#like not a full Tardis in the same way that river isn’t really a timelord
The Bentley is a Tardis. I know this because it told me so
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 19
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 19 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 19/? SUMMARY: Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds, the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - I spent all morning finishing this episode! You are not ready.]
The phone attached to the console started ringing.
The Doctor answered it. “Yes? What? I'm trying to read. That's always pointless. What did she say? Well? Well?”
Whatever Madame Vastra said got the Doctor’s attention, because Elise could see it on his face. He took off his glasses and stared at them. He hung up and grabbed his jacket.
“Where are we going?” Elise asked.
“You, are not going anywhere.”
“You’re going to wait in the carriage.”
“You know, if I had known you were going to keep me locked up, I would’ve left with River.” But Elise was bluffing. She could have never left the Doctor. He was all she knew.
The Doctor grabbed a deerstalker hat and took her by the arm, leading her to Madame Vastra’s.
Strax took them to the Institute and true to his word, the Doctor locked the carriage behind him. He’d even taken her sonic screwdriver from her so she couldn’t get out.
Elise crossed her arms over her chest and sulked in her seat. She knew why he was doing this. For the same reason he’d told her to stay by the TARDIS that day in the graveyard. He didn’t want to lose her, but he was starting to irritate her.
The Doctor walked around the edge of the pond, sonicing it. He’d still not returned Elise’s screwdriver to her, which Elise didn’t appreciate. “Body frozen in a pond. The snow gets a good long look at a human being, like a full body scan. Everything they need to evolve. A pond. Good point, Clara.”
He turned around and saw Strax holding an alien weapon. “What are you doing here?”
“Madame Vastra wondered if you were needing any grenades?”
“She might have said help.”
“Help for what?”
“Well, your investigation.”
“Investigation? Who says I'm investigating? Do you think I'm going to start investigating just because some bird smiles at me? Who do you think I am?”
Strax smirked. “Sherlock Holmes.”
Elise let out a high pitched giggle, shocking herself. This was the first time she’d laughed since losing Amy and Rory.
“Don't be clever, Strax. It doesn't suit you.”
“Sorry, sir.”
“I'm the clever one, you're the potato one.” The Doctor poked him between the eyes.
“Yes, sir.”
“Now go away.”
“Yes, Mr. Holmes.” Strax chuckled at his own joke as he walked away.
“Oi! Shut up. You're not clever or funny and you've got tiny little legs!” The Doctor turned around and saw Clara watching them from a window. She waved and he waved back.
Clara gestured for them to come up.
The Doctor spun around, talking to himself. “Okay, just tell her you're leaving, you're not going up. Leaving. Not going up.” He spun back around and showed her five fingers and a thumbs up.
Clara closed the curtains and the Doctor smacked himself in the head. “What was that about? Five minutes, where did that come from?”
Elise found herself smiling as they walked towards the house.
“What?” the Doctor asked.
“Nothing.” Meeting Clara was the best thing to happen to her since arriving in Victorian England.
Clara and the children ran into the next room.
“What do we do?” Digby asked.
“Franny, Franny, imagine her melting,” Clara told her.
“In your head. Melt her.”
“I can't!”
“I'm getting impatient!” the ice woman shrieked.
The door burst open.
“You have been very naughty!”
“What about the man? You said the man was here, the cloud man and his daughter!” Digby cried.
“Well, he's not, is he?” Clara said.
“Where's the Doctor?”
“I don't know!”
A puppet popped up and said, “Doctor? Doctor? Doctor who?” The puppet soniced the ice woman, who shattered. The Doctor stood up. “That's the way to do it.”
Elise rolled her eyes and stood up, going over to Clara and the children. “Are you alright?” Elise asked.
“We’re fine. Thank you,” Clara said.
Elise smiled. At least someone was happy to have her around.
The Doctor walked over to the rug and soniced the wet spot.
“Where did she go? Will she come back?” Franny asked.
“No, don't worry. She's currently draining through your carpet,” the Doctor told them, “New setting. Anti-freeze. And you're very welcome, by the way.”
“I'm very grateful. I knew you'd come,” Clara said.
“No, you didn't, because I don't. Because this isn't the sort of thing I do any more.” He whipped off his scarf as he stepped in front of the mirror. “Next time you're in trouble, don't expect me to… Sorry, it's just. Didn't know I'd put it on.”
Elise smiled, seeing his straighten the bow tie, like his old self would have done. She hadn’t said anything when he put it on because it seemed like he was returning to the Doctor she knew. Ice was forming on the windows.
“Old habits.”
“It's cooler,” Clara said, noticing the change in the temperature.
The Doctor smirked. “Yeah, it is, isn't it? It is very cool. Bow ties are cool.”
“No, the room. The room's getting colder.”
Something was forming under the carpet.
“She's coming back!” Digby cried.
“What's she going to do? Is she going to punish me?” Franny asked.
The Doctor tried sonicing her. “Er, er, she's learnt not to melt. Of course, she's not really a governess, she's just a beast. She's going to eat you. Run.” The Doctor grabbed the children’s hands and they ran to the foyer.
A man came into the foyer. “Children, what is the expla…” He stopped seeing Elise and the Doctor. “Who the devil are you? What are you doing in my house?”
“It's okay. I am your governess' gentleman friend, and we've just been upstairs…kissing!”
Elise’s eyes went wide as she stared at the Doctor. What on earth made him say that?
The maid came running in. “Captain Latimer. In the garden, there's snowmen! And they're just growing out of nowhere, all by themselves. Look!” She threw open the front door and Madame Vastra stood there with Jenny.
“Good evening. I'm a Lizard Woman from the Dawn of Time, and this is my wife,” Vastra told her.
The maid screamed and turned around, running into Strax.
“This dwelling is under attack. Remain calm, human scum.”
The maid screamed again and promptly fainted.
The Doctor ran down the stairs and checked on the maid, before standing up and putting a hand on Captain Latimer’s shoulder. “So, any questions?” the Doctor asked.
Latimer turned to Clara. “You have a gentleman friend?”
Clara sighed.
“Vastra, what's happening?” The Doctor ran into the living room to look out the window.
“The snow is highly localized, and on this occasion not naturally occurring.”
“It's coming out of that cab parked by the gates,” Jenny explained.
“Sir, one pulver grenade would blow these snowmen to smithereens,” Strax said.
“They're made of snow, Strax. They're already smithereens. See, Clara? Our friends again,” the Doctor said.
“Clara? Who's Clara?” Latimer asked.
“Your current governess is in reality a former barmaid called Clara.”
The ice woman appeared on the stairs. “That's the way to do it!”
“Meanwhile your previous governess is now a living ice sculpture impersonating Mister Punch. Jenny, what have you got?”
Jenny threw a device that created a force field at the top of the stairs. “That should hold it.”
“Sir, this room. One observational window on the line of attack and one defendable entrance,” Strax told them, gesturing to the study.
“Right, everyone in there. Now. Move it. You, carry her,” the Doctor ordered.
“Nice to see you off your cloud and engaging again,” Vastra said as the Doctor soniced the force field.
“I'm not engaging again, I'm under attack.”
“You missed this, didn't you? I know Elise did.”
Elise smiled.
The Doctor gave Vastra a smile. “Shut up.”
They entered the study.
“Strax, how long have we got?” the Doctor asked.
“They're not going to attack. They made no attempt to conceal their arrival. An attack force would never abandon surprise so easily, and they're clearly in a defense formation.”
“Way, aye, aye. Well done, Straxy. Still got it, buddy.” He kissed Strax on the head.
“Sir, please do not noogie me during combat prep.”
“So there's something here they want,” Vastra said.
“The ice woman,” Clara deduced.
“Exactly,” the Doctor said.
“Why's she so important?” Jenny asked.
“Because she's a perfect duplication of human DNA in ice crystal form. The ultimate fusion of snow and humanity. To live here, the snow needs to evolve and she's the blueprint. She's what they need to become. When the snow melted last night, did the pond?”
“No,” Clara answered.
“Living ice that will never melt. If the snow gets hold of that creature on the stairs, it will learn to make more of them. It will build an army of ice. And it will be the last day of humanity on this planet.”
The doorbell rang.
The Doctor cracked his neck. “Stay here.”
Both Clara and Elise followed after him.
“Oi, I told you to stay in there,” he told Clara, “With Elise I’m used to it.”
“Oh, I didn't listen.”
“You do that a lot.”
“It's why you like me.”
“Who said I like you?”
Clara grabbed the Doctor and kissed him, shocking both Timelords. “I think you just did,” Clara said.
“You kissed me,” the Doctor argued.
“You blushed.”
“And with…this… Shut up.” The Doctor ran to the front door and opened it.
Dr. Simeon stood there. “Release her to us. You have five minutes.”
The Doctor closed the door. “We need to get her out of here but keep her away from them.”
The Doctor grabbed an umbrella from a stand. “With this. Do I always have to state the obvious?”
“Those creatures outside, what are they?” Latimer asked.
“No danger to you, as long as I get that thing out of here. You, in there, now.” The Doctor went up the stairs and soniced the force field.
“What are you doing?” Clara asked.
“Between you and me, I can't wait to find out.”
The force field disappeared and reappeared behind them.
“Right, if you look after everyone here, then I can…” The Doctor realized Clara was standing next to him. “Clara!”
They managed to get around the ice woman and ran up the stairs.
“You were stupid, too!”
“I'm allowed. I'm good at stupid.”
“That's the way to do it!” the ice woman shrieked.
“Why does she keep saying that?” Clara asked.
“Mirroring. Random mirroring. We need to get on the roof,” the Doctor told her.
Clara turned around and grabbed the Doctor’s hand. “This way!”
“No, I do the hand grabbing. That's my job. That's always me!”
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
My Doctor: Thirteen x Reader -Part 1
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Summary: Your life with the Doctor started a long time ago, now it’s all new and different, but she still has you.
Notes: This is a new series I’m working on, I would very much love feedback!
The day you met the Doctor was the best day of your life. He was a madman with a blue box of that could travel in time and space. An offer like that was hard to say no to, especially when your best friend, Rose Tyler, asked you to join them.
It was her that told you about the stars, and how you would never regret running away with them to see things you could never imagine.
That one single trip you took back then made a huge difference to your life, to the way you saw things once you returned to Earth.
The Doxtor offered to let you stay to travel with them, but the way Rose shifted in her spot made you welcome politely. You could tell by the way she looked at him that he was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and you decided you didn't want to get in the way.
Rose smiled at you when you declined and gave you a hug. You parted ways leaving these words behind: "Just don't forget me when you're up there amongst the stars."
She never forgot you.
The next time you saw Rose and the Doctor, he had a new face. Rose had explained what had happened and as a result he regenerated his body because of the damage. You tried to keep up with what she was saying, but it was rather hard understand everything.
The two hearts thing stood out the most.
Of course he was alien, no normal person had a time machine that could also travel in space.
When the Doctor was well again He and Rose set off for more adventures. Twice they came back to take you somewhere.
The offer to stay came back, but once again you declined. Rose was falling in love with this man and you refused to make things awkward for her.
In the end you just asked that they come back and take you for a trip sometime. They were both happy enough to do that for you.
However, the next time you saw them was one of the hardest things you had ever had to live through. The day Rose Tyler was lost to the world and sucked into a dimension you could never go to.
You weren't there when it happened, but the Doctor came to you after it was all over. The Cybermen and Daleks gone. You could see it on his eyes that something awful had happened and your heart broke.
He took you home.
You hugged him tight.
You forgave him.
He thanked you.
He left.
You only saw that face once more after that. The world was in danger and all the Doctor's friends were gathered to stop it.
Rose Tyler had found a way to come back to this dimension to help. To find the Doctor.
You would never be able to repeat all the events that happened during that time, but they were engraved in your memory for eternity.
The next time you saw the Doctor he had a new face. He was slightly younger than the one and had a childlike personality. He was fun.
The TARDIS has landed in your street and you instantly ran to it knowing that familiar noise. You smiled upon its arrival thinking you would never see the Doctor again. How wrong you were.
When the door opened a pretty ginger haired woman stepped out. She smiled upon greeting you and called for the Doctor to come out.
You were shocked when he stepped out into the street, but you welcomed his hug all the same.
Amy sat with the pair of you as you caught up with one another. She was interested in how you knew each other and why the Doctor was thrilled to see you.
"I missed you." He said smiling. His eyes bright and full of glee.
"Really? I don't really know you. You were my best friend's boyfriend." You chuckled.
"Well, yes, but you were my friend too." He grinned.
"It's good to see you though. I haven't seen you since... that day. Do you miss her?"
"All the time, but I go on with new friends." He gestured to Amy.
After some more catching up, you this time took his offer to stay and travelled with him and Amy. Rory joining the team afterwards.
You were there when River Song showed up. When the truth came out. When the Ponds were lost to you forever.
You stayed with Doctor.
He kept losing people and ending up on his own. It wasn't fair. You stayed with him in old Victorian London while he sulked.
It was during those days he became closer with you. You were his rock who brightened up his dark place. The one he could love while you were there beside him.
The one he married in his own TARDIS because you were all he had left. His heart was still filled with a shadow, but he found happiness within you.
Then there was Clara.
Oh how wonderful she was. How impossible she was.
She brought your Doctor back to how he once was and the adventures began all over again.
He would look at you with so much love on his eyes and he could honestly say he was the happiest man in the whole universe, traveling with his wife and new best friend.
Everything was going so well.
Then the worst thing he could think of happened right in front of him.
You were human. He knew it would come one day, but not like this. Not you.
You were dying. You risked your life to save his and he hated how you were so brave to do that, because it meant he would lose you. One of the few good things he still had left.
He begged.
He cried.
He held you and shouted.
He calls were heard. He couldn't explain how they did it, but it happened. The timelords. They granted his wish to save you, but your life would never be the same.
Using regeneration, they bestowed upon you a new life. Many lives. Your whole DNA was changing and the next 24 hours were the most painful hours you had ever gone through.
The Doctor and Clara never left your side.
"What's happening go her?" Clara asked several hours in.
"My people heard me. They... They gave her a gift. I hope she doesn't hate me for this. It was without her consent, with her being unconscious and all." He ran his hand through his hair.
"What did they give her?"
"Life. Life from a Timelord. She's basically becoming one of us and she must be in so much pain. Her whole body is changing and becoming... alien." He explained looking at the pained expression on your face.
"That's good though, isn't it? You'll have her by your side forever.
"Yes. They've never done that before. She'll be unique and new. Human and Timelord." He held your hand and gave it a squeeze. "My Timelord."
Clara smiled as the expression on his face and reached out to comfort him.
When you woke up you felt different and new.
Something was very different.
The Doctor was there when you called out to him and he hugged you the tightest he had ever done so before. He cried and apologised into your shoulder as he rocked you gently against him.
"Why are you sorry?"
He explained everything.
You forgave him.
He smiled.
You kissed him.
He fell even more in love with you.
It took some getting used to, but in no time at all you were back to how you always had been. You were still you, just alien.
Life got better.
Then the day came when the Doctor regenerated again. You begged him to do it so you would lose him.
The Timelords heard your calls this time and bestowed him with a whole new cycle of regenerations.
This face. It was older. Wiser.
He wasn't a childish man any more. More mature. More... grumpy.
You loved him so the same.
He loved you more than anyone in the world.
It took Clara a little bit of time to get used to him, but she stayed. He was still her Doctor.
This Doctor didn't like hugging as much, but he held your hand often and liked to have you close by. The pair of you often danced together around the console and you'd listen to him play his guitar. He got you matching sonic glasses so that you could look cool together.
You liked the man he became.
Then there was a loss.
Clara. Sweet precious Clara.
Her time had run out and she was taken from you both.
You relied on one another to recover from this loss, but it was hard. Life felt empty without her.
You were with the Doctor when he became a professor at a university. Helped him guard the vault.
That's where Bill came into the picture.
You liked Bill. She was funny.
She had her whole life ahead of her and she too was taken from you both.
The Doctor reached out to you because his hearts were suffering. He was losing people around him and he had to make sure you stayed sage by his side.
Life with the Doctor was never easy. Losing people became a part of life that you couldn't change and the unexpected happened often.
Things became very different.
Because of the Cybermen he had to regenerate again. He wanted to stop it. Stop the process, but he couldn't. You didn't want him to. He looked you in the eyes and felt his hearts beat for you.
He couldn't do that to you.
That's when it got weird. Not bad weird. Good weird. Just weird.
That face.
It was him. You could tell. Those eyes.
That and it happened in front of you.
It was just... a new face. A new new face.
Blonde hair. Brown eyes. Shorter... and female.
"Doctor?" You furrowed your gaze at her, but due to the shaking of the TARDIS, you didn't get to ask any questions.
The doors opened and out you both went.
That's a run down of your life with the Doctor.
It was about to get crazier.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 21
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 21 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 21/? SUMMARY: Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds, the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - One last chapter to tie up some loose ends before we get into the “Impossible Girl” series arc.]
Elise woke up in an odd bed in a room she didn’t recognize. “Dad?” Elise called.
She wasn’t on the TARDIS, that much she knew. She stood up and stumbled to the door. Her mind was swimming. She remembered regenerating and the lizard woman.
What was her name? Vestra? No, Vastra. Madame Vastra.
Where was she? When was she?
Everything was so fuzzy and her head hurt.
Elise made her way into the hallway.
“Madame Elise. You shouldn’t be out of bed,” a brunette woman in a maid outfit said, coming towards her.
“Who are you?” Elise asked. She didn’t understand what was going on. Where was her father?
“I’m Jenny, ma’am. You know that,” the woman, Jenny, said, “Let’s get you changed.” Jenny reached out to touch Elise, but she backed away like a caged animal.
“Get away from me! Where’s my father!” she yelled.
“Miss, please. You need to calm down. You’ll feel better once you lay down and rest some more.”
“I don’t want to…” Elise fell to her knees as pain racked her body. She pressed a hand to her chest. “Something’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong, miss. You just need more sleep.”
“I…I don’t think I want to.”
Jenny helped her up and back to her room. Jenny helped her undress and Elise noticed a tattoo.
Roses with thorns wound up her side and stopped at her neck. They were beautiful. Elise touched her neck where the tattoo stopped.
“We’ll need to find something to cover that up,” Jenny said.
“What? Why?” Elise asked.
“You’re in Victorian London, miss.”
“Am I?”
Jenny handed her a green dress. “Matches your eyes.”
“Does it?” Elise looked at herself in the mirror. This body had more of a womanly shape. She had red hair exactly like Amy’s, but her eyes were green. A beautiful pale green.
Jenny handed her a shawl to cover the tattoo winding up her neck.
They went downstairs.
“Who is this?” Latimer asked.
“It’s complicated,” Jenny told him. Jenny ran over to the window. “They're growing! The snowmen are growing!”
“What should we do?”
“Jenny, did the Doctor leave my screwdriver?” Elise asked.
“No ma’am.”
Elise cursed under her breath, making Latimer and the maid gasp.
Jenny smiled. This Elise had more fire than the first one.
“No, you must fight. Hang on and fight, boy. You can do it,” Strax told Clara.
Latimer rushed to her side.
“Captain Latimer. Your children. They're afraid. Hold them,” she said.
“It's not really my area.”
“It is now.”
There was a crack of thunder outside and the snow turned to rain.
“What’s going on?” Jenny asked.
“The snow. It mirrors.”
“But what’s it mirroring?”
Elise turned to Jenny. “What’s the most powerful thing in the world?”
The TARDIS reappeared in the study.
The Doctor entered the room and found Elise kneeling at Clara’s bedside. The newly regenerated Timelord was holding her hand.
“Who are you?” Clara asked her.
“Just a friend”, Elise answered.
“You seem familiar.”
“Do I? Maybe we’ve met in another life.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
The Doctor could see that Elise hadn’t lost her compassion for life. If anything, it had been strengthened by the loss they had suffered in the last few years.
“I'm sorry. There was nothing to be done. She has moments only,” Strax told the Doctor.
The Doctor approached Clara and Elise.
“We saved the world, Clara, you and me. We really, really did.”
“Are you going back to your cloud?”
“No more cloud. Not now.”
“Why not?”
“It rained.” The Doctor hung his head.
The Doctor looked at her.
“Run, you clever boy. And remember.”
The clock struck midnight on Christmas day as Clara died.
Clara’s funeral was a few days later.
“And what about the Intelligence? Melted with the snow?” Vastra asked.
“No, I shouldn't think so. It learned to survive beyond physical form,” the Doctor said.
“Well, we can't be in much danger from a disembodied Intelligence that thinks it can invade the world with snowmen,” Jenny remarked.
“Or that the London Underground is a key strategic weakness,” Vastra added.
The Doctor took out Dr. Simeon’s business card. “The Great Intelligence. Rings a bell. The Great Intelligence.”
Elise and the Doctor approached the grave as Latimer and his children left.
“Doctor?” Jenny asked. Jenny and Vastra walked up behind the Doctor as he examined the gravestone.
“I never knew her name. Her full name.” She had the same name as the girl from the Dalek Asylum. “Soufflé girl. Oswin. It was her. It was soufflé girl again. We never saw her face the first time with the Daleks, but her voice, it was the same voice.”
“Doctor?” Jenny asked.
“The same woman, twice. And she died both times. The same woman!”
“Doctor, please, what are you talking about?” Vastra asked.
“Something's going on. Something impossible, something. Right, you two stay here. Stay right here. Don't move an inch.”
“Are you coming back?”
“Shouldn't think so!”
“But where are you going?”
“To find her. To find Clara.”
“Hey! Wait up!” Elise called, running after him.
Elise came into the control room. She’d changed out of the black funeral dress, but the dark color remained.
The Doctor looked up and frowned.
Gone were the bright colors and in its place was black.
She wore a black tank top under a black leather jacket. On her legs were a pair of black skinny jeans and black knee high boots.
All the black made her red curls stand out more. It was evident that this regeneration had taken traits from both Amy and River, the two most influential women on her last body. But her eyes were all him. A bright green identical to his own.
“What?” she asked him.
“Nothing.” As much as he loved Elise, he’d miss the little girl he raised. His beautiful flower child. The one he got killed.
“You’re blaming yourself aren’t you?” she asked.
The Doctor smiled. He’d missed her. This version of her had become his best friend. She was always blunt and always said what was on her mind, unlike her first body.
“It isn’t your fault. I should’ve paid more attention.” She approached him and he noticed that she held herself differently. Her first body had always tried to keep to the shadows, not be noticed. But this one walked with her head high and a defiant look in her eyes.
The Doctor wrapped his arms around her. He noticed that she was shorter. She usually came up to his chin. This incarnation barely came up to his shoulders. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve been there when you woke up.”
Elise shrugged. “I was scared and confused at first, but Jenny was kind enough to explain what was going on.”
Elise stepped back from him and walked over to the console. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s find Clara.”
The Doctor laughed and smiled, throwing levers and pushing buttons.
This was going to be fun.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 15
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 15 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 15/? SUMMARY: The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret, because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
Loud music played through the speakers in the console.
It was some rock song that Elise had never heard by a human band she’d never heard of. Elise decided she didn’t like Rock n’ Roll.
Amy and Rory played darts while Elise was sitting on the stairs sketching Idris while the Doctor stood in front of the monitor.
“Forty six. Rubbishy, rubbishy, rubbish,” Amy told Rory.
Elise rolled her eyes. She’d never understand human games. She and the Doctor played football sometimes when the Ponds were sleeping and she wasn’t too tired.
“Hello? It's a double top,” Rory argued.
“Wrong side of the wire, mister.”
“You're on the oche, Red.”
The music abruptly cut off.
“Who wants fish and chips?” the Doctor asked.
Rory raised his hand. “I'll drop you both off. Take your time. Don't rush.”
“Er, and you?” Rory asked.
Elise had once again been forgotten. Maybe she needed to speak up more.
“Things to do. Things involving other things.”
“Well, we'll stay with you. We'll do the other things,” Amy said, joining the Doctor on the platform.
“Whatever you're up to, I'd personally like to be a part of it.”
The Doctor looked at her apprehensively.
An alarm went off and the TARDIS lurched.
Elise was thrown from stairs. The Doctor grabbed her before her face could slam into the console.
“Solar tsunami. Came directly from your sun. A tidal wave of radiation. Big, big, big.”
The Doctor pulled levers as he tried to direct the TARDIS.
“Oh Doctor, my tummy's going funny,” Rory moaned.
“Well, the gyrator disconnected. Target tracking is out. Assume the position!”
“What does that mean?!” Elise yelled.
“Do I what do,” Amy told her. Amy ran to the jump seat and put her head between her knees.
Elise copied her.
Rory knelt down on the platform and did the same.
The TARDIS landed and everything was quiet.
The Doctor jumped up. “Textbook landing.”
They made their way to the TARIDS doors and the Doctor threw them open. “Behold, a cockerel! Love a cockerel.”
They all stepped out.
“And underneath, a monastery. Thirteenth century.”
“Oh, we've gone all medieval,” Amy commented.
“I'm not sure about that,” Rory told her.
“Really? Medieval expert are you?”
“No, it's just that I can hear Dusty Springfield.”
There was indeed music coming from the monastery.
The Doctor knelt beside a hole with an exposed pipe. “These fissures are new. Solar tsunami sent out a huge wave of gamma particles. This is caused by a magnetic quake that occurs just before the wave hits.”
“Well, the monastery's standing,” Amy said.
The Doctor took a snowglobe out of his jacket and shook it. Elise failed to see how that helped anything. “Yeah, for now.”
“Doctor, look,” Rory told him.
“Yeah. It's a supply pipe.” The Doctor scanned it with his screwdriver. “Ceramic inner lining. Something corrosive. They're pumping something nasty off this island to the mainland.”
“My mum's a massive fan of Dusty Springfield,” Rory commented.
“Who isn't? Right, let's go. Satisfy our rabid curiosity.”
The Doctor and Amy took off for the steps leading to the monastery. Rory and Elise cautiously followed after them. The steps led to a courtyard.
“So where are these Dusty Springfield loving monks, then?” Amy asked as the Doctor scanned their surroundings.
“I think we're here. This is it.”
“Doctor, what are you talking about? We've never been here before.” Rory said.
“We came here by accident?” Amy reminded him.
The Doctor turned to face them. “Accident? Yes, I know. Accident.”
Rory reached out to touch one of the pipes, only to yank his hand back. “Ow!”
“Acid. They're pumping acid off this island. That's old stuff,” the Doctor reassured him, “Fresh acid, you wouldn't have a finger.”
Amy inspected Rory’s hand as the Doctor walked off.
“Intruder alert. Intruder alert.”
The Doctor walked back to them. “There are people coming. Well, almost.”
“Almost coming?” Amy asked.
“Almost people.”
Amy and the Doctor ran off.
“I think we should really be going,” Rory said.
Elise nodded, agreeing with him.
“Come on!” Amy yelled.
“I'm telling you. When something runs towards you, it is never for a nice reason.”
Amy grabbed onto his jacket, pulling him after her.
Elise ran to catch up with them.
They ran into a room full of people in harnesses.
“What are all these harnesses for?” Amy asked.
“The almost people?” Rory guessed.
“What are they, prisoners, or are they meditating, or what?”
“Well, at the moment they fall into the “or” what category,” the Doctor told them.
“Halt and remain calm.”
“Well, we've halted. How are we all doing on the calm front?”
A group of people, the same people in the harnesses, came running into the room. They were all brandishing spears of some kind.
“Don't move!” a man told them.
“Stay back, Jen. We don't know who they are,” another said.
“So let's ask them. Who the hell are you?” Jen asked.
“Well, I'm the Doctor, and this is Amy, Elise, and Rory, and it's all very nice, isn't it?”
“Hold up. You're all. What are you all? Like identical twins?” Amy asked them.
Two people in odd looking suits came down a set of stairs.
“This is an Alpha Grade industrial facility. Unless you work for the military or for Morpeth Jetson, you are in big trouble,” the woman said. She seemed to be in charge.
“Actually, you're in big trouble,” the Doctor said, pulling out his psychic paper.
The woman snatched it out of his hand.
“Meteorological Department? Since when?”
“Since you were hit by a solar wave.”
“Which we survived.”
“Just, by the look of it. And there's a bigger one on the way.”
“Which we'll also survive. Dicken, scan for bugs.”
“Backs against the wall. Now,” one of the men in the orange suits said.
The Doctor, Elise, Amy, and Rory did as they said.
“You're not a monastery, you're a factory. Twenty second century army-owned factory,” the Doctor said.
“You're army?” Amy asked.
Elise smirked as she remembered Amy in Churchill’s bunker.
“No, love. We're contractors, and you're trespassers,” the woman said.
“It's clear, boss,” Dicken told her.
“All right, weatherman, your ID checks out.” She held out the psychic paper as the Doctor came towards her. “If there's another solar storm, what are you going to do about it? Hand out sunblock?”
The Doctor took it from her and laughed. “I need to see your critical systems.”
“Which one?”
“You know which one.”
The woman, named Cleaves, led them into room with a vat full of a milky white substance.
“And there you are,” the Doctor said, wonder in his voice.
“Meet the government's worst kept secret,” Cleaves said, “The Flesh. It's fully programmable matter. In fact, it's even learning to replicate itself at the cellular level.”
“Right. Brilliant. Lost,” Amy said.
“Okay. Once a reading's been taken, we can manipulate its molecular structure into anything. Replicate a living organism down to the hairs on its chinny chin chin. Even clothes. And everything's identical. Eyes, voice…”
“Mind, soul?” the Doctor added.
Elise’s eyes met his. She narrowed them, wondering what he was up to. What was he thinking? She knew by the way he was acting that they hadn’t landed there by accident. An idea hit Elise. Was this to do with Amy? She’d seen the Doctor scanning Amy for pregnancy, but the monitor couldn’t make up its mind.
“Don't be fooled, Doctor. It acts like life but it still needs to be controlled by us, from those harnesses you saw,” Cleaves told him.
“Wait, whoa. Hold it. So, you're Flesh now?” Rory asked.
“I'm lying in a harness back in that chamber. We all are, except Jennifer here. Don't be scared. This thing, just like operating a forklift truck.”
“You said it could grow. Only living things grow,” the Doctor said.
“Moss grows. It's no more than that. This acid is so dangerous we were losing a worker every week. So now we mine the acid using these doppelgangers. Or Gangers,” Cleaves explained, “If these bodies get burnt or fall in the acid…”
“Then who the hell cares, right, Jen?” Buzzer, one of the men, asked.
“Nerve endings automatically cut off like airbags being discharged. We wake up and get a new Ganger,” Jennifer said.
Rory nodded, understanding.
“It's weird, but you get used to it,” the other man, Jimmy, commented.
“Jennifer, I want you in your Ganger. Get back to the harness,” Cleaves ordered.
Jennifer left as the Doctor scanned the Flesh.
“Hang on, what's he up to? What you up to, pal?” Buzzer asked.
“Stop it.” The Doctor jerked his hand back and pocketed his screwdriver. “Strange. It was like for a moment there it was scanning me.” He placed his hand on the surface.
“Doctor…Get back, Doctor! Leave it alone,” Cleaves told him.
He finally pulled his hand back. “I understand.”
“Doctor? Are you all right?” Amy asked.
“Incredible. You have no idea. No idea. I mean, I felt it in my mind. I reached out to it, and it to me.”
“Don't fiddle with the money, Doctor,” Cleaves said, her tone patronizing.
“How can you be so blinkered? It's alive. So alive.”
It finally dawned on Elise.
“You're piling your lives, your personalities directly into it.”
There was flash from outside and the monastery shook.
“It's the solar storm. The first waves come in pairs. Pre-shock and fore-shock. It's close,” the Doctor said.
“Buzzer, we got anything from the mainland yet?” Cleaves asked.
“No, the comms are still too jammed with radiation.”
“Okay. Then we'll keep pumping acid until the mainland says stop. Now why don't you stand back and let us impress you?”
Elise did not like Cleaves one bit.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 9
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 9 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 9/? SUMMARY: The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret, because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
They stepped out of the TARDIS on to what appeared to be a ship.
“Doctor, are you sure we’re in the right place?” Rory asked.
“This is where the distress signal lead.”
They found a hatch and the Doctor knocked. He pushed it open and a group of pirates stood there. “Yo ho ho!” he said, excitedly, “Or does nobody actually say that?”
The Captain and a couple of his crew members took them to the Captain’s quarters and the Doctor explained why they were there.
“We made no signal,” the Captain said.
“Our sensors picked you up. Ship in distress.”
“Yes. Okay, problem word. Seventeenth century. My ship automatically, er, noticed-ish that your ship was having some bother.”
“That big blue crate?”
Elise glared at the Captain. The TARDIS was not a crate.
Rory hit her on the shoulder and she stopped.
“That is more magic, Captain Avery. They're spirits. How else would they have found their way below decks?” his first mate asked.
“Well, er, I want to say multidimensional engineering, but since you had a problem with sensors, I won't go there. Look, I'm the Doctor. This is Amy, Rory, and Elise. We're sailors, same as you.” He stepped forward and punched Avery’s shoulder. “Ooo arrr.” When he turned around, Avery was pointing a gun at him. “Except for the gun thing. And the beardiness.”
“You're stowaways! Only explanation. Eight days, we've been stranded here, becalmed. You must have stowed away before we sailed,” Avery said.
“Now what do we do with 'em?” the first mate asked.
“Oh, I think they deserve our hospitality.”
They took them all up on deck.
The Doctor was standing on the plank as the pirates laughed.
Elise was struggling against the pirate that held her.
“I suppose that laughing like that is in the job description. Can you do the laugh? Check. Grab yourself a parrot. Welcome aboard,” the Doctor ranted.
“Stocks are low. Only one barrel of water remains. We don't need three more empty bellies to fill. Take the doxies below to the galley. Set them to work. They won't need much feeding,” Avery ordered.
“Rory? A little help?” Amy asked as she and Elise backed away from the pirate in front of them. Elise wished River had given her a blaster or something.
“Yeah. Hey, listen, right? She's not a doxy and neither is Elise,” Rory asked.
“I didn't mean just tell him off. Thanks anyway.”
The pirate shoved Elise and Amy below deck.
“Now what?” Elise whispered.
Amy looked around and found a crate full of swords. She grabbed one and handed a smaller one to Elise.
It was more of a dagger than sword.
Next, Amy grabbed a coat and a hat and they made their way back up on deck.
“I suppose the rest of them are hiding some place, and they're going to jump out and shout boo,” the Doctor said.
“Boo!” Amy yelled.
The pirates spun around.
“Throw the gun down,” she said.
Avery did and she kicked it away from him.
“The rest of you, on your knees,” she ordered. “
Amy, what are you doing?” the Doctor asked. The Doctor noticed Elise was holding a small dagger as well.
“Saving your life. Okay with that, are you?” Amy asked.
“Put down the sword. A sword could kill us all, girl,” Avery said.
“Yeah, thanks. That is actually why I'm pointing it at you.”
The pirates rushed forward, trying to knock the sword from Amy’s hands. Any time she got close to them with the sword, they backed away from her.
Amy ran up some steps and swung across on a rope. She slashed at the pirate who was holding Rory earlier.
“You have killed me,” he said.
“No way. It's just a cut. What kind of rubbish pirates are you?” Amy asked.
“One drop, that's all it takes. One drop of blood and she'll rise out of the ocean,” Avery explained.
“Come on, I barely even scratched him. What are you all in such a huff about?”
A pirate came towards Amy and she tried to swing past him, but he grabbed her. She dropped the sword.
Rory tried to grab it, but cut his hand in the process. “Ow!” A black spot appeared on his hand. “Er, Doctor, what's happening to me?” he asked.
“She can smell the blood on your skin. She's marked you for death,” Avery said.
“A demon, out there in the ocean.”
“Okay. Groovy. So not just pirates today. We've managed to bagsy a ship where there's a demon popping in,” the Doctor said. He looked at Rory’s hand. “Very efficient. I mean, if something's going to kill you, it's nice that it drops you a note to remind you.”
Suddenly, there was singing.
“Quickly now, block out the sound,” the first mate said.
“What?” Rory asked.
“The creature. She charms all her victims with that song,” Avery explained.
“Oh, great. So put my fingers in my ears, that's your plan? Doctor, come on. Let's go. Let's get back to the…back to the…” Rory and the other pirate started giggling.
“The music. It's working on him. Look,” the first mate said.
Rory turned to Amy, swaying a bit. “You are so beautiful.”
“What?” Amy asked him.
“I love your get up. That's great. You should dress as a pirate more often. Hey, hey, cuddle me, shipmate.”
“Rory, stop.”
“Everything is totally brilliant, isn't it? Look at these brilliant pirates. Look at their brilliant beards. I'd like a beard. I'm going to grow a beard.”
“You're not.”
“The music turns them into fools,” Avery said.
Amy froze. “Oh, my God.”
They all turned to see a bright light rising up out of the water.
A woman flew out of the sea and landed on deck.
The pirate walked towards her while Amy tried to hold Rory back. When the pirate touched her, he exploded.
Elise gasped.
“I have to touch her. Let me touch her,” Rory begged.
“Sorry, but he is spoken for,” Amy told her.
The woman turned red and blasted Amy back.
Elise and the Doctor ran to her.
“Amy! Everybody into the hold. Rory! Come on!”
The Doctor grabbed Rory and pulled him down below deck.
“Hey! Wait! Get off!” Rory yelled.
They now stood in ankle deep water. Of course it was higher on Elise.
The Doctor grabbed the dagger out of Elise’s hand. “Give me that.” He chucked in across the room.
“What is that thing?” Amy asked, wrapping her arms around Rory.
“The legend. The siren. Many a merchant ship laden with treasure has fallen prey to her. She's been hunting us ever since we were becalmed, picking off the injured,” Avery explained.
“Like a shark. A shark can smell blood,” the first mate said.
“Okay. Just like a shark, in a dress. And singing. And green? A green singing shark in an evening gown,” the Doctor ranted.
“The ship is cursed!” Avery insisted.
“Yeah, right. Cursed is big with humans. It means bad things are happening but you can't be bothered to find an explanation.”
“She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,” Rory said.
The Doctor clapped him on the shoulder a few times.
“Actually, I think you'll find she isn't,” Amy told him.
“She is.”
“We have to leave right now.”
“That thing of yours really is a ship?” Avery asked.
“Well, it's not propelled by the wind,” the Doctor said.
Avery pulled out his gun and pointed it at the Doctor. “Show me. Weigh anchor. Make it sail.”
“And the gun's back. You're big on the gun thing, aren't you? Freud would say you're compensating. Ever met Freud? No? Comfy sofa.”
Elise patted his hand. She could go for a comfy sofa right now too.
“Leave the cursed one, Captain. The creature can have him,” one of the pirates said.
“Yes, please,” Rory agreed.
“We don't want the siren coming after us,” Avery told him.
One of the pirates started screaming and he pulled his leg out of the water.
“It's a leech!” Amy exclaimed.
“Everyone out of the water!” the Doctor yelled.
The Doctor picked Elise up and set her on top of a crate.
“It's bitten me. I'm bleeding,” the pirate said.
“She wants blood. Why does she want blood?” the Doctor asked.
“What were you saying about leaving the cursed ones behind?” Amy quipped.
“It's okay, we're safe down here. No curse is getting through three solid inches of timber.”
The Siren appeared behind the Doctor.
“Oh! Ah. Hello again,” he said.
The pirate started to go towards her, despite everyone yelling at him not to. He touched her and exploded, leaving only his hat behind.
The Doctor grabbed the hat and ushered everyone into the bunk room.
“Safe?” Amy asked.
“I have my good days and my bad days,” he told her.
“How did she get in?” Avery asked.
The Doctor soniced the pirate’s hat. “Bilge water. She's using water like a portal, a door. She can materialize through a single drop. We need to go somewhere with no water.”
“Well, thank God we're not in the middle of the ocean,” Amy snapped.
“Did you see her eyes?” Rory asked, “Like crystal pools.”
“You are in enough trouble.”
“The magazine,” Avery said.
“What?” Amy asked.
“He means the armory where the powder's stored,” the Doctor explained.
“It's dry as a bone,” Avery said.
“Good. Let's go there.”
Avery aimed his gun at the Doctor again. “I give the orders.”
“Ah. Worried because I'm wearing a hat now? Nobody touch anything sharp!”
Everyone followed the Doctor and Avery.
The first mate was looking through his keys.
“Quickly, man,” Avery told him.
“I can't find the key. Tis gone, Captain.”
“How can it have gone?”
The Doctor pushed open the door. “Someone else had the same idea.”
They went inside.
“Barricade the door. Careful of that lantern. Every barrel is full of powder,” Avery said.
“Who's been sleeping in my gun room?” the Doctor asked.
There was a coughing noise coming from a barrel.
Avery opened it and pulled out a young boy around Elise’s age. “You fool!” Avery yelled, “You fool, boy. What are you doing here?”
“Who is he?” the first mate asked.
“What, he's not one of the crew?” the Doctor asked.
“No. He's my son.” Avery put him down. “What in God's name possessed you, boy? Your mother will be searching for you.”
The boy looked away.
“When?” Avery asked.
“Last winter. Fever. She told me all about you. How you were a Captain in the Navy. An honorable man, she said. How I'd be proud to know you.” He coughed. “I've come to join your crew.”
“I don't want you here,” Avery told him.
Elise glared at Avery. How could he not want his own son with him? The Doctor put a hand on her shoulder, making circles with his thumb to calm her.
“You can't send me back. It's too late. We're a hundred miles from home,” Avery’s son said.
“It's dangerous here. There is a monster aboard. She leaves a mark on men's skin.”
“The black spot?” He showed them the palm of his hand and then coughed.
The Doctor nudged Elise. She knew what that meant. Elise walked over to him nervously playing the braids in her hair.
The adults had stepped away to talk.
“Hello,” she said.
“What’s your name?”
“Toby.” He coughed again.
“I’m Elise.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Toby coughed and started wheezing.
“Sounds like you need a drink of water,” Elise said. She pulled out her sonic screwdriver, searching for a barrel with fresh water.
They found one and Toby pulled the top off.
Elise screamed as the Siren’s hand shot out.
The Doctor grabbed the lid and forced it back down.
“The water's dangerous. That's how she gets through. One touch of her hand and you're a dead man,” Avery said.
“We're all cursed if we stay aboard,” the first mate told them.
“It's not a curse. Curse means game over. Curse means we're helpless. We are not helpless. Captain, what's our next move?” the Doctor asked.
Avery looked at the Doctor and then at his son. He pulled out a medallion attached to a string and put it around Toby’s neck. “Wait with the boy.”
“Captain, we're all in danger here,” the first mate said.
“I said wait. And barricade the door after we've gone.”
“Sure you want to go?” Amy asked the Doctor.
“We have to get Rory and Toby away. She's out there now, licking her lips, boiling a saucepan, grating cheese.”
Food sounded really good right about now.
“Okay… Well, remember, if you get an itch, don't scratch too hard.”
“We've all got to go some time. There are worse ways than having your face snogged off by a dodgy mermaid.”
The Doctor looked down at Elise. He petted her hair before leaning down to kiss her head.
Amy put a hand on her shoulder as the Doctor and Avery left.
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