#like i just got the evil spirit armor so I'm wearing that
just-another-nerd-blog · 11 months
The worst part about Tears of the Kingdom is the fact that there's so much cool armor and I can only equip three different things at once
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olyia-stories · 1 year
Let's get into this: my thoughts on the Siege of Macindaw: book 6 of the Rangers apprentice
Aww Will sneaking up on Gundar! I bet he's going to offer redemption for letting Buttle go in the form of storming the keep.
Lol Gundar mistaking Will for a ghost, I bet Will enjoyed that just a little.
So I know the studded leather is probably nothing more than set dressing, but as it's fairly useless to stud leather armor I think it's very funny that Buttle is wearing it. Just another sign of his incompetence.
Love Will!
Well Orman was a little slow on the draw, a ranger named Will. I thought he already figured it out. But he was almost dead for a little, I won't judge too harshly.
"He made the peace sign" ✌️
Oh. Ohhhh. "Is. That. Clear." Will became so intimidating so quickly.
Ok the plan to capture the scotti general, tactically sound. Although I don't know how many more stomachs the clearing can feed. Even with Orman helping.
Oh Will wasn't with Halt to see that the ranger thing can't scare people outside of their country, they don't know to be afraid.
Losing Machaddish is on you Will, never take your eye off the enemy before you've secured him.
Anyways, Will won't die today.
I'm so glad Horace is as smart and as loyal as he is. Things were looking dire for Will.
Will thinks it's no big deal that a Scotti got away, but want of a plot begs to differ.
It seems the clearing was ready for prisoners.
Lol the whole frightening MacHaddish scene is hilarious and devious. Who knew the healer could be so evil?
And then kicking off the platform boots
So they need a ton more men to infiltrate Macindaw, it's a good thing they happen to know a certain evil spirit that uses explosive powders to make a point.
Oof. Alyss coming in for the final blow against Kerens pride
I think Will's plan might actually work, but as there's still 200 pages left it can't work too well.
I wonder if Alyss saw the flare and if so what she thinks of it
And now for Will and Horace they get to hurry up and wait, I guess the army is the same no matter what universe you're in
"What rhymes with Macindaw?" Bro I love Horace so much!
Will LOVES ALYSS! he finally said it out loud! It just took the threat of death to admit it
And she doesn't think it really happened. Horace is right will need to come out and say it or they'll be stuck in this dance forever
"There weren't many fools in the Ranger corps, but he realized he just met one." WILL a savage!
I might have seen Will giving shadow to Trobar coming, but it was still hard to read
Ah a pretty girl like Delia, of course she got married while Will was away
Ooh self-proclaimed prophet ehh? I smell sequal bait!
BLESS HORACE! I love my meddling son
What a good ending to this book! They're so cute and will is growing up so fast! I already have the next book checked out from the library and hopefully it doesn't take me a whole 3 months to read the next one as it did this one
Thanks for reading my thoughts to the 5 people that keep liking these when I post them
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure (Manga) - Vol. 5 (Final volume)
Okay, now that I've finished the manga (or, manhua I guess), I can safely say: don't bother! Reading this was a chore. The only thing I got out of it was the occasional nice bit of art or cheesy dialogue to laugh at. Other than that, they completely butchered the pacing/storytelling/essentially any charm the anime had. It's all par for the course with these kinds of money hungry releases.
Ch. 29
-Pinochimon calls TK "the boy in the ridiculous hat" which made me really look at TK's hat for the first time lol. It actually is kind of weird looking. My brain always read it as one of those winter hats with ear flaps, but giving it a closer look it's more like a hat that a cleric would wear in a JRPG or something. Why does it have a gem on it?
-Pinochimon's gun isn't censored in the manga! They didn't show TK holding a gun though, so I guess the original JP anime is still the most hardcore viewing experience lol
Ch. 30
-I simultaneously dislike the "the group breaks up" part of the story but it also feels necessary. It would be pretty unrealistic if everyone was just blindly gung-ho about being the "chosen children" for the whole series, so I like that it shows the inner doubt/turmoil.
-I had completely forgotten about that "spirit talks through Kari" bit. I don't think they ever fully explain what that is...? Very contrived.
Ch. 31
-Sadly they killed of Pinochimon in like two seconds which means we don't get to see his fight with MetalEtemon. That was like the only good part about Etemon coming back!
-For whatever reason, they decided to call the mecha version of Pinochimon's house "Housemon." Sure, why not. The part never really made sense anyways. I double checked the digimon fan wiki and the house is not considered a digimon in the anime. Continuity!
Ch. 32
-If Leomon can digivolve into SaberLeomon due to being "bathed in the light of the digivice," then there's no reason the kids shouldn't go around trying that on all of their ally digimon. Just sayin'
-In one panel, Machinedramon looked like he had a huge dick lol. I had to google a character reference to realize that it was his knee, oops...
Ch. 33
-This chapter was just one (or rather two) big battles. The action and drama was somewhat ruined by the cheesy dialogue. Tai literally says "Guys, rage against the machine!" and Machinedramon says "deus ex machina, fool!" What is this, an abridged series??
-WarGreymon looks pretty goofy with his armor shattered at the end there. I don't remember that visual being in the anime.
Ch. 34
-This chapter was terrrrible. They shoved like 5 episodes of content into 20-ish pages and nothing had any emotional impact. The whole "Matt and Gabumon in a cave" bit was especially weak. Matt's like "I'm sad," Gabumon says "you're not yourself!" and then Matt's like "Oop, you're right, I'm fine!" in about 3 panels. There's also a narrator textbox being like "we later found out that some evil force made Matt feel that way." Total waste of time. If they're not going to treat the emotional beats with respect, don't bother even adapting them.
-The fact that they gave Pinocchimon little voodoo dolls of the characters and then Piedmon has keychains that look pretty much the same. Pretty redundant...
-We were cheated out of LadyDevimon in manga form :'(
Ch. 35
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-Dull, rushed, anticlimactic and devoid of emotion. I sincerely hope no one read this manga before watching the anime, that would probably ruin the whole series for them lol.
-Since this was written post 02 Gennai is like "bye kids, the next batch of digidestined will take care of the rest!" I feel like that goes along with my whole "digidestined have to be a certain age and then they graduate" theory. Either that or the digital world is just nice and doesn't want to trouble the same kids twice? Who knows...
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