#like the mix of typical 80s hard rocker dude
page-2-ids · 2 years
I am always about five minutes and a good night’s sleep away from writing a whole post about how Slash is, like, a top tier gnc/genderfuckery icon and one of the best in all of rock. Swear if I was just well rested I would make so much sense and you would all get it!!
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
Rage of Samedi Keep It Slow, Heavy, and Evil in New Video
~By Mel Lie~
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I can say with certainty that these five German raging "Pfälzern devils" are even more on fire at the moment than usual...or in other words they are burning like hell and I’m absolutely with them!
The South German Voodoo-Barons RAGE Of SAMEDI have shouted out the news, that they will bring us to our knees with their new album 'Blood Ritual' (2020) on January 17th, released by Argonauta Records (pre-order here)
Rage of Samedi is based in Zweibrücken/Rhineland Palatinate, Germany, and originally founded in 2012 as a side-project, which relatively quickly turned out to be a main project. The band mates of this hellbent voodoo chamber, Lou Cifer (voice), Sam D. Durango (guitar/backing vox), DixieKing Boehme I (guitar), Nick "Scrios" Perkele (bass) and Ian O‘Field (drums) have underpinned their scene presence in the last year with impressive work and have thus acquired a cult fan base.
So whilst we pawed our hooves for almost three years, hungering for new stuff, Rage of Samedi stepped on the gas! They milled over a huge load of live stages, by supporting bands like Eyehategod, High Fighter, Mantar, Monolord, King Witch, Ten Ton Slug, raged down the Malta Doom Fest in 2017 as well the Freak Valley Festival in 2018 and used this time intensively honing on their musical authenticity.
This does not in any way mean that they wanted to reinvent themselves but they worked on topping off their typical monstrous and raw Rage of Samedi sound.
If you take a look at the new work 'Blood Ritual' (2020), you will unmistakably notice that they have succeeded in doing so damn well! Their sound, inspired but not imitated by the spirit of the ancient Doom Gods of the '70s and '80s, compared with a good deal of furious sludge, a stunning raging (core) voice and occasional strolling on musical side-paths of similar genres is and remains edgy and angular but nevertheless a finely well-rounded masterpiece.
By signing a worldwide deal as first German band on Argonauta Record’s growing roster, they hit another big goal on their path.
I caught these Barons of Samedi for an awesome voodoo-session on behalf of Doomed & Stoned and if you can spare some time, follow me in the interview and take a look behind the scenes of Rage of Samedi. Check it out as you take in the world premiere of the music video "I Spit Hate"!
An Interview With Rage of Samedi
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Hey guys! I‘m thrilled as punch to meet up with you here! How do you feel, with the knowledge in the back of your mind that in a few days, your new baby will see the light of day? I reckon you're about to catch fire, don't you? (laughs)
Yeah! Nice to meet you, too. Thanks for giving us the chance for that interview. Indeed, we’re really burning to bring out that record!! It’s been a while since the last one and it’s cool that we have Gero and his Argonauta Records as a label in the background that gave us all the freedom and time to write Blood Ritual.
What is the background of your new album in connection with the overall progress of the band?
Sam: Blood Ritual is the first album where Nicolas and Thorsten were actively parted in the songwriting process. That’s a big development how the songs are sounding and the guitars are working together. We stayed on that point that we’d like to bring in all our influences in our writing process and Nicolas and Thorsten are a big step forward in the quality of the songs.
What distinguishes 'Blood Ritual' (2020) from your last album 'Children Of The Black Sun' (2016)? Are there differences, and if so, which ones and why?
Sam: We recorded the guitars on "Children Of The Black Sun" completely live together. For the new album we got back to tracking the stuff one after the other again, 'cuz the live recordings brought so many problems in the mixing process and we were already a bit under pressure with the release date for C.O.T.B.S. so we couldn’t start again. C.O.T.B.S. was a torture to mix and master. We all thought we have to be parted in the mixing process. And I think we threw the shit away for about ten times! (laughs).
Blood Ritual is completely produced and mixed by our bass player Nicolas Perrault. At the beginning it was hard to follow all his instructions, for example changing my complete guitar sound and all that stuff, but damn, listen to that record!! I’d never do it another way anymore. I mean, Nicolas took that stuff, closed the door, worked for two weeks around the clock and came to rehearsals with that awesome mix. The first time we all are 100% happy with it. BOOM!
The mastering we gave to Collin Jordan at Boiler Rooms, Chicago. He already worked with bands like ‪EyeHateGod‬ and Lord Dying, so he knew exactly what to do with our stuff.
Can you please tell us all you have in mind about the meaning of "I Spit Hate", the appetizer we got as an exclusive release, for our listeners?
Lou: "I Spit Hate" is ment as a "Nazi Scum, Fuck Off" song. We write a lot of social and political critical stuff and we’re always using drastic words, that’s how "I Spit Hate" came to be. Easy as that.
Which of you is responsible for the lyrics? And what are the main themes they deal with and what inspires you?
Lou: I’m the one who is writing all the lyrics. I’m something like an old punk rocker (laugs). Maybe the reason why we always criticize society. (Laughs) Most time the guys working on our songs, I’m with them at rehearsals and the writing process inspires me. Sometimes the other guys give me some inspiration with one or two lines of text or some poems or what else and I work the stuff out or fill them in in my own lyrics.
As most of the big bands in the scene we also can say that we're getting a lot of inspiration from authors like Lovecraft, King and all the others. So some of our lyrics don't have that biggest meaning, just are telling a fantastic story.
Please tell us the story of how you came together as a band.
Sam: We knew each other before the band, but just from seeing each other at some gigs and stuff. Then end 2011, I played a hometown show with my former band where I was on vocals and guitar. Lou and Ian opened up with their acoustic project Leaf&Booze that evening for us. Ian on guitar that evening. A few weeks later Lou and me talked about that I wanted to start a project where I just can play guitar and I asked him to go on the mic there. He told me that Ian is normally a drummer and he asked our former bass player Paul McKay to be with us. So we started. After a few rehearsals we knew this will be more than just that planned side project.
After the first album 'Sign' (2014), Dixie King came to the band as 2nd guitar player, ‚cuz with two guitars we had a lot more possibilities in writing riffs and working them out. Shortly after Paul left the band for some personal reasons. Nicolas said he could help us for some live shows. He already helps us for nearly five years.
When Dixie left in case of his job and all the stuff around we asked Thorsten who we all know for a lot of years before. We hoped he will join because he was everyones absolutely first choice and he did. At the moment it couldn’t be better!
I know, you guys have shared the stage with some awesome band mates, right?
We had the luck to share the stage with a lot of cool bands, also some of our biggest idols who inspired us for doing what we do. Coolest thing is that we became close friends to some of them, as there are Lord Vicar. When you can say that Kimi Kärki and Chritus Linderson played your EPRelease Party with you, can it get any better? They are some of the nicest people we have ever met on the road! Also the irish sludgers in Ten Ton Slug became best buddies. We love you guys!
For example, our third show ever we played with Karma To Burn, followed by shows with the almighty Crowbar, Dopethrone, Mammoth Mammoth, Toner Low, High Fighter, and King Witch we met when we played the Malta Doom Festival in 2017, and organized some shows with them in Germany after that.
To name some others: Sasquatch, Monolord, Eyehategod, Mantar, and so many many more. In '18 we played the legendary Freak Valley Music Festival here in Germany. A planned show with The Obsessed' had to be cancelled in case of WINOs visa problems for the EU, but we hope we can catch this up in the near future.
I am curious, is there a special band story? A special experience that you had together as a band? Maybe a funny story that you still laugh about today?
Ian: Oh my god! There are a lot!! (laughs). We’re on the road as much as we can and there are happening some weird and strange (drunken) stuff. One time Dixie was so fuckin’ drunk before the show, that he played just another gig. He was on stage with us, but just played different songs for the whole show! Further on just a few tags like running naked through London and pissing all over a $250,000 car. We should be ashamed!
Let's have a quick look at the choice of your band name! If I informed right, is Baron of Samedi a creature from the haitian voodoo cult, right? What inspired you to choose this name?
Ian: We liked to choose something that seems to be dark and creates a kind of mystery, but also something with a positive meaning. Baron Samedi was the perfect option for this. He is a so called LOA, which means he’s like a mate to the venerated Voodoo god and the protector of the dead.
You are impressive, hard-working guys and also very present for your fan community. How do you balance this with your daily life? So what do you do in your life if you are not Rage Of Samedi? Maybe the two of you would like to tell a little bit about their private life? - My name is... and my hobbies are... (laughs)
Sam: Yeah. It’s nearly a full time job if you wanna do it right. I’m doing most stuff around the managing and booking. But I wouldn’t do it if it wouldn’t be fun and the band and my dudes are worth every minute of it. Two of us are working in the social area. Ian is a computer scientist, but you could have guessed by yourself. Look how pale his skin is and how red his eyes are!! He always sits in darkened rooms and hates the sun! (laughs)
Nicolas: I’m what you call a full time musician and tattoo artist. Check out my ‚All That Jazz‘ Tattoo! Best in handpoked stuff! (smiles)
Lou: It's nice to have a tattoo artist in the band, and with Phil one in the roadcrew.
Nicolas: Beside Rage Of Samedi, I’m doing my solo stuff as kind of Singer/Songwriter, but I hate this as description. I’m more doom and experimental then what you await from a typical singer/songwriter.
Thorsten: My job is the most important!! I’m working at a very famous brewery!
What are the things that have carved out of you the person that you are?
Life and Booze!
Sam: Letting the fun beside, I can tell that my family and my band/music are the most important things in my life. My wife and my son are my greatest and biggest supporters and made me who I am today! I love you!
I really like your cover artwork! Who designed it and is there a special meaning to it?
Sam: The cover artwork is made by Xavier Gonzalez at ‚No Master Studio‘. It’s completely hand painted (outside and inlay). He just got some tags from us like Voodoo Cult, Blood Ritual as album title. Then we gave him free hand in doing it, and we were smashed when we saw it and it was clear that we take it 1:1. Drastically and in small words it shows todays change of society who is praying to their false idols and dying after an unnecessary life!
Lou: And we wanted naked butt cheeks and a penis on it (laughs) and a beheaded guy!
Sam: He said "penis"! You're going into Facebook-Jail for this, Lou!
Are there any other music projects you are involved in?
Nicolas: I‘m doing my solo stuff, also playing at A Million Tiny Suns (alternative metal) and 114 (German rap).
Lou: Ian and I still have Leaf&Booze as an acoustic project.
Thorsten: I‘m part of Ampersphere, an alternative rock band where I‘m also on guitar and I play bass guitar at Zoahr. This is a psychedelic rock band and I proudly can say that we made it to the Doom Charts last month with our 1st album 'Axis'
Thank you guys for this thrilling voodoo-session, it was a great pleasure to meet you here! Do you have any last words for our listeners that are burning on your soul and that you want to get rid of?
We’d like to thank you, Mel. Just a big shout out to ALL our supporters who are with us, all the bands we met on the road and became friends!!!! We appreciate that so much. Special shout out to our roadcrew and buddies Ducky and Phil. Without you we’re nothing! Metal, Love & Peace!
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mysticvampyre · 6 years
Fallen Angel
Have this little gem on my FanFiction.net but decided to post it here in the spirit of Halloween so... here ya go! Enjoy!
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"Out of the way! Move it!" A girl shouted as she pushed past a crowd full of tourists that filled the boardwalk.
"Stop her, someone stop that girl. She stole my purse!" An overweight woman shouted as she huffed along trying to catch up to the girl. The woman bent at the waist holding her knee as she tried to catch her breath. She knew she couldn't catch her and her pleas of help fell on deaf ears seeing as no one else made a move to go after the girl in question.
You see that kid there running like the Flash. Yeah that's me. What can I say. I'm not usually a bad kid, it's not like I took the Rosanne Barr look-alike purse for fun. I was broke. I need the money. Hey being a runaway in Santa Carla isn't easy. Nor is it cheap. Especially since I ran over three hundred and forty-eight miles to get here. Why did I run to Santa Carla? I've asked myself the same thing since the day I first came to this little beach town nicknamed the "Murder Capital of the World." I can't explain it. I just had and unexplained pull to this place. Anyhow let's get back to me and see how my little adventure is panning out shall we.
The girl took off and disappeared into some empty alley. Soon She tipped the purse out onto the ground looking for anything useful. She grabbed really the only thing that would be any good to her. Cold hard cash. She left the rest of the contents of the purse strewn on the ground before peeking her head out of the alley. She gave a quick look around checking to see if anyone was tailing her. When she was satisfied no one was she stepped back onto the boardwalk cramming the cash into her dirty and faded jean shorts pocket.
She spotted a surf shop out of the corner of her eye and made her way over to it. Walking through the beaded curtain that hung there as a door she looked around. Typical shop. The hottest, newest 80's fashions hung all over the shop and the mannequin that littered the store. Behind the counter was some teen girl with overly teased hair who wore too many bright colors and an oversized shirt that slipped off one shoulder. She sat there popping her gum rather loudly reading the latest teen magazine. There were your typical surfer dudes drooling over the new boards while in another corner of the shop were your typical bleach blond air headed valley girls drooling over them.
She shook her head as she grabbed some clothes off some of the racks and made her way over to the counter where the girl with the mile high hair sat now attempting to tune a tinny sounding radio.
"Hey is there somewhere I can try this stuff on?" The girl looked up and rolled her eyes.
"It's like over there." She said pointing before going back to playing with the radio.
"It's like over there." the girl mimicked as she walked toward the back of the shop where the girl at the register pointed. She walked into one of the little cubicles and pulled the curtain closed behind her. Tossing the clothes on the makeshift bench next to her she began to peel her top off over her head. She then slipped off the shorts she wore taking the money from them before tossing them to join the rest of the clothes in the corner. She picked up the brand new denim shorts, turning them in her hands she looked for the price tag. She wrapped it around her fingers and popped off the tag.
"Oops looky the tag conveniently popped off." She said before slipping them on and shoving the money in the pocket. Next she took off her bra and slipped on the red and black bikini top. Over that she put on a grey hooded long sleeve jacket that had Santa Carla written across the back. She removed the tags from that too. Gathering the close she had taken off she walked from the dressing room walking right past the girl at the counter who thankfully was now distracted by a surfer guy. She headed out the door and down to the beach in her new threads.
Once on the beach she headed to the shower stalls that lined this particular section. She reached out pulling a towel off the corner of one of the stalls as she passed. When she found an empty stall she turned it on and dumped the clothes she had worn into it. She gave them a quick rinse and brought them to the shore. The sun was still high in the sky as she laid the towel she pilfered out. She dropped her clothes on one end to dry and she took the hooded shirt off and lay next to the clothes.
Yes I know. I'm too good at being sneaky. What can I say living on the streets you learn to survive or your screwed. Not in the good way either. So, anyhow. There I was soaking up the sun. Little did I know that this would be one of the last few days I would actually see the sun again. I was on a one way collision course with fate. I know you're probably sitting there like "What the frack girl?!" Just watch you'll see.
After a few hours the girl got up and took her now dry clothes and tied them up in the zip top jacket. The sun had set now and it was getting cooler. Walking back onto the boardwalk the girl decided to just hang out. She hit up a hotdog stand there and ordered a hotdog and soda. She walked along while she ate. As she passed a stand she reached behind the counter and snatched a plastic bag. She tossed her garbage in the nearest trash bin before untying the jacket and dumping the contents into the bag. She tossed the jacket on and kept moving. She spotted a carousel not too far so she decided to go and people watch.
She stood there watching the carousel make its way round and round then she noticed something. A group of guys were walking around the carousel. She normally wouldn't have paid them any mind but there was something different about them. They walked with an air about them. They sauntered between the horses She took note of them one by one. Their was a tall platinum blond with a mullet dressed head to toe in black. Behind him came a tall native looking guy with long dark hair in a leather jacket and nothing else underneath. The one that followed him another tall guy with dirty blond hair he screamed rocker to her the hair the clothes everything. Finally behind him was a shorter blond with curly hair a boyish face and an impish grin. He had on a bright color jacket that you could spot a mile off.
The carousel turned and they disappeared from her line of view. When they had come back around she had noticed the platinum blond trying to flirt with this blond who was sitting next to a rather muscly buff guy. She knew they were out of earshot of her but she couldn't help from putting her two cents in. "Seriously, dude you must have a death wish." The platinum blond was shoved back by the guy with the woman. His friends jumped to his defense. As did the huge mans. Again she lot sight of them as the carousel turned.
She ran around to the other side wanting to know what was going on. By the time she got there, there was a rent a cop on the ride with a nightstick around the platinum haired ones throat. She couldn't hear what was going on but one by one the boys jumped down off the ride before the platinum blond was released and calmly walked away before he too hopped off the ride. As they were walking away the girl walked past and accidentally bumped up against the dark-haired one. He gave her a quick glance and she gave him another once over before walking off.
Off in a quiet corner of a secluded part of the boardwalk stood a small booth. Outside stood a sign. Painted in big block letters and bright colors. Fortunes told $5. As the girl walked past she took a quick glance at the sign. "Oh what the hell. Why not. She'll probably just tell me a bunch of general hokum and nonsense but I'm bored."
She stepped into the tiny booth and looked around as her surroundings. It was all dimly lit with candles flickering. She could smell incense wafting through the air in thick clouds. In the center of the small room was a table covered in a celestial designed table-cloth with two chairs and smack dab in the middle of the table was a crystal ball. She walked over and took a seat.
"Hello! Is anyone here?" She called out. From a side room a small elderly woman walked out from a beaded curtain separating the room. She walked over to the empty seat and sat down. The girl was a little taken back when she looked at the woman. She sat there and stared at the girl. Her eyes drifting over her. "Don't be afraid deary I won't hurt you."
"Your.. your..."
"Eye? Yes it does unnerve some. The visions come clearer since this happened the gypsy woman said pointing to her left eye that was clouded over. She was blind in that eye. "Now let's get down to why you're here deary." She handed her a small bundle of herbs.
"Whats this for? The girl asked.
"Sage, burn it and use this feather to blow the smoke around and smudge the room." The girl gave a shrug and did what she was told.
Yeah I know I'm not all that big a believer in psychic, ghost, ghouls and things that go bump in the night but I figured just roll with it. What harm could come of it. Well . . . let's find out if I'm right or not.
Once the room was good and smelling of burnt sage mixing with the smell of sandalwood incense the old woman asked for the girl's hand. She gave it to her and the woman traced a finger over it. "You have a very long life line. In fact it is an unusually long one. I have never seen one like this. I also see love in your future. Let's see now. Stare into the crystal ball and relax."
The girl did so. She just saw the wisps of the smoke from the incense twirl round the ball. "Yes, yes I see. I see a tall, dark, handsome man he is beautiful but deadly. Not what he appears. It will be a child that brings you together."
"That I so general that could be anyone."
"You met him. Tonight by the carousel." The young girls face dropped.
"What?" there is no way you could have known that."
"Ah but I do child, but beware. There is also danger ahead. Red will run when he is near. Be cautious, there are things in this town that are not what they seem. Remember one more thing child. The last sometimes does not stay in the past. Now it is time you go my child."
The woman stood and walked back behind the curtain. As she did a gust of wind blew through the room blowing the candles in the room out. The girl felt a shiver run down her spine as she left the money on the table and all but ran out of the little booth.
She ran out onto the boardwalk again and barreled down this girl who was walking with a young boy. She stuck out a hand and helped her up. "Sorry bout that." The girl she picked up was dressed in gypsy fashion and had poofy dark hair. She didn't say anything in reply she just looked at the girl who knocked her over. The girl who ran out of the booth walked over to the boy. "You okay kid?" He just nodded his head as she tousled his hair. His eyes lit up and he gave her a small smile. "Good to know. Sorry bout knocking your sister down." She said before walking off into the night to try to find a place to sleep.
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Battle #31
The Coconuts : Don’t Take My Coconuts (Set 1 )
Balance : S/T ( Side 1 )
The Coconuts : Don’t Take My Coconuts (Set 1 )
This group is one of the bizarre circumstances where the backups get as much attention as the main act and get a record. For other examples see Barry Manilow and Ladyflash, or practically any of Prince’s protégés. They were part of Kid Creole’s act. Kid Creole and the Coconuts is an American musical group created and led by August Darnell. The groups music incorporates a variety of styles and influences, in particular a mix of disco and Latin American, South American, Caribbean, Trinidadian, and Calloway styles and is conceptually inspired by the big band era. The Coconuts are a trio of female backing vocalists/dancers whose lineup has changed throughout the years. The actual members of The Coconuts were Cheryl Poirier, Adriana Kaegi and Taryn Hagey when they recorded this debut album "Don't Take My Coconuts" in 1983. Hagey was later replaced by Janique Svedberg when the group subsequently recorded around 1990. Lori Eastside, while once a member of Kid Creole and the Coconuts, was never a member of The Coconuts trio. They both still tour together. So this album is a “fake live” set. The first cut is the self titled “Don’t Take My Coconuts”. It features Kid Creole and is considered the hit off the album. It is the story of Kid begging his ...wife(?) ... who is in the coconuts(?)...not to take his coconuts. It makes sense in song form, but adds confusion knowing the backstory. The tune itself is very synthesized and reggae smooth beats. It’s a somewhat odd pairing, but it works. “Naughty Boy” is next and it’s a bizarre mix of jangle/dance and pop/funk. Was this a phenomenon I missed in the early 80s? I was not hip to the clubs in ‘83. More into Saturday morning cartoons than Saturday night fever (#seewhatididthere). Also it’s quite apparent that there will be an overtly sexual theme throughout this album. Some of it tongue in cheek mind you, but still. The fake live Schtick really takes flight with the banter leading to “Maladies D’ Amour”. Again with the meringue style. Is it a joke record? Did Kid and the Coconuts have a fight? He’s long gone by this point and it’s all the ladies. Oddly, I do feel like getting a Cuba Libre after listening to “Ticket to the Tropics”. It’s very radio friendly and danceable. The final track, called “Indiscreet”! Seems to be the ‘83 version of MmmBop. So confused...it seems to be a pretty constant 65 BPMs throughout though. It’s a conga-less Miami Sound Machine (#seewhatididthere). A VERY dancy record. I feel like Prince is behind this somehow. Honestly I only picked it up because the cover was visually interesting. There were three semi-good looking girls on the cover dressed almost like stewardesses. I thought there was probable cause it could be new wave in nature, or at least an all girl group. Maybe a Go Gos or Bananarama knock off? Lastly, it was the magical $1 price point. Sometimes the gamble pays off, sometimes... meh.
Balance : S/T ( Side 1 )
So Balance is another $1 gamble. Not this particular album though, their sophomore effort. I picked it up about a year ago and it was a decent Queen-like band, so when I came across this, I grabbed it by extension. For only a 3 piece they really hold things together well. Balance was an early 1980s hard rock band based out of New York City and fronted by Peppy Castro, formerly of Blues Magoos. I hadn’t even made that connection until I started doing research on the band. Check out Blues Magoos if you like psych/garage stuff...pretty decent listen. They are perhaps best known for their minor 1981 hit, "Breaking Away", which is on this very record. The band has ties in one way or another to much larger acts such as KISS, Blue Oyster Cult, Meatloaf, and Rainbow, but it seems they had a very lackluster existence. This album barely charted (just the aforementioned single really) and their sophomore release was a casualty off their label letting go of their AR team, and thus no support at the label. Possibly their biggest success was the use of one of their tunes in a Japanese commercial which led to a tour of Japan before calling it quits. They lasted 3 years. So what does this thing sound like anyway? “(Looking for the) Magic “ is the first song. A little heavy on the cheese sauce but the vocal range and power is pretty intense. Wouldn’t YOU pick this up if you saw a bald dude with a Mercury/Village People/Magnum P. I. Level ‘stache? It takes a while but the wank shines bright by the end. “I’m Through Loving You” is a decent rocker with a hook. I have tray though, it’s not as powerful as I remember that sophomore effort. That changes with the next number, which as you may recognize from earlier sentences is their hit, “Breaking Away”. Very radio friendly and warm, smooth bass lines. For a big hit though, it’s not incredibly memorable. “No Getting Around My Love” has bad ass drums (thinking specifically of the crown work) and guitar harmonics. Don’t even try, because there’s no getting around his love. If you want my honest opinion, the last cut, “Fly Through The Night” is the real champion of this album. WTF label?! Why did you bury the best track at the end??!?! Piano and key heavy, there is a multitude of things going right on this one. It starts ou5 like a typical ballad, but goes all kinds of Metal in a hurry. THIS is the sound I remember on the sophomore LP. THIS is the Queen in them coming out. They have a good BALANCE (#seewhatididthere) between equal part Journey and REO, glued together by a lead vocalist named Peppy! No, for real!! Even though I’m not selling it for you, this album really isn’t half bad.
So today, the Coconuts pleaded not to take them but they took us on a calorie burning journey. The Coconuts burned 123 calories over 5 songs and 17 minutes. That averages out to 24.60 calories burned per song and 7.24 calories burned per minute. The Coconuts earned 9 out of 15 possible stars. Meanwhile, Balance tried to strike a balance and they burned 143 calories over 19 minutes and 5 songs. They burned 28.60 calories per song and 7.53 calories per minute. Balance earned 12 out of 15 possible stars. Balance may not have won any support from their label, but they won RRW today!
Balance: “Fly Through The Night”
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