#like i dont think ive ever called someone a fujoshi as much as referred specifically to the people CALLING themselves it who were being dick
ruthlesslistener · 1 year
I know you said that you weren't going to take more asks about this, but I just want to calmly say my take on it. My take on the fujoshi post is that... well, I understand that you are referring to the western fans who are fucking up the label. But at the end of the day, using fujoshi as a bad word still fucks it up and butchers its true meaning. We ask you respectfully to stop doing that, even if you are only referring to the western fans. Its still butchering the word.
I'll respond to you as well because you're being polite, but here's yet another clarification: I never called the people who harassed me and my friends 'fujoshi' as an insult out of the blue, nor have I ever done so or will do so. They straight-up had 'fujoshi' in their blog titles. That's why I pointed it out, because they were identifying as such and it was the easiest way to sum them up. I'm not going around pointing at bl likers like 'you filthy fucking fujoshi' I'm specifically recounting my own shitty experiences with people who had it in their blogs as a self-identifier. I know the context behind the word, but everytime I've used it in a derogatory manner is because it was the only solid identifier for the group of people sending death threats, bc what the fuck else am I going to use when a white girl with it in her title is using it to preform micro and macroagressions against me and people I care about (other than just owari no seraph fans, though now that i'm thinking about it yeah that might actually work as an alt descriptor).
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