#like sorry the ML is also not great but he's not terrible either and im starting to think he deserves better than her
reading i married an anti-fan rn and the FL is genuinely so. naively self-centred. not in the sense that she's selfish, but she thinks she has more power than she actually does and never pauses to consider her employers' interests.
like. she desperately needs money and is in debt, and then she goes and pisses off one of her employer's most important clients? she gets fired because of this, and blasts it to ALL the news agencies she knows of? she's an aspiring reporter, so this means all her potential employers?? she's letting them know that she'll ruin a relationship with their clients and see nothing wrong with it. i know she was drunk at the start and was dealing with a bad break up, but still. way to ruin your own career. she even takes to the streets yelling about how evil the most popular super idol is, as if she isn't an entertainment reporter who surely know that rabid fans exist. was she trying to get beat up and bullied online? and she's doing all this with the aim of getting the client she pissed off to convince her company to reinstate her job. the same company where her former supervisor already hates her for causing so much trouble for throwing a shoe at the client. where she was already very unhappy at to begin with. that job? you want it back? you'll be stuck at your role or worse until the supervisor leaves the company. and yeah, spreading a smear campaign is sure to work against an extremely popular and wealthy individual who has already proven that he can get you fired. there's definitely no way he has lawyers who can make your life even worse than it already was.
as far as i can tell this story is going to take the 'fake contract marriage' route, and no wonder and good for her because there's no way she's going to get a conventional job after this, and even if she did she'll blow it up and angrily blame others for it afterwards
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storge · 3 years
Hiya! So some of your new sets have me curious - would you recommend this 'She was Pretty' show? What's it about?
Hello there friend!!! First of all... Thank you for saying my sets made you curious ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!! Let me start and say... yes, I would recommend this japanese adaptation. Now for your 2nd question.... i'm sorry this is gonna be long i'm terrible at describing things. I can say think the MDL synopsis is good but i feel like talking lololol...
You don't need to watch the other versions but this is how they all kinda flow..... basically it starts off that our FL as a kid was a smart, nice and "pretty" little girl and was friends with a bullied, and a little traumatized boy. They were very very close, got separated, life stuff happened, and now yearsssss later all grown up he tries to find her. However, in the present, low and behold the boy... our ML is now a "hottie" and a success while she, our FL is welllll.... a "mess". Our FL is down on her luck and lost all her confidence through life struggles... At their meetup after he walks past her thinking another girl is her ngl it hurts my soullll everytime, she tells herself, "ohh noo I'm not like before, i can't let him see me like this." So she instead hides, and sends her bestfriend to meet him once and act as her to say "hi.. bye...i gotta go to a foriegn land, see you again never". She resides to letting him keep a nice image of her in his mind but end all their relations with the past. (Mind you there is/was nothing ugly or wrong about either of them and all girl needs is a comb and a job but wtvr just go with it).
True dramaland romcom magic comes in and dundundunnnnnn.... the FL and ML end up working in the same place and he's her new boss. She of course shares the name as his childhood friend but he of course doesn't know it's her. They start to work more closely and he starts to question who she really is...... this is a romcom so can you tell where this story is going lololol. Also there is always a handsome "funny" 2nd lead who also works there and starts to like FL. And remember her friend, yeahh she didnt stop seeing ML and starts to fall in love with him but im not gonna go there lololol.
Now you may say this sounds ehhhhhh stereotypey, tropy, and cheesy... and you may be correct (it does do the dredded makeover scene), but LET ME JUST SAY it's really not that bad, and that this new adaptation is a different flavor than the others.
1. It's wayyy shorter so it cuts out all the nonsense stuff. only 10 Eps thank the jdramagods.
2. While the other versions of this story sadly play up the sterotypes sometimes, this adaptation doesn't really do that as much. I feel it's not as... harsh to the FL i mean its still a tinyyy hurtful tho cant lie. But overall it's actully funny and cute. Also, their take on the scenes that are in basically all of them are nice.
And finally 3. The cast in this is realllyyyy good. The ML is of course a little rude but not terrible, the actor is nice to look at, and a great choice. He shows feelings to our FL early on without knowing who she really is which is in all the versions lol. Our FL...i love lovvee her. She is sunshine and i love her more in this version. (The story is really supposed to kinda being about her gaining her confidence while also falling in love.) Our 2nd lead Akaso Eiji, my boiiii is to me the best 2nd lead ever in all the series. He is sillly but not tooo silly and is really just great. I don't get 2nd lead syndrome but you might with this one lololol. And tbh even her bestfriend is good... like it's hard to not like her. And I'm not particularly mad at her actions in this version. I should yet cause its still ongoing
Okay so that was a whole mouthful, but friend there is your answer lolol.... and i say again i would definitely recommend giving this romcom a try. It's only on ep. 4, but so far it's nice and light. And the truth of who she is may hopefully be revealed in the next ep. Sooner rather than laterrr.
if you read all this thank you 😘😘😘
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
ML Counsellor AU: Adrien Agreste’s Session
Carmine let out a low sigh as she reread her the purple file in front of her, sipping her tea.
‘Most likely male due to the voice, attacks happen throughout the day meaning he either doesn’t work, works from home or is freelance...’ she reread her notes from the multiple sessions she had done so far, as well as some proven facts from the Ladyblog. ‘No noticeable accent when speaking, so most likely a true Parisian. Also, most terrorist are middle aged, especially those who act alone.’
Carmine was stopped mid thought when she heard a timid knock at her door, causing her to blink and look at her watch. Class’s for the day would be finished in roughly 20 minutes and she didn’t have any appointments this afternoon.
She closed the file and placed it in a drawer “It’s open.” She called.
The door opened and revealed a student that Carmine had never spoke to but recognized instantly. It was hard not to with his face being all over Paris on billboards and buses.
Adrien gave her a small smile “Hello Mlle Regal.” He said “Do you have a few minutes to talk?”
Carmine gave the young man a warm smile before gesturing to one of the chairs in her office “Of course Adrien, have a seat. Would you like some tea?”
Adrien smiled kindly, sitting down “No thanks Mlle Regal, Im fine.” He said looking around in a nonchalant manner. “So, Nathalie says she has known you for a long time” he began, looking straight at her.
Carmine raised a brow, not sure where this conversation was going. Nathalie’s birthday wasn’t for a few months yet, and she had yet to be akumatized as far as she knew. “Yes, we were roommates in university.” She said sipping her tea “She was a business major and I was in a duel credit of development and applied psychology.”
“So... you knew her when she began to work for my parents?” He asks tentatively. Carmine looked at him curiously, beginning to see where this is going “Yes...”
“Did you ever... meet them?”
Carmine gave Adrien a small, sad smile “... unfortunately Adrien, I never got a chance to meet Emilie.”
Adrien noticeably slumped at the comment “O...oh.... I just though... well, Nathalie said that you were a close friend of hers, and if I needed someone to talk to about anything, including mom, that I should... I thought that maybe you might know her.”
Carmine looked at Adrien very carefully, taking as much information in as she possibly could. He wasn’t that skinny considering he was a model, however it wouldn’t hurt for him to gain a few pounds, and he has spoken very formally to her from the beginning. She recalled a conversation she had with Nino about how polite and reserved Adrien was, and how the young DJ was trying to get Adrien to break out of his shell.
“Have you spoken to anyone about your mother since her disappearance?” Carmine asked him softly, to which the young man shook his head “I mean, I tried to speak with father, but he has been... busy since the disappearance, and Nathalie and Gorilla aren’t really that personable.”
“Gorilla?” Carmine asked, looking very confused at the name. Nathalie never mentioned a worker named Gorilla.
“My driver and body guard... it’s a nickname I gave him, he doesn’t talk much.” Adrien said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous manner.
“Ah.” Carmine said simply, sipping her tea. “When you say busy, do you mean distant?” The counsellor asked him gently, and Adrien tensed up.
“N-no!” He exclaimed, “Father is just very busy, what with running the Gabriel line and being the lead designer.” He expressed.
“... Adrien, doesn’t your father work from home?” Carmine asked slowly “Surely you at least have meals with him?” The model remained silent, looking down at the ground. “When was the last time you had a conversation with him face to face?” She pressed gently.
“... he’s been busy, I guess... it’s discouraging sometimes, but I’m fine with it.” He was a terrible liar to the point where it hurt just to listen to it.
And now Carmine felt like she had to up hold her promise to Nathalie about taking the stick out of Gabriel’s ass and hitting him with it. She understood perfectly well he was missing his wife, quite possibly in denial about it or mourning himself, but he had a child to look after as well, he didn’t have the option to be like this nearly 16 months after Emilie Agreste’s disappearance.
“Well Adrien, if you want someone to talk to, my door is ALWAYS open.” Carmine told him in a matter of fact tone.
Adrien blinked slowly, looking at Carmine confused “But... there is nothing wrong with me. I mean, I miss my mom sure, but I don’t really have a right to complain. I’m fine, I mean, father just isn’t the best at showing he cares, but he’s the only one that seems to genuinely care about me in the house.”
“It’s not about whether you have a right or not to complain Adrien.” Carmine explained to him gently “Also, this isn’t complaining. If your upset, or happy or lonely, or even angry your allowed to express that, I’m sure someone in your house would listen, whether that is your father, Nathalie or Gorilla.” She insisted to him. He didn’t say anything, clearly not believing her.
“Father is busy, and Nathalie and Gorilla only ‘care’ before they work for him...” he said softly, looking down at the ground still.
Carmine began to remember back to a few moments earlier in the year with her friend Nathalie.
When Mrs. Agreste’s investigation into her disappearance began to loose steam and Nathalie asked if Carmine knew any grief counsellors that Adrien could talk to.
The first day of school, before Carmine was even hired, Nathalie had pleaded with her to give Nathalie any and all articles or thesis’s on the benefits of children being in a public school setting verse being home schooled.
When Carmine was first hired, Nathalie asked Carmine to look out for him discreetly and that if Adrien ever came to her, to help any way she could. All of this had been done off of company time, and Nathalie insisted she had to do what was best for Adrien, to get him out of the house, to have some friends, to have a life.
She had actually got a text message from Nathalie earlier that days, asking how much free time a teenager should have, had if Carmine had any articles she could read up on. Carmine guessed that Adrien’s schedule was beginning to become full again, and Nathalie was trying to find any excuse she could to help lighten his load.
“No matter what Nathalie’s surname may say about her.” Carmine said to Adrien gently, looking at him with a warm smile “She is the opposite of heartless Adrien. She actually cares a great deal, she just has to be professional well she is working, which means she has to balance a fine line between professionalisms and being too personal.” She informed him gently “I can’t say too much, but know she does care and she does listen, and I am sure ‘Gorilla’ cares about you a great deal as well.”
Adrien looked up at her, starring her straight in the eyes “... your not saying that just to be nice, right?” He asked gently. Carmine raised a brow, giving him a deadpanned stare.
“Adrien, I may be called the Human Lie Detector, but I try my best not to lie, and I am being truthful about this.” Carmine explained to him. The young blonde looked at Carmine for a long moment, before giving a soft, genuine smile.
Adrien sat there thinking for a long moment before nodding again.
“I guess,... I could try talking to father again. But if that doesn’t work, and I did need someone to talk to, not that I really do...” he looked at Carmine expectantly.
“Than my door is always open, like I said.” Carmine said to him, smiling. The smile fell however when both hers and Adrien’s phones began to buzz loudly. Carmine lifted her phone and let out a soft groan “Akuma sited near the down town.” She muttered softly.
Adrien bolted out of his seat, causing Carmine to jump slightly. Adrien gave her an apologetic smile “Sorry, my driver is probably worried about me and I should get going!” He said going to the door quickly, before turning around and looking at Carmine “By the way Mlle Regal, thanks for giving me the ‘royal’ treatment.” He said giving her a wink with some finger guns before running full blast out of her office.
All Carmine could do is blink, noting how fast the teen was, but wasn’t nervous when she mentioned the akuma, he looked excited almost, as well as determined.... another student she would have to keep an eye on it seems.
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