#like i kept telling ppl how tonight is my last big social thing before i start practicing social distancing
goodlesson · 5 years
was four drinks deep when i got this e-mail from work 🙃 cool cool cool cool
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 10 - "I've been channeling Raffy's chaos and messy style" ~Amy
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Colin survived omg omg. I went on call with him after tribal council and I smoothed things over with us. So I'm like the only person he's not hating right now. Also I literally told Colin everything. I told him exactly what happened which is so awkward if anyone finds out I tolf him that they all backstabbed him. Also Elle cannot be trusted!! Why would she do this? She's probably working with Colin and at this point I'm ok with voting off Elle. She really backstabbed the entire plan. Also Elle's idol is gone so it would be easy. BUT, we need to rid of the advantages that remain. There's not any time to get off people I don't trust. We need to expose every last idol we can. Also I know Brayden has an idol and I'm working with him but I might have to backstab that guy because if he makes it to final tribal council with an idol that will be big on his resume. Honestly Brayden will be seen as the most popular social player so that will look really good compared to me. So I might have to backstab my best friend before the time runs out. 
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Wtf was that tribal. Literally besides Colin, the only person left out of the vote and lied to by my own partner. Just when i thought things were looking up for me in this game, the rug gets pulled from underneath me again. I literally dont feel like i can trust any of them but for the sake of playing nice, I have to pretend that everything is fine and be a fake bitch for a day or two. Ugh 😑
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I understand Colin is probably really upset and hurt because he felt personally close with me, but I don’t understand why my reasons for not saving him weren’t valid. When he tried to save Dennis, it rubbed HIMYM the wrong way and I didn’t want to betray 5 people for 1 person the same way he did that because it’s what gave everyone distrust. He said he didn’t tell anyone about HIMYM until after he heard his name, but that’s a lie as Josh and Jay both heard of it by round 8. I said that and then he said “well that’s still one person”. It’s more than one and even then, one person is one person. You gave us a reason to distrust you and that’s why you were targeted. I never told anyone about his SWP because I didn’t want to give him a reason to tell others I’m not trustworthy or for him to target me with. Ultimately, of course I knew Jay wasn’t going to send me out, but there was a real concern that Babs had an idol and that between me and Anastasia, I would go. So yeah, my concerns were indeed valid as it could’ve gone to a point where I go. I really want immunity this round. So bad. But if it’s not me I’ll be ok with my allies having it. But please I want immunity!!! 
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[this was earlier, but put it wherever✨] Sooooo so much drama these days, I used to be in an alliance with Jay, Brayden, and Anastasia but they're all in a megasix alliance except Jay is relatively new bc they swapped him out for Colin recently, Jay is completely in Jodi's pocket and RIP honestly bc I was hope our little Corn Tribe (we're both from Ohio lol) would make it far, Colin and I are firmly allies now and we have an alliance with Amy (who is currently Colin's no. 1 ally and I respect that she risked it all for him lol understandable) and are goin to make another one with Josh. Josh and I are allies and I trust him a lot partially bc ppl lied to him almost as much as ppl lied to me and Colin and being at the bottom is a good way to know your allies are true, they have little to gain 😂 oh and Brayden and Anastasia and I are still "allies" and idk Jay hasn't talked to me yet sooooo let's see what happens there!
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I accidentally said that Josh was on the bottom out loud when I was answering him for the question who doesnt deserve to be here. Omg I literally ruined our relationship. I am sooo stupid. I literally told him i was sorry and he said K. Ok but he is on the bottom. Obviously he doesn't need me as an ally and that whole side has a plan. Omg Im ready to be blindsided lol. But also maybe dont vote out me. Josh really isnt that forgiving is he? That is crazy to me. I wouldve pretended to forgive at least. Now I feel even more awful because he never said he forgave me. Pain. Anyways I screwed up and now I'm just praying Josh doesn't gun after me now. But I did tell Josh the whole truth and apologized genuinly about the situation. Oh god I hope he doesnt hate me. I dont even want him as a jury vote I just cant take anyone hating me or disliking me. It makes me want to throw up. But I deserve to feel this way since I emberassed him infront of everyone i am so so stupid. Anyways time to plan who to get out. OMG JOSH JUST TEXTWD ME "It's fine Im on the bottom. My feelings dont matter" WHAAATTT OF COURSE HIS FEELINGS MATTWR I CANT BELOEBE IHURT HIS ACTUAL FEELINFA I AM SO STUPID WTF I AM AWFUL I WILL GO APOLOGIZE MORW NOW GOODBYE
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it appears either jodi or jared are going tonight, and although they’re my allies, i selfishly don’t care. I’ll still be in the game, so that’s nice i suppose. I love jodi, but she’s paranoid and it’s a whole deal trying to work with her, if she got voted out i could maybe get some sleep every once in awhile. I love her to death, but frankly whatever happens tonight as long as it ain’t me I don’t really care. Hell, even if it is me, then whatever lol, I can get caught up on sleep then. Frankly this is where the game gets ugly, and i’m cool with staying out of the drama. it still sucks that josh hates me though, i genuinely like him, and i feel like he doesn’t want to be my friend beyond the game anymore. To me, i’m going to keep doing me. I’m gonna chill, i’m gonna relax, and i’ll play when i feel like it. My mental health is important, so even if i’m not playing as hard as others, it’s just a game. If i lose, i will not lose any sleep over it. 
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DAMN last tribal really killed the vibes in the game. no one wants to talk. everyone is scared of stuff getting leaked or turning on people. BUT ON THE FLIP side that means everyone is flipping on everyone SOMEHOW amy managed to escape unscathed. They have NO idea she's in with us and with them. She's telling us everything. it's actually insane to watch her do it. Truly international superspy behavior.   We have our numbers and they have theirs. They made another majority alliance except they replaced me with Jay. Whatever, expected. its fine. I truly did not talk much to people before the challenge, I just laid back and let Amy gather information for us. The immunity challenge was absolutely crazy good for us. Elle winning immunity is perfect, and the fact they GAVE AMY the other immunity is also amazing, a testament to how much they do trust her. THEN THIS IS WHERE THINGS STARTED GETTING EXCITING so I still have my handy chaos idol. I was thinking about numbers and I came to the realization that we could get Jodi cirie'd out this tribal. Their side is splitting votes on Josh and I, and there's four of us. If we vote the other 4 people in that alliance and then play the chaos idol, it leaves Jodi the only one without a vote and she's automatically out. It was a huge risk but I brought this plan to Josh, Amy, and Elle. because of the touchy subjects it made me truly feel that I could trust my allies right now. I was voted "Who is your closest ally" and I'm almost certain it was those three that put me down. That means I can trust them with this plan. (I hope). Elle, however, brought up the very good point that Jodi might be idoled, it's very obvious for us to go after her. SO we also decided that we should leave no votes on Brayden and then theres a revote between the two. SO TLDR THE PLAN RN: play chaos idol and coordinate votes so there's a revote between Jodi and Brayden. Also we're telling everyone else our plan is to vote Jared, that way it's not too obvious we have shit up our sleeve. there is the prospect of them splitting the vote 3-3 and then we don't even need to use the chaos idol, we just have the numbers. The other option is they put all 6 votes on one person and then we do have to play it. Thats why its so good we have Amy as our inside source telling us everything that's going on with them. so yeah right now we're still playing it by ear. not a lot of people are online and available to we're just waiting to get it all sorted out. Updates soon! uwu
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Hahahahaha omfg so after we yeeted out of last tribal and then elle used their idol apparently anastasia and jodi changed their vote to Babs so they still went home and we kept Colin's idol. We jumped back on the tribe call and it was only host Jay and Raffy left lol like we were ready for a tribe fight! But I think it turned out better because I am still getting all the info in the group. Touchy subjects was interesting and almost exposed us bc colin and jodi tied for closest allies lol which I'm sure it was like 3-3-whatever. But she said I'm the group maybe it was like 2-2-1s. So that's a relief. However. Everyone is being really quiet with me and our brayden - jodi - me alliance is silent. I'm concerned they think it is me who's leaking but from what I can tell jodi (and thus anastasia, brayden,jay, and jared automatically) believe it was elle who leaked the plan to vote colin. So idk how but I'm in the clear. I'm just waiting to be found out bc I'd be an easy vote out. BUT I think they believe I'm still with new himym because brayden chose to give me immunity in touchy subjects!! And elle got first out!! So we are both safe and the current plan for Jodi's group is to tell Colin josh and elle they are splitting but they will put all votes on josh so that colin flushes his idol. Except lol it's a chaos idol. And if that's the case colin wants me to vote him ☠️ but it actually keeps him safe so I'll do it. I would just hate for the chaos idol to be fake. I think I know where all remaining advantages are except the idol I think Jared has lol. So for the break down brayden has an idol he believes is real but is fake and he is not telling anyone in the group or jodi or me so as much as I like brayden I can't wait to see him play it and it's fake. Then Colin has Dennis's chaos idol and one more regular idol. I have the merge idol and a steal a vote. That leaves only jared's idol that we might be able to flush this go if they actually believe jared is the target from Josh elle colin. But if they don't we can leave votes off jared and jodi and we can vote out the unplayed idol or vote jodi out and her minions have to regroup. My biggest concern has been josh bc he really seems to not like me ☠️ and here I am risking it all to keep colin, elle, and josh in the game lol. So now colin elle and I have a three. Colin filled them in and they trust me. And we waited until josh calmed down bc he was really mad that I cut his rope in the challenge. Unfortunately I knew that he wasn't winning bc he's at the bottom, none of them were giving him immunity, and I needed to keep up the facade that I was with them 100% so I was guessing like everyone else on the most allies even though I knew it would be colin lol. So now colin has talked to Josh and josh knows about the chaos idol so I just hope he's 100% with us. Because if we play this right it's 4-4. And then I'm gonna have to reveal to them I have a steal a vote lol they might be upset I didn't tell them before but I've never said I didn't have anything (except to jodi whoops). Also now jodi is thinking worst case like wants me to say I'll vote out anastasia if it's a revote and also at 6. I was like "oh I'm a revote? I got you" as in if vote you out sorry girl. Listen I know I'm not winning and I know I'm not getting to the end because it would be stupid to take me at this point. I'm literally a double agent secret spy lol. However the entire jury WILL despise me but all I could hope is they respect the moves I made. But it seems like a lot of people in this game take things very personal so I really think it would be a completely bitter jury against me not that I'm getting there. I kind of don't want to use my steal a vote at 8 and hope they still think I'm with new himym because then we could simply idol where their vote is and I keep steal a vote for 6 and my idol for 5 and I'm golden lol 😂. And here I was gonna hard quit the game lol. I mean tbh they could just vote me here... Wait lol I'm immune jk thanks. Literally i think Babs is indifferent and dennis did like me but his vote would still go to colin. But if I was in f3 IMAGINE the story of have to tell lol and convince them all. It's the struggle of playing more behind the scenes but I really think someone is going to leave the info. I hope josh stays quiet until 7 when we should have numbers. Anyway all of this to say I wanted to play this game doing the absolute minimum and I'm spending hours and hours a day like copy pasting from the group to colin 😂 and now to our group. The problem is colin really believed jared when he said he'd flip and I was like colin no that's EXACTLY what he detailed he'd do in the group. And then Colin and josh were like wait anastasia and brayden may consider flipping and here I was like no y'all they are telling me / us they're saying that. Unless it's like a double play they are lying to you and that's their plan. All I can do is copy paste their exact messages and hope they believe me. I really do think they trust me bc I'm risking my life here. I just need to talk to Josh and explain the situation and I am with him not against him! Honestly this is such a great cast and they are playing very well. It'll be fun to see how it all works out. I don't think I'll be at the end but I would love to see underdogs take it. I would actually love josh elle and Colin at the end and I'd vote colin to win lol he put in work! I'd also vote anastasia to win because she has laid low so well with still having pull in the game. Idk it's a fun one that I think will blow up on me soon but I've been channeling Raffy's chaos and messy style bc I'm just here to have fun not to win actually lol. I am writing this while on a flight so I'll have updates later. Oh right our 4 group plan is to use the chaos idol and throw votes around so that like 2 or 3 people don't have votes then they are the only ones vulnerable in the revote and everyone who got votes is safe. Then we can vote either jared or jodi like that's the thing if jodi doesn't play an idol here I don't think she has one or no one is giving her one. I think my only chance to make it farther is to let the 4 group know I'm with them 100% but still keep my idol for myself hopefully until 6 or 5 but lol idk about that. Like I can see them wanting to take me out then. Okay that's all my thoughts right now.
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[😬 Not me completely forgetting to send this oops here i'll add a fun quote at the beginning] Jodi is Regina George, we are the schoolbus✨ Sooooooo Colin has a chaos idol how fun for him and tbh im kinda tired so here's the voting plan and the rest you can just kinda glean: Amy - Josh Elle - Colin Josh - Anastasia Colin - Jay ~~~
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Power Ranking:
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Amy: She has managed to escape suspicion from last round. Nobody believes her to be the rat leaking things to Colin. She is in the best position in this game right now being on all sides and having every single option open to her.
Colin: King of idols. King of chaos. He has it all locked down. Has capitalized on those the Jodi side has burned. Will continue to capitalize on it. The power struglle ends here.
Elle: Mostly just floating behind Colin’s shield which is what she should be doing atm.
Josh: If he stays out of people’s periphery, he can make it far. Might be dragged to end, but could make a great pitch for himself.
Jay: Ruined his position with multiple people last round. Is sort of in the middle? Sort of not? He is definitely aligned with Anastasia and Brayden who are protecting him.
Brayden: If he betrays Jodi, he will shoot up in this ranking. Needs to become a free agent instead of being locked into an alliance.
Anastasia: If she betrays Jodi, she will shoot up in this ranking. Needs to step away from Brayden and Jay who are clouding her good judgment. She is being iced from the other side.
Jared: I don’t know why he is going to use his idol on Jodi? His loyalty to her will be his downfall.
Jodi: Seems to have accepted being voted out this round. Seems to have backed herself into a corner based on her logic. Too worried about advantages to see the right path.
0 notes
amylillian22 · 8 years
The Secret - Cody Christian Imagine
Requested by Anon: May can you write something where the reader is a big fan of Teen Wolf/PPL (you choose) and she has a crush on Theo/Mike and now she’s dating Cody and she never told him about knowing and crushing on him/his character. And after dating for a while he, somehow, finds out and gets really mad about it? But a happy ending xx
Word Count: 2,178
Warnings: Mentions of sex 
Author’s Note: I love Cody. I need him in my life.
My Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“We are here live on the red carpet for The Ryan Seacrest Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, where some of Hollywood’s biggest and favorite couples are spending their Valentine’s Day giving back and raising money for the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio,” Ryan Seacrest spoke into his E! microphone and looked directly into the camera before he turned to his left to see who was next on the red carpet. “In fact, here’s my good buddy and his girlfriend, Teen Wolf’s Cody Christian and Y/N Y/L/N. Watch your step,” Ryan offered a hand to Y/N as she picked up her dress a little and carefully walked up the steps with Cody’s hand at the small of her back, guiding her up the steps.
Hugs and handshakes were exchanged as they quickly said hello to one another before Ryan jumped back into work mode. “First of all, thank you so much for spending your Valentine’s Day with us as I’ve known you two for a while now, but I didn’t realize you two are also celebrating your ten year anniversary today!” Ryan put a hand to his mouth to cover his next words from the couple and looked directly into the camera, “I hear wedding bells soon,” he sang in a playful and jokingly kind of way as he winked at the camera.
The trio laughed. It didn’t make Cody and Y/N uncomfortable. The two have already talked about getting married someday and both knew Cody would propose when the time is right. Cody and Y/N were just 15 when they met at a book store and Cody asked her out on a date to the movies. Their relationship started off slow as Cody’s schedule was busy with Pretty Little Liars, but they made it work. They were both patient with one another, which made their relationship much stronger, meaningful, and deeper.
Ryan looked away from the camera and back to the happy couple,“ but seriously, congratulations! Not many relationships in Hollywood last this long." 
"Thank you,” Cody and Y/N said in unison before they laughed.
“What’s your secret?” Ryan asked. 
“First of all, thank you for having us,” Cody said. “We’re always here to help you when it comes to raising money for such a great cause.”
“We’re more than happy to be here,” Y/N smiled.
“As for the secret to our successful relationship, do you mind if I quote something Kevin Bacon said once during an interview when he got asked the same question about his marriage?” Cody asked.
“Not at all. Go for it,” Ryan held the microphone a little bit closer to Cody to catch every word.
“Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty,” Cody smirked.
“Cody!” Y/N playfully smacked his arm, shaking her head as everyone laughed. She looked back at Ryan, “don’t mind him. I think our relationship works so well because we definitely communicate and more importantly we’re patient with one another.”
“Which is so important because sometimes my job keeps me away from her. Sometimes I film long hours, sometimes I film in other states or countries, and she can’t always go with me. I’m so lucky to have her in my life, who not only understands me and my hectic life, but also loves me back,” Cody smiled as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to his side.
“Aww,” Y/N cooed as she leaned into him. “It’s hard not to love a man who says nothing but sweet things to me.”
“You two are just too cute for words,” Ryan chuckled. “Y/N, I have to ask, what does it feel like to be in a relationship with the Cody Christian? Our researchers at E! recently found out you were actually one of Cody’s biggest fans before you met him. You used to run a Cody Christian fan blog, right?”
Y/N’s eyes widened in shock as Cody’s head snapped in her direction completely taken back and gave her a quizzical look.
Remembering she was live on national television, Y/N quickly composed herself and shook it off as if it was nothing. “Oh, gosh, Ryan, that was so long ago. But you know what? I love Cody and there aren’t enough words to express how much I love him and how proud I am of him.”
“Well, thank you so much for joining us on the red carpet and being here tonight. You two enjoy the rest of your night,” Ryan shook their hand as they exchanged quick goodbyes.
“Cody, I can explain,” she quickly whispered as she slipped her hand in his and walked down the steps.
He gripped her hand tight, working his muscles under his jaw as he gritted his teeth, “We’ll talk about this later.” He closed his eyes for a second and let out a deep frustrated sigh. In an instant, his whole demeanor changed as he plastered a fake smile on his face. “For now, smile cause we’re still on the red carpet.”
It was a little after midnight and Y/N had changed out of her red ballroom gown and into a pair of black yoga pants and one of Cody’s old hoodies. Her eyes had been puffy from crying since she got home and Cody took off without telling her where he was going. After the interview on the red carpet, they had to pretend nothing was wrong, fake smiles and laughs when they socialized with their friends and met new people.
As soon as the charity event was over, Cody and Y/N sat in the back of the car in an uncomfortable silence. The driver could feel the tension in the car and he knew a knife wouldn’t cut through it. When the driver dropped them off and drove out of their driveway, Cody got in his truck and took off without so much as looking back at Y/N. Although she knew he clearly needed to clear his mind and sort things out, she wasn’t expecting him to leave her like that. They’ve had fights before, but Cody had never walked away from one. Y/N was worried she had messed things up for good and might have lost the only good thing she had in her life.
Y/N quickly wiped away the fallen tears once she heard the back door open and close and Cody dropping his keys in the bowl on a table they had by the door. She grabbed her pillow and hugged it to her chest as she curled her body in fetal position. Cody noticed a soft light coming from underneath the bedroom door. He slowly opened the door to their shared bedroom and peeked in to see if Y/N was asleep. Her back was to him, giving him the impression she was asleep, until he saw her shoulders tremble. He was pissed at her, but hated that he caused the tears he knew were sliding down her cheeks at the moment.
He closed his eyes as he let out a deep frustrated sigh before closing the door behind him. Cody moved around the room and into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Y/N didn’t move, nor did she make a sound. With her blurry vision, she just looked straight ahead at the wall in front of her. 
She felt the bed dip besides her as Cody laid down on his side. He reached over to the lamp on his nightstand and turned it off. He didn’t say a word, say or kiss her good night. He just stayed on his side of the bed and gave her his back. Although they were just about a foot away from one another, they felt miles apart, and the horrible tension they had in the car now filled their bedroom.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered in the dark. “I’m so sorry.”
“You lied to me,” he whispered back.
She immediately shook her head. “No, I didn’t." 
"You withheld the truth from me,” he leaned over to turn the lamp back on. He leaned up on his elbows and looked at her. “You withheld the truth and you lied about it." 
Still refusing to look at him, she closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you and I should have told you. You didn’t deserve to find out the way you did.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was afraid-" 
"Afraid of what?! That this would happen?! That I would be completely pissed about this? I mean could you bla-”
“No! I was afraid you’d stop loving me if you found out!” Y/N shouted back as she finally turned around to face Cody.
Cody scanned her features. Her eyes were red and puffy. They were also broken, filled with sadness and worry. Cody let out a deep sigh as he reached for her hand. “Babe, I could never stop loving you. After my mom’s cancer, your dad’s death,” Cody shook his head. “We’ve been through too much together and been there for each other when we needed each other the most. I could never stop loving you. I’m just mad you never told me about this, that you kept this from me. I had a right to know about this.”
“I know and I’m sorry. I stopped running the blog the second you asked me to move in with you after Jeff talked about bringing you back for the final season of Teen Wolf,” she finally sat up and fiddled with her fingers. “Cody, you have to know, although I first knew you as Mike and I was head over heels with him, I love you. I don’t love you because you were Mike and Theo. I fell in love with you because I love the way your eyes twinkle every time you laugh. I love you because you are kind and considerate towards others, and you often put everyone else first. You showed me the world from a different perspective. You taught me to love myself, be confident in myself, and believe in myself. I love you because even though you are the furthest thing from prefect, you’re perfect in my eyes.”
Cody looked at her in awe. He knew she loved him, but he never knew how deep her love ran. He had never heard her speak about him like that before and somehow that made him love her even more, knowing she loved him for all the same reasons he loved her. He cupped her cheeks and brushed away the tears on her face before pulling her in for a deep and passionate kiss.
Y/N didn’t hesitate to kiss him back as she placed her hands on his firm chest. Their lips moved in perfect sync, fitting perfectly against one another like puzzle pieces. It’s been ten years since they first got together, and to this day, every time their lips meshed together, butterflies would be released in their stomachs, heat would wash over their bodies, a shiver would travel down their spines and all the way to their toes as they saw fireworks.
“I’m so sorry,” Y/N mumbled again in between kisses. “I love you… so much, Cody.”
“It’s okay…” Cody pulled back with his eyes still closed and his forehead pressed against hers. “I love you, too, Y/N.”
Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a tight hug. He buried his face at the crook of her neck, taking in the scent of her perfume as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. His lips pecked her neck with wet butterfly kisses. “Marry me,” he whispered.
She pulled back and looked at him. “Did you just ask me-“
“I was planning on asking you tonight after Ryan’s thing. I had the whole thing planned out. A nice warm bubble bath and then eat some chocolate covered strawberries I got you with a bottle of champagne, but then I was so pissed, and everything-“
“Changed? Did you decide not to propose at all?” She asked afraid.
Cody immediately shook his head. “Babe, I want to marry you. I never decided not never ask you to marry me. Tonight, I just needed some air. I wasn’t mad at what you did. I was mad you never told me about it, and I didn’t want to propose the same night we had our biggest fight ever, but after what you just said…. I don’t want to waste another day. We’ve been together for 10 years and been through so much together, and guess what? We’ll get through this together too.” He grabbed her hands in his and lifted them up, kissing her knuckles before he looked up at her. “So… marry me, Y/N. Let’s continue to be there for each other, have stupid fights, followed by some amazing make up sex,” Y/N chuckled. Cody smiled at her, “Make me the happiest man in the world, babe.”
“Yes,” she leaned in and kissed him. “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” She repeated in between kisses as her arms wrapped around his neck and pushed him back on the bed. Cody’s hands rested at her hips as she straddled his hips. “Get ready for the best make up sex of your life.”
“Keep the fights clean, and the sex dirty,” Cody chuckled before he kissed her.
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Episode #12- “Liam: Hey Google, play ambience”- Sara
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I got Vincent and Liam as my pool peeps. Vincent was just voted out, and Liam is on the outs right now. Things are looking bright. A lot of people want me for their final 3. All I have to do is make sure that Liam is out next, and then play the immunity idol for myself, and I'll be good! This is so exciting, I've never gotten this far.
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Holy fucking shit ! I cant believe I have made it this far in my first ever real org! Idk if I'm being cocky or not but I do feel i have made most the big moves in the game or at least had a hand in them . I think everyone trust me and I'm praying to the tumblr survivor gods that I can keep coming out on top .
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Wow! Cannot believe that I've made it this far! I definitely just thought I'd be leaving after Rizo but I guess I'm just surprising myself! With Cheatham and Austin saying they're with me and me admitting to AnnMarie how much I do value her, I do think its optimal for me that one of Liam and Sara goes. Seeing as the plan is to use Liam to get AnnMarie or Sara out, I can only hope Sara is the one to go, but I will not push a single pathway on myself just yet :)
I think a strategy that could help is Perception of Pairs. At the start of merge it sorta made sense. Rizo/me, AnnMarie/Sara, Vincent/Liam, now Austin/Cheatham, then the wildcards Kyle/Noah. I lucked out in mine going first and I think each one has been suffering since...except for 2. This vote I think Cheatham wants to pitch the AnnMarie/Sara thing to get him to vote with us. However, if it works, I need to cover myself in F5 and painting Austin/Cheatham as the last remaining duo is the best shot I think I have. 1 round at a time though! 
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I really need this immunity win! I know my name is always going around and this is the only way I'll have safety in this game. Hopefully ppl mess up and get to many numbers and cant make a expression . This will be the most hectic tribal so gotta do whatever to win this.  
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I have a concern for F5...say Liam goes. I truly believe Austin is going to be smack dab in the middle and I can end up being voted. In fact I am more surprised nobody else has picked up on how good he is playing. I can only hope AM does believe it when I say I want to go to the end with her for my own safety's sake but all of it can go wrong if she and Austin are truly close
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FUCK SHIT BALLS DAMN IT! i was so close on that win. the one time chris gets one and it fucks me over.... i like chris but i wanna kick him in his nuts right now.Hopefully i can get by this tribal without my name being thrown out again .
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I may or may not have gotten Cheatham fully on board to stick with me until the end. I guess Austin didn't keep him all that informed on everything in regards to what happened premerge and so I filled the cracks and I think now I'm wanting to bring Liam and Cheatham to the end so it is easier for me to bring Cheatham, but I feel worried that others and Cheatham too are thinking to bring Liam as an easy win. I'm gonna hold on and hope this can all work!
I lowkey just clockblocked Austin from winning immunity on purpose LOL what's wrong with me
I have a problem....So Liam goes in F6 right. So what happens in F5? Austin has never voted for AnnMarie. He ALSO did not vote for Sara in F8. What does this exactly? AnnMarie and Sara may feel less compelled to vote him and vote me or Cheatham instead. And it's just...I don't know why my gut is telling me this Liam vote is a bad idea, but I'm gonna see if I can talk to AnnMarie and Sara about it. Cheatham basically fears Liam's a goat to drag and he is but I'm wondering what the smarter move here is for us to do...for me to do tbh
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Jesus plz just tell me what to do. Well I won immunity again. Im still scared for what comes next. Everyone is promising F2 but the only one I really want to go with is Chris bc I can trust him and I think I can beat him. As much as I love Austin and I think he is an amazing person! I don't think I can beat him. Plus he is promising EVERYONE a F2. AM told me that she wants a F3 with me, Chris, and her and I'm like YESSSS this is what I want. But AM is also close with everyone,. Basically what I want is to convince AM to take out Sara this week with me, Chris, and Liam. Then after that, we get out Austin, then its easy to take out Liam. Boom, Final 3.Ill probably update tom mwah
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Me and Cheatham be trying to flip things a little >8l
According to Cheatham, AM wants an F3 with him and me, I guess telling her I wanted to go to the end with her did WONDERS! I hope! But basically, I don't necessarily want to have my faith fully in her hands in f5, especially with Sara and Austin around, so I am gonna see if Cheatham can propose the plan to vote Sara. Liam is not gonna be hard to convince, but its a question on if AM really wants to do this. I personally would be surprised. If Cheatman's honest about her list being Vincent and Liam, then she has little to gain by not voting Liam out and just getting Auston or Sara out with a BIG MOVE in F5, but let's see if this bridge can hold first
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Tea time with Sara So this morning...it was freakishly quiet. Like I'm at a funeral, quiet. So I was like yup...probably my funeral tonight. But THEN... BUT THEN.... I get word that it's ANNMARIE (who PROMISED MANY TIMES that we have each others backs) potentially planning my funeral after this round because she wants to target me or Austin. Apparently she had Vin and Liam on her target list and thinks Liam is going tonight. However, if Liam will just vote with us, I will go to ducking rocks if we have to. I'm annoyed at Cheatham for coming for me, but he's a blessing in disguise because he tells Austin EVERYTHING not realizing that Austin is playing telephone right back to me. Lmfao! So anyways, I'm literally at the point in this game where I'm going to finals with Austin, or I'm not going at all. Every single person in this game has either voted me or mentioned voting me. Also, it's freaking hilarious that for rounds, I've been telling multiple people that AM and Chris are close. Like seriously..it's obvious..whenever AM talks to me, she somehow finds a way to bring up Chris' name. Come on sis. It was the same way with Gwen. She always talked about Chris, so I kept buttering him up to her so she'd stay on my good side before slicing and dicing her right out of the game. Same thing with Cheatham and Austin...but in that case...I'm pretty sure that Austin is actually ride or die with me. Hope I'm not being naive with that. And no, I don't think I can beat him, but it'll KILL me, literally KILL me if anyone but he or I win at this point. ): ^As for that above statement, I don't say this because they're against me...I say this because... -AnnMarie was messaged in the wee hours of the morning and decided to just outright ignore me trying to use the excuse that she was on DND. Cool yeah...but clearly you were scheming against me so I'm pretty sure that wasn't the issue. Don't act weird when you're planning moves....people see that. -Cheatham same thing. Every time he's scheming or knows plans that he doesn't want leaked, he avoids PM's AND alliance chats. Once again, then lie so you don't seem so damn sus. -Liam - "Hey Google, play ambience" - Chris is the real UTR that the oompa loompas don't see. I literally feel like I'd have to vote him but he too has not done much other than have a good social game...but he at least SPEAKS and is good at not lewking sus every time he's aware of a plan. Can you tell that I'm annoyed today? If not, I'm very annoyed. Watch all of this be fake. Or AM actually have me on the target list and I'm the vote. Literally, Idk what's happening anymore in this game. Lmfao! IDK if being in this position is extra fun or extra depressing.
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The plot has thickened. It would seem this big plan to vote Sara out has fallen through. So me and Cheatham talked of getting Austin on Sara or AnnMarie and getting Sara voted. Now Austin pretty much went to me after and admitted that Cheatham told him about our F2 and wants me gone in F4/F3. Now, to be completely fair, it is possible he was saving face, but let us also look at the whole idol situation. Austin said Cheatham had Vincent and maybe Sara so he fears. So I did something a little evil
I basically told Austin to tell AnnMarie about Cheatham leaking the F3 she wanted with me/Cheatham/her in it. This builds mistrust between her and Cheatham and in essence makes her more likely to trust me still who is playing dumb as heck. Now the vote's flipped back onto Liam who apparently went to Austin to vote me or AnnMarie. Well! I take it upon myself to say lets just make an F3 with AnnMarie and Austin Into the Unknown we go! If AnnMarie truly wants Austin out to win, she'll choose me over him and if Austin is honest on us going to the end, he'll choose me over her. Cheatham will make a fuss, but I haven't been worried about making people upset since Rizo died so let's see where the wind is going yall
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Okay so I'm like really really really really angry. I thought I had an initial final 3 and that everything was going to be fine with them. my thoughts was it was going to be Cheatham and Chris but things got to be stupid and had to Change-Up. so I told cheatham my plan and told him I was solid with him that everything was going to be okay and that we were going to be you know like final 3 and then he goes to Austin and tells him everything I just said. now Austin being the good friend that he is tells me that cheatham done told him and tells me that he's still solid with me and I was like oh my God you're amazing thank you so much you don't know how much that means to me because if it's true honestly Austin is my strongest Ally right now. So forget about Cheatham it's me Austin and Chris now hopefully unless Austin is not being solid and having his own plan but I'm getting the immunity idol tonight which is really really really exciting to me and I really just can't wait I'm using voice chat by the way like voice text thing on my phone so I don't have to type so it's probably mistakes here sorry.
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Well, not going as planned. Liam is going home and i told him so hopefully that secures his vote for me in Final tribal. He has aid he’s gonna end them (sara and austin) when he walks out. we will see ig. AM and Austin are playing a scared game tbh. I’m the only one taking risks.
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CONF: I still think I’m fucked in this game and idk what to do to help my position here but I think Sara going is the best move for me??
I’m drunk lmaoo msss
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5 votes Liam, 1 vote Chris.
0 notes