seasaltbaptism · 2 years
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ultramaga · 1 year
Here's a compilation of my ghost animations! #self-produced anime This is a terrific example of someone solving problems. They wanted to make their own show. So they poured sweat and tears and hours of their life, and at the end it’s only a few moments, and you don’t see it in the mainstream, but thanks to open source programs like blender and thanks to free video hosting, they have the chance for this to be seen.  It was a gamble, yes, but they didn’t just sit about demanding to be given what they wanted, they went out there and did the work themselves, and if they die tomorrow, they will go knowing they achieved something great with their lives. It’s also possible that this could lead to other things - something like the Studio Ghibli stories. Who knows? But if you never try, if your life is spent complaining instead of doing, then you will only ever get garbage instead.
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Some gay people complained that there weren’t enough gay superheroes, so Marvel did the laziest thing ever, and took a straight character that had been around since the 1960s, and declared he was the gayest gay to ever gay. The comic collapsed. Nobody cared. They eliminated the audience that had existed in favour of a hypothetical that mostly didn’t buy comics anyway.  Same with shows like Netflix Cleopatra. The response from black people was largely “I want original black characters, not white characters that have black paint over them!” Of course, it’s even worse, because the show claimed to be factual, and Cleo was a real Greek woman who ruled over a nation that even before the Greek colonisation had mostly non-black rulers. So they not only alienated the Greeks and the Egyptians, not only cast everyone who wasn’t black as a racist, but they also gave black people a fake black character, and told them to be contented with the broken filth smeared doll instead of the wonderful new model they had seen in the shop. And the wonderful new model is what we see in this guys animations. He has a ton of imagination and talent, and his cursed doll stories are quite poignant as well as funny. If you watch his ultra-short stories, you get that sense of something special, instead of endlessly recycled garbage, like Disney is churning out with Ariel, or that painfully unfunny flop of Ghostbusters 2016. You don’t have a right to happiness, you have the right to pursue happiness. To fight for it, to sweat for it, to sacrifice for it. 
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Like the crippled shrine maiden he created, fighting to protect what is good even when the cost was her arm, and I suspect, her life. Even in death, she fights on. There’s something deeply heroic in that idea, and in the artist who created her. https://www.youtube.com/@gensho_yasuda Be the change you want to see.
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I hope you are having a great day.
I wanted to tell you that I love the way you write and how you show the personality of your characters in so few words.
Also if you have time, for the Bad Things Happend Bingo, could I ask for a Soup for the Sick? (Maybe a villain whumpee)
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Thank you for the ask! And especially thank you for that lovely message attached to it, it means a lot!
Soup for the sick... here you go, I hope you enjoy! I did, I had lots of fun writing this one.
Personalized Caretaker
Warnings: drug abuse mention, feverish whumpee, talk of medications, mean caretaker, delirium, fever, pills (tylenol)
... there may be more so tell me if there is so I can list them.
Civilian wished that she didn't live in the most heavily super-powered city in the world.
Yes world.
Villains and heroes all running around like teenagers, not caring for the lives of innocent civilians... or the heroes were meant to, Civilian started to think that the whole "we will protect you" was all phony propaganda aimed to get the city to fund their organization.
But the daily bombings and increasing death toll was not the issue with the city. It wasn't even the large mass of heroes and villains. It was only one.
Of all the heroic figures and devilish snakes, there was only one that ticked Civilian off.
And not because he was the King of Monologues. No, it was because the bastard made Civilian his own personal caretaker.
Was she asked to tend to his very needs? No.
Was she hired? Paid? No, but she should be getting a salary for the tedious work of stitching wounds and feeding his greedy stomach. The bandage bills were adding up and Civilian's meager wage was completely wiped out from having to buy a pack every day.
She was an inch away from going on a rage and robbing every bank in the city.
No, she wasn't. She just happened to live on 489 Deertree Avenue, where six months ago the murderous villain decided to collapse unconscious on her doorstep to bleed out like it was no problem.
Like it was a leisure, a recreational activity. Probably to him, waking up in a warm bed, doped up on painkillers with the sickening sweet smell of caramel candles burning around him, it was.
But not to Civilian. She had to manually help the injured individual drink water, get dressed, and even use the bathroom.
The man had millions of henchmen, billions of wannabe minions at his beck and call.
But he just so happened to have a crush on the red door of 489 Deertree Avenue.
But it was a bad case of unrequited love of the highest order, so no hope of a romantic candlelit date at the most expensive restaurant in the most famous city in the world.
Dairy Queen.
The pure hilarity of that fact. Even the Avenger Tower did not hold nearly as many powered or high-tech individuals as the city and the most fanciest restaurant was a chain fastfood restaurant at the corner of main street.
Civilian clenched the towel she was holding. As much as the stupidity of the city got on her nerves, it was very unpatriotic of her to go on and embarrass the area even more.
Civilian was scrubbing the mirror in the bathroom. The walls of the whole room were stained in the most disgusting brown and red from all the grime and blood radiating off a singular person's- not even the owner of the house- body.
Those would never go away unless Civilian paid for someone to come and mega-wash the bathroom. Not that she had any money to invest in such a delightful gift, her bank account was too busy supporting the prescribed pain medications. Like, Civilian was probably on the watchlist for utter bankruptcy and for being a possible candidate for drug addiction.
Who needs two whole containers of opioids and a canteen of valium every three months?
Not a normal civilian washing floors at Walmart, that's for sure.
But then again, Civilian was far from normal. She worked as a personalized savior during her freetime.
Civilian clenched her teeth and took a deep breath in. Her ward hasn't made his grand appearance in over a week. She actually had time to relax, make some popcorn and actually decompress. It was like vacation, peaceful, tranquil and full of serenity, free of any-
Knock, knock, knock.
Civilian's moment of bliss was unceremoniously ended by the all too familiar beat of a fist on wood.
"You have my permission to make out with the door Villain! You don't need to ask anymore!"
Civilian hoped Villain was coherent enough to internalize that as an invitation to bleed on her couch.
Just so she could have one more moment. One more moment of her coveted break.
Civilian's head perked up. That was new. She never, ever heard Villain cough in a sickly manner- she never let him get bad enough to get sick, or he didn't permit himself to wait around until infection and fever set in.
She set down the towel, worry settling into her bones like it always did- not that she liked the heart dropping feelings and nauseating pit in her stomach each and everytime Mr. Needy had blood on him. Or everyday that he didn't show up for a bandaid, or a "kiss-it-better".
Yes, the pure humiliation when her delirious patient painfully begged her to kiss his knee better. Like, the puny scrape on his leg was by far the least severe wound on his bloodstained body, but of course, Civilian complied and gave him a little peck on his Olaf bandaid.
Civilian ripped open the door and the scene in front of her chased away those obnoxious memories.
Villain collapsed into her arms, head lolling pathetically against her shoulder. His forehead felt like it was doused with gasoline and then lit by a torch five times over. Civilian's shocked arms involuntarily wrapped around his equally scorching body. Yes, it was not a conscious act. Not in a million years would Civilian muster up the compassion to actually comfort the villain more than the deed of "saving his life" called for.
No, no Civilian hated Villain. Completely and totally loathed each and every cell on his body.
But she dragged him into the house and shut- more like slammed- the door anyways because she couldn't let him die, it would be like murder's sidekick.
Especially since Villain trusted her. Oh how he trusted her. Trusted her to bathe him, to feed him, to give him medicine, but most importantly not to kill him. With all the horrors he committed, a swift knife to the throat would be more than justified. In fact, Civilian would likely be commemorated for such bravery.
Public approval, fame... all a deliciously yummy cake.
Not worth it. Too many calories.
Civilian sunk to the ground and put Villain's upper body in her lap. He nestled into her, pressing his cheek deep into her side with a small, contented smile on his pale face.
"Don't drool on me," Civilian snapped, jostling Villain who woke up. Before he had the chance to get his bearings, Civilian spoke up again, "Are you hurt?"
The villain stared at her for a while before breaking into desperate tears, shaking his head.
What the heck?
"Stop crying or I will punch you," Civilian threatened, but she rubbed Villain's back soothingly.
"Dying," Villain sobbed.
"You are not dying, buddy, you have a cold."
"No, I'm dying," Villain asserted. Civilian rolled her eyes. Did he have to be so dramatic?
"I don't think a cold will kill you. Stop acting like the world is ending now, or I will throw you in the trash."
Villain whimpered and pulled himself closer, still crying.
He really was sick. So sick to the point of being delirously delusional.
"You don't need to be a Disney princess," Civilian said, still rubbing the villain's back. Villain's cries turned into sobs and then into wails.
Okay this was getting out of hand. Civilian stood up and dragged Villain's body over to the couch. She marveled in her strength for a while. When Villain first made his appearance in her otherwise boring life, she was as skinny as a twig. Now? This girl was a freaking hulk, baby.
Okay stop that, Civilian chastised herself, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. She laid Villain on the beige colored couch and rested his wet head against a pillow that was metaphorically marked with his name.
Now that the villain was completely stretched out, Civilian- to her relief- found that he was not bleeding, therefore, she didn't have to waste her precious supply of gauze and bandages tonight.
But he still was very, very sick. His face was a gray mask of pale complexion, his hair snarled and matted in sweat. His lips were tinged blue as unfocused eyes gazed around the room, landing on the TV.
"You want to watch something?" Civilian asked, though the question was more than unnecessary. Villain always watched a movie as he dozed off, warm and comforted by the mound of blankets strewn over him.
But still, like a habit, he nodded weakly each and every time. Civilian smiled, the tiniest of grins, and connected the tablet to the television. When the screen popped up with the classic Amazon Prime Video layout, Civilian asked what movie.
"Boss Baby," Villain mumbled, lips hardly moving.
"You want to watch a movie with baby superheroes? Why don't we watch Toy Story or something?"
Or something a bit more adult-ish.
"Mhm," Villain groaned, eyes slipping shut. "Baby superheroes."
Now it was Civilian's turn to groan, loud and exaggerated. But, still he was her unwelcome guest so she had to please his obnoxiously childish wants.
Like how old was he? Five?
Civilian put in the movie and sat down next to Villain, putting his legs on her lap. She tapped lazily at his jeans as the opening credits showed. Leaning her head back, Civilian allowed her gaze to drift away from the stupid fat-faced animated figures and to Villain.
He was nearly asleep.
Civilian shifted her weight and rested against her arm to watch him. Even sick, she had to admit, the evil and annoying villain was shockingly handsome.
What was she thinking?!
Pushing Villain's feet away, Civilian stood up and aggressively shoved her palm to his forehead. It was buzzing with heat.
"You are paying for the bill," Civilian growled and went to go get some tylenol.
Upon returning to the sickly man's sweaty side, Civilian thrusted the pills into his mouth and washed them down with water. She didn't even give him a chance to wake up fully, the motion was instinctual. He swallowed on reflex.
Next, Civilian cussed herself for this, she cupped his cheek. Villain sunk into her palm, chewing silently, and continued to sleep.
When Villain first visited, Civilian couldn't get over how touch starved the poor guy was. It was to the point of absolute fear of touch. He would shiver before violently flinching away, glaring daggers.
He still didn't allow hugs or a highfive when he was in his right mind- not that Civilian saw him fully conscious ever apart from a couple times.
"Hungry?" Civilian mumbled, more to herself than anyone.
Still, Civilian placed Villain's head back onto the pillow and went into the kitchen to make some soup.
Chicken noodle soup with rice... her specialty. Chicken breast and rich seasoning, even one's dampened taste buds could taste the utter deliciousness of the watery broth.
Then the rice. Sometimes when Villain was on the mend, she would add some wild rice or lentils to the dish. Spooning some basic white rice into the bottom of the bowl, Civilian tapped her foot aimlessly.
The kettle on the stove whistled, Civilian pushed it off the heat and added the seasoning and celery. The savory scent wafted into her nose earning itself a tiny smile from Civilian.
Once the soup was done, she presented it to the still sleeping villain. His mouth hung open, desperate for air that his clogged nostrils couldn't deliver.
Dang. Poor guy was really ill.
Civilian sat next to Villain, so close that she could feel the rise of his chest. She shoved his face upwards. Villain blinked his eyes open and settled his gaze on Civilian's annoyed, but worried, face.
"Ghm," he moaned, rumbled in the back of his throat in a fatigued manner. "Cow hopping."
"Shut up," Civilian scolded and helped Villain to a seating position. He complied, but had no strength left to actually hold the stance.
So Civilian was forced to lay him against her chest and feed him by giving him a big old bear hug. Spoon after spoon went to his mouth until Civilian was just dumping it into his mouth without any natural swallowing reflex.
She took a wet rag and cleaned his face before laying him back onto the couch. Civilian smiled and tenderly touched his eyebrow.
Why did she have to care about him so much?
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Agents of Shield Series Finale thoughts (finally)
Or alt title Skye finally sits down to write this after two days of being overtired, overwhelmed and as a result, anxious! Feeling a WHOLE lot better today after a few anxiety naps and watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney + (that show is just pure serotonin I swear) 
God what can I say that hasn’t already been said. I’m so beyond happy. I have no idea what my expectations were but by god were they exceeded. I cannot say enough how happy I am. They saved the world with empathy. How utterly beautiful. The endings everyone got were all just so utterly utterly deserved. I’m still in shock really. 
If you haven’t already guessed it, I did not make it to my alarm at half past 6 on Thursday morning. I woke up at quarter past 5 after barely three hours of sleep and just could not help myself. I finished, cried for two hours and collapsed for another hour and a half. And she wonders why she’s felt like utter shit the past two days...
DEKE DEKE MY WONDERFUL MY MOST DEAREST DISASTER SON!!!!!!!!! I love him so much. I know he’s happy in alt. 1983 but losing him was honestly such sweet sorrow. I had a feeling that he would sacrifice himself but I could not have guessed that it would happen in honestly such a good way. He still gets to live, gets to be the director of Shield (god help them) and I’m equally happy and devastated for him. I love Deke so much, he is very dear to me, and the money I would pay for a miniseries of him just absolutely killing it as Shield director in the 80′s with his side business of being a popstar, like the amount doesn’t exist. Also his impersonation of Fitz was so incredibly hilarious, Jeff Ward actually does a not bad Scottish accent and the IMMEDIATE adoption of the pregnant lady pose just ABSOLUTELY SENT ME!!!!!!!!!!
Mack. I’m so happy he lived. His team up with Sousa will forever give me life. Them taping goddamn chronicoms to the missiles to blast a hole in the ship, like whoever came up with that idea, you are now my favourite human on this earth. It is so supremely dumb but I love it so much. As much as there was BIG concern going into this that he was going to die, ta Henry, I never once felt worried for him. Like he never even came close???????? Also a raise to whoever put him in that big long jacket at the end like oh my god are you serious, AMAZING
Yoyo. I had NOT A SINGULAR CLUE, NOT EVEN AN INCLINE of what was going to happen to Yoyo. Her little team up at the end with Piper and Davis (DAVIS ROBO!DAVIS YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS BICKERING WITH PIPER WE LOVE TO SEE IT) was beyond incredible. Yoyo had such a great arc this season, and I’m just so happy to see it concluded so well, plus that shot of her zooming out of the car at the end was beyond A+ it was beautiful.
May. May, wonderful May. Her appearing OUT OF GODDAMN NOWHERE TO JUST ABSOLUTELY END SIBYL IS JUST FOREVER GOING TO GIVE ME LIFE. THE CAVALRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so intrigued with where they were going with her arc this season, like I enjoyed empath May but I was so curious to see where it was going and oh what a pay off it was. I literally shouted AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH at my screen when she put her hands into that machine and Coulson explained it, BECAUSE IT ALL JUST MADE SENSE. Also it was 100000000000000000000% her idea to name it Coulson Academy, and no one disagreed with her. I loved her little call back to S1 with her just being the pilot. In general I thought all of the call backs were very well handled and placed, nothing felt too fan servicey it was all very natural and organic bc these writers really just know what they’re about and are just so incredibly good at their jobs. ANYWAY MAY. I’m happy that she’s getting a little bit of rest from the field, she absolutely deserves it. 
Coulson. I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t sure about Robo!Coulson when he was introduced at the end of last season, but my god am I so happy for him now. He is truly the heart of this show, the whole thing began because a stubborn group of fans refused to accept that he had died. And really isn’t that a theme that has carried us through this entire show haha? I was so terrifed for about 30 seconds that Sibyl was going to turn him against the rest of the team, so the RELIEF of May popping out of the ceiling to JUST END HER ENTIRE CAREER WAS INCREDIBLE.  The reappearance of Lola ABSOLUTELY SENT ME. I also love that after years of Coulson refusing to let Mack work on Lola, Mack just went “Fuck it” and built one from, I assume, scratch. He is going to be the best Grandpa to little Alya Fitzsimmons and you can tear that headcanon from my cold dead hands. Again, what a deserving ending. I could not be happier for him, that last shot was just perfect. 
Daisy. Oh boy, we’re getting into my heafty emotions now. I would just like to say that her entire arc throughout this entire show is one of the most incredible, most amazing and well crafted and well thought out characters arcs in television history. Watching her go from this lost little hacker with a bit of a smart mouth, to this strong and powerful LITERAL SUPERHERO has actually been a privilege and I cannot stress enough how much I have loved watching her grow and evolve over the past seven years. That being said, I am low key FURIOUS that they made me think that she was dead for even just a SECOND. I WAS SOBBING NO AT MY PHONE FOR THAT ENTIRE LITTLE INTERLUDE LIKE NO FUCKING WAY ARE YOU GOING TO KILL HER OFF AND LEAVE HER BODY IN SPACE I WILL NOT LET YOU, LET ME GO SHARPEN MY PITCHFORK I AM COMING FOR YOU. I will now invite you to imagine the look of absolute and utter joy and relief on my face when I saw she was alive. Skye/Daisy holds such a special place in my heart. Her whole thing with Sousa this season was SO UTTERLY OUT OF THE BLUE BUT SO INCREDIBLY DELIGHTFUL AND DESERVED!?!?!?!??!?!!?!? Like out of everything I think that little plot detail is what surprised me the most, and I surprised myself by really loving it as much as I did. I would have been happy if she had ended the series single but I’m so happy that she has this wonderful partner who loves her so much and has her back and just looks after her like it’s just like the most wonderful added bonus which she deserves. Sousa is also like a whole ass snack and as I have been saying in my tags for the past few weeks, DAISY GET IT!!!! I love that she ended the series with her own little family, her sister and Sousa. I just. I cannot even think about that without welling up. Daisy has a family, and she chose it and she loves them all so much. I know it was last weeks ep too but I will never get over her calling Simmons her sister. Never ever ever for as long as I live. I’m so happy for her. So beyond happy.
FitzSimmons. Here we, here we, here we fucking go. What to even say apart from big, long and loud sobbing noises, cause that’s all I have really been able to do in regards to them for the last two days. Happy isn’t a strong enough word. There is no word big enough, nor all encompassing enough to say how utterly UTTERLY happy I am that they got their most beautiful happy ending. Fitz guiding her through her memories, the second Jemma said Alya I started screaming, I just I knew that was her name, and him just being so gentle with her whilst she was remembering, like oh my heart. I excuse them everything, the lack of Fitz (WHICH WAS NO ONE’S FAULT I WILL NOT HAVE ANYTHING ABOUT THAT HERE) this season was honestly just paid back tenfold in the scenes that we got of him. His frustration IMMEDIATELY at everyone not understanding their plan was so amazingly hilarious. Simmons half remembering everything was both heartbreaking and hilarious, the scene of her asking for a supersuit like Daisy’s was incredible and both Deke and Daisy responding to her like she was a child they needed to trick into doing something for them, like yes if you come with us you’ll get a supersuit and a bit chocolate, incredible. The acting in both episodes from both IDC and Elizabeth was just truly something else. The fact that neither of them have been nominated EVER for their work on this show is nothing less than criminal. Her face when she remembered Alya. Dear god my heart. I have watched that scene of them reuniting with her at least 3000000000000000000000 times since Thursday morning. I won’t ever forget it. What a beautiful scene. What an incredible scene. “You were guarding our everything.” SHE’S THEIR EVERYTHING. THEIR UTTER EVERYTHING! I’M ACTUALLY LIKE SOBBING WRITING THIS I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE GET OVER THE FACT THAT THEY LET FITZSIMMONS LIVE IN PEACE FOR FOUR WHOLE ASS YEARS, LET THEM HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY GIRL AND THEN LET THEM LIVE IN PEACE AGAIN I JUST!!! I HAVE WANTED THIS FOR THEM FOR SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO VERY LONG!!! (also @ marvel I’m not in a place where I want any kind of continuation or spin off at the moment but I would watch a FitzSimmons miniseries of them just being happy and domestic and working in space for 4 years. Just SOMETHING to consider) I cannot thank the writers enough for finally finally letting them have their happy ending. They have been through so much, and it was all worth it because it led them to their happily ever after and to their little girl and I just, that is everything. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I have talked a lot in this post about people deserving their endings but honestly none more than FitzSimmons. Fitz playing with Alya in their little garden whilst Simmons watches with the biggest smile on her face. How perfect. I could not have dreamt a better ending for them I’m so so so so so SO beyond happy for them. And god that little girl is just the most precious. Her gleefully exclaiming “Mama!” at Simmons is the EXACT moment that I started sobbing and did not stop for the rest of the episode. Also I know they didn’t explicitly say it but they are 100000000000000% at their cottage in Perthshire, again you can pry that headcanon out of MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!! I’m just so so so so so so so so SO beyond happy that FitzSimmons got the ending that they deserved so much. They can be at peace now. I have loved them since LITERALLY day one, and I cannot imagine what would happen if I got to tell little 15 year old me how they ended up. I’m sending her good vibes to the past, I know she got them, because I never ever ever gave up on that hope for them. FitzSimmons, to me, represent so much goodness and hope and just everything I aspire to have in a relationship (without the constant separation and the death and all that fun shit), but just the utter love they have for each other. (thanks for the impossible standard to which I hold all men now JedMo). I have been on just a rollercoaster with these two characters, their relationship and each of them as individuals have taught me so much and brought me so much comfort, especially during some of the hardest times I have ever experienced. I’ll tell some of those stories one day. Not yet. I’m not ready. I’m still honestly just reeling. I have wanted A Happy FitzSimmons ending for SO LONG and I just cannot believe that we got it. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU. 
Writing this felt very cathartic. It’s almost been good to just get ALL OF THE EMOTIONS OUT. I think I’m actually going to take a nap now. I forget how tiring it is to be so emotional. What can I say to end this except reiterate again just how happy I am with that finale. I’m so thrilled that they gave us such a beautiful ending, it really was just a love letter to the series as a whole and to it’s message. I think it was quote from Jeff Bell that I saw and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since, because of how true it is, and really that’s why I hold this show so dear and why I have done for the past 7 years, and that is that this show is ultimately about hope. What a beautiful thing. 
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nancywheelxr · 5 years
‘cause the years are falling by like rain
for @cyclone-rachel​
Here’s the thing: Charlie can’t believe their last-minute half-assed plan worked.
Sara had forbidden it from being put in motion, of course, but neither Charlie nor Constantine have ever been very good at listening to orders, especially when they’re rubbish like Sara’s.
What’s one life to thousands? Especially one tainted like Charlie’s. It’s no question at all, really.
She had never expected Constantine’s light trick to work in a demon as powerful and as used to him as Neron, but it did, it did, because Neron had been half-blinded by grief and hatred, and Charlie’s nothing if not a bloody good actress.
Neron squeezes her throat and it’s Constantine’s face that blotches and goes slack, and it takes Charlie everything to hold this form, this skin, and she’s half-convinced the effort had a hand in killing her.
All she has time to think is oh bollocks, should’ve kissed her goodbye again, before it all goes dark--
--and she opens her eyes to see her body-- well, Amaya’s body but it’s the one Charlie has felt more comfortable in since she’s been in her original form, but then again, it’s been so long she’s forgotten what her own face had looked like in those early days-- lying on the floor, pale and lifeless.
Constantine is laughing that bitter, broken laughter of his, and Neron is shriveling in the air, smoke shrinking into itself and its wail echoes in the stand.
Then, Ray is sitting up with a shudder, Nora cradling his body in that awful blue dress of hers, and he’s looking at Charlie’s dead body now too, all wide-eyed and half-formed words. It makes her chest hurt but in an almost good way because this is proof she made the right choice for once in her wretched life.
Sara, she notices, is clutching her girlfriend’s hand like a lifeline and cussing up a storm, while the time lady buries her face on Sara’s hair. Beside them, Gary is crying into Mona’s shoulder, and hey, look at that, at least the little bugger is distracting her off wailing along.
But then, she makes the mistake of looking at Mick, and bloody hell, if the bastard makes her cry now that she’s dead, she’ll stay around just to haunt him. Mick is grunting no in that way that only people that lost too much before do, and his fingers are twitching in the trigger like it’s taking everything for him not to set the whole place on fire. It’s okay, big guy, she wants to say, you keep writing your fancy books, but the words all float away from her.
How’s she even a ghost anyway? ‘Shifters not being supposed to have souls and all. The last time she was dragged to hell, body and everything, none of this afterlife business.
“Charlie?” It’s Zari, skidding to a stop in front of her body and she’s crying, tears mixing with the dust still settling around them, and Zari is pulling Charlie’s body into her lap and curling around her. “Charlie, come on, please-- wake up, you idiot, why would you do this?”
Because you thought me how to be brave, Charlie thinks, swallowing back the words and tucking them back safely between her ribs, even though no one could hear them anyway. Somehow, death doesn’t stop her heart from breaking at the sight.
Zari is shaking her now, skipping steps in her grief straight into anger. “You idiot,” she sobs, and her fists close over Charlie’s shirt, uselessly clawing at an empty shell.
“That’s quite an impression you must have made down there,” a voice pipes in from beside her in the rafters, vaguely familiar, and it takes Charlie a moment to recognize Nate’s father. “They’re going to miss you, kid.”
“Yeah,” Charlie glances down again, itching to reach for Zari, draw her close and never let go again. “They are, aren’t they? I didn’t mean to leave them like this. Thought they give it a cry for a bit, you know, and then go on their jolly way. Not-- this.”
“You’re surprised they loved you this much,” Nate’s dad says sagely, nodding along and looking down thoughtfully. “There’s a lot of power in that, love.”
She’s about to snap that she doesn’t need some bloody Disney song but when she turns back to him, the old man is gone and she’s alone once more.
And then, in the next blink, he’s there again, grinning like a bloody fool. “Tell Nate I love him, alright?” He makes her promise, and shoves her down the ledge, sending her toppling down.
While Charlie knows, rationally, that she’s dead and therefore nothing can actually hurt her, her first instinct when falling down some great height is to scream bloody murder all the way down, down, down--
The first thing she’s aware of is the final notes of some awful country song playing out but it shimmers with magic, and Charlie jolts up, suddenly conscious of the fact she’s back in her body. “Fucking hell,” she gasps, drawing in a deep, shivering breath, chest heaving.
“Charlie,” Zari breathes, and it’s halfway into a question, but Charlie doesn’t care, lets her wrap her arms around her and cling to each other like dear life.
She even lets Zari draw away and punch her shoulder repeatedly for a full moment, yelling what an idiot she had been for pulling a stunt like that. Charlie laughs breathlessly, marveling over the feeling of warm skin and light pain again, and catches Zari’s fists easily, smirking her trademark smirk before catching her into a kiss.
It’s only when they break apart that something else catches her attention.
“What the fuck, Z,” she cries, scrambling up and taking Zari with her, grips her shoulders desperately, as if she held strong enough, Zari wouldn’t disappear. “You can’t be here-- the timeline-- we need to get you back to the ship-- and you call me an idiot, you bloody fool!”
Zari smiles, sad and resigned, and her eyes crinkle at the corners. “We’re quite a pair, uh?” She tangles her hands on Charlies’ hair, eyes searching her face like she wants to commit everything to memory. “I couldn’t let you die.”
“What’s the point,” Charlie frowns, closing her eyes and shuddering, heart breaking even further into tiny smithereens. Before this, before Zari, she hadn’t even known she had a heart of her own. “You’ll be gone.”
“You’ll find me,” she says, sounding heartbreakingly sure.
“I won’t know to look,” Charlie shakes her head, feels Zari pressing their foreheads together. “You’ll be erased from the timeline, I’ll forget.”
“No, you’ll find me,” she huffs a laugh, and it sounds wet between her tears, “or I’ll find you, or we’ll find each other. We’re too stubborn.”
Charlie covers Zari’s hands with her own, fumbling for her fingers, and pulls them back to kiss her knuckles. “I love you,” she says against her skin, “make sure you don’t forget that, yeah?”
Opening her eyes, she finds Zari smiling at her. “I won’t,” she promises and stands on her tiptoes to kiss Charlie’s forehead. “I love you too.”
Time stretches and stretches and stretches, until–
Behrad claps Charlie heartily on the back, and she grins sharply. “I can’t believe you made it” He laughs, and she squeezes his arms once, hyped up in the thrill of being alive again. It’s better than any drug she’s ever tasted, honest.
“Me neither, mate,” she howls up at the ceiling and moves on, sauntering around this little circle of theirs, receiving bright welcoming hugs and pats, and stops in front of Mick, feeling oddly sentimental. “Knew you’d miss me, big guy.”
Mick grunts. “Wipe that smirk off,” he huffs, but lets her hug him quick, just once too, “and quit with the martyr stuff. It’s bad writing.”
“Right, of course. One time’s too many, I think,” she shrugs, disappointed to find a distinct lack of beer in his person. And with all those concession stands around, no less!
Something nags at her mind, though, like she’s forgetting something. Nate’s name pops up, but nothing follows. Did she have to tell him something? She thinks so, yeah, but can’t, for the life of her, remember what.
It’s probably nothing important, anyway.
“What’s the matter, love?” Constantine asks, fiddling with his lighter with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. In his other hand, he’s using Tabitha’s staff like a cane. “The power of love saved the day, everyone’s riding off to the sunset– it’s bloody happy endings all around. You should be off, drinking yourself stupid to toast your new life, not weeping like a banshee.”
“What? I’m not– oh,” Charlie looks down at her finger, staring uncomprehendingly at the single tear there. She touches her cheek again. Still wet, both of them, and for a moment, she swears she hears an echo, faint and soft, and her chest seems to collapse on itself for no reason. “I dunno. Must be some side effect from all this love magic rubbish.”
“Must be,” he agrees, but still studies her thoughtfully for another second, eyebrows furrowing into a frown. Then, he finally lights his cigarette and pockets the lighter, and somewhere along with the actions, his expression clears into his usual smirk. “On to the toasting, then. The first round is on me.”
Charlie shakes her head, laughs. “On Sara, you mean? We both know it’s her liquor cabinet we’re going to raid.”
The farther they get to the stand, the easier Charlie finds to breathe, the black hole in her ribcage shrinking into a pinpricking needle. And yet, even back at the ship, she can’t quite shake the feeling something is missing.
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dexi-green · 6 years
Infinity War questions answered.
Okay some of these are actual factual answers, some are just my interpretation, and some we definitely aren’t gonna know until the next movie so bear that in mind. and obviously SPOILERS for the MCU (Infinity War, GOTG, etc). If you have any questions that I didn’t answer here, I can try my best. Or if I got anything wrong, or there is something I should add, let me know. Occasionally edited/updated for more clarity/answers.
Why did Dr.Strange give up the time stone?
Dr.Strange uses the time stone earlier in the film to see into the future. He says he saw 14 million outcomes of this war and only one that they won. It makes sense to believe that its possible that in that one outcome, he saw either, Thanos being in possession of all infinity stones, Tony being alive, half the universe being gone, or all of the above. The action of giving Thanos the time stone was instrumental in saving the universe. His final words are “There was no other way.” It wasn't OOC because he didn't start feeling for Tony, but he saw that Tony was important to the fate of the universe. His goal is still protecting the universe.
Why would Peter Quill do that? Its all his fault!
Peter finally found someone he loved and who loved him. An actual family in Gamora (and the rest of the Guardians). Gamora made him agree to kill her if things went sideways, which he agreed to because he loves her and knew how important it was to her that Thanos not be the one, and not get the information she had. Then when faced with that, had to look her in the eyes, and kill her. Only for her to be taken anyway. He failed her. However its okay, because maybe they can save her. He knows shes not dead. But then Thanos shows up on Titan, and Peter finds out that she is dead. Thanos got the information he needed, got what he wanted, and killed her. Peter knew that Gamora suffered and died, in what was probably the worst way in Gamora's eyes. Also only about a couple years or so after having his father figure die by sacrificing himself for Quill, learning that his real father is responsible for his abduction from Earth, and killing his mother, and having to kill his own father to save the universe. Needless to say, Peter Quill is probably a bit stressed out, not thinking straight. Standing right in front of the person who killed the love of his life. He's not thinking about the universe, hes thinking about Gamora.
Why did (Blank) turn to dust in the wind but not (blank)?
From the filmmakers POV, To leave the OG 6. Aside from a few exceptions the main people left are Tony, Cap, Nat, Bruce, Thor and Clint (presumably). The Avengers. To bring the story full circle. Then after this phase is done, we will focus on Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Ant-Man, etc. As the NEW avengers until they get their Infinity War level film and then a new group will emerge, and on and on. Until Disney decides they are done with the MCU, or isn’t as serious about it anymore. For the story explanation however, it’s random.
Why kill Loki? Why so early?
I think that was definitely to set the tone of the film. Yeah it has its funny moments and romantic moments, but it is much darker than previous Avenger’s films. It’s about death, and sacrifice, and the choices we make. It is 100% not a movie you are going to come out of happy and excited and cheering. The good guys aren’t going to win this battle.
Loki has come a long way since he first was introduced in the first Thor film, and his redemption was only a split second it seems, maybe not even entirely completed yet. However for Loki this was the moment he finally accepted who he was, Odinson, king of Jotunheim, Thor’s brother, and picked a side to fight for (yes he pretended like he was loyal to Thanos but he’s Loki! Of course he is going to go out with a trick like that.) His story of uncertainty, and trying to find where he fits in, who he truly is, is at an end because he’s found it with Thor. He’s accepted himself, all sides of himself. He was redeemed in Thor’s eyes, evident by the end of Ragnarok, and how Thor mourned Loki again before being thrown into space. It is extremely unlikely that he will be redeemed and accepted, to everyone, especially after New York, but Thor, and Bruce, Heimdall, Valkyrie, The people of Asgard, etc. They know he fought the good fight in the end.
Not to mention that this isn’t the end of the story. There is still another part, Avengers 4. Despite Thanos’ words, there is still a possibility for Loki to come back. I think the biggest clues to this is Loki’s final words “You will never be a god.” (because Loki is a god. Thus more powerful than Thanos) and “The sun will shine on us again, brother.” (implying that Thor and Loki will be together again, and prosperous, whether this be in waking life or not is unconfirmed) and the fact that Loki didn’t turn back to his blue Jotun form. His white skin/human like appearance is an illusion and would naturally fade away upon his death. 
What happened to the gauntlet?
After Thanos snapped, and we next see him with Thor, the gauntlet seemed crushed and/or burnt, damaged in some way. However he is still able to use the space stone to get himself out of there. When we see Thanos at the end, he still has the gauntlet on his arm, and all the infinity stones seem to be there. You can look at his arm with the gauntlet, on his left side, and it seems like his arm is affected as well. The gauntlet itself isn’t nearly as powerful as all the stones, so it very well could've collapsed under the pressure of using all 6 stones at once. With the damage done to his arm as well as the gauntlet, it is possible that the gauntlet has been seared onto his skin, and he could be unable to take it off. The gauntlet is damaged and Thanos may have to try and repair it. or maybe he has no real use of it now, he did what he planned.
Well what happened in the comics?
Someone (nebula/adam warlock) gets a hold of the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos and turns back the clock to undo everything and defeat him. So this could be why Dr.Strange gave over the time stone, and possibly why Nebula was one of the people left alive.
How is the Ant-Man movie going to be affected by this?
The upcoming Ant-Man and The Wasp movie is actually supposedly set before Infinity War and after Civil War. So this movie doesn't affect that movie at all. We will probably see what Scott is up to during the events of Infinity War either near the end or in a post Credit scene.
What was that post credit scene?
I think it was to show the destruction the world is going through at the moment. Normal everyday people are also turning to ash, and lots of damage is going to be done because of that.
Also Nick Fury was calling Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, so expect her to show up soon and hopefully join the fight in Avengers 4. Kevin Feige noted that she is “one of the most, if not the most, powerful heroes in the MCU.” so she will be playing an important role in taking down Thanos. And her movie will come out a month or two before Avengers 4, so everyone can get familiar with the character, and they don’t have to force in a backstory.
What was going on with Hulk?
It’s been confirmed by one of the Russo Brothers that the reason behind Hulk’s actions, or lackthereof, in Infinity War is because he is tired of saving Banner. Bruce is normally in control, and usually only allows Hulk to take over when Banner himself or others are in danger.  Bruce said in Ragnarok that if he turned back into the Hulk there would be a chance he wouldn’t turn back into Bruce again. But he did, and turned back into Bruce, but now can’t turn back into Hulk again. I think this is building on the relationship between Bruce and Hulk that we saw in Ragnarok. That they are in fact two different people fighting for control over one body. Hulk isn’t an alter ego, he is another being entirely. With his own wants and needs and feelings. It seems like he is tired and wants out of his own marvel version of the sunken place. After his fight with Thanos at the very beginning of Infinity War, Hulk could be scared, or tired, or pissed, or all of the above. Bruce wanted Hulk to take over, but Hulk didn’t want to. Sometimes they can force their ways into the driver’s seat, but a lot of times it’s communication between them, agreeing who is going to be in control at what times (usually Bruce). Like Bruce said “it was like we both had a hand on the wheel.” but Hulk just doesn’t want to it seems. It’s not that he can’t, Bruce was obviously able to talk with him about it, but Hulk refused. Hulk literally just says no. Like Bruce says, “Hulk, we got a lot to figure out, pal.”
What was Red Skull doing?
It was long speculated that Red Skull didn’t actual die during The First Avenger. A lot of people believed he was just transported somewhere. He was transported to Vormir, and became a wraith, and The Stonekeeper. He was to advise/warn those who sought out the Soul Stone. He was forbidden to take the stone for himself. It was all a sort of punishment for his crimes and ego, to lead others to the thing he wants but cannot have. During those seven decades of isolation, he eventually accepted his fate. (also he wasn’t played by Hugo Weaving in IW, but by Ross Marquand, so if you are like me and thought something more was off, that might be it.)
How could Thanos possibly love Gamora? He’s absuive and manipulative and a murderer!
That’s in your eyes (and Gamora’s, and literally everyone elses). He doesn’t really see himself that way. The number one most common thing for villains is that they don’t see themselves as a villain. Thanos explained that what he was doing was for the good of the universe. He was sacrificing one half to save the other. He’s done this with other planets and civilizations and claims to have seen positive results from his methods.
In his eyes, he wasn’t abusive to Gamora. Maybe more like tough love. He wanted her to be better, to be great, the “fiercest woman in the galaxy.” He added cybernetic enhancements to her so she could reach her full potential. He was doing all of this so that not only himself, but Gamora, and the universe, would be able to prosper. When he and the Chitauri are slaughtering her people on Zen-Whoberi, he turns her head away so she doesn't have to witness that. He only saw great things in her. He never thought that what he might be doing was actually hurting her. He did love her. Gamora says with her last words “this isn’t love.” but to him he has a very different idea of love, and that is subjective. Love means something different to everyone. He has a bit of a twisted way of love. And when he Snaps, and has that vision of young Gamora their exchange is, 
“Did you do it?”
“What did it cost?”
He is looking at her, and he is sad (and possibly regretful) of what he has done. Gamora was his everything. He calls her “My Gamora” during the battle on Titan. Along with that, when Mantis is using her powers on him she says, “He is in anguish...he mourns.”
What was the point of Thor getting Stormbreaker after all the story development surrounding losing Mjolnir in Ragnarok?
 It is sooo much more powerful than Mjolnir. Unlike Mjolnir, it has the power to open the Bifrost. An ability that can come in handy, especially considering Heimdall is dead and cannot do that for Thor now. Quick transportation across the Nine Realms seems like something to have. Also when Thor puts himself right in front of the blast of a STAR, and gets knocked out, he needed Stormbreaker in his hand to be revived. And like Mjolnir, it focuses and enhances Thor’s power. The story of Ragnarok wasn’t to say that Thor is better without the hammer, but that he doesn’t have to rely on it. Steve is strong without a Shield, but a Shield helps. Not to mention that it is one of the only things shown to actually wound Thanos. Most everyone can hardly make a dent, but Thor is able to rip into him with Stormbreaker. It is a formidable weapon.
Giving an explanation/origin story for the Gauntlet. Because they have to go to Nivadellir, we get to learn that the Dwarves made the Gauntlet for Thanos. We learn how it was made, what it was made of and why it was made. It doesn’t just store the stones, but makes them easier to use (remember what happens to most people when they try to just hold a stone in their hand and use its power?) and channel/focus their energies/powers (like Mjolnir/Stormbreaker does for Thor). We also get to see more of Thanos’ destruction, and his moral compass. He spared Eitri, because he complied with Thanos’ will, but also smelted his hands, because he knew Eitri didn’t actually agree. Dude’s got trust issues, and rightfully so. But like when Dr.Strange bargains for Tony’s life, Thanos is someone who keeps his word.
 It is quite possible that while he knows that the power is inside of him, he uses a weapon as a crutch. Especially after he’s just lost everything. I’ve seen a ton of people mention Thor’s suicidal tendencies in this film, which is understandable. So maybe a weapon is just a familiar thing to hold on to.
Thor, Rocket and Groot needed something to do. It is a moment for Groot and Rocket to shine. Throughout this film Groot is suppose to be a stereotypical teenager who is doing their own thing, and not listening to anyone. But when he see Thor basically dying, and that he can do something to help, he steps up. Using his own arm as the handle for Stormbreaker. From then on, he is engaged in what is going on, and a part of the Battle in Wakanda. Also during this journey, Rocket gets the chance to be the ‘captain’ and shows what he thinks that means. before he talks to Thor about Thor’s family and why he is doing all this Rocket says “Time to be the captain.” To him, being the captain is being the one to listen to the others on your team, to take on some of their weight. Showing how Rocket has grown since the first Guardian’s film.
What happened to Valkyrie/Korg/Shuri/Wong/etc. ?
Thor says that HALF of Asgard got destroyed when Thanos came. It’s very likely that Valkyrie was able to round up some people and escape, and will return in Avengers 4.
However, after the Snap of the Century, who honestly knows? Some people like Pepper, Shuri, Wong, Ned, etc. who didn’t show up at the end, their fates are up in the air right now. This is something that you can theorize about, but we really won’t know until A4. Some people’s status have been confirmed or hinted at by the Russo Brothers and James Gunn (director of the Guardian’s movies) These are:
Howard The Duck is Alive Jane Foster is “Potential Spoiler” Betty Ross is Gone Korg and Miek is “Potential Spoiler” Shuri is “Potential Spoiler” Nakia is “On missions” (so alive I am guessing?) Ned is “Potential Spoiler” Aunt May is Alive Lady Sif is Gone Galaga Guy (from the first Avengers) is Gone. RIP in peace. Kraglin is Alive Asgardian Actor that played Loki (Matt Damon) is Gone.
Those are the only ones we know of right now (that aren’t confirmed or denied by leaked set photos, and are said outright by the directors). Obviously some are spoilers so we can still theorize.
What was everyone doing before this?
Scott and Clint got a deal to be on house arrest so they could be with their families. Cap, Nat, and Sam kept on fighting, continuing to take down terrorists with alien tech, vigilante style. Vision and Wanda were living together in Europe, both reporting back to Tony and Cap respectfully. Bucky was just chillin’ in Wakanda. Spider-man was doing the same thing that you see in Homecoming, same with Tony. Tony got engaged to Pepper, and seemed to be staying pretty lowkey. Rhodey with him, recovering. T’Challa was doing what was happening in the Black Panther movie, and just ruling over Wakanda, and meeting with the UN, along with creating the outreach centers in the US. Bruce and Thor were involved in Ragnarok. The Guardians were still rolling around space taking jobs and helping people out. There is a prelude comic to Infinity War that you can read that goes over some of this.
Who is the smartest MCU character?
Shuri. (tis a joke)
Added Questions:
Why did Wanda (Scarlet Witch) leave Vision during the Battle of Wakanda?
During the Battle of Wakanda, Wanda is with Vision while Shuri is trying to extract the Mind Stone from him. She is watching out the window and sees Thanos’  forces summon this huge weapon. I don’t know what it is exactly, but it looks like a bunch of huge saws or gears. It is absolutely massive and Sam and Rhodey together can barely damage it. She hops down onto the field and is able to use her powers to stop it before it kills Okoye and Black Widow and redirects it at some Outriders (Mindless alien species that work for Thanos). I think she knew upon seeing that that she would be the only one who could stop it from killing those on their side. Her and Vision are probably the only ones who could’ve done something against that (without extra help). There were also guards with Shuri and Vision. She probably thought that they would be well protected, at least until she could get back up there. Unfortunately as soon as Proxima Midnight see’s her on the Field, she tells Corvus Glaive who then goes and tries to retrieve the Mind Stone from Vision, which then forces Vision to fight back and get thrown out onto the field. It is unknown whether The Black Order knew she would come to help, but thats usually a thing. The bad guys use the heroes need to save everyone against them. 
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scienceoftheidiot · 5 years
So, 1 week after, here are my thoughts on Endgame. 
I liked the film, this is the thing you need to know. 
Rest of the thoughts under the cut, not in any order, and of course SPOILERS AHEAD 
Also careful as I put ALL my opinions there. Dunno if it’s unpopular or not and frankly I don’t really give a shit. 
Time travel. Didn’t expect that, rather some shenanigans with Strange, so time travel + Antman ? I’m game, thanks for surprising me. I think Antman is now my favourite Avenger. And I haven’t seen Antman and the Wasp, so uh. I was a little put off. lol. 
Since we’re on this subject : why oh why do you all go to fucking TONY’s to talk about time travel when Bruce is still around ?!???!!!!  Tony is a genius engineer. He does physics. BUT NOT THIS KIND  Bruce is the closest you can have for time travel (I would have gone to Pym but eh he’s gone).  further proof that in cinema, all scientists are interchangeable (if... you can call Tony a scientist. Mmmmmeeeehhh depends on the definition) science rant off/  Physicist = BRUCE. NOT TONY  
Tony was fucking grating all the damn movie. I understand his reactions, I understand his motivations, but really ? I have started to not like him much a few films before, and now it has culminated. So I guess now I’m team Cap. Always been team Cap anyway, except during civil war when the sole well written character is Black Panther. 
the 5 years gap ? the most stupid part of the movie. I can suspend my disbelief (not all the (russian) nuclear plants have exploded without enough supervision, for example, well I think so, we have no idea how the rest of the world has coped because USA USA USA)(the french ones are supposed to calm down and “turn off” in this case)(i said SUPPOSED) but there are things that should be addressed    It’s only used as a background and never made in perspective as a European, we know that 5 years ? Is enough to rebound. No “big empty places” unless you have decided to make a reserve of it (which they should have taken the opportunity for, given Steve’s comment about whales in the Hudson. Animals grow faste than humans). Economy is probably thriving by then, and all this. The whole infrastructure is still there, nothing to rebuild. I’m fairly sure people have started to make a lot, a lot a lot of babies.  The people returning at the end ? All their family have gone without them for 5 years ? How do they deal with that ? All the economy is going to collapse again. Families are going to be broken again. People are going to find themselves without a home, without a support, without anything.  And if you think it works, I would engage you into reading what happened to the people who survived camps after WW2. And nothing of this is addressed. It creates more problems than it solves them and all of this because of this 5 years gap to give a daughter to Tony and some (badly made fake) belly to Thor.  Spiderman ? goes back to high school ? and his friend is still there ? so his friends was snapped too, or else it’s a monumental fuck up. Unless you’re extremely dumb you don’t stay 5 years in high school you know  This gap is unneccessaty and made there just so Tony can have a kid so his death is more dramatic or whatever. It sucks. Even during the film it put me off.  oh it’s maybe also there because they want Thor to totally collapse, which brings me to 
Thor  The next time I see someone saying “Thor isn’t like this ! Thor would never collapse” has not seen the same films as I did (and probably is one of those Ragnarok haters who have not understood the movie)  Thor can collapse. In fact, it’s just as understandable or actually even more, than Tony doing so in the beginning of the movie (who is the only one who hasn’t lost a loved one ? hey, Tony ! Thor has lost his country, his brother, his parents, and he has LOST, he fought and lost, and this isn’t something he is used to).  No, the probelm with Thor isn’t that he’s collapsed and is now an alcoholic (and actually more of an alcoholic than Tony ever was shown to be when he’s supposed to be one - Tony never tries to find alcohol or else. Tony is a.... Tony c’est un putain d’alcoolique mondain. Pas franchement intéressant. Pas un poivrot. Thor est plus intéressant qu’un alcoolique mondain. Sorry for the french I can’t translate.  The problem with Thor is that it’s played for the laughs.  I don’t mind Rocket slapping him - it’s ROCKET dudes, he is a fucking arse with no social capabilities you think he’s going to help his sole partner while they’re supposed to do a mission ? No, he slaps him. Cause he’s an arsehole. It’s IN CHARACTER  No, it’s the way it’s filmed. The Russos tried to do a Waititi, but they didn’t understand Ragnarok, just like half of tumblr apparently, and played this for the laughs, without any finesse, without any of the things that made Thor in Ragnarok relatable and not the butt of a joke. Once it’s alright, the surprise of Banner finding Thor this way and all.  A few lines here and there, okay Not this constant “look Thor is fat and depressed and alcoholic haha who would have thought it’s so funny let’s have more” 
It didn’t enrage me but it’s very very meh 
I don’t know if it was the French translation but almost all the fucking humour was off. 
Time travel is full of plot holes. I don’t care about that. But time travel is slippery and they fell in all the holes. Luckily for them, I watch Doctor Who. I have learnt not to see the holes (Doctor Who does it better though eeehhhh) 
I don’t mind and actually liked all the returns to the past, I know people found it shitty, I liked it. 
Loki... eeehhh. He’s in ANOTHER timeline now. If he comes back, he better have an explanation. A GOOD ONE 
I won’t watch the Disney series anyway so I don’t really care about what happens, do your thing, I’m off 
Big battle at the end : YES 
Now I have thoughts about identification and Hollywood stereotypes of races and the way they mix gender expression and sexuality - but if that interest someone I’ll just tell them in private. Just know that I’m white and straight, yet I almost only identify to non white and often non straight female characters. So there IS something to look into there. I don’t give a fuck in what race or sexuality the characters I identify with are - unless Tumblr decides I can’t cosplay Walkyrie because I’m white or this kind of bullshit - I just find it interesting, because I only identify with ONE type of women, and these women are always such. So there is stuff to dig up imo. ANYWAY  BACK TO YOUR REGULAR SCHEDULE 
I hate MCU Spiderman
I hate MCU Spiderman
I hate MCU Spiderman 
His presence and his talking and all ruined all the fucking scenes he was in 
Dude ? you know him for barely a few months ? You are so dependant on him ? I know you’re young, but... you’re not 10yo, and you’re supposed to have been Spidey WITHOUT him before ? and what you do is just basically worship the ground Tony is on all the time ? 
I swear I was 2 seconds away from screaming when Pepper finally pushed him away. 
You, my little arsehole baby Spidey who apparently can’t do shit alone, have robbed some of the last seconds of Tony’s life from his love. Thank you Spiderman 
Spiderman has more screentime than T’challa and I will always be salty about it. T’challa, Tchuri, are far more interesting and important to this story than Peter Parker. 
Spidey rant off/ 
Where is Captain Marvel ? Away on Plot Planet so that she doesn’t ruin the film by being too strong. She still Deus Ex Machinas her way at the end. 
I have nothing against Captain Marvel, she’s for me like Superman, too powered so uninteresting. 
Remember who my fave  superheroes are ? Daredevil and Hawkeye(s). Superpowers don’t really do it for me, eh. So that’s it. 
Cap was redeemed to me by this film, after Civil War which fucked him up and Infinity War where he was... not really interesting (best char in IW ??? THOR FFS) 
Cap’s end. Is the best. I don’t care about the timeline bullshit and how it shouldn’t work and all this 
Cap comes back to Peggy and they live happily ever after and I’m so happy for them and that’s it. 
Natacha? The whole soul stone thing was dumb. But given the context there she HAD to die. 
I am not salty about her dying though. 
bon petite parenthèse j’ai du mal avec le prénom natacha (natasha ?) pke la seule meuf que j’eu jamais connu avec ce prénom était une grosse conne qu’on a fini par appeler natachatte et je ne peux pas penser à natacha sans que mon cerveau ne me rappelle natachatte voilà merci. Natachatte tu es surement toujours une grosse conne, mais bon. En plus je suis pas hyper fan de Scarlet Johansson mais passons 
I liked that she was eventually allowed some emotions in there btw. 
But she died. And no one mourned her for more than 5 minutes. That is the lot of people dying in the middle of movies. Bleh 
By the way if I see once more that she was fridged I’m going to kill someone
this is not fridging THIS DIDNT CAUSE MAN PAIN 
Smart Hulk is funny for 5 minutes then becomes really not funny and really not interesting and seriously the interesting part of Banner is his struggle with Hulk, why do this 
The “Gay mention” at the start ? Really not something to be proud about when you could have used the actual non straight characters you have around (cough Walkyrie cough Captain Marvel cough hell even Loki) BUT enough to stop Russia from showing the film in English so they could censor it. Bravooooooo. I feel for my Russian friends, as I know Russian dubbing is not exactly the best in the world. All this, boasting and all, for this seriously meh scene with an unknown character we don’t give a shit about, and it leads to that. Seriously. 
I think I’m done. 
I’m done? 
Morgan Stark was unnecessary. Also calling her Morgan is making stuff difficult. Cause there’s another character called Morgan Stark in the comics and I had trouble finding her when I didn’t remember her name. 
I hate Gwyneth Paltrow but Pepper is perfect 
Which is weird because I really don’t like Tony there but eh okay. 
Thank God for Antman. Paul Rudd is my baby and his character is the sole funny one. 
Hawkeye as Ronin is... seriously not as interesting as he should be, and there were moments when I really wondered why they bothered with such an underpowered character that did. Nothing. 
Also that phone call ? that phone call ?????? why would Ronin have kept his phone when he... is Ronin, doesn’t let people contact him, and has lost his whole family ? I almost yelled in the cinema. You need to explain me why he has this phone there. 
The “girl power” shot was way too much, unnecessary, and I really didn’t understand how and why all the girls were there suddenly at the same place when they were all scattered around the battlefield seconds before. Do your job, write good and varied female characters, this is NOT USEFUL and tacky and... dumb. Really. Don’t. 
Okay now I’m done. These were *some* of my thoughts 
I still liked the film, mind you, I’m a good public, give me action and jokes and people I like on screen and I’m good. It was a good moment and I don’t regret seeing it. 
Now I think I am done with the MCU, maybe appart from Antman and Black Panther. Guardians of the Galaxy if James Gunn comes back (but I’m kinda afraid of Thor being there, the joke about “who’s the captain” was already WAY TOO MUCH in the film, I can’t have that for a whole film - plus “new Gamora” means there’s going to be some very cringey scenes and Quill will try to make her love him again and this is going to be... boring as fuck because we’ve already seen it. Nope.) 
It was a good end to it. Now ? All I want is for people to Save Daredevil of course. I have no interest into anything else, thanks. 
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corellianangel · 7 years
When they don’t stay dead.  Part 2
A/N:  Never mind Force-ghosts and the odd nightsister… Star Wars is full of the undead.  These are bits and pieces based on the old canon derived from the novel “Death Troopers” by Joe Schreiber, published in 2009.  It established a zombie plague in the Star Wars old canon universe. It takes place about a year and half before episode IV, featuring Han and Chewbacca in a classic escape the Zombie hordes scenario.  A fun romp if you have a mind to read it.
Zombies have carried over to the new Disney canon in the pre-ESB era to include all of our ANH heroes in the video game Star Wars: Commander. Which might be explored here. Along with the vampiric Crimson Queen of Ktath’atn, presented in the new Marvel Doctor Aphra series; there will be plenty of zombies for an intrepid smuggler to deal with.
So as this is a horror romp: Lots of warnings apply.  Gore, angst, violence, etc. No Beta readers were harmed in its production, as it’s impossible to find someone to Beta cheezy horror fics.
Timeline: Star Wars Rebellion era within canon (including old and new canon) ...more or less.
When they don’t stay dead.  Part 2
1.5 BBY - after the evacuation of the Imperial Star Destroyer Vector
The abandoned Imperial prison barge Purge’s former chief medical officer Doctor Zahara Cody wrapped up the medisensor of the stolen Imperial shuttle. Disconnecting the leads from the module, she tossed the probe’s sanitary covers into the disposal receptacle at her feet. She pushed up her visor and noticed a shallow scrape on her patient’s shoulder. Touching it with gentle prodding fingers, she gave it last look, ensuring it was not greying at the edges like a claw or bite mark from an Infected.  One of those, from where they had just escaped; would be a quick death sentence for the young smuggler, and perhaps anyone eventually within reach.  But it was healing well under the bacta salve, and Cody began pulling off her gloves in satisfaction.
“The I71A virus pathogen in your bloodstream, has fallen to levels undetectable by this set of equipment. “ She tossed the gloves in the disposal, taking a step back to allow Solo to stand up from the examination table.  As the Corellian reached for his trousers and shirt, Cody’s eyes raked over Solo’s lean form appreciatively.  Doctor or no, she was still a woman, one who could and did separate duty from pleasure; but as humanoid males went, the smuggler captain Han Solo was easier on the eyes than most.  Zahara tucked away a small smile, thankful for the brief distraction from the horrors they’d just been through mere days earlier.  She made a show of packing up the sensor module, while pretending not to watch him.
“‘Undetectable,’ not gone, though...Right Doc?” Solo asked, muffled by the cotton fabric he was pulling over his tousled brown head of hair.  Bronzed muscle bunched and flexed across his scarred torso.  Doc turned her back to him as his hazel eyes caught hers, glittering with amusement at her attention.  “Any chance it might come back? Could I infect others...Or-, or change like those-, those zombie things.” Solo gestured with his thumb behind him, indicating the undead hordes they’d escaped a few days earlier.
“No.” Doctor Cody interrupted. “ Shouldn’t anyway.  The Sickness was a local hive virus.  It would need to replicate enough of itself to attain that self-awareness it requires to ‘wake up.’ Since the four of us are hardly enough sustainable infected cellular biomass for activation, it should be safe.  Though it’ll be safer if we split up, as suggested.”
“So, it’s not liable to mutate. Letsay like a cold or flu?”
Doctor Cody paused, thinking.  Solo had a point.  She’d used the onboard computers patched into the med-bay to perform analysis after analysis - running it through the medical simulators.  She’d been looking for mutations that could result in different infection vectors. The chances were low, to the point of one in quadrillions.  The virus degraded, as it was dependant on that core sentient bio-mass. Though, as in all things there was always a chance.
“Of course. Yes it almost certainly will, if given chance.  But as for a more virulent strain, or easier vectors - I’m not sure it can get worse. Odds are pretty low.” she muttered. “BUT, You are not a naturally immune individual, only immunized.  There’s always the chance the immunity may fade with time.” Cody waggled a finger in Solo’s face for emphasis.
“Odds have a way of catching up with me, or me with them. Not a big believer in ‘em.” Solo grunted, tugging on a tattered pair of second-hand trousers that hung off his narrow hips, yet remained centimeters too short for his long frame.  Solo puffed at it in exasperation, “Damn pants…” He sniffed, then scowled at the rough tan workboots he’d scavenged from a tech's locker onboard the stolen vessel.  “I don’t need to worry about-, y’know- dyin’ in the wrong place, and um...comin’ back.”
Cody rolled her eyes and snatched the boots from him, spraying the interior with a readily available disinfectant. She handed them back, dangling them off her pinkie by their bindings.
“Not unless the virus mutates and adapts.  It's DNA chain - as it is, is very fragile.  It's showing signs of breaking into unduplicatable segments in your bloodstream, despite persistent attempts to bond to your human DNA. Unless your body somehow harbors the virus in some reservoir like your lymphatic system, or your liver, or in the dense bundles of neurons...” Here Doctor Cody lost her patience, “It can change, okay. It might.  It might not.  It’s so hard to know….Whatever! I can't predict everything.” She slammed the lid shut on a medical equipment case harder than she intended. A piece of plastic broke off the hinge and now the lid wobbled. Cursing, she shoved it into its resident compartment. Her body was numb, her mind on hyperdrive with guilt and what-if scenarios. Her eyes stung, and she swiped at them with the heel of her palm. Cody collapsed onto a nearby stool, barely holding herself together.
The doctor in Cody would immediately suggest counselling, anti depressants— probably antipsychotics if she'd heard the resultant story without knowing better. Actually she’d most likely recommend sedation in case of another violent psychotic episode - under Imperial medical protocol, of course.
Doctor Cody silently filed her self-diagnosis away for later.
“Hey-,” Cody jumped. Warm, not the terror of icy fleshless hands, closed around the curve of her shoulder. “You did good Doc.” Solo said in a surprisingly soft voice. “You saved who you could. And Chewie and me really owe you one.”
“ I don't want to be responsible for the next outbreak.” Cody admitted quietly. She marvelled at how the smuggler was coping.  How any of them were holding themselves together? How many thousands died on that Star Destroyer? How many millions if this got planetside somewhere?
Could any of them ever be safe? Or were they themselves now the biggest risk?
“You won't be. Chewie‘n me made a deal ‘tween us. One takes out the other if something happens with this virus. It's the only deal we got like that. Y’see it violates his life-debt. But even the Wook thinks this is too important.” Sensing, that Cody had calmed, Solo stepped back. He did a quick spin on his heel, displaying his array of sagging, mismatched cast offs; which made Cody choke back a laugh.
“Very lovely. Ready for a Royal ball.” Cody teased. “It might be an improvement on the prison uniform,” she observed wryly, crossing her arms and leaning against the narrow bulkhead. “ At least you won’t get arrested as soon as we land.”
“That bad? Huh…” Solo grimaced down his secondhand clothing. He fetched the salvaged blaster from his dwindling pile of undonned gear. Twirling the weapon around his finger with a flourish, he dropped it into the dipped hollow between his hip and belt, and held out his hands - palms up and hip-cocked like the rogue he was. “Good thing, there’s no royalty in my future. Huh?”
The doctor let out a sarcastic laugh, “Not likely.  Especially if you don’t get up to this shuttle’s wreck of a cockpit so we can get to a decent port.”
The smuggler tossed Cody a smirk and a wink.  With a sharp salute, Solo then bowed gallantly and swung out into the hall in a swaggering canter, intent on getting them all to safety. Despite his performance, Cody was still hesitant about their prospects. They could never reveal what they'd been through. To anyone–ever. Nobody in their right mind would believe them. And individuals who carried knowledge of a hideous failed Imperial bio-weapon would be quickly silenced before they could fancy getting anyone to believe them in the first place.  And then there was that stigma of potentially being carriers of future infection.
Cody would remain with the naturally immune boy, Trig Longo. The two immunized smugglers would carry on together.  For the most part, they would never speak of the Purge and the Star Destroyer Vector again, unless it was a confession well-greased by triple-digit proof alcoholic spirits.
It was a secret they all would die with.
Assuming they actually stayed down and dead when that time came.
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