Let's be Friends in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite! My Friend Code is: 0955 1099 7961.
I need more Potter nerd friends to send nerdy things to
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This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not
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I feel like I’m waiting for something
I have no idea what
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How I feel most days
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my body this morning, apparently: wakey, wakey, it’s time for unmentionable amounts of pain! why sleep when you can be suffering?!!
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Properly upset to see Notre Dame burn. It’s such an important building to so many, and heartbreaking to see it vanish 😔💔
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I’ve recently started a new hobby, aerial silks! It’s so difficult, especially on your arms and your feet and I’m properly starting to build up some muscle.
As someone who has struggled with my weight in the past, this is very hard to accept. Watching the number on the scale going up is utterly terrifying, but i know that is because I’m getting stronger. I’m trying to ignore that part of me and focus instead on the cool stuff I’ve been doing, like this video! I’m really hoping that by doing something like this I can love my body for its strength and for what it allows me to do. ❤️
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if you’ve had a rough few days lately, please know that there will be a day when you’ll wake up and things will feel easier. you’ll see the good in things, you’ll feel the warmth in your heart again, I promise <3
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I’m such a mess at the minute
Long story short my boyfriend was hit by a car on Thursday as he was cycling home from work. He’s ok, but arriving at the scene and seeing him lying in the road with a policeman standing over him was the single worst moment of my life.
He’s in some pain and having flashbacks, but my emotions are all over the place. I just feel like I’m being so selfish cause obviously he’s the one who has actually gone through it but I can’t stop seeing him lying there. Just having a rough time of it right now.
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Having a hard time at the minute.
Everything is very difficult and I can’t see it getting any easier.
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Living with depression
I can’t face having a shower
*finally gets in shower*
This is where I live now
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If I’m on Tumblr you can guarantee I’m not in a good place
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2019 has been a train wreck so far
I’d say things can only get better, but I feel like I’d just be tempting fate
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Feeling properly shit
Am I capable of doing anything right
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Today can literally go and do one
I knew I shouldn’t have got out of bed
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Gotta love a crisis of confidence to start off the year
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