#like the second to last track??? holy FUCKIN JEEZ
sparklingpax · 1 year
I will always maintain that this is one of the Best Soundtracks I have come across. Ever. No questions thank youuu 🥰
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invaderdoom78 · 5 years
Fright Twilight (the dumbest title) part 5
Part 5 of @julielilac gif set 
So I found out that Chris Sarandon and I are from the same state and in honor of that I figured I’d write him into this with a what if scenario where og Peter Vincent didn’t have his mirror prop on him when Amy and Evil Ed asked him to help convince Charlie that Jerry wasn’t a vampire and never saw that he had no reflection, therefore the two never teamed up. On a side note how cool would it have been if his camo character had been turned into a vampire when Colin Ferrall bit him and when the climax happen he’s mixed in with everyone else remake Jerry turned.
The next day Charley came back to Peters home with a folder of all of the information he’d managed to gather on the Iowa vampire, which was of the police reports on the bodies of men and women along with a report some kid had made stating that his neighbor was the one responsible for their deaths, claiming he was a vampire, and the missing person reports for the kid that made the vampire report, his girlfriend, and best friend. Stepping into the house Charley saw that the inside was even more of a mess than it had been the previous day, nothing, aside from the glass cup that had been thrown against the wall, was broken, but some things had been knocked over, though it didn’t look like it was because of a fight the clutter seemed to deliberate. “Peter?” Charley called out into the house, looking down at the broken glass “Yeah, yeah” Peter said, walking out of the bathroom, looking like he hadn’t slept at all last night, eyes red, puffy, and dead inside, and even though he reeked of alcohol he was holding himself like he was completely sober “I’m here” “There’s broken glass on your floor” Charley said, pointing at the glass “I dropped it last night” Peter said, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger “Anything else happen?” “Not really” Peter said, noticing the folder Charley was holding “what’s that?” “Stuff about the Iowa vampire” Charley said holding out the folder “who’s name is also apparently Jerry” “Huh” Peter said, taking the file along with a seat on his couch so he could flip through the papers “well, Jerry is a very inconspicuous name” “I guess” Charley said, taking a seat as well “I did gave my friend Ed a pretty hard time when he told me who was responsible for killing Amy” “Yeah” Peter said, looking over the missing persons reports “I never would’ve guessed that a Jerry was the one that killed my parents” “Is this everything you could find about this guy?” Peter asked setting down the folder “did you look up his address and see if it’s still occupied?” “Yes and no” Charley said, watching Peter get up so he could grab his laptop “Let’s see what we can find out” Peter said booting it up “what’s the address?” pulling the folder closer he flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for, typing it into the search engine “looks like the house was abandoned a few months after his neighbor disappeared so Iowa’s a dead end” “Maybe you’ll find something with one of the missing person names?” Charley suggested “Already on it” Peter said, picking one of the three names on the missing persons report, getting a hit on one of them for a house that was recently brought up in West Virginia “there’s no picture, but the first and last names for Edward match so I’d say it’s worth looking into” he jotted down the houses address and state A few days later they found themselves driving across the Ohio River, making their way up and down a bunch of hills and around about a bajillion turns until they came upon the sparsely populated and forested area that the house had been built on. “Who ever paved these fuckin’ roads must’ve been drunk off their asses” Peter grumbled to himself as he pulled onto a road that was surrounded by trees The houses along the road were sparse and far between, sizable enough to easily fit at least four vampires along with their victims. Close to the end of the street was a house that, from the outside, looked as if it might have been abandoned, especially considering that some of the windows were deliberately blacked out, but there was a jeep parked out front and it looked like the grass had recently been mowed and raked of fallen leaves. “Are you sure you’re alright, Peter?” Charley asked as he noticed the dead look behind Peters eyes was still very present “Yeah” Peter said, parking the car a ways away from the house, finding a spot where they could hide it from view of the road “I’m fine” “Are you sure?” Charley asked, glancing over at Peter “‘cause you seem pretty distracted” “I said I was fine!” Peter snapped “Alright, jeez” “Just get the shit out of the trunk” Peter said, stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut “Oh boy” Charley sighed exasperatedly, getting out of the car as well Opening the trunk Charley grabbed both of their duffle bags tossing Peters to the older man as he pulled his crossbow out from his and loaded an arrow into it. “So how do you want to do this?” Charley asked “I’ll take the basement and you see if you can get to the second floor if not, then focus on the first and we can converge to search the second together” Peter said, loading up his shotgun “Alright” Charley said, disappearing into the tree so he could sneak his way around to the back of the house With his shotgun now loaded and Charley out of sight Peter pulled his flask out of his duffle bag and brought it up to his lips, only putting it away once it was almost empty. Cocking the gun he also made his way into the trees as well, though he kept closer to the road than Charley was. When he got to the house he quickly spotted a storm door along its side that he could use to get into the basement. Thankfully it didn’t have a lock on it, so getting in would be no problem. Walking down the steps Peter saw that the basement was full of the type of clutter you get when you’ve just moved into a new house, but despite that he could still see movement a couple feet away. Slipping away from the steps he crept towards the movement and spotted Jane sitting on the ground, scooting away from another vampire that was stabbing at the air in front of her with a large kitchen knife. Despite the fact that the knife shouldn’t have been able to do any actual damage to her, she was still holding up her arms to cover her head because watching a knife coming at your face was not a fun thing to watch. Taking aim Peter shot at the spiky haired vampire, hitting him in the back of the shoulder, forcing him to scurry away and take shelter in the clutter of the basement. Running up to Jane Peter saw the cut on her forearm, deep enough that it reached straight down to the bone, an almost black colored blood seeping out of the wound. “Shit” Peter said, getting on his knees so he could get a better look at the cut “he must’ve soaked the blade in holy water, you aren’t healing yourself. Fuck!” straightening his spine, he quickly pulled off his trench coat and ripped off one of the sleeves, using it to dress the wound, hoping that the pressure would stop the blood flow “where’s your brother?” “I’m not sure” Jane started, looking away embarrassed “I fell through a weak spot in the floor and we got separated” “Alright” Peter said, putting his trench coat back on “come on let’s go find him” Taking hold of Jane's hand, which she surprisingly had no objection to, they ventured further into the basement carefully scanning over the coffins and other clutter that littered the room keeping a careful look out for anything. When they got to the stairs, Peter was about to take the lead up them when a vampire with light brown hair jumped out at them from the shadows and pouncing on him, knocking the hunter to the ground. “Fuck!” Peter grunted, pushing his shotgun up against her neck to keep the vampire's elongated mouth and fangs away from his neck “get off of me, you dumb bitch” he used the butt of the shotgun to knock her off of and away from him Unfortunately for Peter, her recovery time was much quicker than his and she was back up on her feet before he could even sit up. Thankfully for him, though, Jane had decided to give him a hand and used her ability on the other vampire as she collapsed back onto the ground and the agony of being lit aflame, minus the actual fire, spread across her nervous system. Finally getting to his feet Peter grabbed one of the stakes on his belt, about to stab it into the vampire's heart when someone knocked over a stack of wooden boxes onto the vampire hunter and Jane, giving the other vampire a chance to escape. “Shit” Peter said, kicking the boxes away “are you alright?” “Yeah” Jane said also kicking away some boxes “Here” Peter said, handing Jane a revolver he had strapped to his ankle as a backup for encase his shot gun failed “it won’t do much but you can at least stall them for a bit. Maybe you can even blind them if you get some lucky enough shots off” “How do I use it?” Jane asked, looking over the weapon “First, grip it with both hands” Peter said taking both of her hands and placing them in the proper positions “keep your arms straight out and then cock it by pulling this back with your thumb” he pointed at the hammer “look down the barrel and through the site and then pull the trigger once you’ve found your target” “Got it” Jane said, looking genuinely excited about the prospect of shooting someone Taking Janes hand again Peter brought her up to the main floor of the house just as Charley ran down from the second, stopping in his tracks when he spotted Jane; who was peeking out from behind Peter, looking at him with such unadulterated murderous hate that Charley found himself more than terrifying, especially considering it was coming from this tiny twelve year old girl. “Have you found anyone?” Peter asked Charley “I think there’re, like, walkways behind the walls” Charley said, not taking his eyes off Jane “‘cause I’ve been hearing people walking around and talking, but I haven’t seen anyone” “Well, crawl spaces behind the wall would explain how those two in the basement got away so quickly” Peter said as Alec rounded a corner “Jane!” Alec exclaimed, running over to his sister “have you seen Dimitri or Felix?” “No. You got separated too?” Jane asked “Kinda, we ran into this guy and they stayed behind to take care of him, but I don’t know how well that fight will go since he’s a ghoul or something else like that” Alec shrugged “What a nice surprise” a vampire that was older than the ones in the basement said, appearing at the top of the steps “I wasn’t expecting visitors” he noticed the Volturi symbols the twins wore around their necks and seemed to hesitate “to what do I owe this honor”“We had received a copy of the report your neighbor had made about you back in Iowa” Jane said “Ah, yes. Amy. Edward come out” Jerry called out into the house “we have guests” the two vampires from the basement stepped out of the living area “what would you like to know?”“What have you done about your neighbor?”“Well, I had given Charley the opportunity to forget about me, but he refused, so when he got his friends involved I had no choice but to turn all three of them” “And what happened to Charlie?” Jane asked“He seemed to have a difficult time adjusting to being one of our kind so my roommate Billy had to dispose of him, and who are these two?” he motioned to Peter and Charlie, taking careful stock of their weapons “They are not associated with us” Jane said There was a tense moment that seemed to last for hours and it was only broken when Ed grabbed an empty cardboard box and chucked it at Peters head. Then all hell seemed to break loose as he began his wolf transformation. Returning Peters favor from earlier Jane held up the revolver and used it to shoot out the large stained glass window at the top of the stairway, creating enough holes for the entire pane to fall away so the sun’s light could filter through. Alec decided to lend a hand as well using his ability on Ed, the numbing ability mixed with the mid-transformation shape shift left him disoriented and no longer aware of his surroundings as he thrashed his way directly into the beam of sunlight. Amy was taken out almost as easily by Charley with a lucky shot directly through her heart with a holy water tipped arrow as she attempted to tackle him to the ground, leaving Jerry as the only one left. Wanting to get away from the sun as quickly as possible Jerry turned into a monstrous looking bat and tried to fly away, only to have Charley jump up and tackle him to the ground. However, the bat was able to quickly overpower him and roll them so that he was on top, biting at the young hunter so he could get away. Unfortunately, he only had enough time to block the attack with his arms. “Ow!” Charley exclaimed, ripping his arm out of Jerrys bat mouth “the fucker bit me!” Grabbing one of the antique lamps Peter whacked bat Jerry in the side of the head with it, knocking him back far enough for his face to be forced into the beams of sunlight. Letting out an inhuman shriek Jerry began to thrash violently until he was able to get away from the hunters, as Charley had grabbed hold of his neck to keep him in place, and make his escape for the basement. Following the vampire down a floor and over to the only closed casket Charley grabbed a hammer and used it to smash out every window he could find down there to allow the afternoon sun to filter in as Peter got to work figuring out how to break the lock on the coffin. Having lost patience with his attempt at picking the lock Peter grab a crowbar and jammed it into the crack of the caskets opening, using the weight of his body as he pushed down on the bar. Fortunately, this was enough to break the lock and have the top swing open as Peter collapsed to the ground. Even though the basement was full of natural light the coffin had been strategically placed so that even with all of the light none of it was touching him. Glancing at each other both Peter and Charley ran to the back of the casket and shoved it over so Jerry tumbled out of it, directly into the sun, his body bursting into green flames. Running back up to the main floor Peter grabbed Jane and Alec and got them out of the building as the green flames of Jerry’s burning corpse began spreading to the rest of the house.
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vanogla · 7 years
haha okay-
i may have thrown together a lil oneshot while i was out having dinner with my family xD
Rated T for swearing Word count: 1793 Pairing: Daithi de Vanoss 
It’s pretty mild but here are the warnings: * anxiety (at the start) * daithi-de-h2o/vanoss-shipper
i wanted to write something from Evan’s side for once- so here’s some high school shenanigans hahah 
Wattpad | AO3
To put it simply, Evan is panicking.
He's drumming his fingers on his desk and sitting upright in his seat- which never happens- and his eyes are darting back and forth between the teacher and the first page of his brand new notebook.
He knew he forgot something- he had been sweeping all corners of his room this morning to make sure that he had brought everything he'd need, to make sure that he hadn't forgotten anything-
And right now, he is sitting in the first period of the new semester without a fucking pencil.
This can't be happening. He's always been at the top of his class because of his notes- and it's the first fucking day of school, they're learning something completely new and he can't absorb any of it because he's panicking.
No matter how much he tells himself to relax, he can't. The teacher is going to notice, maybe ask him a question he can't answer, maybe look at his notebook- which is still empty.
Blank, white lined paper, with not even the title written down because he has nothing to write with- and he's listening to the teacher's lesson without taking anything down, without taking anything in- so he sits there, fidgeting.
He accidentally knocks his knees on the bottom of the table, fuck.
Some people glance in his direction, but the teacher doesn't notice. He ducks his head down and pretends to read something written on his blank page.
To his dismay, no words magically appear before his eyes.
A whisper from the seat to his right startles him. "Psst."
Evan exhales shakily, keeping his gaze adamantly fixed on the page.
"Psst, Evan."
He flips to the next blank page.
"Evan, yer book is empty."
Evan rolls his eyes. Yeah, I fucking see that. Now leave me alone, David.
Out of nowhere- something taps him on the shoulder. He nearly jumps out of his seat.
"What?!" He hisses, turning his head slightly to the right to show he's listening.
"Jeez, why're you all pissy? Yer actin' like a teenage girl on her period, man."
"Shut the fuck up." He turns back to face the front.
He says nothing.
"What?!" He hisses again. He's more annoyed than terrified now, but it doesn't make him any less agitated.
"I'll give you my pencil in exchange for a dare."
The pencil taps him on the shoulder again. He wants to take it so badly- but the logical side of his brain is demanding to know what the catch is.
He makes no move to take the pencil. "What dare?"
He watches a pale hand reach over to place the pencil on his desk. It's one of those shitty pencils you win from a school-hosted colouring competition, scratchy on paper and difficult to erase- but the most important thing is that it works.
He stares at it.
"I dare you to... confess to yer crush."
Evan immediately puts the pencil back on David's desk. "No."
He hears David curse quietly, before: "C'mon man, I've been rooting for you and Jon since day one. The straight-A smart guy with the crazy class clown? It's the greatest trope ever!"
Evan glares daggers into his book, silently fuming. If this is what it takes- he's not even interested in taking notes anymore. "That's such a stupid excuse. I'm not doing it."
David slides the pencil right into his line of vision.
He resists the urge to snap the pencil in two. Instead, he takes a deep breath and puts his hands neatly on his lap.
David doesn't say anything more for a minute.
He tunes into the lesson, ignoring the pencil and pretending it isn't right in front of him and within his reach.
His pride won't allow it. It's a pencil for a stupidass dare, fuck that.
"Now, the aim is to explain the science of rockets in layman's term and introduce people to the key maths and physics used in-"
Evan starts to panic again.
He- he doesn't know any of this shit- and he definitely won't remember it later if he doesn't write it down-
He's going to fail this class because he doesn't understand anything-
"Evan, I see ya goin' crazy in yer seat. Just take the pencil-"
Evan quickly snatches it up and starts scribbling notes furiously.
"-if you answer a question in return-"
He finishes his sentence and puts the pencil down.
"-Oi, that's cheating-"
"Fuck off, David."
"Man, you can keep the pencil for the whole day, just answer a simple question- I'll ask you it after school ends, alright?"
The whole day.
He'll get to keep it for the whole day, holy shit.
"Fuck. Fine, as long as it's not a stupid question."
David laughs under his breath as Evan picks up the pencil again and continues to write.
To his relief, David doesn't try to talk to him for the rest of the lesson.
To his horror, he's probably just agreed to something he can't get out of.
David really wasn't fooling around.
Evan shuts his locker door to see David standing behind it with a huge smile on his face.
It's almost comical- he would've laughed if it weren't for the horror of impending doom.
"Question time!"
Evan swiftly turns and walks away before he realises, belatedly, that he's going in the wrong direction. He nearly laughs out loud- he might as well walk an entire loop around campus just to get to the exit since David is not going to let up anytime soon.
Just as he thought, David jogs to catch up to him. He huffs, deciding to resign himself to his fate. He still has the pencil, after all.
"Question, Evan! Who're you crushing on? I bet Brock twenty bucks it's Jon!"
He scoffs. "The fuck? What was Brock's guess?"
"No one important!"
"Who? Tell me." Let me guess: he bet you, didn't he, Evan mentally sighs.
Brock found out about his crush on David last year when he caught him staring. Evan's more mindful of how much he stares now, of how he treats David in public- just to throw Brock off- but by the looks of it, it didn't quite work out and Brock's about to earn himself a twenty.
"Er- don't laugh- but he said me because I'm always following ye around like a lost puppy, especially during freshman year when I first came here- but you've been friends with Jon since pre-school so that makes more sense!"
"By Brock's logic, shouldn't you be the one crushing on me? You creepy weirdo."
David's smile falters. "Oh. I mean, yeah."
Evan stops in his tracks, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What do you mean, yeah? You're- you're not denying it?"
"No! No, I am. I don't have a crush on you, that'd just be... weird. I meant yeah like yeah- he's probably got it the wrong way around."
Evan continues walking, chuckling lightly. "You sure he wasn't trying to tell you something? You sound pretty defensive about it-"
"I'm not being defensive!" David exclaims defensively. "He's just fuckin' with me, das all. And you're in on it."
"I'm not in on anything," Evan raises his hands in mock surrender. "You're the one making bets behind my back."
David frowns. "Fuck you, Evan! Yer just tryin' ta dodge the question!"
"What question?" he asks.
"Who. Do you have a crush on."
"Oh, right," Evan grins. "Nobody."
"That's impossible. Everyone's got the hots for someone nowadays."
"Is that your way of telling me you like me?"
"Yer dodging the question again!"
"No, David. You're dodging the question."
"Okay, my head hurts now," David groans.
Evan smirks. "So you do 'have the hots' for me."
David sighs. "I don't."
"You do."
"Alright, fine, I do."
"You do?"
"I don't!"
Evan makes a turn. He can see the gate to the exit a couple of feet away now, and he starts to make his way toward it.
"Alright, I believe you," he tells David.
"Now you're just being sarcastic."
Evan thinks it's too bad he's enjoying the conversation. He doesn't know how or when the conversation got to this point but he grins all the same. "Do you think I think you like me?"
David's brows furrow. "I think I like you."
Evan's grin grows wider. "That's not what I asked."
"Awh, fuck. Fuck it. Just pretend I never said anything," David mumbles, stopping at the school gate.
Evan thinks freedom at last.
However, there's still something he feels like he should mention before he leaves-
"Hey, David."
"Um... you want your pencil back?"
"Nah, just keep it."
"'Kay, thanks."
"No problem."
Evan moves to leave, but stops and turns back again. "What about the question?"
"What question?"
"Exactly. See you tomorrow!" He quickly turns to leave.
"Wait wha- oh, come on! Evan, just- just humour me a little."
He stops and turns back again.
"Give me some clues, at least!"
Evan laughs, tracing back his steps to David. "Fine, just don't get jealous."
David's face twists. "I won't! Go on, now."
"Okay- so first of all," he holds up one finger, "It's a guy."
"No surprise there. I'm straighter than ye are."
"If you're gonna be a dick about it, I'm leaving."
"No, no. Continue."
"Alright, second of all, he's a pretty funny guy."
"Oh, Jon is a pretty funny guy-"
"Okay, see you tomorrow, David-"
"Sorry! Sorry, I'll stop!"
Evan laughs, turning back.
"Thirdly, he also likes to play video games."
"That doesn't narrow it down a lot but alright."
"He knows how to play guitar..."
"Half the fuckin' school knows how to play guitar- you and me included- but alright."
"He has black hair..."
"Black hair... black hair..."
"And... he's standing here right now."
At that, David looks around. The gate is mostly empty- save for the security guard and some middle schoolers.
David blinks at Evan. "Wha- are you talking about me?"
"No, I'm talking about myself, of course."
"Oh. That makes sense."
"No it doesn't, you fucking idiot. I was being sarcastic."
"I'm confused."
"I. Have a crush. On you."
"Oh. Okay."
"Alright, so now you have your answer. See you tomorrow, David."
Evan huffs, turning back around again. "What?"
"Do we kiss now?"
"What?! Why?"
"W-wha'cha mean why? Because we like each other!"
"So you do admit you like me."
David flushes red. "Yes! Yes- I do have a fucking crush on you, Evan!"
"Yeah, alright, we can kiss," Evan grins, "Tomorrow."
"Fuck you, Evan!" David yells, watching him leave.
Evan bursts out laughing at the middle schoolers that immediately chant "fuck, fuck, fuck" - and the security guard's resulting look of disapproval. He walks home with a spring in his step.
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rizzizzsins-blog · 5 years
From the Ashes, Ch. 6
Wanna read this on Archive? Click here.
Chapter Text    
 Asher’s hands spasmed hard, ripping the note right in half.
 “Lemme see that shit. I swear to gods I’m gonna rip that bastard’s flames right outta his head,” Cinn growled, looking the note over. “Fucking hell, how selfish can he be? You were---”
 “In the hospital, I know. I was there,” Asher covered his face with his hands. His body was trembling.
 Hands gently took his and pulled them down.
 “Hey, easy…. Breathe with me.”
 “That shit never works.”
 “You ain’t ever done it with me,” Cinn insisted, before pulling Asher into a hug, sitting down. Normally, Asher recoiled from touch in times like this, but he just needed to be held right now.
 With his head on Cinn’s chest, he could follow the skeleton’s breathing. Usually shit saying to breathe and meditate just frustrated Asher, but was surprising how much it was helping right now.
 “Your soul sounds like a drum. One of those cowhide ones,” he noted.
 “Heh, thanks, I think?” Cinn shrugged.
 “Sorry… I tend to hear minute differences in soul sounds. Theo always sounded like the pop of a fireplace.”
 Asher sighed, before slowly getting up.
 “Let’s see if there’s anything else left.”
 He opened the closet. Theo took all his fucking clothes. All his sketchbooks. Everything was---was everything gone? There was something peeking out of the bottom of Theo’s closet. Asher opened it.
 He slammed it shut.
 “Piece of  shit!  ”
 “What was it?” Cinn asked.
 “Look in there and find out!” Asher fumed.
 Cinn opened the door. “Oh, you gotta be shittin’ me.”
 “He left that there on purpose. He’s rubbing it in my goddamn face how little I meant to him.”
 “Sick bastard probably thinks that leavin’ this here would show how much you “neglected” him,” Cinn corrected.
 “Neglected him?” Asher paused. “The hell do you mean?”
 “Guys like these? Only ever think ‘bout themselves. If he left these here, he probably thinks they’ll make ya miss him. That you neglected ‘im so much that he turned to other people. It really just means that he’s a textbook fuckin’ narcissist, though. Literally can’t step outside of his own fuckin’ ‘suffering’.”
 “Bastard,      bastard,    bastard!”  Asher’s voice cracked again,  and he picked up the panties and tossed them at a wall.
 “Er, ya sure you wanna touch those?”
 “I don’t give a fuck right now. I’ll wear them on my goddamn  head  if I want.”
 Cinn knew he shouldn’t laugh, but shit if that image wasn’t funny.
 Asher turned to face him, and he shut his mouth. Until Asher started cracking up himself.
 “Oh, man! I can’t believe I actually touched them… I think I’d rather die than wear them on my head, actually.”
 “Waita sec, I think I know whose these are,” Cinn chuckled.
 “Yeah. Lemme look at the tag.” He checked them with gravity magic, then showed Asher.
 They were embroidered.      Return to Scamp  
 “Holy shit. Gimme a second,” Asher smirked. He pulled out his phone.
 Your Passenger Wants to Chat!
 Your Chat Began on __/__/____
 Ash3rslash3r: hey scamp
 these yours?
     Ash3rslash3r sent an image.  
 Scampalicious: oh son of a bitch! where did you get those? been looking everyfuckinwhere
 Ash3rslash3r: my partner jumped ship and left these for me to find in his closet
 you want em back?
 Scampalicious: look please don’t get pissed off at me. it’s business. i can’t stop guys from cheating.
 Ash3rslash3r: O is that what this sounded like? Omg it is
 Ash3rslash3r: I’m not mad at all Scamp I know it’s your job. I just wanted to know if he was any good.
 Scampalicious: what’s the serial number on the panties?
 Ash3rslash3r: There’s a fucking serial number?
 Scampalicious: look these things are important pieces of equipment. I gotta keep track of em
 Ash3rslash3r: That’s so strange, but true. I never thought of it that way
 Ash3rslash3r: They say 345-90-446
 Scampalicious: lemme check my ledger
 Ash3rslash3r: you have a panty ledger. Like I see how it makes sense that you would but still
 Scampalicious: Says here the last time they were worn was with an “albert theodore bunsen”
 Ash3rslash3r: Lmao he gave you his full name?
 Scampalicious: no I just always look through their wallet. If they don’t pay me I know their full name and license number
 Ash3rslash3r: smart
 Scampalicious: you gotta be to make it in the business
 Ash3rslash3r: can I ask you something?
 Scampalicious: as long as I get my panties back
 Ash3rslash3r: Yeah of course
 Ash3rslash3r: Which name did he ask you to moan
 Scampalicious: holy shit how did I forget XD?? He wanted me to moan Albert I’m glad I was so high otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face
 Ash3rslash3r: I fucking knew it! Every time he tried to pressure me into fucking him that’s what he wanted
 Scampalicious: jeez… that      blows  
 Ash3rslash3r: hehehehe
 Ash3rslash3r: Anyways next time I get a ride from you I’ll give them back
 Scampalicious: thanks, that shit’s expensive
 Cinn was in conniptions, laughing so hard he crumpled onto the floor.
 “Albert! Albert! Fuckin’ Albert!” was all he could say.
 Asher couldn’t help but laugh with Cinn. His rich, growly chuckle was godsdamn contagious.
 “Yep. Albert. Or Al. I’m not kidding.”
 “I’m sure there’s some out there, but I can’t thinkuva less sexy name right now!”
 “Right? You’d think he’d want me to call him Theo, but no. He needed his Albert fix… not that he ever got it.”
 Cinn paused. “Wait, you never banged him?”
 “... I tried. My body… I didn’t really like showing it or having it touched before. Now I honestly want to hide in a paper bag, but we never went past me trying and failing to blow him.”
 “Wow. Never fuckin’ reciprocated, did he?”
 “I didn’t really want him to… see my parts.”
 “I’m sure your parts are fine, but… yeah. I don’t know ‘bout that sort of thing. At least you don’t have memories of that little shit banging ya.”
 “Yeah…” Asher smiled a little. “It was always such a massive source of guilt for me… and now it’s just immensely relieving.”
 “Well… what’s the game plan?” Cinn asked.
 “What do you mean? I’m sleeping in here until rent is due and then I’ll hit the streets again.”
 “Again? Wait, weren’t the King and Queen gonna cover for ya?”
 “I can’t accept that. I… I’m not a charity case. I’ve lived on a bench before and I can do it at any time.”
 Cinn shook his head, his red eyelights resolute. “Absolutely fuckin’ not.”
 “What do you mean, no? You can’t tell me what to do.”
 “Come on, dumbass!” Cinn barked at him. Asher recoiled a bit.
 “I… I’m sorry. Look. Princey. Ya might’ve been able to survive back then, but now? ‘S not happenin’. You can’t photosynthesize, and ya can’t work either. I’m not lettin’ ya starve. Hell, I don’t even know how you’d get down the stairs tomorrow mornin’.”
 Asher shrugged.
 “Look. Stay at my place. Just fer tonight. Lemme find you somethin’ that won’t make you feel like a burden.”
 Asher really didn’t want to accept, but the pleading look Cinn was giving him was impossible to say no to.
 “F-fine. But only while I have to. And I’m paying for groceries.”
 “You got you’se---- you got yourself a deal. Let’s get the fuck outta this shanty.”
 “Was that a fucking you’se?”
 Cinn cleared his throat. “Maybe.”
 “Let’s go.”
 “Heh, yeah.”
 Cinn had only come out of a barfight with a friend once, and that was the first time he and Sparkby butted heads. Sparks almost bashed his head in with a chair, Cinn tried to crack Sparkby’s with his own martini shaker. The other monsters had emptied the bar, leaving them to kill each other.
 After realizing that neither of them wanted to die, Cinn had floated them both a Sea Tea, and they hit it off from there. Sure, they still butted heads, but nothing like the first night they’d met.
 Every scuffle at Sparkby’s since then had ended in someone else’s dust in his jacket pockets.
 So when his pal had knocked the little sapling to the ground for being mouthy, Cinn didn’t know why he gave a shit. He just knew that he did. A lot. Enough to get sap in his Pontiac and drive him to the hospital. Enough to stay the night and make sure he didn’t dust in his sleep.
 He wasn’t the most touchy-feely guy. He held his little bro when he needed it, and that was about that. Sure, he fucked, but it took a lot for him to show his tender side.
 Something about this pissed off, wronged-by-the-world dryad made him want to show it all the time.
 Even so, Cinn did his best to ignore the low buzz of his magic between his legs. Right now was literally the worst time to make any sort of moves. The little guy looked exhausted, achey, and his tremors were steadily worsening as Cinn drove them to his place.
 “Look, yer tired, I can tell. Lemme carry you.”
 “No, Cinn, that’s ridiculous.”
 “Really? Try an’ stand up.”
 His new charge grouchily accepted after almost eating shit, cane and all.
 By the time they got up the elevator, Asher was already asleep. Cinn didn’t blame him; he’d had a long week.
 “Bro, I’m home. Got my hands full, so wouldya mind undoin’ the locks?”
 A crimson red eyelight looked through the peephole.
 “That yer bein’ a fuckin’ butthead right now.”
 A raspy chuckle resounded from the other side of the door, before his little bro undid all fifteen locks on their apartment. Thank goodness Vanilla owned the building. Any other landlord would have thrown a fucking fit.
 “IS THAT THE VICTIM OF THE ACCIDENT? WHY HAVE YOU BROUGHT HER HERE? SHOULDN’T SHE BE IN THE HOSPITAL, CINN?” His bro sounded pissed, but that was just his voice. Cinn knew he was trying to hide his concern.
 “Look, he’s tired, he don’t have nobody at home anymore, and I can explain all this shit tomorrow. I’m droppin’ him in my bed and sleeping on the couch.”
 “Sure thing, Boss.”
 That never failed to make his little brother smile.
 Before setting Asher down, Cinn used gravity magic to change the sheets. Just because he lived in filth didn’t mean the sapling deserved to. He carefully placed the dryad in bed, before tucking him in just the way Edge used to like. Asher started purring. Aw.
 As he was about to leave, Asher’s hand weakly grabbed his jacket. He was definitely still asleep, but he also wasn’t letting go. Without waking him up, Cinn pulled off his prized jacket and laid it on top of Asher for extra warmth. He knew how cold Asher would get tonight. Hell, he might as well use the heated blanket while he was at it. Perfect. Maximum comfort had been achieved. His job was done, and he could go crash on the couch.
 Asher reached for him again, grabbing his shirt.
 “Goddamn it kid, you want me to strip fer you or something?”
 Asher made a displeased sound, shifting a bit, but not letting go.
 “Fine. I’ll get in. But don’t be a prude about it tomorrow mornin’.”
 He shuffled in, careful not to disturb him. The dryad hung on tightly to him, purring hard.
 Cinn remembered outlines for two air mattresses in the apartment. When was the last time Asher had shared a bed with his partner?
 Even though he was clearly playing substitute for someone else, Cinn didn’t feel too weird about it. It was kinda peaceful, actually, the gentle gray glow of Asher’s body in the dark. His breathing sounded a little the rustle of wind through leaves.
 He could get used to this.
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