#like it’s crazy they r so bookie 2 me
sherbetlemonss · 2 months
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Doodle/silly little drawing of @rommaru ‘s new fowl au
Plus also steelpad ;p
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princesscolumbia · 9 months
Fic Ideas, Part 2
This is a revamp of an old draft I was working on back in the day while I was slapping together the self-indulgent isekai called "Insertion Panic!" Originally titled, "Insertion Panic Neo," it was one of those brain-worms that kinda lived mostly in the back of my head and had scenes kinda spawn over time, but nothing really developed enough for me to do much with it. Part of it is I don't like re-hashes. Remakes are a mixed bag, and if a remake/rehash is too loyal to the source material, then...just go...back...to the source material? LIke, I don't get the remakes that do NOTHING interesting with the material after it's been matured.
Okay, not gonna rant on that right now...
ANYWAY, the original concept was, "What if someone who was born in our universe manages to figure out how to master astral projection AND knows enough about quantum mechanics to find a way to breach universes with their spirit? What if they were uber-fans of Ranma 1/2? And what if they got yoinked into a R.5 variant universe and wound up inhabiting the body of a major character?"
I mean, yeah, it's what we now would call a pretty basic isekai, but at the time it was kinda not something that you'd see much of 'cause the isekai was known then as "really shitty first-time author crap that the fan community was going to bully you out of fan spaces for," regardless of quality or content. "Insertion Panic!" itself was to address the prejudice against such a thing, and before "isekai" became a term the brony community managed to loosen the cultural opposition in Western fan-spaces by creating the proto-isekai genre called "displaced."
(LOTS of good reads, and fascinating parallel trope development to the isekai)
The Devil You Didn't
Ranma 1/2 (with shades of Ah, Megami-sama)
Akane Tendo is struggling at Life™️. As the youngest Tendo, she doesn't really remember her mom as well as her sisters, and the rest of her family never really recovered from mom's death terribly well either. Daddy stopped teaching altogether and spends most of his time reminiscing and drinking sake, Kasumi has turned herself into a clone of mom, and Nabiki has become a cut-throat bookie. The "boy problem" is getting worse by the day, and she's reached a plateau in her journey to become a martial arts master at the age of 16. She's best of the best in Nerima, nobody can challenge her, and all the other dojo's sensei's are intimidated by her family's art.
She wakes up one morning to find a VERY SCARY yokai oni ghost demon who looks like her dead mother standing over her bed and announcing that she's here to help Akane out with her life. Akane thinks she's going crazy, but then her father calls her and her sisters to a family meeting. Apparently an old friend is coming by with his son...and why is the scary demon lady that only Akane can see grinning so widely?!
Hel Tendo is...complicated. After intentionally losing herself in the multiverse, she's on her way back home to face the music. But surely, it wouldn't hurt to use a familiar universe with the names and faces of people she's grown to love during the course of a semi-mortal lifetime, would it? Procrastinate? Nooooo, she's not procrastinating, it's not like she's going to have to face the music for screwing up SUPER bad and making her mom, the woman she's named after and the Lord of Hell, look bad by proxy, right? It wasn't her fault those goddesses messed up her plans! And how was she supposed to know that mortal's destiny was important to her mom?
She just hid out in the darkest recesses of Yggdrasil until a system surge sucked her into the body of a mortal who'd just died. It's not like she could have known the surge was going to happen or that she'd wind up in the body of her favorite character mortal from her favorite stories timeline-cluster! But there she was, living in the body of Akane Tendo five years before Ranma would arrive, and with her knowledge of the timeline-cluster, she could make her and Ranma's life so much better! (And make a better ending than that stupid wedding...)
She wasn't supposed to actually fall in love with Ranma...
An entire mortal life is enough to change even the most ancient being, and by the time she was finally done and her mortal life ended, she just needed to go home. But...it'd been a while, whats a few more years as she helps another version of Akane out? Just, you know, without the possession and dying part this time.
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