#like is there trek drama about people born under different zodiacs like
vulcanhandkink · 2 years
Hey since in Kelvin timeline Jim was born in the middle of space would he still count as a Capricorn or...
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
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ERIK — personality types.
“ he sighed with contentment, thinking that life held nothing better than the feel of a good ship running before the wind, with a sky full of stars to guide her ”
zodiac: sagittarius
“ sagittarius is a born adventurer, and loves solo travel and exploration. curious and energetic, sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life.  freedom is their greatest treasure, because only then they can freely travel and explore different cultures and philosophies. 
... sagittarius is extroverted, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes. their enthusiasm has no bounds, and therefore people born under the sagittarius sign possess a great sense of humor and an intense curiosity.  sagittarius is a steadfast friend and a creative thinker; a great person to have on a work team, as they have infectious energy. ”
... because of their honesty, sagittarius-born are often impatient and tactless when they need to say or do something, so it's important to learn to express themselves in a tolerant and socially acceptable way.  a Sagittarius will always be honest and in check with their emotions, and a sagittarius will not engage in emotional blackmail. if it’s not working, it’s not working, and a sagittarius won’t stay for the sake of another person’s feelings. ”
hogwarts house: gryffindor
the gryffindor house emphasizes the traits of courage as well as daring, nerve, and chivalry
“ its members are generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness. members of other houses, particularly slytherin, sometimes feel that gryffindors engage in "pointless heroics"  and find many gryffindors to be self-righteous and arrogant, with no regard for rules. ”
patronus: dolphin
“ there is an adventurous and carefree nature to the dolphin, one that is reflected in those with it as their patronus. they are incredibly unique individuals, and quite often social and loved by most. they are strong and like to explore new things and meet new people. despite their need to be themselves and individuality, they can at times become incredibly dependent on others, asking them for help in every aspect of their life. ”
myers briggs: ESFP-A
the entertainer - people who love vibrant experiences, engaging in life eagerly and taking pleasure in discovering the unknown. they can be very social, often encouraging others into shared activities.
“ entertainers are welcome wherever there’s a need for laughter, playfulness, and a volunteer to try something new and fun – and there’s no greater joy for entertainer personalities than to bring everyone else along for the ride.  entertainers are known for their irrepressibly social and excited attitudes. they don’t internalize much of anything, sharing it all with their extensive circles of friends with wit, style, enthusiasm, and optimism. entertainers are explorers of the pleasures of life, and they take particular pleasure in sharing those experiences with others. for entertainers, there’s no point in living if you can’t feel alive.
... though it may not always seem like it, entertainers know that it’s not all about them – they are observant, and very sensitive to others’ emotions. people with this personality type are often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing emotional support and practical advice. however, if the problem is about them, entertainers are more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. entertainers usually love a little drama and passion, but not so much when they are the focus of the criticisms it can bring.
... the biggest challenge entertainers face is that they are often so focused on immediate pleasures that they neglect the duties and responsibilities that make those luxuries possible. complex analysis, repetitive tasks, and matching statistics to real consequences are not easy activities for entertainers. they’d rather rely on luck or opportunity, or simply ask for help from their extensive circle of friends. it is important for entertainers to challenge themselves to keep track of long-term things like their retirement plans or sugar intake – there won’t always be someone else around who can help to keep an eye on these things. more focused on leaping at opportunities than in planning out long-term goals, entertainers may find that their inattentiveness has made some activities unaffordable. ”
strengths: bold, original, aesthetics and showmanship, practical, observant, excellent people skills
weaknesses: sensitive, conflict adverse, easily bored, poor long term planners, unfocused
enneagram: 7 ( wing 8 ) “ the opportunist ”
“ sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. they constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. they typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness.
... sevens are enthusiastic about almost everything that catches their attention. they approach life with curiosity, optimism, and a sense of adventure, like “kids in a candy store” who look at the world in wide-eyed, rapt anticipation of all the good things they are about to experience. they are bold and vivacious, pursuing what they want in life with a cheerful determination. they have a quality best described by the yiddish word “chutzpah”—a kind of brash “nerviness.”
... sevens are extremely optimistic people—exuberant and upbeat. they are endowed with abundant vitality and a desire to fully participate in their lives each day. they are naturally cheerful and good humored, not taking themselves too seriously, or anything else for that matter. the basic desire of sevens is to be satisfied, happy, and fulfilled, and when they are balanced within themselves, their joy and enthusiasm for life naturally affect everyone around them. they remind us of the pure pleasure of existence—the greatest gift of all. ”
staying high-energy and positive
natural self-confidence and charisma
ability to assert themselves
remaining calm in situations of crisis
being perceived as impatient and blunt
focusing too heavily on career
difficulty following through on plans
tendency to focus on material items
love language: physical touch
there’s not much too it - erik is just a touchy guy. friendly claps on the back, throwing an arm arms over shoulders, overly enthusiastic bear hugs, he’s just super big on even platonic affection. if you’re close with him just expect him to invade your personal space with his loud presence on the regular.
alignment: chaotic good
“ chaotic good combines a good heart with a free spirit.  chaotic good characters are strong individualists marked by a streak of kindness and benevolence. they believe in all the virtues of goodness and right, but they have little use for laws and regulations. they have no use for people who "try to push folk around and tell them what to do." their actions are guided by their own moral compass which, although good, may not always be in perfect agreement with the rest of society ”
character inspo: scott mccall ( teen wolf ), peter kavinsky ( tatbilb ), james t. kirk ( star trek ), harry potter ( harry potter )
pinterest: erik kishimoto.
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