#like i was questioning myself earlier bc i was like for sure jeff and dhani finished brainwashed
rodeoromeo · 1 year
I honestly like. I am so so tired today and I've had a bad and busy one and haven't had time to sit here and think about this. and I truly truly mainly think we lack enough information about this potential release to make any complete judgements on it. but as it stands right now I feel comfortable saying that I think constructing a new song, creating new pieces of it and releasing it now as a "Beatles song" does not sit right with me. I do not think the technology used is the issue here. this coming up in the same conversation as the AI discussion I think has created some confusion about exactly what its being used for- its just a form of remastering tracks. but the idea that this is something they've built up anew, for ME? isn't right. if it IS Now and Then I don't think its entirely right of them to use George's guitar from when they worked on it on anthology and put it out, and it wouldn't be right to do it without his work either.
George was insanely particular about his playing and would exhaustively rerecord his parts until he thought it was EXACTLY right. do you think he got there with a track he didn't think they should complete? whether or not he only didn't want to work with it due to the sound quality or not, using that recording now as a finished product doesn't align with that. as a rule of thumb I am very trusting of Olivia and Dhani's handling of George's legacy and all but something just feels off to me about this. I genuinely am asking because I don't know, but do we know how much of a say the Harrison estate has in things like this?
frankly the biggest thing bothering me about all of this is the way people have taken this as an opportunity to just be really openly shitty to George. he wasn't even mentioned in the interview and so many people are just framing this as an opportunity to stick it to George, or actively even saying pretty callous things about him being dead so thank god this could finally get made.
I do want to hear more about what this track is ACTUALLY going to be or going to look like but I'm really disappointed in a lot of people's reactions, whether it be encouraging MORE AI to be used in the production of music or if its jumping at the chance to talk shit on George and his position in the band. it's a sad sad day to look around at this community. I don't understand some of the people who call themselves fans here. I think we should put out old demo tracks fuckin all day long. Even if it is a recording of them playing here and now in the anthology session simply cleaned up, I don't see an issue with that. But finishing anything and changing it and calling it a new single? I'll feel a little strange about that.
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