#like it’s supposed to look confusing/hurt your eyes bc you’re looking at something divine
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Good tidings.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Just read your vampire Chuuya x reader AND LOVE IT ❤️❤️ If you’re interested, perhaps part 2? Maybe it’s about the reader waking up and then finding out she’s a vampire and then confronts Chuuya or it’s in the future about them living together as vampires in love 😳.
CW: blood
Here’s part 1!
Let’s go with the first option bc WHEW reader is going to be SO MAD at him. Betrayed, confused, hurt, and- hungry?
You wake up so dazed and feeling out of place. Last night feels like a horrible nightmare- it couldn’t have been real, it couldn’t have been right? You still feel shaken from it, and you go to reach for your neck to feel for the telltale signs- but Chuuya is immediately by your side, holding your hands and asking about your well-being, concern etched on his face. Your lover is suppose to bring you peace, but all you can see is his blood stained lips haunting your mind. It looked so real.
Everything is all a blur and you have so many questions when you feel this pain shoot through you. It feels as if you haven’t eaten in days and your throat is on fire, the burning sensation spreading from your mouth to your throat never ending. You struggle to even cry out, clutching at your throat in agony, but Chuuya looks at you so calm and…is that pity in his gaze? You know that something is terribly wrong, but you can’t get your mind to focus, the pain becoming too much to bare-
Then he places a glass towards your lips, and the liquid that follows tastes so…divine. You don’t notice how it’s strangely reminiscent of the one that you’ve seen him indulge in so many times.
You drink it with haste, like a man who’s been in the sun for days without a drop of water. You couldn’t control yourself, drinking the entire thing in only a matter of seconds, the taste lingering on your tongue making you want more. But as you gained a bit of your mind back, the stinging pain fades and you lick over your teeth unconsciously to savor the taste but something feels…different. Sharper. No, surely this is just a trick of your mind, is it not? You move your finger against one canine only to gasp- it’s sharp enough to prick your finger.
You grip at your chest to try and calm yourself down, to try and get some sense to figure out what’s going on-
But you feel nothing.
Where your heart was suppose to be, you felt nothing. No beat, no pulsing. Nothing.
You hear Chuuya trying to comfort you, but his words are muffled in your ears. You shove aside the blankets and rush to the window, throwing the curtains back and peering to the outside world. Where this would be a time where you would admire the oncoming sunrise and the mix of colors they offer in the dark sky, you could only focus on how you couldn’t see yourself in the reflection. There was nothing.
It comes back to you- Chuuya biting into you, his ruby eyes seemingly glowing, everyone looking in in such glee- the throbbing in your neck only solidified your horror and realization. That was no dream-
Chuuya is there to catch you when you collapse to the floor, holding you and letting you cry out in his chest. Your cries of anguish pain him to hear, as it reminds him of his own damnation centuries ago. But unlike where he was forced to go through this alone, he’s here to help you adjust to your new life together-
Until you try and push him away, staring at him with so much fury in your eyes. Your voice wavers as you hiss out for him to stay away, about how much you hate him, about how could he do this to you- and it pains him to hear you say this, to hear you cries of anguish, but all he does is continue to hold you and let you beat against his chest. He expected this- you haven’t had time at all to process this change. But this change was for the best- even if you didn’t see that now, it truly was. He kept repeating that thought in his mind as he took your venomous words against him. He doesn’t interrupt either, he just lets you wait until you relax in his grip before he glances at you. You look so numb, and he goes to wipe your tears when you recoil at his touch-
“How could you do this to me, Chuuya? Why?” You sound so heartbroken, so disappointed, and all he can only gaze upon you with earnest eyes.
“Because, I love you. I love you too much to bare the thought of losing you forever.”
“So that gives you the right to steal my humanity away? For your own selfish needs?!”
“I was not going to watch my lover wither away day by day!” He tries not to raise his voice, but he feels his temper flaring. “Call me a greedy fool all you wish, but I refuse to watch you die!”
“Yet you were the one to take my life.” You growl at him. “The one that was suppose to love me was the cause of my own undoing. For you to do this to me shows that you don’t-“
“I do love you!” He couldn’t help but bare his fangs. You thought that all of the sweet moments shared between you were mere lies? He clenched his fists at the thought. “Don’t you dare try to say that I don’t. You accepted my offer to be by my side for all of eternity-“
“Yes, as your wedded partner! Not as a creature of the night!”
But to Chuuya, what was the difference? A mere ring being placed on your finger? Having it done in front of a pastor (the same one that didn’t even believe in his kind)? He scoffed at the idea- he made true on his promise regardless of it being done in an unconventional way. This way, the words “Till Death do you part” will never happen. Nothing will separate you, not even Death himself.
He regrets not telling you his true secret, he regrets the pain and misery that he’s causing you in this moment-
But he does not regret turning you.
And he will never regret loving you.
“I love you with my entire being (Y/N), and I know that this is something that will come to pass. I’ll give you time to yourself to collect your thoughts, and I’ll be near if you need anything. I’ll have a servant bring you some- a meal for when you get hungry.” He turned to leave, stopping to give you another glance, “I love you (Y/N), you may not believe or see it now, but I truly do. I’ll spend the rest of my days proving that to you so that doubt will never cross your mind, I swear it.”
You can’t see it his way now, the stubbornness that he came to both love and hate in the way, but he’ll be patient for you. Life will be different from this point on- a new beginning is what his old master called it. He was stubborn before as well, but he could see what his master meant. He can prove to you that this wasn’t a grave mistake, instead a new beginning for you both. It will take time, but it will come to fruition soon enough.
You have nothing but eternity with one another, after all.
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realcube · 3 years
speaking 💗 uwu 💗 to the haikyuu!! boys pt 2
part 1
characters: suna, matsukawa, kyōtani, tendō & akaashi
tw// illness, swearing, sexual references, cwinge   
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Rintarō Suna
bitch- he was shocked
he was feeling sick so you were taking care of him while he lay on the couch looking like the cutest lil’ potato you’ve ever seen
so while you were handing him the soup you made him, you said something along the lines of ‘here’s some wuv-filled soup for my poor honey~’ in the uwu voice
that was the best he felt all day lol
like honestly, you expected him to cringe which is kinda why you did it but he was all for it lmao
‘wait- please do that again, (y/n).’ suna groaned, slowly taking the soup from your hands 
you snickered, gently stirring the spoon to cool it down slightly, ‘no. now drink up.’
you picked up the spoon to jab it at his mouth since he was clearly too lazy to drink it himself, but his lips didn’t part no matter how desperately you poked 
he shook his head, keeping his lips together 
you rolled your eyes, dropping the spoon back into the bowl, ‘stop being a baby and drink the soup!’
suna continued to shake his head, ‘not until you do the voice again.’ he said, his voice hoarse and low.
‘bitch.’ you muttered while rubbing your temples, you were way too tired to deal with his clownery today 
‘please, (y/n).’
‘why are you so needy all of a sudden?’ you pouted, trying to think of something to say in the voice that wasn’t too embarrassing
‘i don’t know.’
‘uwu eat your fuckin’ soup, bi--’ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before wheezing at how silly it was to say something like that in ✨the voice✨ 
suna chuckled, immediately pulling his arm out from underneath the blanket to slurp up your delicious soup
the bowl parted from his lips as he let out a refreshed, ‘ah’ then dropped his gaze to meet yours, ‘you’re so cute.’
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Issei Matsukawa
he would look you dead in the eye and smirk 
‘what’s wrong with your voice?’
‘nothing~’ you hummed, still holding your voice at a higher pitch
matsukawa quirked a brow, wondering if he was missing something
the thought occurred to him that maybe this a prank of some sort and you were waiting for him to give an interesting reaction
well, i mean, he’d hate to disappoint so-
he leaned forward to place a kiss on your cheek and wrap you in hug
‘what are you tryin’ to be all cute for, angel?’  he muttered against the sensitive skin of your neck 
a light blush dusted across your cheeks so you buried your face into the crook of his neck to hide it, ‘i don’t know.’ you replied in an awkward mix of your natural voice and the uwu voice
matsukawa snickered, rubbing up and down your spine with the large palm of his hand, ‘so you’re not gonna tell me, huh?’ he asked, playfully flicking your spine, resulting in a slightly whimper escaping your lips
‘is this a prank?’ he inquired further, holding a tight grip on your waist so you were unable to pull away - not that you wanted to anyway.
‘kinda.’ you snickered at how surprisingly quick he caught on
‘i fucking knew it.’ he chuckled, pushing you away from him to pressed a rough kiss against you lips, ‘but keep your real voice, angel. not to sound like a simp but it’s one the sweetest things i’ve ever heard.’
‘shut up.’ he smiled and lightly flicked your back once more 
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Kentarō Kyōtani 
he thought it was a sex thing-
you were just showing him your new-found talent while he was blushing furiously and just like ‘shut up, (y/n)! we’re in public! 😡😳’
and you just kinda shuffled awkwardly ‘what does that have to do with anything?’
‘you can’t just do stuff like that in front of everyone!’
he’d probably pull you onto his lap and cover your mouth with his hand to silence you
in his mind, the uwu voice = calling your s/o ‘daddy’ or ‘mommy’
like- just a bit too taboo to do in public-
you were so confused
‘kyōtani, get you’re filthy, dry hand off my mouth right now’
he wasn’t exactly sure what you said considering that his hand served the purpose of muffling your speech but he did hear that you called him by his full surname opposed to just ‘kyō’, ‘baby’  or ‘babe’ hence, you were probably angry 
‘i’m going to move my hand but i swear to god if you do that fucking voice again.’ he growled into your ear, that alone probably should’ve made you feel threatened but knowing kyōtani, he’s all bark and no bite; well, at least when it comes to you 
he slowly removed his hand from your mouth and you just shot him the deadliest glare 
he’s never going to recover from that one tbh- your eyes alone just scarred him for life 
without a word, you grabbed your bag from under your desk to search through it for a moment until you pulled out a small bottle of lotion
‘give me your hands.’
‘no.’ kyōtani rolled his eyes; he didn’t like the idea of putting lotion on his hands bc it’d made his hands slippery and if his hands were lubricated how was he supposed to GRIP?
‘i wasn’t a question.’ you scoffed, grabbing his hand and squeezing a dollop of lotion onto it, ‘have you ever moisturized in your life? your hands are so ashy.’
‘right, okay.’ kyōtani murmured, not even bothering to answer your silly question
‘ashy hands~’ you absentmindedly cooed in the uwu voice while spreading the lotion evenly across his palm
after realising what you hand just said, you immediately shifted your gaze onto kyōtani to see if he was livid >:)
but actually, he was painted a deep shade of red with his head turned away from you 
‘you’re going to hell.’ he hissed, not daring to meet your gaze just in case his face erupted in a blush once more
‘i’ll see you there~’
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Satori Tendō
he’d look you dead in the eye and try to copy you lmao
like what else was he supposed to do? lmao
plus, he was sure of the fact he could do it better than you ✋
‘uwu-’ he choked on his own spit as that hellish sound left his mouth
‘TENDŌ!!’ you wheezed, covering your mouth to prevent an ungodly noise escaping, ‘sir, your vocal cords-’
‘wait do it again, do it again!’ he encouraged, clasping his hands together to plead
you snickered before raising the pitch of your voice once more, along with throwing up a little peace sign, ‘you’re such a swut!’
now it was tendō’s turn to wheeze
after a while, he was finally able to compose himself and attempt to imitate ✨ the voice ✨
‘you’re a whore!~’
you gasped, slapping a hand over your mouth, ‘WAIT, SATORI THAT WAS SO GOOD!’
tendō quirked a brow, shuffling in closer to you, taking your hand in his and placing a kiss upon the tips of each of your fingers absentmindedly, ‘really?’
‘yeah’ you nodded rapidly, not even bothering to hide the blush that was spreading across your cheeks at his random kisses 
‘i love you, baby~’ you hummed, pursing your lips in hoped he’d pick up on what your were asking for
‘i love you way more~’ he cooed, leaning in and connecting his lips with yours
honestly, y’all probably never use the voice again after that 
(other than when you play a prank on ushijima :P)
but it’s a fond memory lol
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Keiji Akaashi
you did it as a prank but akaashi thought it was for his attention lol
he was just sitting at his desk, ‘studying’ hard (by ‘studying’, i mean he was blankly staring at his notes while thinking about you) while you were sitting on his bed, taking a well-earned break
then you saw a girl on your fyp try the prank out on her bf and ofc you had to try lmao
i mean, it was harmless :)) unlike some of the other pranks floating around
the only thing that could possibly get hurt during this prank was your pride
so you immediately tried it out
‘angel~’ you cooed, trying your best to keep the voice on and stifle a snicker as you watched him visibly perk up upon hearing you, ‘are you hungwy? do you want me to make you some snacks?’
akaashi turned around his chair to look at you and shoot you a sweet smile
HIS SMILE OEIHNFEVBEI pls it’s so holy 🥺🙏
anyway, he replied in his equally as angelic, mellow voice, ‘i’m fine, love. thank you though, you’re so sweet.’
you nodded in response, thinking that you weren’t going to get much of a reaction out him so you were about to go back to scrolling until he inquired further
‘by the way, what’s with the voice?- don’t get me wrong, it’s cute; i’m just curious.’
you let out a sigh, a smile gracing your lips as you figured that you’d end the prank here- you were too impatient to continue lol
‘it was just for a little prank thing.’
an understanding ‘ah’ fell from akaashi’s lips before he got up from his desk and slowly slinked towards you, cupping your face in his soft hands, caressing your cheek gently with his thumb as his lips teasingly hovered over your own
‘well, i’d be lying if i said i’m not fond of it.’ he hummed, his gaze fixated on your eyes for the most part but every few seconds it’d drop to send brief, longing looks at your lips 
he stole a quick kiss before backing away slightly, his hand staying glued to your cheek for as long as possible 
‘i’ll go fetch us some snacks- i’m suddenly craving popcorn.’
he left you in his room alone, blinking rapidly while trying to process what just happened
you just unlocked suave! akaashi
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starkcontrasts · 6 years
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Or basically a quickwrite i did in response to that scene in AoU after they’ve just been attacked and they find out Ultron destroyed JARVIS
Includes: Tony-whump and reader insert(but not in the romantic sense) bc I’m a mess and this shiz was unplanned and is somehow an even bigger mess than the actual author
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You can see the pieces falling into place. Only, they’re falling all wrong. This wasn’t how any of it was supposed to happen.
Before you can react- before you can even think- Thor’s striding forward, one hand around Tony’s neck. You push off the table in response, opening your mouth to tell everyone to calm down. Steve talks over you but Tony’s feet are on the ground now and the air comes into your lungs a little easier. It had felt like you were being choked alongside him.
The conversation continues around you but you make your way towards Tony and Bruce. You hesitate to touch him because something’s definitely up and suddenly Helen’s asking questions at the worst possible time and there’s Tony’s “why can’t you people understand” laughter. Internally, you ask every higher being in creation where it all went wrong.
“We weren’t anywhere near close to a successful interface.” Tony says and you corroborate this when Bruce refuses to.
You don’t restrain the urge to throw him a glare. Intelligent as he is, he couldn’t recognize the signs of his supposed best friend falling apart in front of him.
“Oh, what so now you fall belly up.” Tony calls out.
Bruce retorts something about murder bots and it physically hurts you because the three of you know that’s never what Ultron was. What he was never supposed to be. Whatever he is now, that doesn’t change the fact that his original purpose had less to do with harming the Earth and more to do with protecting it. Tony explains as much and the derision in Steve’s voice is enough to make you scoff.
The good captain gives you what is meant to be a withering look. It’s a look of clear disapproval, rife with glaring notions of moral superiority and you squint your eyes at him. There’s a divine shiver of pleasure at the slight flinch you draw from him but mostly he keeps on talking and this time you don’t hesitate to place a gentle hand on Tony’s forearm. Brown eyes, clearly distressed to someone who knows how to look, turn to you and there’s a distinct sensation of your stomach hitting your toes. God, Tony. He looked wrecked.
Your face crumples watching him, and the hand that was on his arm rises to rest on his cheeks instead. The room doesn’t notice the two of you and the feeling is mutual. Tony looks like all he wants to do is crawl into a ball. He’s so tired of trying to explain to people who won’t listen, why a system of instantaneous planet-wide protection is more reliable than a group of seven people. Still is reliable.
“Breathe, Tony, I need you to breathe.”
You can feel the moment Bruce’s attention suddenly flicks over to you but you can care less.
Tony’s breathing isn’t any better than before. In fact, it’s practically inaudible, meaning it’s essentially not there and you resist the urge to throttle every single person in this room.
“Antonio, listen to me. Breathe.”
It takes a while but a glowing chest begins to rise and fall in normal intervals and you smile weakly in an attempt to steady the both of you, mentally and emotionally.
“You’re doing wonderfully. Keep going for me, okay?” Tony nods imperceptibly and you glance over at the now silent room.
Steel settles itself into your gaze and cold eyes focus on the God of Thunder first.
“Try something like that again, Thor, and you’ll find not even Heimdall will be able to get you out of here fast enough.”
The crimson-clad blonde furrows his eyebrows at you, as if confused as to how he had garnered your wrath.
“You don’t wrap your super-powered hands around the neck of someone suffering from anxiety and PTSD, you insensitive asshat.”
Your head comes flying to face Steve.
“Tell me to watch my language, Steven. I fucking dare you.”
“Okay, why don’t we all just take a chill pill, Y/N.” Clint interjects from near your left.
“Barton so help me…”
“Alright then, never mind.”
The archer lowers his hands in surrender and you turn to Bruce, embittered.
“Science bros stick together, numbnuts. Don’t you dare think you can throw Tony to the wind like that ever again because trust me, I’ll make any wreckage the Big Guy’s done so far, look like a kid throwing a tantrum.”
Bruce flinches hard and you nearly sneer in satisfaction before turning back towards Steve and taking a deep breath.
“Since no one is willing to fucking listen to Tony, I’ll do the explaining instead and we’ll just see what happens if someone tries to cut me off with weakass statements like ‘together’.”
Steve opens his mouth to reply but you cut him off.
“That was not permission to speak, soldier.”
He swiftly closes his mouth.
“I’m going to try talking to all of you like you’re adults but if you don’t start using your heads like the mature, capable-of-thinking-for-themselves human beings that you are, then I will make it so your physical state matches your childlike temperaments.”
It’s very clearly a threat and you can see each Avenger(sans Tony) openly bristle and twitch to grab their weapons. Bruce wrings his hands together. The witch glares at you and you smile at her, all teeth and mock-sweetness.
“My abilities are stronger than yours, so I wouldn’t even try, Miss Maximoff.”
Pietro, beautifully complex Pietro, shoves a hand in front of his sister to keep her from surging forwards, all the while fixing you with an indecipherable look. From the beginning, as much as everyone seemed to focus on Wanda, you could tell there was more to the older Maximoff twin that meets the eye. You were glad to be right.
You take another deep breath.
“The Avengers aren’t infallible, don’t even pretend like that isn’t the case. What Tony- and Bruce included because he was very much included- what they were trying to do was create an artificial intelligence much like JARVIS that could fulfill JARVIS’s primary directive taken to a global scale.”
Confused looks all around. Tony shivers behind you and you grasp his hand, holding tightly to try and keep him grounded.
“For those of you who don’t know, J’s primary directive was to protect Tony. Ultron’s primary directive was intended to be the protection of planet Earth from outside forces seeking to enter our atmosphere and wreak havoc below. He was the brainchild of our science geniuses here, in an attempt to prevent anything similar to the fight with the Chitauri from happening ever again.”
You lick your lips, swallow down your earlier anger, and continue.
“Thor said it himself when Loki first arrived. SHIELD’s experiments with the Tesseract showed to the rest of the Universe, specifically to other, advanced races, that the Earth is ready for a higher form of war. Sooner or later, the rest of the Universe is going to come knocking and believe you me, not very many of them will be here to ask for a cup of sugar.”
“The Avengers can handle whatever comes at us. Advanced alien race or otherwise.” Natasha drawls from beside Clint.
The amount of conceit in her tone is almost laughable considering how much training had been invested to make sure she was above displaying her innermost thoughts so easily. In front of friend or foe, she was always to appear unbothered. Mayhaps, if Barnes had been trusted to teach her that aspect rather than just combat skills, the Widow would have been better at it.
“Come now, Natalia, I thought you were cleverer than that. Have you grown so lax in your training so as to believe you cannot be stopped?”
The statement gets a rise out of more than just her, and you can feel the anger in Bruce’s gaze at your neck. Clint and Steve narrow their eyes at you but otherwise don’t respond. The Widow tries her damndest not to throw a knife at your throat and its times like these that you miss Winter’s ability to disassociate. The Captain was going to be in for such a surprise when next he met Barnes. His best friend was less Bucky and more something in between Hydra’s Fist and the exemplary soldier, less the charming man from Brooklyn and more the damaged transitional phase.
Even then, he was still far better at feigning indifference than the redhead in front of you.
“I don’t care how super-powered some of you are, you’re still so very human. With a single thought from my head, I could disseminate your insides throughout the stars. I’ve trained with mutants and titans alike, and they’re nowhere close to how terrifying the races out there are. If I could kill you in a second, what makes you think Earth could survive more than a meager few moments against the might of the worst the Universe has to offer?”
Steve turns towards Thor, uncertain and hoping he can corroborate or contest your claim. The demi-god furrows his eyebrows, his grip on Mjolnir shifting.
“Y/N does not lie. Even I have yet to experience a vast number of the Universe’s most feared warriors. My Father has kept the nine realms, most of all your Midgard, sheltered from the rest of the starways for centuries.”
Tony breathes out shakily from behind you and you tighten your grip on his hand. Thor nods at you to continue and you stare at Steve right in his shadowed blue eyes.
“What Ultron was meant to be versus what he ultimately became was the result of ignorance on all our parts, least of all Tony’s. Firstly, you were all ignorant for believing yourselves unstoppable, and secondly, you were ignorant for believing Wanda Maximoff to be less spiteful than she is.”
“Now hold on, I think, at the very least, I’ve been keeping a close eye on the Witch and I think she’s pretty spiteful.” Clint interjected.
Both Maximoff siblings bristle from the edge of the group and you don’t miss the glint of red filtering into Wanda’s eyes.
“You so much as attempt to fiddle with any of the minds in or out of this room and I’ll turn you into a pile of red leather.” You state matter-of-factly, in her direction.
Wanda narrows her eyes and hisses while Pietro stiffens, legs vibrating with the desire to not be here. You can’t blame him, you don’t want to be here either. But someone has to say this shit and goodness knows, no one was going to listen to Tony if he did it instead.
“As I was saying, Miss Maximoff over here had a bigger part to play in Ultron’s genesis than you all previously believed.”
You state right into her hateful, hopelessly child-like, eyes.
“Wanda put the idea into Tony’s head that the faster Ultron came to be, the better.”
“And what does that mean?” Steve bit out.
You feel physically ill thinking back on it and it takes a great deal of effort not to will Wanda into non-existence.
“Miss Maximoff worked her third-rate sorcery on Tony’s head during the fight at the factory. She played alphabet soup with his head and showed him a vision of the world ending, everyone dying at his feet. And Tony? Tony felt what Tony always feels.”
“Vindication?” The Widow mocks.
You look at her blankly.
“You mistake him for you, Natalia.”
That shuts her up quickly.
“No,” Tony’s hand was clammy in yours. “He felt guilty.”
Several sets of eyes widen.
“He felt guilt and so much regret, I picked up on it even though I was here at the Tower.”
“Why would you feel guilty, Tony?” Maria questioned, tone delicate where no one else’s had been.
You turn back to see Tony visibly shaking, one arm wrapped around his trembling frame.
“Because I wasn’t dead. I had to watch as I was the only one left.”
And hell if that doesn’t do some serious damage to the sizeable egos in the room.
But that still wasn’t the whole story, so you finish where Tony couldn’t.
“And you, Steve, you asked him why he didn’t do more.”
The super-soldier practically deflates before your very eyes, lean frame going slack where he stands.
“Jesus, Tony.”
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mel-the-fangirl · 7 years
Snapshot - Requested
Harry Holland x Reader
Words: 2,576
Requested by: anonymous (You’ve been waiting for this for such a long time and I am really sorry.)
“a harry x reader fic where ur friends and u were crying and for some reason he took a picture and posted it without your permission and u get a lot of hate about it and u find out about the pic while with harry and u get really upset about with him and make him leave your trailer (can you be a part of the SM:HC cast?) and he feels really really bad so he comes back later to apologise and he finds u cryin and sobbing in ur trailer bc of the hate and he comforts you and cuddles and hugs?”
Hello!!! I have another week off so I’m kinda taking it easy since school has been really tough lately. I’ll try and post as often as I can. Oh, and also I really want to thank everyone because I know I haven’t been so active lately and instead of losing followers like I expected I would, I’m actually gaining them and honestly, thank you all so much!!! I hope you like this one! xx
Your first big break, so to speak, and it was going to be on what was predicted to be this year’s biggest superhero film,
Spider-man: Homecoming.
It was luck, or divine intervention, or good karma, or whatever the hell you wanted to call it. Imagine it though, you had auditioned so many times, along with hundreds of different, more qualified people but you were the one who got a call back and you were casted!
Being a huge fan of both the comics and the cinematic universe, it was such an honour to get any role on this film. You were cast as Betty Brant, one of Midtown Tech’s smartest, most popular girls and best friends with Liz Allen, Peter Parker’s love interest. Although you didn’t have as many lines or scenes as you would have liked, you were beyond grateful and excited for everything to happen.
It was only a few days since filming officially started but a bond was immediately formed between everyone, the importance of everyone’s roles or how big of a star they were didn't matter. You were all just kids having an extraordinary time.
On one of your lunch breaks, you found yourself huddled in your trailer that you shared with another actress on the film who played one of the decathlon kids, but since she had a scene to shoot, you were left to your own devices.
You were supposed to be memorising your lines for later but the film playing on TV won your attention.
With your knees hugged close to your chest, tears dropped onto the blanket you had draped over yourself. You just couldn't wrap your head around the concept of why there were some films that revolved around dogs or any other animals dying.
Marley and Me was one such film. Onscreen, Owen Wilson’s family were beginning to say their goodbyes to their beloved Labrador and at that point you were already desperately trying to keep the tears at bay.
“Good bye, clearance puppy.” Jennifer Aniston tearfully uttered
With that, you were a goner.
The overflowing dam of tears you’d worked so hard to hold together finally broke wide open, unleashing streaks of white hot tears upon your red cheeks.
“Stupid, stupid film.” you muttered, wiping at the corners of your eyes angrily
Unbeknownst to you, the door to trailer was slightly ajar, with one Harry Holland sneakily snapping pictures of you while you cried with everything you had. Without your consent, he posted the photo on his Instagram for his thousands of followers to see.
“Didn’t know she was a weeper.” Harry captioned the photo and immediately tucked his phone back into his pocket
“Y/N?” he proceeded to knock, feigning innocence
The credits have been rolling for a good five minutes but you were still in tears and you just let them roll down your cheeks. You didn’t have to hide from Harry. The two of you became best buds in such a short time, since you were both around the same age.
As he approached you, he started to feel a little bad about posting your picture, but that didn’t mean he was going to fess up right then. He took the seat next to you and offered you his jacket sleeve to blow your nose on. If it were any other day, you would’ve given him a funny look, why would he want your snot all over his sleeve?
But since you were highly emotional and Harry was feeling guilty, you took his sleeve and he let you. You blew your nose, hard, complete with comical honking noises. Harry winced but said nothing, he turned his attention to the TV still rolling credits.
“I'm guessing that's what got you crying?” he asked, wondering what film it could've been
“It was a horrible film, Harry. Like…” you trailed off, grabbing his sleeve once again
He recoiled from your grabby hands and took his jacket off, handing it to you with a sheepish smile.
“And what film would that be, love?”
“Marley and Me.” you replied, blowing your nose again
Harry tried, I mean he really tried not laugh but it failed miserably. He let out a big laugh that was short-lived once he saw the expression on your face, that’s when he thought it wise to shut his mouth.
“Thought so.” you muttered, grabbing your phone to raise it to your face so you could see the damage done
Harry felt his heart rate pick up. All of a sudden he didn’t want you to see what he did, because he had a feeling you wouldn’t be laughing with him.
As if God had tuned in directly to his line of thought, he heard you say,
“Shit. My phone’s dead.”
You rushed out of your seat to plug your phone in, also catching a glimpse at the wall clock.
“Shit! Harry, I’ve gotta get to hair and make-up. I’ll catch up with you later.”
The door shut behind you and Harry breathed out a sigh of relief, he definitely had to take that picture down before you saw it. And that’s what he did, he took the picture down in seconds, it only lasted on his page for a solid twenty minutes.
But, alas, this was the internet and twenty minutes was just enough for everyone to see it and give out their opinions that no one asked for. It’s just a shame that Harry kept his phone too quickly, not even stopping to check on the numerous notifications that popped up since he posted your picture.
That wasn’t the issue though, the problem was what was on your phone, Harry glanced at it as it harmlessly rested on one of the counters. He didn’t have the chance to check on it as Tom walked inside the trailer.
“Y/N told me I’d find you here.” Tom smirked, crossing his arms over his chest
That snarky look on his older brother’s face would’ve ticked him off if he wasn’t so distracted.
“What?” Harry asked, trying to get around to your phone. Tom immediately noticed this.
“Oh, oh, hey.” Tom swung around and swiftly grabbed your phone, out of Harry’s reach
“Rule number one, mate. Never touch a girl’s phone without her permission.” he held your phone behind his back, expertly dodging his younger brother’s attempt at snatching it away
“Tom, wait-”
“You just leave it alone. Now come on. I need something to eat, catering’s down.” Tom grabbed Harry by the shoulders and steered him out your trailer door, despite his blubbering protests.
Harry gave your phone one last hopeless look before heading out with his annoying older brother.
“Y/N! That was great! Thank you, I think you’re done for the day.”
You gave Laura and Jon a hug before dutifully retiring to your trailer. Maybe one of the upsides to having a small role was that you got to head home before everyone else, actually, scratch that, it was definitely one of the upsides. Tom was always whining like the boy man child he was, about how exhausted the whole thing was for him.
You stretched your arms above your head as you walked through the lot, wondering what the rest of the day had in store for you. Your trailer was just how you left it earlier, your phone was still plugged into the socket.
You were just about to turn it back on when Harry came bursting through the door.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, like he’d just caught you with your hand in the cookie jar
“Well, hello to you too, Harry.” you greeted him, regarding him cautiously. He looked a little shaken up.
Harry took a step towards you as you placed your finger on your phone’s power button, you eyed him warily. Just to test your theory, you lifted your finger from the button and placed it back, making him take another step towards you.
“Okay. What’s going on here?”
“Nothing! Nothing! What’s going on, Y/N?”
The two of you shared confused looks then you burst out laughing.
“Harry, you are so weird!” you told him, finally powering on your phone
“Wait, Y/N. Uh, maybe-”
You held up a finger to silence him as you began to scroll through your hundreds of Instagram notifications. It was strange, you’ve never gotten this many in like, ever. Maybe you did, once when you posted that selfie with Zendaya and Tom the very first day of filming but that was a few days ago, what could all this be about?
Reading each comment carefully, you were shocked to see so many people you didn’t know saying such hurtful things about you. Most of them didn’t make any sense but the ones that did and the ones that were very eloquent in stating their hatred for you brought tears to your eyes.
Harry audibly gulped, he wrung his hands together in an attempt to curb his discomfort.
“What, what is this?” you shakily muttered, sniffling as you quickly swiped down, trying to get to the photo that everyone was hating on you for.
When you finally got to the top, you were shocked to see a picture from earlier today, with you sitting on your trailer couch, bawling your eyes out in front of the TV. You slowly lifted your gaze to Harry, and your eyes began to burn with anger.
“Why would you post this?!” you yelled, thrusting your phone towards him
He didn’t get the chance to pry it out of your hands as you began scrolling through the comments again.
“I took it down, Y/N. I’m sure I did.” Harry said in his defense
“‘What right does she have to be crying like that when she gets to hang out with Tom and Harry. What an ungrateful bitch.’” you read out one of the comments for Harry to hear
“‘What an ugly dumb ass hoe’?” your voice rose an octave higher. You just could not for the life of you find out why these people were being so cruel.
“Please just stop reading, Y/N. I don’t want to hear any more.” Harry said, running a hand down his face
“You don’t want to hear it anymore?!”
The fucking nerve of him to say that! This was his doing! This was his idiocy at work!
“Why the hell would you even do this, Harry?! I just, I don’t get it!” you yelled, tightening your grip on your phone, you wanted to chuck it at him
Harry was at a loss. He couldn’t muster up the courage to answer your questions, mostly because he didn’t really have a good reason. He just wanted to have a bit of fun with you, it just.. Backfired. Horribly.
“I am really sorry, Y/N. I am so so sorry. I didn’t know people were going to react like this. Y/N, please, I am so sorry. I-”
“Leave.” you cut him off, feeling like you were going to lose your head if he didn’t leave you alone.
“Y/N, come on. Just-”
“Harry, please go. Now.”
The steely look in your eyes made his heart plummet to the floor as he began to walk to the door. Harry had to do what you said. It was all his fault, it was the least he could do now. He stepped out into the bright afternoon, and he bumped right into Tom.
“What have you gone and done now, Harry?” Tom asked, scrolling down on his phone. Looking at all the hate you got, no doubt.
“Not now, Tom.” Harry grumbled, leaning against the walls of your trailer
Tom looked at his brother incredulously, “You’re bloody right, not now, you arse. Get in there and apologise!”
“She doesn’t want to see me.”
“Well, I don’t blame her! What the fuck were you thinking posting her picture like that?”
Harry definitely wasn’t feeling the big brother hat Tom was wearing right now. He knew he was in deep shit with you and he knew he needed to apologise.
“I wasn’t thinking! Alright! That’s what you want to hear and that’s the fucking truth. I’m an arse, I know!” he snapped, rubbing his temples
“Right. Well, it’s good that you know. Now go and do something about it. Apologise.” Tom yanked your trailer door open and shoved Harry inside
You heard a dull thud from where you stood inside the bathroom. You ignored it and clutched the edge of the sink tightly, knuckles almost turning white.
“Deep breaths, deep breaths.” you chanted to yourself, trying to hold yourself together
It wasn’t very helpful though. Tears were still making their way down your cheeks, you really wished that you hadn’t read all of those comments. You really fucking wished Harry wasn’t such an idiot.
Speak of the camera-wielding devil. A tired sigh left your lips as you turned to face him, you kept one hand on the sink for support.
“Didn’t I tell you to leave?”
Guilt once again knocked into Harry’s senses, stronger this time. The skin near your eyes was red  from how harshly you had wiped your tears away but more was still coming. Harry cleared his throat and tried his best to efficiently verbalise what he needed to say.
“You did but I need to apologise, Y/N. What I did was stupid, and insensitive, and senseless. And I’m an idiot.” he hastily added that last part
You definitely agreed with him, nodding your head for him to continue.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never want to hurt you. Please forgive me. I’ll get down on my knees if it would make you feel better.” Harry pleaded with you, his eyes desperately searching yours for any sign of forgiveness
You regarded him apprehensively. The whole thing really brought you down, even though it was ridiculous to listen to the famed “keyboard warriors.” You were new at this, and it was going to take some time for you to fully get over your so-called “haters.”
“Help me to the couch please? I’m feeling shaky.” you extended your hand out to him without letting go of the sink
Harry took your hand in his and his gentle touch brought a sense of calm to you, even though he was the root of all of this. He guided you gently to the couch and draped a blanket over you.
“May I?” he asked, gesturing to the space next to you
As he sat down, you found yourself inching toward the heat that radiated off him, all the crying made you cold somehow.
“May I?” Harry asked again, extending his arms towards you
The fucker was being too cute. You rolled your eyes at him but nodded anyway and it turned out to be the right call. Warmth began to seep through your body and you nuzzled your head into his chest appreciatively.
“I’m really sorry, okay? I will never ever do that ever again.” Harry whispered to you, running his fingers along the length of your back
“The only pictures you’re posting of me next time are extremely flattering selfies, do you understand me?” you looked up at him pointedly
Harry nodded earnestly and placed a quick kiss on the tip of your nose, much to your surprise. You stared at him in shock but he just smiled at you cheekily.
“Yes, ma’am.”
permanent taglist: @theholyholland, @optimisticbee, @johnxstilinski, @lyssamorgan, @osterfield-holland, @planet-holland-writing, @draqcnheartstrinq, @leahhensonx, @nativeofsouthwestlondon-darling, @twong2001, @cubedtriangle, @sebenagomez, @aussie-mantle
(please message me if you’d like to be added!)
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