#like there wasn't a codified version of greek mythology
aspectations ยท 5 months
Ace discourse in this year? Its more likely than you think.
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creativepromptsforwriting ยท 4 years
Not to like carry the discussion way past its time but w Greek myths a single 'canon' is basically impossible to establish. Ancient Greece wasn't really unified so much as many city states loosely grouped and different cities would have wildly different forms of worship for the same gods w different origin stories (see Sparta and aphrodite areia for a good example). Plus most Greek gods including persephone (99% sure she was one) come from mycanean Greece and they had different stories that got modified or changed, and lost due to the dark ages where we have no records, and then some myths weren't codified until way way later and were carried through oral tradition which lends itself to drift and basically both stories are equally accurate which is really cool!! I just really love ancient Greece so thought I'd info dump a bit sorry :p
Thanks for the info dump ๐Ÿ˜
I'm into mythology, not limited to Greek or Latin, even though I studied Latin for seven long years, so I think the different versions are very cool and in Arabic you always need a... I'm not sure what it's called in English, like a chain of names that show the tradition of each story, like a proof system to show the story is legit. It goes like, the son of xy heard from the father of z who had heard from the son of wy and so on and on. Which I think is also really cool and also kind of an info dump ๐Ÿ˜…
- Jana
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