#like the weight doesn't feel proportionate to the actual size
tyrantisterror · 5 days
Early Wizard School Mysteries Concept Art Pt. 2: 2020 & 2021
Wizard School Mysteries Book 3: Wicked Witchcraft has been available for purchase in paperback and kindle editions for about a week now, and to do my due diligence as this series' author, editor, and marketing executive, I've gotta make a post about it to annoy you all with so that maybe more people read it and build up a bigger audience for the next one.
So! To accomplish that in a way I find palatable, I've dug up some very old concept art for the series, and am going to parade it out for your enjoyment! Come, look upon my old art and despair be inspired to buy my books!
This is part 2 because tumblr wouldn't let me upload more than 30 pictures in a post btw.
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Oh damn, there's our James! He's lost a lot of his Wizardmon flair in favor of patches and a bit more of a bookish look, and his hat is a manageable size in that it actually fits his head now. Even his hairstyle is close to what it would be.
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Ivan's getting closer too, with the patchwork arms and furry shoulders on his vest to give him that "peasant wizard from the snowy North" vibe, and a shaggy mop of hair to go with it! His wand's a bit gnarlier looking, like it's a tree branch that was whittled down rather than a more refined dowel, which is a nice character touch.
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Gretchen's gotten plumper and, after some experimentation, has curly locks, so yay she's finally definitely not white! She's gaining her more witchy look, too, along with the shadowrot that became so important to her character in the series as it currently exists.
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Margot's design is still experimenting, but she's beginning to get more recognizable with each one. The skull helm is introduced, and with it comes a move to a more goth-punk look, with a skull-shaped pauldron and spikes on her gauntlet. And she's getting more muscular, which is good for a The Muscle archetype she represents. Oh, and she gets an aquiline nose! That's not important for archetype reasons, I just think it's me living my truth. Needs to be bigger, though.
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huh... somehow less recognizable as Rodrigo than the previous sketches. I kinda like the rockstar vibe it has, though, even if it doesn't quite fit Rodrigo.
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Serena's finally got her magical girl swag! I mean, not quite enough, she's still weighted down a bit too much and doesn't have nearly enough ribbons, but she's getting there! Progress is progress!
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Charlotte's limbs are more proportionate now, they feel like they actually belong on her frame. Still not quite right, but much better.
We don't have a Polybeus for this year, but we do have some other fun sketches!
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We've got an early Fafgander design, as well as six of our youths in their school uniforms! Margot's supernatural height is cemented here, and uniform!Charlotte is looking even more like herself.
Onto 2021!
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All of our youths are finally sporting their canon designs, though slight tweaks would be made here and there to facial features and the like.
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akiraofthefour · 2 years
[Gilbert] Roland... wanted to see Oscar Wilde's tomb at Pere Lachaise. 'It was abandoned, forgotten, he wrote, 'lizards crawled all over it, it depressed me, and at the Castiglione Bar with Buster Keaton we got drunk. Buster because he was having trouble with Natalie, and I because lizards crawled on Oscar Wilde's tomb.'
James Curtis, Buster Keaton: A Filmmaker’s Life
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