#like the fact that mister 3 is pouring from a pot meant for hot chocolate and not tea
salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Dishonorable mention for this extremely confusing translation and making it sound like England exists in the world of One Piece.
In Japanese the word for “tea” refers specifically to green tea. Here Mister 3 offers them “black tea.” Earlier he was drinking “Earl Grey” which, y’know what, it's just a person's name. I’m sure Oda would invent an explanation for that so I don’t care.
I was going to get on my soap box about the politics of tea but I’ll spare you this time. THE POINT IS, England is not an island in the world of One Piece so such a thing as “English tea” can’t exist. Why do these translators use the direct translation only when it makes things more confusing??
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