#like playing around with a rebel persephone?? hmmm
maidstew · 4 months
as a self-indulgent little treat i am thinking about persephone price meeting finnick odair (inspired by chats with @diiwata)
→ by some stroke of luck, festus creed hasn’t mysteriously died like many of their former classmates. he continues to work closely with coriolanus and as a result, persephone is expected at capitol social events.
→ this includes events related to the hunger games even though the thought makes her slightly ill. especially when there’s a victor for district 4. this year is worse than usual because the victor is a 14 year old boy.
→ persephone watches finnick charm the capitol citizens of his victor party. he’s nothing like mizzen- in looks or personality- but it’s still all she can think about.
→ by another stroke of (bad) luck, he comes to sit in the tucked away area she’s in to get away for a moment.
→ she makes polite conversation and asks him about district 4. it sounds different from the way mizzen described it, too much capitol propaganda. she wonders how mizzen would feel about district 4 now. she wonders if finnick ever collected sea shells like mizzen did.
→ she almost brings mizzen up- but fears someone important overhearing. president snow gets deeply upset at the mention of the 10th hunger games. livia cardew-snow has the bruises to prove it.
→ finnick is the one who brings him up in the end. mentioning that his mentor, mags, had a younger brother that didn’t survive the games and how he was glad he won because his death would have hurt her. he doesn’t know not to bring up things like that. he doesn’t know persephone is the reason mizzen is dead.
→ persephone shifts uncomfortably, she typically avoids mags at all costs. mags has never been hostile towards her, but there’s always a hint of accusation in her eyes when she looks at persephone. persephone knows she deserves it.
→ persephone is glad that mags could save finnick in the way that she couldn’t save mizzen. she finds herself wanting to do more, wanting to actually do something to stop the hunger games. she did nothing when mizzen died or when any other tributes died throughout the years. it just keeps going and she just keeps watching.
→ finnick is eventually stolen away by a woman persephone vaguely recognizes as a stylist. she doesn’t directly speak with him again until right after the 74th hunger games.
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mystery punk girl
alright fellas i gotta make sure i don’t embarrass myself this time, we got like, stakes and shit now. SO *breaks fingers* let’s make a masterpost of theories
aka i heard someone was interested in some mystery punk girl theories and decided to collect all the one’s i’ve gotten so far
tl;dr: mystery punk girl could literally be anything/anyone. we go over a few theories, notably ones that paint her as a younger sibling to the Calypso twins (Tyreen = First Sister). we also have one where she is a fraternal twin to Ava and mirrors Troy as the non-Siren-twin of a relationship. we also talk about why she hasn’t been getting a lot of cultist worship, like maybe she’s gone missing, or died. also that she may betray the twins (if! she was ever on their side to begin with! 👀) because her color scheme is one of a friend and tbh the twins seem suuuper close and she doesn’t seem to be getting any recognition from the cult.
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from the numskull pin page, also where we learned she’s listed as ‘Punk Girl’
so to get to the point, the most obvious theory is that mystery masked girl is the younger (est?) sibling to the twins.
when mouthpiece talks in the beginning of the HBC demo, he calls Tyreen the ‘first sister’. I mention that in a post here (during my live post spamming of the event lol)
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it’s mostly interesting because when you refer to someone as ‘the first’, usually the second part of that is what you’re referring to. 
@sugar-high-viking​ brought this to my attention as well when the pins dropped, and also made a great point that she might be either a half-sibling (different colored hair), OR, to tie into my atlas theory about the twins, a similar experiment, but not blood-related (that part is in the notes of said post, i copied it here for easier reading)
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which i adore because atlas twins is my favorite theory that’s probably never going to happen. (also hi if you’re reading this, sorry for the tag! i wanted to give credit because that was brilliant)
we do have a biiiit more stuff to go over.
take the mask of mayhem (yes im still working on that analysis, i promise!! i do like a facet a day if im not working on other stuff)
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the whole backdrop thing feels to me like an order of importance.
we have the God Queen at the very top and in the middle. 
on her left is the vault hunters, who of course are going to have a prominent role in the story.
on her right is Troy, her right-hand man (ala the cosplay guide) 
and below Troy we have Mystery Punk Girl. can i call her MPG? i feel like i’m allowed to call her MPG
So her and Troy are about the same level as the Vault Hunters.
We can’t really infer that Tyreen is the oldest sibling (First Sister, with Troy possibly being the Second Brother? Or, Troy is the First Brother, Tyreen is the First Sister, and MPG is the Second Sister. i’d imagine the latter is correct because the former would have to use First Sibling to be correct) but we can guess that things on top are ordered in terms of importance.
And considering we haven’t seen NPG in ANY promo material or trailers yet? yeah i imagine she’s not shown off like the twins are, which would explain her lower level. now if that’s because she’s too important for them to be flashy with her, or if because they don’t think she’s worthy, or they want to protect her, or whatever, I wouldn’t be able to say.
Furthermore, we can also guess she’s not in an Angel-type situation. It’s heavily implied Ava is the Siren successor to Maya (but not officially stated). We know she has feathers on her outfit, but as I found out a bit ago, those (likely) aren’t meant to represent the wings that Tyreen and Lilith have on the MoM. They’re part of the clothing some cultists wear (possibly to emulate her looks like they do with Troy and Tyreen).
pictures for proof:
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again, none of this is proven, as Ava nor Maya have wings on the MoM, but it is interesting to note. Also, if Ava does end up being a Siren (say her tattoos take a while to grow big enough for us to see, or they appear after her powers come in, fixing the Angel w/ no tattoos on jack’s desk “plot hole” we see in tps) then there’s no way for Punk Girl to have been a Siren.
okay, we know for a fact Troy’s red tattoos aren’t there because of Lilith. 
As of right now, we have officially sourced stuff showing him with his red tattoos during the HBC (on the hologram), which we’ve proven takes place before the Sanc-III scene where Lilith gets her powers stolen.
there are plenty of theories as to why he’s got those tattoos then: because the twins were conjoined, they got the powers from a vault (the one shown on the walls of the HBC), they were experiments, they were experiments because they were conjoined twins, they’re fake Sirens, fake Sirens due to the experiments, etc, etc. i could go on for ages, but im not gonna, cause we’re not here for this.
im going to take the ‘the twins were conjoined’ theory and run with it for a secco. we had that interview where paul sage said at one point either in the development cycle OR in the timeline (the wording is not clear), the twins were conjoined twins. We’ve also seen that the spanish (i believe!) translation of the Calypso Twins yields the version that says they’re conjoined, not just normal twins. so we’re going to hope it’s the right theory.
we know there can only be 6 sirens in the universe. if tyreen was chosen but was still conjoined with her brother, it’s possible he could’ve been messed up by the magic or advanced tech or whatever it is that picks Sirens, and that’s where the red tattoos come from.
So what if MPG is the same way? twin to Ava, ended up not being the one who got the Siren power, rebelled and joined the CoV in hopes of getting her own powers, maybe even to get Tyreen to heal her since it’s possible having a twin with Siren powers can cause an affliction to the other twin. 
It’d be really interesting if the two were abandoned at a young age and it ended up being that Ava was picked up by the Order of the Impending Storm and MPG wasn’t, as Ava was a Siren (like Maya) and MPG wasn’t, so she turns to the cult for help/support/whatever and the twins take a shine to her and basically adopt her as their little sibling. 
(awww maaan i still gotta do my Maya masterpost. hmmm so much to do, so little time...)
tho, that’s 100% unfounded and me spitballing into the void. mostly cause i think she’s gonna end up looking a lot older in game than she does in the MoM. though, in defense, she is titled ‘Punk Girl’, not ‘ Punk Lady’ or ‘Punk Woman’ or whatever. so there’s that, and it seems wild they’d be introducing 2 young girls around the same age and NOT have them be related in some way. even if they’re just storyline parallels to each other (Ava having everything because she’s a Siren and MPG not)
A better theory, is that she’s the 3rd leader/sibling/figurehead of the cult. The game revolves around the number 3, it’s even acknowledged in universe.
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cover art of a high-ranking cultist (the one with the rakk wings on the MoM, im assuming)
which is referenced in actual in-game art
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we see it in the background of the behind closed doors intro
and i imagine there must be an in-universe reason for this very important cultist (TM) to be signalling the number three, right?
there’s certainly more than 3 Vaults. More than 3 opened at the time too. 
3 pieces to the Vault Map? but the twins got that in its entirety. no reason to look for all three parts.
once lily gets her powers removed, there are 3 Sirens in play (that we know are 100% confirmed atm) Tyreen, Maya, Amara.
yeah, i think the most reasonable answer is that the number 3 is tied to the cult in some way.
while i find it hard to believe she’s something as prominent in the cult as a third figurehead (lack of statues, posters, acknowledge at all whatsoever), i could 100% see her being a third sibling, however.
So why isn’t she being worshipped like the twins? Maybe they’re keeping her out of the light for a reason. 
Maybe she’s sick, like Troy, but Ty can’t heal her right away for some reason, or she picked Troy over her or smth (we’re told troy is the smart one, afterall, maybe Ty decided to pick the sibling she’d get the most use out of. or the one she’s closer to, being twins and all). 
I had that dumb theory that Tyreen is Demeter (Troy is Demophon) and MPG is Persephone, taken away by the Vaults/Eridians/whatever in the twins’ attempt to heal her and either it locked her away somewhere, or it killed her. (Her being sick could also explain the ventilator she’s wearing, but i have another theory about that in just a secco.) And her being missing/dead is part of the reason Tyreen and Troy are trying to get the ultimate power, they’re trying to bring her back to life/heal her. And it could explain why she isn’t being referenced at all in most worship art, maybe the twins banned it or whatever. but if she is sick, i wonder why she wasn’t just miraculously healed by the Guardians (the Watcher specifically?) like whatsherface in TPS.
She could also be something like their secret weapon, maybe she has knowledge about something we don’t yet- be it warp travel, eridium testing, Sirens, Vaults, Eridians, etc, that’s giving the twins the better edge. Eridium testing could explain the ventilator, plus we see a giant waterfall of somethin’ glowing purple and i would bet it’s slag/eridium. 
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plus you know im a strong believer of my ‘the twins are using the chemical sludge of elpis to give their followers superpowers’ theory. i mean, if they actually are teleporting the moon (and NOT blowing it up), then it could almost make sense if they want their source of superjuice near their new base of operations/vault/whatever. mostly because we haven’t yet seen Ty give anyone Lily’s powers. As far as we know right now, she’s the sole holder of Lilith’s powers. at the very least, they’re mutating them with eridium/slag. but i wanna believe! so maybe MPG is their way of doing that. giving them insider knowledge of the chemical sludge on the moon, doing tests on it, subjecting the cultists to it, etc. We do see the big boy cultist smack dab in the middle of the mask with rakk wings, which are kind of a corruption of the angel wings we see the Sirens have. and since the Lost Legion Eternal basically have knockoff Siren/Guardian powers due to the chemical sludge on elpis, it would make sense.
she COULD also be our way into the cult. we know nothing about the gal, maybe she’s going to provide us a way to get insider knowledge. im sure whatever the twins post they’re fine with their cultists seeing, so we’d need someone higher up in the proverbial ladder to give us the good info. i do think it’s interesting she does not match the Twins’ colorscheme at ALL. she’s gray and black, yeah, but she’s also pink and orange (yellow?). 
compare these two
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to this:
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it seems off that, if we are to consider them a unit, their colors clash so hard. (seriously, red and pink? oh my god!) I could almost see it as their way of hinting that she’s not 100% conforming to the twins.
I could also kinda see her being jealous of the relationship her older siblings have, how they’re so close because they’re twins and they share this bond over the Siren tattoos/starting a cult together. I could see her betraying them at some point because she’s sick of being pushed into the background. the pink and orange is a nice color combo compared to the reds and blacks. she certainly looks designed to be a friend.
anyway, that’s all i wrote today. im kinda tied, might add onto this later as i keep wrackin’ my brain trying to think of more theories.
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