#like stop going to parks stop paying for streaming services where u literally
seasaltbaptism · 2 years
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
hooooo my fucking god I don't know why but recently my anxiety/sence of dread has SKYROCKETED in the last 3 days, I haven't been sleeping great and last night I had an anxiety dream about manning the register at work. idk I guess today was fine but im so fucking overstimulated I guess?? I seriously just dont fuking know. but anyway here’s a summary of some days that I may or may not remember. putting it under the cut
Wednesday I was exited to work, they didn’t need me, I hung out with my friends at their outdoor band concert and had boba and it got super cold out
Thursday I went with my dad to drop off a car, then we had breakfast together at a little restaurant I had never been to before. He told me about his childhood n stuff. Then I went to work and priced things outside and felt good about helping some people buy plants even tho I didn’t know exactly what I was doing and ended up handing them off to Becky anyway. Got off work, came home, hung out waiting to be able to go visit my friend but she took a while so dad and I made the snack he had a lot as a kid which was just handmade chocolate frosting on graham crackers. Eventually my friend got home so I grabbed one of those graham crackers in some Tupperware and some other stuff and headed out. It was a longer drive than I was expecting but eh whatever, I got there no problem with a bunch of dad’s shit in the back of the car. We had awkward hellos in her apartment and I pet her fat ass cat until she suggested we go thrifting and oh my god I had never wanted to go thrifting more in my life than right then. I had one of those moments where I realized oh I’m an adult who can go out and just DO things :D so we walked around and gossiped in goodwil and had a great time until they closed, whereupon steph frantically looked for anything that was open near us while I drove around. We settled on going to a little park nearby, where we climbed on the tube with holes on it and swung on the swings. Then we walked around a dense tree/brush like and into the middle of a field, having our main character moments as we walked to the top of a hill with a cross on it. I took a picture of the sunset and a selfie with both of us before we walked back through the field and drove back to her apartment. I gave her 2 tiny flower jars and she let me borrow her container of earring hardware and a bunch of different tiny things to make into earrings. I had a great time and I’d love to hang out again, maybe when everything isn’t closed lmao. We joked a lot about understanding why people do drugs lmao since there’s nothing else to do! everything’s closed!! Also some joke flirting mixed in for flavor. We have an excuse to hang out again so I can return her earring supplies and she can return my Tupperware lol. I thought my phone was going to die on the way home before I realized there was a charging cord in the car! Nice. Got home, watched my friend stream plasmaphobia for a bit while I finished a birthday gift, and hung out and slept when she quit streaming. 
Friend’s birthday party day!! Also dad moving day!! The first task of the day was to drive with my dad down to the nearest uhaul to pick up a big ol’ truck, and follow him home in the car while he lead the way in the truck. Then we brought his car full of shit to the apartment, got his key and paid his first month, and looked through everything to do inspection. Tbh it’s a pretty nice apartment, I’d love to spend some time there once it’s a bit more furnished. My favorite part is a Harry Potter style hidey hole closet that’s meant for storage, but it’s the perfect size for a secluded hangout spot for me. I’ll totally let him use it for storage if he wants, I just like sitting in there. I joked that I would let Emily hang out in the spare bedroom and I could get the tiny room. But we spent time cleaning and looking around and bringing in boxes before dad sent me to pick up lunch, my sister, and another car load of boxes. I left to do all 3 and came back with Mcallisters, and we all sat on the floor and ate together. A very nice way to break in a new apartment. We brought in boxes and dad sent us on a quest to pick up a car part and drop it off where the car we dropped off the day before. We got there just fine, but getting to the second location was a nightmare because of all my wrong turns and u turns and no left turns, it was awful. I mean we got there eventually but still. By then it was time for me to get home so I could wash my hair and get ready for the party!! I got everything ready, but my sister wouldn’t be home with the car on time, so I just took my mom’s van. I was on time for once!! But in exchange I didn’t realize I had forgotten Cassidy’s gift until I was like 3 minutes away. But also I found driving my moms van very easy compared to last time I tried to drive it, and I think I’m a much more confident driver now :) but I was one of the first to arrive, accidentally twinned with cass, waited for everyone to show up, met her new dog, and then we all packed up the picnic basket and walked to the top of a hill to have our little sandwiches and play cards against humanity. On the walk there we passed by a park where little kids were asking why we were all dressed up if it wasn’t Halloween, so I shouted at them that it was her birthday and handed them the branch I was carrying. We played CAH on the hill and ate little sandwiches and meatballs and drank sparkling juice and had a lovely time, and when we were done, we walked back to her house where there was pizza and we all changed out of our formal wear. My bra was sewed into my dress with 6 stitches, so I grabbed some scissors and flashed my friend’s cat as I cut my bra free of the dress because I forgot to bring an extra. I changed into my ghostbusters shirt and snake onesie and joined everyone outside for pizza and lots and lots of stories and ice cream cake and gossip and quiplash and balloons and gifts and CAH and friends leaving and new friends arriving and more quiplash and then the grass getting cold and wet and going ham on keeping the balloons up and then playing that’s what she said (basically CAH but ✨for women ✨) and by this time there was a dude I didn’t know but he was very nice and cute and already taken. Tbh I didn’t know half the people there, there was a group of 4 cool alt people I had never met and then the 4 band kids I already knew but everyone else seemed to know each other and they all had great energy so I yelled a lot and joked a ton and had an amazing time. As the crowd dwindled and the night got cooler, I helped put things away before I left so I could be a nice guest, said my goodbyes, gathered my things, and drove home past midnight. Ask walked around the house turning off lights like my mom asked, I realized that my dad wouldn’t be sleeping here anymore, and I felt bad that he had to spend the night all alone in his new apartment :( and this is going to be a huge financial burden that idk if he can afford, rent for the apartment is almost as much as my mom pays for the house. Jejdjgjt this is all a mess and I would like to go back to ignoring it all <3 Listened to a lot of two trucks by lemon demon lmao
Hoo boy howdy I did a lot of shit today. Basically as soon as I woke up I got a text from dad about us helping him move with a promise of donut holes and a fruit platter. I walked out to the garage to find our family friends the drakes helping to move boxes, so we all spent several hours loading boxes into our cars and driving back and forth from the house to the apartment, with emily and I avoiding the drakes as much as possible lmao. When we had moved as much as we could in the car, we started loading up the uhaul, shoving as much shit in there as possible so we only had to do one trip there and back. Partially through unloading the truck the drakes stopped cleaning things before we brought them in left and some randos from dad’s work came to help unload and somewhere in the middle of all this our aunt and uncle and her service dog came to visit?? Bruh idk so much stuff happened. Emily asked me to take her home so she could work on school stuff and we put things back into the garage and I went back to the apartment to help with stuff and hang out with my aunt while my dad and uncle returned the truck. We made a list of stuff I might need for college and I wrote it down on a notepad and most of the page space was taken up by ponies tbh. The men brought back burger king and eventually my aunt and uncle left. I helped my dad clean up and set up his wifi and we watched mama Mia. It was my first time seeing the film, and it was really dang fun. Then I made dad drive me ho e since emily was still gone with the silver car. I’ll spend he night over there eventually, but not yet. I’m exited to eventually invite friends over since I’ve never been able to do that before. So now I’m home trying g to go to sleep so I can work tomorrow. I keep thinking about smoking weed and making out with someone in the hidey hole in dad’s apartment............ even tho I have literally no one to do that with afsagssg I’m a CHILD. 
Had dreams last night about being stuck on the infinity train again, except there was a mechanic of switching the world between 2d and 3d and the cast of Bluey had to help bingo go through stages of grief / character moments to help her get off the train or something. I was tossing and turning for a few hours anxiously waking up thinking I was gonna be late and going back to bed so I could sleep/dream more. But then I finally got up, fed my cat, fed myself, helped clean the kitchen a little bit, got ready for work, arrived 15 minutes late on accident, worked register for 6 hours, got more comfortable with register and learned how to do stuff, lots of friendly people, lots of me struggling and my bones hurting, dad brought me food but I couldn’t get to my lunch break until everything was room temperature. The chicken sandwich reheated well but the fries did not. After work dad and I stopped by the house, I got an info card to fill out so I can be called in for jury duty eventually, dad handed me $50 for dinner for us and my sister, we laid on the floor and looked at the noodles and company menu, drove there, picked up our food, had a lovely dinner at dad’s apartment, laid around while he talked to Greg on the phone, went to target to pick up small apartment things like a clock and a trash can and some small groceries but it made me nervous because I hate spending money and watching my dad spend money he may or may not have, and by then we were tired as shit and after dropping his stuff off emily and I drove home and I tried teaching her how to crochet for a school project. Now I’m hanging out wanting to go to bed and thinking about how everybody else my age working at ACE is doing like 60 hours a week with 2 jobs and saving for college and I’m just sitting here with probably 14 hours a week and fuck. I don’t want to spiral into shit, I just want to keep busy as much as possible. Maybe I’ll ask for as many work hours as possible, maybe I’ll ask my friends to hang out, idk. Right now I jut want to be busy so I don’t have to think about anything. I’ll spend as much time as possible helping my dad set up his apartment, I don’t care.
WAAAAA TODAY AT WORK WAS SO STRESSFUL, I LEFT FELLNG SO FRAZZLED IT SUCKED. basically I worked register for 4 hours but they’re all trying to ween me off asking for help to get me more comfortable, and we were surprisingly busy, and my garden boss becky asked me to do 2 extra things and my boss boss kept asking about paperwork that I couldn't fill out because I needed my sister to text me something, and an old man got mad at me over the phone because no-one was out there to fill his propane tank and I had a lady waiting for 10 minutes for someone to help load salt into her car and a middle aged man tried to use sarcasm at me while I was in friendly cashier mode aND IM SORRY I HAVE ADHD I DONT GET IT PLEASE S T O P and I tried answering the phone more and I didnt get the things done that becky asked and I left shit there because I just wanteD OUT. afterwards I went to target to get something, idk im writing this afterwards so I not really remember 
and today, my day off. ugh god I dont remember what I did, I know I picked up a vent for my mom’s bathroom and I just went to go get Taco Bell with my sister and bought her some more about crocheting and she’s making progress :) tomorrow is my friend’s birthday and last year I made her a felt doll of her fursona, so today I started making a crochet doll for her. so far I have the body and libs, but I still need to make the muzzle, tail, ears, attach everything, and hand-sew on all the markings and glue on button eyes. or maybe felt eyes, idk. my stomach hurts and I got upset because I told my mom my cat may be sick because her pee looked suspicious so I crocheted and watched my little pony and now I have a headache and im just trying to listen to music but really I just want to watch 50 arms videos at once but it wasn't loading right and idk man I dont know what’s happening, I may be going into work tomorrow. I think now that I have a job to do 3-4 times a week, I dont feel like I can just chill and wing it anymore, it’s like I have plans forever now. and oh god I still have to sig up for college orientation night or whatever, but my mind hasn'tt been on college for like a month or longer. I think im just going to take some Advil and try to relax with my cat and my music. holy shit dude. I know none’s gonna read this but just. fuck. also I should really post these more frequently rather than let them pile up in my texts. thinking about going back and adding all the dates like I did with my early quarantine diary, but that feels like a lot of work
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uppitybeautycompany · 5 years
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Today is the last day you can get $110 in free products. Sign up between June 1-30, 2019 and you will automatically receive $110 SeneBucks ($110.00 retail value) product credit to their new Distributor account to purchase amazing SeneGence products through their Distributor account.
It's only $55. a year. This gives you the “New Distributor Kit” which is an opportunity DVD, some order forms and a distributor handbook. AND this month only $110 in free product. Retail, up to 50% discount. Just want this discount for your personal products BECOME A WHOLESALE CUSTOMER. Consider this like a Costco card, you pay your membership fee and you are free to shop all year round at super awesome prices! There are no monthly autoships! There are no monthly minimums – order what you want when you want! You are bound to save at LEAST 20% on all of the products you buy, that’s your MINIMUM discount. That means that instead of paying $30 plus tax for a lipsense, you will be paying $24, and possibly as low as $15! You will have the OPTION to sell if you want to, this is totally up to you. We have all of the training and support tools to plug you right into our successful business model!
Senegence International has been around since 1999 when it was founded by Joni Rogers-Kante. So, this company which is fast becoming a household name has been around for nearly 2 DECADES and is debt free! Crazy, right?, considering that 95% of start up companies fail in their first year.
Now, lets touch briefly on the phases of growth with any network marketing company:
formulation phase which is the first two years when start u is happening
concentration phase which is the “growing pains” stage, when the company has to adapt to rapid growth and change in order to service its swelling customer base and sales force
momentum phase which is when the company’s geometric growth kicks in. At this stage, the product becomes a household word, sales people rush to join the company and the momentum can turn distributors into millionaires overnight
stability phase which is characterized by continued growth, however, the product line is often diversified to create a new wave of momentum
Wondering where we fit in? Well, brace yourselves! We are just entering the momentum phase after what distributors call the “outofstockalypse” where we literally sold out of EVERY product that we sell! The concentration phase was a trying time with no products to purchase, lip kits and glamour demo kits being discontinued, fast start bonuses being discontinued, the website crashing when products came back in stock, and the list goes on!
We have seen many improvements in the past 6 months with more stable websites, resuming to 100% of products in stock, new corporate staff to facilitate growth, and jumpstart bonuses, lipkits, and fast start bonuses have also been re-introduced!
Right now, we are less than 1% saturated per province and state! That’s crazy! And we are right at the beginning of momentum! The best time to join!
Have you ever tried Lipsense, our premiere product? Well if you answered no, you are seriously missing out! But here, let me show you quickly what I am talking about!
LipSense is a pharmaceutical-grade cosmetic product with pure pigments and natural botanicals. It is the best blend of science and nature. LipSense is gluten-free, vegan, kosher, non-GMO, contains no lead and no animal by-products. SeneGence uses the highest quality ingredients and is made in the USA.
In saying all of that, the best part about it, is that its a WOW PRODUCT! Instant gratification baby! And we live in a world of instant gratification! No one wants to wait for results, we want it right now! And that’s what you get when you use this product! Smudge-free, budge-proof lipstick within seconds and it lasts all day!
Not every company has a Wow product. Take for instance weight loss and wellness MLM’s, you have to wait 4-8 weeks for results and pay upwards of hundreds of dollars for a system and support!
This product literally stops people in their tracks! And it also allows the distributor to introduce and upsell other products in our line that are equally as amazing as Lipsense! We have a whole cosmetic line with this staying power that is smear proof and lasts all day! But if I had to choose, I’d hands down pick the skincare!
Now, this is where things get a whole lot sexier! Yes, I said sexy, it’s one of my favorite adjectives!
Let me just say before we get started that not all compensation plans are built the same, this is not my first walk in the park when it comes to network marketing companies, and until Senegence, it was very clear to me that only the people at the top made the type of money distributors are making with Senegence.
Unilevel Compensation Plan that pays 5 levels deep
No Breakage – this is HUGE!
Full Compression – this is HUGE too!
Let me tell you something, when you join a company, you need to really stand behind the products, become a product of the product, and actually believe in them!
Well, one thing I can tell you about Senegence products is that they WORK! It’s the easiest thing in the world I have ever sold! Even the skincare! I literally can’t wait to apply makeup to a customer or have them try my nighttime or daytime routine! Every time I do, I end up selling nearly every product I apply to their skin! My customers are happy and satisfied with their results even after only a day or two using the skincare.
Right now, Senegence is only fully launched in 3 countries: United States, Canada, Mexico and Australia. We are barely scratching the surface in these countries, but lets talk international growth and what that is going to do to team volume and more importantly, your pay cheque!
With every new country opening, and a new sales team developing in those countries, teams are going to see even more momentum! Canada grew by 7000% in its first year, what if the next country does the same and you have a team growing there? What could this mean to you and your residual income? I think you know
First let me 100% transparent and honest with you. First when I joined, I heard all of this crazy, good stuff about the “sisterhood” with Senegence. This “sisterhood” sounded completely hokey to me. Like really?
But it didn’t take me long to see that, yea, whether you are upline, sideline, crossline, or hanging upside down from a clothes line, these girls came together like a real family. No matter who you asked for help, there was always a helping hand reaching out to guide you along the way!
Just last month in December, all of the Leaders in the company came together in a special training group and shared all of their best tips about how they built their Senegence business! Have you any idea how rare that is? If you are in a network marketing company right now you might appreciate how HUGE this is! No one ever gives access to their team to a sideline or other leaders in the same company!
I have to say that we have the BEST training in the company! There is live training all the time on facebook.
As a new distributor, all you have to do is plug into this system and away you go! But only after we have launched you with your new business!
I can’t tell you how liberating it is to set your own schedule, not have to ask permissionfor time off. I have been there, done that! I struggled trying to manage a career, a home, and the care of my special needs child! Now, I get to make the rules! I set my schedule and work when I WANT to!
There is no ceiling or cap on the amount of money I can make, that is also up to ME! But just let me tell you, the sky is literally the limit in this industry!
But what I would attribute as the biggest pay off for me since joining Senegence is the amount of FREEDOM I have to spend time with my family and friends! The financial freedom is great too, don’t get me wrong, but there’s nothing that compares to FAMILY!
And we are a FAMILY here at Senegence, we’ve got you girl!
Check out these awesome testimonial videos and hear first hand how Senegence has changed the life of women just like YOU.
In many Senestories, you will hear about the power of God! This story always gets me!
Would you believe this girl was homeless?
There are three main ways you can earn commissions with SeneGence. Retail commissions, downline commissions and group sales volume bonuses.
Retail, up to 50% discount.
Downline Commissions
Commissions are based on the PV accumulated on personal orders within your team. Depending on where they are placed in your downline. This is capped at the first 100 PV per distributor in your downline.
First level recruits (directly under you) earn you 10% commissions
Second level recruits earn you 20% commissions
Second level recruits earn you 30% commissions
SeneGence’s discount levels are based off of Point Value, or PV. An item’s point value is 1/2 of the retail price. (EX. 300 PV would be $600 retail product.
Plus you can get Group Sales Volume Bonus
This is essentially a continuation of the previous income stream, but it takes effect from 101 PV onwards.
Level 1 commissions: Purchase 100 PV in products each month to qualify to earn 10% commissions from recruits in the first level of your downline.
Level 2 commissions: Purchase 300PV in products each month to qualify. As well as five level 1 and five level 2 distributors in your downline who do the same. In doing so you can earn 6% commissions from recruits in the second level of your downline.
Level 3 commissions: Same as above, except also have five distributors in the 3rd level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 4% commissions from recruits in the third level of your downline.
Level 4 commissions: Same as above, except also have five distributors in the 4th level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 3% commissions from recruits in the fourth level of your downline.
Level 5 commissions: Same as above, except have five distributors in the 5th level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 3% commissions from recruits in the fourth level of your downline.
As you cans see, things get pretty technical when it comes to the business opportunity. The name of the game with these types of programs is recruiting. The more people you recruit, the more money you make.
0 notes
thatweirdmod · 4 years
Windowless Moviemaker Chapter 1: Routine
Author: I’m u/thatweirdmod from the explicitliterature subreddit.
Windowless Moviemaker Chapter 1: Routine
I hover behind a nude woman, her head and hands imprisoned inside a pillory. She groans as I stuff a vibrator into her vagina.
"Kidney, are you getting this?" I ask, my voice altered by the voice changing mask over my head.
"Sure thing," he responds with a low chuckle.
He’s standing next to me, naked and fully erect, and holding a video camera. He films me forcing my dick inside the woman’s asshole.
She screams. Must be feeling the skin tearing.
"Oh wow, that's so tight," I moan. I keep going, thrusting in and out as deep and fast as I can manage.
The sensations of the constricting, hot little hole on my dick, combined with the vibrations from the toy on the other side of the flesh wall are arousing beyond belief! I hear her sniffling and crying.
"Quick! Get her face." I tell Kidney, while continuing to anally rape the woman.
"Please, please stop," she begs. In response, I give her cheeks a hard smack and double my efforts of destroying her ass with my cock. "It hurts," she mewls, bursting out in tears.
"Ohhh, that's good. I'm gonna come soon," I grunt. "Shoot her from behind now," I say to Kidney. "Look, her pussy's soaking wet  from the vibrator, and her asshole is all bloody now." Kidney and I both chuckle in satisfaction.
"Damn, that so hot," he says, and zooms in on her privates while they're getting fucked. "I can't help myself," he says, overcome with lust.
Kidney sets the camera up on the tripod, walks to the front of the woman, and grabs a fistful of her hair. "Suck me," he orders, pushing his erection past her lips. "Suck it as far down your throat as it'll go."
She takes him into her mouth, doing her best to service him as her asshole and vagina are ravaged from behind.
"Yeah, there you go," Kidney groans. "Keep your mouth opened wide like that so you don't use your teeth."
He pushes her head further onto his stiff penis. She chokes a bit, but keeps on at the deeper level. "Now that's how a real woman gives head," he says, a smirk in his tone. "This is way better than a school girl."
I rip the vibrator out of the woman's cunt, flinging her juices in the process, then shove my dick inside. "Damn, what a horny bitch," I slap her ass, nice and hard. She cries out, causing her to choke on the dick in her mouth. "I'll cream you nice and good, don’t you worry."
Kidney lets out a high pitched grunt, as he jizzes all over the woman's face. I up my pace, jackhammering in and out of her vagina. On the final thrust, I push my penis in up to my balls release my seed deep inside her.
After Kidney and I have satisfied ourselves, we take the woman out of the pillory, shove her down to the ground, then high five each other.
“Alright!” Kidney says. “We got some great footage tonight.”
"Remember," I tell the woman, smirking under my mask. "We recorded everything on video. Unless you want your friends, family, boyfriend, coworkers, and everyone in between to see it, you'll keep quiet about today."
She nods, sitting limply on the ground with fear quivering in her puffy eyes.
"Just think," I continue for good measure, "Of how humiliating it would be if everyone saw this. You, bent in a pillory, completely exposed with your ass in the air. Pussy drooling all over a vibrator, tits hanging down like cow udders, as you're fucked and molested by two random guys.
That's all anyone would be able to see or think about when they saw you. They'd never forget.
Goodbye friend. Goodbye daughter. Goodbye diligent worker. Goodbye whatever you were before. You'd just be the one that got raped- the victim everyone has to tiptoe around.
I bet you can feel it already, the atmosphere turning heavy, the laughter dying, as soon as you enter the room." The woman stares down blankly as I go on. "Sure, everyone would feel bad for you, but no one would want you.
When you'd be with your man, you'd know what he'd be thinking- that his woman was tainted, covered and smothered by other men. You can feel it, can't you? His fingers holding back, never to truly to embrace you again."
I watch her eyes fill with water. "You're no better than a whore now." I tell her, savoring every word.
The tears stream silently down her face and splatter on the concrete floor of the underground bunker.
"But," Kidney adds in, "No one has to know how dirty and damaged you are. After we let you out, you'll be free. You can return to your life as normal, to the joy and acceptance of your friends and family. So..."
He pauses and tosses a water bottle and a bottle of pills over to her.
"Go ahead and take 2 of those. They'll ensure that you won't have to worry about any pregnancy, and the side effects aren't too bad."
She shakily reaches for them, sniffling.
"Just go about your business as usual," Kidney says to the woman as she swallows the pills. "That way, everything will be alright."
"'Everything will be alright' huh?" I wonder to myself, as I lean back in my seat and sigh.
Kidney is sitting at desk next to mine. He brushes his sandy brown bangs back from his eyes, as he pretends to focuses intently on the school work before him.
I attempt to begin re-playing another night in my mind, but the teacher's rambling is getting on my nerves. I know it's his job, but I can't concentrate like this. It's so fucking hot too, I think, as I flap my white button up shirt to puff air over myself.
"Jeeto!" The teacher snaps. Finally got enough of my obvious inattention, eh?
"Perhaps you can give us the answer?" He says.
Damn, this is so cliche. I have no idea what he was talking about, besides the basic fact that it must have to do with geometry. There's a triangle on the chalkboard. The annoying, salt 'n pepper haired man in front of me crosses his arms, waiting.
"I... *huge yawn interrupts my sentence* I have no idea, man... sir."
Mr. Simon clicks his tongue, putting his hands on his hips like a sassy bitch.
"Well perhaps you can get an idea in detention, young man."
The students around the classroom chuckle and giggle.
I groan and rake a hand through my mid-length, brown hair. What a waste of my lifespan.
After school finally lets out, a familiar scenario plays out again. It's of me walking slowly, taking in nature under the orange hue of evening, with potato chips and diet soda on my mind. The convenience store close to my house is one of my favorite places in this little secluded town.
Outside, I see Kidney. He's leaning against the brick building eating an ice cream thing from the store. I go over to him.
"Hey," I say.
"Hey yourself," Kidney replies, with the corners of his mouth tugged upwards. "Have you seen the cutie who just moved here yet?"
"Which one?" I ask. "The way I heard it from those gossipy old nags, the new single dad's a pretty fine piece."
"Maybe so. That just explains where she got it from," Kidney says, grinning fiendishly at the thought of the girl as he licks his ice cream.
"You gonna scare 'em off already? They're probably not even done unpacking," I say.
"Hmm, I think I'm gonna do this the nice way," Kidney answers, a plan gleaming in his eye.
He tosses his ice cream stick on the ground, even though there's a bin a few steps away. "You win 2 tickets to Rocket Roller theme park if you're lucky enough to pick the right Creamtastical Pop," he says.
I laugh. "Don't tell me that's actually got you buying 'em everyday."
"Whatever, man."
"You're just part of the 999,999 that beefs up their sales while they give a sliver of that beef to the 1 in 1,000,000 that wins their shitty prize. A literal sucker, 'cause it's ice cream on a stick."
"But," Kidney says as we walk into the store, "I can't help loving consumerist culture. Indulgence is in the air. Besides, Creamtastical Pops really are the bomb."
"Welcome!" The old woman at the counter says. "If it's not our most frequent customers."
I smile back at her and say, "Hey, Roodle."
Yeah, that's her name- Roodle. She's the manager of this permanently under-staffed store. She's here 6 days every week, in a green polo shirt with her gray hair pulled back into a pony tail, running the register and almost every damn thing in between.
Somehow, I imagine myself in her shoes when I'm that age, and I don't have any problem with it.
Even though it's just a convenience store job, I'd say she busts her ass, so I never sneak too much into the pockets of my dress pants when she dashes into the backroom or down an aisle. You could say I've got boundaries with Roodle.
Kidney's over at the freezers, and I see him slip a Creamtastical Pop into his pocket. But he grabs a 2nd one and holds it openly to purchase.
While I peruse the chips selection, he walks behind the counter. He opens the glass door of the cigarette cabinet, takes a carton like it's totally natural, and walks back out, just before Roodle reappears.
I glance between them, a little nervous. I don't want it to get awkward when I come here because my friend got caught stealing, you know? Roodle didn't notice shit, though.
Fucking hell. If I succeed her, I'm gonna install cameras for sure. Corporate would hear a case and a half from me if they protested.
I'm thinking we've mulled around long enough, so I force myself to decide on two bags of chips and go up to pay.
Kidney and I walk together down the sidewalk, as the nostalgic orange glow around us hints at cooling into night. I glance to my left, taking small satisfaction in how the trajectory of my gaze to Kidney's face is at a slight downward angle.
He's double fisting his ice cream bars, biting one then the other. He hums a happy laugh. "The vanilla one is the one I paid for, the angel. And the chocolate one is the devil one, the one I stole."
I watch him devour the two masses of sugar and fat. The Creamtastical Bar is a dessert more multi-faceted than most people. It's an ice cream sandwich coated in fudge, then smothered in whipped cream, then coated in a chocolate, vanilla, or fruit flavored shell, sometimes with a chopped nut finish.
If just one kind wasn't enough to satisfy their loyal customers, the company has made dozens of variations and limited editions. You'd gain a 100 kilos just by trying each of them.
"By the way, when did you start smoking?" I ask Kidney.
"Huh? Never had," he replies. "I just thought I'd try some cigarettes today. I've been pretty stressed out lately. Maybe a nice drag and a hit of nicotine will hit the spot."
"Nicotine's lame," I say. "If you're gonna smoke something, at least go for weed. I hear it comes with less cancer too."
"Well, cigs come with less cops."
"Not necessarily if you steal them."
"Oh please, Jeeto," Kidney says, smiling. "Good ol' Roodle wouldn't call the cops, even if she did catch me. She's a total push-over. A decent apology is all I'd need."
We walk up the incline that goes past the playground. I observe at the worn down swings and other sad looking equipment. Kidney and I used to hang out here a lot as kids.
The place isn't as fun now that the slide is too short to have a real slide down, and the fall from the monkey bars is too low to fear. Though, we still come back to the swings sometimes.
The swings...
I notice a girl sitting on one alone. "Hey, that's her," Kidney whispers, looking past me.
Speak of the devil, we were just going up to her house so I could get my first look around.
"Who's 'her' anyway?" I ask. "You never told me her name."
"Oh yeah. It's Rilla."
I examine her from where I stand, but a ray of sunlight is blocking some important parts of her from view. Thinking, what the hell, I walk off the sidewalk and start across the grass over to her.
Her head is low, auburn bangs hanging over her forehead. She's in thought, maybe, before she notices me and looks up. My heart doesn't skip a beat or anything, but I'm not unhappy.
"Hi," I say cordially.
She stands, giving me a better look at her legs. She's a little short, but they're nicely proportioned. She's in a skirt that stops teasingly just above her knees.
I'm careful to smile with warmth and not pleasure. "My name's Jeeto. I heard you moved into the neighborhood a few days ago."
"That's right," she says, like the kind of person who has to work past their shyness a little for every word. "I'm Rilla... Rilla Arocci."
"Welcome to Grishee Town, Rilla. It's really nice to meet you."
She returns my smile reservedly. "You too, Jeeto."
"I'm from the Fuma household, which I believe is a straight shot down the street from you," I say. "If you ever need anything, I'll be happy help, alright?"
Rilla nods and says, "Thank you."
"Well, I've gotta go now. See you around."
She says goodbye and we wave to each other as I walk off the playground. Instead of continuing up the slope to her house, I turn back to head home. Just as I start to wonder where Kidney went, I see him hiding behind a tree, with two unmarked ice cream sticks at his feet.
"Playing the voyeur on her's one thing," I say to him. "But I was back there too."
"Very funny," he grumbles. "I told you, not so much as a half hour ago, that I was gonna get Rilla. Where do you get off jumping the gun on me?"
I shrug. "I only introduced myself. You could've come and said hi too."
"Dumbass. One guy is bad enough. Two guys approaching a lone girl is only sure to scare her. Women are pretty fragile, and wary like rabbits, you know. It's a pain, but it's true."
"Rabbits are like that because they know there are foxes in the world. Women know that there are men like us."
"So now it's our fault?" Kidney challenges. "We're not out to kill them like foxes, unless they take it to that level themselves. If they'd just give it up, neither party would have these problems."
“But we don’t really want them to just give it up, do we?” I counter.
“Well, half my point still stands,” Kidney insists.
I just shrug again. "Wanna play some Mortal Kombat at my place?"
"Sure, even if we do already know how it's gonna turn out," Kidney says, now smirking. "Kidney wins! Flawless victory. Fatalityyyyy!"
"If you were a Mortal Kombat character," I begin, "What'd your finisher be anyway?"
"I dunno. It'd have to be something where I tore out their kidneys with my bare hands."
By the time darkness has fallen outside my bedroom window, I've thoroughly gotten my ass beat via console.
My knuckles redden as I squeeze my controller in rage- the diet form of hurling the piece of shit at the wall. Kidney can't stop laughing, which is what's really pissing me off.
"Fuck it," I say. "I'm gonna go get something to eat." I leave my bedroom, slamming the door behind myself.
Soon, I'm listening dully to the sounds of the humming microwave, crickets chirping loudly outside, and grease popping on my buffet takeout. I go back upstairs with my food, and find Kidney scrutinizing my shelf.
"You really oughta hide those DVDs we made better," he whispers to me. "You can't just leave them here with all your normal stuff."
"Why not?" I say lackadaisically. "Unmarked, empty looking discs aren't particularly interesting when they're next to a bunch of movies, TV shows, and porn."
Kidney just frowns. "The whole, 'hidden in plain sight' thing is bound to backfire eventually. You live with your mom and kid sister for fuck's sake, and they don't exactly respect your privacy.
Say one of them gets bored, and decides to kill time by having a look through your stuff. After getting through everything else, they might wanna check if there's anything on those unmarked DVDs.
Hell, what if one of them was even looking for an empty DVD to rip stuff onto. They see those, think there's probably nothing on 'em, and that you won't mind if they take one. It'd all be over then."
"Alright, alright," I groan. "I'll put 'em somewhere else. But where?"
"Inside your mattress would be good. You make a hole in it, put the DVDs in the hole, and sew it back as it was. I bet not even cops would find them there."
"The hell?" I question. "Am I supposed to dig them out and put them back like that every time I wanna watch them?"
"No. You burn them onto your computer, and store the videos in an encrypted, hidden folder.
The DVDs are only supposed to be backup storage, in case you have to delete the stuff off the computer, or its hard drive gets corrupted. Things like that."
"All of this sounds like a huge pain," I say as I stuff my face.
"Come on, it's easy," Kidney assures me.
"If it's so easy, then you can do it yourself," I tell him, and plop down onto my twin sized bed. "My computer's password is 'jeetocheeto69365'."
"Isn't that your username on Runescape? You really are careless," Kidney sighs, and logs on.
By the time I finish my dinner, Kidney is still ripping the DVDs onto the computer. I decide to kill time by getting some preparations together.
"We're going to need more animal tranquilizer after this one," I tell him, as I draw the last bit of liquid from a glass bottle into a small syringe. It's your turn to buy it, so order some online soon, alright?"
"Fine," Kidney agrees.
"And hurry up and get done with that already," I say. "I wanna get going to Mrs. Horatay's house soon."
"Why so impatient?" Kidney asks. "We still have several hours of night left before even the earliest risers start getting up. It's actually still a little early."
"Do you even have to ask why I'm impatient?" I ask as I pack rope into a black backpack. "You've seen her too, after all."
Kidney grins. "If I was her husband, I'd hate to have to leave that rack for a boring business trip, on the week of our anniversary, no less. I'll be sure to give her a good titty fucking in his absence."
I laugh. "It's funny how we've never even spoken to the Horatays, but we know all this shit about them. Gossiping housewives are truly a force to be feared. If I ever get married, it'll be to a quiet woman."
Kidney lets out a scoff. "A ring around the finger is like a collar around the neck. I look at it as a symbol of bondage.
We do most things with our hands and fingers, so rings are placed around them to show that everything you do after marriage is under your spouse's control."
"Are you sure you're not just saying that because your dad's a pussy whipped loser?"
"Tsk," Kidney grumbles, as he removes the final DVD from the tray. "Flip your mattress over, will you. It's time to put these away."
I do as he asks, then watch him go to work on hiding the DVDs.
"You're a pretty good seamstress," I remark. "You'll have to give me an embroidery lesson sometime."
"Say what you want, sewing is a useful practical skill, same as cooking. I won't be dependent on some bitch to take care of me," Kidney says.
"Yeah," I agree. "I'm gonna have to know how to close the mattress on my own after we make new movies anyway."
There's a pause before I ask, "How's Krin doing?"
He bristles. "Why should you care about my little sister?"
I sigh, "What's the problem? You're always complaining about how annoying she is. She's a lot like mine." I grin, then say, "I'd be fine with you fucking Sota, you know."
I notice Kidney swallow, then I laugh.
"I know you want to, man. It's totally obvious."
He has no counter to this.
"How about we strike a deal? I'll slip some roofies to Sota, if you do the same with Krin."
"Krin's not annoying all the time," Kidney says softly. "I've talked about how she badgers me into doing homework and chores and takes my stuff without asking. But, I guess I've never mentioned how it really is between us."
I listen with an eyebrow raised.
"In the town we lived in before, our old man had a pretty nasty fall from grace. The folk there were cliquish to begin with, big families rooted in years of tradition.
So, that incident only ensured that we were completely rejected- all of us Bellourds. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," they'd say, so the adults didn't want their kids around me or Krin.
Nobody really spoke to us. Even if they didn't understand why, we were just rotten apples to be avoided. Even so, we weren't lonely.
We were able to stay together a lot, because we're only a year apart. Things were nice with just the two of us." Kidney smiles in recollection.
"We played around all time back then: hide and seek in the woods, role playing, a lot made up games too... One day, we decided to play doctor in Krin's room.
I can't remember whose idea it was, but I remember that after she checked my breathing, if behind my ears were clean, and everything else, I ended up lying on the pale gray carpet for a "down there checkup."
After my checkup was over, it was my turn to be the doctor, and do the whole routine on her.
After that time, we'd play doctor every few days. And after a while, the patient started to always end up saying, 'Hurry up and get to the down there checkup.' That eventually became all the doctor game was about.
We didn't know much, except that it felt good, and that we didn't wanna get caught doing the down there checkups.
Over time though, we stopped bothering to call them checkups, or asking, 'Wanna play doctor?' We'd just go into a bedroom, close the door behind ourselves, and touch each other.
We didn't stop, even after our family finally got enough money to move here, and we both made other friends. And one time back in junior high, our parents went on vacation.
We had a long day of doing whatever we wanted around the house, got tired, crashed on the couch, and turned the TV on to some lame channel.
I got hard, which wasn't unusual when we were alone, but this time we both felt it was different.
Now, we had all the time in world to go as far as we wanted. That day, when we lost our virginities together, is the most cherished memory I have.
It was amazing, almost heavenly. I'd never felt that close to anyone before. I felt so warm and complete- so happy and at home.
Even now, the honest moments between me and Krin are the most precious things to me. I'm not ready to accept any other man into the picture, Jeeto."
I sigh, "But any other woman is fine?"
"What I do with those other women isn't like what me and Krin have together. They're nothing," Kidney says.
"Krin would be nothing to me, and as for her, she wouldn't even know who it was. That's hardly getting into your precious picture, then, is it?"
"But Krin is something!" Kidney says emphatically. He then reins himself in. "I just don't want anyone doing her that way. End of discussion. I'm going back to my place to change and pick up my bag."
"Alright," I say lazily. "But you know, for someone who I thought hated women, you've got an annoying soft spot for one."
"Meet you at Mrs. Horatay's house," he says.
I watch his back with narrowed eyes as he leaves, wondering if Krin's little pussy would feel as "heavenly" for me if I forced her down on her knees and fucked her.
If and when that happens, I'll let her know that she has her brother to blame the most.
I might have let this go if Kidney didn't make such a big deal about it. But he just made her forbidden fruit, and a woman should understand, how a forbidden fruit is more enticing than all the others in the garden.
0 notes
uppitybeautycompany · 5 years
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Sign up between June 1-30, 2019 and you will automatically receive $110 SeneBucks ($110.00 retail value) product credit to their new Distributor account to purchase amazing SeneGence products through their Distributor account.
It's only $55. a year. This gives you the “New Distributor Kit” which is an opportunity DVD, some order forms and a distributor handbook. AND this month only $110 in free product. Retail, up to 50% discount. Just want this discount for your personal products BECOME A WHOLESALE CUSTOMER. Consider this like a Costco card, you pay your membership fee and you are free to shop all year round at super awesome prices! There are no monthly autoships! There are no monthly minimums – order what you want when you want! You are bound to save at LEAST 20% on all of the products you buy, that’s your MINIMUM discount. That means that instead of paying $30 plus tax for a lipsense, you will be paying $24, and possibly as low as $15! You will have the OPTION to sell if you want to, this is totally up to you. We have all of the training and support tools to plug you right into our successful business model!
Senegence International has been around since 1999 when it was founded by Joni Rogers-Kante.  So, this company which is fast becoming a household name has been around for nearly 2 DECADES and is debt free!  Crazy, right?, considering that 95% of start up companies fail in their first year.
Now, lets touch briefly on the phases of growth with any network marketing company:
formulation phase  which     is the first two years when start u is happening
concentration phase  which     is the “growing pains” stage, when the company has to adapt to rapid     growth and change in order to service its swelling customer base and sales     force
momentum phase  which     is when the company’s geometric growth kicks in.  At this stage, the     product becomes a household word, sales people rush to join the company     and the momentum can turn distributors into millionaires overnight
stability phase which     is characterized by continued growth, however, the product line is often     diversified to create a new wave of momentum
Wondering where we fit in?  Well, brace yourselves!  We are just entering the momentum phase after what distributors call the “outofstockalypse” where we literally sold out of EVERY product that we sell!  The concentration phase was a trying time with no products to purchase, lip kits and glamour demo kits being discontinued, fast start bonuses being discontinued, the website crashing when products came back in stock, and the list goes on!
We have seen many improvements in the past 6 months with more stable websites, resuming to 100% of products in stock, new corporate staff to facilitate growth, and jumpstart bonuses, lipkits, and fast start bonuses have also been re-introduced!
Right now, we are less than 1% saturated per province and state!  That’s crazy!  And we are right at the beginning of momentum!  The best time to join!
Have you ever tried Lipsense, our premiere product?  Well if you answered no, you are seriously missing out!  But here, let me show you quickly what I am talking about!
LipSense is a pharmaceutical-grade cosmetic product with pure pigments and natural botanicals. It is the best blend of science and nature. LipSense is gluten-free, vegan, kosher, non-GMO, contains no lead and no animal by-products. SeneGence uses the highest quality ingredients and is made in the USA.
In saying all of that, the best part about it, is that its a WOW PRODUCT!  Instant gratification baby!  And we live in a world of instant gratification!  No one wants to wait for results, we want it right now!  And that’s what you get when you use this product!  Smudge-free, budge-proof lipstick within seconds and it lasts all day!
Not every company has a Wow product.  Take for instance weight loss and wellness MLM’s, you have to wait 4-8 weeks for results and pay upwards of hundreds of dollars for a system and support!
This product literally stops people in their tracks!  And it also allows the distributor to introduce and upsell other products in our line that are equally as amazing as Lipsense!  We have a whole cosmetic line with this staying power that is smear proof and lasts all day!  But if I had to choose, I’d hands down pick the skincare!
Now, this is where things get a whole lot sexier!  Yes, I said sexy, it’s one of my favorite adjectives!
Let me just say before we get started that not all compensation plans are built the same, this is not my first walk in the park when it comes to network marketing companies, and until Senegence, it was very clear to me that only the people at the top made the type of money distributors are making with Senegence.
Unilevel Compensation Plan that     pays 5 levels deep
No Breakage – this is HUGE!
Full Compression – this is HUGE     too!
Let me tell you something, when you join a company, you need to really stand behind the products, become a product of the product, and actually believe in them! 
Well, one thing I can tell you about Senegence products is that they WORK!  It’s the easiest thing in the world I have ever sold!  Even the skincare!  I literally can’t wait to apply makeup to a customer or have them try my nighttime or daytime routine!  Every time I do, I end up selling nearly every product I apply to their skin!  My customers are happy and satisfied with their results even after only a day or two using the skincare.
Right now, Senegence is only fully launched in 3 countries: United States, Canada, Mexico and Australia.  We are barely scratching the surface in these countries, but lets talk international growth and what that is going to do to team volume and more importantly, your pay cheque!
With every new country opening, and a new sales team developing in those countries, teams are going to see even more momentum!  Canada grew by 7000% in its first year, what if the next country does the same and you have a team growing there?  What could this mean to you and your residual income?  I think you know 
First let me 100% transparent and honest with you.  First when I joined, I heard all of this crazy, good stuff about the “sisterhood” with Senegence.  This “sisterhood” sounded completely hokey to me.  Like really?
But it didn’t take me long to see that, yea, whether you are upline, sideline, crossline, or hanging upside down from a clothes line, these girls came together like a real family.  No matter who you asked for help, there was always a helping hand reaching out to guide you along the way!
Just last month in December, all of the Leaders in the company came together in a special training group and shared all of their best tips about how they built their Senegence business!  Have you any idea how rare that is?  If you are in a network marketing company right now you might appreciate how HUGE this is!  No one ever gives access to their team to a sideline or other leaders in the same company!
I have to say that we have the BEST training in the company! There is live training all the time on facebook.
As a new distributor, all you have to do is plug into this system and away you go!  But only after we have launched you with your new business!
I can’t tell you how liberating it is to set your own schedule, not have to ask permissionfor time off.  I have been there, done that!  I struggled trying to manage a career, a home, and the care of my special needs child!  Now, I get to make the rules!  I set my schedule and work when I WANT to!
There is no ceiling or cap on the amount of money I can make, that is also up to ME!  But just let me tell you, the sky is literally the limit in this industry! 
But what I would attribute as the biggest pay off for me since joining Senegence is the amount of FREEDOM I have to spend time with my family and friends!  The financial freedom is great too, don’t get me wrong, but there’s nothing that compares to FAMILY!
And we are a FAMILY here at Senegence, we’ve got you girl!
Check out these awesome testimonial videos and hear first hand how Senegence has changed the life of women just like YOU.    https://youtu.be/KUZBFGzn7a4
In many Senestories, you will hear about the power of God!  This story always gets me!             https://youtu.be/xD5yHSHDWLw
 Would you believe this girl was homeless?   https://youtu.be/oL3dLrJOFTI
There are three main ways you can earn commissions with SeneGence. Retail commissions, downline commissions and group sales volume bonuses.
Retail, up to 50% discount.
Downline Commissions Commissions are based on the PV accumulated on personal orders within your team. Depending on where they are placed in your downline. This is capped at the first 100 PV per distributor in your downline. First level recruits (directly under you) earn you 10% commissions Second level recruits earn you 20% commissions Second level recruits earn you 30% commissions
SeneGence’s discount levels are based off of Point Value, or PV. An item’s point value is 1/2 of the retail price. (EX. 300 PV would be $600 retail product.
Plus you can get Group Sales Volume Bonus This is essentially a continuation of the previous income stream, but it takes effect from 101 PV onwards.
Level 1 commissions: Purchase 100 PV in products each month to qualify to earn 10% commissions from recruits in the first level of your downline.
Level 2 commissions: Purchase 300PV in products each month to qualify. As well as five level 1 and five level 2 distributors in your downline who do the same. In doing so you can earn 6% commissions from recruits in the second level of your downline.
Level 3 commissions: Same as above, except also have five distributors in the 3rd level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 4% commissions from recruits in the third level of your downline.
Level 4 commissions: Same as above, except also have five distributors in the 4th level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 3% commissions from recruits in the fourth level of your downline.
Level 5 commissions: Same as above, except have five distributors in the 5th level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 3% commissions from recruits in the fourth level of your downline. As you cans see, things get pretty technical when it comes to the business opportunity. The name of the game with these types of programs is recruiting. The more people you recruit, the more money you make.
0 notes
uppitybeautycompany · 5 years
Are you open to an additional source of income? 💚
Sign up between June 1-30, 2019 and you will automatically receive $110 SeneBucks ($110.00 retail value) product credit to their new Distributor account to purchase amazing SeneGence product
It's only $55. a year. This gives you the “New Distributor Kit” which is an opportunity DVD, some order forms and a distributor handbook. AND this month only $110 in free product.
Just want this discount for your personal products BECOME A WHOLESALE CUSTOMER.
Consider this like a Costco card, you pay your membership fee and you are free to shop all year round at super awesome prices!
There are no monthly autoships!
There are no monthly minimums – order what you want when you want!
You are bound to save at LEAST 20% on all of the products you buy, that’s your MINIMUM discount. That means that instead of paying $30 plus tax for a lipsense, you will be paying $24, and possibly as low as $15!
You will have the OPTION to sell if you want to, this is totally up to you. We have all of the training and support tools to plug you right into our successful business model!
Senegence International has been around since 1999 when it was founded by Joni Rogers-Kante.  So, this company which is fast becoming a household name has been around for nearly 2 DECADES and is debt free!  Crazy, right?, considering that 95% of start up companies fail in their first year.
Now, lets touch briefly on the phases of growth with any network marketing company:
formulation phase  which     is the first two years when start u is happening
concentration phase  which     is the “growing pains” stage, when the company has to adapt to rapid     growth and change in order to service its swelling customer base and sales     force
momentum phase  which     is when the company’s geometric growth kicks in.  At this stage, the     product becomes a household word, sales people rush to join the company     and the momentum can turn distributors into millionaires overnight
stability phase which     is characterized by continued growth, however, the product line is often     diversified to create a new wave of momentum
Wondering where we fit in?  Well, brace yourselves!  We are just entering the momentum phase after what distributors call the “outofstockalypse” where we literally sold out of EVERY product that we sell!  The concentration phase was a trying time with no products to purchase, lip kits and glamour demo kits being discontinued, fast start bonuses being discontinued, the website crashing when products came back in stock, and the list goes on!
We have seen many improvements in the past 6 months with more stable websites, resuming to 100% of products in stock, new corporate staff to facilitate growth, and jumpstart bonuses, lipkits, and fast start bonuses have also been re-introduced!
Right now, we are less than 1% saturated per province and state!  That’s crazy!  And we are right at the beginning of momentum!  The best time to join!
Have you ever tried Lipsense, our premiere product?  Well if you answered no, you are seriously missing out!  But here, let me show you quickly what I am talking about!
LipSense is a pharmaceutical-grade cosmetic product with pure pigments and natural botanicals. It is the best blend of science and nature. LipSense is gluten-free, vegan, kosher, non-GMO, contains no lead and no animal by-products. SeneGence uses the highest quality ingredients and is made in the USA.
In saying all of that, the best part about it, is that its a WOW PRODUCT!  Instant gratification baby!  And we live in a world of instant gratification!  No one wants to wait for results, we want it right now!  And that’s what you get when you use this product!  Smudge-free, budge-proof lipstick within seconds and it lasts all day!
Not every company has a Wow product.  Take for instance weight loss and wellness MLM’s, you have to wait 4-8 weeks for results and pay upwards of hundreds of dollars for a system and support!
This product literally stops people in their tracks!  And it also allows the distributor to introduce and upsell other products in our line that are equally as amazing as Lipsense!  We have a whole cosmetic line with this staying power that is smear proof and lasts all day!  But if I had to choose, I’d hands down pick the skincare!
Now, this is where things get a whole lot sexier!  Yes, I said sexy, it’s one of my favorite adjectives!
Let me just say before we get started that not all compensation plans are built the same, this is not my first walk in the park when it comes to network marketing companies, and until Senegence, it was very clear to me that only the people at the top made the type of money distributors are making with Senegence.
Unilevel Compensation Plan that     pays 5 levels deep
No Breakage – this is HUGE!
Full Compression – this is HUGE     too!
Let me tell you something, when you join a company, you need to really stand behind the products, become a product of the product, and actually believe in them! 
Well, one thing I can tell you about Senegence products is that they WORK!  It’s the easiest thing in the world I have ever sold!  Even the skincare!  I literally can’t wait to apply makeup to a customer or have them try my nighttime or daytime routine!  Every time I do, I end up selling nearly every product I apply to their skin!  My customers are happy and satisfied with their results even after only a day or two using the skincare.
Right now, Senegence is only fully launched in 3 countries: United States, Canada, Mexico and Australia.  We are barely scratching the surface in these countries, but lets talk international growth and what that is going to do to team volume and more importantly, your pay cheque!
With every new country opening, and a new sales team developing in those countries, teams are going to see even more momentum!  Canada grew by 7000% in its first year, what if the next country does the same and you have a team growing there?  What could this mean to you and your residual income?  I think you know 
First let me 100% transparent and honest with you.  First when I joined, I heard all of this crazy, good stuff about the “sisterhood” with Senegence.  This “sisterhood” sounded completely hokey to me.  Like really?
But it didn’t take me long to see that, yea, whether you are upline, sideline, crossline, or hanging upside down from a clothes line, these girls came together like a real family.  No matter who you asked for help, there was always a helping hand reaching out to guide you along the way!
Just last month in December, all of the Leaders in the company came together in a special training group and shared all of their best tips about how they built their Senegence business!  Have you any idea how rare that is?  If you are in a network marketing company right now you might appreciate how HUGE this is!  No one ever gives access to their team to a sideline or other leaders in the same company!
I have to say that we have the BEST training in the company! There is live training all the time on facebook.
As a new distributor, all you have to do is plug into this system and away you go!  But only after we have launched you with your new business!
I can’t tell you how liberating it is to set your own schedule, not have to ask permissionfor time off.  I have been there, done that!  I struggled trying to manage a career, a home, and the care of my special needs child!  Now, I get to make the rules!  I set my schedule and work when I WANT to!
There is no ceiling or cap on the amount of money I can make, that is also up to ME!  But just let me tell you, the sky is literally the limit in this industry! 
But what I would attribute as the biggest pay off for me since joining Senegence is the amount of FREEDOM I have to spend time with my family and friends!  The financial freedom is great too, don’t get me wrong, but there’s nothing that compares to FAMILY!
And we are a FAMILY here at Senegence, we’ve got you girl!
Check out these awesome testimonial videos and hear first hand how Senegence has changed the life of women just like YOU.
In many Senestories, you will hear about the power of God!  This story always gets me! 
Would you believe this girl was homeless?
There are three main ways you can earn commissions with SeneGence. Retail commissions, downline commissions and group sales volume bonuses.
Retail, up to 50% discount.
Downline Commissions Commissions are based on the PV accumulated on personal orders within your team. Depending on where they are placed in your downline. This is capped at the first 100 PV per distributor in your downline. First level recruits (directly under you) earn you 10% commissions Second level recruits earn you 20% commissions Second level recruits earn you 30% commissions
 SeneGence’s discount levels are based off of Point Value, or PV. An item’s point value is 1/2 of the retail price. (EX. 300 PV would be $600 retail product.
Plus you can get Group Sales Volume Bonus This is essentially a continuation of the previous income stream, but it takes effect from 101 PV onwards.
Level 1 commissions: Purchase 100 PV in products each month to qualify to earn 10% commissions from recruits in the first level of your downline.
Level 2 commissions: Purchase 300PV in products each month to qualify. As well as five level 1 and five level 2 distributors in your downline who do the same. In doing so you can earn 6% commissions from recruits in the second level of your downline.
Level 3 commissions: Same as above, except also have five distributors in the 3rd level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 4% commissions from recruits in the third level of your downline.
Level 4 commissions: Same as above, except also have five distributors in the 4th level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 3% commissions from recruits in the fourth level of your downline.
Level 5 commissions: Same as above, except have five distributors in the 5th level of your downline who purchase 300PV in products each month. In doing so you can earn 3% commissions from recruits in the fourth level of your downline. As you cans see, things get pretty technical when it comes to the business opportunity. The name of the game with these types of programs is recruiting. The more people you recruit, the more money you make.
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