#like sir you have better stories your ex wife faked her pregnancy
sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
I think what irks me so much about Mr Schue, is that I know exactly what type of Florida tourist he would be.
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All I Need~ Part 6
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Pairings: Josh Dun x Pregnant!Reader
Overview: You move to Columbus, Ohio to live with your brother after your ex-boyfriend becomes abusive after telling him of a surprise pregnancy. You become involved in the church and unknowingly befriend the Dun family. After finally meeting Josh, there’s a connection between the two of you that lands you in some complicated situations.
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/B/N = Your Brother’s Name
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 Part 5
Your heart was in your throat as your brother drove you to the Dun household. As if everything else about the last few months wasn’t insane enough, seeing Josh off was probably one of the worst things yet. You never expected to fall for him. Of course you’d had a crush on him since you’d first heard twenty one pilot’s music but that was a celebrity crush. Just this fantasy that you could giggle at when you were bored.
But now it was real. When you’d realized that there was a significant chance of meeting him since you were friends with his parents, a small part of you had hoped that he would be the egotistical jerk that celebrities often became, tainted by the spotlight, so you wouldn’t actually fall for him. That couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Josh was kind, funny, loving, talented, and respectful. And he had fallen for you too, despite everything.
“Are you okay?” Your brother asked as he pulled the car along the sidewalk, just outside their house.
You hadn’t realized how quiet you were being, “Yeah, I’m fine.” You lied quietly. You were so far from fine right now. You sighed and put on a small smile, “Ready to head in?” You asked. The two of you walked up to the door, which opened before you could even knock.
Bill was standing there with a smile, “Great timing! I was just walking by the door when I saw you! Come on in!” You walked into the comfortable home and saw way more people than you expected.
“I’m sorry! If I’d known this was a party I would have brought drinks or something.” You expressed.
Bill shrugged, “Don’t worry about it! There’s more than enough food and drinks for everyone. And it’s just family and Josh’s local friends seeing him off before his flight tonight.” He pointed to the sliding door across the house, “They’re all out there. Make yourselves comfortable.”
“Thank you, sir.” Your brother said as you walked through the house to the backyard. Your eyes scanned the large area for the familiar pink hair but saw nothing. He’s probably busy, you thought, there’s a lot of people here.
You made your usual rounds, getting all sorts of love and affection from Laura Lee who, as usual, fawned over your babies. “Josh told me it was twins!” She was ecstatic as she told Josh’s aunt a general overview of your story, without revealing too many personal details. Suddenly, Laura Lee looked around suspiciously, “Speaking of Josh, where is he?”
Suddenly, something freezing was pressed against the back of your neck and you jumped away from the sensation to see Josh laughing with a can of your favorite soda in his hand, small ice chunks still stuck in the rim. You looked at Laura Lee, who was looking away and whistling innocently, “I thought I could trust you!” You laughed, turning towards Josh and smacking his arm. He handed you the soda, “Thanks you.” You said reluctantly.
Before you could say anything else, you felt his hands slip around yours and your heart stopped for a moment. Was he really doing this? In front of everyone? That’s when you felt the tug on your arm as he pulled you slightly, “Come here. There’s some people I want you to meet.” He announced excitedly as he dragged you across the backyard and into the house.
Once you found yourself in the living room, where a surprising number of people were sitting, Josh finally stopped pulling you around. You guys were standing in front of a small couch that had three people sitting on it. There was one guy that you could see that you didn’t recognize. In front of you was a gorgeous blonde looking at the man to her left with a smile. You couldn’t see his face but you had a hunch. “Y/N, this Tyler and Jenna. Tyler and Jenna, this is Y/N!” He introduced.
Both Tyler and Jenna turned to look at you and you were surprised that you didn’t feel as starstruck as you expected to. They were just like the rest of Josh’s family. Comfortable and warm. Jenna stood up and hugged you tightly, “Finally! We’ve heard so much about you!” She let go of you and Tyler stood next to her and shook your hand.
“Sorry, she’s a hugger.” He laughed, “About time we finally meet you.”
You weren’t sure how to respond. Josh was talking about you? It seemed to be all good stuff. So what did Tyler know? You smiled warmly, “Nice to meet you guys! Josh talks about you too.” You said, unsure of what to say.
Tyler scoffed, “Pfft, he better!” He shoved Josh slightly.
Jenna leaned over to you, “They’re always like this. You get used to it.”
“Ever feel like a third wheel?” You joked.
“I’ve already come to terms with the fact that Josh was his first wife.” You both laughed a little bit.
The party went on for three more hours until it was 7:00 pm. Tyler and Josh began making their rounds, saying goodbye to everyone so they could be at the airport in time for their 10:30 flight. As you waited your turn, loving every second of watching how much Josh loved his family, you were shocked by Jenna wrapping her arms around you again out of nowhere.
You hugged her back after you realized what happened, “Are you leaving too?” You asked, confused about the affection.
She looked sad, “Yeah, I’m staying in LA. I know we just met but I wanted to say bye and congratulations!” She leaned in close to you, lowering her voice to a whisper, “And just so you know, Josh has not stopped talking about you. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time.” She pulled back and winked at you, “Bye!”
“Bye!” You managed to say in your shock.
Tyler came and hugged you a few minutes later and after a while you’d noticed Josh walking in your direction. You put on a fake smile even though your heart was breaking because he was leaving. You couldn’t deny the butterflies that went crazy in your stomach when you saw his adorably crooked smile, remembering the way those exact lips felt pressed against yours yesterday. Shaking the thought from your mind, you extended your arms and Josh walked right in, pressing you to his firm body. “You be safe out there.” You told him when he let you go.
“I’m always safe.” He rolled his eyes and you had a feeling there may have been a small lie behind that phrase. His eyes locked with yours and that tension was back, “I’m gonna miss you.” He confessed.
“I’m gonna miss you too.” You responded, not wanting to look away from him.
“Josh! We gotta go!” Bill yelled from the door.
Josh sighed and you smiled sadly. “Hey, buck up. I’ll call you when we land. Or at a reasonable hour after we land cause I think we land at like 2am or something.”
You giggled, “You better!” He pulled you in for one last hug and you did everything to remember him like this. The way he looked, the way he smelled, the way he felt against you. As he pulled away you felt his lips graze your cheek before he met the group at the door.
“Bye!” They all yelled one final time before leaving. You went into the kitchen to start helping Laura Lee clean up from the party. After a few minutes, your brother found you, “Hey Y/N, can we head out. I’m not feeling too hot.”
“Yeah, let me just say good bye real fast.” You told him. He nodded and stood by the door, keys in hand. You walked over to Laura Lee, “I’m sorry but we gotta head out early.”
She hugged you, “Oh don’t worry about it! We’ll see you later!”
You and Y/B/N walked out into the night air, him tossing you the keys so you could drive home. The ride home was quiet. Your brother had fallen asleep just as soon as he got in the car, leaving you in a conversation with your thoughts. All you could think about was Josh. How this was the end of everything that had happened. Why wouldn’t it be? Sure this was a fun little fling while he was home but now he was on the road, more than capable of having any woman he wanted. He would realize how much better they were than you. He would call in the morning and maybe even a few days after but by the end of this month those calls would stop. Gosh, how could let it get this far? You knew what would happen! “Idiot!” You cursed yourself outloud.
By the time you got home, you were numb to everything. Somehow you were feeling overwhelmed but felt nothing at the same time. You just sat there, still in the car, hands still on the wheel despite being parked. As you stared out across the dark road ahead, you felt a single tear slide down your cheek. After it trailed all the way down and you felt it land on your chest, you snapped out of your daze and looked at your brother. His top lip was being dragged up by the seat belt as his face was being smashed against the strap.
You tapped his shoulder, “Hey, c’mon let’s get you inside.” He stirred just barely, groaning. He unbuckled his seatbelt but stayed seated, leaning his forehead against the dashboard. You got out of the car and walked around to open his door. Y/B/N heaved his legs out of the car, still sitting down. “You okay?” You asked.
He didn’t respond. He breathed heavily for a second before throwing himself forward and throwing up just inches from your shoes. You groaned, trying to stand in a safe area that was still close to him.You put your hand on his back, rubbing small circles until he was done, “Okay, let’s get you in bed.”
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