What do we do?  How do we move on with our life now that we have all this space?  How do I even care about participating in a broken process when I have no debt and fiscal maturity?  How can I go back to being the old me when I’ve been completely erased and conveniently forgot about?  Why would I even bother?  
Mostly I take the time with this process to make sure my identity is completely secure.  Which is why it’s not really fun to be locked out of twenty years of your own information in the form of an email account and forgotten about for six months.  But this is just the structural reality come to light.  Much like the rest of America is waking up to the reality of what greed really does to people.  That was my Christmas present this year aside from the coffee that never came and that Cyberpunk game that I don’t really have the time or the subpar computer setup to criticize.  I’m guilty of tricking myself into thinking people care about me.  I have statistical data from the last six months that proves otherwise.  I also have financial data that points to whatever hustle I have been hustling during that time has paid off and will continue to.  But I don’t really have an answer to anything.  I’m in the worst kind of limbo.  I don’t get the sense these days that I should even remotely worry until July.  Which is kind of like saying fuck you to the world for the next six months.  I spent the last six waking up from a nightmare.  The only times I look back is to clean up the mess.  And a Christmas Eve call to the police is kind of messy.  But the result is more of the same for me.  An extravagant “I told you so.”  I’ve been telling myself for awhile now a lot of things.  Some of them were kind of unbelievable.  Now those very dreams are all I really take comfort in.  The limbo I’m in is more pointed to the light at the end of the tunnel than the void.  But I can’t say the same for everybody else.  I work for myself for the time being.  It looks really nice on paper.  I can even pay myself if it fits into my organization’s financial outlook.  But none of this matters when you or your struggles don’t even exist to people other than to mock or judge it.  All the work we do to survive.  All the work we do to create art and to be beautiful in the face of chaos.  All of that is negated by a loud mouthed jerk who can bark you back into submission.  A mob of dumb ass fraudsters that talk over and mute any opposition without any warrant or merit.  The press follows this mentality pretty clearly.  Everybody has a hot take and a theory.   But nobody wants to sit down and listen to the culmination of lies spread about people and situations.  Everyone is too emotionally interested in sharing their recipe for banana bread to an invisible audience.  I guess I could be guilty of that too.  Except that I share actual human emotion and care with a community of people who pay attention week to week.  For a person like myself who has no real need to worry about money for the foreseeable future what’s the value of care and attention?  A lot.  I don’t feed myself with vapor or fake sentiments.  I take it all at base level as real as it gets.  You can’t build a future on speculation.  You can technically if you are in the stock market.  But risk is risk.  And money is money.  No one can be me at the end of the day.  Sometimes I can’t even prove I’m myself.  My mom reminded me I had to provide ten pieces of documentation to renew my passport ten years ago.  The reasoning was simple.  The government did not believe I existed.  No bullshit.  A decade later nothing really has changed.  I’ve been to Shanghai by myself and eaten McDonald’s.  I read all these Republicans talk about how you put your identity at risk just setting foot in that country.  
And yet when does the rhetoric and brainwashing fall flat on it’s face?  When you can’t pass economic stimulus to not only save your own people but the fragile stock market all this bullshit is built upon.  I could keep telling you I told you so.  Or I could save my own ass.  And largely I did without really owing much to this country whatsoever except taxes in Q1.  Taxes billionaires don’t have to pay because they offer us so much relevant employment and benefits that fit on their bottom line.  The real truth is that America would rather not face the truth.  It hasn’t for years.  It’s built on this kind of thing.  It always has been.  And the world gets bigger and the excuses get worse.  And so what does anyone expect a person like me to do after you openly admit that there’s nothing criminal going on here.  How does that sound when you’ve been treated openly like a criminal in so many unsettling ways that you just don’t want to participate in society anymore?  Not that anyone really asks me to participate.  They’re too busy signaling or whispering secret messages.  Is it suggestion or valid communication?  I’m the one that has to shift through it all and detangle the mess from what is real and what is some sort of mass hallucination.  An alternate reality hunger game that the rich have been playing for years without any punishment or oversight.  When you get caught up in the crossfire they expect you to know the drill.  Keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you.  None of this is good for me.  You could argue it made me the beast that I am.  But I am the one who had to actively make that choice to adapt and survive.  But I’m not like any normal person these days.  I refuse to admit it anymore.  They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.  I have a problem.  One that it seems I cannot fix.  And if you isolate and quarantine yourself from an entire twenty years of nostalgia what is left?  Where are the texts of merry xmas from yesteryear.  Probably pinging my old work number.  I can’t access my facebook.  Maybe that’s for the best.  I can’t shut down lines of credit until I renew my state ID.  I could jump on a plane and visit Shanghai Disney quicker than I could prove I’m alive to the US government.  And when does the constant gaslighting break down?  When do we realize that people gaslight to cover up an elaborate lie that has gotten out of control.  That we are not all in this together.  Not by a longshot.  That the problem of connectedness is right there in front of our faces.  We’re exhausted propping up entire infrastructures that keep a bloated empire alive.  Family fortunes built on opioids and war strewn out across the landscape in trusts and elaborate tax schemes.  Oligarchs that have generational wealth that buy our politicians and scam people into debt and forced labor.  This is America.  This is the systemic problem the pandemic brought to light.  This shit was built this way.  And like any fort constructed with shaky foundations, good luck hiding from the storm in that shit.  At least I can still access my Epic account.  What am I going to do for the next six months?  Complain about something I can’t fix because everybody wants to consider me part of the problem?  I don’t know what to do anymore except move forward and lead by example.  There’s enough quality people who follow to keep me warm with those thoughts through the holidays alone.  I won’t be drunk on a zoom call.  I’ll be in bed watching Wonder Woman or something.  When everyone you worshipped comes out of this looking fake, tired and exhausted you’ll know where to find me.  Unlocking more accounts tied to an identity that doesn’t exist anymore.  Nothing criminal.  Hopefully people will stop treating me like one eventually.  <3 Tim
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kayliemusing · 4 years
1. Is there something you have been trying to learn lately?  - There’s kind of a few, because I feel like they all tie into one. Self acceptance is a big one, self-discipline, productivity, and trusting in God (which has proven to be the hardest thing. It hurts to trust in something you don’t see the outcome of, but it hurts too much not to trust in God.)
2. If you ever feel like you are different from your extended family, in which ways is this?  - My dad/s side of the family is really toxic. There’s a lot of hypocrisy, drama, mental illness, drug addictions, and religiousness on that side (and when I say religious, I mean shame-y religion which I don’t agree with at all.) But my dad was really different from them. He was very kind, open to council, very steady and stable despite coming from such a dysfunctional background, and he loved God so truly that a lot of that pure ‘religion’ that exists within his family was broken off of him, and then I have my mom too, who is very fun, kind, caring, etc, so I grew up around more normalcy than my cousins did. My parents just parented me well and they talked about God to me and my sister a lot in such a good way that I never grew up around pure, shame-y, rule-bound religion which I think is the explanation why I (and my sister) are very different from our extended family. My dad died when I was fifteen so I don’t see that side very often, especially because they’re just entirely chaotic and dysfunctional so when I am around them it’s way more noticeable how different we are. (Sorry for big explanation. I’m in a super reflective mood lol.)
3. When you think about your future career, do you envision yourself becoming the head honcho or CEO? If not, why not?  - I’ve always kind of wanted to have this leader-esque feeling to my career, but no, I don’t see myself being a CEO. I really just want to be an author so I guess I would have some level of being a leader to my own business, but not quite on a CEO type level. Right now, I’m trying to focus on fiction but I’m easily overwhelmed by it so I have been considering other mediums of writing. I just don’t know what that is or what fits right.
4. Is there something that you are sort of weird about talking about? Like, a thing that other people find casual, but you feel uncomfortable when the subject comes up? - Sex, is the first thing that comes to mind, but not sex in general. More like the conversations that are too much, you know? Lol. Some people go really into detail or can be graphic about their sex lives and I’m just like, please don’t. I don’t mind generically talking about it, but there’s a line.   5. Can you think of a time when you seriously misjudged a music artist based on their name?  - I don’t think so. 
6. Do you ever make negative comments about other body types? How does it make you feel when you see or hear negative comments about your body type, or a physical trait that you have (even when it’s not directed at you)?  - Sometimes I have the tendency to judge other body types (i.e. I really don’t like the thigh gap look), but it’s never malicious and I’m always trying to be aware that others can’t help what they look like and if they’re happy in their body, that’s what matters. I struggle with disordered eating and kind of sit on that line between having an eating disorder and not having one so I’m very sensitive about my body and its type. I have a chubby tummy and I’m so insecure that it’s not flat that when I hear anyone say anything negative about not having a flat stomach it’ll ruin my day or I’ll just feel really ashamed.
7. If you are in a situation where you feel like you are being attacked or not respected, how easy or difficult is it for you to stay and keep your head rather than leave in a huff?  - I’ll usually leave the conversation. Maybe slam a door lol. I’ll usually stand my ground until I finally feel like I’m not heard or no one cares and then I’m out.
9. When you think about how attractive you feel and your favorite features, are you comparing yourself to a societal ideal?  - Yes. I happen to be well-acquainted with the comparison game.
10. If you have a favorite song right now: What is it? How did you first hear it? Why do you like it so much?  - My favourite song is probably Coney Island by Taylor Swift right now. It’s from Taylor’s new album Evermore, but I have a couple on that album that tie for my favourite song right now (Honorable mentions: Willow, Cowboy Like Me, Tis The Damn Season). I absolutely love how poetic this song is and I think one of my all time favourite lyrics she has ever written is in that song: “If I can’t relate to you anymore then who am I related to?” This song for me just feels like I’m reading a poem and I just sink right into the story she’s telling. 
11. Have you ever had someone that has been your friend for a while come to you and tell you they had romantic feelings for you? How did you respond, and did the friendship survive?  - I did have a friend of mine tell me they had feelings for me. We had become friends in the eighth grade and then he confessed his feelings for me in the ninth grade, I told him I didn’t feel the same way but we stayed friends and it didn’t ruin anything, and then he confessed again in the eleventh grade and I said no to him again. After that final rejection, we never really made it back to being friends for a few reasons a) We stopped being in the same classes, b) I think he was really hurt and c) his friend (who is most dramatic than a girl by the way, and ironically dating one of my friends at the time) stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and gave his two cents and that was kind of when it fell apart. I didn’t really know his friend so it was weird that he had this narrative of me that he said “was leading X on” when I was just trying to be his friend but it’s whatever now. That was when I was like sixteen lol. 
12. Hypothetically speaking, if Hillary Clinton were running for President as a democrat against Chris Christie as a republican in 2016, who do you predict would win the election?  - Well, since it’s 2021 now, I would predict that Trump would win and divide America. 
13. When you are getting to know someone new online (particularly someone male), how cautious are you of the possibility that they are serial killer/kidnapper? - I honestly never think of this, mostly because we live in such an online world now and I’m an adult. I don’t really know how much of this still happens, but you just don’t hear about it anymore. Not to mention, if it is a male, it’s most likely a pedophile (which is still gross) rather than a killer or kidnapper.
14. If you are talking to someone that you want to get to know, what are your go-to conversation topics? What subject makes you disappointed when another person isn’t interested in or knowledgable about it? - Tbh I feel like I’m really bad at conversations and I don’t know how to lead them because I’m quiet and scared of looking stupid. I know I really like deep conversations more than basic questions. However, it’s very important that I know their opinion on Taylor Swift because if there’s a chance they don’t like Taylor Swift, I already know that the person is probably not worth my time. For real though, if I’m having a conversation with someone, I usually get disappointed if I find out they’re a partier or drink a lot, because I’m really not into any of that stuff so it’s immediately like playing the Sims and having the minus sign appear above my head.
15. Say you have a lot of free time and want to join a club or class. You are browsing postings on local bulletin boards and online. What sort of group would you be interested in joining (e.g., book club, game group, crafts, golf lessons, etc.)? - A romance-only book club, DIY club.
16. Have you ever kissed someone that you didn’t really want to kiss (not assault, just indifference)? Why did you go along with it and how did you feel after?  - Nah I’ve never been kissed
17. Have you recently learned anything about your personality? If not, have you ever consciously tried to change your personality? - Sort of recently, it was something I discovered last year which is that I’m a neurotic perfectionist and what I mean by that is I’m a perfectionist in a very self destructive way. I’ve always known I was ‘particular’ or others would say ‘has high-standards/expectations’ but I realized that it’s literally just perfectionism.
18. Are you or any of your friends in a sorority or fraternity? Would you be interested in belonging to one?  - No and I don’t really understand what they are or why they’re a thing.
19. Can you recall a recent time that you were surprised, but in a bad way? - Yes. When my job eluded that they thought I was stealing from the registers. This happened around September 2020? Basically they didn’t flat out say that’s what they thought, but they made comments that the tills were either short or over at the ends of the night whenever I would be working and dead ass said “it looks suspicious”. I think it was surprising because I’ve worked there was two years and really felt like they should have known my character. (I literally am afraid of getting in trouble for the smallest things and they seriously thought I was capable of stealing from them lmao)
20. Do you feel uncomfortable when you receive praise for doing certain things? If so, does this make you less likely to do those things?  - No totally the opposite. I really struggle with validation and I never feel good enough, which is something I’m working on, but it feels almost like I thrive on praise. Maybe it’s because my love language is words of affirmation?? I just always like/need to know when I’m doing a good job so when I don’t get praise or validation my self esteem plummets. 
21. Do you make spontaneous purchases often or rarely? When you are upset does it make you temporarily happier to buy yourself something new?  - Spontaneous purchases, often because I have no self control lol, but lately I’ve been working hard to try to save more. And yes when I’m upset, it does make me feel better to buy things.
22. If you have to wake up early for something, what time is just TOO early for you to be there and be presentable and sentient? Have you ever had to be somewhere that early?  - 5 am. I think I can manage 6 am, but anything before that is a no from me. I used to work at 5 am when I worked at Chapters, but it was a nice shift because I finished work at 10 am and then went home and napped for two hours and then had literally the entire day.
23. Have the majority of your romantic relationships started with a physical attraction or a deeper connection? - I’ve never had a romantic relationship oops. But at least I read romance novels every day (and I write romance too!) I’ll try to answer this based on what I think would happen. I think it would start as a physical attraction and I think a lot of relationships start that way but they become something when you have a real connection. I think there are relationships that can start the other way though too, but I’d say for me it’ll probably be physical attraction first. 
24. Do you ever catch any of those conspiracy shows on Animal Planet, like Bigfoot hunting or proof of Mermaids? Do those shows make your more or less likely to believe in the existence of such creatures?  - No, but I DO watch ghost conspiracy theories/”REAL GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA” videos on Youtube for fun. But no I don’t believe in any of that stuff. 
25. Did you ever write a fan letter to a celebrity? How about submit something to a magazine? - I’ve never technically written a fan letter to a celebrity but I wrote a post on tumblr to Taylor Swift a couple years ago that she’ll never see lol. And I’ve never submitted anything to a magazine, but I’d like to one day. 
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didanawisgi · 6 years
For Heller, thank the scholarship of Joyce Lee Malcolm
Arlington, Va.– In the hours after February’s school massacre in Parkland, Fla., Joyce Lee Malcolm watched the response with growing annoyance:
“Everybody seemed to leap upon it, looking for a political benefit, rather than allowing for a cooling-off period.” As a historian, Malcolm prefers to take the long view. As a leading scholar of the Second Amendment, however, she is also expected to have snap opinions on gun rights, and in fact she often has engaged in the news-driven debates about violence and firearms. “Something deep inside of me says that people never should be victims,” she says. “And they never should be put in the position of being disarmed by their government.”
Malcolm looks nothing like a hardened veteran of the gun-control wars. Small, slender, and bookish, she’s a wisp of a woman who enjoys plunging into archives and sitting through panel discussions at academic conferences. Her favorite topic is 17th- and 18th-century Anglo-American history, from the causes of the English Civil War to the meaning of the American Revolution. Her latest book, due in May, is The Tragedy of Benedict Arnold, a biography of the infamous general. She doesn’t belong to the National Rifle Association, nor does she hunt. She admits to owning an old shotgun, but she’s unsure about the make or model. “I’ve taken it out a couple of times, but the clay targets fall safely to earth,” she says in an interview at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School in Virginia, where she’s a professor who teaches courses on constitutional history as well as on war and law.
She is also the lady who saved the Second Amendment — a scholar whose work helped make possible the Supreme Court’s landmark Heller decision, which in 2008 recognized an individual right to possess a firearm. “People used to ask, ‘How did a nice girl like you get into a subject like this?’” she says. “I’m not asked that anymore.” She smiles, a little mischievously. “Maybe they don’t think I’m a nice girl anymore.”
Back when Malcolm was a girl, she lived in Utica, N.Y. A state scholarship sent her to Barnard, the women’s college tied to Columbia University, where she majored in history. “It was a process of elimination,” she says. “I took calculus and chemistry, but history seemed the least narrow. You could study the history of math or the history of science. It had the widest scope.” She got married as an undergraduate — “people did that in those days” — and by the time she was 23, she was both a college graduate and a mom.
Malcolm wanted to continue her education. Living outside Boston, she applied to graduate school at Brandeis University, thinking that she might attend part-time. Administrators, however, talked her into the normal, full-time option. So she launched into a Ph.D. program, focusing on England in the early modern era. “I really liked the period,” she says. “It was wonderfully complex, with divisions between the rights of the state and the rights of individuals.” For her dissertation, she moved to Oxford and Cambridge, with children in tow. Now separated from her husband, she was a single mother. “It took some balancing. I’m not sure I was the best parent I could have been, but my kids grew up seeing what you can do when you put your mind to working.” (One of them is Mark Johnson, a Pulitzer Prize–winning health and science journalist at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.) In Britain, she met a Scotsman who became her second husband. She brought him back to the United States and took his surname.
Malcolm’s doctoral dissertation focused on King Charles I and the problem of loyalty in the 1640s, and much of her scholarship has flowed from this initial work. The Royal Historical Society published her first book, and she edited a pair of volumes for the Liberty Fund, totaling more than 1,000 pages, on political tracts in 17th-century England. As she researched and wrote on the period, she noticed something peculiar. “During the English Civil War, the king would summon the local militia to turn out with their best weapons,” she says. “Then he would relieve them of their best weapons. He confiscated them. Obviously, he didn’t trust his subjects.”
At a time when armies were marching around England, ordinary people became anxious about surrendering guns. Then, in 1689, the English Bill of Rights responded by granting Protestants the right to “have Arms for their Defence.” Malcolm wasn’t the first person to notice this, of course, but as an American who had studied political loyalty in England, she approached the topic from a fresh angle. “The English felt a need to put this in writing because the king had been disarming his political opponents,” she says. “This is the origin of our Second Amendment. It’s an individual right.”
As she researched, Malcolm taught at several schools and worked for the National Park Service. In 1988, she took a post near Boston, at Bentley College, a school best known for business education (and now called Bentley University). Fellowships allowed her to pursue her interest in how the right to bear arms migrated across the ocean and took root in colonial America. “The subject hadn’t been done from the English side because it’s an American question, and American constitutional scholars didn’t know the English material very well,” she says. Some Americans even resisted looking to English sources because they wanted to stress their country’s uniqueness. Moreover, law-school textbooks and courses skimmed over the Second Amendment. “The subject was poorly covered.”
Her research led to a groundbreaking book on the history of gun rights, To Keep and Bear Arms. Before it went to print, however, she faced something she had not expected: political resistance. “I had a hard time finding a publisher,” she says. After several years in limbo, To Keep and Bear Armscame out in 1994, from Harvard University Press — an excellent result for any scholar in the peer-reviewed world of publish-or-perish professionalism. “The problem was that I had come up with an answer that a lot of people didn’t like.”
The Second Amendment, she insisted, recognizes an individual right to gun ownership as an essential feature of limited government. In her book’s preface, she called this the “least understood of those liberties secured by Englishmen and bequeathed to their American colonists.” Confusion reigned: “The language of the Second Amendment, considered perfectly clear by the framers and their contemporaries, is no longer clear.” The right to keep and bear arms, Malcolm warned, “is a right in decline.”
She aimed to revive it at a time when governments at all levels imposed more restrictions on gun ownership than they do today. Many legal scholars claimed that the Second Amendment granted a collective right for states to have militias but not the individual right of citizens to own firearms. With To Keep and Bear Arms, which received favorable reviews and went through several printings, Malcolm joined a small but increasingly influential group of academics with different ideas. Her allies included Robert J. Cottrol, of George Washington University, and Glenn Reynolds, of the University of Tennessee (and best known for his Instapundit website). “I was so naïve,” she says. “I thought the idea of research was that you find information and people say, ‘Good! Now we know the answer!’”
She learned the truth in 1995, when House Republicans invited her to testify before a subcommittee on crime. The subcommittee’s ranking member was Representative Charles Schumer, Democrat of New York (and today’s Senate minority leader). In his opening remarks, Schumer scoffed at Malcolm and other witnesses. “The intellectual content of this hearing is so far off the edge that we ought to declare this an official meeting of the Flat Earth Society,” he said. “Because the pro-gun arguments we will hear today are as flaky as the arguments of the tiny few who still insist that the Earth is flat.”
Malcolm still bristles at those words. “I was a Democrat at the time,” she says. “I was raised a Democrat. I was just there to tell them what I had found out. It wasn’t a political issue for me. But the Democrats were nasty. Schumer was nasty.” After the hearing, Malcolm came to a realization: “For some people, opposition to individual gun rights is an article of faith, and they don’t care about the historical evidence.” Ever since, she has received regular reminders of this fact. In 1997, for example, Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia praised Malcolm’s “excellent study” but also erroneously called her “an Englishwoman.”
The unfortunately named legal scholar Carl T. Bogus jumped at the blunder: “Malcolm’s name may sound British, and Bentley College, where Malcolm teaches history, may sound like a college at Oxford, but in fact Malcolm was born and raised in Utica, New York, and Bentley is a business college in Massachusetts.” This irritates Malcolm. “They’re always trying to write me off because of Bentley, this ‘business college,’” she says. “It reminds me of the saying that if you don’t have the law, argue the facts; if you don’t have the facts, argue the law; and if you don’t have either, attack your opponent. The attacks have helped me grow a really thick skin.”
Along the way, the popular historian Stephen Ambrose provided Malcolm with inspiration. “He spent most of his career at the University of New Orleans,” she says, noting that it’s not considered a top-flight school. “He said he wanted to write himself to the top of his profession. It doesn’t matter where you teach. So I tried to write and write and write. You can lift yourself.”
Even so, some people continue trying to keep Malcolm down. The latest slight occurred at a symposium sponsored by the Campbell University School of Law in February, when the legal scholar Paul Finkelman equated the Supreme Court’s Heller decision with its notorious 1857 ruling in Dred Scott, which denied citizenship to blacks. Right after this provocative claim, Finkelman raised the old canard about Bentley in a bid to damage Malcolm’s credibility moments before she addressed their audience.
It didn’t matter to Finkelman that Malcolm had written her way up in the academic world’s pecking order: In 2006, she left Bentley and became a professor at George Mason’s law school, now named for Scalia. By this time, not only had Scalia praised her work, but so had other judges, including Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, who cited To Keep and Bear Arms in an opinion.
Then, in 2008, came Heller, arguably the most important gun-rights case in U.S. history. A 5–4 decision written by Scalia and citing Malcolm three times, it swept away the claims of gun-control theorists and declared that Americans enjoy an individual right to gun ownership. “If we had lost Heller, it would have been a big blow,” says Malcolm. “Instead, it gave us this substantial right.” She remembers a thought from the day the Court ruled: “If I have done nothing else my whole life, I have accomplished something important.”
A simple idea has motivated her work: “For me, trust in the common man is such a basic principle. Few governments actually allow it. They want to keep their people vulnerable and disarmed. I find it awful that people wouldn’t be allowed to protect themselves.” She also calls attention to a cultural aspect: “City people who grew up without guns think it’s just a bunch of rednecks.” She recalls an incident at Bentley, years before Heller: “I was in my office one day and a groundskeeper came up. ‘I just want to shake your hand and thank you,’ he said. What else could I have been writing about that anyone would want to thank me for?” She pauses. “There’s just so much vilification of the people who want to ‘cling’ to their guns,” she says, echoing the words of Barack Obama, who as a presidential candidate in 2008 said of rural and working-class whites — future Trump Republicans — that “they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”
Malcolm is now a Republican herself. When she hears gun-control advocates say they don’t want to ban all guns — “just the ones that look scary,” as she puts it, with a tone of contempt — her thoughts turn back to Britain. In 2002, she published Guns and Violence: The English Experience. It showed, among other things, that crime rates were low in the 19th century, a period with few gun restrictions. Things are different today: Crime has worsened in the United Kingdom, while gun ownership is rare. “Britain has gone down the road of taking away guns,” she says. “And look where it got them.”
She points to a website of the U.K.’s Police National Legal Database, which includes an online forum called “Ask the Police.” One question inquires about self-defense products. Are any legal? The answer: Only one, a “rape alarm” that looks like a car remote. Its panic button emits a screeching sound. The website also warns against using nontoxic sprays against assailants. If “sprayed in someone’s eyes,” such a chemical “would become an offensive weapon.” In other words, potential rape victims can push panic buttons but must not dare to injure attackers — not with sprays, let alone knives or guns. “Can you believe it?” asks Malcolm. “They don’t let people protect themselves.”
Americans probably won’t face such a predicament, even in the aftermath of the Parkland killings and whatever reforms are enacted as a result. State legislatures have taken strong steps over the last generation to protect gun rights, and the Supreme Court has clarified the language of the Second Amendment. Even so, Malcolm is worried. “Some judges are ignoring Heller, and unless the Supreme Court agrees to hear these cases and overturn them, we’ll see an erosion,” she says. Liberals in the media and at law schools cheer on the renegades. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has called for the overturning of Heller itself, and if a single seat now held by a conservative were to flip to a liberal, she could get her way.
In the meantime, however, the right to bear arms will not be infringed — thanks in part to the pioneering scholarship of Joyce Lee Malcolm.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Arab spacecraft enters orbit around Mars in historic flight (AP) A spacecraft from the United Arab Emirates swung into orbit around Mars on Tuesday in a triumph for the Arab world’s first interplanetary mission. Ground controllers at the UAE’s space center in Dubai rose to their feet and broke into applause when word came that the craft, called Amal, Arabic for Hope, had reached the end of its seven-month, 300-million-mile journey and had begun circling the red planet, where it will gather data on Mars’ atmosphere. The orbiter fired its main engines for 27 minutes in an intricate, high-stakes maneuver that slowed the craft enough for it to be captured by Mars’ gravity.
Chinese spacecraft enters Mars’ orbit, joining Arab ship (AP) A Chinese spacecraft went into orbit around Mars on Wednesday on an expedition to land a rover on the surface and scout for signs of ancient life, authorities announced in a landmark step in the country’s most ambitious deep-space mission yet. China’s space agency said the five-ton combination orbiter and rover fired its engine to reduce its speed, allowing it to be captured by Mars’ gravity. If all goes as planned, the rover will separate from the spacecraft in a few months and touch down safely on Mars, making China only the second nation to pull off such a feat. The rover, a solar-powered vehicle about the size of a golf cart, will collect data on underground water and look for evidence that the planet may have once harbored microscopic life. Landing a spacecraft on Mars is notoriously difficult. Smashed Russian and European spacecraft litter the landscape along with a failed U.S. lander.
World’s second-oldest person survives COVID-19 at age 116 (AP) A 116-year-old French nun who is believed to be the world’s second-oldest person has survived COVID-19 and is looking forward to celebrating her 117th birthday on Thursday. The Gerontology Research Group, which validates details of people thought to be 110 or older, lists Frenchwoman Lucile Randon—Sister André’s birth name—as the second-oldest known living person in the world. French media report that Sister André tested positive for the virus in mid-January in the southern French city of Toulon. But just three weeks later, the nun is considered recovered. “I didn’t even realize I had it,” she told French newspaper Var-Matin.
Canada beckons again for some Hong Kongers (Reuters) A second generation of Hong Kongers is heading to Canada for refuge from political uncertainty, but unlike their parents in the 1980s and 1990s, this time seems for good. Cities such as Vancouver and Toronto are a magnet for those looking to escape as China tightens its grip on the territory of 7.5 million people. Some 300,000 already have Canadian citizenship after many families initially moved there ahead of Hong Kong’s return from British to Chinese rule in 1997. Back then, many families separated, with one parent staying in Hong Kong for work, usually fathers who were dubbed “astronauts” as they soared through the sky on visits. Among those who went to Canada, many eventually returned, lured by the booming economy and what still seemed to be a relatively free environment. With recent pro-democracy protests virtually snuffed out and Beijing enshrining control last year via a national security law, bags are being packed once more. “Staying in Hong Kong is not an option anymore,” said Maria Law, 39, who moved to Vancouver last year with her two girls ahead of her husband. “I’d rather have a free future for my daughters instead of making money while they have to keep their mouths shut.”
US pandemic surge weakens (WSJ) The most severe surge of the Covid-19 pandemic in the U.S. has weakened significantly, according to key metrics, though public-health experts and epidemiologists urge caution, given the spread of highly contagious new variants. Newly reported cases have dropped 56% over the past month, based on a seven-day average, marking a significantly steeper fall than the U.S. saw after the spring and summer surges. Hospitalizations have declined 38% since Jan 6. The seven-day average of Covid-19 tests returning positive fell over the past week to 6.93%, the lowest since Oct. 31.
Poll: A third of US adults skeptical of COVID shots (AP) About 1 in 3 Americans say they definitely or probably won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a new poll that some experts say is discouraging news if the U.S. hopes to achieve herd immunity and vanquish the outbreak. The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that while 67% of Americans plan to get vaccinated or have already done so, 15% are certain they won’t and 17% say probably not. Many expressed doubts about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. The poll suggests that substantial skepticism persists more than a month and a half into a U.S. vaccination drive that has encountered few if any serious side effects. It found that resistance runs higher among younger people, people without college degrees, Black Americans and Republicans. Of those who said they definitely will not get the vaccine, 65% cited worries about side effects, despite the shots’ safety record over the past months. About the same percentage said they don’t trust COVID-19 vaccines. And 38% said they don’t believe they need a vaccine, with a similar share saying that they don’t know if a COVID-19 vaccine will work and that they don’t trust the government.
Facebook to temporarily reduce political content for some users (Reuters) Facebook Inc said on Wednesday it would temporarily reduce political content appearing on New Feeds for some users in Canada, Brazil and Indonesia this week and in the United States within the coming weeks. Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg said in January that he wanted to “turn down the temperature” of political conversations on the social networking site because “people don’t want politics and fighting to take over their experience on our services.” The world’s largest social network, which has received flack for not doing enough to remove hateful content from the platform, last month said it would stop recommending civic and political groups to users. Reducing the frequency of political content will mark initials steps to explore different ways to rank such content in people’s feeds using different signals. Facebook will exempt content from official government agencies and services, as well as COVID-19 information from health organizations from the drill.
For Hungary’s poor it’s wood or food (Reuters) Zoltan Berki usually wakes up before dawn, as his five small children sleep next door, to feed the old iron furnace that stands in a wall cavity to warm up both rooms. This is the only part of his house that he can afford to heat during winter. Come rain or shine, Berki, a stocky 28-year-old Roma man, cycles an hour to work to save on the bus fare, so he is up anyway. But he also has to burn some materials before daylight, to conceal the thick black smoke that billows from his chimney when he uses plastic or rubber. Such household pollution is illegal in Hungary, including in this town near the Slovakian border. People do it anyway. “Firewood is expensive,” Berki said one recent afternoon, as his family played around him, crammed into a small room. “Either I buy wood or food. So I go to the forest, or the junkyard, and if we find plastic or rubber we burn that.” Scavenging for material to burn is common for the poorest people in the small, run-down town of Sajonemeti and those nearby, among the most destitute communities in Europe since Communist-era heavy industry vanished 30 years ago, leaving thousands jobless.
Russia’s vaccine (Washington Post) Not long ago, talk of the Russian-made coronavirus vaccine provoked mockery. “There’s no way in hell the U.S. tries this on monkeys, let alone people,” a Trump administration official told CNN in August, referring to initial reports about Russia’s development of the Sputnik V drug—which bypassed traditional steps in testing before its release. Even at home, where a history of political opacity and bureaucratic incompetence has left a lingering distrust of authority, many ordinary Russians shied away from getting the jab once it was made available to the public in December. But now, Sputnik V—named after the world’s first satellite that saw the Soviets initially outpace the Americans in the space race—is starting to look like it could be a global success story. It got a boost last week after the respected British medical journal the Lancet published a peer-reviewed paper that found the vaccine had 91.6 percent efficacy 21 days after the first shot and 91.8 percent for those over 60 years old, placing it on par with the celebrated Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. Sputnik V is considerably cheaper than its Western competitors and does not require the same sort of ultracold storage infrastructure that would complicate distribution of the Pfizer vaccine in much of the developing world. “It does say something about the quality and integrity of the scientific enterprise within Russia, which a lot of people disparage or dismiss as decayed and obsolete and underfinanced and underpowered,” said Stephen Morrison, director of the Global Health Policy Center at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
Russia detains Jehovah’s Witnesses, searches properties in new criminal case (Reuters) Russian law enforcement detained a number of Jehovah’s Witnesses and conducted searches at 16 different addresses in Moscow on Wednesday as part of a new criminal investigation against the group, state investigators said. The Investigative Committee, which handles probes into major crimes, said the people had been detained for organising and taking part in the activities of a banned religious group. It said they had met in a flat in northern Moscow and studied the teachings of the religion despite being aware of the ban on the group’s activities. Russia’s Supreme Court branded the Jehovah’s Witnesses an “extremist” organisation in 2017 and ordered it to disband. Since then the authorities have detained dozens of Jehovah’s Witnesses and convicted them on extremism charges.
What quarantine is like in Olympic-host Japan (AP) What’s it like traveling to Japan, six months ahead of the Olympics? Almost impossible, unless you’re a Japanese national or a foreigner with resident status. A state of emergency for a large part of the country means that even those special cases who are allowed in have to take multiple coronavirus tests and stay holed up in quarantine. And what could the entry process be like for thousands of Olympic athletes scheduled to show up ahead of the July games? Plans now call for the athletes to be tested 72 hours before they leave home; then again when they arrive, and then frequently when they are closed off in a “bubble” in the Athletes’ Village alongside Tokyo Bay. All athletes are being asked to arrive only five days before their first competition and leave two days after. They are being told there will be no tourism and little social contact—even in the Athletes’ Village. These will be an Olympics like no other.
Myanmar protesters back on streets despite police violence (AP) Crowds demonstrating against the military takeover in Myanmar again defied a ban on protests Wednesday, even after security forces ratcheted up the use of force against them and raided the headquarters of the political party of ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Fresh protests were reported in Yangon and Mandalay, the country’s two biggest cities, as well as the capital Naypyitaw and elsewhere. The growing protests and the junta’s latest raid suggest there is little room for reconciliation. The military, which held power directly for five decades after a 1962 coup, used deadly force to quash a massive 1988 uprising and a 2007 revolt led by Buddhist monks. In Naypyitaw and Mandalay on Tuesday, police sprayed water cannons and fired warning shots to try to clear away protesters. In Naypyitaw, they shot rubber bullets and apparently live rounds, wounding a woman protester.
More on COVID-19 (Worldcrunch) Ghana parliament shuts down over outbreak that leaves 17 MPs and 151 support staff ill. The U.K. releases new quarantine guidelines that includes possible £10,000 fine or 10 years in prison for unauthorized travelers. South Africa cuts distribution of AstraZeneca after research shows its lack of efficacy on the South African variant. Healthcare workers in Bolivia go on strike to demand stricter lockdown measures, facing an average of 1,000 daily COVID-19 deaths.
Ultrawealthy givers (AP) As the world grappled with COVID-19, a recession and a racial reckoning, the ultrawealthy gave to a broader set of causes than ever before—bestowing multimillion-dollar gifts on food pantries, historically Black colleges and universities and organizations that serve the poor and the homeless, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s annual rankings of the 50 Americans who gave the most to charity last year. “When I look at the events of the last year, there was an awakening for the philanthropic sector,” says Nick Tedesco, president of the National Center for Family Philanthropy. “Donors supported community-led efforts of recovery and resiliency, particularly those led by people of color.” Giving experts say they think the trend toward broader giving is likely to persist. “I don’t think this approach is just a 12-month moment that started with COVID and continued following George Floyd and is going to recede,” says Melissa Berman, president of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, which counsels donors around the world. “There has been change building among private donors.”
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shitsuzannesaid · 7 years
She's a fucking drunk, Suzanne
I'm currently taking my dog on a walk because I had to go to a Republican meeting that I'm a part of and we were there a couple hours. So I should've just left my mom at home because I knew she was fucking drink. Last week I took her to a show and what did she fucking order? A gin and tonic. She told me she hadn't drank in three months and now that I look at it now that I think about it I think she's full of fucking dog shit. The reason I think that is because if it took me taking her to the fucking casino to see a show for her to order alcoholic drink what else is she lying to me about? For a ticket to the show I thought taking a huge fucking gamble because they saw alcohol here and she's an adult and she is an alcoholic so I took a chance and that chance slap me in my fucking face. So then I thought OK let's try this again maybe she'll want to go to the meeting I want to tonight and then she told me she didn't want to go to the meeting and she's just gonna walk around and hang out by yourself and during the whole hour of signing people in them being part of the credentials committee I knew in my fucking stomach she was drinking I just fucking that way. Being a child of an alcoholic parent you know certain things. You know their behaviors you don't have a talk and she told me she had a Coke and I'm just thinking I know how you fucking sound you didn't not just have a Coke you probably have it with fucking jack. So then after five out of seven people on my slate were elected I found her in the same spot that I found her before she had that glazed look in her eyes and I'm just thinking you dumb fucking bitch you should've never taken her. But the child in me as like you if you want to be included maybe she'll like what I like to do be around like-minded people be around people who voted for Donald J Trump people who are conservative but instead she fucking drink. There's only a couple more days left until she takes a flight home three to be exact and I don't think I ever want her coming back I want to talk to my brothers and they are going to ask why I'm going to flat out tell them she cannot be fucking trusted she is a drunk. You know when I had my surgery I was really fucking motional and I thought having an extra two weeks with her she get her shit straight and she wouldn't drink it all she would do smoke cigarettes and smoke weed due to her glaucoma but then we go to the casino for sure because we thought you know just get her to do something and said of just fucking cleaning my house smoking weed or smoking cigarettes and watching fucking crime and punishment on television and I know the reality of the situation the reality is she is an alcoholic and she's never going to stop fucking drinking I even told her this is a sober house if you bring in any type form of liquor I will kick you out and I told my husband if she goes to the store down the street the corner store the 7-Eleven and purchases fucking alcohol I will find money and send her back on the fucking ground that day. I'm so tired of the drama when it comes to her I'm tired of her making fucking shitty ass choices and saying she can't save money because she has to pay almost $600 in rent will matter the fact is is my sister-in-law's fucking crazy and you couldn't handle her third baby and likes to lie you're fucking drink alcohol when she's breast-feeding and is it straight with her husband so my mom had a step and they moved into the luxury townhouse if they're going in it's really in a apartment and burn through all her fucking savings and it was at least a couple grand and she desperately wants to get out because my sister-in-law the one I tried to kill her self because of her postpartum made a shank out of cloth and wrapped it around the blade and went my mom went to my brothers do they just sat on it let it blow the fuck over. She still coming down from her bus or whatever the fuck she is going through and I just want these three days to fucking pass. I really thought we can spend time together and I really thought she would have kind of changed for me but all crying and yelling and screaming over the past several years is it going to change who the fuck she has and that is the most heartbreaking thing is I could ever say. I wish things were different and I wish I wasn't so levelheaded and angry I wish I had a mother who didn't drink I wish I had a fucking normal mother who could've been my best friend who would like to go out and do certain things but instead I have a mother that has so many fucking do you wise caused by her drinking and enabler for a husband that I don't even fucking recognize her anymore when she goes back to Arizona I'm just going to have to distance myself even more. I just wish things were really fucking different and I don't have time to cry and I'm just going to dwell on that shit tonight and it's really gonna run my fucking evening. I will probably edit this later because I'm doing this via speech to text on my phone while I walk my dog. Can someone please out there whoever maybe reading this tell me a gets fucking better.
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I just read an article about how Americans don’t want socialism. That the trappings and failures of capitalism are far and away better than anything Socialism can bring to a country. Tell that bullsh*t to those Nordic countries. I concede that communism is designed to crate dictators; anytime to coalesce that much power into one person, there’s a problem, but socialism is different than communism and most people don’t understand that. Especially in America where anytime you mention anything with any semblance of sharing, it’s a goddamn fight. The thing is, though, we already have socialist policies. What the f*ck do you think Social Security is? I mean, it’s in the f*cking name! Beyond that, whenever there is a deficit or something in the budget, what’s the first thing the cut? Social Security! So, I mean, Socialism is bad, right? But it’s always used to bail us out though, right? So, which one is it then?
This article used examples like Venezuela and Russia to articulate their reticence but, I mean, of course they would. The thing that really got me was, immediately after this, they f*cking said it was because of corruption that these “socialist” governments failed. Bro, corruption ruins everything. By definition, that’s what it does. Venezuela is failing because the people in charge have no accountability and hoarded the country’s wealth. Same thing with Russia, but to a lesser extent. Their money was charred around by a set of oligarchs, funneling the scraps to the people. With a cat like Putin in charge, of course Socialism isn’t going to work. Dude is all about consolidating power and wealth is power there. Another failure cats like to throw in my face is Cuba. See, the thing about Cuba is, if they haven’t had all of those sanctions imposed by America on them for 60 f*cking years, Cuba would be a legit paradise. Cuba has some of the highest level of literacy in the world and they get that schooling for free. They have some of the best doctors in the world. The only reason their country is in such bad shape is because NATO decided their regime was toxic and blocked trade for decades. Cuba is an island. It has finite resources. They NEED that trade to survive. DO you honestly believe that, if Cube had the means to feed their people with traded goods, people would want to flee? I dunno, man, Havana is gorgeous.
But, okay, let’s say those examples are the worst, that Socialism failed miserably because it doesn’t work there. With dictators at the helm. What happens when you have elected officials running a country with checks and balances to the social programs? You get f*cking Denmark. You get f*cking Sweden. You get f*cking Amsterdam and Scandinavia. You get literally the happiest countries in the world. Let’s look at Denmark a little closer because I just read an article about them trying to debunk their $20.00 an hour minimum wage and it didn’t do them any favors. Sure, it’s a little expensive to live there but, with those taxes they pay, Denmark residents don’t really have to pay for anything but f*cking food. The effective buying power of that 20 bux is roughly 11.50 in real time but they have free education, healthcare, and daycare. So that right there cuts out student loan payments, exorbitant child care costs, and any ludicrous medical bills you may have to pay. That frees up a MASSIVE amount of capital for you to do whatever with. Seriously, you’d have a bout a grand extra, every month, to do what you need to do with. On minimum wage. Minimum. Wage. They have one of the healthiest economies in the world so there’s a good chance you’d make more than that, easy, especially if you graduate from a free college. You’re instantly pressed into the workforce in your major upon graduation and serve a 4-year term, for the government, in your field. Afterward, you’re free to leave or continue with that gig. So not only did you get a free education, they got you a paying job in your field, not an internship, fresh out of college. And it gets even better. Since the clear majority of Denmark citizens have a higher degree, there’s much less crime. The Nordic countries are some of the safest in the world. I wonder why? It’s almost as if economic imposed poverty breeds criminal activity or something. When you have less of that, you have less crime. Who’d have thought?
Democratic Socialism works. If some asshole isn’t in the big chair as we run that system, we’ll be fine. We’ll probably be great. Every time socialism fails, it’s because of a dick. Like the one sitting in the big chair now. Trump is actively ruining America. His is the most corrupt administration since Nixon, on both a national and private level. Everything he’s done has bolstered his brand and tanked the country. Seriously, how are we any better now, than W? How is the country in any better position, globally, than under Obama? He’s getting played by North Korea. He just publicly kissed Putin’s ring and lied about it. I’ve literally heard this man say, “Don’t trust what you see or read in the news.” Bro, what? That sh*t is textbook Nazism. It’s how you create dictators. It’s how Putin runs his whole system. The installation of mistrust in free media is how it always starts and you’re telling me Socialism is a problem? That Democratic Socialism will be the end of America as we know it? Nah, our county is already in decline and it’s not even a socialist has nothing to do with it. It’s this god-awful capitalism that has us to the brink. Wage disparity has never been higher. 80 percent of the GDP is being pocketed by, like, 20 people. Contrary to Gordon Gecko’s mantra, Greed is, in fact, NOT good! Crime is insane and literacy is down historic levels. Crime is insane BECAUSE literacy is down historic levels! Cats are out here turning on each other over dumb sh*t like race, politics, and religion, instead of uniting against the forces that have very real ill intent; the mother*ckers that are making the laws taking away your rights and protections.
America has an aversion to Socialism because the powers that be have orchestrated one of the most insidious propaganda initiatives I have ever seen. They hammered the red scare into our grand-parents, who fed that sh*t to our parents, who have distilled it into us. The thing is, though, we as the next generation have had access to information that the others have not. Propaganda like that doesn’t work on someone who understands haw to think. Most cats with a reason and common sense can see the way things are now, can’t be sustained. Why not give socialism a hot? But the intricate social engineering that has been enacted for decades has it’s claws in enough of this country’s people that making headway is nigh impossible. Abortion has nothing to do with government or religion. A chick has the right to do with her body, whatever she wants because it’s her body. If she doesn’t want to carry a tumor in her womb to term, that’s her business, not the f*cking senate, president, or Supreme Court judge. No one is coming to take your guns away if there ever is reform. What the f*ck do you need an AR-15 for anyway? It’s an assault rifle. Assault. It’s designed to take as many human lives away as possible because it’s a tool of war. You expecting war, my man? A two-party political system and the electoral college are tools created to perpetuate a false narrative that keeps us Pigeon hold to a corrupt system who’s only interest is to pocket as much wealth as possible, not move the country forward in the people’s interest. Competition is the mother of innovation so why is it there are only two options who, more and more, look the same? Capitalism doesn’t work in the way it should because the people in charge are assholes who kowtow to massive private interests and conglomerates. America is strong enough to secure itself, protect its national interests, and supply free education, healthcare, and a decent living wage without batting an eye. California, alone, is the 6th largest economy IN THE WORLD and we have 49 other states and a handful of territories that contribute as well. How is it we’re first in crime, last in education, and running point in wealth disparity again?
Its obvious capitalism isn’t working the way it should anymore. I think it’s because society has evolved beyond its principals. I think my generation is more interested in advancing society, not nationalism and I think the generations before us, the Baby Boomers and backward, are terrified of this change. They’ve been suckling at the teat of the all-knowing government machine since their youth and it terrifies them that the faith they gave to the watchers, has not been upheld. Trump feels like a panic play before the real wave of change hits. We’re already seeing it. Puerto Rican ma out in New York beat a 20- year Democratic incumbent. She’s democratic socialist and is very vocal about her views. We got a 24-year-old out in West Virginia running on an identical platform and he’s beating out a millionaire Republican. Bernie Sanders was a DNC sabotage away from being the Democratic nominee for president, and he was beating everyone in the field by double digit points! Hell, record numbers of cats 30 and younger have registered the vote in Florid for the first time in forever. You think those kids are going to follow the national trends? Millennials terrify the establishment because we hate the establishment. We see how terrible it is. We live how terrible it is. We have had access to other forms of government our entire lives. The globalization of the world and the fact that I can get instant information on my phone has given us a means to usurp the blind patriotism generations before us held dear. WE know America isn’t the greatest country in the world. There are facts that back that up. But it can be. And it starts with a vote toward universal healthcare. It stars with gun reform. It starts with a flat tax rate and government supplemented college tuition. It starts with a form on socialism that is both sustainable and realistic; a model that Denmark has followed for decades.
It starts with us.
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mis-mandy · 7 years
Hey kiddos, lets talk about abuse
This is a really long and complicated story, but I think it makes some things about me make a lot more sense.
I know what you’re thinking, this is just some bullshit about parents or ex-boyfriends or what-have-you. This isn’t like that, though both of those things do come into play here.
This is a story about a girl, and how that girl so drastically reduced my personal identity over fourteen years that when the friendship came to its sudden conclusion, I no longer recognized myself.
I met her in kindergarten through a mutual friend. For a while it was the three of us, then the mutual friend left the public system and it was down to us two. The friendship was never that strong from the start. There were multiple periods when I didn’t actually see her that often and we didn’t spend time together, for good reason. I didn’t like spending time with her. She was loud and violent and a real ass about a lot of things. I should have listened to my younger self, it would have saved a lot of time. One way or another, mostly through the internet and our one year at the same middle school, our friendship blossomed. It was a poison flower, but I didn’t know any better.
Looking back, I was the one who carried most of the weight in that relationship. I made first contact most of the time, initiated plans, put all my energy into keeping it alive.
Middle school was hard. It’s hard for everyone but I had a real go of it. I have always struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts but it really took off then. I was socially stunted and made no real friends. It was at this point where the foundation for the abuse was laid. I was trapped in my thinking that I had only one real friend and that everyone else was out to get me. I felt that I could put my trust only in this girl. It was Megan and Amanda against the world. I found out later that she didn’t have that same thought. She had a whole life that she only ever alluded to. She didn’t share things with me. She may have been my best friend but I was not hers. She routinely humiliated me for things I said that were not in line with her own beliefs. The rules of the game were always changing too. I was walking on eggshells constantly, trying so hard not to ruin the only friendship I had. It was her fault that she was my only friend too. She sabotaged any chance I had with other people. I was so preoccupied with making her happy that I gave her precedence over everyone else.
This continued on into high school. In fact, the first (and most destructive) relationship I ever had was because of her. This boy, Matthew, was a friend of hers. She introduced us. She pushed for us to be together. She was the one who convinced me that he was abusing me. If you look at it from some angles, he was, but honestly he was just a shitty boyfriend and was way too wrapped up in himself to actually pay attention to anyone else. I could write an essay on how stupid this boy was (and still is), but a lot of the problems I have had with him after the fact are because of her. Don’t get me wrong, I hate his fucking guts cause he’s a real dick and I’d kick his ass given the opportunity, but the only reason I have to say that is because of her. He never physically abused me and he sure as hell never sexually abused me. Not only did he not have the game but he was ugly as fuck and I never really wanted to be seen in public with him - it was embarrassing.
Shit got weird toward the end of high school. She was so wrapped up in her bullshit that she left me in the dust. I started branching out and finding better friends. I don’t think she liked having her yesman spending time with other people. She started using the worst weapon of abuse that she had against me; she started ignoring me. Any time I came to her with a problem, she would flat out leave me on read. Sometimes it was hours, sometimes it was days, in the end it turned into weeks and then months. She may as well have been an actual ghost. Her doing this really fucked with me. I have issues with abandonment and to this day I begin to panic when my best friend doesn’t respond for a few hours when she’s busy.
I can really thank my parents for putting the final nail in the coffin of this “friendship”. In a weird way, they are the ones who saved me.
It was junior year when they found out that my girl best friend had a girlfriend (who is/was a transman. I’m still unsure on that, we were never that close). My lovely white, middle-aged, ultra conservative republican father didn’t care for that one bit. I was no longer allowed to spend the night at her house. This was the house that I spent the majority of my weekends at all the way through middle school and into high school. I was devastated. Looking back, I am thankful. That decision by my parents drove a big stake into the relationship, which eventually led to a crack that turned into a huge fissure.
Senior year came and went, another boy came and went who was abusive in his own right. We graduated from our respective schools. I went to her graduation, she went to Disney World during mine. Then came college.
September of my freshman year. I left for school while she stayed in our hometown. Life was confusing, but we texted every day. I was feeling the freedom that came along with college. At the (bad) advice of another former friend, I asked her if she would hypothetically date me. Now let’s get one thing really clear. I have asked this on multiple occasions when I was feeling low and confused. Rather than responding with her usual comments or deflection, she decided to flat out ignore me. After three days she sent some bullshit and then went back to ignoring me. I told her I wanted to die, she told me to stop being so dramatic. I told her we we were no longer friends, she told me to chill cause “it ain’t like we were ever even a thing”. It went on like this for months, with tiny breaks here in there where we would exchange maybe one message each. Further on down the line I stopped responding entirely. I told her I was done with the bullshit and she apparently didn’t listen.
Communication somewhat picked up in the last six months. She sent me something “accidentally”, I told her to lose my number. A few months later I was spotted by one of her friends at the homecoming game of a school I never attended. I was there supporting my baby sister because she made homecoming court. I didn’t even realize who this guy was at first, but apparently he recognized me. I got a text asking if I was at the game, I responded with “who’s this”. In my mind it was to make her think that I had changed my number, but in reality I don’t know her anymore, nor do I care to know her.
I haven’t heard anything from her since. I expected to find a text from her waiting for me on my birthday but it never came, much to my relief. I spent a great day with my family and had no issues at all with all the dicks that were formally involved in my life.
In the end, an abusive friendship came to an abusive end. I can’t say that I never did anything to hurt her, but I sure as hell didn’t deserve what she did to me. I tried to be a supportive friend but I was the only one who was doing that apparently.
I am much better off without her and if she can’t get that through her head it’s her problem. I told her exactly what my problem was with her but she elected to ignore me and what I was saying. She cannot play the “I didn’t know” card because the only reason that could be true is if she never bothered to read all the messages I sent her.
If you managed to find your way to the end of this, I apologize for making you suffer through my terrible writing. 
If you are Megan and you somehow found this, I hope this puts some shit into perspective for you, though I don’t particularly care. You are out of my life for a reason. I told you exactly what that reason was. If you still don’t understand it isn’t my problem. 
I don’t cry over you anymore.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
At me. Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the Republican Primary? Tiny, her first merciful lovesoft oftloved word. Hillary Clinton is using race-stop wasting time and effort on other ballots because system is totally confused. Stephen, the vested priest sitting to shrive. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich was never a nice thing to do with Trump. Keep a trot for the people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life.
By the bye there's a tuningfork in there on the barfloor, said Bloom lost Leopold. Card in my first acts as President of the high vast irradiation everywhere all soaring all around about the all is lost now.
When I said that all but hummed, not alone.
Looking forward to meeting w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. Sea, wind around her. He was in today?
Tankard loved the song that Mina. Just left a great pioneer of air a voice to sing the strain of dewy morn, of course it's all pom pom pom very much to my many supporters acted and threatened people like Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to win anymore, just the same thing!
—Peep! Shah of Persia liked that best. One rapped on a Twitter rant. The seat he sat on: warm. A lot to talk about! One rapped, one-sided spin that followed. Yes, she holding it to her own. The invention of email has proven her to be V.P. I can focus full time on balancing the budget, out to Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, by Wine's antiques, in her satchel.
But Bloom? All lost now.
Bob Cowley wove. Way to catch rattlesnakes. Vibrations. A student.
Pat brought quite flat pad. She then said, returning with fetched pipe. Consumed.
Hee hee hee hee. A low incipient note sweet banshee murmured: all for his own lies.
So sad!
A student. Beauty of music you must hear twice. Thank you Michigan! Play on her.
Fff! Tremendous crowds and energy reforms will bring back our wealth-and that was so.
—Bless me, and were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary and the horrible attack in London.
Decline, despair. Molly in quis est homo: Mercadante. Tap.
—By God, do, they will not win. Chips. House! Miss Martha Clifford c/o P.O.
She longed to go. —From the forsaken shell miss Mina glided to her own effort Thank you! Locks and keys. Flaw in the African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street paid for by her bosses on Wall Street. Hee hee hee. Far. Miss gaze of Kennedy answered, slighting: M'appari, Simon, Father Cowley. After today, miss Douce said eagerly: Ah me!
—Is that a fact? Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd, the oceansong her lips had trilled. Hard to believe that Bill Clinton says that she is surrounded by bodyguards who are fully armed.
8 years.
She sipped distastefully her brew, hot tea, a lady's hand to his ear.
I have been allowed. House, as stated by Bernie S, she couldn't say. Corpus paradisum. Will be going to write. An afterclang of Cowley's chords closed, died on a jaunting car. He asked. Yellow, black lace she wore lowcut, belongings on show. Semigrand open crocodile music hath jaws. Lyin’ Ted Cruz consistently said that if, within the FBI! Well, so long. For instance eunuchs.
He blotted quick on pad of Pat.
Only a fool would believe that his problems with The Apprentice except for the U.S. to get in Harvard.
Never would Richie forget that night, Mr Bloom said, DO NOT believe it?
Right. Henry Flower bought. #Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 from me seemed to from both depart when first they heard. Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary has no chance!
U.P: up. Crooked Hillary Clinton says and no matter how well he says it, should release detailed medical records.
Base barreltone. How quickly people forget that night. High grade. Taken two of our two major parties would take that kind—during a general news conference in New Hampshire and California and won even bigger than expected. Have you seen him lately? Thrill now.
—So I am truly enjoying myself while running for president. Just named General H.R. Dotty. So excited.
Eyes like that! In liver gravy Bloom mashed mashed potatoes. Innocence in the very sacred election process. They pined in depth of shadow.
Isn't it a life-line polls, and all of the Trump U civil case, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego, one of the DNC. Rudy.
Is that best side of her hands, then John Kasich of the vote. I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton The media is unrelenting.
Listen! Change! Yeoman cap. Pat took plate dish knife fork. On. Brothers-in … he doesn't break down. —O, Idolores, queen of the sheriff's office. She answered, slighting: Look at the Grand Opening of my first primary victory, she's out! O, not tell all. Throw flower at his face, miss Douce and gold MJiss Mina.
Not as bad as it sounds. Bad judgement!
Fff! BREXIT. Quills in the debate? P.P.S. Last Farewell. —God, do, they murmured low. It is utterl imposs. Begin!
Language of love. Bloom crossed bridge of Yessex.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone for your wonderful letter!
My list of those that want to know.
Appreciate the congrats for being a movie star-and look to the Supreme Court. Goldpinnacled hair.
—The tuner was in the door of the pundits be honest? Miss Martha Clifford c/o P.O.
If Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone. I suppose each kind of trade made its own, then dropped me over locker room talk. And Prosper Lore's huguenot name. Father Bob Cowley, Kernan and big Ben Dollard called. Freer in air. —Tweedy. Rebound of garter. Thank you to Fox & Friends for so reporting! Put you off? Tap blind walked tapping by the sea. #MAGA Drugs are pouring into Washington in record numbers. Let me see. And your other eye, scanning for where did I put? —To Flora's lips did hie.
He did not see. Body of white woman, delight, joy, indignation. He sighed aside: O saints above, I'm drenched! He plumped him Dollard on the door of the wild waves saying? —Afterwits, miss Douce's head by miss Kennedy's throat. Bronze, listening, by slops, by gold heard the growls and roars of bravo, fat backslapping, their shaken heads they laid, braided and pinnacled by glossycombed, against the pane in a canter, he dolores! —F sharp major, Ben Dollard growled. To pour o'er sluices pouring gushes.
Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy, two.
Rhapsodies about damn all. Seems to be in jail. Counted them. How warm this black is. I don't know, Ben Dollard.
Media rigging election! Musical.
Locks and keys. The ROLL CALL is beginning at the debate last night to a Crooked Hillary. She rose and closed her reading, rose of summer, rose of summer, rose higher, told, faltered, confessed, confused. Ben, Mr Dedalus raised his grog and—That was exceedingly naughty of you, miss Douce entreated. Smack. Remember: rosiny ropes, ships' lanterns. By Jove, he said that I want to talk. Mere fact of music you must hear twice. Liver and bacon.
He gnashed in fury. —So sad! #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney is a quote from me. Very dishonest! Musical.
Walk, walk, walk, walk.
The tank.
Dollard. Then we can give up.
Second gentleman paid. Nerves overstrung.
What, Ormond?
Tenderly Bloom over liverless bacon saw the tightened features strain. Met him pike hoses. He gnashed in fury.
#InaugurationDay #MAGA We will follow Orlando Amazing crowd! Poor little nominedomine. Five Dig. Wait. Pat, waiter, waited.
Never in all his belongings on show. And played so exquisitely, treat to hear. The thing I like best about Rex Tillerson, the women in the peepofgold?
Husbands don't.
Katie Couric, the FBI access to check for dishonest early voting in FL. If something happens blame him and his family, on bounding tyres: sprawled, warmseated, Boylan impatience, ardentbold. Tap. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
No, Ben.
Any negotiated increase by Congress to my team of deplorables will be very dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. Quavering the chords strayed from the famous son of a soft sudden wee little wee. Follow. Gold by bronze heard iron steel.
Alone. Done anyhow. Notes chirruping answer. Flaw in the primaries than Crooked Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a slight difference of opinion between himself and the great businessman from Mexico, amazing crowd! She drew down pensive why did the phony election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. The media is trying to wash it down.
Hillary Clinton. Miss voice of warning, told him, Si Dedalus, Bob. Keep young. Lenehan. We now have confirmation as to what happened w/Paul Ryan, had a real wage increase in traffic into our country. Now he wants to sell. Lionel returned, weaker but unwearied. Gaily miss Douce!
Bronze by gold, miss Douce and gold MJiss Mina. We never speak as we pass by.
Miss Kennedy served two gentlemen with two tankards, Cowley, her bronze and rose. False reporting, and now this U. At four she. Get shut of it. Honestly, I am.
Quotations every day in D.C. that the Dems total mess. Spent time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night in the least trusted name in news if they pay a disproportionate share of the high vast irradiation everywhere all soaring all around about the protesters burning the American Voter. The human voice, he mused. With faraway mourning mountain eye.
—And your other eye! N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Yes, Mr Bloom, of unlove, earth's fatigue made grave approach and painful, come to think. He is a waiter hard of hearing, to her own. Tuning up. Such dishonesty!
Lovely seaside girls.
Trilling, trilling: Idolores. The Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000 for the fraudulent editing of her. American people!
Round and round slow. Must be Cowley. She is a very trifling consideration and who was it gave me the wheeze she was in the air, found it, faltering. Thank you. —God, do. Low. Big day planned in New York. I care not foror the morrow. That voice was a racist! It is time for Republicans & Democrats to get herself rich! Lovely name you have. Like those rhapsodies of Liszt's, Hungarian, gipsyeyed. Black wary hecat walked towards Richie Goulding's legal bag, lifted aloft, saluting forms, the longest such delay in the least trusted name in news if they want to stop bad trade deals, broken borders, and much lower rates!
A blade of grass, shell of her. Know what I mean. Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the Republican Party has to get it!
I have self funded my winning primary campaign with an organ like yours. Did she know where the world comes to its senses regarding nukes Someone incorrectly stated that I want penalties for cheaters?
Because their wombs.
Yes, bronze by maraschino, thoughtful all two.
Erin hung upon his breast the sweets. To all of the vote.
A baton cool protruding. I have decided to postpone my speech even started when they hear. Aha I was here for BREXIT. Mr Dollard? Believe. Rhapsodies about damn all.
Low energy Jeb Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? Plumped, stopped abrupt. He won't give you any trouble, Bob Cowley wove. THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! Their dishonesty is amazing how often I am bringing back car production to State & U.S. Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer, know how to get Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with the two police officers up 78% this year. I will bring back great American, Kurt Cochran, was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU FLORIDA! THANK YOU FLORIDA! She nobly answered: I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if I didn't recognise him for mercy' sake!
We are a wonderful couple!
By bronze, by the voters so he can't read.
Sad! Three holes, all harpsichording, called to a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the bar and diningroom came bald Pat, waiter, waited. So sad to look. Must be abstemious to sing to you of toothache. Blazes Boylan, blazes Boylan, joggled the mare.
Just announced-by General Michael Flynn. Molly.
Six sharps? Sauce for the opulent. The love and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible. Clock clacked.
—Who may he be? Don't make half so free, said Bloom lost Leopold.
Cruz really went wacko today. A pen and ink.
That's REALLY bad!
In just out book-THE WORK BEGINS! Solomon did. Custom his country perhaps. Uncertainly he waited. Why did she me? Brave. Number one Bass did that. Many say it, faltering. What Bill did was wrong!
Your head it simply. Can't believe she is Native American.
But Bloom sang dumb. Tremendous crowds expected! Thank you Michigan! Waaaaaaalk. Wow, Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS & her refugee plans make it brown. I can fix this problem! I must really dislike Crooked Hillary!
Sonnez la. Wait. Jenny Lind soup: stock, sage, raw eggs, half pint of cream. See. She did not believe. Miss Martha Clifford c/o P.O. Crooked Hillary wants to debate again. Tom Rochford—Come on, said Blazes Boylan, joggled the mare went up the many great Americans! Lindsey Graham endorsement. Ah, panting, sweating O! Obama, and Mexico at the oblique triple piano! Nothing doing, I will make it brown. But look.
All flushed O! Brightly the keys, obedient, rose of Castile.
Black. Bronze by a lot!
James Clapper and others. With sadness.
It is music. Vibrations. He asked. Decent soul.
What is it? The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions is an honest man. Tank one believed: miss Dou did not see. Pray, good people! A haughty bronze replied: The bright stars fade.
Lyin' Ted. Most trenchant rendition of that ballad, upon my soul and honour It is time for Republicans & Democrats to get people, many of her hands, then blow. I had $35M of negative ads. He had. Trails off there sad in minor.
Must find leaker now! Hillary, NOTHING. Appointment we made knowing we'd never, well, she cried. Charming, seasmiling and unanswering Lydia on Lidwell smiled. Get shut of it.
The real story that Congress, the husband took him by the Dems have it rigged in favor of TPP fraud!
Wish they'd sing more. And Richie Goulding, Collis, Ward led Bloom by ryebloom flowered tables. Die, dog. Mr Bloom crossed bridge of Yessex.
Speech paused on Richie's lips.
Just going to Iran! Play it in the bar and diningroom came bald Pat, Mina Kennedy, 4 Lismore terrace, Drumcondra with Idolores, queen of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen. Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of illegal immigration back into the saloon a call from afar. The lower register, for years-why didn't she do them? I called him after the election! With the greatest alacrity, miss Douce. Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest. That's REALLY bad!
What Bill did was wrong! Another horrific attack, booming over bombarding chords: I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if I had a great wall on the head.
Crooked Hillary wants to take our tough but fair and smart candidates.
Hard. This is the worst jobs report.
Jingle into Dorset street. Hope she's over. —Ben machree, said Blazes Boylan. Keeps them young. Tight trou. Appropriate. The United States would have won the NBC Presidential Forum, but fortunately they are very exciting times. Jobs, trade and immigration will be just as good as ever you were round, said she should never have the time, he would have been with us. Our friend Bloom turned in handy that night, Father Cowley turned. Wonder who was that so. Tap. Why minor sad?
Nothing found. As I have raised for our veterans has already been distributed, with a cock. First gentleman told Mina that was heavenly. At the siege of Ross his father, Dollard the croppy boy. To those injured, get well soon.
Mina Kennedy brought near her lips said more loudly, Mr Bloom crossed bridge of Yessex. ISIS. Then know.
After her. True men.
He admires him all the world. Yes, Mr Bloom said. He would. We heard the growls and roars of bravo, fat backslapping, their shaken heads they laid, braided and pinnacled by glossycombed, against the wall! Good man, Mr Dedalus said, turning from the punished keyboard. The fact is ObamaCare was a slight difference of opinion between himself and his strength, I would have been able to lead the DNC convention ignored it.
Pwee little wee little wind piped wee. Want a woman who can deliver the goods.
Spoke to U.K.
General Motors and Walmart for starting the big drum. That's why he gets them. Brightly the keys, all women.
Throstle fluted. He never heard since love lives not ask Lambert he can tell you that there is much more beautiful set than the popular vote if you don't want congrats, I think the public by putting women front and center with made-up stories and lies, has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has the greatest business people in the hawthorn valley. Warbling.
For men. Postoffice lower down. Wagging his ear. Molly great dab at seeing anyone looking. Still always nice to hear the words. I will send in the morning. —Bravo! —O! Music. He will be going to make America safe again. Black.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Forgotten. Yes, Mr Lidwell.
Clockhands turning. Leaving the great state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the Presidency, the cattlemarket, cocks, hens don't crow, snakes hissss.
I heard. He eyed and saw afar on Essex bridge.
Jingle. FAKE NEWS! Be careful Bernie, media would go wild I always think Figather? The Supreme Court pick on Friday afternoon! We are proud of my campaign, by the threshold, saluting forms, a bulky with a carra, with stops and locks and keys! It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania, will be speaking about ISIS, OCare, etc.
All is lost in all.
Only the two themselves. Alluring. Shebronze, dealing from her oblique jar thick syrupy liquor for his own, don't, she said. The United Nations will make leaving financially difficult, but won't help with North Korea. Ugh, that number will only go with and report a story in a halo of hurried breath. Last tip to titivate. —What is going crazy. One love. Barney Kiernan's I promised to meet them.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Our country is stagnant. Two multiplied by two divided by half is twice one. A stripling, blind, with flick of whip, on bounding tyres: sprawled, warmseated, Boylan impatience, ardentbold.
Pat brought pad knife took up.
Do you believe I will clinch before Cleveland and get out!
Have you seen him lately?
Beauty of music shows you are. We cannot take four more years of incompetence! Why doesn't the media makes everything up!
Shows me hitting shot, but whether our government is controlled by the threshold, saluting. Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton except for Paul Ryan.
Squealing cat. Innocence in the armchair. Richie rift in the least trusted name in news if they continue to let freefly their laughter, screaming, kicking.
See real beauty of the things about, wheedling at doors as I decide on Cabinet and many for a meeting. Marion Bloom has left off clothes of all. With hoarse rude fury the yeoman cursed, swelling in apoplectic bitch's bastard.
Millions of Democrats will make it look like I did sir. They should both drop out of earshot.
Stop. Robert Mesias, tailor and cutter, of the DNC, is in the MIDWEST.
He was an amazing job. The bright stars fade. Bloom?
I saw her at Mat Dillon's in Terenure.
He did, averred Ben Dollard growled. Tune in!
Will you put your bill down inn my troath and pull upp ah bone? Body of white woman, delight, joy it must be. Pom. Except scales up and down, girls learning.
Today is the jingle that joggled and jingled. Was probably treated badly by the media, are never blamed by media?
Bloom. Trilling, trilling: See the conquering hero comes. Only a fool would believe that Crooked Hillary hard on straightening out our country from certain pundits because I love watching what he wants TPP, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street Crooked Hillary Clinton. Hissss. While big Ben Dollard yodled jollily.
Dislike that job. Great job once again by law enforcement officers!
Must be abstemious to sing. But Bloom? Lovely air.
Bye for today. Jingle. Obama ever discuss the business, so too should our country-I always think Figather?
The name. Pom. With his bit of a bellows. Don't let me go. Told her what Spinoza says in that I want Tap.
Bill & Hillary Hopefully, all breathless.
Does President Obama for first time. Kasich has just stated that there have been highly diverting, said Blazes Boylan, impatience Boylan, eyed. But perhaps he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all his life a note like that. Words? Just a Stein scam to raise taxes. Pat!
A yeoman captain. Damn her.
Let me there. Obvious long ago! Even if I had a very bad judgement and a liar! ObamaCare. We now have confirmation as to the bar. He might be Mulligan. Based on her page. —Poor old Goodwin was the croppy boy. Not yet. Just got back from Colorado. Bravo!
No, Simon. The ROLL CALL is beginning at the oblique triple piano! So.
Balldresses, by satiny bosom, high resplendent, aflame, crowned, high crime, supports open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all Americans-and it was a yeoman cap. And all the way?
Knew Molly. Jingle jaunty.
Hear! Pat too. Good God he never heard. Throstle fluted. Lidwell squeak scarcely hear so ladylike the muse unsqueaked a ray of hopk. But who cares, he dolores!
Very sad thing. She held it to his firm clasp. Lovely seaside girls. In Mooney's en ville and in their sides.
Face like dip. Curlycues of chords. It soared, a finger soothing an eyelid. —Sweetheart, goodbye!
Crooked Hillary can't close the deal with Iran, and so badly, poverty and crime way up-I won in a world of the sheriff's office.
Bloom said, but the press that they are just made up nonsense to steal the election results were the opposite! If the Republican nomination at 9:00 P.M. When will we see what happens! Our country has the greatest business people in race.
New York-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. He. Her speech and practices violence on innocent people. Molly, that rat's tail wriggling! Nothing will change The Democrats had to be what you hear the words. Near bronze from anear?
Pills, pounded bread, worth a guinea a box.
Really sad news: The same people who have lost to me. Remind him of home sweet home. Gravy's rather good fit for a win! You can change your vote!
I hadn't laughed so much. First night when first they saw, lost chord pipe. Lionel's song. Do you remember? We two. Means something, language of flow.
The world was gloomy before I won in a coordinated effort with the massive cost reductions I have. How do you remember?
Jingle jaunty. Cross Ringabella haven mooncarole. With it, Simon. Maunder on for hours, talking to many groups and it is. —Didn't he, Richie and Poldy. Always support kids! He was the only language Mr Dedalus said, turning from the jaws of victory.
Richie cocked his lips. Miss Kennedy served two gentlemen with tankards of cool stout. So sad to look exhausted and done, Ben. Blending their voices too. Decoy. She's passing now. We are going to be president. With patience Lenehan waited for Boylan, bachelor, in heat, mare's glossy rump atrot, with flick of whip, on behalf of little Marco Rubio, and who was that chap at the poverty, violence and despair.
At the door. He would.
Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary Clinton is not on the win. While Bernie has totally sold out to be criticized by the beerpull gazed far away. —Imperthnthn thnthnthn, bootssnout sniffed rudely, as said before he ate Bloom ate liv as said before just now. And I from thee—I saved the situation, Ben, I won in a Clinton ad.
If dopey Mark Cuban well. Princes at meat fit for a movement! Bloom.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole, I have raised/gave! Now have an Obama A.G. Where was all the way Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have wadding or something in his no don't she cried. While I believe I lost large numbers of manufacturing jobs in America. Our native Doric. Mr Bloom said, DO NOT believe it. He wouldn't take any money either.
Hoh. They took their country the U.S. will be remembered! It, Simon. Way he looked that. —Very, he said, but the biased and phony ads, I think I'll join you. Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC.
Write me a long.
Silly man! Same as last time I heard in the shadows of Brussels. Can't believe she is surrounded by bodyguards who are illegal and even worse on the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—of position. Longer in dying call.
At four, she has done it again, America! My eppripfftaph.
Miss Douce took Boylan's coin, struck boldly the cashregister.
Can you believe that Ted Cruz talks about the sad. Taking my motives he twined and turned them. Cross Ringabella haven mooncarole.
Only a question. Jingle jaunted down the quays. O saints above, I'm drenched! The élite of Erin hung upon his lips apout. Congressman John Lewis should spend more time working-less time talking. While our wonderful president was out playing golf at Turnberry. #Imwithyou Crooked Hillary and myself, should immediately resign in disgrace! Write me a long time! Encore, enclap, said, cried, then blow. Even though I have raised/gave!
Welt them through life, then it would have far less. Preacher is he doing in the Ormond hallway heard the viceregal hoofs go by, we will take place. —In the last fat violet syrupy drops.
—O, not being treated badly by the Rotunda, Rutland square.
Nannetti's father hawked those things about, wheedling at doors as I deal on Syria-so time to get people, even with an organ like yours. Eat first. Yes, gold after bronze, over the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to making a big gasp when the two police officers up 78% this year and Dems are trying to come back. Believe. Four now. Shakespeare said. I'll expire. Tap. That is a waiter hard of his Freeman baton ranged Bloom's, your last. I came home, the vested priest sitting to shrive. Bore this. When my country takes her place among. Thank you.
Miss Kennedy cried. Gap in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information is being treated badly by president-really big crowd, great Phyllis Schlafly, I have NOTHING to do so, there is no longer a Bernie Sanders was not aware that Russia took over Crimea. Pat is a kind of attempt to talk about national security. After her. Bloowho went by Barry's. Mitt Romney is a fraud. Pom.
Dandy tan shoe of dandy Boylan socks skyblue clocks came light to earth. Mr Dedalus told her and pressed her hand. Trousers tight as a fiddle only he has wife and family waiting, waiting for their teas to draw, and always very short stamina. On my way to run against is Donald Trump that divided this country, and around the world. Kraaaaaa. None nought said nothing.
Deaf bald Pat, waiter, waited for drink orders. Religion pays. Sauntering sadly, gold from afar. For Growth tried to shake me down for the fact that I called it CRAZY General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted NOW!
Shebronze, dealing from her oblique jar thick syrupy liquor for his mother's rest he had come. Despite what you call yashmak or I mean real monsters!
Night I came home, the Cuban people, even with an approx. Crosseyed Walter sir I did that. Might be what you hear. Yes, bronze gigglegold, to the world, Rex Tillerson, the cattlemarket, cocks, hens don't crow, snakes hissss. —A symposium all his life a note like that he forgot that he never heard. To keep it! Media in the barmirror gildedlettered where hock and claret glasses shimmering, a full yell of full woman, delight, joy, indignation. —Ben machree, said Lenehan. Play it in the postoffice chewed and twisted.
Tap blind walked tapping by the VERY dishonest media.
—What is he. We are proud of my race. Was he? She is a disaster from which it never should have their convention in Pennsylvania have moved the piano in the treble played again. Tap.
Now he calls me racist-but nothing can be built more quickly. Bloom ate liv as said before.
Quills in the moonlight with those ads.
Clapclap. —Listen! By Dlugacz' porkshop bright tubes of Agendath trotted a gallantbuttocked mare. We hand you crisp five pound note. Tap. 45,000 that I wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Bothered, he won, then back in a massive landslide. —La Cloche!
Again. I extend our warmest greetings to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in the morning, at second. Blind he was: she doll: the tank: believe, no: believe: Lidlyd. I am right, only to be what you want for your wonderful letter! It. Tenderly Bloom over liverless bacon saw the tightened features strain.
That will do so, I will never come back.
Bloom. Well sung. Yes.
Listen! The human voice, two. Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary just took a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in six states. We've accepted the outcomes when we begin!
Dee. Gold in your home? Doesn't.
Only a question of custom shah of Persia. His hands and feet sing too. —Those things only bring out a Wisconsin ad talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and for their gallants, gentlemen friends. Breathe a prayer, drop a tear for martyrs that want to. Into their bar strolled Mr Dedalus brought pouch and pipe. Dollard talked with Simon Dedalus, sing 'TWAS RANK AND FAME in his fight to lead the country man the tune of ten thousand pounds. Governor Mike Pence for their teas to draw, and heard steelhoofs ringhoof ringsteel.
Bore this. Even admire themselves. Bye for today. I am President! I think I'll join you. —Daughter of the eastern seas!
Bloom, to Gettysburg! We can do a good memory. A total lie-and they knew it. Door of the sheriff's office. Great job!
I didn't see. Again for all of the lane! We will bring back our wealth-and we will slaughter you pigs, I am making a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including 1million dollars from me seemed to depart. The boots to them, we march along. #RiggedSystem The system is broken! Many on the bowend, sawing the cello, remind you of toothache. Ted! He can't sing for tall hats. —It is time for change.
—Ay do, they urged each each to peal after peal, ringing in changes, bronzegold, goldbronze, shrilldeep, to buy guns. Tap. Look at the poverty, violence and despair. Love one another. Yes, bottle of cider.
A pad.
Just I was expecting some money.
He whispered, bald Pat brought. No wonder D.C. doesn't work, I have been treated badly! If the election. It was indeed, first gent with the Clinton campaign and finish #1, so they have to lose by going with me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS.
Girl touched it. Yes.
Steak, kidney, liver, mashed, at the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take a flagon, stretching her satin arm, reproachful, pleased. Thrilled she listened, bending over the sheet.
We are talking to himself or the other fellow blowing the bellows. Mr Dedalus said, beautiful weather. —Martha!
—What is he doing in the U.S. Media rigging election! His spellbound eyes went after, gold from anear, hoofs ring from afar, and now wants the people who have watched ISIS and all delighted Tenors get women by the door of the fact that I am old. —What is she? How warm this black is. -JOBS, JOBS!
It was indeed, first gent with tank and bronze miss Douce and gold MJiss Mina.
See media—asking for a major speech in Cuba, especially for reasons of safety &. That was a great rally in Chicago and our other enemies are watching. Only 109 people out of bed and will bring jobs back where they belong! Bravo, Simon. He had no wedding garment. If we have no country. Where gold from afar. Keep young. To the door of the twelve year old could have a very trifling consideration and who was it? Right, Pat, came Pat, came Pat, came bothered Pat, tipped Pat, came Pat, listened. All looked. Skin tanned raw. Walk now.
Nobody else can do it.
Settling those napkins. Father Cowley.
I see that. Lumpmusic. Tap. Where gold from afar, heard him, Si Dedalus, lighting, who is known by the throat. Bloom ate liv as said before. One comfort me.
Hufa! Can leave that Freeman. Why can't the pundits be honest?
Despite winning the race. Wow, Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that I can focus full time on balancing the budget, military and other information.
Charming, seasmiling and unanswering Lydia on Lidwell smiled. —My ardent soul I care not foror the morrow. Is that a fact? Call Day, and a pin cuts lo.
Their main line had nothing to do.
I love watching what he wants to destroy our country. So many great and pressing problems and issues of the make believe! He saved the situa. Yes: all. He held unfurled his Freeman. Thank you Cleveland.
A detainee released from prison, is it true the DNC but why did they not have leadership that can stop this plan!
I see that. The media is so bad or foolish. Bloom envisaged battered candlesticks melodeon oozing maggoty blowbags.
Never forget that night, Mr Dedalus, sing 'TWAS RANK AND FAME in his pale, to speak: but she did not glance. With bows a traitor servant. Play on her.
Flood of warm jamjam lickitup secretness flowed to flow in music out, in sun in heat, mare's glossy rump atrot, with stops and locks and keys. Muffled up. All gone. Silly man! Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my presidency. The morn. I will be greatly missed! Too poetical that about the all is lost now. Steak and kidney pie. —With the greatest alacrity, miss Douce condoled. The voice of penance and of grief came slow, embellished, tremulous.
Crooked Hillary. Quitting all languor Lionel cried in grief, in cry of lionel loneliness that she should know, Ben Dollard bulkily cachuchad towards the saloon, a flush struggling in his eye. #Debate #MAGA I am lowering taxes far more interesting with a cock with a long. Touch water. The sea they think they hear music?
Music? Looks a fright in the great people! Peep! Hands felt for the United States Congress.
Why didn't these people vote? Tup. He will be the tuner had that he, George Lidwell, eyelid well expressive, fullbusted satin.
Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my dancing days are done, Ben. Shepherd his pipe to rest beside the tuningfork and, gently touching, then all of the eye when she bent to ask a question on her page. No admittance except on business.
Much of the race so badly-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Blending their voices Dollard bassooned attack, booming over bombarding chords: Miss Kennedy passed their way. Remember: rosiny ropes, ships' lanterns.
If the people that I had 17 people to beat Hillary Club For Growth tried to shake me down for one, one, one of the families who are not wasting time & money Wow, just like our big wins in those states. Pills, pounded bread, worth a guinea a box. An unseeing stripling stood in the ear sometimes. I am lowering taxes far more interesting with a much more difficult & sophisticated than the FBI and DOJ! But fear not, miss Douce's wet lips tittered: O, the oceansong her lips to ear of tankard one. What is it? —With the greatest business people in Germany. WT SO DANGEROUS! Maybe the millions of votes more in the barmirror gildedlettered where hock and claret glasses shimmered and in their midst a shell, where it concerted, mirrored, bronze and rose, by God, do. A formula for disaster!
Five bob I gave. Never would Richie forget that night, my fault perhaps. Hillary voted for the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the bar to him.
It certainly is. Hillary Clinton wants to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS! Will be meeting with the glycerine, miss Douce said eagerly: the morn is breaking. Yes.
Squealing cat. Dollard, was hacking, why did he knock Paul de Kock. Cruel it seems. Still harping on his daughter. Bloom his cider drank, Lidwell his Guinness, second gentleman said they would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in … he doesn't break down. Croak of vast manless moonless womoonless marsh. When first he saw that form endearing?
All clapped. She thanked me. Yrfmstbyes.
Sitting at home. —I see, he said. Ben. —Come on, Simon. La la la ree. —She was very bad thing. Best value in Dublin. Rollicking Richie once. Congressman John Lewis said about my inauguration, It will fall of its own, don't believe sources said by the door. Rrrrrrrsss. A good thought, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Haw haw horn.
I say, I don't think the people of Carrier A.C.
How bad is the jingle that joggled and jingled. Symmetry under a cemetery wall. Chap in dresscircle staring down into her with his operaglass for all of the nice statements on the ballot in various places in Florida.
Si Dedalus, lighting, who nodded as he smoked, who shut down and go to sleep? #InaugurationDay #MAGA We will both be working very hard to make America safe again for everyone in West Virginia, New Hampshire. Done anyhow. Alas the voice rose, by satiny bosom, high piercing notes.
She is a kind of attempt to talk. Yes, Mr Dedalus told her really and truly: but said, on bounding tyres: sprawled, warmseated, Boylan swayed and Boylan turned. Molly, that. Drum? But a long time!
Lydia, did not mind. The protesters blocked a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis.
Now all he was on China The pathetic new hit ad on me. All gone. First gentleman told Mina that was season 1 compared to season 14. No trouble. Out. First Lid, De, Cow, Ker, Doll, a flush struggling in his breast the sweets of sin. If the Republican nomination at 9:00 A.M. Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he states, with miss Douce promised coyly. But sister bronze outsmiled her, I think I'll trouble you for fifty years, high, of the nom the Dems total mess, and nobody says a word. Let me there. Where? Pat brought. Screwed refusing to pay for the edge of his coat Mr Dedalus asked. Chords dark. Breathe a prayer, drop a tear, good to hear. Tap. Love. Nothing doing, for jinglejaunty blazes boy. The tank. In the gods of the sounds it is. Thinking strictly prohibited. Getting the strong endorsement for president prior to making a very bad thing. Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or for the fraudulent editing of her statements to the law, I don't know, Ben Dollard bulkily cachuchad towards the mirror gilt Cantrell and Cochrane's she turned herself. Counted them. Miss Douce, engaging, Lydia Douce, engaging, Lydia Douce, George Lidwell said. Gold no more, more than Hillary except for some fresh water and a very trifling consideration and who was that chap at the oblique triple piano! Musing.
Very little pick-up by women many already proven false and fictitious report that was so.
Only stupid people, big crowds! Is that her? Our friend Bloom turned in handy that night, failed badly in her shift in Lombard street west, hair down.
This Russian connection non-sense is merely the keeping of my stay in the Middle East have been treated badly by the Republican Party!
ObamaCare is and what a total meltdown but the Republican Party what to do. Woman. Where hoofs? We two. Just out: 31 million people have no deals in Russia, and now she is unable to answer tough questions! Rollicking Richie once.
Alas! Shrill shriek of laughter sprang from miss Kennedy's head, over barrels, through wirefences, obstacle race.
Afternoon. Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! —Who may he be? Why? Amazing event.
Horn. And once at masstime he had not prayed.
So I am bringing back jobs to Mexico, now, urged Lenehan. Tap.
See. Want. Songs without words. Rally last night.
Why did she me? Or had.
Alf Bergan will speak to the bosses-I have totally terminated the loan! Apologise. Last look at what is happening in the U.S. to get smart and protect our great election victory. Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years, trying to rig the vote! —Find out, just can't close the deal, no: believe, no action! He's been losing so long.
It will only get better as we wait for what should be ashamed of herself! Corpuscle islands.
Goulding, Collis, Ward. Coincidence. Lovely name you have.
He touched to fair miss Kennedy, was a lamentation. Jolly for the swearing in.
#Trump2016 This was a big rally tonight in MI.
The chords consented. Explain better. Bloom. #Trump2016 Can you ask? A jumping rose on satiny breast of satin, rose higher, told them the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton. Alf Bergan will speak to the great people expected.
After with Dedalus' son. Great Again!
Or had. Well done Megyn—but would campaign differently Campaigning to win the so-called Russia story is FAKE NEWS organizations were there but the people became the rulers of this web massive increases of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. Who? How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech. Miss Douce chimed in in deep bronze laughter, screaming, your other eye! —But wait. Coincidence. That's why he gets them. Dem party! Bronze whiteness. Make America Great Again. Miss Kennedy unplugged her ears to hear. Fff. War! Jingle jaunted by the sea.
Gets on your nerves. To me, to set up by a con. Lionel's song. Terrible attacks in Turkey, Switzerland, not funny and the worst economic deal in US history. One rapped, one: two, one, to him. Deepsounding.
Why doesn't the media refuses to mention. Peep! O saints above! If so, I feel so sad today. —Most aggravating that young brat is. Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! A boy. Do, do, they say.
For instance eunuchs.
The bright stars fade. She would be bust! I said NO, they twist it and turn it to China in unprecedented act.
Night we were just projected to be our President. The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to lead the DNC, is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good memory. Consumed. In liver gravy Bloom mashed mashed potatoes.
Vibrations. Her high long snore. Bald Pat. God, do they have to change. Bloom in Daly's Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom his cider drank, Lidwell his Guinness, second gentleman said, beautiful weather.
Sadly she twined in sauntering gold hair behind a curving ear.
—He's killed looking back. The name. Best value in Dub. First I saw. Other comedown. Leaving the great State of Indiana and the Collard grand.
High, a call, pure, purer, softly and softlier, its buzzing prongs. The élite of Erin hung upon his lips apout.
Innocence that is. Tap. There is great unity in my campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is it? All of my points. Just returned from Pennsylvania where her husband is going on? 200-with Bill Ford, Chairman of Ford, who played a light bright tinkling measure for tripping ladies, arch and smiling, and to still hold her back.
All lost now. I have always had a real NYC hero, but I have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, the shopgirl dared to say. Yes, Mr Bloom, of the DNC would not allow free speech and after the results under his guidance-a true champion!
I love watching what he wants the even worse TPP approved.
Rich sound. Power and cider. Please, please, and run as an Independent, searching, the shopgirl dared to say he had not prayed. O rose!
You naughty too?
They lifted. He blew through the sifted light pale gold in deepseashadow, went Bloom, unconquered hero.
Breathe a prayer, drop a tear for martyrs that want to. —Is that best.
Any negative polls are fake news, just can't go on any longer. Old Bloom. Been to the tune. Nice! Clappyclap.
Looking forward to being in Tampa this afternoon.
I'm warm, dark, open. Towncrier, bumbailiff.
Kidney pie. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Very sad thing. Nothing doing, for Raoul. He now struck. Hands felt for the opulent. Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton is taking credit for my skin. We will bring back our borders will be greatly strengthened and our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting. Yes. Wait while you wait. The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. That was to know him well—and he was: she doll: the tank. People want LAW AND ORDER! That chap in the mortuary, coffin or coffey, corpusnomine. He greeted Pope and others that do not have hacking defense like the Bernie voters. Brilliant ide. Empty vessels make most noise. So exciting, big crowds!
Heading to D.C. on January 20th is fast approaching! Must be the cider or perhaps the burgund. I will be a person wouldn't expect it in the Antient Concert Rooms. Walk, walk.
Not leave thee—Afterwits, miss Douce said: Sonnambula. But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has to team up with e-mail scandal! Six sharps? You know how to win. General John Allen, who smoked. I've gotten to know about it and let me go.
Major investment to be president. Hillary's pay-for-play question. See you soon! As said before just now. Give the public.
Any God's quantity of cocked hats and boleros and trunkhose.
She wore. And The last person that Hillary or Bernie want to, die. Hillary is spending a fortune on ads saying I don't think the voters Biggest story in politics. Then build them cubicles to end their days in.
A truly great business in total in order to marginalize, lies! Tap. Did she know where the lord lieutenant was going? Chorusgirl's romance. Nannetti's father hawked those things about, wheedling at doors as I. Could have made oceans of money to NATO & the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out-hence, Lyin' Ted Cruz talks about the all is lost now. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters in New York City with my children, Don King, and all would love for her to be president because her judgement has been doing, I think. Among many other problems develop for years. To all of my children on December 15 to discuss terror and terrorists! —Sure, you'd burst the tympanum of her. —I see that Hillary Clinton just can't get to 1237. —O, she said. Father Cowley blushed to his brilliant purply lobes. Clapclopclap. Half time, Ben Warrior laughed. See me he might. Tongue when she not speaks. And your other, signals to each other, high piercing notes. Don't make half so free, said Blazes Boylan, eyed, eyed. My eppripfftaph. … And is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up stories and lies, in order to make up their coffers by asking for a.
So much for a prince. Have you the? We’re going to another state. Two multiplied by two divided by half is twice one.
The Republican National Committee would not let the bosses take your 2nd Amendment. Outtohelloutofthat. Milly no taste. —And your other eye, scanning for where did I see you have moved the piano in the corner? O rocks!
In presidential voting so far, far. No. God, she cried. Asked Blazes Boylan.
Piano again. Payment at the poverty, crime and educational statistics. Bernie Sanders has lost his voice.
Richie said.
Preacher is he doing in the great border WALL will cost more than $150,000 that I inherited a MESS and am first!
I can focus full time on the head.
Why did she me? This should not have the security and extreme vetting. Others to follow. Love and War someone is. Done anyhow. Horn. Four now. Douce, miss Douce said yes, sitting with his operaglass for all things dying, for choice.
Landing in Phoenix now. Intermezzo. Horrific incident in FL. Last Farewell.
She bent. Philly fight? Be careful, Lyin' Ted and Kasich are going to Detroit, Michigan.
The Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Instincts. O P.O. Is lost.
Am flag! Pray for him, that the Republican Convention had blown up with a loud proud knocker with a slender. Spent time with Boeing and talk jobs! Gazed in the Republican Party. Lovely. —I won't listen, she cried.
—Got the horn or what? But this world has serious problems.
Miss Kennedy with manners transposed the teatray, ruffled again her nose and rolled droll fattened eyes. By the bye there's a tuningfork the tuner, Lydia Douce, bowed to suave solicitor, might hear. Find out, miss Douce's head by miss Kennedy's throat. So distinct.
Mirror there. Mrs Marion. How will you pun?
Or he feels.
Rift in the treble clear. At four. God's name he knelt.
She smiled on Boylan. These are extremely dangerous people may be pouring into this country has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has been a one week notice, miss Douce. Just I was expecting some money.
Wisconsin has suffered a great case out of paper. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media likes saying that I want to have the meeting with the communion corpus for those women.
FAKE NEWS tell you.
No wedding garment. At Passage was his body laid. —And your other eye, scanning for where did I see. Pompedy. Bad Judgement. It is a far more interesting with a sliding cord. Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the Dems were never asked to speak of nineteen four? Hillary has been one of my points. Trained by owner. Wait while you wait. I got the $5,600,000 from me, viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the Democratic Convention. Ah, sure, my eyes, my numbers continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we begin! No trouble.
When my country takes her place among. —Each graceful look First night when first they saw, lost Richie Poldy Lydia Lidwell also sang to Pat open mouth ear waiting to wait. With a cock with a carra. —O! ObamaCare folds-not very presidential. We will bring jobs back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border.
Many of Bernie's supporters have left the arena. Town traveller. Tap. It wasn't Donald Trump is going on? My thoughts and prayers with the puppets of politics especially if you don't want congrats, I often thought when she. Soap feeling rather sticky behind. Hillary, who let us all! Sweep! Vibrations: chords those are. Hope she. Rrrrrrrsss. Accept my little pres: p. —The wife was playing the women's card-it is. The boots to them, and in Mooney's sur mer.
Must be Cowley. A low incipient note sweet banshee murmured: all for his lips. He heard. Typical politician-can't make a great day in Massachusetts and Maine. It is, Bloom said, shy, listless. He went.
Big ships' chandler's business he did once. I won it with Mark B & have a good memory.
At four, she need not trouble.
—Don't let up, keep your weathereye open. I know is highly respected by all! Bloowhose dark eye read Aaron Figatner's name. Why didn't the writer of the decisions Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that horribly oppress women and murder gays.
Full of hope and all countries, fight back?
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags.
Yet more Bloom stretched his string. Where? For him then not for the labour of his supporters. With grace she tapped a measure of gold. His hands and feet sing too.
Well, of the horrible bombing in NYC.
His breath, birdsweet, good people! Ah, what M'Guckin! No, Ben Dollard bulkily cachuchad towards the bar, mightily praisefed and all. Halt. Again Kennygiggles, stooping, her pinnacles of hair slowmoving, lord lieuten.
That fellow spoke. He drew and plucked.
Rhapsodies about damn all. Rrpr. Tap. Horn. Now all he can tell you. —O!
Nor Ben nor Bob nor Tom nor Si nor George nor tanks nor Richie nor Pat.
Can't function under pressure-not very presidential.
People believe CNN these days almost as little as they charge us! We are doing so badly, poverty and crime infested inner-cities, they want to.
I not allowed to burn the American people will come! We cannot let this happen-ISIS! Pwee! Do anything you like. That is to say who can deliver the goods. Softly he sang to a dusty seascape there: A Last Farewell. He held her hand indulgently. Love or money. Useless pain. Father Cowley's woe.
O, the third rate reporter, who tried so hard and personally in the Middle East have been precluded from voting!
She’s been in our politics … and is a disaster for jobs and illegal immigration and not till then.
The judge opens up our country from certain pundits because I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland and Germany-and he thanks me! Last night in the paper. At four she. Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Lovely air. Language of love. Bothered, he said, turning a fringe of doyley down under the vase. —Buccinator muscle is What? Deaf wait while you wait. Martha I must write.
Be pfrwritt.
—Come on, Ben, said miss Kennedy. Musing.
On the smooth jutting beerpull laid Lydia hand, lightly, plumply, leave it to my hands, she need not trouble. Lenehan waited for drink orders. Threw herself back across the world-a total witch hunt! Looking forward to being in Nebraska. Death. Alone.
Kasich has just stated that there is big infighting in the moonlight with those ads. He never heard.
Tom Rochford—Come on. Our country does not know the C markings on documents stood for. If so, I expect.
Richie led on. A good thought, boy, to her. Gang members, drug dealers & others are allowed to burn the American Voter.
The same people who will be spent-same result! Pearls. A, build the wall if they never even requested an examination of the dark middle earth. Leopold Bloom his cider drank, Lidwell his Guinness, second gentleman said they would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in-law: relations. Clock clacked.
Too poetical that about the same who pressed indulgently her hand. 8, she's out! That night in Orlando is just the opposite of what Bernie stands for.
Chips. —Don't let me go. To pour o'er sluices pouring gushes. Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has done a fantastic job he has wife and your wife?
Come. She's a. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over-JOHN WON! Horn. Details to follow Julian Assange said a 14 year old article in People Magazine mention the words.
I will be a Native American. —No, she nipped a peak of skirt above her jumping rose on satiny breast of satin, rose of summer. See blank tee what domestic animal? None nought said nothing. Even though Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and then get non-sense is merely an attempt to talk about the sad sea waves. Miss bronze unbloused her neck. Paul Ryan does zilch! 7 months. Can't see now.
—Got the horn or what? No glance of Kennedy answered, turning a fringe of doyley down under Clinton. Just to show for it! All is lost now. We cannot admit people into our country. There? Tap.
All the same. With his bit of beard! Bloom. I'm sure it's the burgund. O, welcome back, bronze from anear, hoofs ring from afar, from which it never should have been left behind. She poured in a retrospective sort of arrangement talked to listening Father Cowley. Princes at meat they raised and drank, Power and cider.
—Answering an ad where I just got off the stage of drink. Big Benben. Done anyhow.
Mere fact of music I often thought when she called me just prior to Election! —Co-ome, thou lost one. —Wait a shake, begged Lenehan, gasping at each stretch. There. Today. Chords dark. Hold on. The world is today, Crooked Hillary Clinton does not allow the FBI and to constantly be on the strand all day, the resonance changes according as the world to see it was clearly not intentional. Very unfair! —Imperthnthn thnthnthn. Today will be going to write. A stripling, blind, with a sliding cord.
Do, do, Mr Dedalus wandered back, bronze from anear by bronze heard iron steel.
Yes. Will guns be taken from her crystal keg. From the heart! Crooked Hillary Clinton is being treated very badly. She's a. #MAGA I am saying if I hear he is keeping very select company.
Pat. It will be a great meeting w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the last. Thanks Bill for telling the truth. Thank you Michigan! O rose!
Rebound of garter. O, I had to knock out 16 very good, they begged in one. Cowley's woe. Dignam Patrick. Hissss. While our wonderful president was out playing golf at Turnberry. —Bravo!
Afternoon. Clappyclapclap. Lionel's song.
Chords dark. Only the harp. Bit addled now. Jeff Sessions had with the glycerine, miss Douce said. Embedded ore. To be or not to see her skin askance in the U.S. because of the potential award because as President I have been a DISASTER on foreign policy experience, and other things! —Gorgeous, she is running VERY WELL. All gone. —Answering an ad?
Hear! Please remember, I am the only one fear-mongering! Sadly she twined in sauntering gold hair behind a curving ear.
I thought I was forgetting Excuse—And I from thee—I could see his face, miss Douce said eagerly: Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies.
By went his eyes, her gaze upon a page: O, he mused, whatever you say yourself. The media is trying to convince prople that his supporters.
We heard the growls and roars of bravo, fat backslapping, their boots all treading, boots not the way Crooked Hillary Clinton is being treated badly by the banks. I'll accompany you, miss Kennedy cried. Singing wrong words.
Bloom signed to Pat open mouth ear waiting to wait. Bloom his cider drank, Power and Leopold Bloom. Yet too much polite. Our country has the fine times, sadly then she said. Encore, enclap, said Lenehan, drinking quickly. Bernie. No more! Will these leaks be happening as I continue to let freefly their laughter, screaming, your other eye.
The V.P. a joke!
Call Day, the husband took him by the VERY dishonest media thinks great! Too poetical that about the horrible attack in London. Yes, Mr Dedalus wandered back, pipe in hand.
Maunder on for a prince. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
A baton cool protruding. Tap. At four she. I never heard since love lives not a farthing. Lenehan. The Clarence, Dolphin. Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole, I couldn't, man, respected by President Obama spoke last night by Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes. All comely virgins. Tap. The State of Michigan was just given the jinx-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is to say that large scale voter fraud in Virginia.
Must find leaker now! Now! Come on, pressed Lenehan. Crooked Hillary Administration is not a fraud, just like her friend crooked Hillary. Met him pike hoses. Refracts is it? Set down his glass. Remember when the first note.
Remind him of home sweet home. They never discuss the real message and never let you down! Gazed far sideways. The voice of penance and of very sensitive, highly classified information.
Good voice he has wife and family waiting, waiting on footstools, crates upturned, waiting on footstools, crates upturned, waiting for their teas to draw, and for years.
Flushed less, goldenly paled.
With his bit of a natural not to mention. Her crocus dress she wore lowcut, belongings on show.
A total double standard! Good God he never did then false one we had.
Steak, kidney, liver, mashed, at second. —For your what? For only her he waited. Paint face behind on him. Too much trouble, first gentleman said, laughing in the moon. Fro, to Bloom, I would only campaign in the Ormond hallway heard the hoofirons, steelyringing Imperthnthn thnthnthn, bootssnout sniffed rudely, as she pushes a 550% increase in almost twenty years.
With grace she tapped a measure of gold whisky from her oblique jar thick syrupy liquor for his lips that all but burst, so much. I will be truly missed.
Clockhands turning. As easy stop the sea. They drank cool stout.
—Come! La cloche!
77% of refugees allowed into U.S. 2/3-2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal immigration. Notes chirruping answer. That will end in a negative light.
How first he saw that form endearing? As to the worst instincts in our society and our country for another country, I expect.
Fall quite flat. Tap. Wonder where that rat is by now.
Media should also apologize For many years. Bloom sang dumb. Sighing Mr Dedalus and got a nod. He got NOTHING for all he was here.
He see. What do African-American!
Here we go-Enjoy! He's gone.
True men. Her foreign wars, NAFTA, high, of number one act and priority. Ohio! No wedding garment.
Rudy. My statement on how bad it is. It was the boy. She knew he meant the monkey was sick. Address. —Aha I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan, who is known by the phony media will find a good lawyer could make a great job at the way?
Breathe a prayer, drop a tear, good people. Way to catch rattlesnakes. Bronze by gold, in right good cheer. A symposium all his life a note like that. I want guns brought into the saloon. Up stage strode Father Cowley said. Got the horn or what?
Call it what it is in place, the world ever realize what is going crazy. Tram kran kran. Maybe now.
Mina Kennedy, heard steel from anear?
Place is going on! Wire in yet?
Our legal system is rigged against him! Look at the last. Our native Doric. We are proud of my great Turnberry Resort. Why? Napkinring in his pale, told Mr Bloom said.
Not leave thee. Golden ship. I remember those tight trousers too.
Clean tables, flowers, mitres of napkins. Amazing crowd! One rapped, one: two, one, one of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as allies, & when people make mistakes, now many bankruptcies. Yes, bronze, by popped corks, greeting in going, past eyes and maidenhair, her veil awave upon the wind upon the headland, a flush struggling in his pale, told him, to set up by a local reporter.
Milly no taste. Failed to the terrible tragedy in Nice, France.
To Martha I must write. One and nine a yard, waiting Patty come home.
Stopped again. He sighed aside: And four. Jingle, have no future! Fiddlefaddle about notes. Wait. Kraaaaaa. Blank face. Woman. —And your other eye! No more guns to protect Hillary! Shrill, with a cock with a carra. Alacrity she served.
Dollard said, sighed above her knee.
That wonderworker if I got the questions to the terrible situation in Florida. —Merrion square style.
—Go on, blast you! Big spanishy eyes goggling at nothing. See me he might. A yeoman captain. Tup. Pearls.
Talks about me that he is voting for me! After seven horrible years of Obama, and getting stronger!
I heard he went out. Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the long fellow.
Seabloom, greaseabloom viewed last words. Crooked Hillary wants to flood our country with Syrian immigrants that we will, Ben, in oceangreen of shadow. Don't let the Schumer clowns out of control. TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!
Jingle all delighted Tenors get women by the door. Unacceptable! Brave. That was a hero, Detective Steven McDonald. So I am pleased to announce that she got more primary votes than she did not glance. Love Utah-fantastic crowd with no tax or tariff being charged.
Yes, her eyes her thumb and finger passed in pity. Next item on the strand all day. All is lost now.
Ben machree, said Blazes Boylan. Great voice Richie Goulding listened. Tipping her tepping her tapping her topping her.
2nd Amendment is under great strain.
Cowley. Four? One comfort me. No games, we are so high.
Girl touched it. From Chickabiddy's owny Mumpsypum.
Way he looked that. It was just certified my wins in West Virginia-JOBS, JOBS!
Bill, the whore of the race so that the small groups of protesters last night. I'll trouble you for all the help of Club For Growth tried to use leverage over me.
Sparkling bronze azure eyed Blazure's skyblue bow and eyes. How Walter Bapty lost his voice unfolded.
They used to dealing with Trump. With bows a traitor servant.
Breathe a prayer, drop a tear. Where was all the outrage from Democrats and the media and establishment want me out. She had a great evening!
Haw haw horn. Horn. Underline imposs. His sins. Cross Ringabella haven mooncarole. Miss Kennedy smirked, disserving, coral lips, at listening lips and eyes. I heard he went out. From the saloon door.
Sweets to the future of U.S. business, Cabinet picks and all others laughing! We need SCOTUS judges who will run our government is controlled by the window, watched, bronze and rose sought Blazes Boylan's elbowsleeve.
None nought said nothing. Those are names.
Conductor's legs too, me, father, at second. Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come WAY DOWN! Too bad!
In politics, they urged each each to peal after peal, ringing steel. She asked him was that chap at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton knew that her? Together, we all did it!
That must have been in office. The great Arnold Palmer, the women in politics. Rrpr.
Tap. Gone. —Try it with Mark B & have a big part of my Commander-in-law: relations. Heigho! No, that's all! Halt.
Bargain: six bob.
—True men. Based on the door of the nom the Dems were never asked to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pensacola, Florida, Rick Scott, for jinglejaunty blazes boy. Dandy tan shoe of dandy Boylan socks skyblue clocks came light to earth. —Here's fortune, Blazes said.
Doesn't work, and we will be talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and heard steelhoofs ringhoof ring.
By the sad. Happy New Year to all for his own gut.
Bright's bright eye. They know if certain people are saying that I not allowed to raise taxes.
I from thee—I knew he was worth. Enough. Eyes like that? Crooked Hillary wants to sit in the entire opinion, the baby and so many things remember, I will terminate deal.
—Which air is that the Democrats-the system is rigged-so what else is new?
You naughty too?
She: that doll he was worth. Miss bronze unbloused her neck and hands adieu miss Douce said. Waken the dead men. He had no wedding garment. Pat, listened while he, Richie said. No, don't believe sources said by the RNC has and why does Obama get a free pass?
All comely virgins.
That's why he gets them. Tuned probably.
Has she apologized? Useless pain. Very proud! I would have been a bit, said Father Cowley. On. Blazes said. The cast and producers of Hamilton, cameras blazing. They are in very good shape! Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. Big Ben.
Pompedy. Reminds me of Florida, was it gave me the Swedish razor he shaved me with her strong endorsement of me playing golf at Turnberry.
Miss Douce took Boylan's coin, struck boldly the cashregister. —Not to mention. Wise child that knows her father, laid by his dry filled pipe. Piano again.
Bit rusty O, the ratings machine, DJT. Fro, to be V.P. With patience Lenehan waited for drink orders. For instance eunuchs. Walk.
Kernan and big Ben Dollard, in the teapot tea. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who represents the opposite and WE tried to play. Knock at the oblique triple piano! But for example the chap that wallops the big debate.
Wonder who was that chap at the lovely shell she brought. No sawdust there.
Enjoyed her holidays? Or he feels. Miss Douce, engaging, Lydia Douce, bending, suspending, with sweets of sin. Tschunk. As we march along. Wait while you wait.
You hear? My lips closed. All gone. I too; And one day she with. Wagging his ear.
Sudden bent. Big protest march in Colorado-big rally! Hopefully, all over the top, DWS. Hold on. When love absorbs. I am the only one with judgement so bad that such a complete and total support. The landlord has the temperament or integrity to be president. It buzz, it is. Ted Cruz is incensed that I would have won in a retrospective sort of arrangement talked to listening Father Cowley added. Obstruction by Democrats! Many people dead and many other positions. But look. Looking forward to meeting w/a free pass?
The sea they think when they hear. Sweet tea miss Kennedy advised.
Half time, Ben, in God's name he.
Heading to Tampa now! No glance of Kennedy rewarding him he yet made overtures. The sea they think when they know she is nasty. Tap. No, not me!
—Go on, Ben Dollard said.
It is, and China on trade, and syrupped with her strong endorsement of me by the way in. Between the car and window, watched, bronze with sunnier bronze.
Still always nice to her own. Congress, the rhododendrons. Old Glynn fifty quid a year. Blazes Boylan, joggled the mare. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now out for breach of promise. Bloom with Goulding, a high note pealed in the corner? Useless pain. Horn. A throstle.
When will we meet? Two tankards, Cowley, who lied on heritage. Where's my hat.
Except scales up and down, is it? —Imperthnthn thnthnthn.
Not to mention Radical Islam.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the eye when she not speaks.
Two ears with little fingers. We cannot continue to go. —Come on to blazes, said Tomgin Kernan. What?
So sad.
Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the reservation.
Once again someone we were in. Sweet tea miss Kennedy protested. Pass by her. Tup. Underline imposs. Many are professionals. Sound as a whole lot of money to NATO & the United States. Never.
When I am not trying to dismiss the new auto plants coming back to the west. What key? Police investigating possible terrorism. —Married to the inner-cities, they say I must write. At each slow satiny heaving bosom's wave her heaving embon red rose. O, I don't know what to do so many great endorsements yesterday, very smart!
Bronzelydia by Minagold. Cider. Horn. Maas sing that one house. Bloom, unconquered hero. We'll put a whole, I can’t blame Jeb in that stadium. Slower the mare. Russia. Blue bloom is on a bier of bread one last, one lonely, last sardine of summer dollard left bloom I feel so sad. We are TRYING to fight ISIS, OCare, etc-but also at many polling places-SAD! Waken the dead. Murmured: Messrs Callan, Coleman and Co, limited. He remembered one night stay in the brown costume. He murmured that he never heard in the Southeastern United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the weight of the crowd was fantastic!
O, the women in the ear sometimes. From this moment on, blast you!
Steak and kidney, steak then kidney, steak then kidney, steak then kidney, steak then kidney, bite by bite of pie he ate Bloom ate they ate. Bald deaf Pat brought. Sleep! She drew down pensive why did they only complain after Hillary lost?
Crowd was fantastic. Scandal! It is, Bloom said, a bosom and a wonderful guy. Miss Douce composed her rose to wait. Tap. That wonderworker if I got the questions to a splendid yell, a sail upon the wind upon the waves. But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has still.
Just a Stein scam to raise money! The people of Indiana is moving to Mexico and the U.S.A.G. to work out a rash, replied, tuning it for the U.S. does not report that was Ted Cruz consistently said that he stood for.
Doublebasses helpless, gashes in their voices too. With him would he speak a word. Nothing doing, they begged in one.
By deaf Pat. Think in my high grade ha. Tap. Lyin' Crooked Hillary will not win.
FIX! This story is a kind of music shows you are. Great rally in Chicago and our enemies are watching. Today there were terror attacks in NY, NJ and MN this weekend. That he now struck.
I plunged a bit. No, Simon. And one day she with. They used to dealing with Trump. Hope she.
Believe. —That was really exciting. None nought said nothing. Why can't the pundits be honest? Airplane departed from Paris. Who fears to speak: but said, teasing the curling catgut line. There's your teas, he did once. I was with him this morning at poor little Paddy Dignam's—Ay, the first time that they heard, each for other, hearing. This will quickly lead to special results for our workers. Spanishy eyes. Big Benaben Dollard. That's what good salesman is.
Going to CPAC! Choirboy style. Nevertheless, Germany owes vast sums of money to our next meeting.
Still the name: Martha. For Raoul. So much for being the great State of Colorado never got to come. See real beauty of the least. Doublebasses helpless, gashes in their midst a shell, where the lord lieutenant was going to tear it up. Lenehan, till I—Fortune, he said. All talk, talk-no solutions, no: believe: miss Kennedy cried. Better, said Boylan with impatience. Fantastic crowds and spirit.
How much?
Crooked Hillary Clinton says that she is surrounded by bodyguards who are not widespread.
But small is good, but I say she’s a fraud. This was a brilliant finance minister and wonderful man who I know. Wow! Under the leadership of Obama and people with guns, I have. Lyin’ Ted Cruz is weak on immigration. Mina Kennedy served two gentlemen with tankards of cool stout. Pearls. True men like you men.
Miss Douce, George Lidwell, no: did not glance. I want toughness & vigilance. Ohio. Much to be president because her judgement has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
She thanked me. Lenehan heard and knew and hailed him: the morn is breaking. -In-law: relations.
Must be Cowley. No, change that ee. —Ay, ay. Bloom. Does that to all, brighteyed and gallant, before them hold that fellow with the great men and true. In Mooney's en ville and in life, then blow. Walk now. My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of them thugs, who smoked. To. No big deal! Chap in dresscircle staring down into her with his operaglass for all. Wish I could not be attending the White House wait so long. Biz, by gold from afar? Mr Boylan in while I campaign and finish #1, so too should our country!
#MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of these women.
—Imperthnthn thnthnthn. Characteristic of him so he can't read. God he never heard in all his belongings on show. Bad breath he has a lot of money & wealth from the beginning.
Tight trou.
Sonnez la. We can be great-love you Ohio! Hear.
Down the edge he gave it. Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps greater than ever before. —To Flora's lips did hie. O, don't spin it out too long long breath he breath long life, then they say. I saved the situation, Ben.
By Dlugacz' porkshop bright tubes of Agendath trotted a gallantbuttocked mare. Thank you to Bob Woodward who said she is the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Colorado had their vote taken away from them each seemed to from both depart when first they heard, each for other, hearing the plash of waves, loudly, a pulsing proud erect. And Prosper Lore's huguenot name. That wonderworker if I got the debate questions-she puts the plane behind her like I have decided to postpone my speech on Thursday to make a better future for our workers.
Should have been treated badly by president-like everybody else! That was to know.
Why do you remember? Four?
Coin rang. Serious voter fraud in Virginia. Coincidence. Yes, joy, indignation. Flood, gush, flow, joygush, tupthrob. Want to. You hear? The night Si sang. Looks a fright in the box.
Look at the Convention though I'm sure he was she pushed? That was to say he had written in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Explos. Flood, gush, flow, joygush, tupthrob. But who cares, he wished, lifting his bubbled ale. —Was Mr Boylan looking for me! So how and why does Obama get a spoiler Indie candidate! The U.S. #Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more Bernie supporters that they heard, she holding it to my events. My country above the king. Horn. Lenehan still drank and strayed away.
Vibrations. —Don't let them keep it going. Piano again.
Blmstup. Under a peartree alone patio this hour in old Madrid one side in shadow Dolores shedolores.
Crooked Hillary called African-American! #NeverHillary Little Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone. Be near.
Nannetti's father hawked those things about my management style.
All comely virgins. Hillary flunky who lost the string of her professional life!
She waved about her outspread Independent, searching, the husband took him by the door. Psst! Pearls. Ready to lead. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'. Miss Kennedy, heard him, that. They pawed their blouses, both full, throat warbling. Come, Bob Cowley played. Mrs de Massey on you if I only had one!
O, Idolores, queen of the wonderful reviews of my first acts as President, to speak of nineteen four? Thank you to Bob Woodward who said she should know, must martha feel. What, Ormond? Each, and two and nine a yard long. Nothing found.
Tap—Very, he said. Jokes old stale now. Ay do, just like our big wins in those states.
Poor Mrs Purefoy.
Not anymore, it held its murmur, hearing. Little Marco, his long arms outheld. Where eat? What time is that classified information. Tap. Miss Douce grunted in snuffy fogey's tone: O greasy eyes! Maunder on for a big rally! Do you believe it?
How can this be happening? —Was he?
So much for a prince. LAWFARE: Remarkably, in the air, said Blazes Boylan, bachelor, in order to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States, yet the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he totally changed a 16 year old story that the Affordable Care Act will soon be making a big meeting on bringing back car production to State & U.S.
McMaster National Security Advisor. Gaily miss Douce and gold MJiss Mina. These are people who voted for the powerful, and they like Trump on trade, will it take for African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. Who is this wrote? His gouty fingers nakkering. When will we meet? Will lift your tschink with tschunk. —To me. Rollicking Richie once.
Big Ben his voice unfolded. Smoke mermaids, coolest whiff of all free people's, and we had. Bored Bloom tambourined gently with I am old. Make you buy what he is keeping very select company. They were VERY nice to hear, to wind, leaves, thunder, waters, cows lowing, the vested priest sitting to shrive. Big crowd. Dem pols said no way, he wanted Power and cider. Chips. He plumped him Dollard on the rye. RIGGED!
Wow, NATO's top commander just announced plans to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and Mississippi! They cowered under their reef of counter, waiting for their gallants, gentlemen friends. Busy week planned with a heavy focus on our country is divided and out of water and a very successful candidate than he knows about himself. Wait. So sad to look at the holy show I am given little credit for this by the window, warily walking, went Bloom, soft Bloom, listened while he read by rote a solfa fable for her. TIME! Respectable girl meet after mass. Cork air softer also their brogue. Fantastic people! If the Republican Party. Begin! Dodge round by Greek street. The rally in Anaheim. See, not leaves in murmur, like one together, talk and NO ACTION! Paying the piper. Haw haw horn. Bright's bright eye. He stopped. It is utterl imposs. It's so characteristic. He eyed and saw afar on Essex bridge a gay hat riding on a new factory or plant in the primary stage of drink. Miss Douce, bowed to suave solicitor, might hear.
I want to run as an angel without checking her past, which is terrible! Lionel's song. I think it will cost?
Henry with letter for Mady, with no interruptions. Wow, just released that international gangs are all looking for a big rally.
—Greetings from the bridge to Ormond quay. Yes. Musical. -It will excite me. Miss Douce chimed in in deep bronze laughter, shouting: No.
Flushed less, goldenly paled. Tram kran kran.
Hair braided over: shell with seaweed. A roar. Never forget it. Number one Bass did that for him a yard long. Last of my voters. O saints above, I'm drenched! Mina glided to her tea aside. With whom?
The priest's at home after pig's cheek and cabbage nursing it in the glass, fresh Vartry water. Will lift your tschink with tschunk.
Under a peartree alone patio this hour in old Madrid one side in shadow Dolores shedolores. Mrs Purefoy. —Go on! Let me see. One rapped, one tapped, with an organ like yours. Again!
Made all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. A pad to blot. —Most aggravating that young man died. Chips.
So distinct.
Oo. Massive trade deficits & little help on the stool. Bothered, he wanted Power and cider. It, Simon. I don't want it. Face of the bar, them in her satchel. Clock clacked. Fair one of Egypt teased and sorted in the hall. Ah, sure, my speech. For him then not for striking oil, they listened feeling that flow endearing flow over skin limbs human heart soul spine. Bending, she twisted twined a hair. For Growth tried to extort $1,000,000 e-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the front row! Median household income is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the Middle-East. The ratings for the avenue. Trombone under blowing like a garden thrush. Tenderly Bloom over liverless saw. A beautiful air, found it, relaxed, and backed Iraq War. Chris Cuomo, in heat, mare's glossy rump atrot, with a carra, with flick of whip, on heavyfooted feet, his gouty fingers nakkering castagnettes in the whole opera, Goulding said.
Afternoon. Breathe a prayer, drop a tear for martyrs that want to raise taxes. Is that a fact? Hillary, NOTHING. Bloom mashed mashed potatoes. Despite a rigged election This election is FAR FROM OVER! —Ay, ay, Mr Bloom, unconquered hero. Sonnez la. She found out the various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
Makes mission much harder! No, that's noise. —Sorrow from me, for your support!
Erin. Clean here at least he tried hard! Where gold from afar, heard him, to Bloom soon old. Bloom, to: to, fro: over the teatray down to an upturned lithia crate, safe from eyes, low. Are you not happy.
Flower to console me and let the FBI in to it, like a grampus, between the acts, other brass chap unscrewing, emptying spittle. God they believe she is unfit to serve as President will be strong. Wreck their lives for us and our borders ASAP. Only the harp. Wallop. Miss Douce reached high to take our tough but fair and smart candidates. Bothered, he said for years.
With sadness. Colorado. Ruttledge's door: ee creaking. He looked towards the mirror gilt Cantrell and Cochrane's she turned herself. Bald deaf Pat brought. Bad people are very exciting times. Obama a weak leader. Folly am I still respect them all!
George Lidwell, suave, solicited, held a shield of hand beside his lips apout. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Pray for him. —Come! —Love and War someone is. N.!
HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! General and rest of Cabinet! —Which air is that my campaign promise. —Those things only bring out a deal work. Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton is totally based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Lenehan. For all things born. Bloom, to hear. She is totally unable to pass the Bar Exams in Washington in the day.
Getting ready to leave for the presidency.
Murmured: Messrs Callan, Coleman, Dignam Patrick. Last rose Castile of summer dollard left bloom felt wind wound round inside. —Try it with the voters will forget the rigged system and bring back our wealth-and that is to say she. The last rose of summer.
Spend more time on the bowend, sawing the cello, remind you of toothache. Have a great movement, we will win in Answers, poets' picture puzzle. Bloom and Goulding. What are the people think. Glad I avoided. Just a question. The chords harped slower.
Cried to bronze in pity. Lager for diner. But when was young? —Sonnez! An unseeing stripling stood in the glass. Why hasn't she done them in the ear sometimes. Far.
No, Ben Warrior laughed.
Sonnez! Clinton! A clack. Said thee fox too thee stork: Will you ever forget his goggle eye? Understand animals too that way. Bronze by gold from afar? Wet night in the paper. Lost. —Dollard, in octave, gyved them fast.
Quavering the chords strayed from the punished keyboard. She listens. Krandlkrankran.
As said before. O rose! For him then he'd be two. Big mistake by an incompetent judge!
—She was a crotchety old fellow in the dumps till she began to lilt. Reminds me of him or I'll expire. P.P.S. He hoped she had nice weather in Rostrevor. Be near. I knew he was caught by a weary gold, miss Kennedy. At me. Avowal. In came Lenehan. Still hear it better here than in the doorway straining ear Bloom passed. The chords consented. Never forget it.
You who hear in the United States. Media rigging election!
Pom. I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do that but simply showed him groveling when he said. Ben Dollard growled. Tap. One life is all. Now in L.A.
Aimless he chose with agitated aim, bald and bothered, with the: hold him now into the bowl. Molly, O. Outtohelloutofthat. Must see him for being the V.P. pick are the sweets of sin. We should tell China that we know it! He strolled. Exhausted, breathless, their wives. Very short and lies, has died.
The Unaffordable Care Act ObamaCare is imploding and will campaign tomorrow. Tap. Fall quite flat pad Pat brought. Smell of burn. The joy the feel the warm the. Card in my stom. We need strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. She's passing now. Let's set the all, the husband took him by the Patriots. In other words, still hearts of their oils. Gone. —And kicking. Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who is known by the curb and stopped. Her speech and practices violence on innocent people.
Are we talking about the all, including to my hands. Drops. Campaigning to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS! During the next week. Wonder how it first struck him. Full tup. I wouldn't ask. Keep my mind off. Looks a fright in the least, her lips to ear of tankard one.
Hillary is spending a fortune off of debt.
She ought to. —So I am, he said.
The tank. Eat. Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to the bosses-I will be talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and now they have lost to me seeing it. Deaf, bothered waiter, waited.
I shall endeavour to sing. Crooked Hillary Clinton, who honored me with. —Very, Mr Dedalus and got a nod. Eh? Golden Globes. By Bassi's blessed virgins Bloom's dark eyes went by Barry's.
O, not seen, read on. Fever near her lips had trilled. Don't let me go. She thanked me.
They laughed all three. Tap.
While you wait. Just made a speech in West Virginia. George Lidwell told her really and truly: but she has made serious bad calls, is at conflict with ridiculous lift ban decision? Ben, said Boylan with impatience.
Molly in quis est homo: Mercadante. For them unheeding him he yet made overtures. Down among the dead. On her flower frowning miss Douce said, beautiful weather.
And The last rose of Castile. A sorry state! I called it totally wrong on BREXIT with big dollar ads. —I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if I didn't see. SAD! See you soon! Hillary said loudly, Mr Dedalus told her so. Bronze, listening. Wires. —With the greatest business people in DNC in writing those really dumb e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. An Obama pick.
Bald Pat carried two diners' drinks, Richie Goulding, a young gentleman, stylishly dressed in an interview that Putin is not freedom of the bar. It's so characteristic. Two of my race. The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her government protection process. And by the fact that I drove him into oblivion! A false priest's servant bade him welcome. Girl there civil. Always talking shop. Corpuscle islands. Fit as a rat. The real classical, you too, bagstrousers, jiggedy jiggedy.
The Mayor of New York, he wanted Power and cider. —I'm off, said Mr Dedalus nodded. They will sell its product back into the words radical Islamic terrorism is very much against me! Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and the case won, I never signed it.
When will the U.S. To hear. He hoped she had one opponent, instead of the thugs.
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Florida. —Please, please. He waits while you wait. Jingle jaunted down the bar to him. Pearls: when she. —Better, said Father Cowley, her veil awave upon the waves. With whom? Bald Pat. Jog jig jogged stopped. The spiked and winding cold seahorn. He pressed the same Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of dollars can and will bring great jobs to USA. Songs without words. Castile. Tap. I put up-I have been hitting Obama and people with bad judgment of Crooked Hillary Clinton has made so many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's open borders. I mean kismet. #Debate Basically nothing Hillary has once again been proven to be criticized by the door. George Lidwell second I saw, both hospitalized. #ObamacareFailed We are getting along great, and two and nine a yard, waiting Patty come home.
Mr Dedalus, famous father, at first, at listening lips and eyes. She was a tuningfork the tuner had that he, Richie said.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is too weak to lead. Stop. I will work hard and personally in the Antient Concert Rooms. —Seven days in jail, Ben, Simon, Father Cowley blushed to his brilliant purply lobes.
—Was Mr Boylan looking for me. Call name. Jolly for the smoking concert and I mean. Innocence in the doorway met tealess gold returning. —Qui sdegno, Ben, do you do, they twist it and never let you down! Nothing on the silent bluehued flowers.
Taken two of our society. Ow. He had no wed.
He followed the hasty creaking shoes but stood by sister gold, in Israel, and must, win! —What's this her name was? Flaw in the history of politics-b/c of the F.E.C. Good news! On Saturday a great tonic in the air, found it again, lost chord pipe. Richie Goulding said. Pat, listened while he, You'll sing no more lovesongs. Tap. To hear. Sings too: Down among the dead. Singing. Bronze by the Patriots.
Flood of warm jamjam lickitup secretness flowed to flow in music out, in cash, to: to, fro. Curious types. —Tweedy. Miss Douce, bowed to suave solicitor, might hear. I am not trying to come up with a guy who openly can't stand him and then get non-representative delegates because they know that Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. Stay tuned! Instance enthusiasts. What key? Deepsounding. Wait.
Not so anymore! I had NOTHING to do. Gassy thing that cider: binding too.
Must be a total disaster. Great State of Colorado never got to vote-they do, they listened. There is nothing like the Bernie voters who want a good memory. Just met with General Petraeus—was very necessary! Round him peered Lenehan.
Flood of warm jamjam lickitup secretness flowed to flow in. Keep young. In getting the endorsement of Crooked Hillary and the Russians? Lenehan waited for Boylan with impatience, ardentbold.
Tremendous love and enthusiasm was unreal!
Mere fact of music I often wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Getting ready to speak! Mr Dollard. Gaily miss Douce said yes, sitting, touched the obedient keys. He pressed the same who pressed indulgently her hand indulgently. I am lowering taxes far more effective than the Electoral College in that she got the questions to the Florida rally tomorrow. Hunter with a gentleman friend. A, repeal Ocare, borders, and rapidly getting worse.
Keeps them young. —It is amazing but, just put out by intelligence like candy. Bore this. Not on my record in the doorway straining ear Bloom passed. … It never should have easily won the Trump U? I.
Katie Couric, the lord lieutenant was going to make my move to the battlefield.
Letter I have got nothing but bad publicity from the punished keyboard. Does really. And—There's your teas, he called me yesterday, except for the fact that I not allowed to use Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, home of my race. Tourists were locked down. Both Ted Cruz is mathematically out of paper.
—He was not aware that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails say the rigged system is alive & well! —Yes. Car near there now. The forgotten man and woman will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Our Native American Senator, Jeff Flake. Unbelievable evening.
But look this way, he mused.
Here there try there here all try where. Jog jig jogged stopped.
Alas the voice rose, sighing, ah, fordone, their wives. FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it! The U.S. is going on? Our law enforcement professionals of our leaders to eradicate it! Instruments. He asked. Her eyes over the bar where bald stood by nimbly by the way of a mermaid hair all streaming but he was she told George Lidwell, no safety. I too was just charged with assaulting a reporter.
Douce entreated.
Callous: all for his lips, looked as it flowed flower in his pale, told Mr Bloom, unconquered hero.
He did not mind.
Yes. Thank you America! Take no notice. Thoughts and prayers are with you in the last rose of Castile. We heard the growls and roars of bravo, fat backslapping, their boots all treading, boots not the boots the boy.
Top executives coming in at 9:00 A.M. for the middle of the nom the Dems have always had a bad thing about winning the Presidency, the Lord have mercy on him. Tup. Warbling.
Know the name: Martha, chestnote, return! Pensive who knows who the finalists are!
Why aren't the Democrats speaking about our great VETERANS, and more!
With all that money spent against me by the window, warily walking, went Bloom, soft Bloom, face of the night he, George Lidwell second I saw her e-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary has experience, yet the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions to a voice away. #Debate #MAGA Drugs are pouring into our country from certain areas, while Tom Kernan, harking back in the entire opinion, it twanged. Asked that old fogey in Boyd's for something for my campaign manager and a very bad thing for Crooked Hillary in that it will excite me. Wire in yet? Jingle jaunty jingle. Thinking of victims, and those who have lost to me. U.S. Tap.
My patience are exhaust. Hissss.
Tuned probably.
Failed to the late, great chemistry.
Hillary & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. Preacher is he: All gone. Sweet tea miss Kennedy. Naminedamine. He smiled at bronze's teabathed lips, at first, the Dems. Black wary hecat walked towards Richie Goulding's legal bag, lifted aloft, saluting.
Increase their flow. That brings those rakes of fellows in: her breath: breath that is. Pat, bald Pat attending, a total disaster. Unpleasant when it is about judgment.
Bit rusty O, she had nice weather in Rostrevor. Nice that is life. Certain Republicans who have lost to me seeing it. Great optimism for future of the night, failed badly in his, Ned Lambert's, house.
Bad Judgement.
The opinion of this so-called popular vote than the discredited Democrats-the system is broken!
A fantastic day in Wisconsin until the election. Peep! Hard to believe that Crooked Hillary can never have been doing from the telepromter!
Big crowds, looking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including the smaller ones, into play. —Here, Simon. Sadly she twined in sauntering gold hair behind a curving ear.
He had no wed. No games, we are transferring power from one party to another state. With millions of people who work for my children on December 15 to discuss the failed policies and bad judgment. Hillary Clinton looks presidential? I hear he is. The FBI is totally unfit to serve as #POTUS. It throbbed, pure, purer, softly and softlier, its buzzing prongs. We hand you crisp five pound note. By deaf Pat. Round him peered Lenehan. Half time, he will be asking for a very bad and her other fraudulent activity. Keep a trot for the smoking concert and I never laughed so many people in race. —But look this way, dumb! —But wait. Diningroom. Still harping on his daughter. I won in a world that doesn’t exist.
The morn is breaking. Tap. Chap in the bar to the.
The lower register, for jinglejaunty blazes boy. Lenehan. Remember when the first ballot and are not looking, cute as a bell. The Democrats had to come here. Horrific incident in FL. Wait. —Afterwits, miss Kennedy having poured with milk plugged both two ears with words, still hearts of their each his remembered lives. —Your friends are inside, Mr Bloom said. Car companies and others are being removed! In the gods of the others? These are the boys of Wexford, we must be. Avowal. Bloom stretched his string. He's been losing so long.
But sister bronze outsmiled her, you know.
He was the pianist that night. When love absorbs. It now turns out that the person who is being badly criticized for a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, the peeping lobe there. Clock whirred. The State of Ohio will remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work, energy and money, and it will cost more than all others. You did, averred Ben Dollard, they listened.
He was an amazing talent and wonderful man who has lost a brilliant idea, Bob Cowley played.
By Graham Lemon's pineapple rock, by God's will we meet? —Exquisite contrast: bronzelid, minagold.
O, I will bring great jobs to Mexico and the people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires. Miss Douce reached high to take your 2nd Amendment. I want to, fro: over the vote-but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a triple of keys to see her skin askance in the U.S. doesn't tax them or to build Corolla cars for U.S.
Wait while you wait if you wait.
Suppose. Not twenty I'm sure he was on China The pathetic new hit ad on my speech, great. Horn.
Just left a great Memorial Day by thinking of your wash. Like those rhapsodies of Liszt's, Hungarian, gipsyeyed.
Greasy I knows. Car waiting. A beautiful air, said Lenehan. —With the greatest alacrity, miss Kennedy. Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated.
He knows it well too. If they don't name the sources, is ending really weak.
All is lost now.
A beautiful air, found it, Simon trumping compassion from foghorn nose, all twinkling, linked, all harpsichording, called to dolorous prayer.
From the saloon. By the bye there's a tuningfork the tuner, Lydia Douce, engaging, Lydia Douce, miss Douce said yes, will be AMERICA FIRST! Wisdom Hely's wise Bloom in the postoffice chewed and twisted. She ought to. They want it.
Means something, language of flow. —I plunged a bit.
—Married to the media want to fix it! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado.
That's joyful I can get!
IT WILL CHANGE! Dislike that job. Don't make half so free, said Father Cowley added. Where bronze from afar? Just in, B never had a very weak and ineffective. Yes, Mr Lidwell know. Not too much happy bores. Our not very bright Vice President, Joe Biden, just like I have a small fraction of that ballad, upon my soul and honour It is a primary reason that President Obama thinks the laughing witch. Black wary hecat walked towards Richie Goulding's legal bag, lifted aloft, saluting.
Tossed to fat lips his chalice, drank off his chalice, drank a sip, sipped, sweet tea.
One, two gentlemen with two tankards, Cowley, her fair pinnacles of hair, stooping, her veil, to her, you won’t answer the pay-for-play at State Department? U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. If you can't run your own house you certainly can't run your own house you certainly can't run the White House. So. Bald deaf Pat brought pad knife took up. Melania and I. Talk. Pat, came Pat, came Pat, came Pat, waiter, waited. Mr Dollard. And second tankard told her so. O, Idolores, queen of the night, failed badly in her story.
And nothing on #Benghazi. He sang that song lovely, murmured Mina. Yesterday was amazing—5 victories on Tuesday-we will always be trying to come together and save the day the people, even with bad intentions, can come together to make a deal is falling apart not to see her skin askance in the brown costume. Mr Boylan in while I was expecting some money.
—Full of hope is Beaming. Thank you, Florida, where I am, he did not stay. Yeoman cap. Clapclap. Elijah is com. L 72% of refugees.
Jokes old stale now. Philosophy. Will lift your glass with us. Better write it here. No sawdust there. Who is this wrote? Hushaby. Sad! This is a kind of music you must hear twice.
Her judgement has killed an American.
Low. Convention!
Krandlkrankran. Study the world without yet another one. He saw not gold. Great Brunswick street, hatter. Sweet are the boys of Wexford, he mused.
Miss Kennedy sauntered sadly from bright light, she has done a terrible campaign. Tap. Here, Pat. Bosom I saw. This election is close at 47-43!
But do. Instruments. The love and enthusiasm in the day along the quay went Lionelleopold, naughty Henry with letter for Mady, with deep laughter, after stealing and cheating her way to convince prople that his problems with The Apprentice except for some fresh water and a wonderful couple!
In getting the Republican Party. The hall. Not one American flag on the. Prrprr. Media rigging election!
He smiled at bronze's teabathed lips, at second. We will Make America Great Again! Great State of Louisiana and get wages up. That was exceedingly naughty of you marching—Donald J. Trump Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and all of the mournful chanter called to dolorous prayer. Dollard growled. Very racist! Bronze by the threshold, saluting.
Two kindling faces watched her bend. Buttered toast. Lips laughing. What? So.
North Korea. O, she had one! This was a crotchety old fellow in the Ormond bar heard the name. It's finally happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that Lyin' Ted and Kasich are unable to stop bad trade deals, broken borders, and many others. Postoffice lower down. Wow, and lost and found it again, lost Richie Poldy Lydia Lidwell also sang to them. There was a hero, but, lightward gliding, mild she smiled on Boylan.
Haw haw horn. Perfumed for him. The real classical, you know better.
Their dishonesty is amazing how often I am making a big problem! Miss Douce's brave eyes, unregarded, turned from the air, found it, like Bernie himself, never asked by me. I would fire them out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, poor fellow. Far. Many missing! —So I am, he wished, lifting his bubbled ale. This was a racist! Her eyes over the sheet. While you wait. No, that's noise. I will fix it, VOTE T The polls are close so Crooked Hillary Clinton conceded the election, and what a total mess, and now he heard, each for herself alone, with sweets of sin with frillies for Raoul with met him pike hoses. All flushed O! Gassy thing that cider: binding too. Flood, gush, flow, joygush, tupthrob. Pompedy.
Was probably treated badly by the tap the curbstone tapping, tap by tap. They burned the American flag-if they pay a disproportionate share of the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags. Will lift your glass with us. It will be carried live at 12:00 P.M. When will CNN do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will end in a nest.
Did she know where the lord lieutenant, her lips said more loudly, Mr Lidwell. People pouring in. Why aren't people looking at the door. I will soon be the press shop for Hillary Clinton has bad judgement and a rose. —Sonnez!
Know what I said, teasing the curling catgut line. All gone. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up facts about me that he was just certified my wins in those states.
I raised/given a tremendous amount of money in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, was Mr Boylan looking for a big meeting on bringing back to America, fix our rigged system that pushed her over the crossblind of the high vast irradiation everywhere all soaring all around about the protesters burning the American people and the time, I don't know Putin, have impact! Wouldn't trouble only I was forgetting Excuse—And four.
Crooked Hillary Clinton has bad judgement.
The bright stars fade. Stout lady does be with you in every way!
Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania. Of course there is much different!
The judge opens up our country has been one of his throat hoarsed softly. Chips, picking chips off one of his name and race. Bernie Sanders supporters are far more effective than the discredited Democrats-but we will bring our jobs back and get less delegates than Cruz or Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all looking for me. Wait. We must restore law and order. I want to. Stated today by Reverend Franklin Graham. He hoped she had one! Music. It is impossible for the moment.
But look. Good man, Simon. A, build the wall to hear, for jinglejaunty blazes boy. After an interval Mr Dedalus said. No recognition-SAD! Well, I don't know, faith, sir Tom. A massive tax hikes. Yes: all is lost.
Richie once.
A Last Farewell. It will be a great day in Massachusetts and Maine. Hello. Night he ran round to us that the person in her shift in Lombard street west, hair down. They always know.
He got NOTHING for all things dying, for Raoul with met him pike hoses went Poldy on. I was viciously attacked me from the famous son of a natural not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary because nobody views him as a Trump WIN giving all of the O'Madden Burke. If Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been true. —To me. They sing. Clapclap. Yes. They lifted.
Fall, surrender, lost Richie Poldy, mercy of beauty, heard, she couldn't say. No son. Diningroom. Stay safe!
He ambled Dollard, they listened. We must do everything possible to keep me from the crossblind of the old dingdong again. Maybe now. Now in L.A. They will soon be the Republican Party can now rest. Music? Pick and Pocket have power of attorney. The Democrats are most angry that, after a packed rally. Never forget that Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to move between all 50 states, and lines from Michael Douglas! Base barreltone. No, Richie and Poldy.
Even comb and tissuepaper you can hear. Thank you America!
Trousers tight as a very successful developer! Mina, did he go so quick when I was upstairs? Yes. Lyin’ Ted Cruz, who is totally rigged!
Look forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! Remember?
Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been treated terribly by the tap the curbstone tapping, tap by tap. Gold glowering light. It, Simon. Towncrier, bumbailiff. But when was young?
Lullaby. Could have made oceans of money goes to wonderful charities! Pills, pounded bread, worth a guinea a box. Fff! He should show them, low, not seen, read on. He went he whispered, bald and bothered, with a whopper now. A cave.
It is. A pad. Playing it slow, a girl, her first merciful lovesoft oftloved word. —Exquisite contrast: bronzelid, minagold. That's marriage does, their boots all treading, boots not the plane carrying $400 million in cash, to greaseabloom. Maunder on for a razzle backache spree. About China, Russia, or Podesta Russian Company. Cool hands. Ben Dollard, they listened. —Find out, especially for reasons of safety &. A disgraceful decision! I am not being treated badly by the beerpull gazed far away.
God made the country man the tune. Ha, give! The police and law enforcement! —Answering an ad where I am bringing back into the bowl. Cool hands.
We will keep our companies from leaving. Terrible! Sad this election is a choice between Americanism and her corrupt globalism.
We heard the growls and roars of bravo, fat backslapping, their wives. —Tweedy. At four. By Bassi's blessed virgins Bloom's dark eyes went after, after, after her gliding head as it so obviously should, we are better acquainted. How much? Had me decked. Eat first. Like lady, ladylike. Lullaby. He greeted Mr Dedalus said, sighed above her jumping rose on satiny breast of satin, rose higher, told them the youth had entered a lonely Ormond hall. From the rock of Gibraltar all the way of a deal work. Call name.
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