#like if tomas wasn’t so nice he would say this to bi han
icedlava1 · 11 months
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People need to start drawing sassy Tomas HAJDHJSHFJDKD
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Hey! Hope you’re having a nice day/night!
Can I request Bi-Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas with a healer!reader? Reader is like a witch/ sorceress  who specializes in healing magic while have a soft and gentle personality.
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Tomas Vrbada
‘There we go little buddy, your paw is all better now. Just promise me that you’ll be a little more careful next time okay?’ You whispered as you finished up healing the injured paw of a tabby cat you came across when making a trip up to visit Tomas at the Shirai Ryu. You couldn’t bring yourself to just walk past and ignore the pained cries of the cat, so you immediately dropped everything to aid the poor thing back to full health as best as you could.
The orange tabby cat mewls it’s thanks as it then pushed it’s head into your hand as you were scratching it’s chin, closing it’s eyes and purring deeply in content and bringing a warm smile to your face, before boating off down the way you were heading, brushing past Tomas’ pant leg in the process. Your smile widened upon seeing the him as you quickly hauled yourself off the ground, dusting yourself down of dust and dirt before addressing the man who was smiling at you fondly.
‘How long have you been watching me?’ You asked softly.
‘Long enough to see you contemplating in bringing home a stray cat.’ Tomas teased upon seeing your flustered face.
If there was one thing Tomas adored most about you was your kindness and your willingness to help others in need. It was actually one of the many things that had drew him to you, along with how soft and gentle you were when tending to his wounds upon your first meeting. Needless to say from that day onwards you were constantly on Tomas’ mind.
‘I wasn’t going to…’ you murmured under your breath, distracting yourself from staring at his handsome face by fiddling with your fingers. ‘I came here to visit you but if I’m going to get teased like this then I’ll just leave.’ You huffed but Tomas was quick to step into view with a wide smile on his face as his hand reached for one of your own to hold, before beginning to pull you along with him towards the direction of the Shirai Ryu. ‘No need to make rash decisions now sweetheart.’ Tomas said, feeling beyond ecstatic in getting the opportunity to spend the rest of his day with you after a less then desired morning.
Your presence made him feel as though everything was alright and Tomas knew that he would be an utter fool to not take advantage of getting to coo at the inherent cuteness of a pair of blue jays cuddling up to one another, whilst doing exactly the same thing. Being within your company healed Tomas’ soul and he couldn’t help but be thankful for you entering his life, for it was a gift he wasn’t going to throw away anytime soon.
Kuai Liang
‘It’s only a scratch my beloved, nothing you should waste your efforts on.’ Kuai Liang tried to reason with you as you healed the last of his wounds from his previous mission. Thankfully it wasn’t anything too serious, just a couple of gashes and several small cuts and bruises littering his face, however that didn’t change the fact that you never liked when Kuai Liang came home with any form of injury. You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. ‘Well there not your decision to make Kuai Liang. You were hurt and I just so happen to have the ability to heal you of your hurt, so let me use my magic for it’s intended purpose.’ You rebutted.
‘I understand that sweetheart.’ Kuai Liang utters as he holds your hands within his own, thumbs stroking the inside of your wrists. ‘And I’m not trying to change that in anyway, it’s just that I don’t want you wasting energy on low scale injuries.’ Kuai Liang’s tender smile then became a frown as he continued to speak. ‘Whilst it’s admirable that you want to treat every possible injury. I just fear that there will be the day where you’re forced to make a harsh decision that you aren’t ready to make just yet.’
You smiled at Kuai Liang’s concern as you rest your forehead against his. ‘I’m aware of the fact that I can’t heal everyone, at least not yet.’ Your face sobered up upon a particular memory. ‘I have faced moments in my life where I’ve had my hand forced to making the hard call on who could and couldn’t be saved because of my limitations. It breaks my heart knowing I can’t heal everyone, I’ve heard it all before from everyone about how my dream is unrealistic.’
Kuai Liang tightened his grip on your hands reassuringly. ‘How do you power through all that grief and scrutiny my heart?’ He asked, genuinely wanted to know how such a sweet and gentle soul like yours could remain that way despite everything you’ve witnessed. You only smiled before shrugging. ‘I strive to become the impossible and learn from my shortcomings. I will try to heal everyone and if that fails then I’ll heal those to make up for the ones that I couldn’t.’
Kuai Liang couldn’t help but find your reasonings admirable and felt pride at the fact that despite everything you’ve seen and done, you were still blessed with your harmonious soul, your golden heart and healing hands. It truly was a testament to your strength, love and durability and Kuai Liang knew that you were destined to becoming the impossible, and so he’ll help in anyway he knows how because if there was anyone who could do it. It was you and Kuai Liang firmly believed that.
‘Bi-Han, you’re hurt.’ We’re the first words the left your mouth upon seeing him outside your door, clutching at his side that was obviously the biggest cause of his discomfort. ‘Why aren’t you getting examined by the medics,’ you began to question. ‘Why come here when you’re obviously in great pain?’ Your eyes followed after him as he only offered a grunt in response before bypassing you and entering the room, heading towards the bed where he struggled to find a more comfortable way to sit down that didn’t agitate the wound.
‘Enough with the questions.’ Bi-Han growled through gritted teeth, his eyes clenched shut as he tried to block out the pain.
‘At least tell me why you didn’t go for a proper medical examination?’ You pleaded as you made your way to his side, immediately starting to examine the severity of his wound, but from what you can determine so far was that the wound wasn’t that deep; however it was still enough of an problem to cause issues with performing basic level tasks. ‘You have possibly the best of the medics within their field down there and yet you come here instead and force me to watch you writhe in pain?’
‘Does it even matter if I happen to put more trust in you to heal me then those medics you happen to speak so highly of.’ Bi-Han stated, taking you off guard with his sudden appraisal.
‘You trust me?’ You asked, meekly gesturing to yourself.
‘Yes, why do you think that every time i get injured I always happen to come here.’ Bi-Han said, staring at you as you recalled the moments where Bi-Han would come to your room with a new injury for almost every mission he went on. It was so obvious to recognised the pattern now compared to back then, but none of that mattered as you reminded yourself of the fact that Bi-Han was very much lying on your bed in pain.
You put on a professional front as you helped put Bi-Han into a more comfortable position. ‘Alright, now let’s see what we’re working with here.’ You said to yourself, fuelled by your need to meet to prove to Bi-Han that he was right to place his truth within you. Meanwhile Bi-Han in question could only watch you work your magic -no pun intended- with a neutral expression but within his dark eyes, besides flickers of pain, was a sense of pride. Bi-Han knew he was right to have trusted you long ago with nursing his wounds and even though he wouldn’t verbally admit it, he felt safer within your care and knew that if he showed an ounce of emotion unbecoming of a Grandmaster; you would never view him any differently nor speak of it to anyone outside of this room, which was probably the main reason why he entrusted you to heal him.
Trust was something Bi-Han didn’t give out willingly and neither did he just to just anyone. So to be blessed with the knowledge that Bi-Han trusted you to help him in his most vulnerable state, there was no need for any further clarification for Bi-Han often spoke his loudest through his actions. So when you finally finished healing him, all he did was give you a silent look of recognition of your efforts, before reaching out for your hands to then press two separate kisses to the palms of your hands of where your magic lies within to show his appreciation for your gift.
‘It was nothing.’ You’d then say, still not use to having so much of his undivided attention.
‘It’s more than nothing.’ Bi-Han said, ‘you deserve every ounce of recognition for what you do. It’s a gift, don’t waste it.’ He concluded before leaving your room.
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hi!!!! I loved your bi-han x chubby reader stories and wanted to make a request please!
I was hoping to request a Smoke x chubby reader where the reader is a baker of Madam Bo's and is the sweetheart of the village and Insecure about her body. The rest would be up to you. Please and thank you!
Sweet Honeybuns
Prior notes: Mhm mhm I like this. Good energy. Love when I get to project myself. I love that man I just know he would love to cuddle a woman like me
Pairing: Tomas x Chubby Baker! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: I'm sorry if you start craving my b
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Oh, that face. That beautiful face of yours. Those gorgeous eyes that he could get lost in. Those adorable cheeks that he would love to caress and kiss. That lovely, plump body of yours. The way your hips move hypnotizes him. You move throughout the bakery part of the tea house swiftly, trying to put more cakes in the display window. Your hair was put up nicely to prevent it from blocking your view and getting in your face. Your pretty, well-kept fingers were wrapped around the whisk as you began to beat the egg whites before adding the other ingredients in to make the perfect meringue. Tomas already knew you were making your meringue cookies since you make them every Wednesday. He loves your meringue cookies, they’re as sweet as you. He loves everything you make. Oh heavens, he loves you.
“Tomas!” Kuai Liang yelled right into Tomas’ ear.
Tomas was spooked at first before he started to blush hard. He was caught in the act again. He was caught staring at you with that lovesick expression. Elbow resting on the table, chin resting on his hand, the generic lovesick boy pose. We can’t forget about that dopey smile. It’s a shock that he wasn’t swinging his feet. Kuai Liang knew what was going on. Everybody in the Shirai Ryu knew. If they go to the tea house at least once with Tomas they get to see him go into that daze again. Every single time it’s like clockwork.
“You should ask her out soon. It won’t do you good if you continue to keep your feelings in.” Kuai Liang suggested.
Tomas immediately nodded his head no. He really, really, REALLY likes you. But he’s afraid that you will reject him. It’s a normal fear. He thinks you are out of his league. You’re just too sweet. You probably already have a line of men ready to be your boyfriend. You’ve already captured the hearts of many with your baking. With the addition of your kind personality, you’re basically as sweet as the cannoli you make.  You’re a sweetheart in everyone’s eyes. To the men and women, young and old. Everybody must want a chance with you. They must all be as desperate as Tomas is.
Though there were few who were interested in you, you had your heart set on one man. Your heart was set on Tomas. He was so kind to you and he brought you so much joy to your week. He took the time to talk to you. It didn’t matter what there was always something to talk about. It would go on for so long that Madame Bo would have to yell at you to get back to work and she would scold Tomas for distracting you. Though she found it cute how you two were so lost in conversation. She encouraged you to establish a relationship with him but you always said you can’t, you just can’t.
Truth be told you so badly wanted to ask Tomas out but you were afraid of many things. You were afraid of rejection, fair enough. You were afraid of making things awkward between you two and that you would see him less after that, that’s also fair. Lastly, you were afraid that he wouldn’t like you because you are…chubby.
Now hold on just a sec, that’s not fair to you.
Yes, you were worried he wouldn’t like a girl like you cause of your body type. You looked at yourself negatively. You treated your stretchmarks as if they were a curse. You believe cellulite is unnatural. You think you need a thigh gap to get his attention. You feel like your belly will scare him away.
Oh poppycock! Excuse my language. But what you think, and I’m saying this because I care about you, is bullshit. Imma prove your sweet ass wrong.
You saw Tomas coming your way. He gave you a quick wave and you gave him a smile. Gosh, his heart might explode after seeing that.
“There’s my favorite man. What can I get you for today?”
Yup, his heart just exploded. He loves that you call him your favorite man. He’s not just another customer to you and that makes him feel special.
“Can’t I come up to talk to my favorite lady without having to buy anything?” He teased. Now your heart was exploding. He is smooth when he isn’t trying.
“I would allow you to do that but you know how Madame Bo gets when I stop working.”
“Fine, I’ll bite. Do you have anything special this week that you can offer to your favorite man?”
“Well we have coconut cream pie, flan, conchas, baklava, peach cobbler, liu shao bao, bublania, tiramisú,” on and on you went.
That’s something else he likes about you. You have desserts from all around the world. But damn does it make it hard to decide what to buy from you. He lowered his head as he struggled to pick something from you. Pick for him, the man is struggling.
“How about I get you some flan? I think you will like it.” You walked over to the display window, pulled out the flan you recently made and cut him a big slice.
You brought him the plate with that delicious, syrupy goodness on it. You scooped him a piece of it and tried to feed it to Tomas. You looked so adorable to him at that moment. Looking up at him with doe eyes while waiting for him to open his mouth. He opened up and ate the bit of flan that was on the spoon. The creamy custard was practically melting in his mouth with the caramel top hitting his tongue soon after. He just found his new favorite dessert.
“I love you.”
“I mean I love it!”
Tomas stumbled over his words. He meant the first thing he said but also didn’t mean to say it in that moment. The goodness of the flan messed with his mind and made his heart swell with love for you. You know what they say: the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. You already captured his heart a long time ago but this instance made his heart become caged by you. You will never release it even though you never knew you had it before.
He asked you how much it was but you told him it’s on the house since he was so handsome. You sly dog, flirting with him effortlessly while he was already spiraling. You left him blushing while walking back to his table. The moment he sat and placed his plate down he rested his head on the table. It’s over for him. He’s so madly in love with you. You got him so bad he forgot to make an effort to ask you out while he was up there. Kuai Liang started patting his back. Brother needs to support his brother.
It was near closing time. Most customers have left and almost all the waitresses were gone. Finally, some peace. You decided you deserve a treat after baking all day and serving customers. Time to munch on the mistake pile. The pile of slightly burnt cookies, lopsided muffins, and double-glazed bear claws.
You only really eat when most people are gone. If you give yourself a treat, even just a bite of a banana muffin, others think it’s typical of you. It’s tiring to hear people compliment your desserts only to immediately say you should slow down on eating them yourselves. You barely ever eat your own work since you have to save it for the customers. You know it’s unhealthy to make it a habit of eating your mistakes which is why you balance it out with healthy and balanced meals. You eat well actually. Yet some people think you intentionally make mistakes just so you can eat. How could people be so ignorant and rude when all you ever do is give. You give and give and they appreciate it but they still have something to say.
Whatever, you’re alone. You started nibbling on some cookies, enjoying yourself for a bit before turning around and seeing Tomas was near the counter. You immediately hid the cookie behind your back like a guilty child.
“Oh, I thought you would have gone home already.” You said.
“I would have but Kuai Liang said I had to do something or else he wouldn’t let me leave.” Tomas chuckled awkwardly as if it were a joke but it was serious. Kuai Liang would not let Tomas come home until he confessed to you.
“I hope I didn’t disturb you. You can keep eating your cookie if you want.”
You were hesitant to do so. You just nodded your head while putting the cookie away. Tomas got worried that he had upset you. He didn’t mean to be rude even though he did no wrong. He leaped over the counter to get closer to you and apologize.
“I’m sorry if I upset you—”
“No, no, it’s alright. I just…don’t like eating in front of people.” Your voice got quiet near the end.
“Oh, I’m guessing you get anxious?” He asked.
“No, I just…don’t like when people comment on my weight when I eat. I don’t want you thinking I'm a slob or something.”
That hurt Tomas to hear. He didn’t know people were making backhanded comments towards you. Now that he thinks about it even when he has stayed at the tea house for a long while he never saw you eat in front of anyone. He was hoping that you weren’t starving yourself throughout the day just to prevent people from making comments about your weight.
“I hope you don’t think you are one because you’re not. I could never think of you like that. How could I think something so negatively to a girl that I want as,” He paused for a second before finally having the balls to say it, “my girlfriend.”
You looked at him in shock. His girlfriend? You? Did you accidentally take a bite out of your “special” cookie because you can’t believe what you just heard.
“Me? Why me?” You asked.
“Why you? Why not you? You’re incredibly sweet and hardworking. I’ve never seen so many loving eyes on one girl before. Everything you say to me makes me want you even more. I was afraid a lot of people had their eyes on you and I was afraid I would lose you to someone else. That’s why Kuai Liang told me to confess now. I just really want you in my life. You’re the only girl who has made my heart feel like this—this tingly feeling that reappears every time I see you.”
His words were so genuine you found it difficult to disagree or fight back on anything. His eyes were practically twinkling as he looked at you, waiting for a response. He was nervous that you would actually reject him. He was picking at his nails and he was biting his lip slightly.
“You mean, you still want to date me even though I’m,” you pointed to your chubby belly.
Yeah, so what?
Don’t break his heart. If you do, you end up breaking your heart as well. It’s as clear as the night sky that Tomas really wanted you to be his girlfriend. It didn’t matter your size. He wants to love you and cherish you. He wants to kiss and caress you all night long. Do us all a favor and accept his lovin. It will do you both good. You know you want it.
“Well, you got me there. I can’t argue with that. I guess you just earned yourself a girlfriend and some double-glazed bear claws.” You smiled widely.
Tomas was beyond happy. He immediately hugged you and started to kiss you all over your face. Gosh, your skin was so soft against his lips. He could do this for hours. But you’re right, he did earn himself some bear claws.
You both sat around, eating your mistake baked goods together. You both were all smiles. There was a warm feeling that resonated with you. This has got to be the best day ever. Well if it wasn’t for Madame Bo slapping the back of Tomas’ head and yelling at him to leave already and stop eating the sweets. He booked it out of there while laughing, promising to return tomorrow.
Ain’t he just the sweetest?
After notes: Halfway through I ate a coconut cream pie to get motivation. I don't even like coconut but it hit! I feel like a jackass for making flan the favorite dessert in this fic. Idk why I'm not sending subliminal messages to make y'all want it. Ah whatever. Adiós!
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starsurface · 7 months
Helloooo!! I really love your headcanons, ESPECIALLY the baby regression. I always find myself AWWWING and being all big smile when I read your work, REALLY good job! Could I ask for Link Kuei brothers (they are my faves) with a baby regressor reader, you know, something similar with your last post (lui kang, raiden, kung lao, Johnny and kenshi with baby regressor)? Keep up the good work!!👍🫶
Hiiiii!!! I'm so glad you like them, it means so, SO much to me!! <3 <3 <3
I didn't have many ideas, and I can totally do a pt 2 or more hcs!!!, but I hope you like them. <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, & Tomas w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❄️ Your probably good friends with the Lin Kuei Brothers
🔥 ^ Whether your actually Lin Kuei or not doesn’t really matter
💨 If you are Lin Kuei, or just train with them, Bi-Han takes it upon himself to make sure you get a chance to regress after a really hard day of training (that he put you through . . .)
❄️ If you train with them and get hurt, Kuai Liang always has some bandaids on hand
🔥 ^ They’re decorated too!! Whatever design you want to have!! He got them just got you <3
💨 Tomas has a habit of accidently making you feel really small
❄️ It’s not his fault!! But he has a habit of doing ‘big’ things for you (like reaching down to tie your shoe if it’s untied)
🔥 ^ He does the shoe thing for everyone, once got kicked in the face by Bi-han for it
💨 Don’t worry, you sent Bi-Han to timeout (which he begrudgingly served)
❄️ Okay, scenario-
🔥 Whether your good at training or not . . . You still got kicked in the face by Tomas :(
💨 Really hard too!! This mans a little brother of two ninjas, play fighting is fighting for your life out here 😮‍💨
❄️ It wasn’t necessarily the kick that made you regress on spot, but the 360 spin your body did as you fell to the ground defintently didn’t help (when i say kick hard, i mean he was sparing you like you were Bi-Han)
🔥 He felt terribly bad, especially when you began to blubber and just sit there, holding onto your buised cheek
💨 Kuai Liang rushed over first, gently shushing you as he picks you up, and Bi-Han goes towards Tomas for one of the biggest scoldings Tomas will ever receive in his life
❄️ (^ Also don’t worry, you four were training for fun, so no one was around. If they were, the Grandmaster’s icey glare would keep them away)
🔥 Kuai Liang took you to his room, gently shushing you as he patched your cheek
💨 He gently dried your tears and let you cuddle up to him, giving you some pain meds for the time being
❄️ ^ Kuai Liang gives really nice hugs (unless it’s summer), he’s warm and like a big teddy bear
🔥 It isn’t long because Tomas and Bi-Han come to find you, and it almost looks like they got into a fight
💨 Tomas starts spewing apoligize, never meaning to hurt you the way he did
❄️ You do forgive him, after babbling a few things about him being naughty
🔥 Tomas gives you a bone crushing hug afterwords (and I mean bone crushing, survival rate is low) 
💨 ^ Bi-Han has to tell him to watch his strength and Tomas does lighten up though
❄️ The rest of the day is spent doing whatever you want, tv, coloring, making Bi-Han buy your favorite food
🔥 Different scenario-
💨 There are nights where you come to the three brothers already feeling small and a bit clingy
❄️ Suprisingly, Bi-Han is the first to scoop you up, claiming that you should have only came to the best, not these other incompitents
🔥 . . . If you repeat his last word, Kuai Liang snatches you from him and Tomas begin scolding Bi-Han for using naughty words around you (it’s not nice to tell that to others, Bi!!)
💨 There’s a bit of bickering from the three of them
❄️ They all want your attention (very similar to a Johnny and Kung Lao senerio)
🔥 Although unlike Johnny and Kung Lao, they don’t use mean voices and agree to certain things
💨 Kuai Liang wants to color with you? Alright, Tomas and Bi-Han will sit close by, recommending colors and such
❄️ ^They’ll also praise anything you make!! Two scribbles? Going on one of their walls (they’ll fight over it too)
🔥 Tomas wants to play peek-a-boo or have a dance party? (Johnny’s influencing him)
💨 Tomas will hold you on his hip, twirling you two around as you giggle
❄️ Bi-Han and Kuai Liang also demand a turn dancing with you (much to Tomas's pout)
🔥 Bi-Han’s request is very simple, he just wants to have a small cuddle session
💨 He’ll turn on whatever cartoon you want, and hold you while he lays on the couch, you on his chest
❄️ Kuai Liang and Tomas both wiggle into the cuddle session too, and the four of you end up taking a long nap <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hey, you guys remember when I made that CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas? Someone called me out saying I did one of the characters (I'm assuming Tomas) really out of character, do you think I should redo it?
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
I would think the Lin Kuei was linguistic since It has people from different sides of the world besides China (Cyrax and Smoke as prime examples) and also likely doing missions or business outside of china, but then again I’m mostly going off of Bi han knowing 3 languages in one of the live action movie so I cling to it mostly as a headcanon
Bi-Han in Mortal Kombat film (2021) was a truly nice addition to the widely understood lore and I love that this film allowed characters to speak in languages other than English. On other hand this highlights how games barely pay attention to cultural differences or use different languages as nice nuances and nods to characters’ origin.
That said, Lin Kuei education was never truly explained in great detail but tie-in material does imply Lin Kuei warriors are very likely to speak more than two languages - their native one and English. Maybe not every member of the clan will be a fluent polyglot, but for example, in one of the old Mortal Kombat comics "A Cold Day in Hell", Kuai Liang was presented as living in Japan. His place didn’t look like some special hideout but normal flat, so we could assume he worked undercover there.
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Now, MK1 Kuai Liang is currently living in Japan too, so most likely he and Tomas either already knew Japanese, as Harumi and supposedly her parents are an old family’s friend or are learning the language alongside building their new clan. As I assume a great number of the new members of Shirai Ryu recruited by Scorpion and Smoke are in fact Japanese, so speaking their language would help in communication. 
(Also, if Kuai Liang and Bi-Han spend some time with Harumi’s family when they all were children, Sub-Zero too could be speaking Japanese, or at least be familiar enough for basic communication). 
Then there is a chance that in Liu Kang’s timeline, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang (and Tomas) could also speak or be familiar to some degree with their cryomancer ancestors’ language - unless this is official dialect of Lin Kuei and so the Standard Chinese/Mandarin language - or whatever other dialect is official language there in Liu Kang’s timeline - wasn’t their first choice of communication at home.
Now, lets add to that the fact that original Lin Kuei are implied to recruit potential new clan members in Czech (Europe) and Botswana (Africa) while original version of Kuai Liang & Bi-Han’s father operated for years in America (though not specified if USA or just somewhere on the continent), we could say that Lin Kuei operated worldwide, so it is logical to assume members of the clan were specialized in some languages more than others. But the sources go further, Lin Kuei operated in Ourworld too,
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in old comics ("Kitana and Mileena") even taking part in Shao Kahn’s conquest of Edenia, which happened +/- ten (outworld) thousand years ago. And I doubt during that time anyone in Edenia knew English.
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Games make it look like everyone, from the gods, to residents of any realm speak English, but that actually makes no logical sense. So thought I don’t think there is any source outright saying how many languages are taught to Lin Kuei warriors, movie!Bi-Han spoke at least three, and most likely Kuai Liang knows as much, either in obscure source material or MK1 (a dialect used by Lin Kuei stationed somewhere in China/Asia, Japanese and English). Cyrax and Tomas have a great chance to speak a similar number of different languages (their native ones, English and a dialect of Lin Kuei). Hard to say about Sektor, but he is at least fluent in English. 
Again, not really a hard, direct source as we don’t see any Lin Kuei talking much in anything else than English, but there is a solid ground to assume Lin Kuei warriors would learn additional languages out of pragmatism and need.
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fandomzwriterk · 4 months
Smoke and Mirrors
Pairings: Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x OC
Warnings: slight gore + Amnesiac!OC + religious trauma (?) + characters dying + hinted innuendos later on + Kuai & Bi Han trying to be good brothers + Liu Kang as a dad figure (?) + Tomas just being his sweet lovable self + Bi Han being kind of a dick + Kuai Liang having no clue what it’s like to have a sister + confused “brother” Kuai Liang (?) + Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, and Kenshi being simps (mostly Raiden)
PT: 4/?
A/N: I love MK1 more than I should and my bf is laughing at me about it (he mains Liu Kang rip me)
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Some time in the future…
The days and weeks went on for Angel, at least that’s what Tomas ended up calling her. Kuai didn’t mind calling her that either, especially since his brother was the one who came up with it. Bi-Han however… couldn’t care less. Not to say he was heartless, he just didn’t see why both of his brothers would drop anything to make sure she was safe. It annoyed him. It’s been four months since she’s been here, Liu Kang now sending her off on missions with the three of them. Tomas was giddy every time and Kuai wasn’t much better than him. Bi-Han didn’t like Angel one bit, and he made it clear every time they trained, practically almost killing her each time she was there. Today was the fifth time he actually went and tried to do it, much to the annoyance of Tomas.
“You are the worst Bi-Han. Just be nice to her. She’s doing us good. She’s been trying really hard.”
He almost smacked Kuai upside the head right there, but he refrained. He can’t have his temper in control.
“It’s cause she’s a woman. A women we barely know and isn’t even with the Lin Kuei.” He grumbled
He didn’t have to look at his brother to know Kuai rolled his eyes at the statement. Currently, they were watching both Tomas and Angel spar, Tomas just basically trying to see what the limits of Angel’s body was.
“There you go!” Tomas exclaimed as Angel rolled to the side
So far since she got here, she’s never once used any part of her “angelic” powers. No wings, no spears. Nothing. It was as if she wanted to train herself. She really didn’t need to, she’d been pretty good since day one.
“You have to agree she’s gotten better.”
Bi-Han stayed quiet, knowing his brother was right but didn’t want to admit it. However, watching Angel and Tomas spar each other to him, with Kuai standing next to him in case somebody decided to fight dirty.
“Come on Angel! You’ve got more power than he does! You just gotta get him on the ground!”
Kuai’s eyes focused on Angel, noticing she was dodging attacks and not attacking Tomas back, even when he would disappear and then reappear seconds later. She seemed pretty content in just making sure Tomas didn’t get her on the ground first. She seemed to, not even be thinking, she was just moving on her own. Still, Kaui was super confused that despite half her face being covered, she could still recognize attacks Tomas was giving her.
“Come on Angel! You just gotta knock him down!”
Bi-Han stared at the small female, noticing something he wasn’t sure Kuai was seeing. Her left hand was twitching in a weird manner, as if there was something controlling her hand that wasn’t her.
“Whatever you do, don’t let her left hand hit you.”
Kuai looked between both Tomas and Angel, finally seeing the odd twitching her hand was doing.
“You think that’s normal?”
“I don’t know. As far as I can tell she can’t control whatever it is.”
Angel backed up once more as Tomas swung his karumbit once more at Angel’s side. Nobody could see into her mind right now… and nobody was noticing she wasn’t even conscious of her decisions. Her body was moving on its own without her control. Tomas smoked closer to her, causing Angel to jump into the air, her wings fully out as they held her into the air for a few seconds, seeming to look for a target to hit. Now she was on the attack… and it was not looking good.
“Kuai go!” Bi-Han yelled
“Get Lord Liu Kang!”
Angel’s attention focused on Tomas as her body slowly spun to regain her balance in the air, as her left hand went up to the sky, as if calling for something.
“Blades of Righteousness!” She yelled as she sent dozens of golden spears raining from the sky and straight towards Tomas
“Fuck!” Bi-Han added as he ran into the fight
Bi-Han, with no idea how to stop her, flung an ice ball at her, only for her to cut it in half with a giant spear in her own hand. They had to get out of there or they were gonna get hurt or even worse killed.
“Angel calm down it’s us!”
Kuai threw his kunai’s into the air, trying to get Angel tied up and bring her back down.
“We have to work together. Shes not going down that easy!”
Tomas smoked behind them as Bi-Han and Kuai stood side by side.
“We have to time it together. Tomas you smoke up and try to bring her down while Kuai and I distract her.”
“Got it.”
And just like that he was gone. So, Angel’s attention turned to the brothers. Bi-Han wasn’t going to admit it, but he was nervous. He didn’t know how Angel worked either, and he just thrown into a blind fight with no clue how to take her down.
“Hope this wakes you up!”
An ice ball came crashing into Angel’s face, getting her off balance as Kuai got his ropes to tie around Angel’s body, effectively cutting off her ability to fly as Tomas came up and smoked behind her, pushing onto her shoulders to get her to fall.
“Kuai pull!”
And so he did. The ropes were so tight that Angel, or what they thought was Angel, let out an inhuman scream from the bottom of her lungs. It practically shattered the very ground beneath them. She hit the ground, Tomas lying on top of her holding her body down as Kuai and Bi-Han ran up.
“Shit. Lord Liu Kang is going to kill us for this one.”
“Well that’s what happens when you don’t listen to me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Bi-Han stared at the unconscious Angel, still tied up and on the ground. She wasn’t moving anytime soon. So, he kicked her side trying to get her to wake up.
“This wouldn’t have happened if you two had just listened and made her leave months ago!”
“She was dying brother! Isn’t helping people supposed to be a good thing? Isn’t that what father wanted?”
“Father was a weak man. I’m Grandmaster now, so you two are the ones who listen to me, no questions asked.”
As Bi-Han went to pick up Angel by the back of her own gi, her wings snapped the ropes and she was up on one knee, one spear in hand right next to his neck. She was up and awake quickly, she had been playing dead.
“Angel it’s us!”
Tomas put his hands up as a surrender, looking to his brothers as Angel had her attention on Bi-Han.
“Angel. Look at me.”
So she turned her head, looking at Tomas who was right behind her. His hands were still up, he had faith that Angel wouldn’t attack, as if he could read her mind. He trusted her, so surely she wouldn’t break his trust?
“It’s me. Tomas. Im your friend remember?”
Angel made the spear disappear into thin air, standing up to look at the silver haired man.
“T-Tomas?” She spoke faintly
“Yeah it’s me!”
She started to sway slight. Kuai was fast on his feet, closing the distance between the three of them by putting a hand on her back as Tomas held her arm.
“I’m okay. Im okay.”
Her feet didn’t work for a few seconds, pulling her wings back into her body and looking up from the ground. She seemed to be awake, so Tomas let her go to walk a little and clear her head.
“What… what happened? I… I don’t…”
“It’s okay. Are you feeling okay?” Kuai asked with a quick glance at her left hand
It was limp for now, so that means it wasn’t doing whatever it was earlier. She shook her head, the hood over her face daring to fall off. She was tired and confused.
“I don’t… I don’t remember what happened… I.”
She went quiet, realizing it wouldn’t even matter right now. Her memory was barely together even after all this time she’d been with Liu Kang and his champions. She was alone, lost a place she didn’t know before she lost her memories. Why was there nothing?
“It was just a bad dream. I’m fine. That’s all it was.”
She dismissed it as she turned to try and walk. Only one step and she was having trouble staying upright. Tomas went to walk up behind her, but she flicked his hand away in annoyance.
“I need some time to think.”
And she was gone, leaving the brothers to figure out what just happened. Bi-Han was not happy, again.
“What in the name of the Elder Gods just happened?”
“Hell if I know. I can barely talk to her about how she sleeps at night. I sometimes hear walking in her room late at night, but it’s almost dead quiet every once in a while.”
“You think she’s having nightmares? Maybe sleepwalking? She doesn’t remember anything from before she came here and suddenly she spiked. Something is not right.”
“Fine. Tomas you get afternoon and night watch with her. Kuai gets morning watch.”
“What about you?”
“I’m not going anywhere near that creature. I don’t trust her, and she’ll never be Lin Kuei in my eyes.”
Kuai and Tomas looked at each other, watching their elder brother walk away to find some initiates to train.
“I’ll go find her. You go search the living quarters.”
Kuai nodded, silently using his fire to teleport somewhere away. Tomas was alone and worried about his friend.
“Angel!” He shouted running right for the gardens
Silence, there was not even a single sound except for a cricket. Where could she have gone?
“Angel! Where are you?!” He shouted louder than the first time
“Tomas?” He heard a meek voice say
He looked to his right, just barely able to see her hidden under a sakura tree. It was covering her, no light visible anywhere except a few holes from the branches. Slowly, Tomas walked as she sat there with her head against her knees, sitting beside her.
“I don’t remember what caused that. I-“
“You don’t have to explain yourself right now Angel. I’ll stay here with you until you relax, then I’ll hear whatever you have to say.”
Angel just nodded. Tomas sighed with relief, she wasn’t hurt. So, a few minutes turned into what felt like an eternity. Tomas had let her take a nap, watching over her so she wouldn’t get jumped by someone.
“I had a nightmare.” She spoke bluntly out of nowhere
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Yeah I mean… I don’t understand it. Maybe it was just all in my head.”
“It’s okay to tell friends things like this. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Yeah… that’s true. But it didn’t make sense.”
“Do you remember it well?”
“Not much but there’s a few things that are still in my head.”
So Tomas sat in silence as she recounted the nightmare from last night. In her mind, she’d been flying in the sky, above the clouds with the sun just ahead of her. Then, she came to a place that was infinitely beautiful, filled with land and animals she didn’t know. Suddenly, the ground cracked beneath her, causing her to fall backwards as she reached out, seeing someone standing over the pit, sending golden-white spears her way. They were covered in golden-silver blood. She kept falling, seeing the light slowly get smaller and smaller as she started falling. The person above her, she couldn’t see, but she knew something was wrong. Then she woke up when she saw Tomas, just after getting tied down by Bi-Han.
“You don’t remember fighting me? As practice?”
“N-no. My brain gets foggy after that, like I was never here at all. But… I could see it all.”
“Speaking of which how are you able to see with that thing on your head. I think it looks cool but that has to be annoying.”
He was right, the golden material that made three circles around her head and over her face was always there, and they weren’t even attached to anything. Perhaps there could be another way for her to cover her face.
“I’ll figure something out.”
The voice was loud, making both of them jump as it kept getting closer.
“Lord Liu Kang!”
To be continued….
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Mortal Kombat: In the end: Light and Dark.
Summary: Before the battle begins, both sides talk amongst themselves.
Chapter List.
Chapter List part two.
Assembling their allies across the realms, the forces of light were located outside the Edenian Southlands. This would be their greatest battle to come. In the time before this battle, it was a fine time to spend time with friends, settle old bets, in fear that you may not get another chance.
Sonya looked through her binoculars to the sight of the crater. She pulled away and sighed. She never could have imagined something like this.
Remember when Kano was my biggest concern?
“Enjoying the view?” Jax asked from behind.
“There’s nothing to enjoy. As soon as Fujin gets back with Raiden, we’re heading into battle.”
Jax hummed as he pulled out one of his cigars. He had a habit of smoking them before big battles.
“Jax, can you pass me one?”
Jax raised an eyebrow. In all of his service, Sonya had stated that she wasn’t a fan of his cigar habit.
“I thought you didn’t like this stuff?”
“I don’t, but if I’m dying here, I want to give it a shot,” She explained.
Jax chuckled, handing a cigar and his lighter. Sonya lit the cigar end, inhaling the fumes before exhaling.
“Anytime, Sonya.”
Some way away, Kuai Liang stood talking with Smoke. Two figures walked up to them. One was a Lin Kuei cyborg with yellow and black armour, the other was a woman dressed in red and black with an anxious expression.
In unison, Smoke and Sub-Zero said their names.
Cyrax bowed, Sareena doing the same.
“Tomas, could you excuse us?”
Smoke gave Kuai a knowing smirk, that was returned by a blank glare.
“Sub-Zero, there is something I need to tell you. Or, rather, show you.”
Closing her eyes and unleashing her inner demon, a tornado of hellfire revealed Sareena’s hulking demonic form. Sub-Zero’s eyes, once stern, were now widened in understanding.
“That demon was you. And I attacked you.”
“Yes. I… I should have told you earlier, I shouldn’t have let Quan Chi manipulate me back to his side. I shouldn’t-
A hand, cold as ice yet warm in its intention was placed on her shoulder.
“Sareena. You have nothing to apologise for. Quan Chi is a devious monster, and you were in just the right mindset for him to twist his words.”
Sareena felt tears in her eyes that she quickly wiped away. Why was he forgiving her so easily? Did she not deserve to be outcast?
“I… don’t know what to say, Kuai Liang.”
“Don’t say anything. You can show your devotion in this coming battle. With you and Tomas by my side, perhaps we have a chance at saving Bi-Han.”
Sareena smiled, returning to her human disguise.
“I will do everything I can.”
Meanwhile, Cyrax and Smoke watched the sight.
“Cyrax, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your real name?”
Cyrax tilted his head.
“Why do you ask?”
“If what everyone says about this battle is true, I want to know the name of the man I might die alongside.”
Cyrax paused, removing the front of his helmet to expose the man behind the machine.
“It’s Thabiso.”
“Hm. Nice name.”
Shujinko sat in meditation. To be of proper use, he had to be one in mind and body. Upon hearing footsteps, he stood up to greet the man he recognised as his former master, Bo’ rai Cho.
“Master, I’m surprised you came.”
Bo’ let out a cheerful guffaw, his positivity in stark contrast to the bloodshed to come.
“And miss the chance to watch my pupils? Not a chance in the ten hells.”
“Is Li Mei here?”
At the mention of his once student, Bo’s expression softened a tad.
“She... would prefer to be left alone for now. Her village was attacked by Kahn’s militia.”
Shujinko felt a frown on his face. No matter what, it seemed the Outworld citizens were destined to be trampled underfoot of whoever held the crown.
Bo’ handed Shujinko his flask, the old warrior eyeing it suspiciously.
“Master, are you certain that getting me drunk is the best course of action?”
“Consider it a toast. To victory?”
Shujinko smiled, raising his master’s flask.
‘To victory.”
He took a sip, immediately grimacing at the taste and handing it back. Bo’ smiled at the reaction.
“Too strong for you?”
“Maybe a bit…” Shujinko muttered. Hopefully it’d wear off by the time he had to fight.
Sindel stood atop the cliff, overlooking what would soon become a battlefield of unimaginable casualties. Kitana and Jade were getting in some last-minute training, to ensure they were properly prepared for the battle to come.
She prayed that Kitana would not be among them. Call it maternal instincts, motherly overprotectiveness rearing its head.
“Queen Sindel,” Ermac made themselves known.
“We… have something to share. Something we should have told earlier.”
Sindel was silent, giving wordless permission for the construct to speak.
“Within our souls, there is your husband. King Jerrod.”
Sindel was shocked silent. She did not cry, or shout or deny the words. She stayed calm, as was her duty as a queen.
“How does he feel?”
“Of both you and Kitana? He feels great pride. As does every soul within us. If this is to be our end, it will be an honour spending it on the heroic side of history.”
Sindel felt a single tear rolling down her face. She wiped it away and smiled softly.
“It is no wonder why I feel so at ease with you,” Sindel recounted fondly.
“Nor us with you, Sindel.”
SIndel spent some time staring at the field lit with sunset before speaking once more.
“May I request something?”
“Anything, Sindel.”
“Should I perish in this battle, please keep my daughter safe. Edenia will need a ruler, and there is no better than her.”
“It will be our honour, Sindel.”
Raiden, along with Fujin, Kai, Lao, and Liu Kang, arrived at the summit within minutes. With a thunderous call, they assembled for the speech. Attached to Raiden’s robes was a medallion with a blue centre.
“My allies. We are united here for many purposes, but under one banner. We fight for something greater than any prize; we fight for the realms themselves.”
Raiden summoned his staff, planting it on the ground with a thunderous sound.
“This battle will not come without cost, and it will be my greatest honour to fight it alongside you.”
The group cheered, ready for battle. Raiden raised his hand, ready to teleport the army to the battlefield.
In a flash of lightning, they were gone.
On the opposite side of the crater was the forces of darkness. The assembled army were from several factions and loyalties, and most kept to the devils they knew.
Kira was sharpening her knives, getting ready to slit some throats before she and Kabal heard a rough and Australian accented voice.
“Now, ain’t this a lovely little reunion?”
Kira looked up to find a man with a vest and pants with knives in holsters. A metal plate with a red lens was over his left eye. Kira looked to Kabal, who seemed to stiffen up.
“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be dead.”
“So should you. I heard you made yourself a new BD. Seems the apple doesn’t fall too far-
Kabal clenched his fists as he pointed a hook-sword at Kano’s neck.
“I’m nothing like you, Kano. Don’t ever say that again.”
Kano chuckled, moving around the blade.
“Whatever you say, see you around.”
Kano walked off, leaving Kabal with Kira.
“That was Kano?” Kira asked, having heard of him in the past.
“Yes. Get ready, I need to think.”
Making distance from his past and present, Kabal looked to the battlefield.
He wasn’t like Kano. He wasn’t.
He couldn’t be.
Sektor was checking his equipment when he picked up two approaching figures. One had no heat signature, the other had a reduced one.
“Sektor. I introduce my accomplice, Frost.”
Sektor looked to the young woman and scanned through his memories. She was a new member, but seemingly possessed similar powers to Kuai Liang.
“A member of Kuai Liang’s inferior clan.”
“Former member. Soon to be the master.”
Even behind the emotionless helmet, one could imagine Sektor’s clear doubt. Noob stepped forward.
“We are here to make an offer. Kuai Liang has made many enemies but has recovered Smoke. I offer you Cyrax and Smoke to do with as you please, but Kuai Liang will be ours to finish.”
Sektor thought about the terms. Having Cyrax and Smoke under his control like it was supposed to be an enticing offer. And with the upgrades, he could ensure their loyalty.
“The terms are acceptable.”
Noob nodded, leaving with Frost.
“You will have the Sub-Zero name. It is of no meaning to me anymore.”
“It can die with Kuai Liang, I will have my own mantle,” Frost countered, mind swimming with cold vengeance.
A dark chuckle escaped Noob’s mask.
“A wise decision, let us see who comes out victorious.”
Mileena was inspecting her sai. Baraka was off somewhere else, giving Mileena much needed alone time. As much as she appreciated Baraka’s loyalty, he could be somewhat… clingy.
Tarkatan instinct, I suppose.
“If it isn’t Kahn’s loyal daughter,” teased a woman’s voice.
Mileena turned her head, finding herself locking eyes with Tanya.
“I’m surprised you’re here; did you grow tired of hiding from Jade?”
“Better that than some tyrant’s lapdog.”
Mileena snarled, but Tanya kept her smirk.
“If you must know, I have an insurance policy. A portal stone that will take me to Outworld if the battle goes south. I could be willing to share if you feel so inclined?”
Mileena’s chuckled, leaning in close to Tanya.
“Always looking for yourself?”
“Like I said, insurance. Yes or no?”
Mileena eyed the gem carefully before snatching it. Tanya’s confidence remained.
“I thought so. I’ll see you on the field.”
Of all faces he expected to see at the summit, Kintaro was not one Goro had In mind. He hadn’t seen the Tigrar in years, and he couldn’t say he missed him.
Where Goro was honourable, even to a fault, Kintaro had no such scruples, his only loyalty was to strength and himself. He was arrogant, ego inflated after gladiatorial victories. Now, Goro stood as Kintaro revelled in the chance to mock the once great prince.
“Isn’t this wonderful? The mighty prince, now another soldier in Shao Kahn’s war. Do you know where I was?”
“No, and I do not care to know.”
Kintaro spoke anyway.
“I was outcast ever since I lost in the tournament, forced to wander Outworld’s wastelands. You never tried to find me, you likely thought I was dead.”
Goro stayed silent.
“Don’t try to act proud, I know what you’ve become. And I look forward to watching you die on the battlefield.”
That got a response from Goro.
“Is that a threat, cub?”
Kintaro snarled at the demeaning insult, before folding his upper arms.
“It’s a promise,” Kintaro swore as he walked away.
Meanwhile, Shao Kahn and Onaga were engaged in their own discussion.
“When I have Blaze’s power, it will be pleasure to make you suffer.”
“You need to win first, Onaga. And given how you failed against an old man; I do not feel confident in your chances.”
A rumbling laugh escaped Onaga’s mouth.
‘At least I did not lose to an earthrealmer, not once, but twice!”
Shao Kahn glared at Onaga, before offering a hand.
“May the true emperor win.”
Onaga took the hand, threatening to crush it if not for Shao Kahn’s herculean strength.
“May he indeed.”
As allies and rivals spoke and trained, Moloch yelled to the crowd.
“Lord Shinnok is arriving!”
Through a purple portal, Shinnok arrived with his hands behind his back. He looked over the crowd. Assassins, criminals, warlords, and demons.
“My friends. We are all brought here for a single purpose: power. This battle will decide the fate of everything to come. Our enemies have formed an army to oppose us. They will die for it.”
“But, I have heard of the earthrealm expression ‘hedging my bet.’ I have resurrected some of our fallen comrades to help decide our victory.”
From Shinnok’s portal came numerous warriors with red eyes. Goro locked eyes with Sheeva, Kira felt her eyes widen at Kobra, Kano sneered at Jarek and Mavado stared at Hsu Hao.
“Once it is done and our opposition eliminated, we will see who deserves Blaze’s power.”
With a motion of his hand, Shinnok opened a large portal.
“Let us go.”
One by one, the army walked into the portal, Shinnok being last as he gave a knowing smirk.
Everything was going to plan.
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summerwritesfics · 2 years
⛓️You’re Eager And Unashamed
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 3996 Words Rating: Explicit 🔞 Warnings: BDSM/Modern AU, Sex Work, Handcuffs, Light Bondage, Safewords, Legalised Sex Work, Kink Negotiation, Piercings (Nipple & Genital), Butt Plugs, Anal Sex, Riding, Condoms, Praise Kink, Hand Jobs, Mentions of people trying to stop a sex worker from leaving in the past (0 idea how I was supposed to warn for that one TT0TT), Nothing like having an in depth discussion on the nature of sex work while balls deep in a sex worker Kinktober Day 11: BDSM Universe + Sex Work + Handcuffs
Kinktober Masterlist
Notes: Day 11, lmao. I’m running out of things to say lol. Most of this is Kuai and Hanzo having a casual chat about sex work while fucking lol. Still kinda reeling from yesterday & on top now not feeling well, so I’m sorry if the editing is a bit weak again. Hopefully I’ll get a good day soon lol. Title is from “5 Dollars” by Christine And The Queens
Kuai made his way down the street, periodically looking down at his phone to make sure he was going in the right direction.
The cilent he was trying to find had seemed extremely nervous on the phone. Kuai had done his best to assure him all his services were confidential. There were certain safety aspects he needed to deal with, sending a quick text to a trusted contact before and after the appointment, a 3 hour window between and should it go above, said contact was to call the police. But other than that, everything would stay between them.
The man hadn’t divulged much about himself, just that his name was Hanzo and he hadn’t slept with anyone in a long time. It wasn’t a new situation to Kuai, in fact he really specialised in using his submissive status to rebuild the confidence of doms who’d been out of the dating game for some time. That was why he’d been recommended to Hanzo, after all, but even so the poor guy seemed incredibly stressed about the situation. Over the phone, he hadn’t really wanted to discuss the session, so Kuai had agreed they could do it in person before they got down to business.
He finally found the house in question. It was nice, small with a well looked after lawn and flowerbed. It was hard to judge people based on their houses, some of the prettiest houses belonged to the shittiest people. He hoped this wouldn’t be a similar situation.
Kuai approached the door, and knocked a few times, looking over his shoulder to keep an eye out for nosey neighbours. Not that they’d find much. He was wearing a very plain hoodie that was large enough to hide the blue collar he was wearing. Although they would only know he was a sex worker if they saw the tag on it, something most people didn’t see.
The door opened, revealing a tall Japanese man on the other side. He was dressed up nicely, a button up shirt, trim beard and his long hair brushed back and tied in a tight bun. He was fucking stunning, if Kuai was being honest.
“Hanzo?” Kuai asked, hoping to god this was the man he was meeting, even if internally he berating himself for being so shallow. The man hummed in confirmation. “I’m Tundra, we talked on the phone.”
“Oh. Yes. Of course,” Hanzo numbly said. It wasn’t in a disappointed tone, just one that indicated he was still very unsure about what he was about to do. Kuai could work with that. “Please, come in.”
Hanzo moved aside and Kuai bowed his head in thanks before letting himself inside. The door shut behind him, Hanzo locking it too. Kuai brought out his phone to send his safe text. While Bi-Han and Tomas generally were supportive of his occupation, they also had a horrible habit of breaking the confidentiality aspect, wanting to know details about his exploits. He knew it was out of a place of concern, but it was frustrating to have to keep repeating “I can’t talk about it” over and over.
It was rather ironic that the one person he found who took keeping his mouth shut seriously was a massive gossip about almost everything else.
[Kuai Liang said: Hey Johnny! Y’know the drill! I just arrived, I’ll send you another text once I’m done! If I don’t message back in three hours, contact authorities!] [Johnny said: I gotchu man! Have fun with your dick appointment! 🍆] [Kuai Liang said: 😘]
“Just so you know I’ve sent my safety text,” Kuai announced as he followed Hanzo into a rather cozy living room. “I have to send another before three hours are done.”
“I understand,” Hanzo muttered, gesturing for Kuai to sit down on one of the sofas. “Although, may I ask what the purpose of the text actually is?”
“It’s just a precaution. While the majority of clients are perfectly respectful, there are occasions where they are, ah, less so.” Kuai sat down on the sofa, watching as Hanzo followed suit opposite him. “Unfortunately, I’ve been in situations where clients try to block me from leaving. If that happens I have someone on the outside to raise the alarm.”
“Oh, I never thought of it like that,” Hanzo replied, rubbing the back of his neck. “I assumed since y’know, theres laws that protect you guys, that would be enough.”
“Well, I mean, the law also says that murder is illegal and people still do it,” Kuai countered, and he could see from the way Hanzo’s lips pursed that the point had gotten across. “Anyway, I know you seemed nervous on the phone, but I will assure you, no details of what we do today will leave this room. All my contact knows is my location, and as soon as we are done, he will delete that from his phone.”
“Right,” Hanzo breathed out, “I apologise, this all just feels very embarrassing for a man of my age.”
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Kuai softly told him. In reality he’d had clients much older than Hanzo was. “Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, then how about this, what do you want to get out of our session?” Kuai asked, usually it was a good question to gage where the client was and what might be the best solution.
“I want to regain my confidence in dating,” Hanzo answered, voice steady and sure, it was the first thing he’d said that wasn’t laced with nervous energy. “My wife died 5 years ago, and I’m finally at a place where I feel ready to begin dating again. Yet I’ve found that I am struggling to find my feet.”
“Firstly, I would like to give my condolences on your loss.” It was hard sometimes. Client’s often let their walls down around him, and he had to act almost like a therapist on top of his primary job. Hanzo was not the first widower he’d been hired by. It was common for people in this position to hire a sex worker before going back into the dating scene. “But I have a lot of experience in this.”
“I was recommended you for that reason,” Hanzo admitted, “I uh, a friend of mine lost his wife and you helped him.” Word of mouth was a wonderful thing. “So, um, I’m not really sure where to begin, so…”
“Well, in my experiences, I have found it helps to start slow,” Kuai recalled, putting aside any curiosity of the previous client. “I know our society expects sub and dom to be the norm, but it is often better to build up with light activity before trying more ambitious acts.”
“That makes sense.” Hanzo almost seemed to let out a big breath, and it was amazing how with that one thing he seemed to relax considerable. “So, light activity? Like, light bondage? A pair of handcuffs?”
“Yes,” Kuai confirmed. It was a good sign Hanzo had already begun to suggest things. “Um, I unfortunately do not bring my own equipment-“
“I have handcuffs,” Hanzo interrupted, before realising what he’d just said and putting his hand over his mouth. “S-Sorry. I brought new stuff when I decided to start dating, but I don’t exactly feel comfortable using it all yet.”
“That’s okay, today we can just try the handcuffs, see how we go,” Kuai assured. It was kind of endearing though, how Hanzo seemed so dominant yet so unsure of himself.
“Right,” Hanzo agreed nodding absentmindedly. “I- Uh- I guess this is about the point we should start, right?”
“Unless there is anything else you would like to address before hand?” Kuai prompted. “Granted even if something comes to you while we’re at it, you are more than welcome to voice it.”
“Uh, there is one thing,” Hanzo said as he pushed himself to stand. He gestured for Kuai to follow him, and so Kuai did, getting off the sofa and following Hanzo towards the stairs. “I know we are not doing anything particularly heavy, but, in regards to safewords?”
“If having one will make you feel more comfortable, then we can have one.” They were at the top of the stairs now, Hanzo leading Kuai into a rather nicely decorated bedroom. “How does red sound?”
“That works.” Hanzo walked over towards his closet, opening it to reveal the man instruments he had been buying.
Kuai tried not to laugh at how overboard and overambitious he’d been. No wonder the man was lost when he’d brought sex toys even Kuai had never seen before. He would have to do some research after this session to figure out what the fuck some of them where meant to do. All Hanzo reached for was several different pairs of handcuffs, one solid metal, one fluffy and one with leather cuffs attached by a chain.
“Do you have a preference?” Hanzo questioned holding the three out.
“I do find the leather ones more comfortable,” Kuai stated. He’d tried all three, and others, and there was just something nice about leather. It always tended to feel more sturdy than the metal ones.
“Yeah, the leather ones are the hottest option,” Hanzo agreed, before realising what he’d said and looking embarrassed. He seemed to relax again when Kuai laughed.
“I mean, that too~” Kuai purred, “I have been told I do look my best strapped down with leather.”
Hanzo cleared his throat, making a high pitched whine as he did. He looked away quickly and put the two rejected pairs back. When he turned back, he was looking a lot more composed.
“So, uh, do we undress ourselves or…?” Hanzo partially asked, dragging out the last r to a ridiculous degree.
“Do you want to undress me?” Kuai asked, and Hanzo gave a non-comital shrug. “Or would it make you more comfortable if I got undressed first?”
Hanzo’s lips pursed as he thought about that question, before answering with “You first.”
Alright, I can work with that. Kuai reached for the bottom of his hoodie, pulling it up to remove it. He looked for somewhere to put it, rather than dumping it on the floor, and Hanzo gestured towards a desk. After Kuai placed it down, he turned around so Hanzo could watch him undress properly. As he yanked his top up and over his head, he enjoyed the way Hanzo’s eyes were solidly on him. Well, they were on his chest, seemingly distracted and entranced by the nipple piercing’s he had.
Well, if it was piercing’s he liked, Kuai couldn’t wait for Hanzo to see his dick.
He reached for his belt, unbuckling it and slipping it out of it’s hoops. He liked to be a bit of a tease, so he removed only his trousers and socks first, leaving him standing in nothing but his boxers. When his hands finally hooked into the hem of his underwear, and Hanzo sharply inhaled in anticipation. Ah, Kuai was being mean now, wasn’t he? He finally pulled his pants down, letting his already half hard cock spring free. Hanzo’s eyes widened as he spotted the small metal balls down the shaft.
“Is there something wrong?” Kuai innocently asked, putting the pants down with the rest of his clothes, and approaching the stunned man.
“Wow, Kenshi did not tell me about those.” Hanzo gasped, and oh, the previous client Hanzo mentioned was Kenshi. Kuai remembered him, they’d had a few sessions together. He was fun, and very kind as well. Kuai missed him actually, he always seemed to go home with homemade food of some kind. “Did- Did they hurt?”
“Not as much as you’d think.” Then again, being a bit of a masochist Kuai had fairly high pain tolerance so his opinion might have been skewed. “Although for a while after certain bodily functions were not fun to go through.”
“I can imagine,” Hanzo replied with a wince. “I like them though, your dick is very pretty.”
Kuai snorted, “well I’m flattered you like my pretty dick so much.” He raised an eyebrow, and tilted his head. “So can I see yours?”
“I suppose that would be fair,” Hanzo laughed with a sheepish grin.
He passed the cuffs over to Kuai, before taking a few steps back. His hands reached for his shirt, undoing the buttons slowly. He pulled the fabric off of him, revealing his torso to Kuai. He was fit, obviously looked after himself and worked out. Kuai didn’t judge people on their appearance, but it was undeniable that Hanzo was hot. Hanzo moved to his belt, undoing the buckle and sliding it out. He wasn’t as much as a tease as Kuai Liang however, as once it was gone he hooked his hands into his trousers and underwear and pulled them down and off.
When Kuai saw his cock, all the could do was say “wow!”
Kuai had seen a lot of semi erect cock’s over the years, but this was probably the biggest.
“Well, that probably the biggest one word compliment I’ve ever received.” Hanzo was positively beaming, it was amazing how much just one word seemed to boost his confidence. “I mean, you must have seen bigger right.”
“I really have not,” Kuai whispered, trying to not just stand and staring at Hanzo’s cock but finding it extremely hard. Pun not intended. “Congrats on that.”
“You flatter me,” Hanzo snorted, reaching for the cuffs again. He levelled Kuai with a stare, smirking the entire time. All the nervous energy seemed to be gone, replaced with a certain cockiness that somehow made him even more handsome. “Hand’s out.”
“Assertive, I like it,” Kuai commented, holding out his hands. Hanzo began to wrap the leather around his wrists. “Love a dom who knows what he wants and is bossy about it.”
“Oh really?” Hanzo questioned, buckling up the first cuff. “I don’t know, I was getting brat vibes off you.”
“I can like a man ordering me around while being super bratty about it. I like making men work for my obedience.” The second cuff was on his wrist, and Kuai bit his lip. “Maybe you’ll get to see that side of me at some point~”
Hanzo made a low groan from the back of his throat, “I’d like that. Slowly though?”
“As long as you need,” Kuai claimed, pulling on the cuffs to make sure they stuck. “How do you want me?”
“Would it be too much to have you ride me?” Hanzo requested, gently taking hold of Kuai’s hands and guiding him towards the bed.
“One of my favourite positions, so we can absolutely do that.” He wasn’t lying. He really enjoyed riding a dick, it was so intimate yet commanding to be made to do the majority of the work himself.
Hanzo sat down, pulling Kuai over to him. They didn’t have to worry about preparation too much, Kuai often did it before hand to keep things moving. He had a plug in his ass right now, keeping him stretched and the thick lube inside. Even so Hanzo pulled out a condom and bottle of extra lube that he left on the side presumably just in case. Meanwhile Kuai attempted to reach behind to remove the plug. Easier said than done with the cuffs on. As soon as Hanzo was done rolling, he reached around to pull the plug from Kuai’s ass.
“I did wonder about if we would need preparation,” Hanzo admitted, placing the plug down on the bedside cabinate. He positioned himself, laying back on the bed as Kuai crawled over to straddle his hips.
“It’s easier this way. Thanks for using the condom, by the way.” Kuai sat down and ground down onto Hanzo’s cock.
“I mean it was one of the first things you mentioned.” Hanzo reached for Kuai’s hips, and pushed down making Kuai rut against him. “Also seems like common sense in general.”
“You would not believe how many people try to get out of it,” Kuai flatly replied, before groaning at the feeling of Hanzo hardening underneath him.
“It seems this profession has a lot of cons,” Hanzo stated with a frown. “Why do you keep doing it? If that isn’t rude to ask?”
“Not rude, and for me personally?” Kuai bit his lip, resting his hands on Hanzo’s chest and gently scratching down his torso. “Despite the few bad apples I encounter, I do enjoy what I do.” He rolled his hips, gaining a pleasure filled moan from Hanzo. This was why he liked it. Getting a good client and absolutely rocking their world while helping them find their feet again. “Every job has it’s pitfalls, but at least with this one I set my own hours, and get to have a lot of fun working it.”
“True.” Hanzo reached down for his cock, angling it to try and find Kuai’s hole. Kuai positioned his hips above, trying to help guide him to the right place. “Does it ever effect relationships though? I’ve met a lot of doms who are super possessive of their subs, and would never allow them to do it.”
Kuai didn’t get to reply straight away, as he felt Hanzo’s cock poking at his entrance. He slowly lowered himself, feeling the head of Hanzo’s cock pop inside him as he slid down the rest of the length.
“It is hard to find men who aren’t like that, to be honest.” This was the first time he’d ever had an in depth discussion about his work with a cock in his ass. Definitely not the strangest conversation however, that was reserved for the guy who enjoyed pondering “trial by trolly” style conundrums while fucking. “But if a guy can’t accept that I’m happy and can’t get over their own jealousy I don’t think I’d be happy with them anyway.”
“I’ve never really thought about it,” Hanzo admitted, his hands taking hold of Kuai’s hips. “I think I’d be a little jealous, at least at first.”
“I think that’s natural.” Kuai used his knees to lift himself up slightly, before allowing himself to drop down again. Hanzo moaned and bucked up into him. “I wouldn’t mind if someone was jealous but agreed to work through it. I mean, at the end of the day, my clients are just clients, they aren’t my dom.” Kuai rolled his hips, whining as the cock inside him brushed against his prostate. “Client’s come and go, but a dom is a constant.”
“That’s-“ Hanzo cut himself off with a groan as Kuai lifted himself up and down again. “That’s actually a poetic way of phrasing it.” He bared his teeth as he began to thrust upwards in a steady rhythm, Kuai lifting himself so that they met halfway. “When you put it like that, I think I could be in a relationship like that. At the end of the day, as long as a sub returned home to me, I would support anything they wanted to do.”
“You’re one of the good ones,” Kuai commented, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, focusing on making Hanzo’s pleasure as high as possible. The grunts and groans were telling. Hanzo’s technique was good too, and from feeling how many times he tried to aim for Kuai’s sweet spot, he was clearly not being selfish when it came to pleasure.
“Gods, you’re the good one,” Hanzo groaned, his grip on Kuai’s hips tightening as he began to pick up his pace. “Fuck, you’re so good for me.”
Kuai squeaked slightly. His praise kink was a little known secret he tried not to advertise lest people take advantage of it. When Kuai looked down to see if Hanzo noticed, his eyes were wide, although as shocked as he was, his hips continued to thrust and Kuai bounced on his cock.
“Do you like that? Being told how good you are?” Hanzo questioned, Kuai did not reply, just gave a needy whine. “Sh, you might be doing me a service, but your enjoyment is important too. You are being such a good boy.”
“Oh fuck,” Kuai groaned, letting his hips drop particularly hard and practically seeing stars as Hanzo’s cock slammed into him. “My one weakness,” Kuai giggled between his bounds. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Hanzo assured, although his eyebrows furrowed soon after. “I ah- Forgive me, it has been a while and I don’t think I will last much longer.”
“That’s fine,” Kuai replied, doubling his efforts to help Hanzo out. “I take it as a compliment.”
Hanzo laughed at that, his own hips bucking upwards with so much energy Kuai was almost left breathless. It wasn’t long of this when Kuai felt Hanzo force him down, and he let out a very loud groan. Even though with the condom on Kuai couldn’t feel it, it was very clear Hanzo had finished. When Hanzo’s grip on him loosened, Kuai gave one last roll, before finally slipping off and flipping himself to lie beside Hanzo.
He gave a surprised squark when Hanzo’s hand reached down for his cock.
“I- Sorry, I should have asked.” Hanzo let go again. “I would like to finish you off though, if that’s okay.”
Kuai blinked a few times. It wasn’t all that common for people to care that much about him orgasming. Usually if he didn’t cum along with them, they didn’t bother. Only person who made a regular habit of making sure he was done was Kenshi. He supposed birds of a feather flocked together, even if it was under a very strange circumstance.
“Sorry, it’s absolutely okay, I just wasn’t expecting it.”
Now with consent, Hanzo reached down for Kuai’s cock again, gently wrapping his hand around it. Kuai gasped as Hanzo gently began to pump his fist, taking care not to pull on the piercings. When he got to the tip, Hanzo rolled his thumb around the head and Kuai gave a loud groan. It was really amazing, how even just how good Hanzo’s hand felt to him.
It didn’t take long for Kuai to cum as well, spurting out of him and landing on his stomach. Hanzo pumped a few more times, practically milking his cum out of him.
Kuai lay still panting for breath, as Hanzo began to remove the cuffs. Kuai couldn’t help but grin.
“So, how was it?” Kuai asked, curious about Hanzo’s review.
“Amazing,” Hanzo stated with a smile. “I know we’ve only had one session, but I’m already feeling bolder.” Good. It was amazing, how sometimes a good fuck was what someone needed. “So bold, I was wondering… Uh. Well.” Hanzo cleared his throat. “For our next session, I was wondering if I could… take you to dinner?” Hanzo’s eyes widened as his said that and he shook his head. “A-As practise of course, just to get used to the dating aspect of things again too.”
Kuai Liang could tell it was more than just practise.
He generally made a rule not to date his clients. But maybe, just maybe, he could make an exception just this once.
“Practise, hm?” Kuai replied, in a tone that indicated he knew what was really being asked. Hanzo’s cheeks went slightly red at the gentle call out.
“Well- I- Ah- I suppose you have rules against dating clients.”
“Hm, yes, but I think I can make an exception for practise.” Kuai gave a toothy grin, and Hanzo looked at him with relief and anticipation. “And well, depending on how things go, I don’t have any rules about not dating ex-clients.”
The excitement on Hanzo’s face was worth it. And as Hanzo began to look to find a perfect time and date, Kuai actually felt excitement too.
And well, if Kuai happened to forget to ask for payment the next time they met, it would just him being forgetful, wouldn’t it?
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kuai-liangst · 2 years
Lost Snow Child Chapter One
So, heads up. I'm posting Lost Snow Child here chapter by chapter daily for guys who don't wanna go and read it at Ao3 or don't have the time to read it all at once. Also, @michael-young-history since you asked for being @ for updates.
Cole is returning home after a last-minute fight in a snowstorm to hear a child crying. He meets someone who changes everything.
Going to a fight for some cash, knowing full well that there would be a snowstorm, was a bad idea. It was probably even worse knowing that Allison would be working late and Emily was at a sleepover.
The temperature drops further as the storm gets worse. “Big Brother!” A young voice calls out in the storm that makes Cole’s stomach drops, “Tomas! Where are you?”
Cole starts heading in the direction of the young voice, “Someone, anyone?” The voice calls out again, “It’s cold.”
“Over here!” Cole calls out, and he thinks he sees a head of black hair. “Follow my voice!”
“Ok!” The young voice calls out. Barely loud enough to be heard over the roaring storm winds.
“Can you hear me? What can you see?” Cole yells as he waves his arms in front of him.
“I see you!” Cole hears. He looks around frantically as he tries to spot the child.
He lets out a grunt as the child tackles him. He looks down, and his mind errors as he takes in the child’s clothes. 
He was wearing a sleeveless tunic and leggings.
In a fucking snowstorm.
He won’t let this stand.
Without a single hesitation, he unzips his coat and wraps it around the child before picking the child up and carrying him home.
Cole barely notices the cold or the time passing as he enters their apartment. He grabs all the blankets he can and throws them on the child. “How does that feel.”
“Warm,” The boy’s muffled voice says, “Soft...it’s nice.”
A smile grows on Cole’s face, “That’s good to hear. I’m Cole. What’s your name?”
“I’m K-Tundra,” Tundra tells him as the smile turns into a frown. Tundra wasn’t his actual name. He supposes it makes sense. Cole is a stranger. But why Tundra? Was he part of some cult?
“You mentioned a Tomas and an older brother. Do you know where they are?” Cole asks instead, trying not to scare off the child.
Tundra shakes his head, “I don’t know how I got here. The last thing I remember is Big brother’s boss coming towards me with a scary face.”
“Would you like to stay here with us? My wife and daughter probably won’t mind another face here.” Cole offers, knowing full well it might make things a little tight. They’ll have to watch money for a while, but they’ll make things work.
“What’s a wife?” Tundra asks innocently, and dread fills his stomach. Either very innocent or in a cult.
“A wife is a woman who you marry and love. You want to be with her for the rest of your life.” Cole explains.
Tundra thinks on his answer and then perks up, “Like how I want to be with Tomas! OH, can I marry Tomas?”
“If you want,” Cole tells him, “...but, ah. Makes sure you both are sure before you get married if you actually decide to do that.”
Tundra nods and curls up in the blankets. “Are you cold, mister Cole?
“No, I’m fine,” Cole says as he tries not to shiver.
Tundra is quiet, “Can I have a hug, mister Cole.”
“Of course,” Cole says quickly as he scoops the child and his heart almost breaks as Tundra cuddles into his grip.
He couldn’t find Tundra.
He couldn’t find Tundra.Hecouldn’tfindTundra.
He couldn’t find Kuai Liang. He had to find Kuai Liang.
He had to find his best friend. But where could Kuai Liang be?
Enenra whispers in his mind, ‘I could find that little cryomancer friend of yours in no time.’
‘You scare him,’ Tomas scolds as rage fills him, ‘He’s been afraid of you ever since you took over and ripped apart those Shirai Ryu warriors who killed Kai and Frost.’
Enenra becomes quiet, and Tomas grabs all he can from their room before turning into smoke and leaving.
He will find Kuai Liang.
He could only hope that he’ll find Kuai Liang before Bi-Han returned.
Bi-Han had a feeling that something was wrong when he returned back to the temple.
Where was Kuai Liang?
His little brother was always the first to greet him whenever he returned ever since he did that job for Quan Chi to steal the amulet from the temple of light a month ago.
He immediately goes up to the current Grandmaster, “Where is Kuai Liang?” He growls, and to his satisfaction, the Grandmaster flinches.
“I believe he is likely out playing with Enenra in the nearby village. You are back early.” The Grandmaster manages to get out without stuttering.
He couldn’t find it within himself to argue, he was back sooner than expected, and he has another job to leave for before nightfall. Bi-Han sighs, well at least Kuai Liang was becoming a little more self-reliant now.
“Make sure he takes care of himself, and let him know I should be back next month.” Bi-Han tells the Grandmaster, “If he is unwell when I return, know it will be your blood that my ice shall taste.”
The Grandmaster gulps and nods. Bi-Han leaves with a frustrated growl. Why does he put up with these idiots?
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MK OC Randomness part 5? 6? What part am I on?
I am having trouble with writer's blocks... so here are more OC jokes
Some of these jokes contain spoilers for both my Switched and Fate AUs.
Michiko: Sektor is such a wonderful brother! Look he made me this dress!
Krow: Gae one time took me to a forest with nothing but birch and hickory trees and left me there for 3 days.
Krow: I'm allergic to birch and hickory trees.
Ash: Hate to break it to ya, but there are in fact three genders.
Ash: And those are, Good girl, Good boy, and little shit.
Kamden: So what do you identify as?
Ash: Little shit.
Shinnok: Hello No- *studies her haircut for a minute*
Nozomi: don't say a word!
Shinnok: *in a serious tone* Nozomi, is there something you're trying to tell me? Something you can't tell your father?
Nozomi: *looking at him quizzically* what do you mean?
Shinnok: *getting up and walking over to a storage closet, opening it and gesturing vaguely*
Nozomi: *groans* For the last time Shinnok. I am not gay! I just had to get my haircut again and dad wasn't there to help. So I did it myself
Shinnok: Oh. Well you know there's nothing wrong with being gay Nozomi. It's perfectly alright. Your girlfriend or partner will be treated the same as if you had a boyfriend
Nozomi: Thank you Lord Gaydar, but I don't like anybody like that!
Shinnok: Alright, hey is that your mother's cloak?
Nozomi: NOPE! *teleports away*
“Quan Chi”: I’m not possessed! What makes you think I'm possessed? You have no proof ! Prove I'm possessed Fuyuka! Prove it! You can't!
Fuyuka: *already sick of this bullshit* I know it's you Onaga.
"Quan Chi", now revealed to be Onaga: Damnit! What gave it away?
Fuyuka: *sighs* Well one, your eyes are really yellow with an odd slit in them, something I know my Chi does not have. Two, I don't think you've noticed, but you've grown some wings and horns, and last I checked Quan Chi never had any of those. And three, MY HUSBAND DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING TAIL!
Onaga: *looking at the features he never noticed* Yup that'll do it. Could've sworn I hidden those.
Onaga: Oh well. You still wanna mate?
Fuyuka: Get out of my husband's body.
Seth: *walks by laughing*
Yamato: Shut up. *smacks him down*
Satoru: He doesn't deserve you.
Satoru: If he doesn't treat you right by now, you're gone.
Xue: I'm gone.
Ash: Dad look, it's the good kush!
Kano: This is the dollar store how good can it be?
*While in isolation*
Fuyuka: Fuyuka the tea is done
Fuyuka: Fuyuka?
Fuyuka: *thinks; "Maybe I'm Fuyuka?"*
Gae: *pops up out of nowhere* Did you say tea-?
Fuyuka: *screams*
Old LK Grandmaster: I should've left you out in the cold with your dead father!
Michiko: But ya didn't!
*Trying to figure out who killed Havik*
Raiden: Alright, who do you think did it then?
Nozomi: Argus!
Raiden: Argus is dead.
Nozomi: Wait, Ar-
Raiden: Argus is still dead.
Nozomi: Ah this is really difficult. Hold o-
Raiden: Melantha, this is a crime scene.
Melantha: *taking some Edinan pie* What is this the murder weapon?
Melantha: Get off my dick!
Erron: Hey Klaudia ya got something I can cut this thread with?
Klaudia: Yeah right here man
Klaudia: *skillfully opens up a switch blade*
Erron: Hey are you ok?
Taven: He's dead!
Nozomi: *yawns then looks around*
Nozomi: "not the dick-head", what do you want me to say?
Idalia: are you gonna wake up today you little shit?
Kabal: Oh come on Kristy, it's not like you actually killed somebody.
Kristy: *does a vague face gester*
Kabal: hehe- *to this side* fuck!
*In Fuyuka's temple*
Nozomi: Alright, grab onto my staff, we'll teleport to the 16th floor.
Reiki: Wait, couldn't we just walk there?
Nozomi: Well if you wanna walk up about ohhhh about 369 steps and 15 flights of stairs, then be my guest
Reiki: ... And we're teleporting!
Reiki: Michiko obviously loves me more. So run along ice boy!
Bi Han: I will destroy you and your clan if you don't take that back! *now*
Reiki: I love you more. Don't fight me on this Bi Han!
Bi Han: I will throw hands with you over this! I love you more!
Scorpion: Since Reiki assigned me to protect you, maybe we can be friends?
Michiko: *smiles widely* Oh sure! *smile drops* when foxes fly!
Hanzo: Heeeeey... can I also get a kiss?
Michiko: I don't know. How many did I give you today?
Hanzo: t two
Michiko: *kisses him two more times*
Reiki: I'm a healer but-
Reiki: *makes his flames turn black*
Harmonia: If you hate dad so much, how were we born?
Melantha: *not looking up from the paper* fever season.
Harmonia: What?
Melantha: Hormones.
Discordia: Huh?
Nemos: Oh my fuckin- SHE GOT HORNY! MOM GOT HORNY!
Meixiu's ghost: So how's motherhood treating you?
Michiko: It's going great actually, just didn't expect there to be so much crying.
Meixiu: Oh, all babies cry. You'll get used to it.
Michiko: Oh no, Xue is fine. It's Bi Han I'm talking about.
*From the nursery*
Bi Han: *sobbing* She's so beautiful!!!!
Bi Han: *bursting into the infirmary* Is she ok!? How is the baby!? Have they been born yet!?
Medic: Actually Sub-Zero you'll be happy to know that your wife gave birth to twins. A boy and a girl.
Michiko: *holding the twins* Hi honey. Look. This one is Nori, and this one is Su.
Bi Han: *tearing up*
Little Satoru: *sighs* I'll get the tissues for dad.
Erron: Hate to disappoint Blade, but another gal has my heart. < *talking about Kristy*
Sonya: *raises an eyebrow* Are you gonna ask her out?
Erron: shrill voice I AM WORKING ON IT!
Quan Chi: I would tell you not to hurt her, but technically she's not my daughter so-
Meixiu's ghost: Oh it's ok. I got this.
Meixiu's ghost: ahem!
Meixiu's ghost: Hurt my daughter and you'll wish you were back in the void with nothing but your shadow based hallucinations, and when you do get back there, not even those will keep you company!
Bi Han: Good Elder Gods!
Reiki: *from the background* OH IT'S OK! YOU GET USED TO IT!
Klaudia: I wake up everyday and chose violence in hopes that someone will kill me.
Michiko: Wait the floor's made of glass?
Old LK GM: Yeah I had it updated.
Michiko: Dad, why the fuck would you do it?
Old LK GM: I don't know. I thought it would be nice. Does it look good?
Michiko: PEOPLE ARE GETTING HURT ON THE FLOOR DAD!- I mean yeah it does look kinda nice, not gonna lie- BUT WHAT THE FUCK!?
Tomas: You can't live off solitude and alcohol forever!
Demon form Michiko: I've made my choice!
Satoru: Can you show any emotion besides "meh"?
Xue: Can you show any sign of intelligence?
Satoru: Why are you like this?
Xue: Why are you an idiot?
Satoru: Xue's got a boyfriend! Xue's got a boyfriend! Xue's got a boyfriend!
Xue: *glaring* I hate you!
Satoru: Aww.. Why? *grinning*
Xue: Because I can't get you back on this particular subject!
Satoru: *sticks his tongue out and snickers in AroAce*
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paindealt · 5 years
@kathexismania​ wrote to you:
I dare you to pick Kuai Liang’s top five saddest moments >:)
WHY OF COURSE. -watch mojo intro plays-
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#1 is probably Kuai discovering that the bodies in the quarry are of his students. It’s just so fucked to imagine walking into this place, seeing LIMBS and body parts so mutilated, you can’t even tell whom they were, only to discover that they were people who’s family to you. The animators did a wonderful job with Kuai’s expressions here; how his eyes lit up upon seeing the insignia, and his lips trembling. Kuai just looked absolutely upset throughout most this chapter. And it’s also just... weird. Seeing Hanzo being the more collective one here and comforting Kuai. I kinda wish they delved into this more because you know how painful it’s gotta be for Kuai to lose everything he worked so hard on, and just people he really cared about. But I understand there wasn’t enough time, because there was too much happening at once.
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#2 is well... the whole scene after Kuai snaps out of the Kamidogu possession. I would actually consider this being #1 as it really does take a major hit to the heart. But one of the reasons why I find this so upsetting isn’t merely because of the context alone, but because frustration plays a huge factor in it. I’ll give off why I think it’s so heartbreaking, then I’ll give off my critique on it and why I don’t really like to acknowledge in much in my portrayal. (Even tho I do particularly like this quote, even if it’s sad). It just makes me sad because all of Kuai’s life, he’s spent being a weapon for someone else, and not an actual person. Like the Lin Kuei literally raised him to be their weapon (then literally turned him into one when he rebelled). Then Quan Chi used Kuai as a weapon after his death. And then, just when Kuai thought it was over... the Kamidogu blade then also uses him as a weapon as well. Kuai has probably killed hundreds (if not even thousands) of people just under brainwashing alone. And him trying to explain to Hanzo that he’s not a monster, and then goes on to talk about the pain of being controlled by evil... I feel that wasn’t just Kuai trying to reason with Hanzo, but also Kuai literally trying to convince himself that he’s better, that he’s not this thing for evil. But I think the aftermath of the battle shows that Kuai does see himself as a monster despite his words. Because in the beginning, he shouts “I’m not a slave!!!” but then later in the komics, he admits to Bo’ Rai Cho that he feels he’ll always be doomed to kneel before sorcerers and demigods. So Kuai going against the “I’m not a slave” statement, also makes me feel that he goes against the “I’m not a monster” statement as well. And it just hurts furthermore for Kuai to pretty much say he must kill himself. Because I feel that kuai wanted to die, he wanted to kill himself. Because he fears that if he continues living, he’ll only just inadvertently hurt others, because higher evils will always see Kuai as a weapon to use and not a person. And well, in a way, Kuai may started seeing himself as a weapon/monster too. And it’s just so sad to see Kuai in such despair, and it shows how his life of being forced into an assassin has really taken a toll on him. I was gonna include why it frustrates me, but damn I wrote so much about that, I’m just gonna include it in another post to avoid making this one a book long
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#3 THIS INFAMOUS SCENE FROM MK9!!! Not just the lines themselves, but when you really think about this scene -- it’s even sadder. How Kuai idolized Bi-Han, even literally risking his life by going to a tournament, fighting a demon, and then getting caught by the LK. And after all his struggles, only for his brother to basically tell him to fuck off and that he’s not worthy, the brother Kuai has risked EVERYTHING for. And when Kuai realized it was Bi-Han, you can kinda see the panic in him, as he’s questioning what Bi-Han is doing with Quan Chi. “You and I both. We are flawed copies of our former selves” is just really fucked up, as well... Kuai and Bi-Han are no longer themselves, one’s a robot and the other’s a corpse. And even after all this... it’s clear that Kuai still cares about Bi-Han regardless.
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#4 the komic actually had some sad scenes with Kuai apparently LOL. But this isn’t just concerning the komic in general, but the cyberization. But I feel this panel just really shows how upset Kuai truly was (probably felt violated in ways, I mean they literally destroyed his body and placed his brain in a robot shell). And the way Kuai reacts to it with this line. You can just hear how shock and upset his tone is, and that makes you realize how fucked up this situation was. And maybe it’s just me, but I swear in the first few scenes in MK9, you can hear Cyber Sub-Zero’s voice straining, as if he’s struggling to make emotions but his voicebox no longer allows it. Which just entirely breaks my heart. And seeing Kabal wanting to help Kuai, who he doesn’t even know, because Kabal could relate to Kuai’s tragedy, just really hurts furthermore.
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#5 it was hard to pick a last one, but I feel this scene in MK9 is so fucking good. Because it’s just a subtle detail, but a NICE attention to detail you might miss at first play. Just because Kuai had been called Tundra for all his life, then when his brother died, Kuai decided to take that mantle. And well... when Tomas first ever refers to Kuai as “Sub-Zero” here. Kuai pauses to take it all in, even closes his eyes and looks away from Tomas with pain. Like I often say MK9 wasn’t the best with expressions, but they did a WONDERFUL job with this. You can really just feel Kuai taking in the fact that he is now Sub-Zero, that his life has changed and it’s all because his brother is dead. That he’ll never get to refer to Bi-Han as Sub-Zero again. And it’s just... really depressing to think about.
I was debating on adding Hanzo’s death to the list. But the reason why I didn’t (or it’s at the very least, is an honorary mention) is just because they didn’t allow Kuai the time to grieve, not even as much time as they gave him for Bi-Han at the very least!! The only thing we really see is Kuai’s eyes going wide and then quickly changing to anger. Like it would’ve been a lot sadder if we see Kuai act far more upset over the death, perhaps to the point where he might be even more noticably an emotional wreck. I get that they didn’t have much time to dwell on it, since so much was already happening in the game. But like, I still felt it could’ve been executed better. But oh well, I guess that’s up to fanfic and RP to write out.
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Rule Of Three
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Thank you very much for tagging, @soha-friend​!
Sounds like fun. It’s been a while I did one of these.
Three Fandoms:
Mortal Kombat 
Marvel Cinematic Universe
South Park
I am in too many fandoms, so I just choosed the first three that popped up my mind and I wached/played the last.
The First Character You Loved
Not gonna lie, it was Scorpion. As a kid I was so much into him.
Iron Man, of course. Still love him a lot.
Very very first would be Kenny McCormick. In Czech rep. they aired SP only to year 2004 and then stopped so I could see only the very first episodes/seasons. Obviously, I couldn’t speak english back there and I doubt it was online anyway.  However, there were only little of main and side characters offered back there. So naturally I loved Kenny. I mean, I liked the joke that he is immortal and felt bad that his friends never remember that he was dead.
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Honestly-- Sub Zero. As I said, as a kid Ioved Hanzo and it would be a sin to also like Sub Zero back there. :’D It was natural hatred but I grew up. I am a better person now.
The first one that popped up my head is Ant-man. Honestly, as everybody else I thought the movie is gonna be lame but then I could see quality in it and Scott’s character. I also appreciate the realistic scene “Look, man. I got a Masters in Electrical Engineering, alright? I’ll be fine.”
Hmm.. Butters Stotch. Definitely. Younger me just thought he is too naive and annoying but as I grew up I see the briliant side of his character. One of the best now.
The Character You Relate To The Most :
Relate? Wow, that’s hard. :’D 
At this one I have no idea, beause I don’t think I can relate to anyone.. Maybe you guys should tell me what do you think I am the most like. //I took like three quizzed and they said Kano, Sonya and Goro but we can’t trust the quizzes unless it’s buzzfeed, right? :’D
Hm... maybe? Not sure. It’s hard to say, I’d act differently if I had some crazy superpowers. But assuming I’d have the same abilities, I’d totally relate to Loki. I’d do the same bullshit as him yet I know my weak place would be in ppl I care about even though I never say it.
Craig Tucker I’d say.  We share a lot of personal traits, people already say that when we watch SP and I can’t say I disagree. Both ISTJs.
As for me, I would have chosen:
Everybody assumes this is meant in a romantic way, so let’s go with this...
I mean.. I am thinking too much logically about everything but.. I’d say Tomas Vrbada. We speak the same language, so no speaking barrier. Same nationality, so I assume somehow similar personality as well.. we’d be cool with eachother I guess. I’d love to have a drinking buddy for long free nights. Also we’d match with the hair-- oh hell yeah, I changed my hair color again, I am the silver fox now. Shoot.
Uhmmm...Dunno. Probably a human, so Peter Quill I guess. Or Kraglin, actually and ironically. He seems as clumsy as me and we’d choose the nice hats together. (I’d say Tony Stark but that is way outta my league. :’D Same with people with actual superpowers.) I have no idea. Again, you can help me out here and send an ask with your opinion.
Craig Tucker, once again. Personality traits and opinions shared. And I’d get along with his friends more than with someone from the original four’s group. And when I thought about it, there is no one else I’d really get along in closer meaning.
The Character You’d Slap :
Honestly, there are TOO many characters deserving a proper beat up but rn I’d go with Raiden. I was just thinking about him and his actions recently.
Captain America.. Just for lolz because he is not my favourite character, quite opposite actually.
Eric Cartman. ‘nuff said.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
Jesus this is hard af!
Kenshi Takehashi, Tomas Vrbada, Kano..
Iron Man, Deadpool, Black Panther (my very first childhood comic crush, lol)... I love LOT of characters, this is so hard goddammit. They are all on the same level, really. It’s impossible to choose three, so I went with the three that popped up my mind the first.
Craig Tucker, Kenny McCormmick anddd.... Eric Cartman I guess. You can’t judge me for the last one. I know he is the WORST character at the same time but I am sorry-- the show wouldn’t be the same without him and acknowledge all his nasty terrible habbits and flaws but thanks to him the show is what it is. At least the first few seasons.  HATE ME FOR THIS UNPOPULAR OPINION.
Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Like Anymore:
Kung Lao I’d say.. I didn’t like some of his latest actions. Idk. Can’t REALLY think of anyone rn.
Black Widow. I dunno she got annoying over the years.
Hmmm... Wendy Testaburger.. No further explanation.
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
Bi-Han. No logical explanation, dunno as a kid I was weird.
I will go with Thor. I actually didn’t really like him as a character at first but as the more movies were filmed, I started to enjoy him.
Hah, Clyde Donovan. I wasn’t really seen in the early seasons and the younger me didn’t like him. But same case as with Butters-- I grew up and realized the joke of his character.
Three OTPs:
I am not really into pairings.. but I guess I can try..
I really like the canon that is Takeda and Jacqui. I also like Sub-zero (both) and Smoke dynamics.
Uh. well... I guess Star-lord and Gamora are alright! And I appreciate they got Wanda and Vision together, just as in the comics! //And Valkyrie and her girlfriend, it was a sad scene actually.
No, no, I dunno if  can do SP pairings.. I’d go with the canon as well if it wasn’t TOO overrated and annoying by now. I liked Kyle and David moments, tho.
I didn’t read the questions first so with SP fandom it might be a little weird but I ain’t gonna re-do it now... I apologize in advantage before someone will diss me for this.
As always I won’t tag anyone particular, so feel free to fill it up for fun and don’t forget to tag me in it! c:
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Heyy hope you’re doing well!
Can I request a fem reader with Bi-Han and Kuai Liang? Reader is a highkey mischievous little shit and her favorite pastime is annoying the hell outta Bi-Han (Kuai Liang probably has to stop his brother from crucifying her lol)
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Ngl this is extremely rubbish as idk where else to go with this in all honesty. 🦦
Regardless of how you had inserted yourself into the lives of brothers, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang, but one thing was definitive; you enjoyed being the thorn in Bi-Han’s side. From the deep furrow in his brow, the appearance of frown lines and the look of pure annoyance within his dark eyes that were usually in a perpetual state of fatigue in due to his duties of being Grandmaster, those were the highlight of your day. What wasn’t a highlight however was the aftermath where Bi-Han would chase after you throughout the Lin Kuei with an ice dagger.
Much like he was doing right now;
‘Y/n! When I find you, I swear I’ll make an example out of you for disrespecting the Grandmaster!’ Bi-Han shouted, running towards Kuai Liang, ice dagger in hand. ‘What have they done now brother?’ Kuai Liang asked even though he didn’t need to, his eyes drift to the top of his brothers’ head, where sat two pigtails tied with what looked like vibrant pink hello kitty hair ties. Kuai Liang had to try and stop himself from bursting out laughing at the ridiculous sight.
Bi-Han looked at his brother, unamused and annoyed that his hunt was interrupted. You couldn’t have gone far, that he knew for certain, but if there was one thing that Bi-Han has come to know about you was the fact that after pulling your pranks, you’d often seek out his brother for protection against his wrath. It had been your primary escape route in the past, so it made general sense to Bi-Han that you would try and utilise your only way to evade facing the consequences of your actions. ‘From your poor attempt of hiding your snickers, brother. I’m going to assume that you got a right good look what they did to me.’ Bi-Han grunted. ‘Now, where are they?’
Kuai Liang shrugged. ‘Haven’t seen them.’
‘Nows not the time for lies, Kuai Liang.’ Bi-Han warned.
‘I’m being serious Bi-Han, I haven’t seen them. But I’ve heard from some others that they’re with Tomas at the training grounds.’ Kuai Liang said and a brief moment of silence befell the brothers as they stared the other down. ‘You better hope that they’re with Tomas.’ Was all Bi-Han said before he ventured down the hallway, leaving Kuai Liang alone…or not because a voice from behind the younger brother spoke.
‘Is he gone?’
Kuai Liang sighed as he peered over his shoulder to look at you. ‘Yes he’s gone but reallly? Putting his hair into pigtails and hello kitty hair ties?’
‘Not my best work, I know, but I was bored and was running out of ideas and so I thought that the hair ties would be a nice touch.’ You shrugged as you stepped out from behind him, and breathing out a sigh of relief when you couldn’t see the cryomancer anywhere. ‘You can’t always keep doing this, I won’t always be here to shield you and if you’re not carful one day he’ll catch you in the act.’ Kuai Liang warned you, crossing his arms over his chest. He felt as though he’s had this conversation with you multiple times but it doesn’t seems as though his words have stuck with you; for it seemed that recently you were pranking Bi-Han just to tempt fate.
So needless to say that Kuai Liang couldn’t wait for the day where he’d get to say I told you so, would be a severe understatement. For as much as he loved you, it was only a matter of time before Bi-Han inevitably started taking methods in catching you faster.
‘Do you take me for a fool, Kuai Liang? There’s no way that Bi-Han could ever catch me in the act.’ You boasted with a smirk, having grown confident that whilst Bi-Han knew it was you, he had yet to actually catch you. ‘I’m far too slippery for him to catch! I’m gone before he even knows what hit him, and I mean that in both the literal and figurative sense.’
Kuai Liang raised his brows. ‘Oh really?’
‘Really.’ You stated confidently, your smile practically beaming.
‘Then who’s that behind you?’ Kuai Liang asked and immediately the air started to go cold and your smile dropped as slowly but surly you looked over your shoulder to see a murderous Bi-Han stood there, ice dagger still grasped tightly within his hand. ‘Hey Bi-Han.’ You swallowed thickly. ‘Did you do something different with your hair today? It looks nice, suits you even.’ You chuckled nervously as your hands began to sweat upon hearing Bi-Han growl out a single warning from behind his mask.
‘Good idea.’ You replied swiftly before running off to find some place to hide as Bi-Han followed soon after. Kuai Liang gave it a couple of moments before then deciding to run after the pair of you to mediate the situation like he always did.
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
Part two of my kill for hire reader?!?!?! Like the brothers all court her? Different endings on who she chooses?!?!?!
Go for the Kill
Prior notes: @eemr1000 @livingdeadgirly @k3ythesapphic COME GET YOUR FOOD BEFORE THE MOLES GET IT. Tbh I struggled a little but i think I did okay.
Pairing: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Just get inside!
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You made quite a reputation for yourself. You have been most useful to Lord Liu Kang. Thanks to the help of the Lin Kuei your skills have grown substantially. And look at that, you made three new friends as well. Well, they want to be more than just friends.
It didn’t take long for the brothers to recognize that they all liked you for their own reasons. Bi-Han liked how deceitful you can be just to get the job done. Kuai Liang applauds your tactics and finds your intelligence to be quite attractive. Tomas saw your huge potential and finding out you are actually sweet drew him in.
Yes, yes, you certainly have a nice set of bachelors just waiting to nab you for themselves. But, uh, who are you gonna pick?
I mean they haven’t even asked you out yet. You’ve been busy with more killing assignments so they haven’t gotten the chance to have you alone. It’s fine, it gives them plenty of time to think and prepare a way to court you. They have their own ways, it just depends who gets to you first.
You get back to the Lin Kuei temple after another successful killing. You’re a bit tired and just want to settle down for the night but you can already hear all three of them making their way towards you. Well, now it’s just one since Bi-Han decided he gets to see you first. It wasn’t a mutual decision he just pushed his brothers out of the way.
“I see you are successful once again. I do not expect anything less from you.” He compliments you as if you haven’t been killing for who knows how long. You noticed he grabbed onto your hand, ready to drag you away from everyone else.
“It is incredible how perfect you still look. You look like you barely broke a sweat.” Now Kuai Liang was coming in. He grabbed your other hand with the same intent Bi-Han has.
“You must be tired after that assignment. Maybe you should relax for a little. I can help you.” Who do you think just snuck up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist? That’s right, Tomas.
You could feel tension in the air building up as you looked at all three brothers. They weren’t looking at you but they were glaring at each other. Something’s off but you can’t tell.
“Come with me, I have something important to discuss with you.” Bi-Han spoke.
“Whatever you have to say, brother, can wait. I have something important to tell her as well.” Then Kuai Liang spoke.
“I have something just as important to say to her.” Tomas pitched in.
“Why don’t you all just tell me what you want to say.” You were snappy since you were tired.
There was silence. They were unsure about confessing right now. But if it has to be done, so be it. Bi-Han will go first obviously. He pulled you in close, glared at his brothers, then looked down at you with a less cold look.
“Ever since the first time I saw you kill that fool, I knew you were the perfect woman for me. Skilled, precise, vicious even. You belong next to a grandmaster like me. I would hate for some incompetent fool to have their hands on you and ruin a perfectly good woman like yourself.”
To be honest, you were shocked. Did Bi-Han really have his eyes on you this whole time? You would have never guessed.
I mean it’s not like he deliberately made time to train you every time you were at the temple. It’s not like you caught him giving you that devilish smirk whenever he watch you kill someone else in your own devious way. And when you asked everyone else if he has ever smiled at them that way they all thought you were mad. Cause when the fuck does Bi-Han ever smile. There was never even a twitch in his lips at anything enjoyable other than you. Alright so there were signs you just didn’t think too much into it.
Now it was Kuai Liang’s turn. He yanked you away from his brother and held you close. He looked at you more warmly and a less cold expression overall.
“Your beauty and intellect has awed me. I have never met a woman with your skills. You are a rare kind of person that I would hate to let go of. My desire for you burns brighter and hotter than the fire I produce.”
Kuai Liang’s words were sweet. You believed him since he was always such a gentleman to you. He always complimented and applaud you for your plans. Your ways of execution were unlike anything he has seen. You always appreciated that you felt equal to him. He never held back when you two would practice which helps make sure you were always at your best.
Don’t forget about Tomas. He pulled you in by your waist. His head rested on your shoulder, just appreciating your presence before confessing.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen someone with such skills that could rival a hunter. Not even in my homeland did I see many like you. I see so much potential in you and I want to be next to you as you develop your skills further. No one could rival you.”
You always heard Tomas cheer you on. He wanted to know your tricks and you would happily share them with him. You two had a closeness that came from your sneaky skills. He was great to practice with when preparing for your next assignments, except you wouldn’t actually kill him of course. You appreciated that he saw that you were actually sweet and never questioned if you were just putting up a persona or not. He wasn’t afraid of hearing that sweet voice of yours and think that you were about to poison him.
He let you go and now they were all looking at you. It’s your call. Whoever you will pick will have you for himself. Now pick. Who will you be with?
(So…this is your choice)
You walked up to Bi-Han. You had your eyes on Bi-Han for some time. He is strong, he helped you better your skills, he’s got a handsome face, and a voice that sends shivers down your spine. Clearly, you’re digging him too.
That devilish smirk came back. In his mind you made the right decision. A woman like you is fit for a grandmaster. Your devious tactics combined with his high title is a great combo.
You didn’t even have to verbally say yes to him he took your approach to him as the answer. Unexpectedly, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.
Well he can’t have you in front of his brothers since they wanted you just as badly. You didn’t know where he was taking you but you recognized soon that he took you to his office. Just for extra measures since the locks apparently aren’t good enough, he froze the door handle. Now no one could get in and no one can get out.
Bi-Han wiped all the papers off the desk before placing you down on it. He leaned his body against yours to the point he pushed you onto your back. You heard a little hum of desire before he spoke up.
“Finally, we are alone. I have you all to myself.”
Kuai Liang
(Is this correct, reader?)
You walked up to Kuai Liang. You need a gentleman like Kuai Liang. Not just that but his body drew you in. So warm and well built. All those times he would pin you down during practice made you fall for him hard. Even his serious expression was attractive to you.
You made Kuai Liang a happy man today. A lovely lady like you is something he has dreamed of. One that is just as tough and precise when plan making as he is.
“You have quite a way with words, Kuai Liang. I can tell it came deep from your heart.” You commented as you placed your hand on his chest.
He looked at you so lovingly. In your heart you felt like you made a good choice. He held your face as he leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead. The kiss felt hot. His desire truly does burn hot.
You heard a groan come from Bi-Han. At least Tomas can act happy for his brother. Kuai Liang will surely get shit for this from his brother. But it doesn’t matter. He has you and he couldn’t be more happy.
“Do not worry about him. He is just upset that I have a beauty like you in my arms now.”
(Your eyes see true)
You walked up to Tomas. You want someone who sees so much in you. To hear that you remind him of his homeland made your heart melt. You never heard something so sweet.
Tomas was ecstatic. Being picked is such a wonderful feeling. He picked you up in his strong arms and twirled you around as if you were a princess. Hey, I bet he would give you that princess treatment you deserve.
You giggled as he placed kisses all over your face. His beautiful huntress. All his.
Of course Bi-Han groaned and wanted to start a fight with Tomas. For once, Tomas would not let his brother get in the way of his happiness. He threw a smoke bomb in Bi-Han’s direction which made him go into a coughing fit. At least Kuai Liang was happy that his brother found love, and that he didn’t get hit with a smoke bomb. He turned his attention back to you again.
“Perhaps we should go somewhere more private, my dearest.”
Bonus: All of them
(I’m the writer I get to have a say!)
“Well, you clearly all like me. Why not I just date all of you.” You said it so casually.
You stumped them all. It wasn’t because they didn’t think of that it’s because it’s not something one would usually say in a situation like this. But you ain’t the usual kind of gal, are you.
“Can’t I love you all equally? Don’t brothers have to share anyways?” You keep bringing up these points which stump them further.
Ah yes, the tactic of confusion.
You can easily love them all. They will get their own special treatments. There is so much to love about each one of them. You were already debating on this before so you had this all set in your mind.
“Perhaps you can. I am unsure how this could work but it will not hurt to try.” Kuai Liang answered.
“Yeah, I think this could work out. You always find a way to make things happen. it will make everyone involved happy.” Tomas added on.
Kuai Liang agreed with Tomas which made them both on board with this. Bi-Han was more hesitant. He should have you all to himself. But it would make some things awkward around her. Oh fine! At least he still gets you.
“Fine. We will have it your way. But I get to have you first.”
Bi-Han picked you up and threw you over his shoulders. You get a sense of deja vu but you never experienced this, right?
All the brothers start to argue and insist he put you down. It was a no from him every time. You sigh as you realize this could get a little complicated.
Oh dear, looks like Bi-Han needs to learn that sharing is caring.
After notes: Alright yall I gotta go gamble and fight senior citizens for pickle rick, giants football, and a Japanese switch. I will throw hands. Sorry if this ain’t the best I did my best. Adiós!
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summerwritesfics · 2 years
🔥❄️You Know You Could Tear Me Apart, Put Me Back Together And Take My Heart
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang  Length: 9031 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Vampire AU, Vampire!Kuai Liang, Vampire Hunter!Hanzo Hasashi, Vampire!Bi-Han, Separation anxiety, Implied Codependence, Breaking and entering, Violence, Graphic Description of gore, Blood and injury, Holy water burns vampires, Torture, Past Torture, Flashbacks, Amnesia, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Vampire turning, Mentions of blood drinking, Narrow escapes, Biting, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Tending to Injuries, Implied sexual content, Sex offered in exchange for help, Distrust, Manipulation, Implied/Referenced murder, NSFK (Not Safe For Kuai), Poor Kuai has a bad time in this one, Hanzo is trying, Quan Chi is a bastard, Bi-Han is trying. SubScorp Week Day 1: Vampire AU
SubScorp Week 2022 Masterlist
Notes: SUBSCORP WEEK 2022 BABY LETS FUCKIN GO!!!! ^^ But yeah it’s been a long time coming, and I’m excited we’re finally here! I’m starting off the week being really fuckin mean to Kuai Liang, but tbf I am relatively nice to him (at least by my standards) for the rest of the week, so make of that what you will. Title is from “Shivers” by Ed Sheeran.
Kuai walked through the dark empty halls, silent beside his soft footsteps. It had only been a few months since Bi-Han had left for a mission, a mere blip in their timeline, and yet he missed him already. This house was already too large for just the two of them, but for just one? Well it was positively lonely.
Tomas would not be back for another week or so, when Kuai would be due to feed. He had practically begged his friend to stay with him while Bi-Han was away, but Tomas had insisted he couldn’t. Too many responsibilities and too much risk of being asked why he was spending time in a mansion known to be inhabited by vampires. He already had to hide the fact he was willingly letting Kuai drink from him. Kuai understood, even if it meant he was alone for now.
He hoped Bi-Han would return soon. He was often leaving for missions, but these usually didn’t last more than a week. When he’d told Kuai this time it would be several months, Kuai was naturally concerned. This was the longest they’d been away from each other and while Kuai knew his separation anxiety wasn’t normal or healthy, it was hard to not experience it over his only constant companion of over 500 years.
He couldn’t really leave the mansion either, despite Kuai and Bi-Han never posing a threat to anyone, the people of the village still distrusted them simply for being vampires. Bi-Han had made it clear that if Kuai ever left the safety of their home, he would likely be hunted. If it was true or not, Kuai couldn’t say, but it definitely added to his anxiety.
He just wasn’t sure what to do with the time alone. Over the 500 years they’d lived in this home, he’d read through every book in the library multiple times, picked up multiple hobbies, and he was starting to run out of ways to keep himself amused.
Maybe I’ll read again, he thought as he navigated the dark corridors, or maybe I’ll start a new tapestry, I havn’t done one in a while… or maybe-
This thought was cut off by a very loud creak from down the hallway. Odd. The house was old but generally didn’t creak for no reason. He stayed still and listened. There was another sound, and another, and another. It sounded like footsteps.
Someone else was in the house.
It was the only explanation. None of the villagers ever approached, let alone tried to get in. Maybe Bi-Han had come home and Kuai had missed him entering. It had happened before. Kuai quickly made his way down the corridor to the room the sounds had come from. It was one of the lounges, strange, as they were probably the last places Bi-Han would enter the home from.
“Hello?” He asked aloud as he walked into the room. He was surprised to find it was empty. But I swore I heard someone. He walked further inside, and asked “Bi-Han?” There was no reply. He turned his head, wondering if the lack of vision in his right eye meant someone was hiding out of his line of sight. “This isn’t funny.”
Still, silence was the only thing that answered him. Did I just imagine it? Gods above, maybe his loneliness was getting to him more than he believed. He sighed, turning back to leave the room.
A man was stood in the doorway.
A man who was definitely not Bi-Han.
He was wearing yellow armour, limbs spread to block Kuai’s exit, a chain with a kunai attached to it in his hands. His long hair was tied back in a bun, and he stared at Kuai impassively, but critically. Like he was waiting for Kuai to react. Kuai took a step backwards, the man did not follow him, just stared. Kuai took a moment to look a little closer, to see if he could find a clue to who this man was and why he was here. There was a little symbol on his uniform, a small scorpion, and Kuai suddenly understood everything.
The Shirai Ryu. A vampire hunter.
He turned on his heel and made a run for the window. If he could open it and climb down, maybe he could escape. Bi-Han told him never to leave the mansion but this was an exception right? He couldn’t stay here with a vampire hunter. Reaching the window, he found that the latch had a padlock on it. What? When did this happen? Did Bi-Han do this?
He heard a whistling coming towards him and he ducked out of the way before he was struck by the kunai. He looked back in time to see the man reeling the kunai back to him. This was his chance to get away. He darted towards the man, shoving him as hard as he could. Sometimes he forgot his own strength as a vampire, as soon as his hands hit the man, he went flying back into the wall of the corridor.
Kuai practically leapt over him, running down the corridor. He just needed to get to one of the doors, then he could get out. He’d make his way to Tomas’ home. He didn’t know where he lived but he’d find it. Tomas would help him, he’d find a way to get to Bi-Han.
It would be fine. It would all be fine.
“Get over here!”
Seconds later, there was the sound of flesh being pierced, a sharp pain in his hip, and then the echo of his screams.
He looked down, the kunai was buried into his hip, blood seeping out around it. He reached a shaking hand down to grab it, only to find the chain attached suddenly wrapped around his entire body. A hard tug and they constricted, tying his arms to his torso. Another hard pull had him falling onto the floor.
He looked down at the chains, pulling against them and hoping his strength could maybe destroy them. As he tried, the chains flashed orange. Enchanted. Of course they would be. It didn’t stop him from trying.
He heard footsteps approach as the continued to struggle. Hands grasped at him and moved him until he was on his knees. His squirming continued, until an arm snaked around his chest, pulling him flush against the intruder. Hot breath his his cheek as the man lent in.
“Calm down,” he softly instructed. “I do not wish to harm you.”
I have a kunai in my hip!
“What do you want?” Kuai chose to question instead, trying to wriggle out of the mans grasp.
“Your brother. Where is he?” The man asked. Kuai could feel himself start to shake, what did a vampire hunter want with his brother? What had his brother done? Kuai could feel his intakes of breath quicken, please don’t take Bi-Han from me, please. A hand was suddenly on his head, stroking his hair. “Shh, I won’t hurt him either. I just need to know where he is.”
“I don’t know,” Kuai admitted quietly, hoping it would make him leave faster. “Please. I really don’t-“
“Ah, you found him,” a third voice cut in, and Kuai’s head snapped to where it had come from. How had two people gotten into his house without him knowing? This second man made the hairs on Kuai’s neck stand. Pale, bald with strange red tattoos, and Kuai had the strange sinking feeling he had seen him before. “Hello there Kuai Liang.”
“How- Do I know you?” Kuai asked. He didn’t remember this man, yet there was a sickening feeling of déjà vu that he just couldn’t escape.
“Interesting,” the man muttered, tilting his head. He didn’t elaborate on what exactly was interesting, he just bent down to grab Kuai’s chin. “My name is Quan Chi, and this is my associate, Hanzo.”
Hanzo was still gently stroking Kuai’s hair as he said, “we’re looking for your brother, if you tell us where he is, we will leave you alone.”
“Why?” Kuai asked, keeping his eyes locked on Quan Chi. I know you, why do I know you?
“That doesn’t matter.” Quan Chi’s fingers dug into Kuai’s chin. “Just tell us where he is.”
“I can’t,” Kuai whispered. While it was true, he genuinely couldn’t tell them where Bi-Han was, he also didn’t want to. Hanzo seemed genuine enough in his desire to not hurt Kuai, despite the weapon still in his hip. Quan Chi on the other hand? When he looked at him, he got a terrible feeling.
Quan Chi sighed dramatically. “Very well, we’ll do this the hard way.”
His hands were down at Kuai’s shirt, plucking at the buttons and undoing them, pulling away the fabric. Kuai jolted back, pushing further against Hanzo. This didn’t deter Quan Chi, who just continued his work.
“What are you doing?” Hanzo asked, tightening his grip on Kuai trying to still him.
“Getting the information we need out of him,” Quan Chi hissed as he finished undoing Kuai’s shirt and revealing his bare torso. “Just focus on keeping him still.”
Quan Chi reached into a pouch on his belt, feeling around. He pulled out a glass bottle of what looked like water. Quan Chi held it up for Kuai to see. There was a small cross on the bottle, and Kuai immediately understood what it was.
Holy water.
No, no, no. Kuai began to struggle again, as Quan Chi took the top off the bottle. Hanzo shifted his arms to hold Kuai more effectively. He pulled Kuai back, so his head was on Hanzo’s shoulder. Kuai wanted to hide his face in Hanzo’s neck but also didn’t want to let his eyes off Quan Chi.
Quan Chi broke out into a grin, holding the bottle over Kuai’s chest and slowly tipping it. He was drawing it out, delighting in Kuai’s fear. When he finally tilted the bottle enough for water to come out, he held it so only a single drop came out. It splashed down against Kuai’s skin and the pain hit straight away. It felt like his skin was burning, being melted away like acid as the single droplet rolled down his chest. He cried out in pain. He hadn’t been in pain like this since…
Since when?
“Where is Bi-Han?” Quan Chi asked causally, but Kuai was too confused and in pain to answer. Quan Chi snarled in frustration splashing more of the water on Kuai’s chest and causing him to scream more. “Where is he?”
“I-I don’t-“ Kuai was cut off by another splash of water, more of that unbearable burn that had him bucking in Hanzo’s arms and screeching uncontrollably. “Please!”
“Shut up brat.” Quan Chi held a hand over Kuai’s mouth as he poured more holy water onto him. Why was that familiar? Had someone said that to him before?
“Shut up brat, it’ll be over soon, just take it.”
He remembered… something. As Quan Chi continued to demand an answer, throwing more water onto Kuai’s chest when all he got in return was screaming, Kuai’s mind began to drift. It was like those few words were a key, unlocking a door to a memory.
A long lost memory, kept somewhere in the dark recesses of his mind.
Kuai Liang had no idea where he was or what was going on. All he knew was he was tied down to a rough solid surface, someone was touching him, and it felt like fire was being forced into his veins.
He was screaming, throat raw, so he must have been screaming for some time although he couldn’t remember doing so. He kept his eyes closed, too scared to open them and see what was being done to him. There was a pulse inside him, a new wave of pain hitting him again and again. Rough uncaring hands grabbing parts of him and forcing more and more of that burning into him. He was naked, he could feel that now, as a hand pressed against his chest, and repeated the action again. He was in agony.
“Stop!” That was Bi-Han’s voice, somehow louder than Kuai’s screaming. If his brother was here, why wasn’t he stopping this? “Stop this now!”
He could hear struggling, like someone was holding Bi-Han back. At least that explained why this wasn’t being stopped. Hands pressing into Kuai’s sides, and he wasn’t sure how much more could be forced inside him. He felt full, like if he took any more he’d burst at the seams.
“What’s wrong Bi-Han?” A second voice asked, and Kuai could tell from how close it sounded that it was the same man touching him. “I thought you wanted to be with him again?”
“Not like this!” Kuai could hear his brother sobbing between his breaths. Bi-Han never cried, whatever was happening to him must have been bad to reduce his brother to tears. “Please, don’t do this to him!”
The man tutted, hand pressing down on Kuai’s stomach. Nausea overwhelmed Kuai, gagging on nothing.
“You wanted him back, I am delivering on my promise to you.” Everything hurt, the hand continued to push down on Kuai’s stomach. He wanted to be sick but given he kept dry heaving there was clearly nothing to dispel. “It’s not my fault you didn’t clarify or inquire how I was going to do it.”
The hand moved from his torso, and pushed down on his forehead. If he’d thought he’d been in pain before, it was nothing compared to the feeling of burning in his brain, setting off almost every nerve in his body in the process. His scream was louder than ever, so much so he could barely hear Bi-Han’s protests anymore. A hand clamped over his mouth, muffling his screams dramatically.
“Shut up brat, it’ll be over soon, just take it,” the voice hissed at him as Kuai tried to quieten down. He sobbed into the hand as the voice spoke in a faux caring tone, “there you go, that’s a good boy.”
Kuai felt like he was going to pass out, the pain shooting from his brain and down his spine. He was shaking and crying. The hand pushing on his mouth felt like it would suffocate him. Bi-Han was still screaming, Kuai wasn’t anymore far too close to unconsciousness to be able to.
Suddenly, the hands retracted, and didn’t return to him. The pain slowly dissipated, turning to a dull ache rather than the searing anguish it was previously. He panted, hiccuping as he tried to calm himself down. He felt a hand caress his cheek, and he realised that even though he’d stopped screaming, Bi-Han hadn’t.
“What have you done?” Bi-Han’s voice echoed, he sounded completely wrecked. “What have you done to him?”
“I saved him.” The hand slapped Kuai’s cheek a few times. He was too dazed and confused to pull away. “I would think you’d be more grateful, Bi-Han. I brought your baby brother back to you!” The hand finally stopped touching him, and Kuai attempted to open his eyes, although closed them just as quick, his eyelids just felt so heavy. “Kuai Liang is alive again. Granted, he’s had some… Changes. But they are a small price to pay for his return, are they not?”
“But he-“ Bi-Han choked slightly. Kuai tried to open his eyes again, his vision was blurred, and the room was spinning. “He’s undead. He’ll… He’ll outlive me now.” The room started to focus, but only a little. Only enough for Kuai to make out a figure standing above him. “Who will look after him when I’m gone?”
“There is a simple solution to that.”
Kuai could just about make out the dark toothy grin on the mans face. He reached down to his belt, pulling out a shiny object from a sheath. Even without full vision, Kuai could tell it was a knife. The man held it out in his hand.
“You know what you have to do, Bi-Han.”
“I don’t think he knows anything!”
And just like that Kuai was back in the present. Completely limp, and pressing his face, damp from tears, into Hanzo’s neck. He chanced moving his head just enough to look down at his chest, his skin had almost completely been stripped from his chest, leaving red and raw wounds that looked like burns. They would heal, he knew that from experience, but it would take time and no doubt scar.
He knew that from experience? What experience? He couldn’t remember but he knew he’d had one. The scar on his face and loss of sight in his right eye was testament to that. Bi-Han had always been vague, only ever saying Kuai had been accidentally splashed with holy water. The memory he’d just experienced, and the nagging feeling he knew Quan Chi, made him start to wonder if there was something more to it than his brother cared to mention.
“Kuai Liang,” Hanzo softly prompted, and Kuai looked at him with bleary eyes. “Do you know where Bi-Han is?”
“No,” was all Kuai could reply before his head slumped back down against Hanzo. Why was he relying on this man for comfort? He’d just held him down while he was tortured.
“We won’t get anything out of him,” Hanzo directed at Quan Chi. Kuai tried to look where he was, but only moving his head until Quan Chi was in his peripheral vision. He looked extremely pissed off that his torture session had been cut short.
“Very well then,” Quan Chi sneered, his displeasure laced his tone.
His hand jerked suddenly, splashing the last remaining holy water over Kuai’s torso. He screeched as the last parts of his flesh that hadn’t been burnt began to melt away, and the wounds that were already there were further added too. Hanzo held him close to him, leveling Quan Chi with a glare.
“My hand slipped,” Quan Chi explained with a shrug, although both Kuai and Hanzo knew damned well that wasn’t what happened.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Hanzo claimed, once more running his hand through Kuai’s short hair. How was the vampire hunter the one showing him kindness? Hanzo glared up at Quan Chi and finally asking “So, what are we meant to do now?”
“Whatever do you mean?” Quan Chi asked, while examining his nails.
“About Bi-Han?” Hanzo pulled Kuai to him a little tighter. “We’re no closer to finding him, he could be anywhere, and we can’t just sit around here and hope he turns up again.”
“Well, that’s very simple, Hanzo.” Quan Chi turned his back to them and began to walk away. “We make it so he has to come to us.”
“And how exactly do we do that?” Hanzo questioned, eyes glaring holes in Quan Chi’s back.
“Oh, isn’t that obvious.” Quan Chi turned back to them, looking Kuai up and down. “We take something precious to him.”
They didn’t need to ask what the precious thing was.
“You…” Hanzo started, his teeth bared. Kuai swore he felt his grip on him get a little tighter. “You can’t be serious.”
“Of course I am,” Quan Chi said matter of factly. “He is the most important thing in Bi-Han’s life. If we have him hostage, Bi-Han is bound to come to the rescue.” Quan Chi bent over, and in a patronising voice said “isn’t that right, baby brother?”
“No,” Hanzo gruffly replied, shifting both himself and Kuai slightly so he was in front. Kuai didn’t understand why this man was suddenly shielding him, but he was grateful for even the slightest mercy. “He has nothing to do with this and you have hurt him enough.”
“Are you, or are you not, meant to be a vampire hunter?” Quan Chi spat, and Kuai peered over Hanzo’s shoulder. He stood back up straight, arms crossed but hands clenched. “Is it not your job to kill these creatures?”
“I kill those who have become a risk to human life, which he is definitely not.” Hanzo’s arm accidentally made contact with the holy water burns on Kuai’s chest. Kuai yelped, and Hanzo reached back to steady him. “I certainly don’t torture them, which given this interaction is clearly what you want to do to him.”
Why was Hanzo suddenly defending him like this? Maybe he hadn’t realised how badly the holy water would hurt Kuai. He guessed there was some moral difference between hunting and eliminating vampires that had gone rouge, and torturing one that had kept away from humanity.
It was plain to see that Quan Chi did not agree with this assessment, his hands on his hips and looking down at the two of them with distaste.
“Do you really think that thing wouldn’t tear you apart given half the chance?” Quan Chi asked with dismissive wave. “All vampires are a risk to human life.” He broke out into a cruel grin, worse than any he’d given before. Kuai shuddered, he’d seen that grin before. But where? “I would think you would know that better than anyone else, given what vampires did to you family.”
The noise Hanzo made was inhuman, a mix between a gasp and a snarl. “Do not speak of that.”
“Do you really think this creature would have shown them any mercy?” Quan Chi continued, delighted by Hanzo’s reaction. Kuai’s head was spinning. He was trying to pay attention to the argument, but his mind was wandering again. I know him. I know his face. Why? From where? “He is just like the rest of his race, remorseless, a monster.”
“Even if he was, it wouldn’t give you the right to torture him.” Kuai could hear them still going at it, but he was zoning out again. Quan Chi. That smile. There was something he was missing.
“Oh what does it matter?” Quan Chi spat. “He’s just a vampire, he can hardly even be considered sentient.” He took a step forward, but Hanzo was on his feet before he could get too close. “Oh. You can’t actually feel sympathy for that beast can you?”
“Find another way to locate Bi-Han,” Hanzo warned lowly. “Because I am not letting you take him.”
There was an extremely tense silence, before Quan Chi said “I was so sure you would not betray me.”
Kuai blinked, Quan Chi’s voice seemed to echo in his head.
“I need to be sure you won’t betray me, Bi-Han.”
And like that, another memory, buried deep, sprung back to life.
His head felt dizzy. Like it was too heavy too keep upright. His limps were completely useless, it felt like they’d had the bones removed from them. He could hear people talking, but his hearing was muffled, and he couldn’t make out who they belonged to or what they were saying. Had he been asleep? What was happening?
His eyes were closed, but he tried to figure out his surroundings from what he could feel. He was next to a warm solid mass, head tucked against a scratchy fabric. He could feel movement, a soft rhythm that seemed to go up and down. He could also feel something shift beneath him occasionally, gently bouncing him. Oh. Was he sat on someone’s lap? That would mean the movements were breathing and the leg he was sat on shifting.
But who’s lap was he on?
He felt a wet hand touch his torso, realising he was at least topless, yet that thought was quickly dispelled when the pain hit him. The fingers traced down his side, smearing the liquid down him, and leaving a burning sensation across his skin. He whimpered in pain, squirming as if that could help him get away. Another arm snaked around him, keeping him steady.
“Don’t move,” a voice above him commanded, and Kuai gave up his attempts, just sobbing as those wet fingers dug into his skin. “That’s better, it’s easier when you don’t struggle.”
“Stop!” That was Bi-Han’s voice. The demand caused the drying hand to let go of Kuai. He heard what sounded like water being disturbed like something was being dropped into it, before the newly wet hand was back on him, and the burning started again. As Kuai sobbed, he heard Bi-Han call again, “I’ve done everything you’ve asked! Please just stop.”
“You have, but there is still much for you to prove.” Fingers were drying up again, removed from him, only to be placed back against his skin. Kuai could feel his body quake, managing to get enough strength to reach up a hand to grasp the man’s clothing. “I need to be sure you won’t betray me, Bi-Han.”
“I won’t,” Bi-han claimed, “please, I’ll do anything!”
“Yes, you will,” the voice calmly replied, wet hand stroking down Kuai’s chest and drawing another pained mewl from his lips. “But I need to be sure. Kuai Liang will stay with me until you can prove yourself.” Kuai felt the knee underneath him jostle him, causing him to bounce slightly. “Then you both can go off and happily live the rest of your immortal lives.”
Immortal lives? What did that mean? Kuai didn’t know and didn’t have time to really question it as the hand was dunked back in the liquid and then back on his body. What was this stuff? Acid? Why was it hurting Kuai but not this man? He wasn’t wearing gloves, it definitely felt like skin touching him. He let out another pained moan, causing a chuckle from the man.
“Please, he’s been through enough.” Bi-Han sounded defeated, and Kuai wanted to cry. His brother was headstrong, always fighting to the bitter end. This was not the same man Kuai knew.
“He will have had enough when I say he has.” As if to emphasise the point, the man grabbed Kuai’s hair, yanking on in hard and making him gasp.
Kuai heard Bi-Han’s breathing turn heavy, as he bit out “go to hell!”
Any joy Kuai could feel at hearing Bi-Han’s temper return to him was stolen when his head was painfully pulled all the way back. He heard a growling above him, and warm breath hitting his face.
“Open your eyes.”
Kuai knew the command was aimed at him. He tried to comply, blinking as he tried to adjust to even the dim light of the room. His vision cleared, and he got a good look at the man looming over him.
Quan Chi stared down at him, cruel grin plastered over his face, and a bowl in his hand.
He tipped the bowl, a clear liquid splashing down onto the right side of Kuai’s face. As soon as the fluid hit his face, he knew it was the same one that had been on Quan Chi’s hand. Whatever this liquid was, it felt like it was eating away at his flesh, and that wasn’t even to mention it hitting his eyeball. As he screeched, he tried to jerk away, but Quan Chi’s hand kept him in place. His vision was fading in his right eye, and closing it did nothing to stop the burn. His arms flailed, trying to grab hold of Quan Chi’s hand to make him stop. Even over his own screams he could hear Bi-Han just as loud.
The fluid stopped spilling, but the pain was still there. He sobbed, chancing opening his eyes. He couldn’t see out of his right eye at all, and all he could see in his left was Quan Chi’s face, still with that chilling grin.
“Shh, now,” he spoke softly, his kind tone betrayed by the look of pure evil over his face. “I’m sorry to hurt you like that, I wouldn’t have to if your brother would just behave himself.” Quan Chi carded his hand through Kuai’s hair and he whimpered, wanting nothing more than to get away from this sadistic monster. “There you go, rest, I’m done for now.”
“Please, Quan Chi,” he heard Bi-Han beg once more. “I’m sorry. Please just leave him alone.”
“This is all very simple Bi-Han. Just do exactly what I say, and you will get your brother back in one piece.”
“So is this how you repay me for all I’ve done for you?”
Kuai blinked, realising he was back in the present. Hanzo was still stood in front of him, stretched out to protect him. He was still in the chains, and while he tried to wriggle out, they caught the mess of raw flesh that was his chest currently.
“You owe me, Hanzo Hasashi,” Quan Chi continued. Kuai couldn’t see him anymore, but his tone told him everything he needed to know. “I saved your life! I am helping you get revenge for what happened to your family! Does that mean nothing to you?”
“None of that matters,” Hanzo growled, slowly reaching behind his back, trying to find the kunai inside Kuai. “Regardless of what you have done for me, I am not helping you with your sadistic game.”
“So be it.”
Quan Chi charged forward, and Hanzo ducked out the way, grabbing Kuai and hauling him out the way as he did. He pulled the kunai out of Kuai and let the chains fall away. Quan Chi lurched in Kuai’s direction, attempting to take ahold of him. Kuai fell backwards, pulling his leg back and kicking out directly at Quan Chi’s face. There was a snap, and Quan Chi was thrown backwards. Kuai scrambled to his feet, helped by Hanzo, as they both watch Quan Chi come back out of the daze Kuai’s attack had sent him into.
Quan Chi reached a hand to his bleeding nose, clearly broken by the force. When he stared down at the blood on his hand, Kuai could see his eyes widen as he bared his teeth. The look he shot Kuai from there was pure venom.
“You’ll pay for that, brat.”
Quan Chi disappeared into a portal, and before Kuai could contemplate what had happened, someone was grabbing him from behind. A hand went to cover his mouth, but as if on auto pilot, Kuai went on the offensive. He bit down on the hand as hard as he could. Quan Chi’s howl was extremely satisfying, but short lived as Hanzo managed to wrestle Kuai from Quan Chi, and as he did he threw a strange metal ball on the floor.
As it hit the wood, it cracked open and plumes of smoke began to seep out. Hanzo took Kuai’s hand, pulling him away down the corridor, as Quan Chi coughed and spluttered, slowly being enveloped by the smoke.
“We need to leave,” Hanzo announced as they ran, “where’s the nearest exit?”
“We can’t leave,” Kuai protested, struggling to keep up with Hanzo’s pace. “Bi-Han told me never to leave.”
“I’m sorry, but as long as Quan Chi is around, you aren’t safe here anymore.” Kuai felt Hanzo squeeze his hand. Logically, he knew Hanzo was right, but that didn’t make the prospect of leaving the only home he knew any less terrifying. “Which exit?”
“Front door will be the easiest,” Kuai said. He’d suggest a window, but given that Bi-Han gone behind his back to put locks on some of them, he couldn’t say which where able to be opened.
Hanzo didn’t say anything else, just continued to guide Kuai to foyer of the mansion. Thankfully, the front doors only had a few latches, which Hanzo was able to open easily. They ran down the pathway, through the gates, and did not stop running until they were out deep into the woods.
They came to a clearing, at which point Hanzo finally released Kuai’s hand. Hanzo’s gaze landed on the burns on Kuai’s chest, and he grimaced. Kuai had to admit, they were bad, and still hurt like hell but he knew they wouldn’t kill him. Besides, he had bigger questions to answer.
“Why did you do that?” Kuai asked, clutching his hands together in front of him. “Help me, I mean.”
“I may be a vampire hunter, but like I said, I do not kill for no reason, and you have given me not reason to do so.” He stepped forward, looking regretful now regarding the injuries Kuai had sustained. “I’m sorry about the holy water, I didn’t know he was going to do that.”
“And the kunai?” Kuai pouted, because that was definitely a deliberate choice.
“You tried to run, I needed to secure you,” Hanzo claimed, looking further down to see the wound in question bleeding profusely. “In retrospect, I regret doing it the way I did.”
Kuai looked away, it sounded like an excuse. But then Hanzo had helped him get out. Gods he was so confused.
“Kuai Liang, I know I haven’t given you much reason to trust me,” Hanzo started, gently placing a hand on Kuai’s cheek. He coaxed Kuai to look at him again. “But I need to find your brother. I believe he has information on the death of my family, and it is my belief that the safest place for you is with him.” Kuai closed his eyes, he really did want to be with Bi-Han. “We need to find him as quickly as possible.”
“It will be day soon,” Kuai pointed out, feeling nervous of how open he was out here. “I can’t travel in the day.”
“I know,” Hanzo said, gently stroking Kuai’s cheek. “I have a friend who lives nearby, we can lay at his until the day has passed.” Hanzo’s eyes twitched. “It will also give me a moment to look at your wounds and care for them, it is the least I can do for my part in you receiving them.”
It could have been a trap, and Kuai wasn’t completely sure if Hanzo had good intent. But when he considered the alternatives, either continuing on alone or going back to the mansion and potentially Quan Chi, he realised he had no choice but to put trust in Hanzo.
“Okay, where is your friends house?”
Hanzo smiled, taking Kuai by the hand again, and leading him through the woods. They didn’t speak, not really, only Hanzo reassuring Kuai that he was okay when he got jumpy. It had been so long since he’d been away from the mansion. The closest to the outside world Kuai got was the gardens. Those were walled in, carefully curated by Bi-Han and himself. The woods by comparison were wild, out of control. Bi-Han had warned him not to explore them, and he was starting to see why. Thick branches of the trees curling like claws making him uneasy.
He didn’t remember much of his life before he was turned, but he did remember something happened to him in the woods.
Something terrible.
He didn’t want to think about that right now, the memories that had already come back to him this night were terrible enough. He really did not need more to confuse him further.
Not to mention, he could see a house in the distance.
It wasn’t run down exactly, but the garden was overgrown. Does someone really live here? It felt almost like just an extension of the woods.
Hanzo knocked on the door, looking over his shoulder nervously as if expecting someone to be following them. His attention was taken back to the door when it opened, revealing a man standing on the other side. His eyes were cloudy, and Kuai recognised the reason from his own eye. The man was blind.
“Kenshi,” Hanzo greeted, and Kenshi’s eyes widened in recognition but his mouth was tight.
“Hanzo, it’s a bit late for a visit isn’t it?” Kenshi replied, and Kuai suddenly understood why he was a bit standoffish. It was late at night, at least for humans.
“I know I’m sorry, it’s a long story,” Hanzo started, pulling on Kuai’s hand to bring him closer. “I need to lay low for a night, I have a vampire with me, and we need shelter before daylight comes.”
“A vampire?” Kenshi sounded surprised, but he still stepped away and let them in. “A curious companion for you to have, Mr. Vampire Hunter.”
“Like I said, long story,” Hanzo muttered as he guided Kuai into the small home. It wasn’t as fancy as his mansion, but he supposed that was to be expected.
Kenshi hummed, shutting the door behind him. “So, does your vampire friend have a name, or is he just the vampire?”
“My name is Song Kuai Liang, Sir.” Kuai bowed politely, but then realised how stupid that was to do. Kenshi smirked and chuckled however.
“Did you just bow?” Kenshi questioned, and Kuai made an embarrassed squeak. “No need to be embarrassed, believe me, you are not the first.” Kenshi held out his hand in the general direction of where Kuai was. Kuai scrambled to greet it. “It’s nice to meet you Kuai Liang, my names Kenshi.” As he was shaking Kuai’s hand, he tilted his head. “You do not happen to be one of the vampires living in that mansion on the hill, would you?”
Kuai hesitated, before replying with “Yes sir, I am.”
“You don’t have to call me Sir,” Kenshi replied, but Kuai noticed him shoot a look towards Hanzo. One that screamed “you have a lot of explaining to do”. Still Kenshi hooked his arm with Kuai’s, using his cane to begin to navigate. “You must be tired though, I think the rest of our introduction can wait until the morn… Well, the evening.”
“Ah, thank you S- Kenshi,” Kuai let Kenshi guide him through the house, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Hanzo was still there.
“I am curious though,” Kenshi began, patting Kuai’s biceps. “You are the one who doesn’t leave home, correct? I’ve met your brother before. Bi-Han?” Wait, he’s met Bi-Han? “Gave me a story that you physically couldn’t leave the mansion.” What? Kuai stared at Kenshi for a few seconds, before looking over to Hanzo, who was looking equally confused about that. “I’m assuming from your shocked silence, that was not true.”
“No,” Kuai said slowly, trying to compute what he’d just been told. “Bi-Han told me not to leave, because the outside world was dangerous for me.”
“I see. And yet here you are?” Kenshi reached a door, opening it up. Peering inside Kuai could see it was a bedroom, curtains drawn and empty. “This is my guest room, so you and Hanzo are free to use it.” Kuai eyed the curtains wondering if they would be enough to shield him from the sunlight. “Do not worry about the curtains. My son has, ah, a sensitivity to light, so he needs the same accommodations as you. This house is safe for you.”
“Thank you Si- Kenshi,” Kuai said catching himself, and finally being let go by Kenshi.
“I hope you sleep well,” Kenshi said with a bow before turning to Hanzo. “We will talk in the morning, old friend.”
“Thank you, Kenshi.” Hanzo patted his friend on the shoulder. They stayed like that for a moment, just sort of looking at each other. It was pretty eerie if Kuai was honest. Like a silent conversation was going on between them.
Before Kuai could ask, it was over, and Kenshi was walking away. Hanzo followed Kuai into the room, closing the door behind him. Kuai wanted to ask what all that was about, but decided maybe for now, it was best to not know.
“First things first,” Hanzo started walking over to the one side of the room, and pulling out a bowl and some medical supplies from a cabinet. His knowledge of the room implied this was not his first visit where he needed medical intervention. “We need to get those burns taken care of.”
Kuai nodded, and made his way to perch on the edge of the bed. Hanzo left for another door, and Kuai heard a tap turn on and water run. Kuai felt his head go dizzy. He tried to take deep breaths. It’s water, just normal water. Not holy water. This water won’t hurt me. Calm down. Calm down.
In the name of the elder gods, calm down!
“Are you okay?” Kuai blinked, he had been so wrapped on his panic he hadn’t even noticed Hanzo come back. He placed the bowl on the bedside cabinet taking a cloth and dipping it in.
“Y-Yes,” Kuai replied, keeping his eyes intently on what Hanzo was doing with the water. “It’s just… that is just water, right?”
Hanzo paused, staring at the bowl. “It’s watered down alcohol, to clean your wounds.” He hadn’t really been around alcohol since his turning so he had no idea how it would effect him. Bi-Han had never explicitly warned him against it so it shouldn’t be dangerous. “It’s not holy water.”
Kuai nodded, and Hanzo took the cloth and went to wipe at the wounds. The concoction stung and Kuai jumped slightly. It didn’t burn like holy water would, but it wasn’t pleasant.
“Sorry I should have warned you it would sting.” Hanzo pressed the cloth onto another part of the wounds and Kuai gritted his teeth. “I just need to clean this before I put bandages on, okay?”
“Okay,” Kuai hissed as the Hanzo continued to wipe. Really this was nothing compared to getting them in the first place. Nothing to when Quan Chi poured holy water directly into his eye. Those memories. There really was more to all this than initially he realised. Maybe talking about them would help take his mind off Hanzo’s cleaning? “I know why you were looking for Bi-Han, but why was Quan Chi so intent on finding him.”
Kuai saw the way Hanzo’s mouth tightened. “You mean, you don’t know Bi-Han does work for him?” Kuai didn’t know that, Bi-Han never told him what he did when he went away on missions. Hanzo got Kuai’s answer without him even voicing it, as he added, “Bi-Han’s gone rouge the last few months, he wanted to get answers as to why. Convinced me to come along so I could get my answers too.”
“Two birds, one stone,” Kuai thought aloud. He gripped the bedsheets under him as Hanzo began to clean out a particularly deep burn. “I… remember him.”
“Remember who?” Hanzo asked absentmindedly, putting most of his concentration into his task.
“Quan Chi.” Kuai was stopped from explaining further with a loud moan. Hanzo took the cloth away, dipping it back in the water. “I don’t have many memories from when I was turned but today, when he was there…” Hanzo still only looked like he was half listening as he began to clean a new area. “I remembered some things. He was there, when I was turned. I think he was the one who did it.” Hanzo stopped in his tracks, head snapping up to gaze at Kuai’s face. “He’s also the person who did this to me.” Kuai pointed at the scar on his face. “I don’t remember much even now, it’s fuzzy, but I swear to the elder gods it was him, he was there!”
Hanzo took a deep breath, trying to return his attention to the cleaning. “How old are you exactly? I mean, how long have you been an vampire?”
“500 years.”
Hanzo’s movements slowed to a crawl as he contemplated what he’d just been told. “That would mean Quan Chi is over 500 years old as well.”
“I know,” Kuai whispered. It didn’t make sense. “Is he definitely human?”
“As far as I know.” Hanzo turned his attention from the burns to the wound that had been created by the Kunai. “He’s not a vampire, I’ve seen him out in sunlight and he can handle holy water without… well… this happening to him.”
“I know it doesn’t seem possible.” Kuai let out a breath when he saw Hanzo put the cloth down for good, thankfully done with this part of tending to his wounds. “And I don’t understand it myself, but… I swear it was him.”
“I believe you,” Hanzo assured, grabbing some padding and bandages. “I don’t have an answer for you, but I swear we will find one, okay?”
We will find one. Kuai smiled at that, although he wasn’t sure why. This man hadn’t exactly made the best first impression. But he’d helped Kuai run, he was here tending to his injuries, and offering to help him make sense of his jumbled memories. Maybe it was like in the books he read, where even the worst introduction could be turned into something beautiful.
Hanzo finished wrapping the bandages around him, and Kuai realised he had nothing to offer for his help. He had nothing of particular interest, and anything of value he had was back in the mansion. He thought back to his books, the romance ones, and tried to remember what the protagonists offered in thanks for their rescuers. There was one thing he could offer, he supposed.
“Thank you, Hanzo,” he started, watching Hanzo put all the medical equipment away. “I have nothing to show you my graditude for helping me.” Hanzo finally looked over, and eyebrow raised like he didn’t know where Kuai was going with this. “However, the books I have read suggest that, my body is an acceptable offering to you.”
Hanzo suddenly choked on the air, coughing loudly and covering his face. Kuai got the feeling that wasn’t a good reaction.
“I- oh- Kuai Liang,” Hanzo spluttered, removing a hand to fan himself. “That… Those books you’ve read, they aren’t exactly a good indication of what is expected of you in this situation.” Hanzo composed himself, before sitting next to Kuai on the bed. “Me accepting that offer would be inappropriate.” Kuai bowed his head. God obviously that was a stupid thing to say. Hanzo placed his hand under Kuai’s chin and tilted his head up. “Please do not take this as a rejection of you. But you are in a vulnerable state, and I wouldn’t want to do anything to you that you would regret.”
“I understand,” Kuai tried to not sound upset, in reality he was actually somewhat relieved. He knew he’d had sex before his turning, but he’d not had it since. The closest he’d come was a kiss from Tomas, which Bi-Han had quickly broken up. Hanzo was right, Kuai wasn’t exactly thinking straight right now, and the likeliness was that if Hanzo had said yes, the little trust he’d begun to build up would have been shattered.
Maybe he shouldn’t feel bad he asked, at least this was another sign Hanzo was trustworthy and had his best interests in mind.
“We will find your brother, but until then, I swear I will do everything in my power to protect you.” Hanzo sounded so sincere, it reminded him of whenever Bi-Han promised the same thing. “And you do not have to offer me anything, this is not about that, okay. This is about doing right by you and your brother.”
“Thank you,” Kuai said with a yawn, suddenly realising how tired he was now. The sun would be rising soon, he needed sleep.
“Come on, let’s sleep,” Hanzo said softly, “I can sleep next to you, if it would make you feel safer?”
“I would like that.”
They didn’t speak as Kuai lay back on the bed, feeling Hanzo settle next to him. Kuai wasn’t sure what came over him, but he flipped onto his side, and threw an arm over Hanzo’s chest. The second he’d done it, he internally panicked, wondering if Hanzo’s rejection of his advances would include this. He didn’t mean anything romantic or sexual by it, he just wanted the comfort an embrace could offer him.
To his surprise, Hanzo flipped over to face him and pulled him close to him. Kuai’s breath hitched, but soon began to calm, lulled into a sense of security by Hanzo’s body heat.
He nuzzled his face into the pillow, closed his eyes, and let sleep claim him.
Usually, Bi-Han would be glad to be home.
He’d come in, find Kuai Liang, and make sure his little brother hadn’t gotten himself into any danger. Then they’d sit in the study, Bi-Han making notes on his latest mission, while Kuai would be reading probably. They’d be comfortable and happy despite everything that had led them to this point.
The fact the front doors were wide open made it feel like there was a rock in stomach.
“Kuai Liang?” He didn’t waste any time walking in, panic overtaking his mind. Kuai wasn’t supposed to leave, he knew Kuai wouldn’t. At least not willingly. Had someone tricked him? Kidnapped him? Where was he?
He walked into the lounge, hoping maybe Kuai had just had a visit from Tomas and forgotten to close the door. There was someone sat on one of the arm chairs. It definitely was not Kuai Liang though.
“Hello, Bi-Han,” Quan Chi greeted, lounging lazily in the chair. He was his usually calm and calculated self on the outside, but there was a darkness in his eyes that only showed up when someone had pissed him off. His nose looked slightly swollen, and he had a bandage on one of his hands.
“Quan Chi, why are you here?” He asked nervously, taking a few steps forward.
If Quan Chi was here, where was Kuai? He doubted Kuai would have just let Quan Chi in, Kuai was smarter than to let a stranger inside their home. He didn’t have any memories of Quan Chi, Bi-Han had been sure to wipe every last one, ensuring his brother didn’t remember any of the awful things done to him while they were newly turned.
“I lost contact with you for some time, I wished to make sure you still remember our arrangements,” Quan Chi said lowly, voice trying to sound concerned but coming off as threatening instead.
“Someone requested a task of me, I needed time to complete it.” Bi-Han could feel a cold creep up his back. “I was intending to contact you after I came back.”
“Well, good to know,” Quan Chi sneered, somehow leaning even further back in the chair. “But in the future, I would appreciate a warning if your going to wander off for a long time. I gave your poor brother such a fight, it would be a shame if he had to suffer again because you are terrible at communication.”
There was bile in the back of Bi-Han’s throat as he asked “where is he?”
“I do not know, unfortunately,” Quan Chi said in a bored tone, and inspected his nails like he didn’t care. “Hanzo Hasashi has taken him hostage.”
“What?” Bi-Han hated the deviation in his own voice. “Why would… Why would Hasashi take Kuai Liang?”
“For some reason, he seems to have gotten the impression you are the one who killed his family.” No. No, no, no, that wasn’t me! He had seen the massacre, but he had not been the one to issue the blows. “Said that if you took his family from him, he would take yours from you.”
“I didn’t do it,” Bi-Han argued, taking a few steps back as Quan Chi stood up. He felt ire build inside him as he snarled “you let him take Kuai Liang.”
“I most certainly did not,” Quan Chi exclaimed, sounding so insulted it had to be fake. “I was having a civil discussion with your brother, when Hasashi came along. I tried to stop him but he used Shirai Ryu trickery against me.”
Bi-Han shook his head, the room was spinning. God fucking dammit, how had this happened again? Why did he always fail so fucking spectacularly at keeping Kuai safe? He failed when Kuai was murdered in the woods. He failed when Quan Chi brought Kuai back to life. He failed when Kuai was newly turned and tortured by that same sadist until Bi-Han could meet his ridiculous demands. And now he’d failed again.
He should have never taken this job. Fuck Raiden and his stupid fucking mission that took months! If Bi-Han had been here instead of that temple, Kuai would not have been taken.
“Oh, calm down,” Quan Chi snorted, annoyance laced his voice. “We will get Kuai Liang back. Hanzo Hasashi has rather betrayed me in doing this, and I’d quite like to get my hands on him myself.” That disgusting smirk was on Quan Chi’s face again. “You just have to do exactly what I say, like you always do.”
Bi-Han studied him. He didn’t want to work with Quan Chi, not again, and certainly not when Kuai was so heavily involved. What other choice do I have though?
“Yes, of course,” Bi-Han reluctantly agreed, looking away so he didn’t have to see that look Quan Chi always had when he’d gotten his way. “Just… Help me get my brother back, and I’ll do anything you say, I promise.”
“Good boy,” Quan Chi patted Bi-Han on the back in a condescending fashion. “Good to see you’ve learnt since the start of our partnership.”
Partnership. Fuck that.
Still Bi-Han’s eyes couldn’t help but linger on the bandage around Quan Chi’s hand.
“Do I want to know what you did to your hand?” He was expected some bullshit response, but Quan Chi made a wounded noise.
“When Hasashi took your brother, the poor thing got slightly confused,” Quan Chi explained looking at his hand with a pout. “He wasn’t sure who was trying to help him, so he bit me in his panic.” Good boy Kuai Liang. If his brother was here, he’d praise him for taking a bite out of this bastard. “Don’t worry, I know he was just scared. I won’t hold this against him.”
Quan Chi’s tone indicated he absolutely was going to hold this against him.
Still, Bi-Han had no other option at this point, he just had to hope that when they got Kuai back, Quan Chi would go back to their agreement. Bi-Han did shit for him, and Kuai got left alone.
“Where do we start?”
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kuai-liangst · 2 years
Lost Snow Child Chapter Nineteen
Summary: Kuai Liang is spending some time in the infirmary recovering from having his soul partially removed by Quan Chi
@michael-young-history due to michael's request to be @ when I post chapters here.
Kuai Liang yawns as he struggles to read the book Cat in The Hat. Allison gave him the book to help him learn English, but it was boring. He wasn’t really…taught to read by the Lin Kuei. Beyond the basics. He’s not sure If Bi-Han was taught to read.
They didn’t need to read if you killed people for a living. This book was for little kids, but it helped a little with learning words. He knew how to spell cat and hat and bat.
Maybe he should ask miss Allison how to spell dying and sword and cutt…
Tomas hums as he looks over Kuai Liang’s shoulder, breaking his train of thought. “You’re reading…English?” Tomas asks quietly.
He wasn’t as talkative as he used to be, it was nice getting him to talk a little. “Yeah, Cat in the Hat. It’s boring, but I don’t know many words still. I’m working on it.”
He was, it’s just…Mister Cole and Miss Allison are busy and they said they were having a hard time enrolling him in something called a school that Emily was enrolled in.
That’s where she goes every morning apparently. She complains that it’s boring. But…it sounds nice, to be taught things that weren't’ killing people, or how to dispose of a corpse, or how to steal.
Learning math, and how to read and write sound so nice.
And Emily said they weren’t allowed to physically punish people at this ‘school’. Which also sounded so much better than the Lin Kuei.
Hydro was the only teacher who wouldn’t hurt them. He kinda reminds Kuai Liang of Cole.
In that fatherly short of way, Kuai Liang has no experience with…well except for Bi-Han, but big brother doesn’t count, he’s his big brother, not his dad.
There’s some sort of yelling outside, Kuai Liang wonders what’s going on as Tomas seems tense. His eyes stared unblinking at the door.
Kuai Liang hums, “Do you know how to read English, Tomas?” Kuai Liang asks softly, pulling Tomas’s attention from the door. Tomas responds with a nod.
Kuai Liang smiles, “Want to read this with me?”
“Yeah,” Tomas hums as he crawls into the infirmary bed next to Kuai Liang.
The door suddenly opens to reveal Cole and Emily rushing in.
“Kuai Liang!” Emily exclaims as she quickly rushes over to him and hugs him. “Are you ok, Mom told us that Quan Chi tried something.”
Kuai Liang nods, “I’m ok, Tomas, Bi-Han, and Mister Hanzo stopped him. And Lord Raiden mentioned something about bringing back some of Bi-Han’s friends and Mister Hanzo’s family.”
Cole rushes over as well, and seems to looks over him worriedly. “Are you sure you’re ok? It’s fine if you aren’t.”
Why wouldn’t he be ok, his soul was ok, resettling into his body. Lord Raiden said it would take a couple days but he would be fine. And he’s alive, and they might be getting Sektor back.
Sooo, why is he so nervous? Why does he feel like 
Someone is going to cut him to pieces again.
Like he’s going to die again.
He’s scared, he doesn’t want to die again.
He doesn’t want to die.
He doesn’t want to die again.
“I’m ok,” Kuai Liang says cheerfully as he shoves that nasty feeling deep down.
He’s ok, he’s safe. No one will let him be hurt. Big brother was here, and so was Miss Allison and Mister Cole.
He was safe, he was fine.
Tomas wraps his arms around him, he felt so warm and nice.
Mister Cole had a worried look on his face and Kuai Liang realizes that Mister Cole doesn’t believe him.
He needs to work on his expressions again then. Everyone does so much, the least he could do is be ok and give great hugs.
So that no one wants to get rid of him like all the Elders wanted Bi-Han to.
He can’t be a burden, being a burden will get them killed.
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