#like the incel who feels entitled to women bcs they are nice to them
fish-plz · 2 years
How are their still “nice guys” out their did yall not watch megamind growing up
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crawdaddyclub · 4 years
just ruminating okay.... i feel like what frustrates me so much about short man syndrome is that it just highlights the way patriarchy teaches men to view power and like... the lack of empathy inherent in toxic masculinity
so, for white, cishet, able bodied men, them being short can be like... the Only thing that ‘disadvantages’ them. They should’ve had it all and yet because they’re short they think women don’t like them, other men are mean to them about it, they’re not the best at rugby, whatever. They understand in a purely physical sense the feeling of being the underdog, maybe being overpowered or strong-armed by bigger guys as kids/ teens/ adults...... and then instead of using this experience to think HMM if i do not enjoy being disadvantaged because of something i cannot control, perhaps i should look at other people who have different experiences and think about how i might relate to them, sympathise, empathise, whatever.... they go and do the OPPOSITE and they just bottle up all their anger and bitterness and use it to lash out nearly always at people they know are More vulnerable than them, to see how it feels to be the big guy, the one who they hate
you see it so much in their treatment of women especially, kind of like the incel thing, where they have this idea of entitlement to womens* bodies/ attention and the only thing in their mind that stops them from fully enjoying this is that horrible mean women won’t give poor short nice guys a chance :-( 
idk i’ve just been thinking about it a lot since i had this interaction a couple months ago with this really drunk guy (who thought i was a woman), he was probably like 5′5, and said that i had been giving him evils all night, and that it was because he was short and i didn’t like him and girls always do  this to him boo hoo boo hoo. And i was just baffled bc a) he was like a good 4 inches taller than me anyway and b) i gave him ‘weird looks’ because he was giving ME weird looks all focken night and i thought he was a homo/ transphobic freak and was really apprehensive of him
anyway i just put this here because i didn’t have anywhere else to put it...... feel free to give me ur thoughts if u have them..... i have room in my heart for solidarity with short cis men and they Always disappoint me 
*and people that they read as women/ other gender variant people
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