#like please just send the rejection so i can edit this and submit it somewhere else
dallonwrites · 2 years
submitting to litmags is just refreshing submittable until the “received” turns to “in-progress” but then sometimes it switches to “in-progress” a day after you submit and you’re like. AH! 
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objectheadzine · 1 year
Tumblr media
In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
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fardell24b · 3 years
The Story of D - Facebook Edition
The Story of D – Facebook Edition
Helen Morgendorffer -> Rita Chalmers
But, if Erin never loved him, why'd she marry him in the first place?
Rita Chalmers Because he gave her herpes and thought no one else would want her!
Helen Morgendorffer Oh, lord Rita, it's a new millennium. When will people get rid of these outmoded ideas about sex?
 Jane Lane Where is Daria?
 Daria Morgendorffer Crap!
 Stacy Rowe I wish I could win a Fashionvision Humanitarian Award.
 Sandi Griffin As a prominent extracurricular organisation at Lawndale High, the Fashion Club has decided to lend our name to a worthy cause.
Quinn Morgendorffer A new mirror in the girl’s bathroom to replace the one that adds two pounds.
Sandi Griffin Donating a mirror will reflect well on us.
 Jane Lane The plot may be a little muddled, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like the story!
 Sick Sad World This king of the jungle was one tubby tabby, until the animal plastic surgeon came to call. Lipo for Leo, next on Sick, Sad World.
 Jake Morgendorffer Dammit! Why do they have to make the eye of the needle so darn small?
 Sandi Griffin The Fashion Club has decided to write our own Fashion Magazine, in which we will make our own prognostications as to which trends will occur.
 Jake Morgendorffer If it wasn't for Ellenbogen, I might be a Broadway lyricist. I could write songs for cats. I could write songs for dogs!
 Helen Morgendorffer What are Daria and Tom up to?
 Thomas Sloane Daria’s story was great!
 Sandi Griffin The Fashion Club is proud to present, the Inaugural Fashion Club Forecast. Come to us outside Ms. Li’s Office lunchtime today and tomorrow.
Joseph Green. “An Ode to Aubergine”, interesting…
Jane Lane Maybe Quinn could publish your story, Daria.
Daria Morgendorffer I have already submitted it to this month’s Musings Story Competition.
Jane Lane That’s great!
Daria Morgendorffer It was Tom’s idea.
Timothy O’Neill That’s wonderful Daria!
Daria Morgendorffer I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t mention it in class.
Timothy O’Neill I won’t
Daria Morgendorffer Damn lying teacher!
Jane Lane He meant well for a teacher who does nothing well.
Daria Morgendorffer I'm reminded of my father.
Jane Lane Why?
Daria Morgendorffer Because I can't get the phrase, "damn idiot teachers with their damn idiot brains," out of my head.
Jodie Landon Congratulations
Daria Morgendorffer I haven’t heard back yet!
Kevin Thompson Then Why are you telling people you won?
Brittany Taylor Instead of making stuff up about writing, shouldn't you pick something good?
Daria Morgendorffer How's this. During the day, I'm a mild-mannered student. But at night, I fight crime in a stretchy-stretchy costume.
Kevin Thompson Cool! I didn't know that.
Brittany Taylor She doesn’t really.
Jodie Landon Hopefully you’ll win.
Janet Barch In the name of Jane Austin, Emily Dickinson, Anne Bronte, Emily Bronte, and Charlotte Bronte, I want to say, "You go, girl!"
 Quinn Morgendorffer I can't believe all our newsletter predictions were wrong! Hems hike up, heels fall down, tweezing isn't pleasing, and dark colors like aubergine, are over.
Sandi Griffin Who would have thought that brightly comic tones like peach and lemon would suddenly come into vogue. I need to be alone.
(Sandi Griffin is offline)
Tiffany Blum-Deckler This is so sad.
Stacy Rowe Why does everything always happen to us?
 Daria Morgendorffer I’ve been rejected.
Thomas Sloan What did they say?
Daria Morgendorffer Don’t worry. You’ll get over it. I knew it wasn’t good enough.
Thomas Sloane Okay, so maybe it was the wrong place. Or just a bad judge. There are lots of competitions out there. Send it somewhere else.
Daria Morgendorffer It's not enough to get rejected once, you want me to get rejected dozens of times?
Thomas Sloane Come on. It happens to everyone. One try and you give up?
Daria Morgendorffer Hey, I listened when you told me to send it in, and look what happened. Now you want me to keep submitting it so I can live in a state of perpetual misery. God, you're insensitive.
Thomas Sloane No, I’m supportive. But you're too thick-headed to notice. I liked that story, I thought it was smart, funny and insightful. None of which I could say about you right now.
 Sandi Griffin Attention! Due to a senseless act of sabotage currently under investigation by investigators. The articles in our newsletter were altered prior to publication and without our knowledge. We are therefore rectifying the situation by issuing refunds.
 Sandi Griffin Maybe we don’t have to do something to get a plaque…
 Sandi Griffin after a couple of tries, here is our dedication of plaque in the girls bathroom.
It’s the thought that counts.
Stacy Rowe I said I was sorry!
 Daria Morgendorffer -> Thomas Sloane I'm cooking up a delicious juicy crow tonight and thought you might like to come over for a drumstick.
Thomas Sloane Oh, I'm not hungry... but I'll watch you eat.
 Daria Morgendorffer So, apparently the judges liked my story, but didn’t want to publish it as a part of the Competition, but look forward to rejecting me in the future?
 Helen Morgendorffer Daria and Tom kissing!? What else are they up to?
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tak4hir0 · 5 years
Rules Package size below 13 kB All your code and game assets should be smaller than or equal to 13 kilobytes (that's exactly 13,312 bytes, because of 13 x 1024) when zipped. Your .zip package should contain index.html file in the top level folder structure (not a subfolder) and when unzipped should work in the browser. Don't overcomplicate building the zip package, it should unpack on any platform without problems. You can use tools that minify JavaScript source code. Two sources - readable and compressed The competition is focusing on the package size, but learning from others is also very important. Please provide two sources of your game - first one should be minified and zipped to fit in the 13 kB limit (sent via the form) and the second one should be in a readable form with descriptive variable names and comments (hosted on GitHub). No external libraries or services You can't use any libraries, images or data files hosted on server or services that provide any type of data - for example Google Fonts are not permitted (although you are allowed to ask users to live-load a web font to support some characters or emoji on devices that can't display them properly, but you have to make sure your game will work without them). Analytics and other stat-collecting scripts are also not allowed. Your game should work offline (Desktop and Mobile categories) and all the game assets should fit in the package size limit (not counting WebXR's A-Frame, Babylon.js, and Three.js frameworks). If you manage to shrink your favorite library below 13 kilobytes including the code itself, then you can use whatever you want, just remember about the 13 kB limit. Main theme Main theme for the competition is back. It's highly advised to follow it in your game, because the judges will pay attention to that, but you can freely interpret the theme and implement it however you feel would be the best. Deadline - 13th September 2019 The competition starts at 13:00 CEST, 13th August 2019 and ends at 13:00 CEST, 13th September 2019. No submissions will be accepted after the end of the competition, although there may be exceptions to that. Licensing You have to have the rights for every asset used in your game. Remember that the submitted games will be published and made available for everybody to see. On the other hand, you have the right to report any game publisher that will link to (or iframe) your entry on their portal without your permission. New content only Do not submit any old games or demos - you have a whole month to work on something new and fresh, this should be more than enough. Also, submitting Breakout or Flappy Bird clones taken out of a tutorial make no sense at all - try creating something at least a little bit more original. Errors and browser support Your game must work and be playable in at least two browsers: latest Firefox and Chrome, but the more supported browsers, the better. There should be no errors - you can lose some points if your game is showing any errors in the console. If we cannot play your game, it won't be accepted. Teams It doesn't matter if you're working alone or with your friends, just remember that the number of prizes is fixed, so you'll have to share your trophies with your teammates. Sending submissions There's a special form to submit your game. Please remember that you have to provide two sources (see the Rule #2 for details) - a link to a public repository on Github and a zipped package. Participants are allowed to submit more than one game in the competition, though sending the same game as independent submissions targeting different platforms (for example separate builds for desktop and mobile) is forbidden. Accepting submissions Submissions will be checked manually and published after positive verification. This may take up to a couple of days, so be patient if your game is not yet online. I claim the right to reject any submission without giving a reason, although I hope I don't have to. I also have the right to update the rules of the competition at any time. Time frames for voting, giving feedback, and announcing winners The voting among the participants will last for three weeks between September 16th and October 4th, winners will be announced on October 5th. Experts will give the games constructive feedback (one per game) during the same three week period - their comments will also be published on October 5th. Save data ⁄ persistent memory Remember to add prefix to your variables and create a namespace for your game when you save data to localStorage as all the games on the server share the same memory when played in the browser. Also, be sure to NOT use localStorage.clear() as it will wipe out all the data of all the other games. Manipulate the data you are sure is yours. Server category specific rules All the Server category rules, the sandbox server and the demo code can be found at github.com/js13kGames/js13kserver. Code of conduct All participants and judges at js13kGames are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the online event. We are expecting cooperation from all participants to help ensuring a safe environment for everybody. Js13kGames is dedicated to providing a harassment-free competition experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of competition participants in any form. Competition participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the competition at the discretion of the competition organizers. TL;DR: Be excellent to each other. For more details see Berlin Code of Conduct. Privacy policy By entering your email address and sending a game through the submit form you agree to receive email communication about important events of the competition like announcing the winners or sending out the digital prizes, but also curated content from the partners about their tools, services, or job offers. I will never share your email with anyone though. Frequently Asked Questions Why exactly 13 kB? Well... why not? :) What's in it for you? Are you getting paid? Nope, it's just my own idea and it's made for pure fun. I'd love to get a sponsorship though as I spent my own private money on the first edition to cover making t-shirts, shipping of the prizes worldwide, etc. What does the "zipped" term exactly mean? Sent package should be zipped with your usual system archiver, the only allowed extension is .zip. Let's keep it simple - it's a competition for coders and this should be your main focus, the code itself. Thanks to the zipped archive you will easily send your game and we will easily check the file size. Can I use Flash? No, you can code your game using only the open web technologies like JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Can I use WebGL? Yes, though it might be hard to fit it into 13 kilobytes if you plan on doing an FPS game. Can I use CoffeeScript or TypeScript? Yes, you can use it, but you can't submit it. Only JavaScript code will be accepted, so remember to have your compiled code within the 13 kB limit. This is to ensure that the submitted entries are an actual HTML page with scripts, not a binary. Can I use WebAssembly and ⁄ or Rust? Yes, after all those are web technologies, and can work well with JavaScript games if used properly. Can I use compression through the self-extracting PNGs? You can use it, but remember that the zip is as good, or even better in terms of compression than PNGs, so there's no point in doing so. Do I have to register somewhere? No, you just need to submit your game through a form when it's ready. How many games can I submit? As many as you want, there are no limitations. More questions? Send them in via email or social media or post them in the dedicated topic at the HTML5GameDevs forums.
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frenchtoasties123 · 7 years
Video for Stefán Submission Guidelines
Ok, so several people like the idea of this video, so I guess I will try to organize it. I’ve never actually organized something before, so bear with me.
I think this video would be about ten minutes long, maybe a little shorter or longer depending on how many people submit some things to me. I don’t want it to be too long, but we will see. 
I can edit the video and post it to my youtube account, so that problem is out of the way. I thought about linking it to my adsense account and using the money it earns to donate to Stefán, but I don’t think it would get enough views to really do much good. SO I won’t do that. :)
ALSO this is tagged: Vid for Stebbi, so follow that for more info.
So, here are the rules!
1. The submission can be a short video clip, preferably less than a minute long (it may be edited to shorten the length of the video), a piece of artwork, or even both. You could even send an audio file, really anything you want that can go into a video. You can cosplay in the video, you can wear your PJ’s...I don’t really care. Also, the quality of the video or artwork does not matter, but please do your best. :)
2. The artwork and/or video needs to be kind and respectful. Stefán and his family are going through a very tough time right now, and they do not need to see or hear anything that is inappropriate or rude. 
3. NO SHIPPING. DO NOT, under ANY circumstances throw in some Sportarobbie, Glatten...anything. None of that. It is not appropriate.
4. No profanities, please. I might have to cut out anything you send if it has any rough language. Stefán’s kids might see this too, and I highly doubt he or his wife would like for them to hear anything bad. Let’s just play it on the safe side, ok? 
5. Send your submissions to this email address: [email protected] I will review it and decide whether or not to put it into the video (don’t worry, as long as it isn’t inappropriate it will be included :D). Feel free to include your name if you’d like, and please be sure to say that whatever you send says “Vid for Stefán” somewhere in the email. Just so I can organize things a little easier.
6. Everyone is welcome to get in on it! Please do not be afraid to show your lovely face in fear of rejection! Respect is all that I ask for.
7. The DEADLINE is July 31st! So please get your submissions in before then! 
That should be it! Be sure to share this with others to let them in on it, and don’t let anything slip to Stefán! It is a secret! :D If you know someone that is not on tumblr that would like to do this, then let them know! 
If you have any questions, please send me a message or an ask and I will be happy to answer! If for some reason tumblr decides to eat my ask, like it does occasionally, please send me an email instead.
Thank you all! <3
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glare-gryphon · 7 years
if you're keen literally any of those writing prompts you just reblogged would be amazing for obikin
Sure thing!
Rating: T
Pairings: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
1,945 Words
Prompt: I gave you the most heartfelt love letter, but you gave it back to me with spelling and punctuation corrections!?
Additional Tags: Teacher/Student relationship, both parties above legal age of consent.
Send Me More Prompts?
Anakin is hallway through his semester of Professor Obi-Wan Kenobi’s composition class when he turns in the first letter. It’s a long thing, heartfelt if hastily written, tucked between the pages of his latest essay. He drops the packet on the designated spot on Kenobi’s desk, and flashes the man a smile. It’s not great, considering the nausea roiling in his gut, but it’s the best he can do. Before the professor has a chance to offer one of his own, Anakin turns tail and flees back to his desk.
This was, he thinks as he sits, a terrible idea. Unfortunately, it is far too late to backtrack, and Anakin can only watch helplessly as Kenobi straightens the stack of his and his peers’ essays before tucking the neat pile into his briefcase and dismissing them all with a wave of his hand. He is, perhaps, a bit more enthusiastic in his flight from the room than he normally is, though he likes to think he has an excuse this time.
It’s not fair, really; Anakin can think of no other reason than the machinations of a cruel and powerful god as the reason the universe had dropped such a perfect specimen as Professor Obi-Wan Kenobi practically into his lap. Fair skinned, with grey-blue eyes and auburn hair that’s just beginning to grey around the temples, Kenobi may as well have stepped out of one of teenaged Anakin’s wet dreams. Though shorter than Anakin and always swallowed up by oversized sweaters he insists on wearing to class, there is a grace in the way he moves that suggest power hidden beneath all that fabric. Anakin would like nothing more than to divest him of those layers and discover just what lay beneath; to feel the scratch of the man’s well-groomed beard against the soft skin of his lips and hear that infuriatingly crisp voice crack with pleasure; to raise dark bruises on pale skin that the world may know his claim.
Hence the letter. He can’t help but feel a bit like his nine year-old self, crafting a letter in still-shaky scrawl to the eleven year-old girl who lived down the street to proclaim his undying love, but nineteen year-old Anakin hadn’t really seen a better option. It’s not like he could meet Obi-Wan in his office and confess his attraction. The worst that can happen is that Kenobi says no; Anakin trusts he won’t turn him in to the school board for any unwanted advances. At least he’d have closure on the matter and would be able to move on from this ridiculous crush, just as he’d done when Padme Amidala had promptly but kindly informed his nine year-old that she currently had a crush on a girl in her class and therefore could not be his girlfriend.
The class period following the submission of his letter are perhaps the most nerve-wracking of his life, made all the worse by the fact that Kenobi doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that Anakin has laid out his heart on a silver platter and thrown a wrench in the cordial relationship they’d cultivated over the first half of the semester. In fact, Kenobi continues along as though nothing has happened—as though he never received the letter at all. Perhaps it fell out from between the pages somewhere between the library, where Anakin had printed his essay, and the classroom, to be swept away as garbage by the college’s apathetic janitorial staff. He can’t seem to decide whether this thought is a relief or not.
In fact, it is a full week later that Anakin finally gets his answer. Kenobi passes back the essays, lingering perhaps a bit too long by Anakin when he drops his onto his desk, and Anakin flips through the pages only to spot something tucked between them: his letter. It’s not, however, as he submitted it. Instead, it is covered in the signature green of Kenobi’s grading pen. Everything from grammatical and spelling errors have been marked as meticulously as the essay Anakin submitted the letter with. He scowls at it, but it continues to not make any sort of sense. He flips it over, but there is nothing written on the back; no polite rejection or any kind of acknowledgement of the letter’s contents. Just the corrections.
Anakin catches Kenobi’s eyes when the man dismisses them, but his expression is unreadable.
The second letter is submitted with his next assignment, Kenobi’s corrections taken into account. He’s not entirely sure it’s what Obi-Wan wants, but it hadn’t been a straightforward no, so he’s going to go for it. In fact, as he hands the essay to Kenobi, the man thumbs through the pages as though looking for Anakin’s response before sticking it on the pile with all the rest. He smirks at Anakin as he does so, and the youth’s mouth abruptly goes dry.Again the letter is returned to him with his assignment, though there is significantly less green on it than the first attempt. Kenobi’s hand settles on his shoulder very briefly as he passes Anakin’s desk, and the heat that radiates from his palm seems to linger on Anakin’s skin long after he’s left the class and continued on with his day.
It becomes something of a game. He’d submit a letter, Obi-Wan would grade it and give it back. Each time he’d make less and less mistakes, and would spend his free time pouring over their contents in attempt to decipher just what he’d done wrong and how it could be improved. The remainder of the semester flies by, and before he knows it he’s handing in his final essay—his final letter with it. The thought leaves a pit in his stomach.
When grades are finally passed back, he flips desperately through the pages only to find the letter absent. The pit in his stomach seems to grow, swallowing up all of his insides as a sense of betrayal falls over him. Kenobi, for his part, acts as though nothing is wrong; as though he has not violated the arrangement they’d come to over the course of the semester. If Anakin is brooding and unresponsive for the remainder of their final class period, he likes to think he has a perfectly valid reason.
“Mr. Skywalker,” Kenobi calls when the class is dismissed for the last time, catching Anakin just before he slips out the door, “I’d like to see you in my office, please.”
Anakin nods morosely, and waits for the man to pack up his things before following him through the crowded halls. He’s never actually been to Obi-Wan’s office, despite everything. It had seemed too private—to isolated for Anakin to trust himself to not make any rash decisions. Not like it matters now.
The door closing and locking behind them is vaguely ominous, cutting off the sound of students talking as they make their way to their next class; the glass in the window is frosted, making it impossible to see what is going on outside the office—or within. Anakin does not move from the doorway until Kenobi steps around him, settling in his own chair and gesturing to one on the opposite side of the desk. “Please, Anakin, sit.”
He does, shuffling deliberately slow across the room and dropping unceremoniously down into it. It might have been comfortable in other circumstances, but Anakin is too on edge to really take notice. Kenobi does not comment on the matter, instead opening one of the desk drawers and rifling through it until he finds what he’s looking for: Anakin’s last letter.
“Congratulations, Anakin,” he announces as he pulls a pair of glasses from his breast pocket with his free hand. Anakin’s only seen him wear them a few times. “You’ve finally written me a flawless letter; it seems like you’ve learned something from my class after all.”
“Have I?” Anakin mutters, though it’s mostly to himself.
Obi-Wan answers the question nonetheless, setting the paper down to gesture with his hands. “Of course! Over the course of the semester, your grades drastically improved. The improvements you began to make here,” he lays a hand on the letter, “translated directly to improvements in your assignments for class. You spotted and corrected mistakes more easily in you editing, and your overall skill level improved. I’m very proud of you, Anakin,”
“Is that all this was to you?” Anakin spits, temper finally getting the better of him. He snatches the letter from Kenobi’s desk and waves it at the man like a prosecutor presenting evidence to a guilty party. “A fucking academic exercise?”
The outburst earns him a slow blink from Kenobi, who is silent for a moment before his lips curl into a small smirk. “Of course not, Anakin,” he purrs, leaning forward and plucking the letter from the boy’s grip and smoothing the now wrinkled paper on the surface of his desk. “I want you to be mine just as much as you desire to be; I simply had to ensure you actually took something from my class before we got distracted by… other things.”
Anakin has to stifle a whimper when Obi-Wan pushes his chair back from the desk, gesturing for the younger man to approach with a beckoning motion of his fingers. He doesn’t have to be told twice, scrambling out of his own seat and around to the other side; a small part of him can’t believe this is actually happening.
Kenobi guides him up onto his lap despite the soft protest of the chair, Anakin’s knees bracketing the man’s hips. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you,” he murmurs, holding gently to Anakin’s hips as he situates himself. “You have no idea how hard it was to not just give you what you asked for in your letters.”
Anakin thinks he has some idea, having dealt with his own desire over the course of the semester, but he does not say so; they’ve done enough talking, in his opinion. Instead he leans down, catching the man’s lips with his own with the urgency of a starving man. Kenobi doesn’t seem inclined to reprimand him for ending the conversation early, returning Anakin’s affections with the same passion. It’s easy to lose himself in the sensations, everything he wanted and so, so much more. Chapped lips and a rough beard and the aftertaste of tea that Obi-Wan drinks in class. He wants more—wants everything the man has to offer.
When they finally break away to draw breath, Kenobi’s grin has morphed into something predatory. “Would you like to go home with me, Anakin Skywalker?” he asks, and Anakin is nodding frantically before he’s even finished the question.
“Yes,” he gasps. “Yes, yes, please.”
The moment is abruptly ruined by a knock at the door and a jiggling of the handle, a very confused call of, “Mr. Kenobi? Are you in there?” sounding through the glass.
Obi-Wan sighs, gently pushing Anakin off him and attempting to straighten his clothing, which has been irreparably wrinkled by the younger man’s clinging. “I suppose that’s our que to return to the real world.”
“I guess,” Anakin replies, smoothing down his own tee shirt. He doesn’t look nearly as rumpled as Kenobi, only because he always looks a bit of a mess.
“I will see you later then, darling; I do believe you have another class in a bit. Meet me here afterwards?”
Anakin nods his ascent, and Obi-Wan stands to give him one final, chaste peck before striding over to the door and unlocking it to usher Anakin out. “Until then, Mr. Skywalker.”
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booksbroadwaybbc · 6 years
Lavish life to suddenly being unemployed and poor. Yup, das me [27/F]. via /r/selfimprovement
Lavish life to suddenly being unemployed and poor. Yup, das me [27/F].
Throwaway account for obvious reasons. I'll try to make this as simple to understand as possible. Also I need to let this out because it's driving me crazy and I have no friends to talk to.
I'm a child of expat parents. My dad was an oil and gas engineer, so I followed him around the world. Wherever the job took him, he went, my family went. Despite living a lavish life, my parents made sure I studied hard and were very strict. They were the typical "doctor or engineer" type of Asian parents.
Then I turned 17.
Parents: “you need to leave for uni. We’re sending you to Australia.”
Me: “No! I don’t wanna leave you. I wanna stay here!”
Parents: “NO you are going, no questions asked. It's for your own good”
So I left Qatar and landed in Melbourne, Australia. Oh, okay, this is beautiful, I think I’ll enjoy it.
Fast forward 5 years later, I meet the man of my dreams. He seemed outspoken, intelligent and had a great sense of humour. But wait! I’m going to graduate, how am I going to find a job?
Me: “I have to go. There is no way I can get a graduate job in Australia with my crappy grades” (and also as an international student).
Partner: “Yeah ok. We could try long distance though.”
Me: “Yeah ok.”
I take the flight to KL to find work.
Parents: “I don’t want you to live in KL, go somewhere else. You need to be independent.”
Me: “What am I going to do?”
Parents: “You’ll figure it out. You’ll have a better future elsewhere.”
So I left KL and got a job in Singapore. Fast forward 1 year later, I didn’t enjoy my job. My boss was abusive throughout. I was lonely, sick of being in a long distance relationship, sick of being abused and I wanted to leave.
Me: “I quit.”
Boss: “Oh really? Don’t come back, we won’t ever have a job for you here.”
Me: “Don’t worry, I won’t ever come back.” Also, fuck you.
So I quit. Many people tried to talk me out of it, including my partner. But I didn’t care, I was prepared to take a leap of faith and just figure it all out later.
After many months of planning, I left Singapore and landed in Australia. The airport was empty, the immigration officer let me breeze through and it was a beautiful, sunny day. I cried tears of joy. But wait! How am I going to get a visa to stay?
I studied long and hard for IELTs and PTE for the Skilled Independent visa. Bloody hell, I thought, I’ve been speaking English my entire life! I failed and failed and failed. Time was running out, I didn’t know what else to do.
Me: “Hey, want to get married?”
Partner: “Yeah ok. We could work it out I guess.”
I told this to my sister, who heavily objected it.
Me: "Ya so I'm getting married."
Sister: "oh wtf that's too soon don't you think? He just started working, how can he support you? He's not really from a rich family either."
Stubborn me: "IDGAF if he's poor. I love him, we're getting married."
So we got married. We didn’t have it figured out at all. There were many things I hadn’t known about him until I had moved in with him, especially since we spent majority of our relationship in long distance.
The off the plan property we purchased didn’t go ahead. I had moved in with my in laws, having no plans of when we were going to move out, and by then I had already been jobless for about a year. Having lived independently since I was 17, it was difficult to stay with his family who are cheap and frugal af. It has been almost a year and I have been sleeping on the floor because they didn't want to buy a bed frame for us. His mother treats him like a baby and basically controls everything going on at home. He's 26 years old, has a well paying job but has never left home before. But I don't care and FUCK THIS WE ARE MOVING OUT.
Me: “When are we going to move out?”
Partner: “Until you get a job.”
Me: “I don’t have PR yet. I’ve been applying for everything and all I get is rejection emails.”
Partner: "But my mum makes me lunch everyday. Also we don't have money" goes on a stupid rant about money
Me: "If we don't move out, I'm leaving the fuck away from you"
Partner: "Ok we will then. I'm still going to complain about money because you don't have a job."
OK so here's the thing.
Things I am grateful for: graduated debt-free from a top uni, lived in beautiful houses, been to many countries, good food
Things I absolutely hate and seriously fuck it all: no job, no money, no friends
The things I did not anticipate: Being jobless for almost 2 fucking years despite having an engineering degree from a local university. Getting rejected by even part-time work because companies would rather hire high school graduates who they can underpay. When I tried to network and reached out with my "friends," they cut off contact even though prior to my move they had promised they would help me. NO improvement even after having my resume and cover letter checked and edited multiple times. Even going to networking events I put on my fake-"OH I'M A MODEL EMPLOYEE EHEHE"-face and gave out my cards, knowing that they most probably would never get back to me. My husband turned out to be immature af when I moved in with him and his mother pampers him like crazy (he seems very mature and intelligent on the outside).
Looking back I was naive and stupid af. Finally getting to stay in Australia feels like such an anti-climax or maybe I was expecting too much... Lol I'm so depressed, do I even need to mention this? I feel so stuck in my life right now. I JUST WANT TO GIVE UP AND DIE URGHHHH
Can someone give me a reality check? Am I being reasonable or am I being a spoilt brat? It's probably me, which is why I added this to the selfimprovement subreddit. Please be nice, I'm sensitive :(
TL;DR Lived a pretty lavish life being a child of expat parents, now I'm struggling to find work and living a poor life with immature husband who incessantly complains about not having enough money
Submitted April 23, 2018 at 04:15AM by throwaway_chairs999 via reddit https://ift.tt/2F8AJfI
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objectheadzine · 9 months
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2 months left!
In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
229 notes · View notes
objectheadzine · 10 months
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3 months left!
In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
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objectheadzine · 8 months
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2 weeks left!
In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
(If you need an extension on your piece, just email me and let me know you got something cookin!)
113 notes · View notes
objectheadzine · 8 months
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1 month left!
In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
111 notes · View notes
objectheadzine · 11 months
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4 months left!
In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
121 notes · View notes
objectheadzine · 7 months
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In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
(If you need an extension on your piece, just email me and let me know you got something cookin!)
38 notes · View notes
objectheadzine · 7 months
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1 week left!
In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
(If you need an extension on your piece, just email me and let me know you got something cookin!)
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