#like she’s a grown ass woman in the kpop industry she fucking knows she just doesn’t give a fuck
sunmisbf · 5 months
not chungha inviting stupid ass rape apologist hyuna on her radio show
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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Don't know who this woman is and i don't care to know.
Jimin is a full grown adult who has the autonomy to do with his will and weenie whatever he wants and pleases.
He owes no one an explanation for whom he chooses to love. If this person is his girlfriend IT'S FINE! Why do you make it sound like dating and falling in love with someone is a crime? How old are you?
It's 2021 not 2012.
With all the power and privilege he has, the wealth he has and the brand reputation he's built and accumulated over the years, he really has no reason to be afraid to let people know he is in a relationship with whomever and the only reason he may choose to keep his relationship private is to protect the sanctity of his relationship and partner from creeps like you running around acting like it's unheard of for a man to date a woman.
Personally, I'm flattered that you think he is straight. I'm flattered on his behalf.
If he is keeping his relationship private it's only because he is dating a man or perhaps a girl he wants to protect. It's not because he is afraid that a broke 13yr old prepubescent nim com poop with premature braincells will unstan him if they knew he's dating.
If he's keeping his relationship private it's because he has a contract with a company he needs to honor.
And please respect this lady, how can one of the richest idols in the industry not pay for a first class ticket for his girlfriend. You out here screaming he flew business to be with her when it's like but sis deserves the best tho💀
Why y'all keep coming up with theories that humiliates the women you claim these men are dating? Are yall misogynistic or what? Yall have a poverty kink? Jungkook out here sending his gf to a cheap motel is just pathetic. There's nothing romantic about that struggle life to think he makes all this money and for WHAT? can't even level up his hoes booooooo👎🏾and if I were his girl I'd be mad he keeps hiding in 5 star hotel rooms with a man he claims and protects so publicly but keeps my ass hidden and unclaimed in rat infested motel rooms.
Y'all quit playing.
You didn't see Jimin with the girls in Paris??
You think he scared???
Y'all tripping
And if he is hiding his girlfriend then his girlfriend is equally hiding him so go harrass her and leave Jimin alone.
Better yet just leave both these people alone. How about that??
And if the Mickey mouse and a blob in the sky at sunset is all the evidence you need to prove Jimin in a relationship with this person then HERE
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No. Actually lets just throw all the tannies in the mix cos they've all spotted a Mickey mouse outfit in a span of 8yrs.
Lets add all the kpop idols both men and women who own these souvenirs too. Boy does Jimin have stamina servicing all these people!
And I love how all these images produced by JK are edited the same way as the pictures they took on the beach
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You can't see JK gcf written all over it?
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How come the pictures Tae uploaded have the same filter and edits as the one JM uploaded?
If JM has a girlfriend she needs to love herself cos no self respecting woman would put up with her man doing the things Jm does with JK and vice versa.
She must be his beard then.
Let me leave you with something Suga said: army are a diverse group and may have issues with BTS dating others like myself and many others COULD GIVE A FUCK.
Please someone sweep this roach into the trash bag and let's carry on with our business like nobody's business.
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sarsh82 · 5 years
I'm gonna rant
Ok.... I haven't been in the Kpop fandom for an especially long time, only about 2 years. I started with BTS (roll your eyes, I know), then i got into other groups like Got7, BlackPink, Red Velvet, NCT, iKON, Monsta X, Stray Kids, Twice etc. You get the point. Anyway, back in June when Hanbin left iKON I was DEVASTATED. As my love for BTS kinda cooled off iKON swooped in and stole my heart and part of the reason for that was Hanbin. Hanbin is my bias and one of my favorite producers/songwriters. When he had to leave I saw a little name floating around.
Han Seo Hee.
I thought who is this girl? What does she know? How is she involved? Turns out she was the drug dealer and the "anonymous" informant for the police. But to my suprise, she had done this before! She had done the same thing to T.O.P in 2017.
With Hanbin's situation, I hated her. I hated how she was treating the case. She was being so immature about it, couldn't give the police enough details for her stories to work, was evasive, and tried to play the martyr card even though we could see through her act like it was a window. It was clear she saw the whole thing as a joke and not as the serious situation she was in and had put others in. She knew her parents would bail her out of any trouble, she knew she had an exit strategy and she didn't care who was left behind.
Now she's back again, and I'm thinking "damn bitch cant you take a break?!". Now she's saying that Wonho went to jail when he was a teenager and that Shownu had an affair with a married woman and honestly, I don't believe her.
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Why should I believe a girl who is known for getting into other people's business, getting them in trouble, and then crying to her parents when someone says 'hey, this doesn't make sense'? Why should I believe a girl who is known to lie to make herself look good? Why should I believe a girl who causes a scene when things dont go her way? Why should I believe a 24 year old grown ass woman who treats these cases like middle school lunch yard gossip and not the career destroying, reputation ruining situations that they are?
Han Seo Hee pisses me off because she is clearly going out of her way to drag these people down. People who have worked their asses off to make it in an industry that is already taxing and stressful and for what??!! 5 minutes of negative attention??
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Like honestly what is her goal here? What does she get out of this? Does she like having a bad reputation? Does she think she's cleansing the kpop industry by exposing artists? If so she needs to clean out her closet of its skeletons first. I just wanna know why she hasn't been arrested yet? How has NO ONE booked her in for drug possession? Slander? Libel? Who does she get her drugs from? Why aren't the police arresting THEM? I dont care if she's supposedly on parole, she clearly needs to be locked up in a fucking jail cell!
I honestly wish I could feel bad for her. But mainly I'm just confused. Like what happened in her life to make her like this? Why does she get such satisfaction out of seeing other people fall? Wasn't she taught as a child that what you say has consequences and once you say something you cant take it back? Like what the hell Seo Hee?
And a message for Seo Hee, not that she'll ever see this:
Take some accountability, get your fucking act together, and face the consequences of your dumb as fuck actions.
Rant over.
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sazawen · 6 years
Metapost- Why I ship Namjin
METAPOST- Why I Ship Namjin (or a long essay on Namjin to explain you why they are perfect)
I recently saw a post saying that we didn’t value the Namjin friendships/ bond/ relationship/ couple enough and as a big Namjin shipper I had to admit how much this post was legit. I have always loved to read essays on “Why I ship [insert the ship name]” and so I’ve decide that this time I will do one myself. 
I will regroup in one post how I percieve Namjoon and Seokjin as individuals but also how their two personnalities create a dynamic that I can support and love though the years. 
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Before, I continue there is some disclaimers that I would like to mention :
1-English isn’t my mother language I will do my best to be as clear and correct as possible but I can’t promise that it will be perfect. (Sorry guys T^T)
2-This post DO NOT promote the Namjin ship above another one. I will never say that Namjin is the ultimate ship in BTS and that Namjoon or Jin can not be ship with others member. I am an OT7 before any other ship. This post is only written to explain WHY I ship more Namjin and WHY I love them.
3- This post will explain how I percieve Namjoon and Seokjin as individuals but like all of us I don’t know them personnally and my judgement can be totally false. If you disagree with me feel free to give me your point of view, I will gladly discuss it with you.
(4- It will be a long ass post, lol.)
A quick summary of what to expect in this metapost :
I - Who are they ?
               = Namjoon Kim- The Leader =
               = Seokjin Kim- The Eldest =
II - Their dynamic?
                = The influence of Seokjin on Namjoon =
                = The influence of Namjoon on Seokjin =
                = Their relation ship =
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So let’s begin ~~
I - Who are they ?
                = Namjoon Kim- The Leader =
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 The first thing that we can say for Namjoon is that he had gain a lot of maturity since is debut. We all know that Namjoon was first of all, an under ground rapper. A really good one, with an IQ of 148 (12 points less than Einstein). Our first perception of Namjoon would naturally be to describe him as a rapper genius with a manly attitude and a small amount of emotions. (Rapper and geniuses are mostly known to let shown less emotion, in their attitude, than the others).
   Then you began to know him a little more and you see him growing through the years as a leader but also as a person. From the young adult he was, searching himself as a rapper but also as an individual he began to become what we know nowdays. A person who can express himself trough music, who analyses the word around him with his intellectual, who put the other before his own needs and try to show you that « the rules » that everyone follows can be broken in order to become the person that you are really inside. His message would probably be: “Don’t stay in a box, be what you want to be, without limitations or boundaries.”
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   However, don’t be fooled by the amazing person he is right know. At the debut of BTS Namjoon was trying so hard to fit in the box that we gave him : « the rapper-leader ». From his hairstyle to his sunglasses, from the way he was speaking to his interactions with Seokjin he was working so hard to be what others wanted him to be. To fit what the kpop industry was waiting from him (and from BTS as whole). 
   Namjoon needed to be strong (mentally and physically) just as any other  underground rapper needed to be. In the underground rap game envrionnement you need to hide all your weaknesses or they will be used against you. In the kpop industry the rules are the same. Namjoon couldn’t let his insecurites, his doubt or his weakness be shown on camera. He needed to be a strong, independent and perfect genius rapper with no"girly” emotions (like sadness).
All this personnally traits are not really what we know of him today are they ?
   In fact, through the years we have been able to see Namjoon being more and more aware of the person he wanted to be. He understand that he is a rapper, he knows that he is intelligent. However he also knows that he has his own insecurities, that the world around him scares him and that his mind always play with his darkest doubt. It’s like if he was constantly thinking too much. He can perform in front of millions of ARMY but then be scared that all of this is just a mere mirage and that tomorrow everything could crumble because of one mistake. (Maybe his?) His intelligence allows him to guide his bandmates through difficult times and to write amazing music but it also makes him aware of everything else... All the bad aspects and the little things that could cost them their popularity and their fans. And believe me, that scares him the shit out of him.
« To be honest we are the only ones that received an award at the show [BBMA] as a kpop group and I’m not saying we should boast but to be honest it is a huge success but because of that I keep wondering to what point, how far we need to go up (…) it makes me wonder how far we might fall down. » - Hesitation and fears.
Bonus : Namjoon is an intelligent person but he often let’s his first instinct express themself. He is an “emotive thinker” before being an “intellectual thinker”.
               = Seokjin Kim- The Eldest =
   I think that I could speak hours upon hours to make you understand how I percieve Namjoon’s personnality but for Seokjin… it’s even worst, I could speak about him for days. So I will do my best to not be too long on the subject of this world wide handsome man.
   Jin was shown from his debut as the visual model. And that was mostly what we where allowed to see of him. He didn’t get much line, his dancing skills were not perfect so he was put in the back and in the end of the day most people were praising him not for his voice’s skills but only for his « handsome face ». That’s mostly why, nowdays Seokjin always says that he is handsome. He say this in a way, almost in a moking way, to make you understand that he was only recognize for his physic instead of his intelligence, kindness or most importantly for his voice. Among years, he does not only began to strongly believe in the fact that he is handsome but he also use this as a way to protect himself from his own insecurities.
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   Not to be recognize for your voice when you are a vocalist in one of the biggest kpop group is like when a woman is choosen for a job not for her intellictual skills but because « she is pretty ». Because despite the confindence that Seokjin show us 99% of the time I am actually the kind of fans that thinks that Jin is pretty insecure about his voice, his dance and his role in the group and that sometimes his own pretty face is more a burden than a real gift.
   This would explain a lot of things. Mostly why he had work so hard to become a better dancer, why he went into a war with Big Hit to be able to perform his own song Awake in wich he states : «Maybe I, I can never fly like those six petals out there, wings like other things are impossible » but also why he tries so hard to always stay with the maknae line of BTS, like if he want to assure himself that he can act for them like an older brother would do and be with them whenever they need it. Because if he can’t sing or dance well, the least he can do, would be to take care of his member right?
(But don’t get me wrong even if Seokjin has his own insecurites I am sure that sometime he looks at himself in the mirror and try to kiss his pretty face ahah!)
  On an other hand Jin, is also someone who will not be easly intimidated. I will show it to you in the pictures that will follow, but Jin is not the kind of person who is « to kind » (even if a lot of ARMY paint him that way in fanfiction). When he has to speak his mind or when other goes on his nerves he will not hesitate to let it know, even if it can be percieve as insensitive. He is this kind of person who can laugh and be all friendly-friendly but if you cross the line his smile will disapear and he will tell you « Fuck off I have better things to do». (That’s a metaphore Jin isn’t as straight foward as that but he is definetly not the « cute mommy » that 50% of the fandom see him as). In the end of the day he is a well balanced mix of “Fuck off” and “I need to tell you a dad joke” that allows him to be an eldest that other love and respect without being crushed down by the other big personnality in the group (aka Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung).
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And this is probably why the dynamic between Seokjin and Namjoon is that respectful and understanding. Because even if Jin take care of other and is a bowl of positivity he doesn’t let the others take control upon him/bullying him. Or Namjoon, needs someone like that in his life. Someone who can be both gentle and straight forward when they need to speak their mind. 
Bonus : Seokjin is also the type of person to think on a more logical string, he can perfectly control his emotions thanks to his training as an actor. He rarely let his primary emotions to be shown on camera.
II - Their dynamic
                = The influence of Seokjin on Namjoon =
   Noooowww let’s finally talk about the influence that Namjoon and my baby Seokjin has on each other. Because, oh yeah baby they influence each other in soooo many ways and thanks to that they became the amazing people that they are now.
   In my opinion the influence that Seokjin have on Namjoon is easier to percieve than the other way around. In fact we often see, Namjoon saying how much Seokjin has grown upon him and how he allowed him to become a better person trough the years.
   Jin is someone who tries his best to see the positive aspect in everything in life (ctdl: Bon Voyage Season 2). Namjoon even, once said that he had never meet someone like Seokjin before and that he had a lot to learn from him.
   It is pretty understandable since they came from two different social environnement. I think that what Namjoon is trying to say is that when Seokjin face a problem he don’t think that « this is destiny » and that it can’t be resolved. At the contrary Seokjin tends to think that if you push yourself and work hard in the end of the day you will be able to achieve what you want. And even if it doesn’t work for you in the end, you still have to think of a positive way of this experience and see what you have learn about it. Because Seokjin is mostly a positive person.
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   Seokjin had also work so hard to detach himself from his parents (with his dad being a CEO he could have choosen to take this at his own avantage) but instead he had work so hard even if he could have taken the easy way around.  Namjoon has meet for the first time a person who : is overly positive despite the bad moment that live can put you in and was a hard worker who believe in his own dreams even when his parents could have afford him « everything ». Pretty much all the contrary that Namjoon was ever confronted by.
   This two things were at first a wall in the Namjin relation ship. Namjoon and Seokjin weren’t as close in the early days and Namjoon even confess that at the begining of BTS he « couldn’t understand Seokjin ». Don’t be to harsh on him, you have to understand his way of thinking back then... Namjoon was coming from a modest family. He was an underground rapper facing with hardship and strong rappers personnalities. A bowls of positivity like Seokjin and with an « easy background family » well it was something that he had to see from a bad eye no ?
   Namjoon is a genius and every intelligent mind became curious when they are confronted at something they can’t understand. I think, that this why, Namjoon has slowly began to established a bond with our World Wide Handsome Man. 
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                = The influence of Namjoon on Seokjin =
  Here is the hardest part for me, and sincerly if you want to add something to this part of my metapost feel free to do it because I’m pretty sure that I will miss some points here...
   In my opinion the influence that RM had on Jin was much more subbtle. The way that I see it, is that Namjoon has allow Jin to be more confident as whole. To gain confidence in the person he is, charismatic with his lame joke but also less aware of the « acting on camera ». I don’t know if it’s just me but I have the feeling that when RM is not near him, Jin put on his « actor personnality/ actor mask » and become what other people want him to be. But when Namjoon is here, Jin seems to be more confortable at being himself. I can be totally wrong but that’s how I see it.
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   I also have the impression that when something goes wrong, when Jin is sad or too happy there is only Namjoon to make him able to change his instant emotions. Like if Namjoon was able to control his mind. 
   For exemple on the Namjoon’s Birthday log, RM is able to make Jin feel bad for not cooking him a meal. He is totally playing with him. But when you look at Jin you totally have the sensation that Jin is in fact feeling really bad for haven’t been able to cook for him. And then when Namjoon begins to sing his own birthday song Jin joins him forgetting his owns emtions. (-> Namjoon control Seokjin emotions (in a positive way of course)).
Namjoon has this kind of power where he helps Seokjin expressing who he really is and let him forget of the cameras.
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               = Their relationship =
               Finally, we are getting at the most interesting part. The last part where I will talk about their relationship and why I can see them as a couple and not just as friends.
               We can say that Namjoon and Seokjin have learn along the years not only to respect themself (because they respect all the members equally) but to learn from each other constantly. They need each other support to go foward and to endorse the role of eldest/leader. Namjoon need the forwardness sincerity and positivity of Jin. When Seokjin needs the confidence and the analytic way of thinking of Namjoon. They push each other to be better dancer, to be better leader (Namjoon a better Leader for BTS and Jin a better hyung for the younger ones) and better people.
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               Even when they disagree on things, they learn to speak their mind until their problem is solve. They never try to make the other one feels stupid and they listen to each other to make the group go foward. When the other members fight they try to soothe the tension between them.
               Do you remember when I was stating that Namjoon was the kind of person to let his emtions express themself first and at contrario Seokjin was the kind of person to hide his emotions and to think before letting them pop up ? Well this is mostly true for a lot of their interactions.
But there is some moments where my statement it totally false. 
Can you guess when ?
The answer is : when the stress is too high.
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   If you see at every important award show, their personnalities switch. Just like if the « too much » stress was breaking their wall. 
   In these moment Namjoon is so stress that he tries to endorsed a role where he is confident in and that allows him to not show any weakness : the Leader of BTS; a rapper genius. On the other hand when the pressure becomes to high, Seokjin let his emotions shows without being able to restrain them. He let his tears fill his eyes and can’t control his facial expressions.
  This is so interesting because in these moment, where the stress hit the « Namjin Critical Point » they become essential for one and another. Jin become the anchor of Namjoon and Namjoon become the figure that Seokjin handle to. 
In this moments they need to stand next to each other, hold the hand of the other, look at the other or hug the other one with passion.
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When Seokjin cry he let his own and Namjoon’s emotions flows. When Namjoon endorse his role as a leader he contain his and Seokjin’s strength.
The most beautiful thing in their relation ship is, in my opinion, too see how they both influence each other to become better people but also complimentary souls.
Namjoon lack of self confidence ? Jin is here.
Jin needs to show his emotions ? Namjoon will be strong for him.
Namjoon see to much negativty ? Jin will remind him of seeing the bright side of life.
Jin wants to train harder ? Namjoon will stay with him.
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Are they a couple ? Probably not.
Do they have an unique relationship ? Hell yes.
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