#like the main thing is that the people in mortally coiled are SO diverse even within groups
tiktaaliker · 2 years
just picturing lucky shot's reptid parent pointing at the irregular parent like "you're a freak. i like that." and that's how they get together
once again this is one of the types of asks i get thats like. you joke but that is almost literally what happens for real. its like how sometimes when birds get banded they will attract more mates because its a cool color or its shiny. like yeah theyre all freaks of nature who shouldnt reasonably exist but also. they do be kinda fly tho 👀
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lostinastory · 7 years
Since I’ve been on vacation for half of July and August, I’ve decided to it wrap it up at once, but that means this will be a very long wrap-up. I have read a lot over the summer (by which I mean A LOT). So I hope you will still enjoy this, even though it’s very long!
I read in total 14 books in July. Which is mind-blowingly much, I don’t know if that’s a word but wow just wow. I’m going to try to keep it as short as possible because otherwise this post will never end.
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell – ★★★★ I was recommended this by my psychology teacher and I really enjoyed it! It was really interesting. This is a pop-science book about mainly how people judge and what happens in those milliseconds in which we make up our mind.
Fallen Flame by J.M. Miller – ★★★☆ I enjoyed this book, I didn’t love it but it was pretty good. Review here!
City of Betrayal by Claudie Arseneault ★★★☆ This is the second book in the City of Spires and I really liked both the first and second book. Both were a little too slow paced I think, but overall I really enjoyed them! Review here!
The Butterfly on Fire by E.L. Croucher ★★★☆ I loved part of this book and the other part not so much. It was really cool though, because the author mixed a contemporary with a fantasy storyline. Review here!
Cinder by Marissa Meyer ★★★★★ This was a reread with the YA Book Bloggers group on goodreads and I loved it!
Chasing Eveline by Leslie Hauser ★★★☆ I did not like the beginning much but I loved it near the ending! Review here!
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust ★★★★★ I loved this book so much! It was magical and the characters were complex and interesting and I think Melissa Bashardoust should write all the retellings because this was amazing. Review here!
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins ★★★★ This book was just fun. Not spectacular but really enjoyable.
This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab ★★★★★ This was my first Schwab book and I think I’m in love. I’ve heard this was one of the lesser books and I cannot imagine how her other books could be even better. LOVED IT.
Solitaire by Alice Oseman ★★★ Since I absolutely loved Radio Silence, I was expecting to love this as well but it was kind of disappointing. I really did not like the main character Tori. She was rude and overly negative and kind of insensitive at times. The story was predictable and I had guessed most of the “big reveal” way before it happened. I did love the fandom references and side characters though! Review here!
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff ★★★★★ I have never read a book like this before. I started out with listening to the audiobook and reading the physical book at the same time but after a while the audiobook started to become a little annoying because it was so slow! And they read all the headers and such out loud, which takes forever. This book managed to make me feel heartbroken, angry, anxious, excited, happy and terrified. All at the same time. IT WAS EPIC AND I NEED GEMINA RIGHT NOW PLEASE THANK YOU. Review here!
The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson ★★★★ I really missed the diversity in this book (I kind of shipped Toby and Bri – both girls – but that never happened 😦 ). I think it could have been so much more!
The Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin ★★★★★  I LOVED Riley. Riley is genderfluid and it was so interesting to read about! I loved the side characters too and I don’t know what to say to make you go read it. Just read it.
Heartless by Marissa Meyer ★★★★ I was warned for the ending, so I was actually expecting it to be even worse *SPOILER IN WHITE* I kind of expected Cath to kill Jest, but that didn’t happen *END OF SPOILER*. I loved the world and I really liked the characters. It was so whimsical and fun!
Again I read 14 books in August which is something I still cannot understand. How?? Anyway, let’s get into it:
The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz ★★★☆ I don’t know what to think of this book, I wasn’t particularly attached to the characters, and this was a very character-based book. I did love the family-focus!
A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray ★★★☆ This book sadly just wasn’t quite the epic conclusion I was hoping it would be. It was fun but the build-up and the ending could have been so much better! Review here!
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo ★★★★★ BRILLIANT. EPIC. AMAZING. LOVED IT.
The Geography of Me And You by Jennifer E. Smith ★★★ This was a filler book, I could read this for free from my library app and I didn’t feel like reading any of the other books I brought so I read it. It was fun but that was about all I can say about it.
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandya Manon ★★★★ I wouldn’t say this was as great as everyone seems to say it was, but it was much fun! I missed the science/app developing aspect to it, but it was very funny so I guess that kind of makes up for it?
Night of Cake and Puppets by Laini Taylor ★★★★★ This Daughter of Smoke and Bone companion was sooo cute omg I died. I ADORE ZUZANNA. I want her to be my best friend please.
Let’s Get Lost by Adi Alsaid ★★★★ For a book that was mostly about Leila, it has surprisingly little of Leila in it. She was a bit manic pixie dream girl-ish, but near the end, you got a bit more insight into her and I really liked that part! I did not love Bree’s part, but that was mainly because I didn’t really like Bree.
Geekerella by Ashley Poston ★★★★☆ I reread this because I felt like it and I loved it so much. I’m giving this even an extra half-star after reading it for the second time. I loved the fandom references so much and I NEED Starfield in my life!! I NEED IT.
Flame in the Mist by Renée Ahdier ★★★★ I thought this was a standalone but it wasn’t??? It was a bit slow but I loved the worldbuilding and I even liked the romance although it was a little unnecessary. I wouldn’t say it was amazing but I do am really interested in reading the next book!
A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab ★★★★★ THIS WAS SO GOOD I NEED ALL OF SCHWABS BOOKS NOW Review here!
Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne ★★★★★ How did the entire book community fail to tell me how brilliant this book is????? (okay, I’ve heard some things about it but still, it needs all the hype) It was feministic and I adored the friendship and it was about mental health and I was already planning on buying the other books in the series before I was even finished.
The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner ★★★★★ If you didn’t know it yet, this is one of my favourite books of all time and I’ve already read it twice this year soooo it’s fair to say I love it.
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas ★★★☆ I think this book had more potential, the writing felt a little flat to me and I couldn’t connect to the characters. The message is very important though.
T is For Tree by Greg Fowler ★★★ I really need to think about this one. A review will be up soon.
A Quick Look at My TBR
What I added to my tbr but haven’t read yet:
Things I’m Seeing Without You, This Mortal Coil and Good Angel are all eARCs and the rest I just NEED TO READ. ASAP.
The current state of my tbr is 29 books, which is 4 books less than in June!
How was your summer? Did you get a lot of reading done? Or are any of these books on your tbr? I’d love to hear your thoughts if you read any of these! (and the chances are pretty high you’ve read at least one of all of these books haha)
July & August Wrap-up | Warning: it’s a long one Since I've been on vacation for half of July and August, I've decided to it wrap it up at once, but that means this will be a very long wrap-up.
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