#like i literally was crying out here LKNRGLKNRG
mikeshanlon · 5 years
the last time i sent a message so long that i had to SUBMIT it, the year was 2013.. anyway.. i have yet to come to you and tell you how much i love ribs but since you delivered today after working so hard for so long, i figured i’d send you this and finally tell you.. oh my fucking god i love ribs. my friend and i have a book club and by “club” i mean the two of us read a book and then cry over it together and you should know we wholeheartedly treat ribs like one of those great books. in fact, we cry more over ribs than any other ones. we found it the day you posted the november chapter and have been waiting (not so patiently) for december. i mean every single day we texted each other and were like haha.. so, ribs? and anytime you even so much as referenced it in your tags, we sent the post to one another and had breakdowns. and we re read it SO many times that i swear to god when i was watching You on netflix today and one of the characters said “por que no los dos”.. i lost my fucking mind. had to pause and calm down. october chapter stans rise, ig. i wish i took screenshots back when we first read it because it was an absolutely wild time in our lives but i got a few from today when you posted and here are some highlights i think you should see.
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by the way how magical was it that i was GROCERY SHOPPING at that moment… just like in that clown movie fanfiction…
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we proceeded to listen to that song on repeat to torture ourselves. but like it really does fit perfectly to the end of december, was that your inspiration or did the song get made specifically for the ribs soundtrack? because oh my god. another song which every time we listen to it we cry thinking about ribs.. it fits so perfectly.. is Yours by greyson chance. his whole album is fantastic but if you ever feel like having a good cry, you should give that one a listen. very ribs reddie.
which reminds me she also said if richie and eddie end up not going to college together that she’d kill herself which.. i’m not sure where you’re going with it but if you DO choose to go in that direction… you SHOULD split them up to spite her!
and there are so many quotes in this chapter that i could send that made me have to scream but the way you pieced together the Eddie plummeted over the edge of the precipice, and now he’s unraveling. bro what the fuck, it’s been hours and i still can’t get over this. and that fucking song richie was playing in the car that i KNOW is the one he hums and thats why eddie knows it.. please be quiet i am breaking down.
(and thank you for writing ribs. your writing never fails to amaze us. it makes us feel it all.)
(hello this is emma aka mikeshanlon i didnt want to trust tumblr’s tags working so i am adding my response onto your submission).
oh my god im likeeltnelrknlgnklergnlrgn i actually cried reading this and had to go make myself some tea to calm down and Process this bc wow. insane????? i can’t believe y’all enjoy my writing enough to talk about it together and get so excited for updates, and reread.. i’m sorry y’all had to wait forever LRRNGLRNGK. also that you enjoy ribs enough send me this lovely message. like THANK you so so much for sending me these omg. i loved reading your reactions so much y’all are hella funny and reading you screaming abt shit like eddie wanting to kiss him sent me LNLKRGRGr.
also wow those songs.... y’alls minds. i hadn’t heard either but adding those to the playlist... especially waking up slow now Y’ALL got me torturing myself RLGNRG. like hold awn... it’s not supposed to come back and hurt me too LRGKNNGR jk.
speaking of songs, i totally blanked and forgot to mention in the notes of ao3 (so i’ll fix that in a second), but the song richie sang in the car was lover’s spit by broken social scene! so.............. do with that what you will if you listen to ribs by lorde...... like..... you’re right,,,, LKNGRKLRGRG. 
seriously im so overwhelmed and full with love and so many feelings from this message, thank you so much for reading and you’re kind words and support, it’s so AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (me writing thousands of words but not being able to articulate my emotions scream). when i read that last line of u quoting back bill’s thing to me please i screeched at my phone........please feel free to send any of your other reactions or songs or whatever bc i am so curious and grateful for this omg.... ah okay thank you so much i hope you have a great rest of your week. <3 <3 <3
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