#like obkin and cloncest are right there
its-kinda-snowy · 2 years
I absolutely adore your art. But I am vehemently anti d*nluke, like to an extreme degree as I think it’s the worst and most problematic ship in the whole fandom. I’ve seriously endeavoured to try and understand why someone would even imagine those two together when they don’t actually have history or any interactions, but I just can’t. It baffles and depresses me to no end that it’s the most popular ship, especially when it disregards characters such as Boba, Omera, or even just Din being single. I wish there wasn’t so many talented artists promoting it. But it feels like a runaway train now that’ll never slow down and stop, and is already trampling any and all other ships. You can’t even go into the Dincobb or Dinboba tag without seeing Luke added in there too, especially on ao3. I feel like it’s a serious issue that has some reeeeeally problematic roots in stereotypes and homophobia (Luke as the “white submissive twink” hello) but everybody is just happy for it to keep spreading without questioning any of this.
ok. this is not the first ask i've gotten like this, and since this seems to be a continuous issue with you guys im turning anon off :/
like I get why you have issues with the ship, and its completly valid and it is true for some parts of the fandom. But going into peoples inboxes and saying shit like this isn't going to do anything. You don't have to follow me, and you don't have to look at my art (which I try to avoid falling into those harmful stereotypes as much as I can)
I am literally making art for them because I enjoy the characters and want to share my enjoyment with others, so like I don't get what u want me to do
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