#like i was considering how i would go about keeping my dream pokemon (salamence)
brothfan1997 · 2 years
i feel like being a dragon type trainer would be the pokemon universe equivalent of being a horse girl because the whole thing would just be so complicated and expensive. there’s just no way someone with a dragonite or a salamence is ever going to shut up about having a dragonite or a salamence. something about owning a huge beast
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rimalovegood · 4 years
Pokemon AU: The Seven Brothers as Pokemon trainers
A few years ago I made a similar set of headcanon’s for the MysMe characters and what kind of team they’d had if they were pokemon trainer and to this day it’s one of my favorite things I’ve written so I decided to do something similar for the Obey Me! characters.
(Since Tumblr hates links I’ll later reblog this with the source I used for the trainer ID’s but the Deviantart user is on each picture anyways)
Elite four member Lucifer wants to fight…
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-The last and most powerful member of the Elite four, if you want to challenge Diavolo you have to very literally go through him and he has a team to be feared.
-Hydreigon and Houndoom are loosely based on Cerberus so I think they fit him very well, also they are known to be very aggressive when defied, just like Lucifer.
-Oricorio was a gift from Diavolo, he was really exicited about the idea of having matching pokemon with Lucifer and Barbatos and he chose the sensu form because it’s elegancy reminded him of Lucifer.
-Speaking of elegancy Persian and Tsareena are elegant royalty-like pokemon that give a prideful aura which fits Lucifer pretty well.
-Salamence it’s a little more difficult to explain. For this headcanon I asked friends that are pokemon fans but know nothing about otomes which pokemon reminded them of the deathly sins and the answer for pride was Salamence… at first I didn’t see it but the earlier stages of Salamence’s only wish it’s flying so on their final stage when it finally can fly there are proud of their wings. Also I can see Lucifer Salamence as reminder of his grief, a pokemon who left the ground and went into the sky for the angel that fell from there.
Elite four member Mammon wants to fight…
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-he thinks being an Elite Four member is too much work but is also very proud of being one of the top trainers of the Devildom... just a little salty about being the first member thought; he knows he cannot beat Lucifer or Barbatos but surely he can beat Simeon, can’t he? (no, he can’t)
-His ace, Crobat is based a lot on how he is defined as a character. Zubat is a pokemon that’s usually looked down on and is often associated with evil teams but how does it evolves to Crobat and becomes it’s most powerful self? Throught friendship…and idk that reminds me a lot of Mammon.
-Sableye and Meowth are based on his sin. Sableye is known for tealing jewel (a very good companion for the avatar of greed) and Meowth is supposed to attract money.
-We all know this guy is a gambler and nobody can beat him at gambling, well, what’s the biggest prize you can get on pokemon casino on the older games? Yes, Porygon.
-Slowbro ended up on his team somewhat by accident, Mammon heard slowpoke tails were considered a delicatessen and not only that they grew back afterwards so he saw having one as a good investment….the problem was that just after he caught his slowpoke a Shellder attacked them and bit Slowpoke’s tail making it evolve into Slowbro.
-Scrafty has a similar aesthetic and it’s quick to get into fights, I figured out it would go well with Mammon.
Gym Leader Leviathan wants to fight…
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-The water type gym leader, he is famous for the complex riddles every challenger must answer before even getting the chance to fight him.
-Has an old rivalry with Mammon and low key believes he should be on the elite four on his place
- As you might have guessed Seviper and Goldeen are inspired on Henry 1.0 and 2.0; he loves all his team but these two are the ones he had had for the longest and his favorites.
-Toxapex is basically Levi in pokemon form, a water/poison pokemon that when threatened hides on their shell and sends poison around, much like how Levi hides from the world on his room and acts all tsundere.
-For Levi raising one of the weakest pokemon into Gyarados was like farming on one of his MMORPGs and as he would do on one of those he completely outdid himself to the point it became his most powerful pokemon and the one every trainer fears whenever they enter his gym.
- Both Skrelp and Tentacruel are poison and water types and fit his character aesthetic pretty well (If you guessed the other reason why I chose Tentacruel you are reading too much Levi fancfiction….And I’m too)
Gym Leader Satan wants to fight…
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-The leader of the Psychic type gym. His gym is themed around an escape room and only the ones who can solve the mystery can challenge the leader.
-Before becoming a gym leader he traveled through a lot of regions learning all he could about pokemon so his team includes species he caught on a bunch of different places.
-the psychic type is often associated with intelligence and knowledge so I think it fits him well.
-There is no much to say about Galarian rapidash, it’s a psychic unicorn. He had to have one.
-Alakazam is known to be more intelligent than humans, a fitting partner for someone who believes knowledge is power
-Grumpig and Darmanitan are inspired on his sin. Grumpig has very powerful psychic power that he unleash upon angered and Darmanitan is a very calm pokemon when he is on zen mode but unleash all his wrath when it goes into blaze mode.
-Satan it’s not only book smart, he is also an adventurer so of course he’d feel attracted to the mysterious Sigilyph  usually found on ancient ruins and inspired on the Nazca lines.
-the last member of the team was a little more difficult to pick. Gallade is basically a white knight which is a weird thing to call a demon but if there is one that can act as one that’s Satan
Gym Leader Asmodeus wants to fight…
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-Fairy type gym leader, he is also part time a contest trainer and he is really good at it.
-of course he only surrounds himself by pokemon as beautiful as himself.
-Asmo’s personality is based on the duality between his sweet and beautiful exterior and his darker side he keeps well hidden. Most of his pokemon show this but particularly Mimikyu, a pokemon that in its desire to be loved takes the appearance of the famous Pikachu.
-Hatterene just like Asmo has power over people’s feelings and on it’s design it reminds me so much of Asmo I had to make it his ace.
-Aromatisse is a pokemon based on perfume, cancan dancers and plague doctors. It likes being the center of attention as much as Asmo, so they’d get along well
-Shiinotic, Mawile and Gliscor represent his most dangerous side, not for nothing his animal is an scorpion. Both Shiinotic and Mawile are pokemon that are beautiful to look at but if you get too close you’d get either poisoned or biten…and well, Gligar is a literal scorpion (Sorry, the plot doesn’t give us much to work wih on this side, Asmo’s content tent to focus on his more “look I’m beautiful” side)
Gym Leader Beelzebub wants to fight…
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-Normal type gym leader
-His team just like him looks bulky but they are a bunch of sweethearts.
-Tauros was inspired on his horns and the way he barrels like a bull when angered
-I know Greedent literally had greed on the name but it represents his gluttony as Greedent is known for hoarding and eating all food available.
-Munchlax had a similar reason behind, they eat a lot but are also very active. Much like Beel.
-Beel caught a little Teddyursa when younger because he thought it was cute and he loved seeing the little bear napping along Belphie. As they trained and grew stronger Teddyursa evolved on his most powerful pokemon, Ursaring.
-Miltank was a gift from Belphie, the younger twin figured Beel would enjoy having a limitless fountain of food with him.
-Cutiefly, I know this one doesn’t like it belongs on the team but it’s a cutie and a fly so I have to give one to Beel.
Gym Leader Belphegor wants to fight…
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-Dark type gym leader (you all know why)
-Komala lives all its life asleep hugging a log like it’s a pillow, if that doesn’t scream Belphie I don’t know what.
-Musharna is a pokemon that’s said to bring good dreams, the same way Belphie got Miltank for Beel, Beel caught Musharna to take care of Belphie.
-Zoroark and Liepard are known for being tricksters and liars, much like Belphie enjoys pranking Lucifer and on the beginning hides his true nature from the MC. Inkay was chosen for a very similar reason he is a cute squid but has the potential to turn into the very dangerous Malamar.
-I’m going to get angsty and spoiler-ry on this one so consider yourself warned. Absol is believed to attract disaster and misery just like Belphie blames himself for what happened to Lilith and avoids peolple because of his guilt to the point he ends up causing real misery when he killed MC.
The undatebles coming soon...
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rhythmantics · 7 years
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a collection of doodles; stuff for a 3rd Orre game idea I bounce around sometimes and a couple of OCs
the dream is to one day make a fangame for the orre series
tbh with the way pokemon currently is i don’t trust them at all to handle orre
xd was already Lighter and Softer than colo, and i can only shudder to imagine how much lighter they’ll crank that dial. we might even see shit like...routes...and wild pokemon on them...like??
the orre games had this wonderful moral ambiguity and urban decay that i don’t think pokemon is capable of catering to right now, since they’re trying so hard to have this image these days of this sprawling, kid-focused series. and yeah, s/m’s story got dark and shit, but the game wasn’t marketed that way, and it’s more of a juicy tidbit than the core of the experience.
If a third orre game isn’t unnecessarily gritty and edgy then, like, what’s even the point lol
So i do have rpg maker xp and I do have pokemon essentials and i think i’ve more or less worked out the mechanics i need to have implemented, but i dont think i ahve the time to spare to actually finish it in any capacity because the amount of new assets i’d have to create - tiles, character models, etc - is so massive it would realistically take me several, several months even if i was doing it as a full-time job
so in any case here are some ideas to titillate your interest:
level scaling across the entire game, across every trainer (possible to turn off for a more traditional pokemon experience). Regular trainers would be set ~3 levels below your team, “strong” trainers (ie cail, rider willie) would be set at your team, and bosses would always be a few levels above. The only place this wouldn’t apply would be Mount Battle, which is, after all, a side challenge. This mechanic would pretty much do away with the need for level grinding except to balance out team levels. reasoning: the orre games are known for their higher difficulty curve, and this plays off it. Double battles also make for very interesting avenues of strategy exploration; with bosses always a little tougher than you are the hope is you might wipe out a couple times before figuring out a winning strategy.
Lucky egg given early but no exp. share.
higher catch rate on shadow pokemon - since the game would start you out at lvl 25 and honestly this is just an anti-frustration feature
Again, level scaling can be turned off for a more traditional experience, but the idea would be that the levels would get pretty high pretty fast, and by midgame you’d be going up against lvl 55s and stuff (just enough to start encountering some salamences and flygons), hopefully ending the game in the 80′s.
Pokedex -> strategy memo, and seen = obtained. Strategy memo actually contains opinions from the player character rather than just standard “animal facts” type stuff.
No routes! Just cities! Pokespots still in effect to limit the player’s pool of usable pokemon.
Missed pokemon integrated with pokespots or maybe made un-faintable so you have to catch them because i’m really not that good at programming guys
Orre is a cold desert. I know technically it’s based on the Arizona desert, and I’ve been there, but friggin look at the fashion, these people would all get heatstrokes in a matter of seconds.
So to that end, my orre is actually based on the Atacama Desert, whose topography not only resembles Orre’s (volcanic mountains on one side, ocean on the other), but is a cold desert (with daytime temperatures peaking around 60 degrees F) and is considered the driest desert in the world, with some places having not seen rain in centuries, having been compared to Mars in regards to how uninhabitable it is.
you know, like how apparently wild pokemon can’t survive in orre except at the pokespots.
also the orre colosseum looks just like the atacama hand and i dont think that’s a coincidence
canyons, oases, underground rivers and deep underground cave systems, forests to the northeast and a coast that’s actually somewhat habitable via fog collection
gateon renamed Io Port (the japanese name) to go with the gem/mineral naming scheme of the rest of the game. Plaque added outside lighthouse reading “Io Lighthouse” (GEDDIT)
cipher key lair being torn down by reformed eldes, working with lovrina and gorigan, in order to create an amusement park, hopefully to be an international tourist attraction of the more innocent variety than realgam
Areas given a name. Desert is orre desert, northwest forest is Tempor Forest, mountain range is Kabla Mountains, keeping in line with Eclo Canyon
A new town named Appoak, one of those aforementioned fog-collection coastal villages, which has the distinct honor of being the place you buy your wildflower seeds, which are often scattered in the desert as funerary rites because it’s kind of hard to build a grave out there and this is a tradition that natives of orre held long before the settlers/miners came in and which has overtaken the settlers/miners’ traditions, especially during and after the starvation riots that happened after the majority of the mines ran dry and the companies stopped sending their support to the workers that were now effectively stranded in one of the harshest environments on the planet.
Dead were littered on the streets, no one had the ability to bury them all, and so the tradition of scattering flower seeds instead of erecting graves that would simply be wiped out in the next sandstorm (and have you ever tried to dig a hole in dry sand) became popular since it felt like more closure
Anyways Appoak cultivates desert flowers year-round and sells the seeds and performs funerary rites, as a result it’s considered something of a sacred locale in that no one wants to mess with it because you have no idea who you might be pissing off whose loved one was buried with Appoak rites
Michael, 5 years later, now 18 (in xd he’s called an “unknown teen” by ONBS and honestly he’s so short that i’d feel bad if he was older than 13 at the time of the game) is your player character! Trainer class Lab Kid, with a cool hover-scooter, who is now officially a staff member at the Lab HQ as a result of reaching adulthood (though he’s been helping out with field research long before that.)
Your starter is a sylveon, level 25, because this Michael is not a blank-slate character, and sylveon is both in character and doesn’t conflict with any choice of eeveelution from the first game. In fact, this michael made it through the entirety of the first game without evolving his Eevee, like an absolute madman.
Lily and Jovi start the game off overseas giving lectures on shadowfication and purification, mostly so that i don’t have to create their sprites. But also because them leaving is an excuse for them to take all your pokemon from the first game with them, for “demonstration purposes,” leaving you with just your eeveelution and maybe some second pokemon-i-don’t-know-what-yet-probably-your-choice-of-any-starter so you can hurry up and get to the double battles without sacrificing an ability to make a choice on your starter.
Wes is in the game and he is an asshole and you will love him
Cail actually serves a plot purpose
Cameos from all your favorite admins and named characters from Colo/XD, most of which remain unfought until either late or post-game (because the focus is on the new story, you know?)
Miror B and flunkies at Io Port, the proud owners of a popular and, more importantly, lucrative new ludicolo dance act.
Eldes, trying to make up for his past, sponsoring an amusement park being worked on by Lovrina and her brother, with Gorigan overseeing the construction. Snattle offhandedly mentioned as having been elected governer by default (no one else was running) and helping with greenlighting these projects since he and eldes are, apparently, sand-golf buddies and eldes has been twisting his ear for the greater good
also eldes wears a dress shirt with hawaiian print on it
Dakim lives on mt battle now
not as, like, part of the mt battle challenge. he just . sorta. lives there.
Venus is now the onbs weather girl and onbs can’t decide whether they like her or hate her
the jail squad: greevil, nascour, and evice. They’re poker buddies. orre jail for the rich is basically a retirement home because orre is ridiculously corrupt.
ardos? ein? well...
So, your field assignment is to collect samples of M18 - also known in Almia by the name of “Dark Crystal” and sometimes colloquially referred to as “shadow crystal” in Orre - for research.
As you probably already assumed, this stuff works as a catalyst for shadowfication and Orre happens to be supernaturally abundant, though it having been strip-mined out by cipher during the last two cipher events has made it much rarer (and it’s theorized by NPCs that the return of wild pokemon may have something to do with the lessened M18 presence).
touching it initiates a small flashback cutscene, as it’s apparently transformed from normal quartz into M18 by the abundance of negative feelings somehow (again, you’re collecting it for study) so that’s how we get some nice backstory about michael’s dead dad (who isn’t eldes, sorry guys, he’s a guy named Prof. Taiga because - haha - Taiga Lily) and other characters
Somehow this investigation leads you to the first rumblings of a resurgence of cipher, who is also collecting M18, though for much more nefarious purposes
So, anyways, in XD, when you beat ardos in the orre colosseum, he sent you a creepy-ass email declaring that he’s basically gonna stalk you forever and kill you during cipher’s - what, third? - third coming, which he’s totally gonna do. Sequel hook! which comes true! because HELLO, your opponent is Ardos, who’s been working in secret this whole time, plotting your demise.
Also ein is there, which is important because...
In colosseum, Cipher specifically targets Celebi because they know celebi’s power is directly tied with undoing shadowfication. (Material in-game suggests that celebi has been responsible for purification for generations of rui’s family, which means cipher didn’t INVENT shadowfication, but they did create a method for doing it ARTIFICIALLY)
However, in XD, cipher doesn’t target agate at ALL. they never even step foot in it. In fact, they’re so woefully underinformed about purification that they feel the need to kidnap Prof. Krane over it.
How does that happen?
Well, we know cipher in game 2 is the main branch, and cipher in game 1 is actually just an orre side branch. Whose only real plan with shadow pokemon was just to rig up really exciting and morally inexcusable colosseum matches for rich people to bet on. No world domination in game one!
So my theory is this: Cipher orre branch created shadowfication basically on a whim and tried to make money off it, which you stopped. When you stopping it attracted attention, cipher main branch had to take notice, and realized that, hey - fucking shadow pokemon ,fuckin world domination, right??? so they promptly took over all of cipher orre branch’s operations and replaced the old personnel with new ones from main branch, while forcing them to hand over their research.
Ein did not take being fired well.
In fact, he took it so poorly that he made sure to destroy all his information on purification before handing over his research.
Cipher in game 2 has no idea the connection between Celebi and purification.
Because Ein has been re-hired by Cipher, he brought with him his knowledge of purification.
They know about celebi.
Also wes is there? He plays a major role, mostly after it’s revealed he’s actually a cipher admin.
...His eevee and espeon are missing.
time travel shenanigans idk
it rains at the climax for the first time in 10 years!
this is a wip
if this is interesting to you guys lmk! im always open to talking about it more in-depth or hearing ideas. hahah...
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mypokepal · 7 years
so im an intp personality type as well a sagittarius, and i think i fit those two descriptions pretty well. i do highly value logic and hard work.. i always work as hard as i can to be the best, and hopefully i can become a psychiatrist ! i do pretty well in stressful situations and i usually take the lead when things get tough. if i lived in the pokemon world id totally try and become the champ and travel around heaps, im pretty competitive. i really value friendship and connection 1/2
(continued) and i wanna protect my friends as much as possible. id love to learn as much as pokemon as possible, especially my buddy pokemon! some negative traits of mine include: over competitive, too analytical, aloof, and i tend to get lost in the details. probably the only thing i disagree with my intp type is i tend to make emotional connections easily and sometimes im pretty emotional. but anyway, thank you !!! please take your time!!!!
No!!! I will not take my time because you’ve been waiting for so long and I am so sorry. I really hope you like your pal and I just want you to be happy and know that you don’t have to fight every single battle alone. You’re doing so well and I’m proud of you. 
And I have the perfect partner for you! Let me introduce you to…
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Bagon! I think Bagon would be perfect for you because…
(1) Bagon constantly dreams about sprouting wings and soaring through the sky-so much so that even its Pokedex entry states that it’s always hurting itself in attempts to fly. This desire and need to fly burns so deep in Bagon’s heart that it does not care about its own physical health and will literally throw itself off a cliff just to try and fly. When you give Bagon constructive criticism, it takes it to heart and keeps training and training and training until it has fixed its mistakes or until it has tired out. The sight of Bagon trying so hard to please you and make you proud can be quite heart wrenching as it will work until passes out. Sometimes you’ll wake up in the middle of the night to the sounds of it practicing its headbutt attack against trees or crying in frustration. Teaching Bagon balance and a little bit of self love will also do you some good as well. You two will learn how to depend on each other instead of trying to tackle tasks on your own. Once you’ve accomplished that bond, battles will be so intense because you two will be feeding off each others energy and be so in sync that your opponent will never be able to guess your next move. 
(2) If Bagon decides that evolution is something that it wants, you are going to have to learn patience and understanding. It is known and recorded that Salamance goes on rampages when it is angry and have destroyed towns before. It is essential that you teach Bagon the importance of learning from its mistakes and that every failure is not a failure but a lesson. Remember that Bagon is the first form of its evolution meaning that its young, impressionable and full of dangerous confidence. It learns from example, so you really have to apply the lessons you teach Bagon to your own life. This means going over what you two could’ve done better when you lose a battle instead of brooding over it silently, letting loose and not taking yourself too seriously, wearing your heart on your sleeve from time to time and asking for help when needed. Of course it’s going to be hard looking at the world with such hard lenses when you have a very goofy dragon as a partner! Bagon will act all tough and mighty only to hide in embarrassment when it is complimented, trip over its own foot when its trying to act cool when walking and takes on tasks that are too big only to rub its head against your leg as an indicator that it needs help. 
(3) To get rid of excess energy, I definitely recommend you two having a dodgeball fight against each other! It’ll give you guys a chance to indulge in your competitive side while having tons of fun. But after that exercise, it’s really important to sit down in a quiet space and just enjoy and appreciate each others presence. Communicating about your thoughts and feelings may be a bit foreign to you but it is quite important to do so in order to bond with Bagon. When Bagon makes a connection with someone, that connection is lifelong. This means that Bagon wants to be in your life and share every single experience with you. It wants to be there for you during your brightest days and your darkest hours. And although it may be young and not know why you are sad or angry, it always does its very best to make you smile. When Bagon sees that you’re working too hard, it will balance food on its head while walking over to you. When Bagon sees that you are having a nightmare, it will rub its snout against your cheek and stay up all night until it sees that your nightmare has subsided. This friendship is going to grow stronger and stronger every day and be full of such valuable lessons. You two will help each other mature, help each other open up and remind each other that you are not alone. 
Other Pokemon Considered: Grovyle, Gligar 
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