#like that whole chapter in WTB was here specifically to point out that in the canon he’s way less pro-human than people assume
lorenfangor · 1 month
I’m thinking about Ax again and as a result I’m again reminded of the fact that he’s very happy as an Andalite, never rejects Andalite culture or customs, willingly reassimilates into the Andalite electorate, willingly joins the military, and had the most cultural and societal support as a military veteran who wasn’t seen as a child soldier. he’s aggressively nonhuman and only truly bonds with the other quasi-Andalite on the team, and that’s why he’s probably my favorite character among the main cast - I love characters who refuse to assimilate into mainstream human society and kind of see it as a scam, taking the good (in this case, cigarette butts and cinnamon buns) and leaving the bad (everything but Tobias, it seems)
the wanderer yearning for their actual home and making the best of a bad situation resonates strongly with me, probably because that’s how I felt through my whole childhood, like there was another world where I truly belonged and I just had to tolerate everything about being alive here
I haven’t written any Animorphs fanfic in a while bc the urge isn’t really there but I kind of want to write about Ax immediately after the war now. maybe write out that fight he had with Tobias that gets alluded to in WTB. many thoughts.
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