#like i’m pretty sure they did this BECAUSE of the korkie rumors and wanted to fix it
twilightofthe · 4 years
*wheezing noises* OKAY SO
Apparently some book by Pablo Hidalgo, Mr. Official Disney Word-Of-God Man, states now that Obi Wan’s yearlong Mandalore mission with Satine happened when Obi Wan was 15 years old
And now I find myself standing at a crossroads where the Obitine fandom who took Korkie Kenobi as canon are upset because now they can’t have that without turning their ship into “16 and Pregnant” and just because an “epic romance” between two high school freshmen apparently had such an impact it lasted for 20 years, and people who really didn’t like the Korkie Kenobi theory or just Obitine in general celebrating that the theory’s pretty close to decanonized.
Then here I am as someone who DOES ship Obitine but also I personally don’t think Korkie’s their kid so everywhere I go I feel like I’ll be making someone mad for my opinions on it.
So it’s like, for me?
I really hate this.
I hate this because I don’t think every single politician in Star Wars needs to be a child, we have Naboo, we have a bunch of senators, we do NOT need Mandalore to have a 15 year old child ruler (assuming Satine’s around the same age as Obi Wan). My own headcanon has her ascending the throne at 17 and I make it clear that that is pushing it for Mandalorian society. The planet and it’s government is not designed for a child ruler. She would not be able to keep her power then.
Also, secret lovechild aside, it still diminishes the Obitine romance!!!!! Like, AGAIN, having a yearlong romance at 17/18/19 and holding that torch for 20 years of no contact is PUSHING IT. Or at least maybe for me as an ace demiromantic it’s pushing it but IT IS PUSHING IT. I can accept that by that point they are mature enough to fall deeply in love and be able to carry a piece of that love with them. I can see 18/19 year old Obi Wan deciding that he’d leave his entire way of life in a fit of passion at that age.
But 15?!? HIGH SCHOOL age?!?! Lol we see it all the time, two 15 year olds proclaiming they love each other and they’re gonna run away together. Everyone thinks it’s “aw cute but they’ll grow up and realize”. No one has an epic freshman year romance (save for like very few but come ON it’s not the NORMAL) and they DEFINITELY don’t cultivate those feelings enough that they’re a hot mess around each other in their late fucking thirties hello?!?
Like HELLO I’m SORRY but please don’t turn my cute sweeping Austen romance into a pair of dumbass high school freshmen who still are stuck on each other! That just makes their love for each other look sad and downright ridiculous and I hate it so much oh my god
Satine DIES for a crush she had on a high school freshman what the actual fuck?!
Like I don’t give two shits about whether they had a lovechild or not, in fact I’d much rather prefer they didn’t have one, but JEEZ Disney did you really have to stomp on it that hard?????? Hard enough to get rid of the emotional integrity of the romance????????????
People argue that this makes sense, that the Mandalorian civil war takes place when Obi Wan is 15, but I argue: civil wars usually last longer than a year!!! Just because Obi Wan came to protect Satine during the civil war doesn’t mean he came when the war started!!!!! I always headcanoned that the war killed her parents! (Hell my headcanon’s a bit different, I think her parents had more than a bit to do with starting the war in the first place). Why can it not be that the war started and went on a few years before Satine comes to power and then Obi Wan comes to protect her!
But yeah lol those are my thoughts.
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underworldobsessed · 3 years
Can I Get Through? ll Bo-Katan Week Day 6 Bo-Katan and Korkie
Title: Can I Get Through? Rating: T Ship: None Characters: Bo-Katan Kryze, Korkie Kryze, Satine Kryze (Mentioned), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Mentioned) Series: This Life is Mine (Bo-Katan Week 2021) Summary:  Not long after finding one another, Bo-Katan leads Korkie through the battle torn streets of Sundari as they searched for a secret pathway Satine had taught Korkie about in a way in and out of the palace. If they find this, they may have a chance to succeed and reclaim Mandalore. However, the remains of those loyal to Maul still roam the streets and will do anything to stop the two of them from accomplishing their goal. ll Bo-Katan Week Day 6 Bo-Katan and Korkie Author’s note: The missed chance of seeing Bo and Korkie together for more than three seconds will bother me through the end of time. I love the idea of Bo-Katan being a protective Aunt to Korkie, so I hope you guys enjoy! And maybe we'll get lucky and in Season 3 of The Mandalorian, we'll see Korkie.
Tagging: @bokatanweek​
Read here or under the cut
Finding Korkie after her sister’s death was definitely difficult, but standing with her nephew as they worked to reclaim and rebuild Mandalore was worth the time it took. He had an understanding of how the Mandalore her sister had built that she did not, which allowed them to go places pretty well unnoticed. Unlike her sister, he wasn’t afraid to defend himself if necessary, which meant she didn’t always have to look out for him. 
But it didn’t mean she didn’t do it anyway. He was her last tie to her sister after all, he was family.
They slipped through the destroyed streets of Sundari, the battle between Death Watch and those loyal to Satine left the city scarred and damaged. She knew that she would be up to the task of rebuilding if she could only get her hands on the dark saber and take down Maul. From beside her, she heard Korkie let out a shuddering breath and she stopped to look at him. Her heart broke when she saw that he was staring at a slightly burned poster of Satine, the words on it lost but it was meaningful all the same. 
“It’s okay to mourn her loss, Korkie.” Bo walked up behind her nephew and placed a hand on his shoulder. “If this is too hard for you, we can turn back and do this another day.” Her sister would have forgone her vow of pacifism and killed her if she had forced Korkie to do this when he wasn’t ready. While it had been some time since Satine’s death, she knew the boy had taken it harder than he let on. After all, he had learned after her death that the woman he had always called auntie was actually his mother, and so he mourned her not just as a nephew, but as a son as well. 
“No, we have to continue forward.” His words were slightly cold towards her and Bo nodded, continuing on. She knew that somewhere, deep inside Korkie, he still blamed her for being a part of Death Watch and leading to the moment that Satine was killed. And truth be told, she couldn’t blame him. She still blamed herself as well, for not being there for Satine, for joining Death Watch, and for not trying to dissuade Pre from using Maul in the first place. 
The two of them continued on in relative silence, neither speaking as they looked through the rubble for a hidden entrance that Korkie mentioned existing near here which was supposed to be an exit for an escape tunnel from the palace. This could be their key to get in and finally get ready to launch the attack that they had been planning since her sister’s death. 
The sound of a blaster being pulled out caught Bo’s attention and she immediately pulled her own out in turn. “Korkie, get down!” She pushed him out of the way and stood in front of him as the blaster fire rang out. She shot back, making sure every since shot counted. There were only two men against her and she was able to take them down with relative ease. 
“We need to move,” Bo grabbed Korkie’s arm and took off back towards their ship. The sighting of the guards was a good thing, it meant that they were close to that underground entrance. Unfortunately, being attacked meant word would spread of their attempt, meaning they might have to rework their strategy a bit and they definitely would have to retreat right now. 
Her heart hammered in her ears as she ducked through alleyways and stayed out of sight to get back to their ship. If anything happened to Korkie because of her, she would never forgive herself. Thankfully, their trip back to the ship managed to remain uneventful, avoiding the soldiers from Death Watch as they got onto the ship and started the flight back to their base. 
Once autopilot was engaged, Bo stood from the captain’s seat and went to go check on a few things when she heard Korkie’s concerned voice. 
“Auntie Bo… you’re bleeding.” 
She reached and touched her side, feeling her hand grow sticky with her blood. How had she gone so long without realizing that she had been hit with Blaster Fire. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, her head spun from blood loss and she felt her body start to crash to the ground. They had hit one of the points where her armor was not, dealing a lot of damage to her. 
She felt arms wrap around her to try and catch her as she fell, and Korkie led her to her bed, laying her down. Her vision swam and she could feel her eyes flutter. Maybe she could just rest a little bit… Korkie was a fine pilot and he could land her ship once they got to the Nite Owl base. 
“You need to stay awake.” Korkie sounded like he was underwater, but she forced her eyes open to try and appease him, despite how tired she was. “Auntie, where’s the medkit here? You need medical attention.” 
Medkit? Where did she keep those again? It was so hard to think and focus when she was so tired. 
“In the cockpit,” Her words slurred slightly “There’s a locker there where I keep medical supplies.” 
She was certain he said something, but she couldn’t hear him, just saw his lips move as he got up and ran out of the room. He was so much like her sister. She smiled at the thought and felt her eyes start to drift closed again. Maybe… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad for her to get a little bit of sleep. She was certain that Korkie would understand… 
When she next opened her eyes, she almost didn’t recognize her surroundings. It took her a minute to realize that she was in the Nite Owl base, in their medcenter. She jolted up, gasping in pain as she held at her side, wrapped in bandages. “Haar’chak!” The curse slipped through her lips, not realizing that she wasn’t alone in the room. Korkie, who had been sitting in a seat beside her bed, jolted at the sound of her curse and stared at her. 
“Auntie Bo, you’re awake.” She could see the relief on his face when her eyes opened. “I was… you were so badly hurt, Auntie. I did what I could but, you… I was so worried about you. The medical staff here was working on you for a while.” His eyes filled with tears and she moved to wipe the tears from his face. She could tell he was weighing what he was going to say next, and she didn’t want him to worry. 
“You did a good job, Korkie.” She reassured him, brushing a finger against his cheek. No one besides Korkie, and before her death, Satine, had seen her be this gentle, this loving. She wasn’t heartless like many thought, but she wanted to keep her emotions below the surface. “I’ll be fine, thanks to you.” 
“But you almost weren’t,” Her heart broke and she adjusted to sit up, carefully this time so as to not aggravate her injury. “I came back with the medkit and you were unconscious. I thought… you” Bo felt the burn of tears in her own eyes, knowing what was coming next. “I saw Buir in your place. You’re my last… you’re all the family I’ve got left. If I lost you, I’d be alone..” 
“You wouldn’t be alone, Korkie.” Bo tried to reassure him, but he wasn’t looking at her. “Ad’ika,” He looked up finally at the affectionate nickname that she directed towards him. “You’re not going to be alone, not just because you have my owls, but… I’m pretty certain your father is still alive.” 
She couldn’t be certain, but rumors were hard to ignore from her Nite Owls, who may have seen a man who looked like General Kenobi, alive, before the purge, and his name was on the most wanted list… It had to mean that he was alive somewhere. She just didn’t know where. She would search for him, for Korkie’s sake.
“No I-I…” Korkie’s breath hitched and he took his Aunt’s hand. “Ba’vodu… I don’t know my father. I may have met Obi-Wan Kenobi, once? Maybe twice? You’re my family. He’s my buir, of course, but he’s not really… I don’t know him. I know you and I know the Nite Owls. This place is my home and my family… I don’t want to lose you.” 
Bo’s heart broke, and she looked away for a moment. She didn’t think her loss would have affected him like this. She had assumed that he still blamed her for Satine’s death, but they were family, and it was more important than anything. Family and clan. 
“You won’t lose me, Korkie.” She tried to reassure him. “If you worry that much, I promise I will be more careful. I don’t want you to worry about me anymore.” She knew Satine also wouldn’t want her son to worry about Bo either, to not have any worries. She would want them standing together, as a family. So standing together she would ensure they would. 
“I will always worry about you, Ba’vodu. Mother would want me to.” Korkie mumbled “She would want me to make sure you were okay. Perhaps… we can look out for each other.” 
Bo gave him a smile, before allowing her eyes to close again. She remembered when her sister would look out for her when they were younger, and she would look out for Satine in her own way after she left Mandalore. Perhaps it was time she had someone to look out for, and someone to look out for her in turn. 
“I’d like that.”
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kyberled · 4 years
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send me a # to learn an unusual hc about my muse! || ACCEPTING
@cosmicnexus​ asked:
34. are they the jealous type? what are they most likely to be jealous of? // this one isn't on the meme but bonus question, when Braig opens up a cup of pudding or other food does he lick the lid?
Well, yes, but more so when he’s younger. He’s almost entirely grown out of it by the time he’s a senior padawan. When he was younger - Initiate age, to be more precise - he was quietly territorial over space dad. Yes, okay, Anakin was Obi-Wan’s padawan. Braig was fine with that, because it had been that way since he was young.
But it’s important to know that Obi-Wan was canonically an extremely popular knight among younglings in the Order. Even other masters would use him as an example. So, of course, whenever any of the other kids would say they’d be Obi’s next padawan, baby Braig bristled. No, that’s his future master, thank you. With how competitive the race to be chosen as a padawan can be, it got more pronounced towards his thirteenth birthday. But Obi-Wan still had an apprentice for most of it, so...
And then, of course, he gets chosen. Now, he knows his dad loves him; that’s not a question. It’s never been a question. But the whole process left him pretty insecure of his spot in the galaxy - he was only thirteen, after all. So I think the jealousy took its time fading. The older he gets and more sure of himself he is, the less it’s a thing. He mellows out a lot by the time he’s around sixteen, both due to age and experience and, y’know, obscene amounts of trauma that have given him a different perspective, but. With age, wisdom, as it goes.
Even older, he can still get a bit wary if someone outside of his ‘circle’ seems a bit too chummy. This is less jealousy-motivated and more ‘dogged loyalty and protective’ motivated, generally. He’s always happy to make new friends, as you know, but, again, obscene amounts of trauma. He likes knowing that the people he loves are safe, and it’s not always easy to be sure of that when a stranger is around.
I’m not gonna say the jealousy is all gone, however. If he caught wind of the ‘Korkie is Obi-Wan’s Son’ rumor, whoo boy. He wouldn’t have been pleased - both at the insinuation that his master/dad/idol would break the code like that, and that, uh, no, he’s my dad. (Though, to be fair, he doesn’t take any disparaging of his master well, true or otherwise. Again: Doggedly loyal.) And he might get a bit sulky if his love interest seems interested in someone else, but he’d never admit why. Jedi Code, and all that.
... And as for the second part of the question, he did when he was little. It made quite the mess. When he gets older and more concerned with manners and appearances - around eleven years old - he just uses his spoon/fork to scrape it off. He still doesn’t want to waste food, but there’s no reason he can’t be civilized about it. 
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