#like just random social events in seattle
the-darkgod · 1 year
like, man i dont think im that bad at holding conversations or meeting people i just... dont know where people go out and do things and without Going Out And Doing Things i dont know how to meet people and like, dating apps seem to absolutely not be working for me in any sense and then its just like. man what am i going to do?? asdufhadjfaf
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theskyeandsea · 4 years
Zoinks! || Remmy & Skylar
Timing: October 31st
Location: White Crest Elementary
Tagging: @whatsin-yourhead @theskyeandsea
Description: Remmy helps Skylar chaperone a school Halloween event-- unfortunately, they both got a bit more into character than they expected.
Letting out a small sigh, Skylar awkwardly shifted the small cape that was draped around her shoulders. She’d been in a bit of a bind when the assistant principal had asked if she’d be able to interpret for the Halloween dance-- not because she didn’t want to be at work, but because she hadn’t the slightest idea what she was going to dress up as for the occasion. She’d hurried to the Halloween pop up shop and grabbed the first cheap costume she’d found. The plastic fangs weren’t as hard to wear as she’d thought they might be and the cape was a little silly, but it was as much effort as she could manage. Luckily for her, the school was short staffed due to a bout of flu running rampant throughout the staff, so when the assistant principal had begged her to recruit anyone who might be able to handle the kids, she’d extended the invitation to Remmy. She couldn’t remember how long it had been since she’d seen them… After the incident with Ben, with her mother, she’d thrown herself into the haze of work. But, maybe this was how she could get… back to feeling good.
“I never went to any of these dances when I was in high school. And being here,” She gestured to the awkward teenagers in the gym, “I don’t know if I missed out on it.” Skylar said with a weak smile. Glancing at their costume and at the turquoise collar around Moose’s neck, she smiled. “Shaggy and Scooby?”
Remmy didn’t ever really remember dressing up well for Halloween, but it was definitely one of their favorite holidays. Actually, it was definitely their favorite holiday. They loved everything about it, really. The decorations, the stories, the dressing up. The socializing. The smell of fall leaves. What was there not to love? And it was the one day they could get away from their home without having to find an excuse to. They hadn’t really thought much about it at all this year, though, so when Skylar had asked them to chaperone a dance with her, they had run to the new costume store in town real quick and found the best, cheap costume they could find. Lucky for them, the one they did find, was a perfect combo for them and Moose. They’d thought about just slapping the moose antlers headband Blanche had gotten them ages ago on him, but he deserved a better costume than that. So, Scooby-Doo it was. The green shirt and brown pants combo Remmy rocked was nice, too, though the fake beard was really what brought it together.
“I think I only went to prom once,” they replied to Skylar’s comment, “and it wasn’t very fun. Besides, my school didn’t let same-sex couples in, anyway.” They ladled out some punch to a random child before looking over at Skylar. “Yeah! I mean, I figured it’d be cool if our costumes matched. Um…” they glanced at Skylar’s cape, “vampire, yeah? Well...let’s hope there’s none here. Though I don’t think the costume is offensive. I’ve seen a few vamps down on Amity wearing more cliche stuff.”
Humming at Remmy’s words, Skylar shifted so she wasn’t standing directly in the way of the punch bowl. She didn’t really want any of the dark fruit punch to spill on her shirt, mostly because it would be a hassle to clean later. She couldn’t entirely tell what color it was, but she had a feeling it was meant to be the color of blood? “That’s really unfortunate.My school was at least a bit more open about the dating thing.” She said with a nod. Her life back in Seattle had been a lot of things, but homophobia was never something she’d ever dealt with. “Ah… I was a little worried about that, but it was the first costume I saw. I mostly didn’t want to pick a costume that might offend anyone I know.” Which had meant zombie, witch, and werewolf were right out. Not that she wanted to dress up as any of them, although a witch probably would have been really easy. No, it was easier to go dressed up as a vampire. “Are you… um… I’m sure this wasn’t quite the Halloween you had planned, but thank you. I really appreciate you helping me.”
“I didn’t exactly live in a good state for that kinda stuff,” Remmy said with a shrug, before moving the subject along, “I think your costume is great. Definitely no worries there.” They gave another grin, moving over to grab an empty cup and toss it in the recycle bin. “Oh, well, I actually didn’t have any plans--” at least, no Halloween plans, “--so it’s fine, really. I love helping out, anyway. Sometimes I think about being a social worker, but I uh, I don’t think I have enough um...experience? To do that.” They looked back over at Skylar and grinned. Moose sat by their feet watching over the crowd dutifully. Something felt as if it shimmered through the gym and an eerie wave of silence fell before everything returned to normal. Remmy glanced around, then back to Skylar. “That was like...totally weird, right?” 
Smiling at Remmy, Skylar nodded. “Thanks. Well, I’m still glad you came, even if it was just something to do. I don’t really know how I would have managed without your help.” She said. As they talked about wanting to help people, Skylar watched them speak with interest. A social worker. She could see them doing something like that, honestly. Since she’d met them, Remmy had only ever wanted to help her, to help other people. Doing something like that would probably really good for them. “Mm, I don’t know about that. You’ve done plenty to help people, just since being here. I’m sure that counts for something.” Before she could say much more, a shudder ran through the crowd, all of the sounds going mute for a moment before… Huh. “Yeah, that was strange. “ Blinking, Skylar tilted her head, the sound of her own words suddenly far too loud in her head. She ran her hand up to touch her hearing aids before discretely running her thumb along the dial, turning them down. The world around her, it should have sounded dull, muted, too far away. But… it was all clear. “Did you-- I… Did something just happen to you too? With, with your hearing?” She asked.
Glancing around, Remmy blinked, reaching up to check their own aid. They turned it down, then back up. “Uh, like, no, dude,” they said, their voice a bit scratchier than normal, a strange waver to it. “Though I do feel like, so totally strange.” They glanced down at Moose, who was looking up at them with wide eyes, tongue lolling. “What about you, Scoob? You feelin’ weird or freeeeaky?” they asked, mostly teasing. But then a small scream from out in the crowd made them jump a little, and they turned back to Skylar before squinting into the gymnasium, finding that, suddenly, their eyes could see much better than normal. And that, well, their heart was pumping loudly in their chest. “What the…” they glanced down, then back over to Moose, who tilted his head and said, “Ruh-roh!” 
Unhooking her hearing aids from her ears, Skylar stared at the devices for a moment before tucking them into the pocket of her jacket. She glanced over at Remmy, not entirely sure what to make of everything. They felt strange? But if it wasn’t their hearing, what could it be? Frowning, Skylar bit the inside of her cheek and was startled when she realized that the plastic fangs… felt very not like plastic in her mouth. They felt hard and sharp and real. Her own teeth, the ones she usually kept hidden beneath her veneers, they were sharp too, but these felt like razors in her mouth. They felt like... fangs. Just as she was about to panic, to show her teeth to Remmy and ask what was going on, the two of them watched Moose speak. “Oh.” Skylar said, voice faint as she stared from Moose to Remmy, who were looking less and less like themselves and more like their Scooby Doo counterparts. “Oh no.” She swallowed, though the motion was pointless. Pressing a finger to her neck, Skylar searched for a pulse and did her best to remain calm. “Remmy, Remmy…. I don’t, this isn’t good.” She couldn’t find a pulse. 
“Like...he just talked, yeah?” Remmy said, glancing at Skylar when she glanced at them, then they both looked back down as Scooby-Moose. He just tilted his head again and smiled, somehow. Not just a normal dog looking like they’re smiling, like his dog lips actually upturned and formed a smile. “That’s so totally like not natural, right?” But then Skylar was putting a hand to her neck and looking at Remmy with wide eyes and they scratched their chin, only to find...real beard hairs on their chin. “Zoinks!” they stuttered, putting both hands on their face and rubbing the hairs. “What-- what’s, like, happening, man?” A kid in the crowd suddenly started wailing, except the wail turned into a howl. Another started climbing up some bleachers, suddenly declaring themself the hero of White Crest and that they were going to fly. “Uh, Skye? I think we defs have a like, super White Crest mystery on our hands!” they pointed towards the kid in the superhero get-up. “We gotta, like, stop ‘em, right?” 
“He did. He definitely did.” Skylar said, staring at Moose, who smiled. Mmm, oh god. Smiling dogs seemed a lot more friendly in cartoons and comic books. In real life, it felt like she’d crash landed in the middle of the Uncanny Valley. Tearing her eyes away from him, Skylar looked at the way that Remmy was rubbing their face, their words changing. “Oh no. No, no, no.” She muttered to herself. All around her, she could hear that there were children yelling, some howling, some laughing. There was just so much going on. Doing her best to keep herself calm, she looked over to where Remmy pointed. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I think… I think the costumes were cursed.” She said, shaking her head. “I… You’re right. We need to help them. They’re just kids, they don’t know what’s going on.” She said and gritted her teeth, ignoring the way her new fangs pricked her gums. “I don’t know if he can actually fly, but I don’t think we should wait to find out.” With that, Skylar hurried up the bleachers and was startled by her own speed, her legs moving faster than they ever had before. Oh no…
“Yeah, dude!” Remmy said in a high-pitched waver that was nothing like their normal voice. “We, like, gotta!” But they didn’t move, even when Skylar took off. Golly, she’d gotten fast. Had she always been that fast? Remmy waved at her. “I’ll, like, stay here and make sure nothing bad happens! Ya know, like, right here next to the punch bowl.” But then Moose was pushing against their back, shoving them forward. “C’mon, Raggy, we rotta help!” Swallowing, Remmy looked down at him. “Oh, that’s like so totally not cool.” Growing supernatural facial hair was one thing, but a talking dog, well...that was certainly another. Remmy slipped away from him and dove under the table. “Just, uh-- go without me!” they said, waving a hand, “I’ll, uh-- like, make sure it’s safe under here!”
Even as she ran across the gym, Skylar could hear that tell-tale quaver in Remmy’s voice, just like the cartoon character. They really were turning into Shaggy. Which meant that she was… a vampire. As she made her way through the crowd, she passed by some of the students who had found themselves in similar situations-- a boy who was tugging at the Spock ears that he’d worn, a girl who’d suddenly found her fairy wings a bit more real than she’d expected. Skylar wished she could help them, but she really didn’t have any better idea of what was going on than they did. All she could do was take the bleacher steps two at a time as she ran to try and head off the Superman caped child who had one leg flung flung over the back railing. “Please, stop! Don’t do that!” She yelled as she ran. Before she could stop him, he jumped off the side of the bleachers. Lunging over the side, she grabbed him by the cape and pulled him back onto the safety of the bleachers. “You can’t do that, you really can’t.” She said, shaking her head. “Remmy, can you…” Looking around, she blinked. “Remmy?” She asked and was surprised to see they hadn’t come running along with her.
Remmy’s body, awkwardly stuffed under the table, didn’t quite make for the scene they supposed a school would want of a chaperone. Moose came around and grabbed their pant leg, tugging them out. “Ret’s go, Raggy!” he said again and Remmy, shaking in their spot, shook their head. “N-n-nope! This so totally is NOT happening!” they said, scrambling back under the table. A kid in a bat costume ran by screaming and Remmy yelped, banging their head on the table, crawling under faster. Moose frowned and grabbed their ankle again, sliding them back out. “We gotta relp!” he said and Remmy glanced over his shoulder to where Skylar was clinging onto a kid with one hand, dangling him over the sides of the bleachers. “I-I-I dunno! Looks like Skye’s got this one, uh-- in the bag!” But against their will, Moose was shoving them along the gym floor over to the bleachers. Her crossed his arms, unhappy. Remmy felt like their skin was vibrating, heart pounding. “Relp!” Moose demanded, pointing at Skylar and the kid. “Okay! Okay! I-I’ll help, sheesh, I-I’ll help!” they said, climbing the bleachers one by one until they reached Skylar. “Wow! Lookit you! All strong and independent and totally not needing of my help, right?”
As the student stared up at her, Skylar rubbed her hand against the material of her jeans, keenly aware of how she’d just hauled the child over the side of the bleachers. She shouldn’t have been able to do that. But, the fact that she wasn’t breathing hard, the fact that her heart wasn’t pounding out of her skin, it all pointed to a single, horrible fact. For better or for worse, she was a vampire right now. “You need to go home. Call your parents, have them pick you up, let them know the school dance is done and-- please.” She said before nudging the boy as gently as she could down the stairs. With that, the boy took the steps two at a time down and raced past Remmy and Moose, who was shoving them up the stairs with a pair of very… hand-like paws. “Remmy,” She said, staring at Moose. “Moose is-- he’s actually Scooby Doo. And you’re…” Her eyes drifted to their neck and her eyes focused in on the soft, pulsing skin. “You’re alive.”
“Alive is a uhh--” Remmy started, climbing back down the bleachers now that Skylar was joining them. “A stretch of word but YIKES yeah,” they said, giving a nervous chuckle, “he sure is.” Moose tilted his head, then shrugged. “This is so totally freaking me out, Skye.” And it was so totally freaking out everyone in the gym as well. “Maybe we should, like, ditch this place and go like...figure out what’s going on, yeah?” Kids were already beginning to filter out of the gym and run to their cars or their parents’ cars, shrieking all the while. Crying. Remmy turned to look back at Skylar and noticed her eyes glue to the side of their neck. “Uhhh, Skye? Are, you, like, okay? You’ve got that uh...weird look on your face.”
Listening to their words, Skylar barely even cared that she could hear them over the screaming and the crying, the shouting of children overlapping. She was focused on the way the blood pulsed through their veins, she could see it. And she… she wasn’t hungry. It wasn’t a hunger that she was used to, but a thirst. She wanted-- “Figure out what’s going on?” She echoed, looking around at the gym for a moment. They were right. There was so much going on, so much chaos. The kids, she should be there, to make sure they were okay. But, the ache in the back of her throat drew her back to look at Remmy. “I’m-- I--” She swallowed thickly before her hands rose of their own accord, reaching out to grasp their shoulders, her fingers tight against their skin.
Remmy was glancing around at the chaos when a strong grip tightened on their shoulders. They looked back at Skylar, concerned at first, when they noticed the look on her face. And how she wasn’t even looking at them. She was still staring at their neck. “Uh, Skye?” they asked, but she didn’t respond. “Skye, l-l-let go!” they pushed against her. “Skye, let go!” They shoved, hard, and felt her hands come undone from their shoulders. Remmy stumbled back and Moosy-Doo put himself between them, growling. “Wh-what’s wrong with you!? Skylar, y-you’re really freaking me out, man!” they declared, backing up quickly. Ready to run if she tried something again, bumping into a kid that was crawling around like the cat costume they were stuck in.
It was so tempting, they were so close, and Skylar could feel the fangs in her mouth press against her lips. Just as she was about to lean in, she felt them resist, felt them squirm in her hands before shoving her backwards. Skylar let out a startled noise of surprise, pushed back against the railing of the bleachers. Hearing the way their voice broke, it jolted her out of her trance and she brought her hands to cover her mouth, horror struck. She’d just-- she’d tried to-- No. No, no, no. “I-- No, I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry.” She said, shaking her head. “I… I can’t be here, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Remmy.” She said before pushing past them, her cold hands pressed against her mouth. She didn’t trust herself to run by all these people, not when she’d just tried to go after Remmy of all people. 
“W-wait, Skye, I--” Remmy started, but it was too late, she was shoving past them and rushing out and Remmy wanted to follow, they did, really-- but they couldn’t. Their feet stuck to the floor. Skylar was gone before Moose decided to start pulling on them again. “We rotta ro, Raggy!” Remmy swallowed, looked down at him, then around the gym. If they left now, they could avoid having to deal with clean up and all the trouble that came before it. “Y-yeah, let’s do that,” they said, grabbing him, and bolting. Skylar wasn’t anywhere outside and they paused, huffing. They hadn’t lost their breath in so long, and somehow, that wasn’t the scariest part of tonight. They tugged on Moose, then and pointed towards the street. “Let’s get home, yeah, Scoob?” they squeaked, “before anything else bad happens.” And maybe they’d magically be themself again in the morning. One could hope, right?
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flsedirection · 4 years
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                                                                                                  IN THE CLOUD - 
uploading data … ⟳  
    jack of all trades master of none - max caulfield. never moved to seattle, max got to stay and grow up with her friends her parents got divorced and she doesnt see her dad much anymore it must have been a weird domino effect of not moving on. growing up in the cloud max attended CONSTANCE BILLIARD SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in high school max was the girl that befriended her teachers at parties people thought it was a spectacle when she ate an edible and got too honest about people as jokes. the quirky art student that you saw taking pictures at pep rallies and sporting events - living life through the lens of her camera the art in her journal you wouldnt catch her speaking up often in groups of people when she was young. she had flings for girls and guys but shyed away from that most of the time except at parties and occasional dates... sleepovers. she always a step back from life willingly sidelining herself if people didnt drag her into things, she was almost a bit of a welcome mat. gullible and a bit naive with an indecisive nature it was easy for her to just let people take advantage of her because there was the part of her that was nosy and just wanted to get closer. 
now that shes older and attending BLACKWELL UNIVERSITY max has an ache for adventure she loves to go out at night and cause trouble, or for a walk in the woods by herself shes even dabbled in grafitti and bne. you would not call her a trouble maker by any means but there is that underlying want there to document she doesnt let people walk over her the same way they did in the past. shes still not sure in her art in her photography the girl is wishy washy about everything but shes learning to be stronger. shes still corny shes makes jokes like the moths in my head dont let me think, shes pretentious about her polaroid camera and black coffee and better than you indie music, she still the curious girl who swallowed her teddy bears eye just to see if she could. shes better at finding her voice shes trying to live a real life instead of just copying all the personality traits of those around her to fit social norms and breaking down in bathrooms over small things that overwhelm her. you can still find her in the back of classes with her headphones in, inner monologuing, but you can also find her painting in the woods or trying to start a fail tshirt business with her art on it because shes still self conscious, taking pictures of your friends wedding or your five year old sisters birthday party in her free time. 
       THE MEMORIES... ⟳  
she has vivid day dreams of nose bleeds and death following her, the guilt she feels she still feels it all the danger she felt like she was in. it affects her because it seems so damn real it feels like something that happened to her, a girl she loves and cares about dying because of her - everyone she knows and loves dying because of her. the guilt eats away at her... but its not real right? shes not that indecisive right? this isnt her fault, she just cant shake it. it follows her and its so heavy that some days she doesnt even get out of bed. 
       THE CONNECTS... ⟳  
ex gfs - max is mostly into girls though in hs this was probaly more aha i really really like you but i dont know how to actually be your gf so this is the closest thing we will ever get. they probably went out on dates and max did corny things like set up a movie projector in the backyard for them. 
crushes - max while more outspoken now probably wasnt that much in the past so this could be one sided or max never realized the crush and your muse was like?? are you dense in the head or current crushes
fwb/set up dates - max probably is very new to fwb she likes men and women physically and is trying to live life now rather than just being a teachers pet and behind a camera. so hookups would be very random whatever works. 
did u need a photographer - literally any reason literally any just throw it out there she needs money for her black coffee and fucking vinyl records annoying ass. 
roommate - definitely 1 or 2 roommates would be cool she is a messy housemate cups on the bedside table polaroids lefts on the random surfaces shes organized chaos. 
goes out together - for dinner instead of doing homework goes to parties together maybe they broke into a building or like took pictures on the traintracks in the middle of the night. roadtripped or anything. 
like siblings - max has never had a sibling she was raised on only child ( god that explains why she is the way she is ) so i would love someone who is like a sibling to her. 
tried to start something - max has tried to be in a band tried to start a buisness where she like did ink prints of teeth and put them on shirts and tried to sell them. knitting club. book club. roller skating. she tries so many things and gives them up. 
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