#like if u wanna use it go ahead im not stoppin u dude
sn0tcl0wn · 7 years
literally all a queer platonic relationship is is dating someone you dont have feelings for but still being close friends with them and like there’s nothing wrong with that really but…just be friends w someone. you don’t need to date anyone. i just feel like the whole thing spawns from the mindset that “healthy” people need to date. no one needs to date anyone. also you can totally be affectionate and go on dates w ur friends and not be in a “relationship”. that’s normal. straight people (girls especially) do that often. bromances, galpals, and hetero life-mates are all things straight people do. stop trying to turn it into an lgbt thing to have a close friend like that, it isn’t. straight people been doin that shit (where tf do you think the “bros before hoes” mindset comes from? ur bro comes before ur gf cause the friendship runs deep like that, girls do it too btw). im demiromantic and there were many times in which i dated people i wasn’t into thinking a qpr was a good idea when really i could have just been friends with them and just called it hanging out. because thats what we did. also fucking them doesn’t mean you need to call it a relationship either. thats called having a fuck buddy. stop making up terms for things that p much everyone does. it doesn’t make you queer to only want to be friends and all you’re doing is puttin pressure on young aro/ace kids to date. it happened to me and it’s gonna happen to more. this shit bites people in the ass.
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