#like literally if ymir or Mikasa didn’t love their genocidal kings so much could have been avoided
disneydatass · 11 months
Attack on Titan finale episode conclusion: women be loving toxic ass men
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eremiie · 3 years
i saw this post here and just wanted to dissect everything lmao
aot 139 spoilers 
“Eren admits that he literally killed 80% of the world’s population, he then says he only did it so it would look like eldians stopped a threat”
eren admit to killing 80% of the population bc he did... he’s admitting to what he did, and he says that he wanted to paint them to be the heroes— but not only did he do that, he ended the curse of ymir and gained freedom for his people. it wasn’t just to paint them as heroes
“He also did it so the rest of the world couldnt murder them”
he didn’t “also” do it for that reason, it was an effect, the rumbling ended up killing so many people that they can’t wage war on the eldians like eren says, it keeps them a little safe which they needed especially since some of humanity knows that paradis is what started the rumbling. it’s a cause and effect type thing. because eren killed 80% of the population that remaining population won’t be able to retaliate and try to kill the eldians since there are so little of them
the tybur family is treated like some of martyr and apparently pulling the strings which led to the deaths of millions of innocent eldians was actually a GOOD thing
this scene was interpreted wrong, armin says “...so you want us to be like the tyburs after the great titan war? we’re supposed to protect paradis from reprisal from humanity outside the walls?” he’s asking eren if that’s what they’re gonna do, he never says it’s a good thing. then that’s when eren explains that either way so much of humanity is destroyed that they wouldn’t be able to retaliate if they wanted to
Armin THANKS him for it
armin thanks eren for doing what he did to free them. not thanking eren for for mass murder period. it’s because of eren that the curse is lifted and that they are free and that’s what armin’s thanking eren for. mass murder is inexcusable, and eren knows that. that’s why after he panics and goes “but i dont want to die!” he comes to a realization that all the people he killed didn’t want to either, that the only way to atone for his sins is by dying himself. even if he didn’t die he would’ve probably been executed, or imprisoned for the rest of the life. just like in mikasa’s ova, “eren’s death is inevitable, no matter what reality you go to eren will always die because he carries death within himself.” 
in another translation of the chapter armin thanks eren for being the bad guy so that they could win. he knows what eren did was bad. he’s not excusing it, he just understands why eren had to do it and that eren had no choice if he wanted them to be free. 
from the get go freedom was one of the themes of eren’s character. if eren lived the whole entire world would be ruins and eren would’ve been even sadder than now, there would be nobody and it would’ve been worse than it is now. eren killing everyone was definitely not the ending to go. the ending we have could’ve been executed differently, sure, but in my eyes since i get the gist i think isa did an amazing job portraying what he had in mind. 
“Armin is more upset with Eren saying he doesnt know how he feels about Mikasa moving on than mass genocide”
once again, armin isn’t all that upset with eren because he understands that eren had a path laid out for him that he had no choice to follow. the point of eren committing mass genocide keeps getting brought up as if it’s not know that mass genocide is a terrible thing. it is and that’s why everyone was so angry about it from the get go, that’s why that one plan of blackmailing humanity with the rumbling and not actually go through with it was brought up once— because they knew how cruel it is. armin knew how cruel it is as i believe it was him who brought that up
he’s upset with eren about mikasa’s feelings in like a banter kind of way. it’s like “this whole entire time this is how you felt but you couldn’t tell her that and let her suffer???? don’t forget what you said to her, she went through hell!” kind of thing. they had already talked about the whole mass genocide thing, mikasa was the next topic of discussion
“Eren then finally shows some fucking emotion and cries abt how he doesn’t want mikasa to be with anyone but him”
in another post i say, "okay so first i think the issue is that a lot of people fail to realize that the way eren acted all throughout season 4 isn’t eren really, that is him putting his emotions at bay so that he can complete something that he laid out for himself for his friends.eren from season 1-3 still exists, and that’s lowkey the eren that was talking the whole time in chapter 139— you can see the how he cares for his friends, you can see the desperation again, the compassion, everything in between.” 
eren is still that s1-3 eren, season 4 eren just had to put his emotions aside so he could walk on the path that ymir put in front of him. 
him crying over mikasa was one of his selfish desires coming to light, and it was realistic. it’s finally dawning on him that he’s gonna die, he’s finally getting to sit down and ponder about mikasa, he’s getting desperate, he’s panicking, and that compassion that he’s always had for his friends is showing through again. this gives realism to his character— it makes his character all the more human. one second he’s complaining about how he doesn’t want to die and wants to be with his friends bc its crashing on him, and the very next second he’s trying to be at peace with himself, realising that the only way to atone for what he caused is by dying. one second he’s complaining about how he wants miksa to be with anyone but him, the next second he’s coming to terms with himself and that mikasa needs to move on, because he loves her and wants her to live a long and happy life even if it means without him. the selfishness that showed for that mere second makes his character realistic. it shows that he’s still whiny, that little whiny angry boy from s1-3. he was never heartless and he was never cold. he was and is still eren jaeger, and you get a glimpse of the eren we know in that scene.
The founder ymir was apparently in love with the king???? another women stupidly devoted to a man, great.
i’m not too in depth with ymirs story so im not gonna speak too much about this because i myself do wish that whole love thingy went more into depth. i get how mikasa and ymir parallel each other, but other than that i’m not too sure myself, and i’ll admit that. it could be a case of stockholm syndrome, it could be that bc ymir was infatuated with living and she was confined to such a familial role she wanted to live in that role again with the king bc he’s the only person who gave her that familial lifestyle. i’m not sure. but if anything mikasa was im pretty sure the only character “devoted” to a man in aot. and it was because of the role eren played in her life, she’s not a bad written character, she has her developement. which i explain here
apparently mikasa’s unhealthy devotion to eren is what took her out of it????? in fact the series overly romanticizes mikasa’s love for eren despite the two having no chemistry and eren being an ass to her
in a sense, but that’s a simple minded way of saying it. ymir’s devotion to king fritz was unhealthy, eren describes it as “agony of love” because it was pretty unhealthy obvi. like i said ymir and mikasa parallel each other, and seeing mikasa be able to let go and kill the one she loves was that realization for ymir that she was able to do the same thing— that’s how i interpret that scene personally.
and in mikasa doing so, killing eren lifts that curse of ymir and frees ymir regardless, so ymir was happy about that as well. thanks to mikasa for cutting eren’s head off. 
the series doesn’t necessarily over romanticize mikasa’s love for eren in my opinion. how i see it is that since eren is a big part of mikasa’s character he was necessary for her development as well, and her development was to let eren go because of how infatuated she was with him. this being said the series points out how unhealthy the way she loved him was especially in s1-3, and her love becomes more healthy when she gets her development in chap 139, finally being able to let eren go and move on. compare that to in the s1 when eren almost dies and she’s ready to die as well. thats development if you ask me. 
one of the themes of the show is sacrifice, and almost every character has made one, mikasa sacrifices eren— she kills him and she chooses to go through with that decision despite how much she loves him. 
eren was definitely mean to mikasa in s1-3 because she was overbearing, and thats one reason why i say the way she loved him was unhealthy at first. eren wasn’t able to reciprocate her love in the way that she loved him because it wasn’t healthy. eren also wasn’t able to reciprocate it because the last thing he was focused on was the concept of love. once again he had a path laid out for him that he had no choice but to follow, and mikasa didn’t have any play in this path until the very end, so the boy who keeps moving forward does just that and doesn’t pay her much mind, doesn’t get to sit down and think about his feelings for her, what she is to him.
(and i dont think i even need to explain the “mikasa i’ve always hated you seen, the chapter covers that enough)
they do have chemistry time to time, the eren v dina fritz scene, the scarf scene, “what am i to you”, little stuff like that goes into play and gives them these little sparks of chemistry. they couldn’t always grasp onto the full scope of the relationship they had and it was only some times they were able to do that with everything going on.
apparently the titans are just gone now….??? i cant even tell if its because Eren died or because Mikasa really made Ymir calm down
... eren controlling rumbling, eren dies rumbling stops, ymir finally lifts curse bc 1) eren died 2) shes able to come to realization that like mikasa lets eren go, she needs to let fritz go and the curse go. ymir lifts curse, eren’s goal is complete, if titan curse is lifted there are no more titans
Characters who murdered thousands and were the cause for AOT’s entire plot in the first place are now treated as heroes to the eldians… despite the shit that they did.
everyone in aot did some “shit” they all are murders, eren commited mass genocide, reiner commited mass murder, annie murdered so many people, reiner, armin destroyed thousands of people in one go, they all have killed somebody. they are seen as “heros” because they stopped the rumbling that was going to kill everyone else...... idk about you but if you just saved me from a horrid death, my racist opinion on you doesn’t really matter because you just saved my fucking life lmao, yes despite the shit that you did— because they have killed people too, and they were ready to kill the eldians still until armin told them that they killed eren, that they saved their lives and eliminated titans for good.... like whew???
the series went from “The military is cool” to “the military did a lot of fucked up shit” to “the military is SUPER cool”, and buffed it up
i’m not really sure where you got that tbh,, like the military wasn’t really a big thing up until the whole marleyan thing??? and they didn’t have much plot in the story besides it existing so like i’m not sure what to say ab this, i can’t really remember many times the military was even mentioned until now, but if anyone wants to elaborate on this for me that’d be nice
oh and they buffed up the military because since paradis had eren jaeger who started the rumbling, just in case, they had to be ready to fight again if the rest of humanity wanted to do something. after marley they updated all their technology, why can’t they update the military as well? it’s realistic, new weapons, new military, and all that
The military was buffed up bc the eldians are scared of the rest of the world retaliating, so Eren didn’t really fix shit except giving the Eldians an upper hand in the war
eren jaeger was the one who always screamed “i will kill all titans, we will get freedom” ya de ya de ya.... didn’t he do both of those things????? i thought those were some of his main goals as a character, he fixed those issues, the issues that have been issues since the start of the show
the rest of humanity don’t know the full scope like the eldians or marleyans, they’re probably just as scared and like in real life not all nations are at peace with one another. this is just another realistic factor— attack on titan is becoming a world closest to the real one we live in, there are militaries, there are still conflicts, there is still all these little aspects that bring the manga even more to life.
in my opinion it’d lowkey be weird if the rest of the world was just like “oh yeah those mfs that started the rumbling we love them haha” no... it killed 80% of the population like eren said... that’s not something to love.
Historia has a really disturbing speech about how the fight isnt going to end until either the Eldians or the rest of the world are exterminated, despite Gabi has an entire arc about her being deradicalized and learning to see the other side of things.
and yes i am not kidding, the heroic conclusion is that there’s still going to be a war, eldians are going to commit mass genocide (which was proposed by eren) and people straight up thank eren for the evil shit he did.
“this fight will not end until either eldia or the world dissapears. this is what eren said and he may be right.” she doesn’t say that it’s for sure gonna be a fight until one or the other is wiped out, she says there’s a possibility of this being the case because of the fact that these nations aren’t at complete peace yet. 
not everyone is gonna be able to see the other side of things, and this applies to the whole word— us as humans will never be able to agree on one thing, and that’s what this shows. no matter what the cycle of hatred will always continue, and this applies to real life and this manga. we are human beings and that’s what makes what historia says even more real. “this is the world we live in, a world without titans.” titans are no longer their conflict. now it’s only like the real word— humans against humans, and as far as humanity existed it’s always been humans against humans. historia’s speech shows that.
the heroic conclusion is that as a human race nothing will always be agreed upon, eldians are going to fight if they need to like our military fights when they need to. people are thanking eren for freeing them and ending the curse of titans that they suffered with for 2000 years. nobody’s thanking him for his actions of mass genocide, they are thanking him for the motive behind his actions, and thats what makes him so heroic.
that he endured and did something so terrible so that anybody who lives after him can be free, and humanity can continue existing as humanity should’ve existed from the beginning.
and that concludes this for me, thanks for reading<3.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Well, since this is very relevant.
Could we have a post about how Mikasa and Ymir foil each other?
This discourse has been pretty common recently that attack on titan's last chapter conveys the message that be selfish and you will be happy. Mostly, they mean that the most selfless person mikasa ended up losing her most precious one and has been alone for 3 years while historia one of the most selfish people saved herself and allowed eren to murder so many people. She didn't inform any of her friends who could have stopped eren. For her silence about genocide she is rewarded with happiness, a family and some real power on the island. I can't help but agree that while eren was killed for his selfishness, historia was rewarded for her selfishness.
Hello anons,
About Mikasa and Ymir, I like @midnight-in-town’s take here.
In general, I would say Historia, Mikasa and Ymir all touch on the idea of selfishness and selflessness.
What is more, Ymir herself is not really a fleshed out character, but more of a thematic/plot device that works well for the theme, but lacks any real psychology or depth.
In short, Ymir is compared to Historia many times throughout the story, but in the end she finds her salvation in Mikasa.
Why is that so?
It has to do with the theme of selflessness and selfishness and how it plays with the idea of “self”.
Ymir is thought by others to be selfless. This is how Historia’s book describes her and Historia is even told to be like her. Her background seems to confirm this since we are shown she is a slave and a scapegoat. Morevoer, she stays as a slave throughout all her life and is one even in death.
However, as the story goes on some cracks start to be shown in this narrative. In the end, Ymir was the one who fred the pigs and in the last chapter we discover she was actually in love with King Fritz. This explains why she sacrificed her life to save him and how she tried to escape him through dying. At the same time, it means that Ymir was actually pretty selfish.
In the end, if Ymir were less focused on her personal feelings for one individual, then a lot of tragedies could have been avoided.
In other words, Ymir is presented as selfless, but she is deep down incredibly selfish. She is the same as Christa Lenz, who acts selflessly, but for selfish reasons. Christa’s persona actually contrasts Historia, who is selfish, but can act selflessly in a more genuine way.
Why is that so?
It is because selfishness is born from a very frail sense of self. This is why in snk selfish characters are actually all revealed to be “children” inside. This is the case for Eren, for example, and this might also be why symbolically Ymir is still a child in the paths. They are all characters who are struggling with their selves. They are characters who can’t stand on their own two feet. This is why Historia’s self-affirmation in the Uprising Arc leads her to become a good queen and to help others more effectively than her superficial and self-centered attempts as Christa Lenz.
It is because only if you have a solid enough self you can act selflessly, even if it is harsh. This is why Mikasa killing Eren, which is a big sacrifice is not conveyed as a negation of the self, but as an affirmation of it.
This is also why Historia’s big selfish act in the finale arc (to protect herself and to sacrifice the world) is actually a negation of the self. I am quoting from the meta linked above:
The point of Historia’s arc was not to become a selfish girl, who would sacrifice others for her sake. The point of her arc was to live not for others, but for herself. She had to become proud of who she was. This is why since the cave she has been trying to live pridefully. However, here Eren is using the words, which were symbolic of her change, to ask her to fulfill another role for him. Eren wants Historia to be a “bad girl”, but this is not qualitatively different from being a “good girl”. It is just a different adjective and a different role, but it is still a role. It is still not what Historia wants. Historia does not want a genocide, but she seems to be giving in to the fear for her future and to the feelings Eren’s words provoke in her.
Historia giving in to Eren’s request is actually her negating herself. It is her going against her promise to Ymir. She had promised to Ymir she would have lived with pride. However, here she is giving up on pride and accepting another role (the role of bad girl) becauseEren is asking her. This is why she is totally unable to affect things in the finale arc and this is why she is instead shown miserable throughout it.
Historia and Eren’s conversation can be compared with Mikasa and Eren’s one in chapter 138 instead. Let’s highlight that Mikasa does not kill Eren because he asks her too. Moreover, she actually refuses Eren’s request to forget about him. Mikasa’s answer to Eren is literally a “No”. In contrast, Historia’s answer to Eren is a heartbroken “Yes”.
So, Mikasa frees Ymir because she shows Ymir she can love, but also be her own person. And once Ymir is shown this she is able to finally affirm herself (ending the curse) through acting selflessly (freeing everyone).
Imo Mikasa and Historia’s ending in chapter 139 are seen out of context. Mikasa’s ending is not a bad one and Historia’s not a happy one.
Mikasa acted selflessly in the final arc and this is why she is given time for herself after the battle. Armin covers for her, so she can grieve in peace. She is outside the public life and can live peacefully as she has always wanted. She has literally no responsibilities to fulfill because she has already given enough. With time, she will overcome grief and will be able to start a new life free.
Historia acted selfishly in the final arc and this is why she has to help more in the aftermath. She must be one of the architects of the new world. She must protect her family, her friends (among whom Mikasa herself) and their loved ones. She has a lot on her shoulders. Luckily, the fact that she is not stuck in a horrible conundrum anymore means she has time to heal and to go back to who she had become in the cave. She can find herself once again and help people with her power.
In short, many takes of Historia getting everything and Mikasa getting nothing seem to me as if people are forcing their ideas of everything and nothing on the characters. Historia still being the Queen and having some kind of power does not matter because Historia has never wanted to be Queen to begin with. Similarly, Mikasa not being recognized as a hero does not matter because Mikasa does not want that anyway. She wants time to heal and to live peacefully.
Is this reading I am offering perfect? Not at all because I personally think Historia’s plot-line was not handled well.
This ask I have received explains why:
I think Eren’s character holds very well even after the final chapter but there’s one thing i’m not able to reconcile and that is his goal.
Eren tells Armin that he wanted them to stop him and become heroes. And also to end the titan curse. Armin says that that’s the future he saw at the medal ceremony so it seems like Eren’s had this plan since before the timeskip.
Basically Eren never intended to kill ALL of his enemies.
But so then, in his POV chapters (130 and 131), in his monologues and in his conversation with Historia, he talks about having to kill everyone and about the cycle of violence.
Doesn’t make sense why he would do that and to also not just tell Historia his actual plan of ending the titan curse and making the Alliance heroes.
Hope you can make sense of this because i don’t think Isayama would have such a major contradiction or a retcon after only 8 chapters.
First of all, to the anon’s actual question. Eren still kills 80% of humanity. It is still a genocide and he explains that it is still this genocide that makes an immediate retaliation impossible. In short, him killing 80% of humanity instead than all humanity does not change much in relation to the scenes you talked about.
It is still a genocide a part of Eren wants to do, as he himself explains. He still believes the cycle of violence will never end. So there is no contradiction here. Moreover, Eren saw a future he thought as unavoiable, so it is not that he had a plan. He simply acted to arrive to the ending he saw and adapted his own ideology and wishes to it. In general, I like this anon’s thoughts on him.
What I think is convoluted and also illogical is the way he approaches the topic with Historia. As you say anon, he could have told her the truth. Making her believe he is going to kill all of humanity and to manipulate her memories is needlessly cruel. Moreover, it does not make sense to be honest. This happens because Isayama could not reveal the ending too soon. However, I think the whole matter should have been handled better.
Thank you for the asks anons and I hope this helped!
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aotopmha · 3 years
Your thought's about mikasa's ending? I have seen people upset that she got the worst ending out of everyone even though she made the biggest sacrifice.
This made me think: which character do I think got the worst ending?
And I think it's 100% Historia. At least some hint of Ymir would've been nice. It's good in the sense that having a baby didn't somehow drop her position as queen, but that's about it.
Falco and Gabi get no thoughts whatsoever, but I think they at least got to reflect sufficiently beforehand and sort of end the main portions of their arcs then.
Second in row are Pieck and Annie who get to be the cynical balances to Armin. I'm particularly happy with this because they didn't leave off on a having babies note. None of the potential relationships are rushed to and pushed in your face 3 years later.
You can make some connections, but that is not the focus and that's really rare for shounen.
For example, I see Armin and Annie being championed around, but their interaction is a pretty neutral one. It doesn't confirm anything. The problem with the endings of these two (and this will become a trend) is that they are character-specific in very general ways. It's a very general ending.
A portion of the side cast is like this, namely Gabi, Falco, Annie, Pieck, Jean and Reiner. They have elements of their arcs, but the only one among them getting a sort of full-blown scene for only themselves is Reiner.
I think this is fine for Connie. Him getting his mom back is the best closure he can get after what he has gone through and it sort implies he can now get the emotional closure for becoming a soldier.
Pieck never had much of an arc to begin with, so her final moment being another "exactly right" moment is good, but it is very basic.
Annie's character arc is shown by her simply being there and taking action. The aim of it was for her to learn take action in the face of a cruel world. I see people complaining she's on the ship and not somewhere peaceful, but I think that would actually be much worse.
Equally, Jean's arc is shown by him simply being there. But there is the hint of him trying to look good for someone.
I think the biggest problem people seem to have with is Reiner and because of the Historia joke, that's all that gets attention.
But I think out of these four his is the strongest because his goal all the way back was to become a hero because his mom pushed him into it. For his mom to throw this expectation away is a very good way to end it for him.
The problem with all of these is that they aren't necessarily specific moments just focusing on their inidividual growth. But you also can't do that in 40-50 pages when there is other stuff to also cover.
The endings I strictly do think are solid are Levi's, Eren's, Armin's and Mikasa's.
I saw a post talking about how 95% of Eren's character was thrown out for the finale and I just don't think this is true.
I understand the complaining about the exaggerated outburst about Mikasa, but just go back to the Trost arc and the first chapters:
- Eren is no longer looking for revenge.
- He clearly cared about Armin and Mikasa since the start. So few people mention Grisha's words about him controlling this power to save them in the context to this final chapter. He did it. He gave them a new chance at life by the end.
- The story started with Eren swearing to eradicate the Titans and it ends with him essentially doing so. It's partially because of OG Ymir, but he is a big part of it.
- The most important part to me is that the genocide is condemned. Directly and subtextually.
- The entire point of this is that the consequences are single-minded and selfish. The story never set up Eren to be this selfless hero OR some blind monster who just wants destruction. He's motivated by what he personally cares for the most.
His ending is completely fine to me.
I think Armin's and Levi's endings are the best, with Armin's edging out Levi because Armin actually has a substantial character arc.
Armin's ending is a callback to the situation in chapter 11.
People hate Armin just because he supposedly killed Bert and "replaced" Erwin (because of the young coming after the old trope), but Levi straight-up says that he can't replace Erwin. Erwin's death is not painted as a positive thing. It's, again, a selfish decision.
But I love his arc. All he can do is the best with the circumstances he has been given and the talents he has. Him convincing the Marleyans through diplomacy is the best ending to his arc I think you can get.
He doesn't have to be coaxed into action. He acts with confidence all the way through. I think it's really good. There is so much talk about Armin worship, but I really think his journey and his principles aren't bad ones to emphasize.
Levi gets the closure for his friends at the Survey Corps. His is one of the more simpler character endings and his character is one of simpler ones. There is no need to look back at any context here. He killed Zeke and that's it.
Finally, there is the character you asked about, Mikasa. I like her ending. She is mourning Eren, but she still has the good memories of him and her friends are coming to visit her soon. I think the final sentiment is that while she lost Eren, she is not alone and will live on for them and in Eren's memory. I think as a big finale maybe everyone arriving at the tree to visit her would've been more emotionally potent and "definite", but I like it.
My biggest issue with the ending is actually how some of the characters were handled. I think all of the characters could've gotten at least a small scene all to themselves to show their growth and emotional state like Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi and to a smaller extent, Reiner did. Eren obviously got the most focus because he kind of caused a global genocide.
I very much think a lot of the issues people prescribe to this ending come from a lack of reading comprehension and selective reading. I really do feel like it. Obviously interpreting something is very subjective and maybe for some it's just a matter of conveyance or *how* things are written. I can understand where this comes from, too. But I just don't agree with a lot of the claims made I see.
Armin doesn't thank Eren for the genocide. He thanks him for willing to do it for them and says what he did was a mistake.
Eren isn't just doing all of this for Mikasa. He's also motivated by ending the Titan curse (for them to be free of it) and saving everyone else. This is meant to be selfish and single-minded.
OG Ymir "loved" King Fritz because she got approval from him for everything she did and eventually she wanted to be free from this awful relationship.
And I really do not think this is some 300 IQ reading strats, personally (I've seen people say you have to look at the tiniest details to make sense of it, but I feel like you really don't, just read everything they say and put it in context [together] with the previous 138 chapters. I can even explain how I do this if anyone is interested).
If anyone is interested, I can also explain why people might find the prose confusing and stilted.
I think the characters literally tell you what they are thinking. This is the case with stuff like Evangelion's ending, too.
I think it's the prose of those final two episodes and the series in general that also causes Eva to be labelled as confusing.
What I do think can happen is that the anime can expand on some of the stuff. Maybe add a few lines in for everyone to make their arcs clearer.
But at the same time some of those closures were in the earlier story, like the convo between Jean and Connie in 138 or Jean's daydream of a good life after everything is over or Reiner's confrontation and conversations with all of the characters during this entire arc. Everyone already has had some form of closure at least.
But some of it could be reiterated to get a smoother end to everything, I guess. I think it takes some people out of the story that some of the endings didn't feel as smooth as they could've been or didn't have as much of a neat bow attached to them as they could've had.
Thank you for the ask!
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ghostmartyr · 4 years
SnK 130 Thoughts
My opening joke is going to be a brief description of Historia’s circumstances, because it requires no creative energy on my part to make it a joke.
To review!
107 introduces the concept of Historia being a breeding factory. This is suggested as part of Zeke’s 50-year plan to establish Paradis without it being genocided to death. At the end of 107, present-day Historia is shown to be pregnant.
At the very beginning of 108, the Military Police openly discuss how this is kind of weird. And while the mood is largely in favor of Historia having children so the Founding Titan stays in Paradis control, she’s having a child at a very inconvenient time for everyone, because she’s supposed to eat Zeke before he can cause trouble.
In 114, it is revealed that Zeke’s actual plan is to sterilize all Eldians so they die off and stop being a problem. By virtue of five seconds of pondering, this falls apart when you consider that Zeke’s plan is the beginning of Historia being prepped to breed children. Having any royal children would actively interfere with Zeke’s ability to guarantee that his choices for the Founding Titan would be the last.
In 130, Historia is shown to still be going along with the 50-year concept, and no one is stopping her except Eren, who is against Zeke’s sterilization plan (which a child would stop), and who says that Historia making this kind of choice is what’s driving him to genocide.
To which Historia suggests a baby.
-draws a line back to 107-
-underlines Eren’s angry feelings about all of this-
This would make sense if it were live action and the actress were pregnant.
Not within the story or anything.
But an explanation would at least exist.
I should take up drinking. Or cocaine. Or something.
There’s virtually zero content this chapter. Half of it is just Eren going on rampage. This is how you know it’s the end of a volume for a story that’s ending. The subtle ways the story beats come firing at a machine gun’s pace before slowing to a deliberately controlled crawl.
Surprise, Liberio’s no longer a factor!
-surprised Pikachu faces-
-everyone officially burnt out on violence-
-except Eren-
-this is a problem because Eren is indeed causing the most violence, and violence would probably be a great help in stopping him, so having someone on that boat thinking they should just fucking stab him would be just a little encouraging that’s all I’m saying-
Then we dash straight into a slightly more visible flashback to Eren’s memories of the future being unlocked, and get to the development of his genocide plan.
It isn’t much of a plan.
It mostly still involves genocide.
But worse.
He’s basically going to do what Karl did, only when he tells people on Paradis that all the humans beyond their borders are dead, he won’t be lying. He is keeping the genocide and the mind-wiping, though. In this spirit of how well that worked out previously.
This is a choice.
A bad one.
Even by Eren’s current standards.
This is especially impressive given that he has none.
Alrighty then. Uh.
Here we have Eren’s mission statement. That’s nice?
“The only way to put a final end to the cycle of revenge born from hate... is to remove that history of hate from this world and bury it in the ground, civilization and all.”
Legitimately, Eren’s entire plan amounts to, “The First King was right about everything except not actually making us the last humans alive on the planet.”
See, Zeke’s plan of killing all Eldians off is evil and bad, and Eren is disgusted at the very idea of going along with it.
Eren’s plan of killing everyone else off, regardless of who they are, is a good one.
As is manipulating all of his friends into following it, telling them he hates them, fairly directly letting one of them know this is basically all her fault, and.
Look, I’m sorry, but what the fuck?
I mean.
Fuck, do I have to go full Madoka on main?
Here is a brief summary of the third Madoka Magica movie, for those who do not understand the reference: Person who has spent her entire life torturing herself to save one girl feels like she didn’t save the one girl hard enough, and compensates for this mental breakdown by turning into the literal Devil.
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These are decisions that can be explained by trauma. The character in question has been through a lot, and arguing that she’s too emotionally stable to undo the universe is harder to do than it feels like it should be.
She still takes the established order of the series and 90% of the movie and drops it in the shredder, leaving the characters who are around and aware of this move to stare, aghast, as the new world order is established.
To catch up the uninitiated, when the new world order is established in the series, it’s a happy ending that ties up all the struggles everyone has been through. Not necessarily neatly, but they’re honored, and the cast continues on.
The new world order of the movie is one character screaming “NO” in various cries for help as she pounds her heart into the pavement and the pavement is everyone else’s quality of life.
Anyway, the current reason everyone on the planet hates Paradis enough to attack it is because Eren publicly murdered civilians at a festival with international significance, including the one Eldian in the world with good publicity.
Things weren’t pretty for anyone, but Eren snatches the ball out of the court and throws it into the backyard with vicious guard dogs. He decides to bring everyone into a war, and he decides the initial terms. He makes a violent declaration, and ever since, the story has been devoted to people catching up to him to ask what the fuck his problem is.
As opposed to the usual routine of catching up to him to steal him back from whoever’s kidnapping him that week.
Eren’s the direct cause of this mess.
Fucking Marley doesn’t help, what with their hundred years of brainwashing and titanizing to actively keep the hate of Paradis alive -- but Eren’s the one who turns it into an issue of national immediacy when everyone around him is trying to find more time.
All the while going, “look what you made me do”
Where it breaks down for me isn’t that it makes no sense for Eren to have fallen this far. This entire series has been destroying him one piece at a time, and I do feel like you could have a very powerful conclusion with Humanity’s Hope turning to Humanity’s Despair, and the people he once inspired having to bear the torch themselves instead of forcing one person to carry their entire future.
Hell, that could still happen. I would still love an ending where Mikasa wraps the scarf around Eren, and he’s finally saved from himself.
What’s aggravating is that as many ominous hints as we’ve gotten about Eren’s monstrous nature throughout the series, there’s just as much material of him loving his friends, and wanting them to be free and happy, and understanding that walls aren’t the only prison.
Angry Eren the Rage Boy is there. He’s even easy to understand, sometimes. OG Ymir’s history inspires a desire for death and destruction. It would be and is wrong, but the impulse isn’t difficult to parse.
He’s more than that. He stays up all night listening to Hange’s theories. Armin’s dreams of the sea catches his mind like wildfire. Fighting Annie even after she’s revealed to be someone who’s ruthlessly murdered his comrades is painful. He wants to believe Reiner and Bertolt are innocent even when they’re making the worst show of hiding it. He smiles every time he sees his friends genuinely happy.
Eren’s rage has always been a direct response to his views of the world. The slavers are monsters. He has no problem killing them. Titans are monsters. He wants them dead. He runs off in Trost and gets his leg chomped off because he’s so upset that a bit character we barely spend time with is being eaten.
“When we’re born... all of us... are free. People who reject that, no matter how strong they are... don’t matter.”
Since leaving his friends in Marley, Eren has rejected the freedom of every single one of them. He doesn’t tell them what he’s up to, but expects them to have his back. He pushes events into motion that nearly lead to all their deaths. He actively lies to Mikasa about how her brain functions. He tells Historia to get on board or have her memory wiped.
The rage and agony and helplessness Eren feels isn’t particularly strange, in my mind. He hasn’t coped with any of the manga’s arcs well, and the few victories he’s been part of have landed him in worse and worse places, emotionally.
The conclusions he’s reaching don’t work.
It isn’t that strange for people to not realize that they’re contradicting themselves, especially when they’re in this frame of mind, but Eren loves his damn friends.
Meanwhile, he’d find it easier to take if Mikasa were attached to him because her bloodline made her do it, but that’s.
Actually, no, that’s relevant.
Eren suggests plot magic chemistry before he considers that Mikasa actually loves him.
He’s a dying man.
He’s condemned himself already. It doesn’t matter what he does, as long as his friends are alive. Anything else -- everything else is secondary. They’ll be alive, and he’ll be dead, and it’s as simple as that.
But it isn’t like he doesn’t know right from wrong. This might be a wrong he can accept on his deathbed, but it’s undeniably wrong.
How horrific is it that people might be so attached to him that he can do all this, and they’ll still fight for him instead of putting him down like the monster he is?
Eren struggles with greys. If he’s willing to be the bad guy, it makes sense for him to commit. He’s rejecting freedom, so by his own rules, he doesn’t matter.
It would be so much easier for him if everyone else agreed on that point.
He seems to be doing what he can to make that happen.
...But that’s just whimsical speculation born of profound pity more than anything. I still have trouble figuring out what his deal is. He’s eviscerating his friends in the name of them surviving, but he still terms his want as them having “long, happy lives.” While actively interfering with both those aims.
This chapter doesn’t seem to leave much room for a secret other plan that Eren is secretly putting into action. That’s been my hope from the beginning, and pretty much every bit of my confusion here is why. The majority of the conflict here comes from Eren deliberately fucking things up. It’s like he accidentally poisoned a bunch of people by using the wrong chemicals to clean up the dead body of the person he killed who totally deserved it, and figured the best following response was to repeat the process.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that the Eren we’re starting to see looks broken beyond all repair, and we’re missing the breaking point. We can puzzle out possibilities and trauma, but at the end of the day he has chosen such a destructive route that it needs more justification within the story.
Personally, I think that this Eren is buying into his own bad press so completely that he’s stopped giving himself freedom. That is my most established take.
The fact that that read play in nicely with Mikasa wrapping the scarf around him and taking him home has very little to do with that except that’s where my brain spends most of its time now, I guess.
I am tired of going over all the ways in which this does not make sense. I am, perhaps, equally tired of how every single time the pregnancy subplot comes up, it manages to get worse.
‘what oh noooo she’s being used to breed an army of royal babies who will eat their mother’ ‘wait nooo she manipulated a guilty childhood bully into fucking her so zeke could live for some strange reason’ ‘oh nooooooooes it turns out she actually goes and fucks npc farmer guy because zeke needs to live for eren to commit genocide and if she doesn’t let eren commit genocide that’s bad for some reason even if she was just saying it’s actually bad for him to commit genocide’
Additionally, I realize this chapter has probably reinvigorated people’s theories that Eren is the father, which. um. continues the trend of being worse, because then you have Historia feeling like she’s backed into a corner where fucking the guy who’s about to commit genocide is her only option because if she can’t come up with some good excuse to not eat Zeke he’s going to wipe her memories.
(ETA: Hours later, I sit here remembering he can’t actually wipe her memories until after Zeke shows up. Oops. ...That somehow manages to make all of this make less sense.)
I deeply do not want to discuss that element.
I’m just bringing it up to establish that every way you spin Historia’s situation is fifty shades of rape, and it’s skeevy as fuck along with making no sense.
Glad to know that in two years, literally nothing has come along to make this better or more logical.
That’s vaguely true because it lends more credence to the idea that it’s all a lie, but at this point, the writing is breaking its own back bending over to try and make this work.
“If there is a most reliable way to make sure that this island lives on... I’ll go along with it. There was no other way... But... you defended me back then... everyone acted for my sake... That’s enough for me.”
I’m going to try to explain my problem with this without screaming.
I’m probably going to fail.
The thing is, Historia’s entire arc is about fighting fate.
Her entire arc is about undoing the cycle of abuse her family has perpetuated, breaking free of it to reclaim her identity as a person and forge a better future for the world.
She almost kills Eren for her father’s approval.
When she doesn’t, her commentary isn’t that it’s wrong, or ineffective (though she’s aware of both these elements).
She makes her case very succinctly.
“God?! What a load of bull!! You’re just saying whatever you can think of to manipulate me and save yourself!! That’s it, I’ve had enough! I won’t let you kill me!!”
Replace “save yourself” with something related to Eren, and we have the exact same plot beat we already had, for a character who’s already gone through it.
Historia’s lack of agency would be bad enough on its own.
The entire focus of the pregnancy subplot has been that it causes Eren angst.
We have not gotten Historia’s thought bubbles.
We have received her verbal compliance.
We have had her misery over her situation on display.
This is something for Eren to feel guilty and angry over, not something for Historia to interact with.
On its own, that’s bad.
When you have it attached to a character whose entire arc is about breaking damaging cycles and living a life designed by her own choices instead of following orders and roles, you have a problem.
Historia never tries to resist this fate. Not that we’re shown. She’s clearly terrified, even in the scene where she staidly offers acceptance, but Eren is the one to speak up. She’s miserable whenever we see her pregnant, but every scene with her involves her sadly going along with this thing she clearly does not want. Even when she asks Eren what he thinks about her having a child, she’s unhappy.
This is the first time she’s gotten dialogue of her own in two years.
The first little bit is her shrugging at her inevitable suffering.
The second bit is being appalled at Eren’s everything.
Then somehow we land at her proposing her inevitable suffering.
How does that help??? Anything???
My answer to that is that I’m Team Fake Pregnancy, and Historia is proposing a hypothetical thing where she ponders how her having a child would play out, but I’m sorry, what?
Eren’s upset about you losing your bodily autonomy.
Among other things, yes, but having a child you’re not enthusiastic about is the entire fucking ignition point of this fucking fuckening idiocy how is it that NEITHER OF YOU ARE IN POSSESSION OF YOUR SOLITARY BRAIN CELL WHAT IN THE  F U C K.
Even if you read it as Historia not having a child with the intent of future cannibalism, but simply having a child to get out of eating Zeke --
Holy fuck is that not better.
It’s still her feeling forced to have a kid because the alternative is lots of people dying.
She’s nineteen.
At the very fucking least this could have the decency to be her story, not a story built around making the main male lead angst enough to commit genocide. At the time of this writing, we are denied that, and while I don’t think this is totally beyond saving, the story the narrative is selling is inexcusable and insulting. The only room for improvement is if we’re actively being misled.
Which is a valid theory, but that doesn’t change my disgust at what we’re being told to believe.
Having Historia simply accept her fate is a sledgehammer to Historia’s entire character development, and Historia’s character development is a microcosm of the guiding themes of the main story. You can’t dethrone her without the manga’s entire thematic significance ringing false.
Also, while I’m here, Eren’s being a fucking prick.
In case that was somehow missed.
'hi historia friendly reminder that i’m only here to commit genocide because you saved my life because like you said you’re the worst’ ‘lol remember that time you said the titans should just kill everyone and i teased you and you said you were caught up in the heat of the moment well guess what i listened to you and everyone’s gonna die thx for the protips’
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This is either really good or really bad.
Because Historia does some very stupid things. That is not a writing flaw, it’s a character flaw and feature. She’s impulsive and dumb and realizes things conflict with her principles nine steps into committing criminally negligent homicide, and if that’s how this is all justified...
Hell, I guess I’ll just be tired. Which I already am, so that’s. fine.
It’s funny. This is one of the times I could have gotten away with writing barely anything, since half the chapter is just trailer shots for Eren’s monster movie. Yet here we are, many words in.
I’ve thought a lot today on if I should keep reading or not. One of the things that got under my skin is that I’ve spent a long time coming up with ways for this all to turn out okay. I complain a lot, and certainly lose my temper, but I like to think I stick around because however bad this gets, I have faith that the story’s thesis is that beauty wins against cruelty.
If that’s the case, I want to be here to see it through. I want that high of things being okay when all signs point to nothing ever being okay again.
But it’s been a long day, and I’ve spent two years split between anger and hope that I’m not sure if I feel because I trust the story or if it’s become a habit I’m afraid to break.
Or if it’s because if I did give up, I’d feel insanely guilty for any of the times I’ve tried cheering people up over the bleak things going on in the manga.
I want this to be a happier story than anyone I know thinks it will turn out. I’m an optimist to a degree that people tolerate, but don’t find particularly realistic when gauged against the content.
The main character is on a genocidal march in the name of friends he has broken and betrayed. Friends who can still barely vocalize the option of putting him down.
I don’t know if I want to be here for this.
I don’t think I need to watch more cruelty unfold, no matter how much beauty survives it.
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captainlevii · 3 years
Hi! I really like your takes on Eren and I so very much agree with you on the ending of Snk. It was.... disappointing and underwhelming after all the buildup, which took YEARS. God I don’t even wanna get started on the character butchering and plot holes. But I’m also interested to here your thoughts on what kind of ending you would have preferred or theorized for. I’m just a very curious person and I love hearing what other people with similar opinions imagined for Snk.
For a while during WfP and the Paths mini-arc, I had no idea what the ending was going to be like, and I mostly stayed away from theories or theorizing myself because I didn’t really want to have expectations? If that makes sense; I wanted to be surprised by whatever happened. The only thing I really expected to happen was the end of both the Titan powers and the conflict between Paradis and world (or at least Marley being defeated). 
Then Eren started the Rumbling. 
(TL;DR at the end.)
And I fully expected it to be completed just because anything else—as pointed out by many, many people in the fandom and within the narrative itself by Jean—stopping the Rumbling prematurely would be dooming Paradis.
What I thought would happen was the Alliance would try, but ultimately fail, to stop Eren. Some of them would probably even die or be severely injured. They had no plan other than talking to him because, yeah, that worked out so well before didn’t it and no plan for what would happen after. Eren also had access to the full power of the FT and there were millions of Colossal Titans in their way, the Alliance really shouldn’t have stood a chance. 
I hoped the main cast would have a moment with Eren at some point, probably via Paths, where he—through some ~Paths~ magic—would be able to show them, or even just tell them, his memories/thoughts and they would finally understand him. Maybe they would’ve stood down, feeling like the worst pieces of shit to exist, but still choosing their people’s own survival over the world just like Eren did, before any of them got hurt. 
The Rumbling would finish, Ymir would be freed from Paths, and the Power of the Titans would cease to exist. The Colossal Titans would either turn back into humans the idea that the Wall Titans were actually people was always a cool concept to me and be grateful to Eren/Ymir for freeing them of what the First King did to them, or they would just evaporate if they were mindless Titans manifested from Paths (which is more likely, I think). 
Eren would get to live out the rest of his life peacefully in some remote place in Paradis, visited by and in-contact with his friends but ultimately still distanced from them, and tormented by the price he paid to live in this free world. The last panel could be an older Eren at the ocean again, a parallel to chapter 90, but this time he is free. And alone. Or he could end up back under that tree on the hill, looking at a wall-less world, what he’s always wanted, but he’s still alone. For a less melancholy ending we could see Mikasa and Armin in the distance walking up toward him.
As you can see, I’ve scrapped the man-holding-the-baby panel altogether. I wasn’t opposed to Father Eren theories purely for narrative and thematic reasons, but Eren being romantically involved with someone in-canon is a very hard sell for me, personally, and I would prefer Historia’s pregnancy sub-plot not be a thing at all because whether Eren was the father or not, it still sidelined her. 
Grisha being the man and Eren the baby never made sense to me because how exactly is Eren free, Grisha? Instead of that specific panel, we’d get some rendition of it sooner where Eren tells Ymir she’s free right before she evaporates from existence or whatever. It actually incenses me how the potential of Eren and Ymir’s relationship was wasted so fantastically.
SnK would end up being a cautionary-tale-like story about the horrific consequences (the Rumbling) that came about because humanity let hatred consume them instead of changing their ways. The side in power perpetuated a cycle of hatred and oppression instead of ending it when they had the chance, let it fester for their benefit, and escalated it to the point where discussion and negotiation wasn’t a viable option and only wanted to bring change once it was too late to do so. 
Isayama said in an interview he doesn’t think the story passes judgement on right or wrong, but instead closely examines the circumstances that led the characters down the paths they’ve taken and the choices they’ve made, and I think a full-Rumbling ending would’ve done just that and I think it was his original plan. It wouldn’t be saying Genocide Good, but instead condemning the cycles of hatred and senseless violence humanity let build up to this literal world-destroying, horrific act that could’ve been avoided had they come together sooner.
TL;DR: The Rumbling is completed, Ymir is freed and the Power of the Titans are gone. Eren gets to live, in-contact with his loved ones but still distanced from them, and is tormented by the price he paid for freedom. Last panel is him at the ocean or under the tree in Wall Maria territory looking at a wall-less world. SnK ends as a cautionary tale about the dangers/consequences of letting hatred fester and consume humanity. 
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dorovahkiin · 4 years
SnK Chapter 130: My personal thoughts (SPOILERS)
This chapter was wild - and not surprising at the same time 👀.
- As expected, Annie would break down when finding out about Odiha plan and her father's possible death. It was nice seeing this desperate, emotional side of her since she barely shows it
- Snk-polls' judgement "Annie becoming human" is trash. Annie has been human before
- Annie says she wants to leave, but I'm sure she won't, would be a waste of character after being gone for so long. I think she is either gonna change her mind or (more probable) someone is gonna convince her to stay
- Seems like we won't get Annie vs. Mikasa fight
- Now let's switch to Eren POV. I don't even know where to start... I understood it as almost all (future) flashbacks in this chapter happened when Eren kissed Historia's hand
- All the memories on page 6 are very significant. I think Grisha looking wtf on page 6 is pretty much the moment of the final panel. Dude has the same hair and shirt
- Page 7 could be a tumblr post alone... Eren implies he all wanted this, which is really important to keep in mind!
- Almost all memories on page 7 are future memories in S3 Eren's POV. I don't know how Eren saw Falco. However, I want to focus on the tiny Bertholdt panel on the right which seems to be a past memory:
- It's Bert from Dina's POV as she ignores him to enter Shiganshina immediately (Chapter 96). Why the heck does Eren see this memory?
- There is the theory Eren controlled Dina to ignore Bert and to head directly to his house to kill Carla. To trigger his motivation and the whole plot ("I wanted this all"). By that, it would be a future memory again because he'd manipulate it in the future
- I believe this is absolutely possible. Eren forced Grisha to kill innocent children after all. And even if he loves his mom, I think he is definitely capable of killing her if it serves his grand goal. I wouldn't be surprised if he also manipulated more events
- Imo the story would already be great without this plot twist (if it's true), but if people need it to understand Eren's character I support the theory
- Eren's toxic understanding of freedom is the most important thing to him. He cares about his friends, yes, but freedom is more important. That's why I think he mainly does the rumbling for his philosophy, not for his friends ("I wanted all this")
- This whole chapter was about Eren dehumanising which supports the last point. Calling his enemies "animals" was a peak (No, it was NOT a mistranslation)
- The last pages of kid Eren wanting to destroy titans and adult Eren wanting to destroy the "animals" was a nice parallel which also supports Eren dehumanising. Is dehumanising the right word after all? He was like this all along, "born this way" 🤔
- Since he first claimed to sympathise with his enemies and now calling them animals, I wouldn't be surprised if he'll change his mind about his friends and Eldians either. It would be wtf af if he wanted to eventually kill them either in order to end the cycle of hatred (because Eldians still fight each other). That would be a total peak of Eren dehumanising and I would love that plot twist. Just a wild guess
- Now let's turn to the Hisu flashbacks. I made a whole post about that alone. To summarise it:
- Imo the arrangement of Hisu flashbacks are not in the right chronological order, they are also interrupted by other flashbacks
- I think the last Hisu flashback of the chapter (which fitted perfectly to the Zeke scene THEME-WISE) is chronologically the first moment of the EH scene. So it would be like:
1) Well Eren, what do you think about me having a baby? (follow up of 107 when Kiyomi presented the 50 years plan)
2) This leads to the 50 years plan and MPs talk between Eren and Historia
3) Eren says he doesn't like it and tells her his alternative plan and it stops at Hisu's reaction after "You're the worst"
- This makes much more sense imo, Hisu wouldn't suggest a baby right after this manipulating line of Eren (Yes, I think it's disgusting manipulation, he twisted her words she said back in the cave scene) she first has to emotionally collect herself before proposing something like that out of nowhere
- E + H = Y is still the biggest bs this fandom has ever produced imo
- Hisu is obviously manipulated by Eren, it reminds me of Ymir being manipulated by the first King and her environment. Hisu not exposing Eren's genocide plan has the same reason why Ymir never rebelled against her trash husband, although it destroyed her. This kind of manipulation happens a lot in real life too
- Yes, I still think Historia is against genocide. And I believe she HAS a good heart, she is NOT an evil bitch. Her official stats say Altruism 10/10 after all
- However, even if Eren manipulated her, he still cares for her (though his freedom philosophy is more important again)
- We learn this when love Guru Zeke tells him Mikasa's protectiveness is the result of love, not nonexistent Ackerbond (112 You fcking liar Eren!) and Eren thinks about Historia while Zeke talks about Mikasa
- He notices he is also protective of Historia and might like her in whatever way (He didn't notice before, Zeke just made it clear to him, so another reason why Eren is not the father, especially not in a romantic way)
- Adding the baby flashback during Zeke talk about protecting was perfect theme-wise because Eren wants to protect Historia especially FROM getting pregnant by force as he stated it many times before
- Eren says he has only 4 more years to live, implying he is not interested in a relationship or family. This is another big point why Eren is not the father and I already mentioned that point in November
- Everyone says this chapter confirmed Eren is the hooded figure, but for me it was the confirmation he was not. I don't understand how people constantly miss those points:
- Eren's jacket is FULLY inked, the HF's jacket is not. It's a completely different jacket
- Why would Eren hood himself in the first place at Hisu's farm? He's been there many times before, was never hooded, nor is he hooded in 130
- Furthermore they are outside where everyone can spot them and Eren was not even hooded. It doesn't make fcking sense!
- People literally call me "high" for this take and of course I might be wrong but yes, I still think the hodded figure is Levi
- Yes, I also still believe in fake pregnancy and the hooded figure scene plays a huge part in that. I made a super long post about it in November
- Even if I am wrong and Farmer-kun is the dad (it's definitely NOT Eren), it won't play any importance in the story, the "who's the father" shit distract people too much from the real relevant questions regarding the plot
- Character of this month: Eren and him being more obvious about his true nature
- My rating: 10/10
- Predictions for next chapter: Alliance again, full talking chapter, maybe also a POV switch to Zeke, Floch, Annie's dad or even Historia if we're lucky
- I know a lot of people will hate me for my thoughts on 130, but I'm fine with that
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