#like im moving my thumbs rn and what do u MEAN there are bones and muscles doing that for me
oh you don’t hear about it in health class because it’s a fairly new thing and lowkey is probably half a scam 😭 i don’t think there’s a ton of research behind if it actually does provide the benefits it claims to, + it’s a service you have to pay im assuming an astronomical amount of money for. one of those rich people things that is absolutely unnecessary u know. and i only remember it bc she posted the video of the business that does it. doing the process. which was them like rinsing and cutting up the placenta and uh. it was kind of disgusting and had no warning before it so i just remember gagging a little bit bc Ew
Oh damn, I was mostly talking about pregnancy in general tbh I don't remember learning anything about the process of being pregnant at all in health classes But it makes sense we didn't learn about that and now I'm kinda glad
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