#like it's meant to be used in a tiktok audio with text saying 'when im nice but then im not >:)'
akeedia · 5 months
if i get one more tiktok with a ttpd sound imma genuinely lose it, it sounds so bad and cringe and god pls spare me
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milf-harrington · 4 years
this is the first zukka fic i ever started! i remember writing the outline in my careers class and having to use code names for Zuko and Sokka bc i knew one of the girls in my class watched atla and i didn’t want her to know i was writing fanfiction lmao - anyway i don’t think i’m ever actually gonna finish it so i figured i’d post it at it’s wip stage
Later, when Katara fusses over the duck patterned band-aids on his face, he’ll blame the sun for being in his eyes and be glad that his skin tone hides his blush.
And, technically the sun was involved so he wasn’t even completely lying.
When he was heading home from Suki’s, Sokka usually took the shortcut through the alley so he could make it in time for dinner. But, the alley was closed for some reason when he’d gotten there which meant he had to go the long way around. 
The detour took him down Bosco Street, which was made up of cafes and clothing stores, with the trees painting a dappled shadow across the pavement. It was soothing, the rippling sunlight and the rumble of wheels against the cement, occasional shoppers offering a polite smile as he rode past.
He and the Gaang used to walk down there most weekends, shopping and getting lunch from whichever cafe caught their attention that day, until they all got busy with their last few years of high school. 
They’d caused a lot of chaos when they were younger and less aware of what was around them, but Sokka could confidently say that that afternoon was the first time he’d eaten shit in the middle of the pavement. 
He looked up just as he reached the Jasmine Dragon, a tea shop that had opened a few months ago with beautiful windows that took up most of the store front and looked out onto the street. 
Light from the lowering sun streamed directly through those windows, landing on probably the most beautiful person he’d seen since Yue.
It was one of the servers, his short hair barely held out of his face in an uneven pony tail, strands falling over his forehead and glowing white in the afternoon sun. From what Sokka could see of it as he rolled past, it was a very nice face with a square jaw and a rounded nose.
He was bent slightly at the waist, carefully pouring steaming tea into a cup as an older woman smile and spoke, hand waving around dramatically. The boys’ pale skin was flushed from the steam, black hair falling into his eyes as he straightened and slender fingers moving to tuck it behind his ear before he looked up and met Sokka’s eyes.
Sokka, who was too busy staring at the pretty tea server to watch where he was skating.
He felt the wheel jam into something he hadn’t seen in his distracted state, the board disappearing from under his feet as he lurched forward. In an effort not to break his face, he tried to roll so he’d land on his shoulder and half succeeded, a sharp burst of pain sinking into his skin where he scraped his jaw. 
He lay there for a moment, wallowing in his own brief misery, before pushing himself up to assess the damage. He’d skinned one of his knees through his jeans (his Gran Gran was going to kill him) along with both palms and apparently his face if the stinging was anything to go by. His skateboard was still rolling away from him, the wheels clattering cheerfully over the pavement.
And he’d done it all in front of a cute boy.
He groaned, silently asking the spirits to make him an earthbender so he could get the earth to swallow him whole.
whats supposed to happen after this
Zuko sees Sokka just fuckin stack it outside of his uncles tea shop and he’s like D:
So he goes outside to see if he’s okay and he’s like “wow you’re pretty shit at skating dude” and Sokka’s like “D:< it’s your fault!!” while he grabs his skateboard
and then Zuko takes him to the back room and, like, gives him some sub-par first aid while calling him an idiot (insert that tiktok audio that’s like “im sorry i called you a fucking idiot, i was trying to flirt”)
and Sokka’s like “wow you’re pretty shit at giving first aid”
and then they both kinda stare at eachother before laughing and then they’re all soft eyed and moony over each other
and then Katara texts like “yo where are you?” and Sokka’s like “): i have to go”
somehow he gets Zuko’s number before grabbing his skateboard and zooming home
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