#like i think if it were done in this tragic gothic daphne du maurier fucked up romance classic lit way...
mrs-nate-humphrey · 2 years
this might seem a little random lol, but what do you think of the chair and dangina parellels, dan and blair both seemed to be attracted to georgina and chuck because they could be mean and not have to be nice all the time.
i love any & all parallels! i think that's interesting & would be a very grim kind of arc, if georgina ends up making dan feel as ~tied down to her as chuck made blair feel. (i even kind of reference this in my fic "just a yellow lemon tree," in which dan's married to georgina. there's a conversation in chapter 2 in which dan asks blair why she left chuck and the parallel is meant to be implied there.) that said, from what we saw in canon, i wouldn't say it's the exact same. there's scope for the evolution of dangina to get to a chair level, but we're not quite there yet. lemme elaborate:
you know blair's whole speech in s4 about "what's mere happiness in the face of this great love we have?" to chuck? that... that's kind of the first thing that comes to mind for me when i think about chair. chuck & blair's whole dynamic is fucky because they're both so obsessed with an image of each other - blair wants a big romantic love that's all cinematic and exciting, and what's more blockbuster than good girl gone bad and her love fixing the heart of a local ruffian? chuck on the other hand wants this infallible caretakery woman to an extent where it feels like a replacement of his missing mother figure, and he doesn't want blair to Leave him so he'll do anything and everything to keep her there.
honestly more than dan & georgie, c/b reminds me of serena/georgina. we don't see serena before her party girl days but i've always imagined georgina to be the major "bad influence" who got S into many of the dangerous situations she was in, and i could see serena being into georgina because of how georgie dared to defy all societal expectations.
that said, i like the idea of unhealthy dangina as a sad ending for dan. where he ends up stuck with her and she's all he has left, and she's obsessed with the goodness in him, and he's with her because who else would have him? i think that specific dynamic/ that type of endgame would definitely parallel chuck/blair.
i know i'm not the only one who's into this, back when the fandom was more active many others shared this headcanon, i think. i've read a lot of really good dangina fic that has that sort of depressing, defeated, fucked up vibe to it, but right now the only one i can recall is this gem by secondaudrina.
anyway, i hope that answers you!! i think canonically the way c/b & dangina are, they aren't on the same intensity of fuckery, even if there is that common thread, because chuck & blair are kind of ... worse. but there is scope for that evolution to happen. like dangina have the seed for that kind of dynamic. chair is already watering the whole damn garden of it. you know what i mean?
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