#like meradyth and queen vira for examples
katygorl · 4 years
TTM Concept: Queen Delula Vale of Valemont
So since I’ve been so inspired by all the parent and royal exploration happening lately for the “The Three Mages” verse, I thought I would go ahead and spruce up a bit some of my concept ideas from last year for Cole’s mother, the queen of Valemont. Now, none of these ideas are officially canon, since they were just what I envisioned for her at the time, but I hope you’re still able to enjoy them~ ^w^
The Three Mages and any character mentioned belong to @thethreemages, whose blog and original universe is something I highly recommend you guys check out, since it is so amazing and is one of my most favorite fantasy stories to have witnessed from when it was just a dream concept to the expansive world and lore it has now~ :3
But anyways, onto my little ideas for this queen! Info under the readmore^^
(I’m still working on drawing this concept of her out, so no visual for now. Also, a little bit of this info will be in relation to Cole’s dad and deceased older brother, and I have no name ideas for them yet so they won’t be mentioned much in detail here.)
- Bio: The current reigning royal of the kingdom to Valemont, her son Cole being the heir. Her people are known to be some of the fiercest and strongest warriors in the land, her own family having a long line of strong and proud warriors the citizens of their country to look up to. It’s always been something that fascinated her, even as a young child, as hearing her papa’s stories of his adventures inspired her at an early age to become a warrior herself. She started training as soon as she could, eager to get out and fight for herself, ignoring the strange looks and hushed whispers of the nobles and older warriors for having the then-tiny and frail princess trying to join their ranks. She was determined to prove her strength and her worth, no matter what others thought. When it became apparent around her pre-teen years that she possessed no magic of her own, she did not let that get her down as she continued her training and by the time of her young adult years, had already made a name for herself as being a formidable opponent to face on the battlefield. During her young adult years she was courted by a few other warriors, at least ones that were brave enough to approach her, but Delula had never been one invested in romance as she much preferred continuing on with her life as a warrior. During her mid-twenties her father had set her up with a hunter who was fairly reputable, though no one knew of his coldness at first. After marriage they eventually bore two sons, but Delula’s husband was always very stiff and emotionally-distant around them, often preferring to go out on his hunts then spend anytime at home tending to his families or duties as king consort. Delula was never entirely invested in him romantically, but she was having enough of his attitude after a while. In private they would have many heated arguments and fights about his inattentiveness, eventually leading to him walking out on his family when his sons were quite young. 
Even though she did not want to be like her former husband, a part of Delula’s heart went cold from his leaving as she was not so carefree as before, being a lot more strict and firm in her ruling and parenting. Though despite her harsher disposition now, Delula loves her sons no matter what, even if she’s always been awkward at expressing affections. When her eldest son expressed interest in becoming a warrior she was more than willing to allow him to, often being one of his main trainers. Eventually when he was old enough he started to go off on his own war missions, though one in particular proved to be fatal as he was never seen or heard from again, presumably “dead” to the public and any who knew him. With her eldest son now gone, Delula has shut off all her emotions as a way to cope, though she greatly mourns his loss and focuses on maintaining her bond with her remaining son so she does not end up feeling totally bitter and alone.
- Appearance: A bit on the shorter side compared to Terra’s other queens, with a stocky and muscular figure, a light brown skin tone much like her son’s, hooded gray eyes(a signature feature of Valemont citizens) that have the slightest tint of icy blue to them, a short, black pixie haircut that’s on the more spiky/messy side, fashion sense being more on the warrior/tomboyish side as she’s not a very girly queen in the slightest sense. While her warrior days are over as she is more focused on her queenly duties and dealing with the territory disputes between her kingdom and the kingdom of Everes, she is still quite strong in her own right as she makes sure to work out when she can, and is still quite the arm-wrestling champ from her younger warrior days.
- Personality: Delula is more of a “socially-distant” kind of person and ruler, mainly focusing on her son and duty as queen and not trivial things like socializing with the other royals unless she has to. Very guarded and aloof, her warmer side only coming out around close family like her son. She can hold a grudge for a long time, being quite stubborn, but would secretly like for things to be better. Like previously mentioned one of her ways of coping with her husband walking out on their family and her eldest son disappearing was for her to “shut off” some of her more sensitive emotions, though underneath the harsh exterior she’s made for herself Delula has a big and noble heart for her closest loved ones and allies, and would be quite selfless in the fact she would do anything to make them happy despite what her normal disposition would suggest.
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