#like the fact there’s only an extremely in depth doc of like wverything known abt Chris
saddvamain · 3 years
Im zooted and I have to vent. I’m so obsessed with the ILJ shit like I’m eating all of it up like THIS is what happens when a bunch of niche internet ppl obsessed with documenting/harassing freaks (misogyny is rampant in this group but when u talk abt a “niche internet group” it is generally a given that misogyny runs rampant) stumble across horrorcow gold: a filthy, odious, Machiavellian psychopath chronically online edgelord who just so happens to be a young woman with large breasts that occupies the same spaces online and she basically put their favorite freak in jail. It’s all so complex like seeing these ppl talk about how Bella used her “female privileges” or whatever and it’s actually true to some extent (like their thoughts about this obvi unnuanced “life on ez mode” misogynistic but that’s why it’s so fun that they’re right like they took the wrong road but ended up at the right destination I love that) Like she has been going through her life exhibiting horrible behavior and getting away with it due to the assumption of innocence for a normal looking young girl. Theres a sort of shared understanding that girls just don’t do this kind of thing, that women are emotionally precious and seemingly immune to whatever school shooter disease is being contracted by men online. It’s easy for her to find other chronically online edgy guys who are so desperate they will go along with her depravity in ways they probably wouldn’t if Bella was a man. Thats what makes this shit so interesting to me too because you see male figures online that are very similar to her but the fact that she’s a girl makes it all so different. It makes her crimes more deviant to them somehow. It’s crazy how she kept up her degenerate activities for so long without consequence. Straight up posting on the internet leaving proof behind of her planning to harass vulnerable people into suicide, killing numerous small animals, killing a dog due to neglect (unclear), posting racially specific gore of ppl being murdered/dead people(we seriously need to start talking about how fucked the internet in general is rn and how much it’s fucking kids in the head like “gore posting” is seemingly a normal thing esp on discord), secretly filming ppl in her dorm, claiming to have sexually assaulted multiple women, having CSAM from 4chan, and a bunch of other crazy shit. And she’s able to just talk her way out of it to authorities when these matters are brought to their attention. Class conversation is actually being sparked amongst these ppl as Bella’s rich parents play a huge role in who Bella is and how she’s gotten away with it to this point. It’s kind of icarian too, like in every way bella was Not Like The Other Girls and spending time on sites like 4chan and the farms and generally surrounding herself with masculine online degeneracy that specifically others women and all these anonymous online degens that she spent time emulating (truly this bitch was just collecting specifically white masculine degenerate traits like rapist, pedophile, racist, misogynist, UNWASHED in caps bc that foot fungus wtf, shit edgelord jokes, displaying serial killer tendencies just the whole nine yards) are rightfully coming for her throat bc she took their game too far. I genuinely think Bella is a horrifying person who will actually kill someone if she doesn’t miraculously transform and that these horrifying traits have been sparked in large part due to thriving online degen spaces that semi ironically promote violence and hatred and political extremism. Not only do these spaces empower ppl with tendencies like Bella’s, but they leave ppl like Bella’s cronies vulnerable to participating in legitimate violence and bigotry. Like she had other people (edgelords but seemingly relatively normal fellow students) in the room as she boiled a hamster alive and then made one of them take a bite. It’s seriously scary like how do u not realize ur involved in something so scary, it’s not ironic filthy frank core degenerate behavior anymore guys it’s time to gtfo. You can’t memeify it atp
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