#like sorry i only have 1 charger for my laptop phone headphones etc but i hope you're enjoying your 1200 brick
dirtycreekwater · 6 years
(I heavily apologize in advance, this is for the oc thing.) 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 16, 21, 27, 28, 32, 33, 37, 41, 45, 48, 50 ~🌹
omg don’t be sorry i love love answering questions about my ocs so getting this many is amazing thank you non 💛
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Devin: Devin Michael Knowles. i just chose Devin bc his character just sounds like a Devin to me and the guy i picked to be what he looks like also looks like a Devin. i picked Michael just bc it sounds good with Devin. Knowles is Patton’s last name in the human!au. he and Virgil took it for safety reasons.
Coda: Coda Kendrick Cross. (it was Kenrick but i realize now i like Kendrick better oops) i picked Coda bc i remembered that’s the name of a video game character i really liked and i just really like the name in general/think it suits this character. i picked Kendrick and Cross literally just bc that makes his name an alliteration and it sounds cool lmao
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Devin: Devin’s childhood was shit. his father wasn’t always bad but he eventually started abusing Virgil and their mother was a drug addict. fond memories are all good memories he has of Virgil. like when they would hang out in the park together to escape from home. or when Virgil would crawl into bed with him bc he got scared by himself. bad memories are all the times their “father” treated Virgil like shit and all the times their mother had to go to the hospital
Coda: Coda’s childhood up until he was 13 wasn’t great. his family was poor and when he came out as gay they disowned him. after that he ended up in the foster care system and was eventually adopted by two women that made the rest of his childhood a great one. so that’s his fondest memory. his worst are just all the times his family couldn’t afford things and when his parents disowned him
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Devin: his sibling is Virgil. they’re extremely close. like practically attached to the hip. their relationship has changed a bit. they were really close when they were kids then in their teen years they started to drift apart a bit. but now in their adult years they’re closer than ever
Coda: he has three siblings. Mason (oldest) Cole (younger) and Nevaeh (youngest) his relationship with all of them is good. he was pretty close to Cole and Nevaeh when they were kids. but now as an adult he’s living pretty far from home so he doesn’t seem them often
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Devin: he,,, likes children he’s just,,, kinda scared of them. children love him. he doesn’t have any and never wants any of his own. he’d be a great parent if he could get over his fears. he’d always listen to them and validate their feelings and do anything and everything for them. he’s a great babysitter and is gonna be a freakin great uncle/godparent if/when Virgil has a kid. he’d treat that kid like it was his own (he’d also give them candy and let them stay up late behind Virgil’s back and spoil them bc he’d just be that kind of fun uncle)
Coda: he likes children. he doesn’t have any and doesn’t want any of his own. he’d be a great parent and babysitter/uncle/godparent. same as Devin.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Devin: nah this boy will eat literally anything lol
Coda: nah. he tried being a vegetarian once. it didn’t work.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Devin: my boy collects knives. all different kinds. pockets, balisongs, daggers, etc. you name it he’s got it. they all have so many different uses. he mainly just has them for convenience and aesthetics. but he also has a knife play kink lmao he keeps them in storage containers in his closet (he also collects skateboards & longboards. they’re all in different parts of his room)
Coda: he doesn’t collect anything. unless 4 longboards counts
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Devin: ye he does. he yells a lot and sometimes punches things like walls or a table
Coda: he’s patient af but when he does get angry his behavior depends on why he’s mad but usually he’s very quiet and passive
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like when they are sad?
Devin: remembering the past and Virgil being upset for literally any reason makes him sad. he doesn’t cry a lot and when he does he prefers to hide it but he’s not really ashamed of crying openly if it’s out of his control. he’s really self deprecating and dejected and quiet when he’s sad
Coda: so many things make him sad. he is a soft pure boi and must be protected at all costs. he cries easily and openly. he sounds like a sad scared puppy when he’s sad and just needs a hug
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Devin: responsibility/failure is the biggest phobia he has. paranormal shit scares him a lot but it’s also something he’s passionate about. he laughs nervously and makes a lot of dumb jokes when he’s scared to ease the tension
Coda: abandonment is his biggest fear. paranormal shit scares him a lot too and he doesn’t fuck with that shit at all. he also makes dumb jokes when he’s scared but if he’s like absolutely terrified or something he panics
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Devin: very casual/skater type clothes. like vans clothing. this boy owns so much vans shit it’s actually ridiculous. mainly shops at skate/athletic clothing type of shops. like Journey’s and Zumiez. he mainly wears beanies, crew neck sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, ripped skinny jeans, sweatpants, and all different types of vans shoes and combat boots. ye he does. he usually wears a tank top and sweatpants to bed. he doesn’t wear makeup but he occasionally lets Virgil practice on him. he has dark brown hair a little longer than shoulder length that he keeps up in a bun pretty much all the time
Coda: pretty much same style as Devin. so many hoodies and sweatshirts and sweatpants and skate shoes. that’s like all he ever wears. but he occasionally wears skinny jeans. ye he does. he usually wears a t shirt and boxers to sleep. sometimes sweatpants and no shirt. he fills in his eyebrows occasionally and would let Virgil practice on him. he has blackish brown longish curly hair with faded/shaved sides
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Devin: boxers
Coda: boxers
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Devin: he loves reading. fast reader. he kinda likes poetry. he prefers fiction (his faves are sci fi novels and comics & mangas) but he’s also a huge fan of non fiction. history books to be exact
Coda: likes reading but doesn’t read often. slow. he loves poetry. prefers fiction (comics/mangas mainly) but non fiction is cool too
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Devin: pansexual grayromantic. he prefers girls. he doesn’t really care about physical features too much but he does like dating people shorter than him. family oriented people with a good sense of humor are the things that attract him the most. he needs constant reassurance and someone he can just chill out with. all his past relationships have been complicated and rocky and he blames himself for all of that
Coda: gay. like Devin doesn’t care too much about physical features but he thinks guys shorter and smaller than him adorable. he loves sarcastic/snarky guys. all he needs is someone he can vibe/chill with and spoil
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Devin: people see him as a lovable sarcastic asshole with a big heart. he sees himself as a horrible unlikeable dangerous person
Coda: people see him as a ridiculous/extra cheesy adorable goofball. he sees himself the same way
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Devin: he loves parties. your typical college student/young adult house party type. he’s thrown a few of his own parties in college but nowadays he just goes to ones his friends throw. he’s a very chill party goer. he usually just talks to friends and smokes weed. sometimes plays cheesy party games like truth or dare. if he didn’t wanna go to one and was dragged there he’d just chill by himself and smoke weed and pretend he’s not even there lol
Coda: exact same as Devin ^ but he dances with friends sometimes and takes a lot of the attention bc damn he good af
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Devin: phone, laptop, chargers, headphones, hair ties, and extra clothes deodorant & toothbrush if he’s going somewhere he needs that kind of stuff
Coda: same as Devin (except for hair tied bc he doesn’t need them)
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studywtrin · 7 years
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If you are an incoming freshmen you are bound to change this year! You went from being top dog in middle school, to the bottom of the food chain in high school. I hope that this masterpost can give some tips to incoming fishies!
First Week Advice:
The first week will be a confusing time for you, but no need to fret! Here are some things that will help:
-Try memorizing your schedule before your first day
- Most schools will have a designated group of upperclassmen you can ask for directions or help (My school has a program called PALS, and they all wore PALS shirts so we could recognize them)
- Most teachers will be giving back some form a syllabus and they typically require parental signatures so get those signed ASAP
- Take the first week to make at least one (1) friend in each class
- Exploring the school before your classes start will be super helpful for getting to know your surroundings!!!
- First impressions matter! Look presentable, be polite, and helping out your teachers will make a great impression on your character.
Friends, relationships, and all that jazz:
Freshmen year comes with a lot of change which typically involves your personal relationships.
-Do not worry if your friend group changes. Freshmen year you typically gain and lose friends but that’s just what happens. (My freshmen year I lost my friend group from middle school because they started doing things I wasn’t into, and I never saw them because of band. That’s okay though because I have a new friend group and I love all of them!!)
- Alright so I know the dating pool just got a WHOLE lot bigger but there is one rule you must live by: DO NOT DATE SENIORS!!!!!
- Dating a senior will usually end up in heartbreak as typically they just want to use freshmen for sex. Even if they are a genuinely good person, the age gap is quite wide for your age, and they will be graduating that year so why even torture yourself that way
- Just be careful when dating and try to have a good judge of character when it come to upperclassmen!!
- Also most freshmen relationships are a joke and will end up only lasting a month or two lol
- Try getting upperclassmen as friends!!! It’ll be a little harder at the beginning but as long as you mellow out by second semester I promise you can have upperclassmen friends!!!
- Having Juniors as friends is super helpful because you can get rides, and advice early on. Sophomores will be easier to be friends with because they aren’t technically upperclassmen yet, but they could give you connections to other upperclassmen
- Getting into extracurriculars is another great way to make friends!! (literally band is my entire social existence lmao)
Going into freshman year you may notice a great change in your work load so it’s important to do most of the following.
- Figure out a method of organization that works for you! I personally have a homework folder, an expanding file folder, and then spiral notebooks.
- Starting either a bullet journal or a planner will be incredibly helpful!!!!
- Please turn in all your HW and have minimal late grades!!!!
- Study for ALL tests, quizzes, etc.
- Do not be afraid to ask for help from teachers because they want to see you succeed
- If you get a teacher you have heard awful things about (not just strict but like a teacher who doesn’t teach) try your best to switch out of their class!!
- Doing pre-AP, AP, or higher level classes is always a benefit, but do not take on more than you are capable of!!!!!!!
- Take notes and keep up with your textbook readings!!
- Establish good habits like things I mentioned above!!
Most freshmen end up looking like turtles with how stuffed their backpack is. You really don’t need that much stuff.
- If your school does block scheduling then only take the things you need for that day! (ofc make sure you are actively putting the right supplies in or using two (2) different backpacks)
- Only take things that are essential for you!!
- Some things may include:
           - Calculator
           - Spirals
           - Pencil bag
           - Binder, HW folder (whatever your method is, I personally don’t recommend binders)
           - Tampons, medicine, hair bands or brush, glasses, ID, etc.
           -  Laptop (when needed)
- Avoid bringing textbooks if you don’t a locker to put them in!
- Having a lightweight backpack will make you feel much better, trust me.
-Always having a phone charger is helpful
Other/ general advice:
- Try not to be obnoxious and loud; upperclassmen will like you more
- Don’t be afraid of change!!
- Starting volunteer work early is super helpful!!!
- Talking to your counselors is uber important
- Let go of middle school drama; you will feel much better
- Establish good relations with your teachers!! You might need a recommendation from them one day!
- Looking at colleges early never hurts
- Try to get as much sleep as possible; you need it
- It’s perfectly okay to make mistakes! Learn from them!
- Give yourself time to relax
- Having a pair or two of headphones will be a lifesaver!
- Ask your parents for a house key if you don’t have one yet!!
- Always bring water! Also snacks!!
- Be involved!!! Do something worth a letterman jacket or something that will make memories!!
Alright bby’s make sure to relax and have fun this year! Being a fish isn’t all that bad if you know how to do it right!!
This is my first advice post so im sorry its sorta awful and i also did it while high on painkillers bc i just got my wisdom teeth out
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poolenick-blog · 5 years
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Hey Aileen! I am planning on becoming a digital nomad as I go on a RTW (round-the-world) trip next year. For my journey, I will have a check-in luggage where I will put all my clothes and shoes in, and when it comes to my laptop, camera, and electronics, I would like to put these valuables in a carry-on. But I’m having difficulty in finding the right way to pack them! I also don’t want to miss on any essentials during a flight (may it be a short one or a long haul). I follow your updates and live feed on Snapchat, and it seems like you always manage to pack well and light for your travels. As an experienced traveling digital nomad, I would love to know how you pack valuables in your carry-on!
– Nana from France / May 18, 2019
packing routine — which I would now be sharing with you!
Hence: no matter how long your trip may be and no matter where you’re going, below is a list of my typical carry-on essentials and gear that can keep you “properly equipped” during all of your travels!
(*My lifestyle is basically that of a digital nomad — enterepreneur-slash-blogger — but with today’s time, I believe that the items below applies to EVERYONE anyway since, we’ve all become such tech junkies!) .title-bar:after, .title-bar:before, .title-bar:after, .title-bar:before, h2{ border-color: }
What’s in My Carry-On?
– The “Carrier” –
Most airlines allow one (1) carry-on cabin luggage that is under their respective weight limit (typically around 5 to 10kgs only).
Fortunately, there are also some airlines that allow two (2) items: one (1) carry-on and one (1) personal item (a handbag, a backpack, a laptop bag, an umbrella, a briefcase, etc. that can be stowed under the seat before you.) Given this fact, there have actually been times that I do NOT have any check-in baggage at all: I only bring along one carry-on backpack, and one small rolling luggage that contains my clothes — a set-up that is VERY helpful for avoiding long check-in lines.
Often times though, I am faced with preparing just 1 carry-on bag, while the rest is stored in my main luggage. Nevertheless, as dependent upon your trip and the airline that you’ll be riding in, it just really helps to have bags ready that are generally within the standard limits for cabin luggage.
My recommendations would be:
A Backpack
For years, I have been on the hunt for the PERFECT backpack that can properly organize and protect my carry-on items. This is because most small backpacks are thin and “top-loading” (where you simply shove items into the depths of it and wish that you’ll find them easily later on). I rather wanted a versatile one that can keep my tech gadgets secure and can segregate my other carry-on items better for ease and swift access.
Thankfully, my search ended last year when I was introduced to Venque’s innovative CamPro Bag! Now why has this become my ultimate carry-on backpack?
The bottom section is ‘front-loading’ (like a suitcase) and can be sectioned into compartments with the help of its adjustable velcro dividers which is as you see in the image above. You can even take off all these velcros and convert it into one big space — so yes, its layout can be changed in order to fit your needs.
The upper compartment is sectioned off too, with its own velcro dividers. (Rest assured, you can also take these velcro dividers off and open it up towards the bottom section if in case you want to convert the CamPro into the typical full top-loading backpack.)
The insides are very well-padded and there’s even a zippered section at the back that can fit 15″-sized laptops. The quality of the material is also superb as it is made of leather and innovative quanta fabric that is ever-lasting, stain-repellant, and anti-scratch. It even comes along with a water-resistant cover in case it rains!
Slim (15.7″ x 7″ x 12.1″), comfortable, with lots of pockets and extra features. For instance, it comes with buckles on the sides where you can strap on a tripod for instance, and it even has removable buckles to balance and transfer the weight that you carry.
*You can buy this awesome bag at Urban Traveller & Co. They ship worldwide and if you use the coupon code: Aide de Camp’s camera bags.
As for luggage, as I’ve already mentioned, the dimension limit for a carry-on varies across all airlines. I’ve done my research, and so far, in order for you to be in the ‘safe’ side of such limits, you need a luggage that is within or around this standard size: 22″ high, 14″ wide, and 9″ deep.
I personally use a Samsonite Luggage Winfield 20 because I love how lightweight and strong it is. I’ve been using it for a while now and it has truly withstood the wear and tear from all of my travels.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All the items that are listed below can fit inside my CamPro bag alone. In fact, after everything is packed in, I always have ample space left for extras (around 20%).
Yep. It’s that amazing!
– Gadgets & Tech –
 travel apps that can help assist me in the duration of my trip. If you’re curious, I own an iPhone 5s which has superb camera specs (I actually have a handful of my travels where I only packed my 5s, making it as my sole photo-taking gadget).  Kindle Paperwhite has been my travel companion ever since! (For entertainment during long flights, long bus/train rides, chill afternoons, etc.)
I can store TONS of books in it and its battery life is also mind-blowing. I’ve been on a week-long vacation before and I used my Kindle every single day — when it was time to go home, its battery life still had more than half! Later on, I’ve learned that there’s no need for me to pack my Kindle’s charger because it can last a long time.
*You can pack a tablet instead like an iPad Mini, but I fell in love with a Kindle when it comes to reading (it’s more easy on the eyes). Besides, an iPad Mini is basically like a bigger version of my smartphone. Overall: as dependent on your personal preferences, you can pack an eReader OR a tablet. It’s up to you! Laptop
Yet another no-brainer item to bring in my carry-on. As a digital nomad, my laptop is my lifeline. I never travel without it, and I’m glad that my CamPro bag protects it well and good during my travels.
I work with a Macbook Pro 13″ for years now, and I know it’s not as light nor thin as a Macbook Air, but since I wanted a machine that has the capacity to handle my graphic and video processes while I’m on the road, I rather opted for the Macbook Pro. (The difference between the two in weight is not so huge after all. My Macbook Pro is still very slim and it’s also more compact than most laptops out there.)  Earphones
Perfect for cancelling out the noise and for slipping into my own music-filled world. I also question the cleanliness of the headphones offered during long flights, so I always make sure to pack my own earphones.
Some people find headphones, like the noise-cancelling ones, as a better item to pack in their carry-on. However, they can be quite huge and it often puts stress on my head and my ears. I find that as long as you purchase earphones that are powerful and well-fitted to your ears, they can offer almost the same benefits as headphones. (I recommend Panasonic’s ErgoFit In-Ear Earphones).  Canon Powershot G7 X
For all-around photography: Sony Alpha A6000 Mirrorless (I have a prime lens of 50mm and an all around 55-210 mm lens)
For action, sports, and underwater: GoPro Silver 4
If you’re not particular with photography and you just want a great point-and-shoot camera for your travels, I recommend Canon’s Powershot G7 X. There’s no need to bring along a massive DSLR.  Plugs, Adapter, Chargers, etc.
For organizing my chargers and to avoid them from tangling altogether, I place them in one velcro section of my CamPro bag and twist the wires around with a Nite Ize Gear Tie. When it comes to a travel adapter, I use Ceptics.  Power Bank
This is very helpful for emergencies or for simply just prolonging your gadgets’ lives. I once got lost with my phone dead; thanks to my Anker power bank, I got myself out of that mess in a jiffy.
You also have to remember that though there are electric outlets in the airport or in cafes, most of the time those are being hogged by other people. Therefore: it’s better to be safe and prepared, than sorry!  This is an optional item. If I know that I’ll be staying somewhere fixed with a decent internet connection, I wouldn’t bother getting myself one. But in times that I have to hop from one place to another (most especially when it’s a trip that spans for more than a week), a pocket WiFi is a must to have and I have stood by Tep Wireless for years now. I simply trust their product and service for they have never failed me. Tep Wireless is also a lot cheaper than other providers like HipPocketWiFi, My-WebSpot and xCom Global.
Use code IAMAILEEN and you can save 15% off when renting a Tep Wireless pocket wifi!
With them, you can choose to either rent a unit, or just buy one and be charged whenever you use it. (I just purchased my own Tep Wireless unit given how I frequently travel — which saves me the shipping cost everytime I rent one).  Data Storage Items
Some people bring along bulky hard drives, but I rarely have the need to do so — I just leave that at home. Instead, when it comes to backup data storage, I would just bring along a memory card (in case one of my camera’s memory cards gives up on me) and a USB stick (with lots of storage space). – The Small Stuff –
Hearos Xtreme.
Neck pillows and eye masks are also heaven-sent items for making your flight a lot more comfortable.
When it comes to eye masks though, I typically buy these Japanese steam eye masks because they help a LOT in relaxing tired eyes and prevent swelling after an ‘uncomfortable’ sleep inside a plane. I highly suggest that you give it a try! Together with this, I also pack a face mask (to keep germs and allergies on check) and sheet mask (to keep moisture on my face — a flight can be very dehydrating on your skin!) Snacks, Mints & Water Bottle
Surely there are airlines that offer free snacks and meals during flights, but at times they don’t — you either have to pay for it or procure them yourself. So why not just bring some small snacks along like nuts, trail mix, biscuits, bars, fruits, etc.? (Take note: plane food is usually unhealthy and bland anyway). While you’re at it, pack along some mints as well for that tinge of refreshment and ~fresh breath~ during your journey. You can also pack chewing gum instead to help make your ears ‘pop’ (but sucking on mints or candy as well as drinking can help you accomplish this).
I would also suggest a water bottle if it’s not too bulky on your bag. After all, water is very expensive in the airport and there is an abundance of water stations to refill your water bottle with. Otherwise, once you’re in the plane, flight attendants can just simply serve you water as you need it.  notebook to complete this ‘set’, but I personally don’t bring this anymore; thereby saving myself some weight. You see, I’ve long lost the art of writing things down (yes, I blame technology). “There’s always spare paper lying around”, is what I regularly think too and that’s true. For the Eyes
Apart from a good pair of sunglasses, I also pack along my graded glasses and its case (since I am short-sighted). I also wear contact lenses but I stow these away along with the cleaning solution in my check-in luggage since I customarily don’t wear contacts during flights given how it can dry up my eyes quickly — more so during long flights.
However, naturally, if you choose to wear your contact lenses during your flight, don’t forget to pack these and its solution in your carry-on.  
Those marked with an
Hand sanitizerLotiondo you know those small vials that you get as samples for perfumes in department stores? I keep those and pack them when I travel. It’s better than packing a whole bottle of my perfume)
Wipes (wet wipes, feminine wipes, facial oil-absorbing sheets)
Basics make-up kit: for me, that’s my lipstick, liquid eyeliner, and eyebrow kit.
Napkins or tampons (better yet, wear a menstrual cup)
— IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure that ALL liquids are NOT larger than 100ml (3.4oz) and they should be stowed away in at most a 20cm x 20cm resealable see-through bag. – Required & For Emergencies –
 Passport, IDs, & Business Cards
 Cash & Debit – Credit Cards    Travel Insurance
Have you ever asked yourself: “Do I need travel insurance?” I bet you have and no matter how many times you pose this question, my answer will always be a resounding YES.
You do NEED travel insurance because you never know what can happen while you’re overseas. I personally like and use World Nomads Travel Insurance because it encompasses a LOT of countries worldwide, insures your baggage, belongings, and flights, covers medical emergencies, it’s affordable, and can be extended while you’re on the road (no need to go back home to apply for one). 
 Spare Clothing
In case you loose your luggage, it helps to stow at least one outfit (I pack an extra light dress) and undies in your carry-on. Sure, you can always buy them abroad but it’s best that you save yourself from those costs and hassles. Be prepared like a girl scout!
Along with this, I pack along a medium-sized microfiber travel towel because it’s not only small and light but it can absorb water fast and dry fast too! I’m telling you: it’s unlike normal towels because it’s the kind that doesn’t consume a lot of space.  Other Valuables
Like jewelry and keys that I wouldn’t want to put in my check-in luggage.
Optional: In case my destination forecasts rainy weather for the majority of my stay, I make sure to pack a small umbrella. – To Wear –
In case you’re curious about what I frequently wear during flights, my clothing highly depends on the weather situation of my travel destination; however, as a standard, the following items keep me comfortable during my journey from point A to point B:
I typically wear doll shoes or slippers/sandals since they’re the most comfortable footwear for me! But should my trip necessitate heels or boots, I would then opt to wear my heaviest or bulkiest in order to save space in my main luggage. It’s not going to be comfortable especially in a long flight, but I can always take them off during transit.  Compression Socks
I was told by my traveler friends that this in an important item that they wear during long flights (that span for more than 4 hours) since it helps reduce the risk of DVT (deep vein thrombosis), blood clots, and leg swelling. It basically squeezes your legs gently to move blood up your legs. Ever since I’ve learned of this fact, I made it a point to wear compression socks.  Sweater and/or Scarf
I have low tolerance toward the cold so I always pack a sweater. If I’m heading to hot place, a light long-sleeved cardigan or a huge scarf already works best for me. .title-bar:after, .title-bar:before, .title-bar:after, .title-bar:before, h2{ border-color: }
These may seem a lot, but it actually isn’t. Again, like I’ve told you: ALL these items fit nicely and lightly inside my CamPro bag, and it even leaves enough space still for extras.
You probably have other stuff that I haven’t listed above and that you would like to pack in your carry-on — you’re free to do that of course, but just make sure that they’re things that you’ll really be needing for your trip! (Otherwise, you’ll just be packing extra baggage or clutter.)
Rest assured, the items I listed above are the basic travel essentials that have served me well all throughout the years of my traveling lifestyle, and it is now my hope that it gives you the peace of mind that you’re going to be adequately and properly equipped for your trip!
How about you?
What do you think of this packing list for my carry-on?
Is there anything that you might want to add?
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The post Ultimate Carry-On Packing Guide (A Digital Nomad’s Travel Essentials) appeared first on I am Aileen.
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