#like idk i’m just tired of seeing kianas the impulsive one and mei and fu hua are the constant voices of reason
seraphemmes · 2 years
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my take on fukimei dynamic no one asked for beyond just kiana dumb jock fu hua hot nerd and mei mom
ok so they’re divided into three key values (not traits, values) love (the safety and well-being of specific loved ones), duty (allegiance and dedication to an organization or set of ideals), and logic (pragmatism really). this effects their dynamic in a way where if two of them get stuck in a mindset due to one value the third will act as a voice of reason or viceversa.
justifications and thoughts below the cut
mei: love (kiana mostly) and logic (most efficient way to reach goals) but not duty. this girl has NO allegiances beyond her loved ones. she would kill her boss in a heart beat and that’s so slay for her. (see her villain monologue from thunders)
fu hua: logic (effects of action and it’s consequences) and duty (phoenix and all that) but not love. this stems from just how many lifetimes she’s lived. people die, people she loves die, and the best way she can care for them and herself is to stick to her values and be a person to rely on.
kiana: duty (being a kaslana/valkyrie) and love (all the st freya people) but not logic. absolutely zero sense of self preservation on this girl god bless. she’s very smart and could be a tactician if she so chose but immediacy is prioritized over her well being. as long as the burden isn’t on her loved ones or goes against her perceived duties kiana couldn’t care less about going a suboptimal route (see the way she handles literally any core at any point in the story)
it’s important to note that the third value is not missing from them just that prioritizing it would more often than not be more harmful than helpful (mei wouldn’t be able to help kiana in the way she needs, fu hua with so many lifetimes and so many people might crumble under the weight, and kiana, well if kiana didn’t act according to her impulses and things went poorly she’d never forgive herself)
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