#like them jumping to egghead may be surface level good at first but that's just it it's SURFACE LEVEL
mugiwara-lucy · 11 months
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I know I've been harping on this but I just wish we could've had an episode or two of the Straw Hats just lounging, chilling and recovering together after the Wano fight and before they leave since we could've gotten some funny and cute moments between these awesome dorks 😤
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1087 - Initial Thoughts
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And We Are Back!
5 long looooong weeks for Oda to acquire his eye surgery laser vision but now we can resume the Egghead arc well...everything but the Egghead arc it seems
Still we finally get a manga dose of One Piece so let's see what we have
Spoilers for the chapter, support the official release also
An Ace cover page this time, shame we didn't do anything with the laser eyes but Ace and Capybaras make up for it
In the G1 shipyard there are two navy ships whose hulls are dented, apparently known as 'battleship bags' which Garp trains with
Jango and Fullbody are surprised that this is Garp's daily routine, but also that the second ship was Aokiji's!
Also these dents are caused by brute strength, no fruit or haki
Reminder too that Navy ship hulls nowadays are layered with Sea Prism, so I think this is the first instance we've seen of Sea Prism being weathered
I get that this dude has been present in the post TS Navy exposition but where's my man Bogard?
Back to Fullalead and Wolf is already in the drink
I mean Garp just tossed the mega-giant into the water like Thames Water dropping sewage
Vasco's next for the attack with a fireball
That's cold Garp, using the lesser pirates as a shield, but I guess since they're not your allies it's not morally ambiguous
Garp ain't even fazed either
Garp's fighting has managed to get all the slaves and marines back on the ship to escape
Oda my man, why did you bring Tashigi if you're not letting her do anything???
Coby, Helmeppo and Grus are fighting with Garp still, but the plan is to fall back
Aokiji's back and he didn't hear no bell
Garp gives the orders for the trio to leave while he holds ground, but Coby spots a woman in danger and jumps in to help
But Grus senses it's a trap, and he's right
Garp steps in but eats a stab from Shiryu!
Garp says the wound is nothing but Coby's still on the guilt
I wonder how Shiryu is bypassing haki? because Coby is known to have great Observation Haki, even sensing enemies below surface level
Cross Guild were foolish enough to bounty Garp? Seems that Crowns are worth 1 billion berry (how does Buggy, Crocodile or Mihawk have that kinda cash?) and Garp has 3, on par with an Admiral...and his otherwise absent grandson
The redshirts try to swarm Garp but Aokiji tells them they still wouldn't stand a chance
Mini flashback of how Aokiji became Garp's protege, turns out Aokiji insisted him into it
Young Garp definitely looks a lot like Luffy
So Kuzan was like 'I've learned everything the marines told me' but didn't know Haki? I thought all Vice Admirals knew it
Joint training led to Garp just venting at Kuzan about his family
"You have a habit of raising enemies" - well 'raising' is used loosely
Double punches from master and student sends both men flying
Now Pizarro starts gloating, taking aim at the escape ship
Pizarro's fruit does just feel like an advanced form of Pica's fruit
Pizarro being annoyed with Blackbeard being on the news is interesting, wonder if there's like a slight bit of dissent among the crew
Hibari, much like Coby, is annoyed that she couldn't help, but gets some reassurance from Kujaku
Garp is hopeful justice will prevail though, as we're left on a cliffhanger
It's good to be back
This chapter could've been a lot more action packed I feel, but I'm happy with what we got. Glad Aokiji showed more fight too, because making him look strong works for both Blackbeard and Akainu as well. Also kinda glad that the other Blackbeard members got involved, seemed weird that they would just spectate.
This is a point where Oda could easily move on to another plot section though, which I hope doesn't happen. But I'd also like Tashigi to do something impressive and if she can do something similar to Zoro's feat against Pica to save the ship that'd do pretty nicely. Realistically thinking there may be some navy backup, but we also can't rule out Perona and Moria getting involved, since Coby only escaped because Perona gave him the keys.
It's been 5 weeks but Oda has us leaned back in
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